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HCA Course 1

HCA Course 1
A client complains of pain on the left side fo the chest, up into the left jaw, and down
to the left shoulder and left arm. This is: - -A: acute pain
B: chronic pain
C: radiating pain
D: phantom pain
Ans: C

A current trend in the Canadian health care system is to: - ✅✅-A: increase public
spending on hospitals
B: decrease spending on community-based services
C: focus on providing more community-based services
D: promote facility-based services over home care
Ans: C

A family is: - -A: a mother, father, and children who live together
B: a biological, legal or social network of people who provide support for one another
C: two or more people who are legally related to each other
D: a group of people who live in the same house
Ans: B

A fire alarm sounds. Which of the following is unsafe? - ✅✅-A: turning off oxygen
B: moving clients to a safe place
C: using elevators for a quick exit
D: closing doors and windows
Ans: C

A holistic approach to health is one that: -✅✅ -A: takes a realistic view of a
person's health problems
B: takes into account the whole person
C: focuses on the person's illness or disability
D: focuses on the person's physical health
Ans: B

A nurse delegates a task to you that you are not comfortable doing. Which of the
following is a true statement? - -A: you must perform the task
B: you can refuse to perform the task
C: you cannot ask for further training on how to perform the task
D: you cannot ask the nurse to stay while you perform the task
Ans: B
A procedure can be deleted to you: - ✅✅-A: by any regulated health care provider
B: by a physician
C: by the client
D: by nurse only
Ans: D

A professional helping relationship is established for the benefit of the: - ✅✅-A:

client and the support worker
B: client, support worker and the health care team
C: client
D: client's family
Ans: C

A recent trend in health care is to focus on: -✅✅ -A: cutting back on home care
B: opening more hospitals in rural areas
C: cutting back on public health policies
D: public policy that promotes health and prevents disease
Ans: D

A social support system is: - ✅✅ -A: a group of people who volunteer in the
B: a system of social welfare
C: an informal network of people who help each other or other's
D: another term for health care team
Ans: C

According to the occupational health and safety legislation, employers are
responsible for: - -A: expecting employees will educate themselves about
safety policies
B: doing the unsafe work themselves
C: warning employees of any potential and existing safety hazards
D: forcing employees to do unsafe work
Ans: C

Activities of daily living are? - -A: social and recreational activities
B: Activities that support workers perform to prevent injury
C: physical exercises that people perform daily to keep themselves fit
D: self-care activities that people perform daily to remain independent and to function
in society
Ans: D

An acute illness: - ✅✅-A: appears suddenly and lasts a short time

B: is a slow, progressive illness
C: results in disability
D: is another term for influenza
Ans: A

Bed rails are raised when: - ✅✅ -A: the client tries to get up without assistance
B: your supervisor and the care plan tell you to raise them
C: the client has a seizure
D: you decide they should be raised
Ans: B

Canada's health care system is: - ✅✅ -A: strictly a federal responsibility

B: delivered by government employees
C: funded by private insurance companies
D: publicly funded through provincial or territorial and federal taxes
Ans: D

Canadians who travel to other parts of the country still maintain their provincial or

territorial health care coverage. Which principle of medicare does this exemplify? -
-A: portability
B: universality
C: comprehensiveness
D: public administration
Ans: A

Common courtesy is a sign of: - ✅✅-A: empathy

B: interdependence
C: respect
D: need
Ans: C

Compassion means: - ✅✅ -A: keeping one's feelings to oneself

B: approaching your work with enthusiasm
C: taking pity on those who are less fortunate
D: caring about another's misfortune and suffering
Ans: D

Delegation means: - ✅✅ -A: giving someone responsibility for providing care

B: authorizing an unregulated care provided to perform a task
C: transferring responsibility to another worker
D: giving the support worker power to enforce an act
Ans: B

Home care is an example of: - ✅✅-A: a community-based service

B: a facility-based service
C: a community day program
D: palliative care
Ans: A

Home care services provided by support workers might include: - ✅✅-A:

vacuuming and dusting
B: respiratory therapy
C: assisting the client with physiotherapy
D: assisting the client with banking
Ans: A

If a client complains to you about the home care agency's policy, you should: -
-A: inform your supervisor about the complaint
B: advise the client to speak to your supervisor
C: ignore the client's complaint
D: try to distract the client
Ans: A

If a nurse delegates a task to you, which of the following is true? - -A: the nurse
is completely responsible for your actions; you are not responsible
B: the nurse has overall responsibility for your actions; you are also responsible
C: you are completely responsible for your actions; the nurse is not responsible
D: neither you nor the nurse is responsibe
Ans: B

Immunization programs are an example of a: - ✅✅-A: medicare system

B: disease prevention program
C: home care services
D: facility-based treatment
Ans: B

In a community setting, who usually assesses, monitors, and evaluates a client's
needs and coordinates the services of the health care team? - -A: the family
B: the case manager
C: the occupational therapist
D: the social worker
Ans: B

In a long-term care facility, the client's information should be shared among: -
-A: health care team members involved in the client's care
B: health care team members and friends who visit the client
C: family and friends of the client
D: all staff members at the facility
Ans: A

In Canada's provinces and territories, support services are governed by: - ✅✅-A:
regional health boards
B: the federal government
C: private or not-for-profit agencies
D: the provincial or territorial government
Ans: D

In the 1800s, good health was considered to be: - ✅✅-A: well-being in all
dimensions of life
B: optimal wellness
C: the absense of disease
D: physical, emotional, and social wellbeing
Ans: C

In the home, a working smoke detector should be present: - ✅✅-A: in every room
B: near the front door
C: on every floor
D: in every bathroom
Ans: C

In which setting is maintaining a homelike atmosphere especially important? -
-A: hospital
B: doctors office
C: community day program
D: long-term care facility
Ans: D

Indepedence is: - ✅✅ -A: not depending on other for control or authority

B: being unable to manage without help
C: replying on others for support
D: showing acceptance for another person
Ans: A

Informed consent is obtained by the: - ✅✅-A: client's family

B: registered staff
C: client's substitute decision maker
D: support worker
Ans: B

Maslow's hierarchy of needs can be best described as: - ✅✅-A: another term for
psychosocial health
B: a system that arranges human needs into categories
C: physiological and safety needs
D: love and belonging
Ans: B

Most long-term care facilities: - ✅✅ -A: discourage client's from bringing personal
items from home
B: have strict rules about the appearance of resident's rooms
C: encourage residents to make their rooms homelike
D: allow residents to bring only one piece of furniture from home
Ans: C

Mr. Higgins is 86 years old. Which of the following are unsafe for him? - ✅✅-A:
nonglare, waxed floors
B: electrical cords and other items on the floor in high traffic areas
C: safety rails and grab bars in the bathroom
D: nonskid shoes
Ans: B

Mr. Mohammed's photograph is made public on the internet without his consent. This
is: - -A: battery
B: unintentional tort
C: invasion of privacy
D: libel
Ans: C

Mr. Smith tires very easily. His morning care includes a bath, hair care, and getting
dressed. His bed is made after he is dressed. When should he rest? - -A: after
morning care is completed
B: after his bath and before hair care
C: after you've made the bed
D: whenever he needs to
Ans: D

Mr. Will, a client in a long-term care facility, refuses to be lifted into his chair for his
meals because he says being moved makes him too uncomfortable. As a result, he
is developing pressure sores on his buttocks. You know it is important to change
positions frequently. You supervisor has advised that he be "forced" out of bed, but

you wish to respect his wishes. Which of the following should be done first to deal
with this ethical dilemma? - -A: leave Mr. Will in his bed for meals
B: Tell Mr. Will that he has to be moved but do it as quickly as possible
C: discuss your concerns with the other team members, Mr. Will, and his family to
see if a compromise can be reached
D: ask for a different client to take care of
Ans: C

Mrs. Carrera often tries to get up without help You should do the following: - ✅✅-A:
remind her to call for assistance
B: check on her twice per shift
C: allow her to go to the washroom on her own
D: decide on your own to keep bed rails up
Ans: A

One major focus of home care is to: - ✅✅ -A: diagnose and treat disease
B: enable clients to remain in their own homes
C: provide accommodation for people with disabilities
D: provide accommodation for acutely ill people who do not want to go into the
Ans: B

People with strong emotional health: - ✅✅ -A: exhibit self-control

B: read the paper and are curious about life
C: can become angry easily when provoked
D: practice good eating habits
Ans: A

Professionalism is: -✅✅ -A: a term used to describe workplace settings

B: an approach to work that demonstrate respect for others, commitment,
competence and appropriate behaviour
C: a commitment made by regulated professionals
D: Another term for confidentiality
Ans: B

Providing a safe environment is an example of: - ✅✅-A: autonomy

B: justice
C: beneficence
D: nonmaleficence
Ans: D

Provincial and territorial governments are responsible for: - ✅✅ -A: paying the full
amount of all medical procedures
B: planning, financing, and delivering their own health care insurance plans
C: delivering health care services to indigenous peoples and military personnel
D: delivering health care services to inmates of federal penitentiaries and to RCMP
Ans: B

Provincial and territorial human rights codes promote: - ✅✅-A: freedom from
poverty by reducing taxes
B: unequal treatment with respect to services and facility
C: the right to vote
D: equal treatment with respect to age, gender, and ethnicity
Ans: D

Resident is a term used to describe a person who is receiving care at: - ✅✅-A:
B: A long-term care facility
C: An outpatient clinic
D: A hospital
Ans: B

Residents in long-term care facilities generally require: - ✅✅-A: 24-hour nursing

care and support services
B: supervision and limited support services
C: acute care
D: housekeeping services, but not meal services
Ans: A

Residents in retirement facilities generally include: - ✅✅-A: people with mental

B: young adults with physical or other disabilities
C: frail older adults with multiple health problems
D: older adults with limited care needs:
Ans: D

Respecting personal preferences is an example of: - ✅✅-A: autonomy

B: justice
C: beneficence
D: nonmaleficence
Ans: A

Scope of practice means: - ✅✅ -A: the tasks that are assigned by your supervisor
B: the tasks that a client asks you to perform
C: the effort you put into performing a task or procedure
D: the legal limits of your role
Ans: D

Showing respect and protecting a client's dignity is an example of: - ✅✅-A:

B: justice
C: beneficence
D: nonmaleficence
Ans: C
Signs of shock include which of the following? - ✅✅-A: rapid pulse and breathing
B: flushed face
C: increased blood pressure
D: heightened awareness of surroundings
Ans: A

Spiritual health is the achievement of: - ✅✅-A: belief in a purpose greater than self
B: secure, intimate love relationships
C: good physical health
D: strong social bonds in the community
Ans: A

Support workers are: - ✅✅ -A: unregulated care providers

B: licenses health care workers
C: members of a professional college
D: members of a regulatory body
Ans: A

The acronym DIPPS stands for: - ✅✅ -A: disability, independence, preferences,

policies, sympathy
B: dignity, independence, preferences, privacy, safety
C: discretion, individuality, pity, privacy, support
D: disability, individuality, pity, privacy, scope of practice
Ans: B

The basic rules about wages, work hours, and vacation days are covered in: -
-A: labour relations legislation
B: workers' compensation legislation
C: employment standards legislation
D: regulated health professional legislation
Ans: C

The following statements are about health care teams and facilities. Which is true? -
-A: team are often interdisciplinary
B: family conferences do not include the client
C: team members usually work in different locations
D: team members have few opportunities to meet
Ans: A

the illegal restraint of a person's movement is: - ✅✅-A: assault

B: battery
C: defamation
D: false imprisonment
Ans: D

The intentional attempt or threat to touch a person's body without consent is: -
-A: assault
B: battery
C: defamation
D: false imprisonment
Ans: B

The main focus of the health care team is to: - ✅✅ -A: see as many client's as
B: provide quality care for the client
C: complete assigned tasks as quickly as possible
D: find a cure for the client's illness or disease
Ans: B

The membership of a health care team is determined by: - ✅✅-A: the client's
B: the nurse's needs
C: the physician's needs
D: the needs of the client's family
Ans: A

The most pressing cause of health care reform has been: - ✅✅-A: the Great
B: lack of accessibility
C: lack of available technology
D: rising costs of providing technology, drugs, and services
Ans: D

The nurse gives Mr. Smith a medication for pain. A procedure is scheduled for
9:30am. You should: - -A: perform the procedure before the medicated is given
B: perform the procedures right after the medicate is given
C: wait 30 minutes to left the medication take effect
D: omit the procedure for the day
Ans: C

The term discrimination means: - ✅✅ -A: denial

B: an artificial opening between the colon and the abdominal wall
C: the unfair treatment of people on the basis of their physical characteristics, health
history or group membership
D: a refusal to admit the truth
Ans: C
To prevent equipment accidents, you should do the following: - ✅✅
-A: fix broken or
cracked equipment using duct tape
B: fix broken items yourself
C: stop using electrical equipment, if it produces a burning odour
D: remove the third prong on plugs if you only have two-prong plugs
Ans: C

To prevent falls, you should do the following: - ✅✅-A: wipe up spills right away
B: avoid night lights, as they can cause eye strain
C: discourage the use of handrails and grab bars
D: keep the bed in the highest position
Ans: A

Treating all clients with equal care and attention, regardless of their condition or
temperament is an example of: - -A: autonomy
B: justice
C: beneficence
D: nonmaleficence
Ans: B

True or false: - ✅✅-

True or false: a device is a restraint only if it is attached to the person's body -

True or False: a pathogen can cause infection - ✅✅-True

True or false: a person who is colonized by a pathogen cannot transfer the pathogen
to others - -False

True or false: any decision regarding a client's care is ethical if it does not harm the
person. - -False

True or false: bed rails are restraints - ✅✅-True

True or false: childproof caps should be kept on medication and harmful products -

True or false: children are not at increased risk for accidents during times of stress or
change - -false

True or False: codes of ethics provide rules and answers to ethical dilemmas -
True or false: conflict in families may be hidden - ✅✅-True
True or false: disinfecting items usually involves chemicals - ✅✅-True
True or false: do not carry or drink hot liquids while holding a child - ✅✅-True

True or false: environmental experiences outside the family setting strongly influence
psychosocial health - -True

True or False: ethics apply only to life-and-death situations - ✅✅-False

True or false: ethics are a guide wen decided between right and wrong, and good
and bad. - -True

True or false: falls in facilities are more likely to occur during the evening -

True or false: hazardous materials must have warning labels - ✅✅-True

True or false: informed consent is needed to restraint use - ✅✅-True

True or false: keeping a resident's information confidential is ethical behaviour -

True or false: medicines and harmful products can be stored in food containers out of
the reach of children - -;False

True or false: middle-age women have the greatest risk of falling -

True or false: moderate exercise such as walking is considered rest - ✅✅-False

True or false: multidrug-resistent organisms are easily treated with antibiotics and,
because of that, are not a risk in facilities - -False

True or false: older adults are at risk for accidents because of changes to their
bodies - -True

True or false: older adults often do not show the usual signs of infection - ✅✅-True
True or false: pain affects all people in the same way - ✅✅-False
True or false: part of your role is to help families deal with their interpersonal
problems - -False
True or false: psychosocial health refers to a person's well-being in the social,
emotional, intellectual, and spiritual dimensions of one's life - -True

True or false: restraints can be used for staff convience - ✅✅-False

True or false: restraints can be used to protect a client from harming others -

True or False: rushing to get to a bathroom or commode is a major cause of falls -

True or false: self-actualization means realizing one's full potential - ✅✅-True

True or false: smoking is allowing where oxygen is used - ✅✅-False
True or false: socks and bedroom slippers help prevent falls - ✅✅-False

True or false: some medications are restraints - ✅✅-True

True or false: the duration of the handwash is not important - ✅✅-False

True or false: the presence of illness and the use of invasive devices increase the
risk of infection - -True

True or False: the use of medications may increase a client's risk for accidents -

True or false: to correctly identify a hospital client, call the person by name -

True or false: unnecessary restraint is false imprisonment -

True or false: wash your hands before and after giving care - ✅✅-False

True or false: you are not responsible for reporting if any equipment is broken or
damaged - -False

True or false: you can apply restraints when you think they are needed - ✅✅-False
True or false: you should always take your client's side in a disagreement -

True or false: you should hold your hands and forearms up during the handwashing
procedure - -False
True or false: you should remove restraints every 2 hours to reposition the client and
give skin care - -True

What factor best contributes to good physical health? - ✅✅-A: a high-fat diet
B: smoking outside
C: the regular use of seat belt
D: avoiding animal protein
Ans: C

What is the most common accident in all settings? - ✅✅-A: burns

B: suffocation
C: falls
D: poisoning
Ans: C

What type of services aims to provide a temporary break to family caregivers? -
-A: acute care services
B: palliative care
C: respite care
D: outpatient services
Ans: C

When supporting clients from families in conflict, your supervisor expects you to: -
-A: help family members resolve the conflict
B: observe and report on family interactions
C: ignore any conflict you witness
D: take sides in family agruments
Ans: B

Which factor affects delegation decisions made by a nurse? - ✅✅ -A: is the client's
condition stable?
B: does legislation restrict who can perform this task?
C: what tasks are included in the support worker's job description?
D: all of the above
Ans: D

Which is false? When solving problems, you should: - ✅✅ -A: consider your scope
of practice
B: consider the principles of compassionate care
C: discuss the problem with the client
D: not involve the client to prevent causing more problems
Ans: D
Which laws ensures that every citizen has access to health care? - ✅✅-A: the
medical care act
B: the Canada health act
C: the long-term care facilities act
D: the hospital insurance and diagnostic services act
Ans: B

Which measure is an example of a distraction: - ✅✅-A: avoiding talking with the

B: keeping the room dark
C: turning off the radio
D; giving a back massage
Ans: D

Which of he following is one of the key determinants of health? - ✅✅-A: cognitive

B: biology and genetic endowment
C: fear and anxiety
D: change in sexual functioning
Ans: B

Which of the following actions best prevents falls? - ✅✅ -A: assisting client to the
washroom once a shift
B: answering calls for assistance promptly
C: keeping the bed in the highest position
D: always using bed rails for clients in continuing care facilities
Ans: B

Which of the following is a benefit of the team approach to health care? - ✅✅-A:
opportunities for confidentiality
B: opportunities for delegation
C: opportunities for collaboration
D: opportunities for assignment of tasks
Ans: C

Which of the following is a common cause of burns? - ✅✅-A: hot bath water and
heating pads
B: spilling or cold liquids
C: using a microwave oven
D: suffocation
Ans: A

Which of the following is a common hazard with bed rails? - ✅✅-A: burns
B: strangulation
C: infections
D: pressure sores
Ans: B

Which of the following is a true statement? - ✅✅ -A: people respond to illness and
disability in must the same way
B: people's responses to illness and disability vary
C: almost all people with illnesses or disabilities are depressed
D: most people with illnesses or disabilities are in denial
Ans: B

Which of the following is a way in which support workers assist nurses or other
health care team members? - -A: assess the client's needs
B: order range-of-motion exercises
C: witness legal signatures on permission forms
D: Report changes in the client's behaviour or health
Ans: D

Which of the following is an example of a residential facility? - ✅✅-A; hospital

B: methadone clinic
C: private residence
D: assisted living facility
Ans: D

Which of the following is an example of treating a client with respect and dignity? -
-A: assuming that the client needs your help before he or she asks
B: forgetting to insert the hearing aids for the client
C: ordering the client's food at meal time
D: being careful with the client's personal possessions
Ans: D

Which of the following is one of the five dimensions of health? - ✅✅-A: recreational
B: income and social status
C: emotional health
D: education and literacy

Which of the following is part of Erikson's theory of psychosocial development? -
-A: people must successfully complete a take at each stage before moving on
to the next
B: babies do not learn to trust that their needs will be met
C: people do not need to move through a series of stages throughout their lives.
D: moving to unfamiliar surrounding creates love and belonging
Ans: A
Which of the following is part of Maslow's hierarchy of needs? - ✅✅-A: financial
B: trust needs
C: intimacy needs
D: physical needs
Ans: D

Which of the following is required to help a client give informed consent? - ✅✅-A:
asking the client politely to hurry up and make a decision
B: ignoring details about the potential risk and side effects of the treatment
C: reassurance that the proposed treatment is the only option
D: information about the likely consequences of not having the treatment
Ans: D

Which of the following is true of persistent illness? - ✅✅-A: people usually recover
B: the symptoms often appear quickly
C: most of us have a persistent illness
D: it is a slow, progressive illness
Ans: D

Which of the following is true? - ✅✅ -A: every client is a unique individual

B: client's of the same age with the same condition are much the same
C: support workers should focus only on the client's physical problems
D: people are not influenced by their genetics and their environments
Ans: A

Which of the following is true? - ✅✅ -A: you can use a client's phone to make
personal calls
B: friends can visit you at work
C: you must follow your employer's dress code and policies
D: sharing your personal problems with a client shows compassion:
Ans: C

Which of the following statements about negligence is try? - ✅✅-A:It is an

intentional tort
B: the client acted in a reasonable manner
C: harm was caused to a client or a client's property
D: a prison term may result
Ans: C

Which question is least helpful when deciding on an ethical solution to a provlem? -
-A: does the solution respect the client's wishes and stated preferences
B: does the solution treat the client justly and fairly
C: does the solution provide a short-term benefit or a long-term benefit to the client
D: does the solution benefit you?
Ans: D

Which statement about Canadian home care programs is correct? - ✅✅ -A: all
home care is free to Canadians
B: provincial government funding is shifting to home care
C: hospital care is a cheaper and better alternative
D: all provinces and territories govern their programs in a similar manner
Ans: B

Which statement about the Canadian charter of rights and freedoms is true? -
-A: the charter is still awaiting final passage in the courts
B: it lists the basic rights and freedoms to which all Canadians are entitled
C: it protects the right to equality of residents of Canada as long as they are citizens
D: it was made to protect all adults over the age of 18
Ans: B

Which work setting may provide subacute care? - ✅✅-A: retirement homes
B: long-term care facilities
C: group homes
D: hospices
Ans: B

Which work setting provides acute care? - ✅✅-A: home care

B: long-term care facilities
C: assisted-living facilities
D: hospitals

Who decides the kind of recreation activities a long-term care client will do? -
-A: the client's family
B: the client's physician or nurse
C: the facility
D: the client
Ans: D

You are assisting Mr. Chiang with personal care in his home. Mrs, Chiang asks you

to change her husbands dressing. Nurses have deleted dressing changes to you for
other clients. What should you do? - -A: tell Mrs. Chiang that you are not
allowed to perform the procedure without the authorization of your supervisor. Call
your supervisor
B: tell Mrs. Chiang that you can change the dressing if her husband (your client)
asks you to do it
C: tell Mrs. Chiang that you can change the dressing if she stays in the room during
the procedure
D: tell Mrs. Chiang she has to obtain permission from your supervisor
Ans: A

You are using certain equipment. Which of the following is unsafe? - ✅✅-A:
following the manufacturer's instructions
B: keeping electrical items from water and spills
C: pulling on the cord to remove a plug from an outlet
D: turning off electrical items after using them
Ans: C

You are working with a WHMIS-controlled product. You should: - ✅✅ -A: use a
liquid even through the label is damaged and unreadable
B: wear any needed personal protective equipment
C: remove the label after using the product
D: review instructions on the material safety data sheet after using the material
Ans: B

You gave Mr. Ford the wrong treatment. What should you do? - ✅✅-A. report the
error at the end of the shift
B: take action only if Mr. Ford was harmed
C: Ask Mr. Ford what to do
D: complete an incident report as soon as you realise the error
Ans: D

You must protect Mr. Smith from injury after he is given medication. You should do
the following: - -A: keep the bed in the lowest position
B: follow the care plan for bed rail use
C: both A and B
D: let him get out of bed on his own
Ans: C

You work the night shift. Which of the following is unsafe? - ✅✅-A: parking in a
well-lit area
B: locking your car
C: looking for your keys while at the car
D: checking the back seat before entering your car
Ans: C

Your clothing is on fire. Which is the best first thing you should do? - ✅✅-A: pour
the first liquid you can grab on your burning clothes
B: run outside
C: dial 9-1-1 and wait for help
D: roll on the ground to smother the flames
Ans: D

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