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Counseling & Guidance in Education

Final Exam
What percentage of time should a school counselor spend in program planning and
school support services? - -20

What percentage of time should a school counselor spend in direct and indirect
student services? - -80

The framework fo the ASCA National Model consists of how many components? -

Which of the following are grade-level competencies that will meet student

developmental needs and align with academic content as appropriate. -
-Mindsets & Behavior

The beliefs/vision/mission and program planning are what components of the ASCA
National Model? - -Manage

Direct and Indirect Services are what components of the ASCA National Model? -

Program assessment and appraisals are what components of the ASCA National
Model? - -Assess

Which of the following is an APPROPRIATE activity for school counselors? -
-Providing short-term individual and small-group counseling services to

Which of the following is NOT an appropriate activity for school counselors? -
-Supervising classrooms or common areas

The competencies are organized in three broad domains. Which of the following is
NOT one of the domains? - -Child Development

Past and present perceptions are that former teachers make the best school
counselors, however, recent research suggests: - -Teaching experience is not a
predictor of a counselor's success.

Teachers and non-teachers both face challenges in their professional development.

Aspiring school counselors who do not have prior teaching experience could gain
such experience through: - -substitute teaching or working as a teacher's aide
in the classroom

The most notable personal qualities of a professional school counselor are: -
-flexibility, creativity, imagination, passion, courage, and commitment to social

Why is a commitment to diversity and social justice important in school counseling? -
-Because counselors in general are charged with the responsibility to advocate
for our clients

Because it is the law

Because everyone deserves the change to learn

Which of the following is not descriptive of what counseling is? - ✅✅-Counseling is

an unintentional, unambiguous relational process

The philosophy of education that hold the primacy of subject matter, mastery of

content, and preservation of the existing national cultural heritage is referred to as: -
-Traditional Education

The philosophy of education that hold the primacy of the child, active learning,
recognition of students' individual differences, the drive to relate school to real life,

and an agenda that includes transforming the national cultural heritage is referred to
as: - -Progressive Education

The manifestation of professional who brought health and other social services into

the schools and the move to involve schools in community issues best describes the:
- -Social Progressive, or Social Reconstructionist Movement

A focus on growth-oriented counseling over problem-solving best describes: -
-Mental Health Emphasis

The type of school counseling that focused on developmental rather than remedial

goals and brought school counseling to the elementary and middle school levels is
known as: - -Developmental Guidance

Within the 'manage' component of the ASCA model, school counselors must use the

aspect of Program Planning. These aspects expect the counselor to do which of the
following? - -Determine annual student outcome goals
What type of data describes how many students were affected by an activity, how

much time was devoted to the activity and how many sessions were conducted? -
-Participation data

What data answers the question, "How did the learning affect students' achievement,
attendance, or discipline? - -Outcome data

School counselors are not expected to monitor every activity within the school
counseling program. - -True

Professional in schools are expected to do all of the following except: - ✅✅-make

policy, financial, and educational decisions

Which of the following characterizes effective schools? - ✅✅-An encouraging


Consistently fair decision making

Connections among staff, teachers, students, and caregivers

Early schools often reflected the society in which they were created. What model
were schools initially based on? - -Business

One important characteristic of effective schools is that they: - ✅✅-are

developmentally appropriate.

Students need community to feel safe academically, socially, and emotionally. What
is the basis of community? - -Respect

A framework for enhancing a continuum of proactive, preventative, school-wide,

evidence-based interventions to achieve academically and behaviorally important
outcomes for all students is referred to as: - -Positive Behavior Intervention and
Supports (PBIS)

What is the first step in helping at student to understand what the life-long career
process is like? - -Understanding of one's self

Which quality of the school counseling program might address the question, "How do
we make a difference?" - -Reflective

Taking into consideration the community, culture, schools, families, and peers of
student will create a program that is _____________. - -Systemic
According to the Domains/Activities/ Partners model, through which means should
the school counseling program be delivered? - -Leadership and Coordination



School counselors must be a liaison between the ______________ and the

____________ facilitating and coordinating a school's efforts to contact and access
community resources and services. - -school; community

School counselors have the ______________ skills, _____________ skills, and

______________ skills to function as at the group process facilitator in a multi
systemic view. - -collaboration; consultation; facilitation

The personal/social domain focuses largely on: - ✅✅-identity development

Reflection is both a ______________ and _________________process. -
-external; internal

McWhirter et al. (2013) define "at risk" in terms of risk from: - ✅✅-dangerous future

When school counselors understand the ways in which students learn and their

capacity for learning, they are working within which of the three domains? -
-academic development

career development

personal/social development

The ASCA__________ give structure to the day-to-day work of the school counselor.
- -Components

Which of the following is not one of the four themes of the ASCA National Model? -

Promoting college and career readiness, influencing the achievement of a shared

goal, and assuming responsibility for the creation of the annual agreements are
examples of: - -Leadership

Identifying and voicing needs, problems, and barriers at the micro- and macro-levels

that directly influence student achievement and school success is an example of: -
The building of interdependent systems to achieve a common goal that cannot be
achieved by each entity working alone describes: - -Collaboration

SMART goals define what types of goals? - ✅✅-Specific, Measurable, Attainable,

Results-Oriented, and Time-Bound

Which tool within the Manage component clarifies the roles, functions, expectations,
and priorities of all activities in the CSCP? - -Annual Administrative Conference

When we envision the appropriate time allotment of a professional school counselor,

ideally, what percentage of time is dedicated to the deliver component, specifically,
direct services with students and indirect services for students? - -80%

In which of the following areas of the Deliver component do counselors help students

to define their academic, career, and personal goals and to make plans based on
those goals? - -Individual Student Planning

The Assess component responds to the question: - ✅✅-How are students different
as a result of the school counseling program?

Which of the following functions did The Education Trust (2009) elevate to the

highest importance for successful school counseling (as defined by the National
Center for Transforming School Counseling)? - -Leadership

A model of leadership where one person takes initiative for engaging in the change

process, and she or he recruits others with similar vision and dedication to work
together toward shared goals is referred to as: - -participatory leadership

Leaders arise from___________ - ✅✅-finding new ways to address old problems

The American Counseling Association's Advocacy Competencies (J. Lewis, Arnold,

House, & Toporek, 2003) illustrate that advocacy is not only acting on
<emphasis>behalf of others</emphasis> but includes: - -Empowerment

Goodman and West-Olatunji (2010) drew strong connections between the

symptomology of trauma and the behaviors of students labeled as: -
-"academic underachievement."

Adelman and Taylor' (2002) argue that meeting the needs of our most vulnerable
youth involves which of the following? - -Coordinated school-community
Which area of the following areas is not covered under Direct Services -

Which of the following is the process through which school counselors make

recommendations based on test, inventories, or other data to help students make
decisions for their future. - -Advisement

Which of the following is the process of providing information, opinions and

recommendations to individuals who can support a student's need from an expert
about student needs - -Consultation

What should a counselor do when student's needs extend beyond the training and/or
responsibilities of the school counseling role - -Make a referral

Which of the following must be in place to meet the needs of all students, taking into

account the unique context and student needs present in the school and surrounding
community? - -Strategic Plan

Which of the following initiative aimed to establish "high quality academic standards"
in Math and English/Language Arts nationwide to "ensure all students graduate with

skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in college, career, and life, regardless of
where they live?" - -Common Core State Standards

Which of the following guides school counselors' work with students who most often
are minors? - -ASCA Ethical Standards for School Counselors

Which of the following CSCP supports consists of people who have an interest in the

schools' and students' success and could include fellow educators and school staff,
administration, parents, community partners, and even students? - -Advisory

Which of the following tracks the activities that school counselors perform on a daily

basis and should be used frequently to reveal areas for improved efficiency and to
advocate for school counseling programs? - -Use-of-Time Assessment

Which of the following types of data describes "evidence that an event occurred" and

helps to identify ways in which the school counselor's time is working toward the
mission of the school, and ways in which time is not used efficiently? - -Process

Which type of data involves concrete, numeric values often analyzed using statistical
methods, and might include frequency counts, or the number of times something

happens, average test scores, median income level, and graduation rates? -
Which type of data gives school counselors a clearer picture of student performance

and needs, which aids in designing specific and measurable delivery methods of
school counseling interventions? - -disaggregated

Which type of data looks at the quality of something, is more nuanced and much less
concrete, and adds more depth to the resulting data information? - -qualitative

Which of the following outlines specific knowledge, ability and skills, and attitudes
that all school counselors should possess? - -ASCA School Counselor

In the design of a comprehensive school counseling program, the chosen model of
delivery provides which of the following? - -Structure

Which of the following two categories do delivery models generally fall into? -
-prescriptive and non prescriptive

Which of the following delivery models focused on developmental learning

behaviors, tasks, skills, and experiences necessary for children and adolescents to
be successful in school and in life? - -The Developmental Guidance and
Counseling Model

The use of a "person-in-environment" approach is characteristic of which of the
following delivery models? - -Social Justice framework

Which of the following roles does a consultant assume within a Social Justice
delivery framework? - -advocate

Which of the following is an integral and integrated disposition and characteristic of
social justice school counselors? - -challenging bias

Within the ASCA National Model, which of the following activities are designed to
address barriers to learning that prevent students from maximizing their academic,

career, and personal/social experience in the school, and focus on the short-term,
goal-focused nature of developmental counseling? - -Responsive Services

Which of the following outlines the primary elements of the DAP delivery model? -

Which of the following is not one of the major activities of school counselors within
the DAP delivery model? - -Supervision Activities

Within the DAP model, which of the following is the primary partner? -
Our partnership with students begins with the foundation of our profession, which is:
- -Counseling

One of the most important ways to help alleviate misunderstandings and

misconceptions about school counseling is through effective and ongoing: -

Engaging in developmentally appropriate counseling with young people provides

important implications for both the __________ and the _________ of our
counseling with students. - -manner, content

Treatment consisting of in-depth, intensive, or medication-assisted therapy is most
often: - -not conducted in the schools

Issues that could require a counselor's involvement over a semester and often

resolve themselves as the student matures and as time passes are considered: -
-medium-term issues

The Self Directed Search, the Strong Interest Inventory, and the Kuder General

Interest Survey are instruments generally used by school counselors to assess a
student's development under which of the following domains? - -Career

Journaling, making up jokes, poetry, and storytelling are counseling strategies used
for which of the following multiple intelligences? - -Verbal/linguistic intelligence

Which of the following describes group counseling? - ✅✅-involves primary


is suggested to be effective, most especially with at-risk students

has a therapeutic and intervention focus

A school counselor proposes a small group experience involving role-playing,

behavior rehearsal, and curriculum materials used to move the group toward a
psychoeducational goal. The counselor is most likely proposing a: - -Structured

Assessment and appraisal are important school counselor functions. It is essential
that school counselors: - -use assessment in the counseling function within the
three domains

are aware of the criticisms of certain instruments that are often used in the schools
have an in-depth understanding of assessment instruments and concepts

Which of the following is NOT part of the Assess component of the ASCA model -
-Program Calendars

The primary purpose for completing and analyzing the program assessment is to -
-Guide future actions

After completing the assessment, school counselors analyze the responses to
determine all of the following EXCEPT: - -Program highlights

The school counseling program assessment is conducted annually, typically when? -
-Latter part of the school year

Which of the following is NOT one of the types of annual results reports. -
-Individual results report

The results of all sessions of a small group require only one results report. -

Reviewing "data over time" identifies strengths, gaps, systematic issues and helps
school counselors prioritize _______________? - -Annual Goals

The ASCA School Counselor Professional & Competencies Assessment is used to
self-assess the school counselor's - -Knowledge, attitudes, skills

Which of the following is a person who completes the School Counselor
Performance Appraisal? - -Qualified Administrator

Reporting program results is only essential to those in the counseling department
and do not need to be shared with anyone else. - -False

We need to report our assessments to our stakeholders.

Educating as compared to teaching implies: - ✅✅-Development, discovery, and


The most effective way for school counselor to meet the needs of students in the
school is to: - -rely on the classroom as a primary venue for reaching students
using a variety of strategies

Small-group counseling is an effective means of implementing prevention and

intervention services within comprehensive school counseling programs. Likewise,
the research suggests that _______________________ can be as meaningful and
provide interventions as powerfully as small group counseling. -
-Developmental classroom curriculum

In terms of educating students, the ASCA National Model articulates important
student competencies with the goal of: - -helping all students to maximize their
academic, career, and personal/social development

Students do not learn well when they are not able to focus - when events from their
community, families, school, or classroom interfere with their ability to attend to
learning. Assessing barriers to learning requires that school counselors rely on a

_______________ approach to viewing students and the context in which they live. -
-multifaceted, systemic approach

School counselors strive to facilitate school conditions that facilitate academic,

emotional, social, behavioral, and physical safety. Behavioral safety involves: -
-respectful discipline

In terms of facilitating a socially safe school, school counselors strive to create
school conditions that foster: - -inclusion and valuing diversity

Fostering multiculturally meaningful education requires school counselors to

embrace and articulate the following five aspect of safety, which are: -
-academic, emotional, social, behavioral, and physical safety

Students will be able to identify at least three healthy responses when someone
challenges them to a fight (all age groups) is an example of a: - -learning

The conceptual aspects of integrating the developmental and academic curricula are
facilitated by the concept of: - -multiple intelligences

Consultation differs from counseling in that: - ✅✅ -Consultation is triadic and

involves direct and indirect service to consultee and client

Consultation is always: - ✅✅-Triadic

Dougherty (1990) identified four major phases of consultation: entry, diagnosis,

implementation, and disengagement. This model of consultation is known as the: -
-Generic Model of Consultation

If the consultee is unable or unwilling to implement the intervention strategies

recommended or proposed by the school counselor, the school counselor might

need to implement the intervention directly. This mode of consultation is referred to
as: - -Provision
Which mode of consultation might a school counselor implement if he or she

overheard a teacher complaining about a classroom situation and the counselor
approached the teacher to initiate assistance? - -Initiation

If the school counselor becomes aware that a problems seems to reside with the
professional educator, a school counselor would use _______________________to

help that person deal more effectively with all students by working on that person's
attitudes or behaviors. - -consultee-centered consultation

Which of the following could be one of the challenges with clearly defining and
grasping fully the consultation role? - -the lack of available research that
address realities of school-based consultants.

Which of the following describes the role of the consultant in the process model of
consultation? - -Egalitarian

Which group of colleagues will school counselors most often consult with? -

Which of the following represents an unsolved problem or defeat that the consultee

has experienced, which influences his or her expectations concerning a client? -
-Theme Interference

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