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Chief executive Rob Whiteman

Mike Hawker Non executive

Mark Thomson Non executive

Melanie Dawes HM Revenue & Customs

Kathryn Bishop Non executive

Martin Baker Non executive

Susannah Simon Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Graham Sims Non executive

Oper at i ons
Strategy and intelligence directorate Zilla Bowell (acting) Enforcement and crime group David Wood Border force Matthew Coats (temporary head) International group Jonathan Sedgwick Immigration group Jeremy Oppenheim (temporary head) Resource management Justin Holliday

Co rp o ra te ser vic e s
Human resources and organisational development Joe Dugdale

Chief executives office Anna Allen (acting) Strategic policy David White (acting) Communications Debbie Porter Tom Carney

Enforcement improvement Richard Quinn Returns Alan Kittle Crime directorate David Pennant Criminal casework Angela Kyle Special cases Andrew Jackson

North region Steve Brassington Central region Phillip Holliday (acting) Heathrow Marc Owen (temporary) Border force south and european operations David Holt (acting) National operations and performance Tom Dowdall Border transformation group Kevin Franklin Business change Catherine Mealing-Jones Border force central services Megan Smart Olympics programme Tony Smith Border force director, olympics Philip Astle e-Borders delivery Paul Waring Director of e-borders delivery Timothy Guy

Deputy international director and director visa services Jonathan Nancekivell-Smith Africa region Kashif Chaudry South Asia Tom Greig Gulf region Carol Doughty Asia Pacific region James Sharp Euro-Med region Paul Morgan Americas region Simon Hayes International liaison and intelligence Philip May (acting) Resource management Susan Graham

London and south east region Hugh Ind North west region Jo Liddy North east, Yorkshire and the Humber region Steve Lamb (acting) Scotland and Northern Ireland region Phil Taylor Midlands and east region Gail Adams Wales and south west region Jane Farleigh Immigration resources directorate Paul Darling Appeals and litigation directorate Daniel Hobbs Immigration case work programme Simon Elwell Intelligence and analysis Brendan Crean

Financial strategy and transparency Karen Di Lorenzo Commercial and services Colin Punton Financial management and property Enver Enver Identity Alex Lahood Agency records management and modernisation programme Jill Beckingham Performance and change Philippa Rouse (acting) Business design and development Tim Bianek Value for money Deborah Day Immigration and asylum biometric system (IABS) Jackie Keane

Human resources Rachael Etebar People and organisational development Jonathan Potts Complaints, correspondence, standards and performance Lisa Killham

I n terim
Counter terrorism and organised crime unit Gillian McGregor Intelligence John Firmin

KEY Executive Board Group director

Non-executive director

Produced by UK Border Agency communications directorate. November 2011

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