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Nairobi Campus Department of Orthopaedic Technology

Class - Year Three Semester I Learning Content

Mobility and Assistive Devices

Module Competence
This module is designed to enable the learner to asses, prescribe, fabricate or` modify, fit and
repair mobility aids and assistive devices.

Module Outcomes
By the end of this module the learner should be able to:
1. Describe mobility and assistive devices
2. Identify the various classifications of mobility and assistive devices
3. Determine the use of mobility and assistive devices
4. Screen persons with disabilities to identify those who may require mobility and
assistive devices
5. Prescribe appropriate mobility and assistive devices
6. Refer appropriately for specialized devices
7. Determine devices which meet user’s needs and environmental conditions
8. Train users and CBR personnel on mobility and assistive devices

Module Content
Introduction; Definition, Types, Convention on the Rights with Disabilities. Classification;
Mobility devices ( Wheelchair ), Positioning devices, Daily living devices, Hearing devices,
Vision devices, Communication devices, Cognitive devices, Uses of Mobility and Assistive
devices; Purpose and function, barrier-free environments, adaptations/modifications,
universal design, Assessment; Comprehensive assessment, Multidisciplinary approach,
Evaluation of existing assistive devices, Physical examination. Selection of devices; Basic
and specialized devices, Existing local, regional and international providers, Environmental,
Cultural, Social and Economic factors, Referral Mechanisms; Access to specialized
services, Funding options. Appropriate Technology; Local solutions, Appropriate materials,
Network and collaboration, Sustainable service delivery. Training of Users and CBR
personnel; capacity building of individuals and families, awareness, Training of local
artisans, Small-scale workshops.

References/Further Readings
1. WHO (2010), Guidelines on Assistive Devices, Geneva

2. WHO (2013), Wheelchair Service Training Package.

3. World Health Organization. (2010) Community Based Rehabilitation: CBR

guidelines. Malta: WHO Press.
Subject – Mobility and Assistive Devices By: Oduor Wafulah

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