Bahasa inggris

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NAME DATE: St sa/ 1-ol-23

PASSIVE vs ACTIVE (present)
Complete these eigihteen sentences to score your knowledge of Passive & Active

1. Football is a popular sport. It.. 10. Our final exams... at the end of
in many countries in the world. school year.
plays are given
is played
2. Many movies... in Hollywood every 11. Most people ... Norwegian in
year. Norway.
are made speak
make are spoken by

3. 1often go to the library and... some 12. Our newspaper every morning

books to read. before eight o'clock.

borrow i s delivered
am borowed by delivers
4. Our office... the cleaning crew 13. 1... a shower after I come home
every evening. from work.
cleans am taken by
i s cleaned by
5. The restaurant chef... really 14. My classmate.. the answer to
great food. question number six.
is cooked by is known by
cooks KnowS
6. Millions of people... in airplanes 15. Sports fishermen... fish in a river
every year. near my home.
are flown by Rcatch
fiy àre caught by
7. New year's Day ... on January 1 16. Cats ... mice. Thae's why we have
in most countries of the world. three cats on our farm.
is celebrated are eaten by
celebrates eat

8. Sometimes my older sister ... me 17. When my car breaks down, it

with my homework. .mechanics at the garage.
i s helped by fixes
helps i s fixed by
9. He's a famous actor. He ... 18. The animals at the zoo... John, the
all over the world.
zoo keeper.
is known are fed by
knows feed

17 18 Excellent 15- 16 Good 14 or Less Study More!

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AGVe or Passives
The crow was killed bythefox. Task 1: Match each of thetwo
seutences with the picture it describes.
The crow killed the fox. Put the right number in the boxes

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Task 2: Select
the best past sinmple sentence to go with each picture.
A) The fish was eaten. A) The golddigger was A) The monkey sang a
B) The fish ate the boy tourd o e gold. Song
C)Theboy was eaten the B) Tbe golddigger found B) The monkey was sung
Doy. sone gok
The song sang
)The golddigger was
OUnd ****************
A) The caveman chased A) The HW was eaten The purSe WS
from the mammoth. y txe do8 steaing.
B) Themamnoth was B) The HW ate the dog
chased by the caveman. B)Tbepurse was
C)The dog was eaten stolen.
C) The caveman was the HW The boy was stolen
chased by the mammoth. tbepurse

A) Thegirl was sat in

A) The patient made the cage. A Hefired iromhis job.
an X-ray. B) The girl sat in the
B) The dortor was cage.
Hewasfired from his
made an Xray. CThe cage was sat The boss wasfired hinn
C)An X-ray was made ly the gir. from his job
by the doctor
A) The doctor was told wwwwmmww
A) The chicken ran t
A) The nman nnugged the the patieut not to eat
thi. eat
ples B) The chicken was run
B) Theuan was i1ggect B) Thepatient told nat eat
y tize thiet. to eat pies.
C) The thief was mugged CThe chicken was
C)The doctor told the aten.
patient not to eat paes.
A) The 11assAIr Was A) Thevet was given
massaged the patient. the dog a shot.
A The couple drowe
to the capital.
B) Themasseur B) Thevet was givøn a
massaged the patient shot. BThe couple was
driven to the eapital.
C)The masseur was CThe kog was given a
massaged by the shot by the vet. The capital was
drrven by the coupi

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Pasve Inventors and jnvencions
Asood or a bad invention?
Our lives (make better every day thanksS to
inventions. But sometimes, inventions can make our lves worse. This Can happen
when an invention (not useh according to the inventor's
plan. For example, AIfred Nobel. a Swedish scientist, invenced a serong explosive in
1867. Tt (Calh dynamite and it revolutionized the uworld of engineering.
After its invention, many bridges. tunnels and other structures
with the help of dynamite. However, dynatmite (also, use to kill peopie
in wars. This upsee Nobel. Before his death, Nobel decided to use
the money From his famous
invencion o make the uorld a better place. A special fund 6
(Sard in Nobel's name. Every vear.Nobel prizes . (Sive For
extraordinary work in science, medicine, literature and the promotion of uworld

Where is the rice grown?

People usualy think that rice" (grou in China.
But did you know that there's a place in Spain full of rice fields?
They (/Ocate in north-eastern Spain on
the banks of the Ebro Delta at the TRjet Vell nature reserve. 300 tonnes
of rice (produce each year. The first rice
(Pland here in 2003. Chemicals
(not use in the fields before 2003 so the
rice is organic. Lots of birds 5 (helpl by the rice fields, inctuding
herons and flamingos. The rice (bun by many countries, including
Germany. In 2004 the rice" givA an arganic food award.

How is paper produced

add dry ntroduce invent mix noe make nor need produce use o2
Paper from wood. The fibres of wood from trees
with water until chey becomes a soft wet pulp, which
-This method of paper-making in the
and cencury BC in China. Houever, eary writing material (always)
from uood. In fact, the word paper comes from papyrus planes wnich "
by the Esyptians to make a form of paper in 3.000 B.C. When machines For
paper making in che 19tch century, paper
became easY to afford. Today, one of the problems with the huge produccion
of paper is that a chemical called chlorine _ to

make the paper uite. Recycling is important, because chiorine

and less energy ao
For recycled paper.

I. We should clean these windows before tonorrow

2. The workers gave the hess some tlowers.

3. The police followed the thieves into a burilding.

4. The mechanie can't fix my car.

S. The neighbour has told us the news.

6. The students painted the walls last year

7.The okd woman feeis the pigeons every day.

S. They wBl pick up John at this oftice.

9. She showod the visitors the new house.

0. You shouldn't throw litter on the ground

1. The teacher asked the students a very difficult question at the oral exam.
12. We have to read the text.

13. His parents promised Tom a hundred Euros if he passed the test.

14. Did they repair all the windows?

15. The news surprised us alt.

16. Is the teacher correcting the exams right now?

17. Someone has sent Jobn a mysterious letter.

18. The taxi driver drove us t» the aipon

delicious cake.
19. My grandmother is baking a
when I came in.
20. The maid was cleaning my hotcl room

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