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Conplex social PT. Semen Padang Indarung Padang Telp. 075-202540


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
: Rabu I28 Februari 2024
Kelas/Semester :VIII (Delapan ) / II (Dua)
Tahun Ajaran :2023 / 2024

Petunjuk Umum:
I. Tulislah terlebih dahuku nama, nonor ujian Anda pada lembaran
2. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal dengan jawaban yang disediakan.
3. Dahulukan menjawab soal-soal yang
teliti sebelum Anda menjawabnya.
4. Periksa pekerjaan Arda sebelum Anda anggap mudah.
diserahkan pada pengawas ujian.
5. Apabila ada jawaban yang dianggap salah dan Anda ingin
mungkin dan silangilah kembali jawaban yang Anda anggap memperbaikinya,
hapuslah sebersih

Petunjuk Khusus :
1. Bentuk soal terbagi TIGA, yaitu (1 ) Pilihan Ganda, (2) Benar-Salah, dan (3) Analisa
2 Pilihlah jawabanyarng Ananda anggap paling tepat dan silangilah pada lembar kalimat
3. Untuk soal baar- salah,jawaban di buat i kolom Essay jawaban!

Text 1 for no.i to 6. 2. The text is written in the form of a

A. recount
On Wednesdas. my students and I went to B. narrat1ve
YogyakatA We stayed at Dirgahayu Hotel which C. report
far from Malioboro. D. descriptive
On Thursday, we visited the temples in
Prambanan There are three big temples, the 3. The purpose of the text is to
Brahrmana Syiwa and Wisnu temples. They are A. tell past events
really amazing. We visited only Brahmana and B. entertain readers
Syiwa temples, because Wisnu tenple is being C. describe the smugglers
renovated D. inform readers about events of the day
Oa Frnday morning we went to Yogya Kraton We
spent about two hours there We were lucky 4 What are the big temples in Prambanan?
because we were ed by a smart and friendly A. paria, brahmana, and temples
gude Then we continued our journey to B. brahmana, syiwa, and wisnu temples
Borobudur. We arrived there at four p.m. At 5 C. wisnu, syiwa, and borobudur temples
pm. we heard the announcement that Borobudur D. borobudur, syiwa, and brahmana temples
gae would be closed
In the evening we left for Jakarta by wisata bus 5. When did they go home?
AOn Saturday moming
1. The text above mainly d1scusses about. B On Friday evening
A the writer's trip to Yogyakarta C. On Thursday evening
B. the wTIter's first isit to Prambanan D. On Friday aftermoon
C. the writer's impression about the guide
D. the writer's experience at Yogya Kraton
6 \Why d1d they only visu Bralhmana and Sy1wa After walk1ng for about an hour, we decided to
temples? return to the car and go home Unfortunately, we
A. becau se there was no WIsnu tennple cloud not start up the car. Finally after sometme,
B because wisnutemple was amazing we cloud make the car start up by push1ng it We
C because wisnu temple was too small were happy although we feit a bit tured when we
D because wisnu temple was being repaired got home
Text 2 for no.7 to 9.
10 What is the main idea of the second
Yesterday my family and Iwent to the zoo to see
the clephant. When we got to the zoo, we went to
A The writer made sandwIches for lunch
the shop to buy some food to give to the animals. B. The writer did some fun activities during their
After getting the food, we went to the nocturnal picnic
house where we saw birds and reptiles which only C. After doing some activities, the writer went
Come out at night home by car
Before having lunch, we went for a ride on the
D. Last weekend the writer prepared to have a
elephant. It was a thrill to ride it. Dad fell off picnic in the countrvside
when he let go off the rope, but he was ok.
During the lunch we fed some birds in the park. In
the afternoon we saw the animals being fed. When 1. Why did the writer and his friends decide to
SWim in the river?
we returned hone we were very tired but happy. It
was because we had so much fun A. They felt hot after having lunch
activities at B. They felt tired after having awalk
many places at the zoo. C. The water was cool and clear
7. What happened to the writer's dad when he D. It was a tiring day
rode an elephant? 12. Because of the trouble they had at the end of
A. He felt a thrill
B. He felt fun
their picnic, they probably
A Got home a bit late
C He fell off
B Decided to svwim aga1n
D. He failed C Had to spend the night there
D Decided not to have a picnic again
8. Why did the writer and his family feel very
tired after having a trip to the zoo? Text 4 for no.13 to 15.
A. They had to visit many places in the zo0
B. They took a long time to reach the z00 area When Claire visited the Statue of Liberty for the
C.They had to feed a lot of animals in the zoo first time. she instantly admired it as a symbol of
D.They had no time to take a rest in the zoo freedom. Claire made sure to make reservations
before her visit because only 240 people are
our family felt tired after visiting the zoo, we permitted to climb the staircase to the top of the
were still happy. statue every day. After climbing almost 400 stairs,
A. Since Claire received spectacular views of the city from
B. Because the statue's crown.
CAlthough During her visit, Claire learned that the Statue of
D. Nevertheless Liberty was not always the color that it is now.
She found out that because the statue's exterior is
Text 3 for no.11 to 12. made of copper. the statue oXId1zed over time.
Last weekend l and my classmates went to the giving it the green1sh appearance it has in present
countryside to have a picnic. Before leaving, we day. When it was first constructed, the statue was
made some sandwiches for lunch. We left quite the same color as shiny penny!
early to avoid the traffic After touring the Statue of Liberty, Claire spent
After driving for two hours, we atived al a vey the rest of the day in New York City v1s1ting other
nice place. lt was near a river with somne big trees Important monuments and historic landmarks.
around it The driver parked the car under the tree Claire left New York hoping to have had the time
Seeing the clear an cool water of the river, my to explore more sites, but she can't wait to return
friends and I decided to swim. Afler having lunch to the city in the future
together, we went around the area to enjoy the
Scenery. We saw some beautiful birds and
13. How many people are permitted to cl1mb the 18 What did their hotel foom have?
statue's stairs per day? A. Arefrigerator
A 150 B.A view of the metro
B 400 C.Abalcony
C 240 D. A bottle of wine
D. 100
Louvre museum?
19. Who got tired walking in the
14.From which part of the statue did Claire A. Henry
receive spectacular views of the city? B. Harry
A. The mouth C. Seine
B. The crown D. Steve
C The eyes
D. The nose 20. What did Steve enjoy the most?
A. The hotel breakfast and the croissants
15.Why has the Statue of Libertychanged color B. The wine and the food
Over time? C. The Latin Quarter and the balcony
A. It was painted green during restorations. D. The cafes along the river Seine
B. New York's poor air quality has eroded the
statue. For No. 21 to 25
correct one.
C. Its copper exterior oxidized. Read the sentences and choose the
D. The statue is poorly maintained by the city.
21. A. It were my birthday yesterday.
Text 5 for no.16 to 20. B. It was my birthday yesterday.
C. It was being my birthday yesterday.
Ijust retumed from the greatest summer vacation!
It was so fantastic, I never wanted it to end. I D. It were being my birthday yesterday
spent eight days in Paris, France. My best friends,
22. A. We were at the cinema last night.
Henry and Steve. went with me. We had a B. We're be at the cinema last night.
beautiful hotel room in the Latin Quarter. and t
wasn't even expensive. VWe had a balconv with a C. We was at the cinema last night.
wonderful View. D. We was be at the cinema last night.
We visited many famous tourist places. My
favorite was the Louvre, a well-known museum. I 23. A. Were Picasso a famous artist?
was always interested in art, so that was a special B. Was Picasso an famous artist?
treat for me. The museum is so huge, you could C. Was Picasso a famous artist?
D. Were Picasso an famous artist?
spend weeks there. Henry got tired walking
around the museum and said Enough! Ineed to
take a break and rest. 24. A. Was it sunny at the beach?
We took lots of breaks and sat in cafes along the B. Were it sunny at the beach?
river Seine. The French food we ate was delicious. C. Was it be sunny at the beach?
D, It were sunny at the beach?
The wines were tasty, too. Steve's favorite part of
the vacation was the hotel breakfast. He said he
would be happy if he could eat croissants like 25. A. Yesterday was my happy day.
those forever. We had so much fun that we're B. Yesterday were my happy day.
already talking about our next vacation. C. Yesterday weren't my happy day.
D. Yesterday were be my happy day.
16. What city did they go to for their Summer
vacation? Text 6 for no.26 to 30.
A. Paris
B. Lyon On Wednesday, my best friends and I went
C. Louvre to Yogyakarta. We stayed at the Tentrem Hotel
D. Latin located not far from Malioboro. On Thursday, we
visited the temples in Prambanan. There are three
17. How long was the summer vacation? big temples, the Brahmana, Syiwa and Wisnu
A. Eight weeks temples.
B. Eight days They are really amazing. On Friday night
C. Two weeks we went to Malioboro. We spent about two hours
D. On week there. We were lucky because there are lots of
promotions for visitors such as discounts for
batik and handcrafted bags. free testers for
Lopez was like ice! The small class was really
bakpia, and so on. I bought
Sister and a bag for my momnew with
clothes for my
big discount.
The next days were much warmer. The heater
After that we left for Jakarta by was fixed on Tuesday, so everything was OK.
train. There were 25 students, not onlv 5. But where
26. What kind of promotion do was Mr. Lopez? He was at home, sick in bed!
friends get in Malioboro? readers and her
a. Free product for Write TRUE or FALSE o the following
b. Free sandals statements.
c. Free welcome ticket
d. Free testers fordrink No Statements TF
bakpia 3 There were 25 students in
27. The text is written in the class that Monday
a. recount
fornm of a. |32 It was awarm day.
b. narrative 33 Mr. Lopez was present
C. report that Monday.
d. recipe 34 The heater in the school
was workingthat day.
28. The purpose of the text is to... 35 Mr. Lopez and the
a. tell past events students felt cold that day.
b. entertain readers 36 The heater was broken on
c. describe the smugglers Tuesday.
d. report an event to the poiice 37 The next days were

29. When did they go home? 38 Mr. Lopez had to stay at

a. On Saturday morning home because he got sick.
39 Only 5 students absent on
b. On Friday night
c. On Thursday evening Monday
40 Mr. Lopez is our teacher
d. On Friday afternoon
For no. 41 to 50
30. What items the writer bought as a gift for Choose the correct A or B!
her family?
a. Bag and clothes No A B
b. Bakpia 41 Did he talk to Did he talked to
c. Bracelet
you? you?
d. Handerafted ring 42 They no liked the They didn't like
film. the film.
Text 7 for no.31 to 40 43 We planed togo We planned to go
It was a cold day on a trip round the on a trip round the
Last week, there was one really bad day. It 44 Itryed to help her. Itried to help her.
was Monday. Usually, there are about 25 only 5 45 The door opened The door openned
in my class, but that day, there were cold. and we went in. and we went in.
fact, it was really
people! It wasn't warm. In 46 Played you tennis Did you play
gray outside.
It was raining a lot. It was dark and the students last years? tennis last year?
There wasn't any sunshine. I think
sick. They 47 We decideed to g0 We decided to go
weren't at school because they were home. home
were in bed.
were at home. Maybe they He is always at 48 They stopped They stoped
Mr. Lopez is our teacher.
Monday. Last working and went working and went
school. He is never at home on not in bed. He for lunch. for lunch.
Monday was no different. He was 49 Iwatched a movie
he was cold! Why was Iwatchied a
was in the classroom, and yesterday.
he cold? That's a very good question. He was cold 50
movie yesterday.
was broken. It Lingga jogged for Lingga joged for
because the heater in the school 5 miles yesterday.
like a refrigerator. 5miles yesterday.
was freezing. The school was
freezer! And poor Mr. THE END
Our classroom was like a

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