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1. Why should the supervising operator write reports?

a) To record detailed information.
b) To give instruction.
c) To give orders.
d) To give directions.

2. One of your outside operators was burned by steam while performing a

routine task at the plant, what is the first action that you should take?
a) Release him to home.
b) Give him rest days.
c) Administer First Aid.
d) Take him to private clinic.

3. You have been put in charge of a large plant upgrade project and required to
direct a day shift crew. What action should you take to assure completion of
this project?
a) Observe measure progress at the site.
b) Caution all to complete job on time.
c) Ask for more manpower.
d) Complain that the job cannot be completed on time.

4. You have a new operator in your shift, you instruct him to start a part of the
unit that was a standby mode. He said that he does not know. After two days,
the new operator refused to do any duties in the unit because of a pain of his
knee. What action should you take?
a) Write him memo to file and let him to rest.
b) Send him memo to file and let him to rest.
c) Release him from duty for two days.
d) Punch and force him to work.

5. Why do we have plant communication system?

a) To save money and be directing.
b) To control the process easily.
c) To save time and be effective.
d) To share information with others.

6. You were assigned to take charge of the activities with other shifts. The
completion date of the T & I is fast approaching. What directions should you
give now?
a) Write memos to everybody.
b) Talk to all operators and supervisors.
c) Find out the status and give clear directions to all supervisors.
d) Tell the supervisors to finish the job on time.
7. You have been put in charge of a large plant up grade project and required to
direct a day shift crew. What is the first step you should take to direct your
assigned manpower?
a) Talk to each operator of the crew.
b) Write memos to all operators in the crew.
c) Make copies of the project details copy to each operator.
d) Set up meeting to explain project and assign action plan.

8. What are the mentor responsibilities?

a) Prepare the equipment for T & I activities.
b) Help the employee to perform the JTS task safely.
c) Schedule employee vacation sheets.
d) Manage the operator daily activities.

9. An outside operator reported a heavy smoke coming from your unit

substation. What step should be taken before fire fighting take place?
a) Isolate the power from the transform yard.
b) E.S.P. the unit and request E.S.O. to isolate affected breaker.
c) Evacuate all none essential vehicles at the site.
d) Evacuate all none essential personal at the site.

10. Why should you reprimand an employee?

a) To show him that you are the boss.
b) Make him feel bad.
c) To show h im that he was doing something wrong.
d) To punish him.

11. One of your outside operators came in contact with a hazardous liquid and
was injured. If the outside operator check reveal on gas leak again, what
action should you take now?
a) Call you foreman for action.
b) Request maintenance to list it on work schedule.
c) Request maintenance to repair the H2S monitor on “A” priority.
d) By pass the monitor order new once.

12 When should a supervising operator mentor?

a) At the beginning of a shift.
b) During shift breaks.
c) At the end of the shift.
d) During all the shifts.

13 ou have assigned one of your operators to assist on commissioning some new

equipment. He h as received some training on this equipment. What
leadership style should you use with t his employee?
a) Coaching
b) Supporting
c) Directing
d) Delegating

14. Why do we have a meeting?

a) To give out orders.
b) To tell people what to do.
c) To communicate with people.
d) To direct people.

15. You have very good knowledge experienced mature operator on your shift.
What behavior style should you use with this employee?
a) High directive and low supportive behavior.
b) Low directive and high supportive behavior.
c) High supportive low directive behavior.
d) Low directive and low supportive behavior.

16. When does the mentor date and initial the steps mastered column in JTS
a) After the employee completed the ITC requirement.
b) After the employee completed the flood light during night shift.
c) After the employee completed the instrument course.

17. One of your operators comes late to work frequently; he is experienced and
knows the company rules and timekeeping procedures. What behavioral style
should you use with this employee?
a) Low supportive and low directive behavior.
b) High supportive and low directive behavior.
c) High directive and high supportive behavior.
d) High directive and low supportive behavior.

18. How can you get the employee to improve unsatisfactory performance?
a) Punish and warn him from time to time.
b) Transfer him to another job he likes.
c) Perform the task at an acceptable standard.
d) Assist some one else to help him daily.

19. You have noticed recently that an outside operator’s performance level has
been falling. What behavior style should you use with this employee?
a) Low directive and low supportive behavior.
b) High directive and high supportive behavior.
c) High supportive and low directive behavior.
d) High directive and low supportive behavior.

20. When should a supervising operator motivate his operators?

a) During day shift.
b) During all shifts.
c) During night shift.
d) During afternoon shift.

21. An explosion occurred in a vessel which has been down for several day for T
& I.
a) Activate Stop Work Alarm.
b) Shot down the portable running equipment.
c) Spray water to the affected vessel.
d) Activate water deluge system.

22. How shh2ould you handle used insulation containing asbestos?

a) Put in dump truck.
b) Put in close bag or container.
c) Put over platform.
d) Put in opened bag or trash drum.

23. When should the personnel shelter opened?

a) Power failure or direction of ECC or shift superintendent.
b) Gas release or at direction of ECC shift coordinator.
c) Air raid or at direction of ECC shift superintendent.
d) When stop work activated.

24 If air is contaminated with toxic gases or chemical agents in the emergency

personnel shelter, how do you purify it?
a) Dust filters.
b) CO2 filters.
c) Gas filters
d) H2S filters

24. When does the mentor remark on the JTS commence fields?
a) After all tasks completed.
b) When the time is over.
c) Once the candidate is unsuccessful.
d) After the employee completed the instrument course.

25. Whom should a supervising operator develop?

a) Senior operator only.
b) Excellent operator only.
c) All operators.
d) DCS operators only.

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