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PGDM – Second Year – Semester IV – July, 2022

Sustainability – Project Management - Assignments


Reference Text Book – Ebook of Project Management by Prof Pradeep Pai, Pearson Publishers

Instructions – All assignments are to be submitted to the office in handwritten hard paper copies
before 15-Jul-2022.

1] Assignment No 1 –
Define the following terms –
A] Project [Chapter 1, Printed Page No 3, PDF Page No 18]
B] Project Management [Chapter 1, Printed Page No 4, PDF Page No 19]
C] Project Life Cycle [Chapter 1, Printed Page No 5, PDF Page No 20]
D] Traits or Qualities of a Project Manager [Chapter 1, Printed Page No 7, PDF Page No 22]

2] Assignment No 2 –
Briefly explain the following quantitative models used in forecasting –
A] Moving Average Model [Chapter 4A, Printed Page No 186, PDF Page No 201]
B] Regression Analysis Model [Chapter 4A, Printed Page No 205, PDF Page No 220]
C] Forecasting Errors types like RSFE - Running Sum of Forecast Error, MFE – Mean Forecast Error,
MAD – Mean Absolute Deviation, MSE – Mean Squared Error, RMSE – Root Mean Squared Error,
MAPE – Mean Absolute Percentage Error. [Chapter 4A, Printed Page No 187, PDF Page No 202]

3] Assignment No 3 [Case Study] –

Following Yearly Actual Sales Data is available for the past 12 years. Find the forecast for the 13 th
year and MSE using the following methods -
A] Four Period Moving Average method [Chapter 4A, Example No 4.2, Printed Page No 190-191, PDF
Page No 205-206]
B] Simple Linear Regression Analysis method [Chapter 4A, Example No 4.13, Printed Page No 206-
207, PDF Page No 221-222]

4] Assignment No 4 –


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