5.1 GS-PM

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1.1.1 Definitions, Abbreviations and Interpretation

In these Specifications, the following words and expressions shall have the meanings hereby
assigned to them except where the context otherwise requires:-

“as approved” shall mean as approved by the S.O./S.O. Representative

“as directed” shall mean as directed by the S.O. Representative

“or other approved” shall mean as approved by the S.O./S.O. Representative and as
further defined in the sub-clause for Approval of Samples and Trade
Names of the General Specifications

“as required” shall mean as required in the Specifications and/or Drawings

“as shown” shall mean as shown in the Specifications and/or Drawings

“as indicated” shall mean as indicated in the Specifications and/or Drawings

The following abbreviations are used in these Specifications:-

ASTM - American Society for Testing and Material

BS - British Standard
BOWEC - Building Operations and Work of Engineering Construction
CITI - Construction Industry Training Institute
CP - Code of Practice
DIN - Deutche Industrie - Normen
NEA - National Environment Agency
FSB - Fire Safety Bureau
HDB - Housing & Development Board
LTA - Land Transport Authority
MOM - Ministry of Manpower
PSB - Singapore Productivity and Standards Board
PUB - Public Utilities Board
PWD - Public Works Department
RC or rc - Reinforced Concrete
SIC - Safety Instruction Course
S.O. - Superintending Officer
SS - Singapore Standard
Telecoms - Singapore Telecommunications Ltd

Words importing the singular also include the plural and vice versa where the context

The Clause headings in these Specifications shall not be deemed to be part thereof or be taken
into consideration in the interpretation or construction thereof or of the Contract.

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1.1.1 Definitions, Abbreviations and Interpretation (Cont’d)

All Acts of Parliament, statutes, regulations, bye-laws, orders, local and foreign standards and
codes of practice specified shall be deemed to refer to the latest and shall be deemed to
include any amendments, and/or modifications and/or additions and/or re-enactments thereto.

1.1.2 Clause on Novation/Assignment/Transfer

In the event that the management of the estates or any part thereof be transferred to another
Employer or other Government bodies, the Employer shall from time to time have the right to
and the Contractor shall agree and accept that from time to time the whole or any part of the
Contract be transferred by assignment or novation to the said Employer or other Government
Bodies at the same price and upon the same terms and conditions. The Contractor shall bear
all the costs and expenses, including stamp fees, of the assignment and/or novation and/or
transfer and shall not hold the Employer liable in any way for any loss or damage howsoever
caused that he may have suffered relating to the said novation and/or assignment and/or

1.1.3 Setting Out Accurate Setting Out

The Contractor shall be responsible for :-

(a) the accurate setting out of the Works in relation to the original points, lines and
levels of reference;

(b) the correctness of the position, levels, dimensions and alignment of all parts of the
Works; and

(c) the provision of all necessary instruments, equipment, apparatus and labour in
connection with the foregoing responsibilities. Errors in Setting Out

If at any time during the execution of the Works, any error appears in the position, levels,
dimensions or alignment of any part of the Works, the Contractor shall at his own cost rectify
such error to the satisfaction of the S.O. Representative.

1.1.4 Site Visit

Contractor is deemed to have visited the sites before quoting and acquainted himself of the
nature of the site, ground condition, local facilities, access, extent of works and all matters
affecting the execution of the Works. The Contractor shall allow for all works necessary and
no claim will be allowed on grounds of ignorance of the conditions under which the Works
will be executed.

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1.1.5 Drawings

The drawings referred to in this Specifications and Contract are as listed and any
modifications of such drawings approved in writing by the S.O. Representative and such other
drawings as may from time to time be issued or approved in writing by the S.O.

1.1.6 Shop Drawings

The Contractor shall submit to the S.O. Representative the shop drawings as required in
respect of the Works.

Such drawings shall be submitted in ample time for checking and for re-submission of any
amendments desired, so as not to jeopardise in any way the time for completion of the project.

No work shall be carried out until the required shop drawings have been approved by the S.O.

The approval of shop drawings by the S.O. Representative is solely an approval of subject
matters in principle and does not constitute checking of detail measurements or acceptance of
auxiliary units or materials unless specifically mentioned in writing by the S.O.

The S.O. Representative may instruct the Contractor to engage his own Professional Engineer
to provide further details including but not limited to fixing details, which shall be duly
endorsed by the Professional Engineer. The Professional Engineer shall furnish a copy of
Certificate of Supervision to the Employer on completion of the works. Any costs and
expenses arising therefrom shall be deemed to be included in the Contract Sum.

1.1.7 Master Programme and Organisation Chart

The Contractor shall submit a master programme showing the detailed sequence of Works to
be executed and a site organisation chart showing the staff deployed for the works for S.O.
Representative’s approval. The Contractor shall submit the master programme within
fourteen (14) days upon award of Contract. This programme and organisational chart must be
reviewed and updated frequently.

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1.1.8 Monthly Progress Report

(a) The Contractor shall report the monthly works progress to the S.O. Representative at
the end of each month. The details are as follows :-

Programme Chart shall reflect an update of the overall approved programme and
details of the subsequent month’s programme. The Contractor’s write-up shall
include -

(i) actual achievement against items targeted the previous month in

percentage value; reasons for deviation from target;

(ii) how the Contractor intends to take remedial action to bridge the deviation
if the problem lies with him;

(iii) any request the Contractor has of the S.O. Representative if it is Employer
that is causing delay to the Contractor; or in any other way contributing to
the deviation;

(iv) any other foreseeable problems that they can perceive in subsequent future
months and how the Contractor/S.O. Representative can avoid them;

(v) any public complaint/complaints from Employer’s Officers or other

government bodies that the S.O. Representative and the Contractor’s
Representative have received and the necessary follow up action which
they had taken or intend to take.

(b) The Contractor shall submit his summary target as follows :-

For the immediate subsequent month : (Targeted no. of blocks/sites to be completed

in percentage value measured against the overall).

(c) The Contractor shall furnish photographs (including negatives) of all type of works
carried out showing the before and after effect of the finished works. The Report
shall be signed by the Contractor’s Project Manager and submitted to the S.O.
Representative for approval.

1.1.9 Variation in Quantity

The quantities specified in the Form of Tender (if any) shall serve only as a general guide as to
the extent of the quantity that may be required for the Contractor to price his tender. The
Employer does not bind itself to order or purchase all the quantities as stated in the Form of

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1.1.10 Temporary Site Offices, Stores and Other Temporary Facilities

(This Sub-Clause only applies to Repairs and Redecoration, Reroofing, Interim Upgrading
Programme and Improvement projects of more than six (6) months duration. The Contractor
need not provide such facilities for Construction of Children Playgrounds, Fitness Corners,
Cosy, Residents’ and Senior Citizen Corners projects.)

The Contractor shall provide on the site, a temporary container site office with locking
arrangement for the sole use by the S.O. Representative and Clerk of Work only. The
Contractor will have to liaise with the S.O. Representative to survey a suitable location for the
site office and then obtain the approval of the S.O./S.O. Representative and relevant
Authorities before stationing the site office.

The Contractor shall maintain the site office in a clean condition during the contract period
and promptly remove it upon completion of works including making good the site to its
original state to the full satisfaction of the S.O. Representative or as and when directed. Such
making good shall include but not limited to the reinstatement of damaged turf including
topping up with good quality top soil. All concrete areas shall be thoroughly washed.

The container site office shall be of minimum area 6m x 3m with 2 nos. of window.

The Contractor shall provide site offices for the sole use by the S.O. and his representative
complying fully with the following facilities:-

S/N Facilities S.O. Room

a Room Size 18m2

b Tables and Chairs :

(i) 1.5m x 0.8m office table complete with at least 3 1 No.

drawers with locksets

(ii) 1.5m x 0.8m working table complete with storage space 1 No.
for drawings

(iii) Meeting table for 8 persons 1 No.

(iv) Chair with hand rests 3 Nos.

(v) Foldable chair with back rests 8 Nos.

c 1.7m x 0.8m x 0.4m steel cabinet complete with shelves and 1 No.
double-leave doors

d 2.4m x 1.2m soft board complete with accessories 1 No.

e 2.4m x 1.2 white board complete with accessories 1 No.

f Air-Conditioner of minimum 10,000 BTU output 1 No.

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1.1.10 Temporary Site Offices, Stores and Other Temporary Facilities (Cont’d)

S/N Facilities S.O. Room

g Telephone installation :

(i) Separate telephone line with call waiting service 1 No.

telephone no.)

(ii) Fax machine with dedicated phone line 1 No.

telephone no.)

h Personal Computer minimum pentium IV complete with CD- 1 No.

Rom and colour inkjet printer (with auto-loading printer)

i Drawing Rack complete with drawing holders 1 No.

j Electrical installation, Connections & Accessories :

i) 40W fluorescent lighting 4 Nos.

ii) 13 Amp socket outlet 2 Nos.

iii) 15 Amp socket outlet 1 No.

k Adequate timber shelves for displaying of material samples 1 No.

l First Aid box c/w fresh medical kits 1 No.

m 4.5kg dry powder portable fire extinguisher 1 No.

If the Contractor fails to provide the aforesaid facilities to the satisfaction of the S.O.
Representative, the S.O. may impose liquidated damages calculated at a rate of $50.00 per
day per site office.

The S.O. Representative reserves the right to omit or add on certain elements and its quantities
from or to the contract. The rate for each element for purpose of valuation of such variations
shall be as shown in Appendix I to the General Specifications.

Where the Contractor requires land, void decks and the likes for setting up other site office,
stores and temporary facilities required out of or in connection with the works, he shall check
on the availability of such land or space and apply to the Employer for approval to use them.
No fees will be imposed for the use of the land, void decks and the likes approved by the
Employer for the setting up of the site office and stores for the execution of the works.
However, the Contractor shall be required to submit a written undertaking to the Employer to
comply with all the conditions, such as the maintenance and reinstatement of the site to match
existing to the satisfaction of the Employer upon completion of works, as may be imposed by
the Employer’s in granting such approval.

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1.1.10 Temporary Site Offices, Stores and Other Temporary Facilities (Cont’d)

The use of parking lots for setting up site office, stores and the likes will not be allowed.

The Contractor shall be charged a fee of $100.00 per day per each site office, store or
temporary facilities erected if they fail to vacate from the site such temporary facilities a
month after the expiry of Contract unless waiver has been granted in writing by the
Employer or the S.O. Representative to allow the Contractor to continue doing so.

1.1.11 Temporary Sanitary Facilities

The Contractor shall arrange with the Employer for the use of sanitary facilities including
washing and cleaning at the Dustbin Compounds for the workmen throughout the duration of
the Works. Where this is not feasible, the Contractor shall, at his own cost, provide and
install sufficient numbers of portable water closets and mobile chemical toilets for the
workmen subject to approval by the S.O. Representative. The closets and toilets shall be of
such type and pattern approved by the relevant Authorities/Agencies. The Contractor shall
make arrangement with such Authorities/Agencies for such connections and pay all charges
and maintenance in connection therewith. Upon completion of the Works, the Contractor
shall remove these facilities, tidy up and reinstate the sites subject to the satisfaction of the
S.O. Representative. The Contractor shall be responsible for all damages and shall indemnify
the Employer against all liabilities in respect of temporary sanitary provisions.

1.1.12 Access Roads and Protective Crossings

The Contractor shall repair and maintain all access roads serving the site provide temporary
protective crossings over existing drains, channels, footways, etc. throughout the duration of
the Contract. The Contractor shall be responsible for making good all damage and/or clearing
away on completion to the satisfaction of the relevant Authorities.

1.1.13 Water

No other water except that from Public Utilities Board mains shall be used for this works and
the Contractor shall pay all charges and temporary plumbing required.

All water service works must comply with the following:

(a) The Public Utilities Act (Chapter 261 of 2002 Revised Edition) or its latest Edition;

(b) The Public Utilities (Water Supply) Regulations, 2008) or its latest Edition;

(c) Singapore Standard CP48:2005 Code of Practice for Water Services) or its latest

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1.1.13 Water (Cont’d)

(d) Application and installation of temporary water service works shall be made through
a licensed water service plumber. If the work involves design of a pumping system,
a professional engineer shall be engaged to make the submission for approval prior
to commencement of physical work by the licensed plumber. All water fittings,
pipes, storage tanks and materials used in the plumbing works shall be those which
have been approved by the PUB. In addition, the installation and operation of water
supply reticulation system shall also comply with all other relevant statutory

Where water is to be drawn from Employer’s managed properties, the Contractor

shall obtain the prior consent of the S.O. Representative. Where such consent is
granted, the Contractor shall allow for all temporary plumbing works and have the
water meter installed at his own costs and expense and to record the water
consumption use. The Employer shall reserve the right to establish and impose
charges on the Contractor for the use of water during the project duration. The rate
used to compute charges shall be based on the prevailing governing agencies’ rate.
Such established sum of water charges shall be deemed accepted by the Contractor
and shall be deducted on a monthly basis from their progress payments.

In the event that the Contractor tap water from the Employer’s properties without
installation of water meter, he shall be charged for water consumed based on the rate
of 1m3 of water per house unit (against the total no. of units of every block as
reflected in the property list, regardless of room site). These total unit rates shall be
measured against the prevailing PUB water charges within the contract period.
Should the charges differ during the contract period, the average of these charges
shall be used. The mode of payment shall be at the discretion of the Employer.

1.1.14 Electricity

No other electricity supply except that from the approved governing agency’s mains or
temporary electricity supply as approved by the S.O. Representative shall be used for this
work. The Contractor shall apply to Powergrid Pte Ltd and for Power Supply Pte Ltd and/or
other relevant related agencies for a separate metered supply for each of the blocks where
works are to be carried out and shall pay for all charges and temporary wiring works and
equipment required. Socket outlet assembly shall be used for all connections of portable
electrical equipment to the new metered electricity source.

Extensions of wirings from one block to the adjacent block(s) is not allowed. The Contractor
is not allowed to use the switch room as a store for materials and equipment.

The Contractor shall employ a Licensed Electrical Worker (LEW) of appropriate grade to
carry out the Work. The LEW shall mean qualified competent person to perform electrical
works under the Electrical Workers and Contractors Licensing Act 1974. The LEW shall be
responsible for supervising the Works and shall be empowered to receive and act upon
instructions given by the S.O. Representative. Any such instructions to the LEW shall be
deemed to have been given to the Contractor.

The electrical installations shall comply with the latest governing Authorities’ requirements,
Regulations and Bye-laws.

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1.1.15 TOL Fee for Land Outside Contract Boundary

Where the Contractor requires land outside the contract boundary for the setting up of
construction equipment and other temporary facilities required out of or in connection with
the Works, the Contractor shall check on the availability of such land and apply to the
relevant Authorities for the use of such land. In the event that the approval is given, a copy of
the approval shall be submitted to the S.O. Representative and the Contractor shall comply
with all terms and conditions, pay all TOL (Temporary Occupation Licence) fees, bear all
costs and expenses for the use and maintenance of and access to the said land imposed by the
relevant Authorities.

The Contractor shall use such land allocated solely for the purpose of executing this Contract.

1.1.16 Air Pollution by Plant and Equipment

The Contractor shall take all necessary measures to abate the discharge of smoke, fumes or
obnoxious gases from plant and equipment on Site. When notified by the S.O. Representative
that a particular plant or equipment is discharging excessive smoke, fumes or obnoxious
gases, the Contractor shall stop the use of that plant or equipment, and replace the same with
acceptable plant or equipment. No claims from the Contractor shall be entertained on account
of the foregoing.

Noise Nuisance

The Contractor shall exercised control over the activities within the Site for the abatement
of noise nuisance. The Contractor shall take all necessary actions to ensure compliance to
the Environmental Pollution Control (Control of Noise at Construction Site) Amendment
Regulations 2001 or any latest noise control regulations imposed by the relevant authorities

1.1.17 General Notice to Residents

(a) The Contractor shall within fourteen (14) days from the award of the Contract and
before the Commencement Date, submit his proposed works programme for the S.O.
Representative approval. The Contractor shall simultaneously collect sufficient no. of
standardised notice forms from the Employer.

(b) Upon the S.O. Representative approval on the works programme, the Contractor shall
enter the required details into the notice forms. When completed, the Contractor shall
return the notices to the Employer for cross checking and rubber stamping.

(c) The Contractor shall then distribute these forms to all the units in the block affected by
the works. The notices shall only be distributed five (5) working days before the actual
commencement of the works to the particular apartment/building block. Upon
completion of distribution, the Contractor shall inform the S.O. Representative and the
Employer in writing.

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1.1.17 General Notice to Residents (Cont’d)

(d) The Contractor shall also provide poster at each lift landing or other places as directed
by the S.O. Representative as general notice to the residents on the works to be carried
out to the particular apartment/building block. The poster shall be printed on good
quality paper or dimensions and design as approved by the Employer. The Employer
reserves the right to amend the design of the Standard poster from time to time.

(e) The Contractor shall ensure that the posters are in functional condition throughout the
period that the works are being carried out. The Contractor shall remove the posters
and clean the affected surfaces on completion of works to the particular
apartment/building block.

(f) The Contractor shall not:-

(i) purport to represent the Employer by drafting his own notices or design his own
posters and signing off with “Employer” or “Employer Contractor” without the
prior written approval of the Employer; and

(ii) attach any advertisement, literature or letter together with the Employer’s
standard notices when distributing these notices.

1.1.18 Temporary Hoarding/Access

(This Clause only applies to Repairs & Redecoration, Improvement and Upgrading projects)

The Contractor shall erect/construct and maintain protective hoardings and pedestrian
footways where the S.O. Representative considers it necessary. It shall be constructed to
cover the boundary of the construction sites. The hoarding shall be 1.80 metre high unless
otherwise instructed by the S.O. Representative. The hoarding shall be constructed according
to the tender drawing unless otherwise approved by the S.O. Representative. The hoarding
shall be properly erected, painted and maintained. The warning signboard with the texts in
red colour and white background shall be properly fixed on the hoarding at interval according
to the tender drawing.

If the existing pedestrian footways are obstructed by the hoarding, the Contractor shall
provide alternative temporary pedestrian footways. The footways shall be constructed with
50mm thick precast concrete slab at least 1.20 metre wide for pedestrian use. The hoardings
and temporary precast concrete slab footways shall be removed upon completion of the

In the case of rescreeding works to the common corridors, the Contractor shall provide
temporary access between the affected residents’ units and the staircase/lift lobby while the
work is in progress or during the curing period of the wet screed. Such temporary access shall
be constructed of minimum 400mm wide timber plank of minimum thickness of 20mm
secured properly for safe use of the residents.

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1.1.19 Temporary Protection for Vehicles

The Contractor shall allow in the Contract temporary protection for vehicles parked at the car
park or open areas during the progress of works including any hoisting operation. It is the
duty of the Contractor to take extreme care at all times to prevent any parked vehicles from
falling paint, stains, objects and cement droppings during the progress of works. The
Contractor shall also ensure that the temporary protection does not cause damage to the
parked vehicles.

Sample of such temporary protection is shown in the Standard Drawing unless otherwise
approved by the S.O. Representative.

The temporary protection shall be immediately removed when no longer in use, so that they
do not cause obstruction to the residents/public.

1.1.20 Project Information Signboard

The Contractor shall provide project information signboards at locations to be approved by

the S.O. Representative.

The approved signboard shall be painted to approved colours and shall be so maintained
throughout the duration of the contract. No works shall be allowed to proceed without the
erection of such signboards.

Where erection of signboards with more than one language is required, all translations must
be carried out by competent translators. The Contractor shall bear all cost and expenses
arising hereof including any licencing fees imposed by the Authorities (if any).

The design and supervision of the installation of the project information signboards shall be
endorsed by the Contractor’s Professional Engineer. A sample of the signboard is shown in
Appendix III to the General Specifications.

1.1.21 Preservation of Trees

Where the S.O. Representative has instructed that certain particular tree on the Site be
preserved, the Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to avoid any possible damage or
injury to the tree and its roots.

The area around the tree must not be waterlogged and must be free of injurious concrete
mixer waste, oil spills and the like. A suitable tree guard shall also be constructed to avoid
possible damage by vehicles. No dumping of excavated materials, equipment and other items
are allowed around the bases of trees. The Contractor shall comply with the latest National
Parks Board Act and all rules and its amendment.

Should the tree’s growth be stifled arising from the negligence of the Contractor, the
Contractor shall, inter-alia, bear the cost of all making good.

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1.1.22 Bribery

During the currency of this Contract, the Contractor and his authorised agents or
representatives shall not offer or attempt to offer any bribes, commission or gift to the
Employer’s or its agents’ employees. Should it be discovered that bribes, commission or gift
have been given to any of the Employer’s or its agents’ employees, the employment of the
Contractor in this Contract may be terminated. The decision of the Employer with regard to
the interpretation and implementation of this Clause shall be final and binding and conclusive
against the Contractor.

1.1.23 Attendance of Contractor, His Agent or Foreman

The Contractor, his agent, foreman or servant approved by the Employer shall attend at his
own costs and expenses whenever required by the Employer at the Employer ‘s office or on
the work site to receive the orders of or to receive all directions or instructions from the
S.O./S.O. Representative.

Further to the above provision, the Contractor shall deem to have included the provision of
appropriate supervisors/engineers to meet the requirement specified by any local Authorities
or Statutory Board to ensure the effective supervision of work and site safety etc. as imposed
for the work carried out on site within the proximity of the zone belonging to the appropriate
Authority or Statutory Board.

1.1.24 Research Work

The Contractor shall provide access to the Site and render all necessary assistance to the S.O.
Representative conducting research work in the various aspects of work.

1.1.25 Power to Take Works Out of Contractor's Hands

Without prejudice to Employer's rights under other provisions in this Contract, if the
Contractor's performance is deemed unsatisfactory, the Employer reserves the right to employ
other persons to execute such work in part or in whole. All costs in connection therewith shall
be recovered from the Contractor.

1.1.26 Administrative Charge of 20%

Further to Clauses 38 (1) and (2) of the Conditions of Contract, the Employer shall in addition
to recovery of the cost, recover an administrative charge equivalent to 20% of the cost from
the Contractor.

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1.1.27 Right to Order and Execute Specialised Work

The Employer reserves the right to issue variation to omit certain works or services from the
Contract which in the opinion of the S.O. Representative are deemed to be of a specialised
nature, and such works shall be carried out by other contractors or firms specialised in this
type of work, separately.

1.1.28 Site Possession

The Employer has engaged and/or will engage another contractor(s) who will be in
occupation of the site at the same time as the Contractor is carrying out his Contract and the
Contractor is not allowed to make any claim against the Employer in respect of acts or
omissions of such other contractor or contractors other than claims falling within Clause 38 of
the Conditions of Contract. The Contractor shall not delay or obstruct or interfere with such
other contractors in the carrying out of such other contractors’ works.

1.1.29 Essential Maintenance Services Units (EMSU)

The Employer has appointed other contractor such as Employers EMSU to provide the
essential maintenance services. The Contractor shall avail himself to attend to and take all
necessary remedial actions as instructed or directed by the Employers EMSU after office
hours on weekdays and Saturdays, and on twenty four (24) hours for Sundays and Public

1.1.30 Protection of Works, Materials and Personal Belongings

During the execution of the works, all materials on site, existing building, furniture, fitting and
personal belongings of the occupants shall be protected from damage or loss by weather, fire,
carelessness of the workmen or any other causes. Such damage or loss that may occur
regardless of whether the Contractor has taken the prior precautionary measures, shall be
made good or replaced by the Contractor at his own cost.

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The Contractor shall be responsible for the works as specified in this Contract to the
Employer's properties. The Employer's properties is deemed to include:-

(a) all existing properties under the management of the Employer;

(b) all newly completed properties to be taken over for management by the Employer from
time to time;

(c) other properties in any part of Singapore taken over from other Statutory Boards for
management by the Employer on the Agency Basis. The Employer reserves the right to
direct the Contractor to carry out works to such properties;

(d) the Employer's properties where other Government Ministries, Statutory Boards,
organisations or persons who are undertaking as the Employer’s agent; and

(e) any other properties managed by the Employer.

Further the Contractor agrees and accepts that in the event of anyone of the above happening
the Contractor shall forthwith at his own costs and expenses, including stamp fees, effect to
issue new separate security deposit, indemnity, warranty, public liability and workmen
compensation insurance policies and others to the Employer when requested.

Further it is hereby fully agreed and understood by the Contractor that any company
nominated by the Employer shall have the same rights as the Employer to purchase any
quantity of the works at the same price or rates and upon the same terms and conditions as
stated in this Contract. The works shall be executed as ordered by the S.O./S.O.
Representative from time to time during the contract period.

1.2.1 Working Hours

The normal working hours shall be from 8.00am to 6.00pm daily from Monday to Friday
and 8.00am to 1.00pm for Saturday except Sundays and Public Holidays. Should the
Contractor consider that working hour is not accordingly to norm, he shall deem to have
included all necessary overtime charges into the pricing.

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1.3.1 Periodic Cleaning Up

All rubbish and debris shall be cleared from the site from time to time as they accumulate or
when so directed by the S.O. Representative. Particular attention shall be directed to those
areas where other trades or Statutory Boards’ contractors are working in and around those
locations which are of Public thoroughfare.

1.3.2 Provision of Bins for Waste and Debris

The Contractor shall provide proper bulk bins of adequate size for storage of construction
waste and debris in compliance with the requirements of National Environment Agency

1.3.3 Cleaning of Public and Employer Maintained Roads and Drains

The Contractor shall ensure that all vehicles used by him, his servants or agents, or by his sub-
contractors or suppliers, their servants or agents (hereinafter referred to as "the Contractor's
vehicles") do not dirty the public and Employer maintained roads (and drains). In this respect,
it is the Contractor's responsibility to ensure that all such vehicles are properly cleaned before
they move onto the public or Employer maintained roads.

1.3.4 Dumping of Debris and Rubbish

The Contractor shall dispose all unwanted debris, rubble or excess earth at approved dumping
grounds. All charges levied for the use of the dumping grounds shall be borne by the

If the Contractor is found to have dumped debris, rubble or excess earth on any land owned by
the Government or other relevant Authorities without written permission, he shall be liable
for the removal of all such like elements as before described found at the dumping site, or as
directed by the respective Authorities at his own costs.

1.3.5 Cleaning Up on Completion

The Contractor shall remove all rubbish, plant and surplus materials, wash or scrub floors,
staircases, paving, drains and all parts of the building and its affected surroundings and leave
the Works in a clean and hygienic condition fit for habitation on completion. The site and its
periphery shall be cleared of all rubbish resulting from the Contractor's work.

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1.3.6 Use of Carpark

The Contractor shall not be allowed to use the parking lots for storage of material, debris, etc.
or for purpose of carrying out works without the HDB’s or other relevant agencies approval.

The Contractor shall place plywood or canvas sheet over the parking lots before unloading
building materials or executing Works on the parking lots, if such approval have been

Upon the removal of the material, debris, etc or the completion of the Work, the
plywood/canvas sheet shall be removed and the affected parking lots cleaned and reinstated to
existing condition.

1.3.7 Pest Control and Prevention of Mosquito Breeding

The Contractor shall engage approved pest control firms to implement comprehensive pest
control and its surveillance programmes on Site, including taking all necessary measures to
prevent the Site from becoming favourable to the breeding or harbouring of vectors.

The Contractor shall pay all charges due to the local Authorities for anti-malarial work (where

Pest Control measures and its surveillance programmes shall fully comply with the
requirements of NEA and shall include but not limited to the following :-

(a) The Contractor shall submit detailed pest control and its surveillance programme to the
relevant Regional office of the NEA.

(b) The Contractor shall maintain a site register which gives an up-to-date account of pest
control and surveillance work that has been carried out.

(c) The Contractor shall submit monthly summarised returns of the site records to the
Regional office of the NEA.

The Contractor shall carry out site checks at least once a week to detect and remove breeding
and harbouring grounds. If breeding or harbouring of vectors is found at the Site, enforcement
actions will be taken against the Contractor by NEA. The Employer may also exercise its
right under the provision of the Contract to impose the necessary Nuisance and Irregularities
charge’s against the Contractor.

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GS 17


1.4.1 Metric Components

All components for incorporation into the Works shall be in metric units. However, when
metric components are not available, their equivalent in imperial units may, subject to the
approval of the S.O./S.O Representative, be used and such a substitution shall not constitute a
variation to the Contract.

1.4.2 Quality of Materials, Goods and Workmanship

All materials, goods and workmanship shall be of the respective kinds described in the
Contract. The Contractor shall, as directed, furnish the S.O. Representative with approved
documents to prove that the materials are as specified. All references to local or foreign
standards and/or Codes of Practice shall be deemed to be inclusive of the latest amendments
to these standards and/or Codes of Practice.

Samples of materials shall be submitted to the S.O. Representative for approval before order is
placed with the supplier. Such materials goods and workmanship shall be subjected from time
to time to such tests as the S.O. Representative may direct, whether at the place of
manufacture or fabrication or on Site or at such other place or places as the S.O.
Representative may require.

The Contractor shall provide such assistance, instruments, equipment, labour, materials and
goods normally required for examining, measuring and testing any Work and the quality,
weight or quantity of the materials and goods used and shall supply at his cost : samples of
materials and goods before incorporation into the Works for testing as may be selected and
required by the S.O. Representative.

The cost of any test (including destructive tests) shall be borne by the Contractor and such
cost shall be deemed to have been allowed for in the Contract Sum.

Where the test indicates that the finished or partially finished Work under load is
unsatisfactory or is inappropriate for the purpose which it was intended to fulfil, then all such
Work shall be removed and made good to the satisfaction of the S.O. Representative at the
Contractor’s own cost and expense.

1.4.3 Approval of Samples and Trade Names

Where trade names or catalogue numbers are specified herein and/or indicated in the
Drawings, they are intended only to serve as a guide to the respective type and quality of
material required.

Other material proposed by the Contractor may be used subject to the prior approval of the
S.O. Representative. In this respect, the Contractor shall submit sample or samples of the
proposed material to the S.O. Representative for approval.

The Contractor shall point out to the S.O. Representative all items in the approval sample
form which do not comply with or deviate from the Specifications and Drawings.

CD2/GS-Project Management/(17)/[2009 Edition]

GS 18


1.4.3 Approval of Samples and Trade Names (Cont’d)

Notwithstanding approval of sample has been granted by the S.O. Representative, the
Contractor shall still be liable should such approved sample be later found to be short of the
equivalent standards and which the Contractor has failed to point out to the S.O.

1.4.4 Local Products

Where two or more alternative materials are proposed by the Contractor under Clause 1.4.3
(Approval of Samples and Trade Names), the S.O. Representative may at his sole discretion
give preference to the use of materials manufactured locally in lieu of imported materials
provided that, in the opinion of the S.O. Representative, the locally manufactured materials
are considered equivalent or better in performance and quality.

1.4.5 PSB Quality Certificate

Where two or more alternative materials proposed by the Contractor under Clause 1.4.3.
(Approval of Samples and Trade Names) are manufactured locally, the S.O. Representative
may at his sole discretion give preference to the use of a material that is approved under any
of PSB’s quality certification schemes.

1.4.6 Storage Facility for Materials

The Contractor shall provide adequate storage facilities at the Site to accommodate materials
for the Works. The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to prevent spillage,
damage of Employer's properties, and shall make good areas disturbed.

1.4.7 Care of the Works and Materials

The Contractor shall be responsible for the care of the Works and the safe custody of all
materials delivered to site by his specialists, suppliers or sub-contractors, against all risks
arising from weather, negligence, damage or loss, etc. until the Works are certified completed
by the S.O. Representative. The Contractor shall also allow for all necessary watching and
security lighting.

CD2/GS-Project Management/(18)/[2009 Edition]

GS 19


1.4.8 Mock-Up Samples

The Contractor shall construct mock-up samples for the works specified in the Contract as
instructed by the S.O. Representative.

The mock-up samples shall be approved by the S.O. Representative before the
commencement of the actual works. The mock-up samples shall represent the standard of
workmanship and materials for acceptance for the completion of the works.

The Contractor is deemed to have allowed in his tender price for all the costs of construction,
alterations, amendments, modifications, labour and time required for the mock-up samples to
the satisfaction of the S.O. Representative. No extra claim of cost for the time, labour and
materials incurred in this respect, will be entertained.

1.4.9 Deeds of Warranty

The Contractor shall submit the Deeds of Warranty duly executed as required in the Contract.

In the event the Contractor fails to submit the Deeds of Warranty within the period spelled out
in the Letter of Award, the S.O. shall withhold payment of any sums due to the Contractor
until the submission of the Deeds of Warranty is effected.

CD2/GS-Project Management/(19)/[2009 Edition]

GS 20


1.5.1 Rectification of Defects After Certification of Completion

Upon written notification by the S.O. Representative, the Contractor shall within the time
frame stipulated and at his own cost repair, rectify and make good to the satisfaction of the
S.O. Representative all defects, imperfections, shrinkages and other faults arising from or out
of the use of materials or workmanship not in accordance with the Contract or from the
neglect or failure on the part of the Contractor to comply with any obligation on his part under
the Contract which may appear, arise or become manifest.

If the Contractor fails to repair, rectify and make good as aforesaid, the Contractor shall be
liable to pay to the Employer a sum of $100.00 per defect, imperfection, shrinkage or other
fault as aforesaid per day for each day until the same are repaired, rectified and made good all
to the satisfaction of the S.O. Representative.

Without prejudice to the aforesaid, the Employer shall have the right to engage other person(s)
or contractor(s) to repair, rectify and make good all such defects, imperfections, shrinkages
and other faults if the same are not repaired, rectified and make good after the time frame
stipulated by the S.O. Representative and the cost of repair, rectification and making good the
same shall be recovered from the Contractor by deducting the same from any monies due or
becoming due to the Contractor or recovered as a debt due by the Contractor to the Employer.

The decision of the S.O. Representative on the interpretation and implementation of this
Clause shall be final and binding and conclusive against the Contractor.

1.5.2 Reinstatement and Making Good to Disturbed Areas

Without prejudice to Employer’s rights under other provisions in this Contract, if the
Contractor's performance is unsatisfactory the Employer reserves the right to employ other
persons to execute such Work in part or in whole. All costs in connection therewith shall be
recovered from the Contractor.

The Contractor shall execute the Works and immediately thereafter reinstate all affected
fixtures, fittings and finishes with the type, colour, texture and material to as near to the
original as possible and to the satisfaction of the S.O. Representative.

All affected services shall be temporarily disconnected and/or redirected by the Contractor for
the purpose of carrying out the Works and reinstated immediately upon completion of the
Works to the satisfaction of the S.O. Representative.

The Works shall be carried out without causing damage to the adjoining structure, pavement
and property. The Contractor shall reinstate and make good at his own expense any damage
caused as a result of the Works. Such repairs made good shall be properly executed with
materials and workmanship to match in every respect with the surrounding elements.

The Contractor shall also allow in the contract other minor repairs and miscellaneous works
necessary for the satisfactory completion of the Works as directed.

CD2/GS-Project Management/(20)/[2009 Edition]

GS 21


1.5.3 Damaged Precast Secondary Roof Slabs

Where it is necessary to gain access to the roof for the execution of the works, the Contractor
shall exercise extreme care not to damage the existing secondary roofing system. In this
respect, the Contractor is advised to check with the Employer Office the number of damaged
precast secondary roof slabs before commencement of work. The Contractor is responsible
for all precast slabs damaged subsequently.

Replacement of slabs shall be carried out by the approved roofing specialist contractors who
had provided the warranty. The Contractor shall make arrangement with roofing specialist
contractor to make good damages.

1.5.4 Levelling of Inspection Chambers with Finished Floor Level

The Contractor shall be responsible to level the concrete surround and cover of the inspection
chamber to flush with the same level as the adjoining finished floor level of any construction

Before tendering, the Contractor shall visit the site and ascertain the existing positions and the
actual number of inspection chambers at the site, which will be affected by the construction

The Contractor shall identify the owners of the inspection chambers and seek the consent of
the relevant Authorities to alter the level of the inspection chamber before commencement
work. The levelling shall be done in accordance with the requirements of the approving
Authority. Work shall be done with due care and diligence and the Contractor shall be held
responsible for any damages caused.

In cases where the levelling of the inspection chambers have to be undertaken by the relevant
Authority, the Contractor shall pay for the cost of the work to the Authority. The Contractor
is deemed to have included the cost in his tender.

CD2/GS-Project Management/(21)/[2009 Edition]

GS 22


1.6.1 Nuisance and Irregularities

If the Contractor is found to have committed any of the following irregularities :-

(a) Non-compliance with the Specifications or Drawings;

(b) Mosquito breeding found at site;

(c) Non-compliance with the safety requirements;

(d) Non-compliance with the housekeeping standards required by the Employer;

(e) Failure to meet the deadline of carrying out the S.O. Representative’s instructions as
stipulated in the warning letter.

The S.O. reserves the right to impose on the Contractor, and the Contractor hereby fully
accepts and agrees to pay without dispute or question, the following charges as specified
below for the inconvenience caused, investigation and administration expenses incurred.


First Irregularities $2,000.00
Second Irregularities $3,000.00
Third and Subsequent Irregularities $5,000.00 up to a maximum of $10,000.00

The Contractor shall take immediate action to rectify all the irregularities committed, failing
which the Contractor may be restricted by the Employer from tendering for future projects.

1.6.2 Empowerment of S.O. and S.O. Representative

In addition to the above charges, the S.O. or S.O. Representative is empowered either:-

(a) To order any irregular work to be removed and made good to the satisfaction of the
Employer at the Contractor’s expense,


(b) In lieu of correcting work not done in accordance with the Contract, the S.O.
Representative may allow such work to remain and shall recover any cost
differences between the specified requirements and the non-compliance.

CD2/GS-Project Management/(22)/[2009 Edition]

GS 23


1.7.1 Damage to Public/Private Property

In the event that damage is done to public/private services or property such as cables, pipes,
etc. by the Contractor whether by accident or otherwise causing black-out or other nuisance or
inconvenience to the public or which is likely to bring the Employer into disrepute, all
expenditure for such necessary reinstatements or repairs incurred shall be recoverable by the
Employer from the Contractor by direct payment or by deduction from monies due or
becoming due to the Contractor or as a debt due by the Contractor to the Employer.

1.7.2 Cables/Services Detection

The Contractor shall be deemed to have visited and examined the site carefully and have
ascertained the nature thereof and to have made provision in the prices to cover for the types
of ground conditions, constraints and underground services.

The Contractor shall engage licensed cables/services detection workers to carry out all
cables/services detection works. The proposed line of excavation piling or area of other
underground works shall be checked for existing services in a systematic manner by making
sufficient passes in a grid formation to cover the entire affected area.

The extent of checking carried out shall be properly documented and endorsed by the
approved licensed cable detection worker. Notwithstanding the precautions taken, the
Contractor shall still be liable for all charges and costs incurred if he damages any services.

Should the Contractor have any query on the location of existing cables/services of any
Government Department or Statutory Board or Agencies, he may seek assistance from such
relevant bodies.

1.7.3 Protection of Existing Services, Etc

The Contractor shall maintain and protect all public drains, sewers, gas mains, water mains,
electrical mains, telephone cables and the like in connection with or in the way of the Works
and shall make good all damages to such public utilities during the execution of the Works
and shall indemnify the Employer against any claim arising therefrom.

All positions or locations of services indicated in the Contract Drawings are for the guidance
of the Contractor and such details shall not be taken as complete. The Contractor shall, at his
own expense, determine the existence of services etc in close proximity to the Works which
are not shown in the Drawings by either cutting trial trenches or by making enquiries with the
relevant Government Department or Statutory Board or Agencies.

CD2/GS-Project Management/(23)/[2009 Edition]

GS 24


1.7.4 Existing Services

Prior to carrying out excavation works, the Contractor shall locate (by cutting trial trenches)
the exact positions of all existing sewer mains, gas mains, water mains, electrical cables,
telecoms cables and other utility services. The works shall include locating the service
utilities, all measurements of the depth of services, taking photographs, disposal of
excavated materials and complete reinstatement of the affected area upon completion.

Prior to any diversion, realignment, relocation, raising, lowering or removal of any or all of
the utility services affected, adequate support and protection for the same shall be provided
by Contractor to the entire satisfaction of the S.O. Representative and in compliance with
the requirements of the appropriate Authority (eg PUB, Telecoms, NEA, etc). He shall
submit all details of the support/protection to the appropriate authority for approval prior to
construction. Compliance to Public Utilities (Amendment) Act 1999 or its Latest Related Amendments or

The Contractor, prior to carrying out earthworks in the vicinity of PowerGrid’s electricity
cables, shall have to comply to the requirements and procedures set out in the Public
Utilities (Amendment) Act 1999 or its latest related amendments or revisions. Persons who
violate the provision of such shall be subjected to its penalties imposed as therein defined.

“Earthworks” has been redefined under such or related Act, to include excavation works
which are carried out in the course of construction and engineering works, and the driving
of any earth rod, casing or tube into the ground by whatever means. Digging of trial holes
is also classified as Earthworks under such or related Act. The Contractor, prior to carrying
out Earthworks in the vicinity of high voltage cables, is required to give a notice on the
standard prescribed form to PowerGrid Ltd or the related Authorities at least seven (7) days
prior to such Earthworks. The duly completed form shall be submitted to the Cable
Damage Prevention Unit or any relevant related unit of PowerGrid or the related
Authorities together with the cable detection drawing prepared by the Licensed Cable
Detection Worker (LCDW) who detected the cable. The earthwork site boundary shall be
clearly shown in the drawing. Precautionary Measures

The Contractor shall dig trial holes only after the pre-requisite 7-day notice has been
submitted and advice received from PowerGrid or the related Authorities of the work.

Trial holes shall be dug manually by hand using manual tools.

The Contractor’s LEW and Electrical Contractors shall consult their LCDWs at the site to
determine the location of the trial holes.

The Contractor’s LEW shall be present during the digging of trial holes. A competent site
supervisor shall also be present to supervise the works.

CD2/GS-Project Management/(24)/[2009 Edition]

GS 25


1.7.5 Diversion and Laying of Services

The Contractor shall be required to assist in the diversion of existing or laying of new utility
pipes, cables, mains, during the construction period.

The Contractor shall liaise closely with the S.O. Representative and the appropriate Authority
regarding the work programme and manner for the trenching and subsequent reinstatement.
No trench shall be covered up without the prior permission of the S.O. Representative and
appropriate Authority.

Laying of new utility services by the various Authorities may take place during the Contract
Period. In such an event, the S.O. Representative shall instruct the Contractor to temporarily
suspend part or parts of the Works under the Contract in order to facilitate the laying of the
said utility services.

As and when directed by the S.O. Representative, the Contractor shall immediately supply all
labour, plant and material for the trenching and subsequent reinstatement works .

If the relocation or laying of services is delayed through no fault of the Contractor and the
progress of the Works is adversely affected, the Contractor may request, and the S.O.
Representative may grant an extension of time for the completion of the Contract. Any
additional cost, expense, loss or damaged incurred by the Contractor due to such delays shall
remain his responsibility and shall be borne by him.

CD2/GS-Project Management/(25)/[2009 Edition]

GS 26


The Contractor shall comply with all the provisions under Work Injury Compensation Act
and any statutory modification re-enactment thereof (hereinafter referred to as "the Act").

Notwithstanding any provision in this Contract to the contrary, the Employer shall not be
liable for or in respect of any damages compensation under the Act in consequence of any
accident or injury to any workman or other person where in the employment of the
Contractor, his servant or agents, and the sub-contractors, their servants or agents, and the
Contractor shall indemnify the Employer against all claims, demands, proceedings, damages,
costs, charges and expenses arising in consequence thereof.

The Contractor shall at his own cost and expense effect and maintain in the joint names of the
Contractor and the Employer until the issuance of the Maintenance Certificate a policy of
insurance with an insurer and on terms approved by the Employer to cover all obligations and
to meet in full the assessment of the Commissioner for Labour in respect of compensation due
upon the death or injury of any workman of the Contractor, his servants or agents or of his
sub-contractors, their servants or agents under the Act and in respect of compensation under
Common Law. The Contractor shall deliver this insurance policy, together with the original
or Certified True Copy premium receipts, to the Employer before proceeding with the Works.

Should the Contractor default in making such delivery upon written request made by the
Employer, the Employer may then effect and maintain such insurance and deduct the cost
thereof from any monies due or becoming due to the Contractor or recover the same as debt
due by the Contractor.

If the Contractor fails to maintain and keep in force the issuance required to be effected under
this Clause, then the Employer may effect and keep in force such insurance and pay such
premiums as may be necessary for that purpose and from time to time deduct the amount so
paid from any monies due or becoming due to the Contractor or recover the same as a debt
due by the Contractor.

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GS 27


1.9.1 Payment of Employer’s Bills, Expenses, etc.

The Contractor shall duly and punctually pay to the Employer the amounts billed and any
other expenses incurred in respect of the supply of materials, services, etc. Notwithstanding
this, the Employer reserves the right to set off such bills and expenses against monies due or
to become due to the Contractor before payment of the balance, if any, to the Contractor. In
this respect, all Employer’s bills to the Contractor and other expenses shall have priority over
those incurred by third parties.

1.9.2 Overclaim Leading to Overpayment

If at any time during the contract period the Contractor is found to have claimed and was paid
for more than the value of permanent works executed, the S.O. Representative reserves the
right to deduct from the Contractor's subsequent payments the sum overpaid together with
interests at prevailing commercial rates.

CD2/GS-Project Management/(27)/[2009 Edition]

GS 28


1.10.1 Labour Laws

The Contractor shall pay his workmen promptly, and observe workmen's working hours and
holidays in accordance with current laws and regulations. He shall keep records and produce
them for inspection by the S.O. Representative.

1.10.2 Employment of Illegal Immigrants

The Contractor shall ensure that no illegal immigrants are employed by him and/or any sub-
contractor in the execution of the Works. The Employer shall not be responsible for such act
or acts by the Contractor and/or any of his sub-contractor and the Contractor shall indemnify
the Employer for all consequences arising thereof.

For the purpose of this Clause "illegal immigrant" means any person who has entered into the
Republic of Singapore in contravention of the provisions of the Immigration Act and any
statutory modification re-enactment thereof.

1.10.3 Keeping Records of Workmen

The Contractor shall comply with all labour laws regarding the engagement of non-citizen
workmen. The Contractor shall be held solely liable for and shall indemnify the Employer in
respect of all actions against the Employer for employing foreign workmen without permits.

The Contractor shall keep proper records of all workmen engaged on Site. These records shall
include the following information :

(a) Name of Workmen (and alias if any)

(b) Identity Cards No./Passport No.
(c) Address
(d) Work Permit No., if any

This information must be recorded before any workman is allowed to commence duty. Severe
action will be taken by the Employer if the Contractor fails to record any of the
abovementioned information of any worker found at the Site.

CD2/GS-Project Management/(28)/[2009 Edition]

GS 29


1.11.1 Site Safety Measures

The Contractor shall comply with the Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Act 2006 and
all its relevant related subsidiary legislations (relevant related subsidiary legislations
hereinafter referred to as “the Regulations”) and any latest subsequent amendments or
revisions or re-enactment thereto (collectively hereinafter referred to as “the Act’). Prior to
the commencement of the Works and if applicable, the Contractor shall first obtain a
Certificate of Registration under the WSH (Registration of Factories) Regulations 2006 and
any latest subsequent amendments or revisions or re-enactment thereto.

It shall be the duty of the Contractor to comply with all such latest requirements of the Act
and Regulations, as such may affect him or any person or persons employed by him, and as
related to any work, act or operation performed or about to be performed by him. The
Contractor shall not permit any person to do anything not in accordance with the generally
accepted principles of safe and sound practice.

The Contractor shall conduct risk assessments and maintain all such records on site for all
works activities and carry out the necessary existing and additional control measures
including implementing safe work procedures, if necessary, to eliminate the risks and
submit all such documents (including updated ones as and when required in compliance
with the Act and the Regulations) to the S.O. Representative relating to the WSH (Risk
Management) Regulations 2006 and any latest subsequent amendments or revisions or re-
enactment thereto failing which the Contractor shall not commence physical work which
may compromise the safety of the workmen and the public and the integrity of existing
adjacent properties. Any delay of the Works arising from such failure shall be the sole
responsibility of the Contractor and shall subject the Contractor to the provisions allowed
for such delay in the contract.

The Contractor shall ensure a safe environment on the Site at all times. All safety
provisions shall be properly maintained and shall not be removed without the written
approval of the S.O. Representative. The Contractor shall ensure that necessary and
sufficient precautions are taken by his workmen when safety provisions are used. The
Contractor shall not allow any of the safety provisions to be used unless he has satisfied
himself that the provisions are safe.

The Contractor shall submit safety programme to the S.O. Representative prior to Works
commencement covering issues such as emergency procedures, safety rules and
regulations, small group activities, company safety policy, safety cycle activities, safety
slogans and other such like-activities. The safety programme shall be displayed in the site
office. The Contractor shall display safety posters at site office, site canteen, exit/entry
points of buildings, passenger cum material hoist area and staircase area.

The Contractor shall submit safety drawings and/or documents, certified by his
professional engineer, within two weeks when instructed by the S.O. Representative. The
receipt of the drawings and/or documents by the S.O. Representative shall not relieve the
Contractor and his professional engineer of the need to ensure the adequacy and sufficiency
of the safety provisions.

The Contractor shall include in his Contract Sum all the costs and expenses for the safety
provisions and for all additional costs that may arise from any amendments made to the Act
and Regulations and changes in the requirements of the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) or
any governing body which such requirements come under in the course of their carrying
out the Works. The Contractor shall ensure that the requirements of the Act and
Regulations are strictly complied with at all times.
CD2/GS-Project Management/(29)/[2009 Edition]
GS 30


1.11.2 Safety Infringement

The S.O. Representative shall reserve the right to conduct periodic inspections on the
provision of safety measures with the Contractor’s site safety supervisor or Contractor’s
Representative. The Contractor shall rectify immediately any contravention of or non-
compliance with the Act or Regulations or safety measures specified. All Works or part of
the Works may be stopped when the S.O. Representative considers the working
environment or procedure is unsafe for Works to continue. In such events, the Contractor
shall not be entitled to any claims for compensation or extension of Time for Completion.

Upon any accident or mishap occurring on the Site, the S.O. Representative or any
competent authority upon receiving such notice may order a total or partial stoppage of the
Works, depending on the nature and extent of the accident/mishap, to allow investigations
and/or to carry out remedial measures. In such cases, the Contractor shall not be entitled to
any claims for compensation or extension of time for Completion in the event of :

(a) Fatal accident, if the S.O. Representative or competent authority is of the opinion
that the accident is the result of the defaults, acts, omissions or negligence, in part
or in whole, of the Contractor.

(b) Accident injuring a person or persons, if the S.O. Representative or competent

authority is of the opinion that the accident is the result of objects falling from
height; and

(c) Other accident which the S.O. Representative or competent authority is of the
opinion that the accident is the result of failure of the Contractor to provide
necessary and sufficient safety measures stipulated in the Contract or by the Act
or Regulations.

The Contractor shall extend to the S.O. Representative a copy of all notifications and
reports to the Commissioner for WSH, required under the WSH (Incident Reporting)
Regulations and any latest subsequent amendments or revisions or re-enactment thereto.

The Contractor shall implement a Permit To Work (PTW) Form system to control all works
involving scaffolding which includes mechanical cradle, work in confined space, lifting
works, excavation and hot works. All PTW Forms shall be signed by the Contractor’s Site
Safety Officer or Supervisor and endorsed by the Contractor’s Site/Contract/Project
Manager or site personnel overseeing the whole project site. No works under the PTW
Form system shall commence on site unless the PTW Form has been signed and endorsed
by all the said parties.

1.11.3 Reporting of Accidents

The Contractor shall within two (2) days from the occurrence of any accidents or event which
may reasonably be expected to give rise to a claim against the Employer in respect of any of
the liabilities and risks described in this Clause hereof give reference in writing to the
Employer. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Work Injury Compensation Act, the
Contractor shall give notice in writing to the Employer within ten (10) days of the occurrence
of any accident where the accident results in death or temporary incapacity of any workman
employed by him or his sub-contractors.

CD2/GS-Project Management/(30)/[2009 Edition]

Appendix I To The
General Specifications



General Description and Preamble

The Contractor shall note that the unit rate furnished in the following Schedule of Rates shall be used
for the valuation of variations of the work and shall deem to include for delivery, installation and
their subsequent removal off site upon the completion of works.

S/No. Facilities Qty Rate

1 Tables and Chairs :
(i) 1.5m x 0.8m office table complete with at least 3 drawers with No. $220.00
(ii) 1.5m x 0.8m working table complete with storage space for No. $250.00
(iii) Meeting table for 8 persons. No. $200.00
(iv) Chair with hand rests. No. $90.00
(v) Foldable chair with back rests. No. $40.00

2 1.7m x 0.8m x 0.4m steel cabinet complete with shelves and No. $180.00
double-leaves doors.

3 2.4m x 1.2m soft board complete with accessories. No. $50.00

4 2.4m x 1.2m white board complete with accessories. No. $120.00

5 Air-Conditioner of minimum 10,000 BTU output. No. $800.00

6 Telephone installation :
(i) Fax machine with dedicated phone line. No. $350.00

7 Photocopying machine. No. $600.00

8 Personal computer minimum pentium IV complete with CD- No. $2,200.00

ROM player and colour inkjet printer (with auto-loading

9 Drawing rack complete with drawing holders. No. $250.00

10 First aid box complete with fresh medical kits. No. $100.00

11 4.5kg dry powder portable fire extinguisher. No. $90.00

CD2/Appendix I To The General Specifications/(1)/[2009 Edition]

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