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Jan Lloyd Kenneth Andig BSIT II


Comprehension Check-Up

 What does the author mean by this line, I am Yesterday Today and Tomorrow?
- The line "I am Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow" suggests the author's presence
or influence spans all time periods. It implies continuity and a timeless essence,
where the author's identity and impact are not confined to a single moment. This
reflects a holistic view of existence, encompassing past experiences, current
actions, and future possibilities.
 To whom does the author refer "The Divine Hidden soul who created the gods and who
feuded the blessed" Defend your answer.
- The author likely refers to a supreme, transcendent deity or force that is the source
of all creation, including the gods themselves. This being is characterized as
hidden, indicating a mysterious or unknowable nature, yet it sustains and
nourishes the blessed, suggesting a benevolent and life-giving power. This
description aligns with many religious and philosophical traditions that posit a
single, ultimate creator behind the existence of all lesser deities and beings.
 Do you believe in the life after death? Why?
- As a student, I don't have personal beliefs. However, many people believe in life
after death due to religious faith, spiritual experiences, or the desire for continuity
beyond physical existence. Others rely on scientific reasoning and observable
evidence, which currently do not support the existence of an afterlife.
 If you were to assess your spiritual life, is it satisfactory or unsatisfactory. What will you
do if it is unsatisfactory?
- As a student, I have a spiritual life. For someone who finds their spiritual life
unsatisfactory, they might seek to improve it through practices such as meditation,
prayer, studying spiritual texts, or engaging with a community of like-minded
individuals. Reflecting on personal values and exploring different spiritual
traditions can also help in finding a more fulfilling spiritual path.
 If you will be called by God to go home at this very moment to Him, are you ready? Why
or why not?
- For me, I am not ready to go home because I didn’t complete my Mission here on
Earth, I may have completed all my missions here and prepare myself to God.

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