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CONGREGATION OF HOLY CROSS ‘now Budget 2018-2019 PROVINCE OF NORTH EAST INDIA LUN: HOLY CROSS COLLEGE, AGARTALA Particulars “Approved or 2017-2018 20172018 | Approved for FV 20182019, RECEIPTS: Jubatara [Dept of ft _| December Subatara Dept. of TE [OPENING BALANCE: [eashinhand 3250500 00.00, pono [cash at Rank 3,060,680.58 $00,000.00 | 50,000.00, emo Fund & Coin Devoe nvestmant 1,986,07800| 200.0000) 300,000.00 Sub Tot [FEES AND FES: missin Fee Amst GraivReg&Proe) | 545000000] 37500n00| _ago,e7217| _84s,o0000| 1.a00,000.00 [zteiance Fie 173,724.79) [corps Fund 1.730,90000| 250,000.00] 1.765,00000| _a.810,00000| [wise 8. Cincome ‘spo000| 2,000.00] 136,385.00] 80,0000 51000550, [Transport Fee 5,760,00000 3758.81.06] 3974,100.00 [Monthy Fee 3431120000 | 490000000 —34,551,60239] _41.534,60000| 632500000 Sub Taal ncTeneST REAUSED Interest on Savings Bank Te 300,000.05 | 35,00000| 34854300[ 20000000] as,000.00 Interest on Fined Deposits i Sub Toa [DONATIONS AND CONTRIBUTIONS: [uns for Awards 35050000 385.413000 z [General Donations 100,000.00 [3000000 | 393,220.00 3000000 Sibioas [OTHER RECEIPTS Istore income 575 0000 ‘isa0.se296| ,623,00000 [seminar 250,00000| 200,00000 | 445,060.00| 250,000.00 | 75,000.00 (Gaution Deposit Taasmoo0 | esenoec | —aoizaio.0o[ — 1267,00000, Furs MP & MLA, ibd Wel Dept 5.200,000.00| 520,000.00, [Gurren Usblties& Lean from Bank 79102700 ‘Sub Tol (GRawo TOTAL 3.07720000| Satzpo000| abesa7auaa| —$7.281000.00| —3151,000.00, PAYMENTS (CAPITAL EXPENDITURE: JAS Coaching Conte 200,600.00, pa. 79400 0 wi HCE -Coltego eting Fond ‘aseisa00 | s7Saoo00] 6151.00 12;000000.00 | a [computer & Accesories 7,500,000.00 | 200,600.00 | —1,160,709.00| 400,000.00 |" 200000.00 [electrical stallion 1,000,000:00 | 25,000.00 71000,000.00 | 10,000.00, Furniture 7,500,000.00 | 100,600.00) 30 3as00[ 500,000.00 | 50,000.00 and Development 300,000.00] 50,000.00 | _s680.00[ 250,000.00 [5,000.00 brary 600,000.60 | 300,000.00 | 255,130.00 | 300,000.00 | 200,000.00. [Machinery & Fount 00,000.00 75.00.00 314439.00| _3oo,a0000 | 50,000.00 Stage 350,000.00 i om soir Ener 00,000.00, om Ni vehicle 700,500.00, 51,5080, wi om ‘SaaS [cowrmwaencies [administrate menses ‘goo00.05 | 10,000.00, 7383.00 zose0no| —__10000.60 [Advetisemant 700,000.00 | s6,000.60] 9688100 __150,00n.00| 50,000.00 Aust Fees 30,000.00 30,000.00 ork Chaves wpoana| _spo000| 1822489 zo.o00.00| 15,000.00, [obs & rubato 400,000.00] 7590000 #391000] 400.000.00| 75,000.00, [nary & Donation 120,000 00 “41100 139,000.00 10,000.00 [ueatlon Expenses 250.900000| 70000] —72a47-80| _250,00000| 75,000.09, [lewity 200,000.00 40,2980) 300.0000 fP-Adminisratve nares 20,149.00 60,000.00 20,000.00, [examination Foes ‘aeaan00 | aop0706| 3900000] 200,000.00| 40,000.00 Fee Concession ‘6;000.00| 3200,00000| Wl eight & transport 350,000.00 35,0700, 150,000.00, wi) Function & Festa ‘300,000.00 |" sonos.00 | 569,080.00 | —aoo,co0.00 | —sana0.00 [Garden perwes (Campus development) 450,000.00 | "50,000.00 | 257.546.00| 200,000.00 son.000.00 [a a Pe 20,000.00 | 143,603.00 150,000.00 so,000.00 [Graduation Oy tapenene 100.0000 353,308.00 150,900.00 | na [teres on Bank toan 25,000.00 227,09500|150,90000| ni [shoratary cxpanses 230,000.05 207,050.00 300,000.00} wi Lowa Sxpaneee 1,580.00 | 20,000.00 [nit [Medea Care 00000 3573.0 80,000.00) wi [Membership Fens 17,200.00, 2000000] wi |Newspanes & Revodial 75p0000| —a5o0000| 29.75.00 75,0000] 20,90000 Postage & Currier 11.85.00 15,000.00 5,000.00 Printing & Stationery 700,000.00 | 73,000.0 | —:aas 483.00 | ao0.000.00 | —soo,oon.00 [rotessional Fees 300,980.00 "20,0000 | 28,280.00] 10n.200.00) —ao000.09 Retreshment 200,900.00 |" 30,000.00 | 372.s03.42| 400,000.00 ~~, c00.00 ewstration feet TU 7000.00" 20,000.00 157.470.00| 200.0000] 2,000.00 [seminars ané Workshops 250,000.00 |" 00,000.00] 326,868.00} 250,000.00 | 150,000.00 Sports & Games 350,000.00 |" 75,000.00 66,496.00 | 100,000.00 5,000.00 Sait Watare 60,000.00 318,721.00 100,000.00 | 2,000.00 | fFeteshone eens 350,600.00 20,000.00 301,570.00 | 150,000.00] a0 000.00 [Frovting & Conveyance 409,000.00 |" 75,000.00 | 354,387.00 | 500,000.00 | 36 000.00 ‘Sub Toad [REPAIRS Avo UPKEEP: | Jeating mainenance 2313,14200) s9ee0a00) 0000000 [college Maintenance 739,70600| 500.0000] —100,000000 [Computer waineenance SN | Ja oes [oasakan 8 lave rouemea | rons ectrcal Maintenance 6385500 | ao0,000.00 | 40,000.00 [Generator Running parses 700;000500 300,000.00 hice Upkeep 300,000.00 [30,500.60 785,637.00] 200,000.00 | 305000 Sura [SALARIES AND ALLOWANCES: Sstavies 357211,36800 | 340000000] ~i2.56417500) is ae7e0000| —az00000n0 mer ea | — S| — tos] —— mano | momma saaiimene ‘omar as ae iarererrereee aaron Sia eae acetal aoaponoo same | eae reciar rs sa SEE fon ToS samme] — a eae seomDD ‘easee| fomrtos panna — aa eT [current Liabilities cleared 2,400,000.00_ 3.252,351.00 | ee Nit eegeanen ae if ah Po eae eT = i asin sonic ed | — epee Sao cee fase Ear Seimsne| — sono] — sono aston | a i ieee =n a eto ae Sa PET em aca arenas rs ata asscon| —sentoae| —areserar| —apet ae | — woe Pe ee a oe eT “GRAND TOTAL sarraoowe| ssonanome | agesrsess | sain | OY sigont ie

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