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kea| roperty Cut||ne

l LsLaLes ln Land
a ln Ceneral
b resenL ossessory LsLaLes
l lee Slmple AbsoluLe
ll uefeaslble lees
1 lee Slmple ueLermlnable (And osslblllLy of 8everLer)
a CorrelaLlve luLure lnLeresL ln CranLor osslblllLy of 8everLer
l osslblllLy of 8everLer need noL be Lxpressly 8eLalned
ll 1ransferablllLy of osslblllLy of 8everLer
b CorrelaLlve luLure lnLeresL ln 1hlrd arLy LxecuLory lnLeresL
c Compare lee Slmple ueLermlnable
l ConsLrucLlon of Amblguous Language
2 lee Slmple Sub[ecL Lo an LxecuLory lnLeresL
3 LlmlLaLlons on osslblllLles of 8everLer and 8lghLs of LnLry
lll lee 1all
lv Llfe LsLaLe
1 Llfe LsLaLes by MarlLal 8lghL
2 ConvenLlonal Llfe LsLaLe
a lor Llfe of CranLee
b Llfe LsLaLe ur AuLre vle
l lnherlLablllLy
3 8lghLs and uuLles of a Llfe 1enanL uocLrlne of WasLe
a AfflrmaLlve(volunLary) WasLe naLural 8esources
l Cpen Mlnes uocLrlne
b ermlsslve WasLe
l CbllgaLlon Lo 8epalr
ll CbllgaLlon Lo ay lnLeresL on Lncumbrances
lll CbllgaLlon Lo ay 1axes
lv Speclal AssessmenLs for ubllc lmprovemenLs
1 ApporLlonmenL of CosLs
v no CbllgaLlon Lo lnsure remlses
vl no LlablllLy for 1hlrd arLles 1orLs
c AmelloraLlve WasLe
l Compare Leasehold 1enanL
ll Compare WorLhless roperLy
4 8enunclaLlon of Llfe LsLaLes
3 LsLaLes for ?ears erlodlc LsLaLes LsLaLes aL Wlll 1enancles aL
c luLure lnLeresLs
l 8everslonary lnLeresLs luLure lnLeresLs ln 1ransferor
1 osslblllLles of 8everLer and 8lghLs of LnLry
2 8everslons
3 All 8everslonary lnLeresLs are vesLed"
ll 8emalnders
1 lndefeaslbly vesLed 8emalnder
2 vesLed 8emalnder Sub[ecL Lo Cpen
a ulvesLlng lnLeresLs are LxecuLory lnLeresLs
b LffecL on MarkeLablllLy of 1lLle
3 vesLed 8emalnder Sub[ecL Lo 1oLal ulvesLmenL
4 ConLlngenL 8emalnder
a Sub[ecL Lo CondlLlon recedenL
b unborn or unascerLalned ersons
c uesLrucLablllLy of ConLlngenL 8emalnders
l 8ule Abollshed
ll 8elaLed uocLrlne of Merger
1 Compare lnLeresLs CreaLed SlmulLaneously
3 Shelly's 8ule
a 8ule AgalnsL 8emalnders ln CranLee's Pelrs
6 WorLhler 1lLle
a 8ule AgalnsL 8emalnders ln CranLor's Pelrs
lll LxecuLory lnLeresLs
1 ShlfLlng LxecuLory lnLeresL ulvesLs a 1ransferee
2 Sprlnglng LxecuLory lnLeresL lollows a Cap/ulvesLs a 1ransferor
3 LxecuLory lnLeresL lollows a lee
4 ulfferences 8eLween LxecuLory lnLeresLs and 8emalnders
lv lmporLance of Classlfylng lnLeresLs ln Crder"
v 1ransferablllLy of LxecuLory lnLeresLs and 8emalnders
1 vesLed 8emalnders are 1ransferable uevlsable and uescendlble
2 ConLlngenL 8emalnders and LxecuLory lnLeresLs are 1ransferable lnLer
3 ConLlngenL 8emalnders and LxecuLory lnLeresLs are usually uevlsable
and uescendlble
4 Any 1ransferable luLure lnLeresL ls 8eachable by CredlLors
3 racLlcal AblllLy Lo 1ransfer MarkeLable 1lLle
vl Class ClfLs
1 ueflnlLlonal roblems
a ulsposlLlons Lo Chlldren"
b ulsposlLlons Lo Pelrs"
c ulsposlLlons Lo lssue" or uescendanLs"
d Class Members ln CesLaLlon
2 When Lhe Class Closes 8ule of Convenlence
a CuLrlghL ClfL Class Closes aL 1lme ClfL ls Made
l no Class Member's Allve aL 1esLaLor's ueaLh Class
SLays Cpen
ll osLponed ClfL Class Closes aL 1lme llxed for
lll ulsposlLlons Sub[ecL Lo CondlLlon of 8eachlng Clven Age
lv 8ule of Convenlence ls !usL a 8ule of ConsLrucLlon
vll Survlval
1 Lxpress Words of Survlval
2 lmplled ConLlngency of Survlval ClfLs Lo lssue" uescendanLs" or
d 1rusLs
l rlvaLe 1rusLs ConcepLs and arLles
1 SeLLlor
2 1rusLee
3 8eneflclarles
4 8es
3 AppllcaLlon of Lhe 8ule AgalnsL erpeLulLles
ll CreaLlon of 1rusLs
1 lnLer vlvos Conveyance
2 lnLer vlvos ueclaraLlon
3 1esLamenLary Conveyance
4 ourCver lnLo LxlsLlng 1rusL
lll CharlLable 1rusLs
1 8eneflclarles
2 AppllcaLlon of Lhe 8ules AgalnsL erpeLulLles
3 Cy res uocLrlne
4 LnforcemenL of CharlLable 1rusLs
e 1he 8ule AgalnsL erpeLulLles
l Analysls of Lhe 8ule
1 When Lhe erpeLulLles erlod 8eglns Lo 8un
a Wllls uaLe of 1esLaLor's ueaLh
b 8evocable 1rusLs uaLe 1rusL 8ecomes lrrevocable
c lrrevocable 1rusLs uaLe 1rusL ls CreaLed
d ueeds uaLe ueed ls uellvered WlLh lnLenL Lo ass 1lLle
2 MusL vesL
a WalL and See 8ule
3 lf aL All
4 Llves ln 8elng
a Who Can be used as Measurlng Llves
b 8easonable number of Puman Llves can be used
3 lnLeresLs LxempL lrom 8ule
a ClfL Cver Lo Second CharlLy
b vesLed lnLeresLs
l Compare Class ClfLs are Sub[ecL Lo 8ule
c 8everslonary lnLeresLs
l Compare LxecuLlve lnLeresLs are Sub[ecL Lo 8ule
6 Consequences of vlolaLlng Lhe 8ule lnLeresL ls SLrlcken
a LxcepLlon lnfecLlous lnvalldlLy"
ll 1he 8ule ln CperaLlon Common lLfall Cases
1 LxecuLory lnLeresL lollowlng uefeaslble lee vlolaLes Lhe 8ule
2 Age ConLlngency 8eyond Age 1wenLyCne ln Cpen Class
3 1he lerLlle CcLgenarlan
4 1he unborn Wldow or Wldower
3 1he AdmlnlsLraLlve ConLlngency
6 CpLlons and 8lghLs of llrsL 8efusal
a 8easonable 1lme LlmlL May be lnferred
b CpLlons ConnecLed Lo Leaseholds
lll AppllcaLlon of Lhe 8ule Lo Class ClfLs
1 8ad as Lo Cne 8ad as Lo All" 8ule
2 Class Closlng 8ules May Save ulsposlLlon
3 ClfL Lo Subclass" LxcepLlon
4 er CaplLa ClfL LxcepLlon
lv erpeLulLles 8eform LeglslaLlon
v 1echnlque for Analysls of erpeLulLles roblems
1 ueLermlne WhaL lnLeresLs are CreaLed
2 Apply Lhe 8ule
3 Apply 8eform SLaLuLe
f 1he 8ule AgalnsL 8esLralnLs on AllenaLlon
l 1ypes of 8esLralnLs on AllenaLlon
ll 8esLralnLs on a lee Slmple
1 1oLal 8esLralnLs
2 arLlal 8esLralnLs
a 8easonable 8esLralnLs uocLrlne
b ulscrlmlnaLory 8esLralnLs
l 14
ll lalr Pouslng AcL
lll 8esLralnLs on a Llfe LsLaLe
1 Legal Llfe LsLaLe
2 LqulLable Llfe LsLaLe
lv CLher valld 8esLralnLs on AllenaLlon
1 lorfelLure 8esLralnL on 1ransferablllLy of a luLure lnLeresL
2 8easonable 8esLrlcLlons ln Commerclal 1ransacLlons
3 8lghL of llrsL 8efusal
4 8esLrlcLlons on 1ransferablllLy of Leaseholds
g ConcurrenL LsLaLes
l !olnL 1enancy
1 CreaLlon
a 4 unlLles 8equlred
b Modern Law
c Lxpress Language 8equlred
2 Severance
a lnLer vlvos Conveyance by Cne !olnL 1enanL
l When More 1han 1wo !olnL 1enanLs
ll 1ransacLlon 1haL May noL 8esulL ln Severance
1 !udgmenL Llens
2 MorLgages
3 Leases
a ueaLh of Lessor
b ConLracL Lo Convey by Cne !olnL 1enanL
l Compare LxecuLory ConLracL by All !olnL 1enanLs
1 Common Law vlew !olnL 1enancy ConLlnues
2 CLher CourLs 1enancy ln Common
c 1esLamenLary ulsposlLlon by Cne !olnL 1enanL Pas no LffecL
l Compare SecreL ueeds"
d LffecL of Cne !olnL 1enanL Murderlng AnoLher
ll 1enancy by Lhe LnLlreLy
1 8lghL of Survlvorshlp
2 Severance LlmlLed
3 lndlvldual Spouse CannoL Convey or Lncumber
lll 1enancy ln Common
lv lncldenLs of CoCwnershlp
1 ossesslon
2 8enLs and roflLs
3 LffecL of Cne ConcurrenL Cwner's Lncumberlng 1he roperLy
4 CusLer
3 8emedy of arLlLlon
a 8esLralnL on arLlLlon by Co1enanLs
6 Lxpenses for reservaLlon of roperLy ConLrlbuLlon
a 8epalrs May be Compelled for necessary 8epalrs
b lmprovemenLs no 8equlremenL
c 1axes and MorLgages Can be Compelled
7 uuLy of lalr ueallng Among Co 1enanLs
ll Landlord and 1enanL
a naLure of Lhe Leasehold
l 1enancles for ?ears
1 llxed erlod of 1lme
2 CreaLlon
3 1ermlnaLlon
a 8reach of CovenanLs
l lallure Lo ay 8enL
b Surrender
ll erlodlc 1enancles
1 CreaLlon
a 8y Lxpress AgreemenL
b 8y lmpllcaLlon
c 8y CperaLlon of Law
l 1enanL Polds Cver
ll Lease lnvalld
2 1ermlnaLlon noLlce 8equlred
lll 1enancles aL Wlll
1 CreaLlon
2 1ermlnaLlon
lv 1enancles aL Sufferance
v 1he Pold Cver uocLrlne
1 LvlcLlon
2 CreaLlon of erlodlc 1enancy
a 1erms
b AlLered 1erms
c WhaL uoes noL ConsLlLuLe Poldlng Cver
d uouble 8enL !eopardy
e lorclble LnLry SLaLuLes
b Leases
c 1enanL uuLles and Landlord 8emedles
l 1enanL's uuLy Lo 8epalr (uocLrlne of WasLe)
1 1ypes of WasLe
a volunLary (AfflrmaLlve)
b ermlsslve
c AmelloraLlve
l LlablllLy CosL of 8esLoraLlon
d Modern LxcepLlon value of remlses uecreaslng
2 uesLrucLlon of Lhe remlses WlLhouL laulL
a Ma[orlLy vlew 1enanL Can 1ermlnaLe Lease
3 1enanL's LlablllLy for CovenanL's Lo 8epalr
a 8ebulldlng AfLer SLrucLural uamage or CausallLy uesLrucLlon
b 8epalrlng Crdlnary Wear and 1ear
ll uuLy Lo noL use remlses lor lllegal urposes
1 Cccaslonal unlawful ConducL uoes noL 8reach uuLy
2 Landlord 8emedles 1ermlnaLe Lease 8ecover uamages
lll uuLy Lo ay 8enL
1 When renL Accrues
2 8enL ueposlLs
3 1ermlnaLlon of 8enL LlablllLy Surrender
lv Landlord 8emedles
1 1enanL on remlses 8uL lalls Lo ay 8enL LvlcL or Sue for 8enL
2 1enanL Abandons uo noLhlng or 8epossess
a Landlord uoes noLhlng 1enanL 8emalns Llable
b Landlord 8epossesses 1enanL's LlablllLy uepends on Surrender
l AcLs 1haL ConsLlLuLe AccepLance of Surrender
ll AcLs 1haL uo noL ConsLlLuLe AccepLance of Surrender
d Landlord uuLles and 1enanL 8emedles
l uuLy Lo uellver ossesslon of remlses
1 Landlord uuLy MusL uellver AcLual ossesslon
2 1enanL 8emedy uamages
ll CuleL Ln[oymenL
1 AcLual LvlcLlon
2 arLlal AcLual LvlcLlon
a arLlal LvlcLlon by Landlord LnLlre 8enL CbllgaLlon 8elleved
b arLlal LvlcLlon by 1hlrd erson 8enL ApporLloned
3 ConsLrucLlve LvlcLlon
lll lmplled WarranLy of PablLablllLy
1 SLandard 8easonable SulLable for Puman 8esldence
2 8emedles
lv 8eLallaLory LvlcLlon
v ulscrlmlnaLlon
e AsslgnmenLs and Subleases
l Consequences of AsslgnmenL
1 CovenanLs 1haL 8un WlLh Lhe Land
2 8enL CovenanL runs WlLh Lhe Land
a 8easslgnmenL by Asslgnee rlvlLy of LsLaLe WlLh Landlord
l LffecL of Asslgnee Assumlng 8enL CbllgaLlon
b Crlglnal 1enanL 8emalns Llable
ll Consequences of Sublease
1 LlablllLy of Sublessee for 8enL and CLher CovenanLs
a 1ermlnaLlon for 8reach of CovenanLs
b ulsLress Landlord's Llen
2 AssumpLlon by Sublessee
3 8lghLs of Sublessee
lll CovenanLs AgalnsL AsslgnmenL or Sublease
1 SLrlcLly ConsLrued AgalnsL Landlord
2 Walver of CovenanL
3 ConLlnulng Walver
4 1ransfer ln vlolaLlon of Lease noL vold
3 8easonableness
lv AsslgnmenL by Landlords
1 8lghL Lo Asslgn
2 8lghLs of Asslgnee AgalnsL 1enanLs
3 LlablllLy of Asslgnee Lo 1enanLs
f CondemnaLlon of Leaseholds
l LnLlre Leasehold 1aken by LmlnenL uomaln 8enL LlablllLy LxLlngulshed
ll 1emporary or arLlal 1aklng 1enanL LnLlLled Lo CompensaLlon Cnly
g 1orL LlablllLy of Landlord and 1enanL
l Landlord's LlablllLy
1 Concealed uangerous CondlLlon (LaLenL uefecL)
2 Common Areas
3 ubllc use
4 lurnlshed ShorL 1erm 8esldence
3 negllgenL 8epalrs by Landlord
6 Landlord ConLracLs Lo 8epalr
ll Modern 1rend Ceneral uuLy of 8easonable Care
1 uefecLs Arlslng AfLer 1enanL 1akes ossesslon
2 Legal uuLy Lo 8epalr
3 SecurlLy
lll 1enanL's LlablllLy

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