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1. Fahma : How do you spell your 6. What time is our plane? (7.

Name ? A. It is eight past quarter
Rany : …. B. It is a half past seven
A. /er/-/ai/-/en/-/wai/ C. It is seven past quarter
B. /a:(r)/-/ai/-/en/-/wai/ D. it is twenty five past seven
C. /er/-/ei/-/en/-/wai/
D. /a:(r)/-/ei/-/en/-/wai/ 7. Jam satu siang...
A. 1.00 p.m.
2. 535 (in English) ! B. 1.00 a.m.
A. Five hundred thirty five C. 13.00 a.m.
B. Five hundred thrity six D. 13. P.m
C. Five thousand thirty five
D. Fifty thirty five 8. Raffasya : Today is Thursday.
What day was yesterday ?
3. When do we celebrate Independence Panji : Yesterday was….
Day? a. Tuesday c. Friday
A. On 17nd of August b. Wednesday d. Saturday
B. On 17th of August
C. On 17rd of August 9. The eightmonth of the year is….
D. On 17st of August a. june c. september
b. july d. august

10. On August 17 th we celebrat the….

a. national education day
b. new year
c. kartini’s day
d. independence day

11. Farid : “ what subject we study now?”

4. The first of May is …. Azka : “Natural Science” (in Indonesia)
A. Monday C. Wednesday A. Ilmu pengetahuan Sosial
B. Tuesday D. Friday B. Ilmu pengetahuan Alam
C. Pendidikan Agama Islam
D. Seni Budaya

5. I learn English on ….
A. Monday and Saturday
B. Tuesday and Wednesday
C. Monday and Thursday
D. Thursday and Friday
12. 14. I have ….. balls. They are ……

A. five – round
B. five – circle
C. four – circle
D. four – round

15. This is a lunch box. It is ……

The color of apple is …

a. White
b. Black
c. Red
d. Yellow
A. cubical
B. circle
C. square
D. sphere

Essay !

1. Mention 5 professions in the world ?

2. Kakek & Nenek (in English) !

What color is it ?
a. Purple
b. Black
c. White 3. Kapan & Dimana (in English) !
d. Green

4. Kesatu , Kedua & Ketiga (in English) !

5. Please drawing a “rectangle”

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