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➢ How many ways the psychological perspective explain

motivation? a) Five

b) Six
c) Two

d) Four RIGHT
2. ➢ The researcher should specify the practical schedule for
gathering the data

from the sample selected for the study with the help of appropriate
tools. a) Selection of a sample

b) Development of tools
c) Collection of date RIGHT

d) Identification
3. ➢ Discussion is thought to be a useful teaching technique
for developing_______________.
a) Lower order thinking skills

b) Medium order thinking skills

c) Excellent order thinking skills

d) Higher order thinking skills RIGHT


4. ➢ Modeling is a type of ____________ for teaching as well

as learning.

a) Visual aid RIGHT

b) Audio aid
c) Both a and b

d) None of above
5. ➢ The starting point of a research is to think of a

a) Good idea RIGHT

b) Hypothesis
c) Theory

d) None from above

6. ➢ The teacher facilitate a process of learning in which
students are encouraged to be………….

a) Autonomous

b) Responsible
c) Both a and b RIGHT

d) Irresponsible
7. ➢ The ………….. motivation arises from internal factors
such as a child natural feelings of
curiosity, exigent, confidence and satisfaction when
performing a task. a) Extrinsic

b) Negative
c) Intrinsic RIGHT

d) Positive
8. ➢ Pedagogy scaffold feedback on

a) Oriented assessment

b) Student task engagement RIGHT

c) Self regulation

d) Learning process

Using overarching goal (s) and learning outcomes as a

basis, the next step is to write up a

course …………….

a) Description RIGHT

b) Outline
c) Both a and b

d) Associations
9. ➢ It is argued by………. That people should listen to their
‘inner voices’ or innate capacity to

judge what was good for themselves, rather than relying on

feedback from external sources.

a) Roger’s RIGHT

b) Piaget’s
c) Freud’s


10. ➢ The positive response to the action that one needs to

undertake in order to archive these goals is a form of

a) Positive motivation RIGHT

b) Negative motivation
c) Both a and b

d) Extrinsic motivation
11. ➢ A famous educational psychologist,
 Robert Gagne,
identified___________________ instructional events that
support learning and that can be used in lesson planning.

a) Nine RIGHT

b) Five


c) Three

d) Four
12. ➢ Planning can greatly reduce your

………… quotient.

a) Stress RIGHT

b) Emotional
c) Intelligence

d) All of the above

13. ➢ Normally student centered teaching methods are

a) Lecture method

b) Bookish method
c) Activity method RIGHT


d) None of these
14. ➢ Which one category of questions is directed to the
whole group?

a) Reverse

b) Relay
c) Rhetorical

d) Overhead/How/why RIGHT
15. ➢ The ________________ stresses on students
capacity for personal growth, freedom to choose their
destiny and positive qualities.

a) Cognitive perspective

b) Humanistic perspective RIGHT

c) Behavioral perspective

d) None of above


16. ➢ Use feedback from prior tasks; monitor your own

actions, giving yourself instructions; are processed by
_____________ phase.

a) Passive phase

b) Action phase
c) Both a & b

d) Reaction phase RIGHT

17. ➢ The discussion method employs two-way
communication and Opendialogue technique between

a) Teacher and the learner RIGHT

b) Teacher and the colleagues

c) Teacher and the stakeholders

d) None form these


18. ➢ The principle suggesting learn by doing is known as


a) Discussion

b) Engagement RIGHT
c) Modeling

d) None of above


19. ➢ The ____________ should be able to spare enough

time for the success of activity method.

a) Student

b) Parents


c) Teacher RIGHT

d) None of above
20. ➢ The best seating arrangements for discussion are
the U shape and_____________.

a) Square formation

b) Circle formation RIGHT

c) Rectangle formation

d) Rhombus formation

21. ➢ In projects, finally the success or failure of the task

or activity will be determined is called ____________.

a) Appraisal


b) Application
c) Preliminary assessment

d) Decision RIGHT
22. ➢ The ………… motivation is concerned with the
factor that stimulate or inhibit the desire to engage in

a) Extrinsic RIGHT

b) Intrinsic
c) Negative

d) Positive
23. ➢ The 5 E’s lesson planning method is most often
assisted with ………….. Learning design.

a) Constructivist RIGHT

b) Extremists


c) Both a and b

d) All of the above


24. ➢ The positive response to the action that one needs to

unertake in order to achieve these goals is a form of

a) Positive motivation RIGHT

b) b) Negative motivation

c) c) Both a and b

d) d) Extrinsic motivation
25. ➢ Kern (2006) suggested principles for classroom

a) 1

b) 3


c) 5

d) 7 RIGHT
26. ➢ Review and relates to the contents from the previous
lesson is the process of__________ component.

A) Analysis
B) Summary

C) Both a & b
D) Continuity RIGHT
27. ➢ To verify the existing theories and laws and is
called the method of………..

a) Hypothesis

b) Verification RIGHT
c) Evaluation


d) Justification
28. ➢ In order to foster intrinsic motivation, try to create
learning activities that are based on the topics that are
relevant to your student's lives. Strategies include using local
examples, teaching with events in the news, using pop
culture technology (iPods, cell phones, YouTube videos) to
teach, or connecting the subject with your students' culture,
outside interests or social lives.

a) Provide Choices

b) Balance the Challenge

c) Seek Role Models

d) Make it Real RIGHT

29. ➢ Deductive reasoning works from the more general to
more specific . Sometime this is normally called a ………..
approach. a) Top-down RIGHT

b) Up-down


c) Top-up

d) Top-top
30. ➢ Teacher set appropriate learning goals and
objectives ………. Clarify them.

a) Communicate RIGHT

b) Process
c) Feedback

d) Progress
31. ➢ Identification phase includes identification of
students’ ………….. ideas.

a) New

b) Existing RIGHT
c) Fake


d) None of these
32. ➢ Think-Pair-Share technique was introduced in
_________________ by Professor Frank Lyman.

a) 1981 RIGHT

b) 1985
c) 1988

33. 1989 ➢ Maslow (1954) perceived motivation in terms

of hierarchy of needs that can also conceives

a) Learning

b) Association
c) Motives RIGHT

d) None of the above

34. ➢ Discussion method is vital for


a) Student

b) Teacher
c) Both a and b RIGHT

d) None from above

The …………. Approaches become more concerned
with the wider
implication of student

welfare, not just with student’s education. a) Socialistic

b) Cognitive
c) Optimistic

d) Humanist RIGHT
35. ➢ Information about how to improve is known as

a) Outline


b) Feedback RIGHT
c) Discussion

d) Description


In talking circle / word wheels the whole class is

divided into ………..

a) Four

b) Five
c) Eight

d) Two RIGHT
36. ➢ A story is given and want students to complete it by
making their finger talk is called…………

a) Finger game RIGHT

b) Gesture game
c) Both a and b

d) Discussion

Email, list serves and interactive software are the

component of……………learning

a) Classroom

b) Distance RIGHT

c) Collaborative

d) Collective

37. ➢ Which is the important aspect of the inductive

teaching method?

a) It is a method of discovery, where students discover the

fact by their own involvement RIGHT

b) This method helps to impart

instructions to the students

c) It is quick and time saving process and truth of the

conclusion depends upon the sample selection

d) It is a downward process of through and also to useful


38. ➢ Think-pair-share technique was

introduced in …………… by professor Frank


a) 1981 RIGHT

b) 1985
c) 1988

d) 1989
39. ➢ The …………. Motivation is concerned with the
factor that
stimulate or inhibit the desire to

engage in behaviour.

a) Extrinsic RIGHT

b) Intrinsic
c) Negative

d) Positive
40. ➢ According to Marwaha (2009 ) there are ………
major parts of the process of learning.

a) Three

b) Four
c) Five

d) Two RIGHT
41. ➢ Who stimulates a higher quality of work from the

a) Energizer

b) Coordinator RIGHT
c) Diagnoser

d) None from the above

42. ➢ Anything which is carried out with a purpose in a
social environment involving physical and mental action is

a) Activity method RIGHT

b) Lecture method
c) Teacher centered method

d) Bookish method
43. ➢ The ………… stresses on students capacity for
personal growth, freedom to choose their destiny

and positive qualities.

a) Cognitive perspective

b) Humanistic perspective RIGHT

c) Behavioral perspective

d) None of the above

44. ➢ Search the environment, ask questions, visualize it ;
is a

…………… phase.

a) Passive phase

b) Action phase RIGHT

c) Both a and b

d) Reaction phase
45. ➢ Following classic lesson planning models are most
popular in lesson planning.

a) Gangen’s frame work for instructional development

b) Hunter’s seven steps of lesson planning


c) The 5 E’s lesson planning model

d) All of the above RIGHT

46. ➢ In how many ways the psychological perspectives
explain motivation.

a) Five

b) Six
c) Two

d) Four RIGHT
47. ➢ It may be concluded that


a) Inductive method is an ancestor of deductive method RIGHT

b) Deductive method is an ancestor of inductive method c) Both

a and b

d) None from above


48. ➢ In ____________________, students use only mime

and gestures, no oral acts, such as washing his face, eating
something. a) Brainstorming

b) Pantomime RIGHT
c) Both a and b

d) Problem solving method


49. ➢ Kern (2006) has suggested principal for

planning a classroom discussion.

a) 1

b) 3
c) 5

d) 7 RIGHT

50. ➢ Preparing for task is a

____________________ phase.

a) Pre-action RIGHT

b) Post-action
c) Both a & b

d) None from above

51. ➢ The __________________ motivation arises from
internal factors such as a child’s natural feeling of curiosity,
exigent, confidence and satisfaction when performing a task.

a) Extrinsic RIGHT

b) Negative
c) Intrinsic

d) Positive
52. ➢ Teachers set appropriate learning goals and
objectives and

________________ them clearly.

a) Communicate RIGHT

b) Process
c) Feedback

d) Progress
53. ➢ The _______________ motivation is concerned
with the factors that stimulate or inhibit the desire to engage
in behavior.

a) Extrinsic RIGHT

b) Intrinsic
c) Negative

d) Positive
54. ➢ MET project (2010) enlisted the measures

a) Profession-specific knowledge

b) Multiple measures of effectiveness


c) Self-directedness in learning

d) Capacity for independent research


55. ➢ The teacher wraps up the discussion and

answer to the students questions in

a) Summary RIGHT

b) Evaluation
c) Discussion

d) Problem solving method


56. ➢ Drawing maps, making models, keeping weather

record etc is an example of ……….

a) Scientific method

b) Demonstration method
c) Activity method RIGHT

d) Lecture method
57. ➢ The discussion method employs two-way
communication and opendialogue technique

between ………..

a) Teacher and the learner RIGHT

b) Teacher and the colleague

c) Teacher and the stakeholders.

58. ➢ According to ………….. model once basic

physiological needs have been satisfied, efforts are directed

toward achieving needs associated with safety, love and

belonging, and self esteem.

a) Roger’s

b) Piaget’s

c) Freud’s

d) Maslow RIGHT
59. ➢ The ……… approaches ensure that student’s
experience success, not just failure

a) Social learning RIGHT

b) Cognitive
c) Cultural

d) Behavioral
60. ➢ The case method is ………….. in nature

a) Experiment

b) Laboratory
c) Both a and b

d) Realistic RIGHT
61. ➢ Conflict can be an extension of


a) Criticism

b) Creativity RIGHT

c) Entertainment

d) All of the above

62. ➢ Exchange of ideas and opinions are called……..

a) Discussion RIGHT

b) Communication

c) Questionnaire

d) Collaboration
63. ➢ The concept of effective teaching is considered as a
range of factors that……

a) Effective learning

b) Effective communication
c) Effective discussion

d) None of above RIGHT

64. ➢ Which is the important aspect of the inductive
teaching method?

a) It is method of discovery, where students discover the fact

by their own involvement RIGHT

b) This method helps to impart

instructions to the students

c) It is quick and time saving process and truth of the

conclusion depends upon the sample selection

d) It is a downward process of through and also to useful


65. ➢ The ____________ theory is concerned with the way

in which an individual’s explanations of success and failure
influence that individual’s subsequent motivation and

a) Attribution RIGHT

b) Intelligence
c) Behavior

d) None of above


66. ➢ The teacher facilitates a process of learning in which

students are encouraged to be ______________.

a) Autonomous

b) Responsible
c) Both a and b RIGHT

d) Irresponsible

67. ➢ The ……….. is about a topic that helps teacher to

get students' involvement and participation

and the role of teacher is to record their views, ideas and

concepts on the blackboard.

a) Rearrange your classroom

b) Pause
c) Brainstorm RIGHT

d) Recall questions
68. ➢ Motivation is school learning involves
arousing and directing desirable …..…

a) Behavior RIGHT

b) Concept
c) Management

d) Learning
69. ➢ 5 E’s lesson planning method involves……

a) Engage

b) Explore

c) Elaborate

d) All of above RIGHT

70. ➢ The ………….. learning is a systematic pedagogical
strategy that encourages small groups of students to work
together for the achievement of common goal

a) Cooperative RIGHT

b) Discussion
c) Distance

d) Latent
71. ➢ The …………… schools stressed the accumulation
of information and did not emphasize skill development.

a) Virtual

b) Traditional RIGHT
c) Public

d) Special education
72. ➢ Normally teacher centered teaching method

a) Activity method

b) Lecture method RIGHT

c) Discussion method

d) Demonstration method
73. ➢ In ……….. drama there is no perception, no written
material for ex-traffic accident

a) Formal

b) Informal RIGHT
c) Both a and b

d) None of above
74. ➢ Preparing for task is a ………… phase.

a) Pre-action RIGHT

b) Post-action
c) Both a and b

d) None of above
75. ➢ It is being reinforced with fear, anxiety and such
negative feelings in order to have tasks and
goals achieved.

a) Positive motivation

b) Negative motivation RIGHT

c) Extrinsic motivation

d) Intrinsic motivation


76. ➢ Teachers set appropriate _________________ and

communicates them clearly in the classroom with the

a) Political goals

b) Hidden objective
c) learning goals and objectives RIGHT

d) unachievable goals
77. ➢ The classroom teacher is responsible for

a) Mission and philosophy RIGHT

b) Learning environment
c) Co-curricular activities

d) Knowledge aspects

78. ➢ In order to foster intrinsic motivation, try to create

learning activities that are based on the topics that are
relevant to your student’s lives. Strategies include using
local examples, teaching with events in the news, using pop
culture technology (iPods, cell phones, you tube videos) to
teach, or connecting the subject with your students’ culture,
outside interests or social lives.

a) Provide choices

b) Balance the challenge

c) Seek Role Models

d) Make it Real RIGHT


79. ➢ Information about how to improve is known as


a) Outline

b) Feedback RIGHT
c) Description

d) Discussion
80. ➢ Most of the things are done with the help or ideas of
other people in______________.

a) Group projects RIGHT

b) Individual projects
c) Both a & b

d) None from above

81. ➢ Using overarching goal(s) and learning outcomes as
a basic, the next step is to write up a


a) Description RIGHT

b) Outline
c) Both a & b

d) Associates
82. ➢ The ___________________ is about a topic helps
teacher to getAssociates involvement and participation and
role of teacher is to record their views, ideas and concepts on
the blackboard.

a) Rearrange your classroom

b) Pause
c) Brainstorm RIGHT

83. ➢ It does not give any new knowledge, but

helps to explore the existing knowledge.

a) Deductive method RIGHT


b) Inductive method
c) Both a & b

d) None from above


84. ➢ Identification phase include

identification of students’ __________ ideas.

a) New

b) Existing RIGHT
c) Fake

d) None from above

85. ➢ A test for mastery of the instructed skills or concepts,
such as a set of questions to answer or a set of instructions to
follow is an _______above component.

a) Collaborative

b) Evaluation RIGHT
c) Communication

d) Associative
86. ➢ Anything which is carried out with a purpose in a
social environment involving physical and mental action is
called _____________.

a) Activity method RIGHT

b) Lecture method
c) Teacher centered method

d) Bookish method
87. ➢ The ____________ approaches ensure that
students experience success, not just failure.

a) Social learning RIGHT


b) Cognitive
c) Culture

d) Behavioral
88. ➢ Social functions are related to the ______________
communication, negotiation and socialization process.

a) Interpersonal

b) Intrapersonal
c) Both a & b RIGHT

d) None from above

89. ➢ The question; when/what I hear, I forget, when/what
I see, I remember, when/what I do, I

know belongs to

a) Activity method RIGHT

b) Enquiry method

c) Lecture method

d) Discovery method
90. ➢ Maslow (1954) perceived motivation in terms of a
hierarchy of needs that can also conceives

a) Learning

b) Association
c) Motives RIGHT

d) None of above
91. ➢ A story is given and want students to complete it by
making their fiabove talk is called as

a) Finger game RIGHT

b) Gesture
c) Both a and b

d) Discussion


92. ➢ It is argued by _____________ that

People should listen to their ‘inner voices’ or innate
capacity to judge what was good for themselves, rather than
relying on feedback from external sources.

a) Roger’s RIGHT

b) Piaget’s

c) Freud’s

d) Ferud’s
93. ➢ The major objectives of a group project are,

a) What is learned

b) What is produced
c) Both a & b RIGHT

d) None from above

94. ➢ “Captain Critical” responds to other people’s ideas

a) Criticism RIGHT

b) Critically
c) Acceptance

d) None from above

95. ➢ Conflict can be an extension of _____________.

a) Criticism

b) Creativity RIGHT

c) Entertainment

d) All of above


96. ➢ The _______________ Learning is a systematic

pedagogical strategy that encourages small groups of
students to work together for the achievement of a common

a) Cooperative RIGHT

b) Discussion
c) Distance

d) Latent
97. ➢ All human beings are mortal; Aslam is a human
being, so he is mortal’’ is_____________ reasoning.

a) Deduction RIGHT

b) Induction
c) Both 1 & amp; b

d) None from above


98. ➢ Teachers possess thorough knowledge of subject

matter and go beyond the ______________.

a) Standard textbook materials RIGHT

b) Ethical boundaries
c) Established knowledge

d) Curriculum

99. ➢ Planning can greatly reduce your __________


a) Stress RIGHT

b) Emotional
c) Intelligence

d) All of above

100. ➢ Weins et al _____________ found that female

students were more likely to cite a positive influence with a
teacher as a factor becoming interested in science.

a) 2003 RIGHT

b) 2006
c) 2008

d) 2001

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