Human Reproduction_Catalyst

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Chapter 2 Human Reproduction 1, entity the correct statement from the folowing (1) High level of oestrogen triggers ovation (2) Oogonial ces start to proliferate only ater puberty (3) Sperms released from seminiferou highly motile cell (4) Progesterone level is high during the post- ovulatory phase of menstrual cycle 2, Birth canal is formed by (1) Cervix and Uterus (2) Cervix and Fallopian tube 3) Cervix and Vagina (4) Uterus and Fallopian tube 3. Which one is not the part of intratesticular ductule system ? (1) Vasa efferentia (2) Seminiferous tubules (3) Rete testis (4) Epididymis 4. Read the following statements (@) Process of formation of mature female gamete is called oogenesis (0) At puberty 60,000 to 80,000 primary follcies are left in each ovary (c) No oogonia are formed or added after birth ina female (d) Process of gametogenesis begins in female at puberty How many of the above statements is/are correct 7 (1) One (2) Four (3) Two (4) Three Read the following sentences st (@) Cremaster muscle and connective ts spermatic cord sue form ar cord extending from (0) Gubernaculum is a muscul abdominal cavity to testis use Corporate Office : Aakash Tower 8, Pt OOOO Road) New Delhi-110005. (6) Omithorhynchus and Dolphin have intra- abdominal testes (@) Sertoli cells form blood testis barrier {e) Each testis bears about 7-9 testicular lobules Find the incorrect and correct statements and choose the correct option Incorrect] Correct @| be [ade @l be | acd @| ade | eb @[ bed Choose the incorrect match with respect to homology of male and female reproductive system (1) Scrotal sac Labia majora @) Penis ~ Clitoris @) Prostate = Para urethral gland (4) Cowper glands ~ Skene’s glands Correct order of spermatogenesis is (1) Spermatocyte, spermatogonia, spermatid, sperm 2) Spermatogonia, spermatid, primary spermatocyte, secondary spermatocyte, spermatozoa (8) Spermatid, spermatogonia, spermatocyte, sperm (4) Spermatogonia, primary spermatocyte, secondary spermatocytes, spermatid, sperm ‘Seminal plasma in humans is rich in (1) Glucose and certain enzymes but poor in calcium (@) Fructose, Ca®* and certain enzymes {@) Fructose and calcium but has no enzymes (4) Glucose and certain enzyme The first sign of growing footus is noticed by (1), Movernent of foetus (2) Absence of menstruation {@) Listening fo heart sound of foetus (4) Formation of notochord Phone : 011-47623456 276 Human Reproduction 10. In human embryonic development all embryonic germ layers are produced by (1) Hypoblast (2) Trophoblast (3) Syncytiotrophoblast (4) Epiblast 11. Implantation involves the (1) Activity of both blastocyst and uterus (2) Activity of blastocyst only @) Activity of uterus only (4) Activity of amnion and uterus 12, Human placenta is (1) Haemochorial, Chorionic, Non-deciduous (2) Deciduous, Haemo-endothelial, Diffuse (3) Diffused, Deciduous, Allanto-chorionic (4) Deciduous, Haemochorial, Metadiscoidal 18. Identity PQ,R,S and T in the following figure T: R S Parca z = T 7[ Fine [Ow | — vega | Cori anal [Edomatn oue_| Ua 3 [Pewmevam|_Oary | Fb [Cereal ena] — Vagina | Finbrae | Onn [Careaicoral] —Voone —[Entonesr] 14, Which of the following set of structures is endodermal in origin ? (1) Liver, Adrenal cortex, Pancreas, Pituitary (2) Pancreas, Thyroid, Heart, Eustachian tube () Adrenal medulla, Brain, Pancreas, Uterus (4) Liver, Pancreas, Thyroid, Lung 15. The portion of endometrium present between chorion and myometrium of uterus and forming the maternal part of placenta (1) Decidua capsularis (2) Decidua basalis (9) Decidua parietalis (4) Decidua deciduate 16. The hormone which peaks during ovulation is (1) Oxytocin @) LH (3) Progesterone (4) Cortisol 47. Mik inhibitory peptide works antagonistic to (1) Prostaglandin (2) Human placental lactogen @) Prolactin (4) Oxytocin Corporate Oe: Aakash Towa, 6) Puss Road, New Delhi 110005! Phone 0147620466 a 18, 19. 21 22. 23. 24. 20. Catalyst Package for NEET (Partly Which of the following is not the function of Sertoli cells 7 (1) Absorbs cytoplasm being shed by developing spermatozoa (2) Release anti-mullerian factor (3) Release Androgen degrading protein (4) Forms blood-testis barrier Male urethra is present within (1) Corpora cavernosum (2) Corpus spongiosum (3) Tunica albuginea (4) Testes. Which of the following is incorrect statement ? (1) Both spermatogonia and oogonia are diploid (2) Oestrogen produced by corpus luteum leads to further proliferation of endometrium (@) Spermatid and polar body are both haploid (4) Primary oocyte and secondary spermatocyte are both diploid ‘Which hormone shows two peaks in one menstrual cycle ? (1) Progesterone (2) LH (3) Oestrogen (4) hos. ‘Androgen binding protein (ABP) (1) Is secreted by interstitial calls of testes (2) Concentrates the testosterone within the seminiferous tubules of testes (3) Suppresses the FSH synthesis (4) Has adverse effect upon gonads Which one is correct with respect to spermatogenesis in human males ? (1) Meiosis - | occurs in primary spermatocyte (@) Meiosis - 1 occurs in secondary spermatocyte @) Meiosis - | takes place in spermatids (4) Meiosis - | occurs in spermatids Bartholin’s glands of female corresponds to which glands in male ? (1) Cowper's gland (2) Inguinal glands @) Skene's glands (4) Prostate gland — S 25, 26. 27, we ¥ $$ Which of the following is incorrect statement for ‘corpus luteum ? (1) Change into corpus albicans 2) Socrete estrogen and progesterone ) Persists throughout the pregnancy () Persists ui the placenta is fully funcional both ovatis ofa ad ae remov ries ofa lady are removed in fourth month of pregnancy, then 2 . (1 Entry wi sovetep nomaty i bith ) Abortion wil occur ar sometine ©) Embryo wl be dtecine (4). Abnorm: (4) Abnormal development of foetus wil procood is correct al opin activity a) Sait Seating AGG to stimulate the corpus tee S28EN and progesterone from High level of ci ‘endometrial thick out the amount of total What ji gonadot In @ normal pregnant woman? @ ulating ACG to stimulate the ning High ve of culating ing FSH ond LH in uterus stimulate the imparaton o Basco © High level of creating FSH ané Lt stimulate the endometrial thickening ea Fosal ejection refx in human female is induced by (1) Release of oxytocin from pituitary (2) Fully developed foetus and placenta (@) Fully developed foetus only (4) Placenta only The ratio of maternal and foetal through umbilical cord of mammalia (1) 100% foetal, 0% maternal (2) 50% foetal, 50% maternal (9) 100% maternal, 0% foetal (4) 75% maternal, 25% foetal ‘The frst movements of the foetus and appearance of hair on its head are usually observed during Which month of pregnancy ? (1) 5th month (2) 6th month (9) 3rd month (4) 4th month Select the correct statement with respect to human evelopment (1) Trophoblast forms the embryo (2) Hypobiast forms the embryo (8) Trophobiast layer is not formed in case of human ) ® blood flowing in embry. (4 Inner cet mass gets diferentiated as embryo eee. 32. Select the true statement with respect to morula of human (1) Ithas far less cytoplasm as well as less DNA than in an uncleaved zygote (2) It has more or less equal quantity of cytoplasm and DNA as in uncleaved zygote (3) It has more cytoplasm and more DNA than an uncleaved zygote (4) Ithas almost equal quantity of cytoplasm as an Uncleaved zygote but much more DNA One difference between the blastula and gastrula stages of development is (1) Blastuta colts are more differentiated than gastrula cells 33, (2) There are many more cells in blastula (@) Blastula is sold but gastrula is hollow (4) There is an opening called blastopore in the ‘gastrula which is lacking in blastula What is true for the process of fertilization in humans 2 (1) Only one sporm reaches the egg and enters into rt @) The entry of sperm activates the egg for ‘completing meiosis (@) Two diploid nuct! fuse and immediately divide to produce two haploid nuclei (4) Only the autosome of sperm enters the egg Select the correct statement with respect to Cortical reaction (1) Is the fusion of the egg cortex with the egg Plasma membrane, which allows the sperm to enter 35, (2) Iti the entry of Ca" ions into egg, which initiates ‘development (@) [tis the depolarization of the plasma membrane after sperm entry, which helps to block polyspermy (4) Its the release ofthe cortical granules ater sperm entry, which converts the vieline membrane into fertilization membrane which blocks polyspermy In spermatogenesis, reductional di ‘chromosomes occurs during conversion of 38, ion of (1) Spermatogonium to primary spermatocyte 2) Primary spermatocyte spermatocyte to secondary (3) Secondary spermatocyte to spermatid (4) Spermatid to spermatazoan Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-t10005, Phone : 011-47623456 278 Human Reproduction 37. 38 39, 40, a 42. 43, 44, Nebenkern’s organelle represents (1) @) 3) (4) Penile erection is due to « (2) @ 4) Which of the following hormones is not secreted from human placenta a) @ @) @ During pregnancy, menstrual cycle does not occur due to Mitochondria of neck region of sperm Mitochondria of middle piece of sperm Centriole of sperm ‘Acrosome of sperm ‘Sympathetic stimulation Parasympathetic stimulation ‘Adrenal cortex activation Relaxation of cavernosal smooth muscles Oxytocin Estrogen Progesterone Human chorionic gonadotropin (1) Negative feedback by LH (2) Negative feedback by FSH (3) Negative feedback by progesterone (4) Negative feedback by both FSH and LH Spermiogenesis is a process in which (1) Spermatids change into spermatozoa (2) Spermatogonia produce spermatids (3) Spermatocytes give rise to spermatozoa (4) Dormant spermatozoa become active just before ejaculation Blastopore is the opening of (1) Blastocoe! cavity and found in blastula stage @ @) 4) Each testis is connected with the wall of scrotum through a flexible and fibrous structure which is called a) (8) Dartos muscle Which extraembryonic membranes in human embryo prevents its desiccation in uterus? (1) Yolk sac @ @) Allantois (4) Chorion Blastocoel cavity and found in gastrula stage Archenteron cavity and found in gastrula stage ‘Archenteron cavity and found in blastula stage (2) Gubernaculum (4) Cremaster muscle Spermatic fascia Amnion Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phon: 45. 46. 47, 48. 49, 50. Catalyst Package for NEET (Part) Which of the following hormones first appear in Urine after oophorectomy? (1) LH (2) Progesterone (3) FSH (4) Oestrogen Cleavage is unique form of mitotic cell division in which (1) Nuclear division does not occur (2) Growth phase is absent (3) No spindle develops to guide the cells (4) Plasma membrane of daughter cells do not separate Morphogenic movement of cells occurs during a (2) ® (4) Blastulation Which of the following is correct about embryonic development in human (1) Trophoblast layer forms the embryo (2) Neurulation| Morulation Gastrulation Inner cell_mass disintegrates to form syneytiotrophoblast Trophoblast layer does not occur during human embryogenesis Inner cell mass gets differentiated into embryonic disc @ (4) ‘Acrosome of the sperm develops from (1), Mitochondria (2) Golgi apparatus (8) Ribosomes (4) Centrioles How many of the following statements are correct? (a) In human males, the ejaculatory ducts open into prostatic part of urethra (©) Zygote is the vital link that ensures continuity of species between organisms of one generation and the next. (c) @) Antrum is present in tertiary follicle Fusion of gametes results in formation of diploid zygote. a) 2) 3) @) One Two Three Four OO ———K———— LULU KS correctly, inthe human tests A syne secre tostcular hormones eaieg iment? #8 a 8 (1) Ley cols Estrogens (2) Serolcels Andeogens {2} Inertial ells Gonadtrop (4) Leyde cells Androgens «2. Ale folowing are involved in capactaion except (1) Release of sperm Iysins @ Removal of cholesterol vesicles adorn, ‘membrane surrounding acroseme “'e""# the {@) Entry of Ca into sperm (2) Dilution of decapactaton factors 3, Viteline membrane is a (1) Primary e9g membrane (@) Secondary egg membrane (9) Tertary egg membrane (4) Fused primary and secondary egg membrane 54, Foetal membrane that provides the first blood corpuscle for circulation in embryo is, (1) Trophoblast @) Yolk sac @) Amnion (4) Chorin 58, Zona pellucida disintegrates (1) Before fertilisation (2) Just after fertilisation 8) After the formation of blastocyst, before implantation (4) After the formation of gastrula 8 Choose the incorrect statement wrt gastrulation (1) Immediately after implantion, the inner cell mass differentiates to form three germinal layers 2) It involves morphogenic movement of the cals @) Obliteration of blastocoel and formation of archenteron (4) A phase in embryogenesis in which there is only rapid mitatie division of cells without differentiation 5 Ress the following statements (A -€) A- Testes descend in scrotum under the influence of testosterone, Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pus 58, 59, 3 Package for NEET reproduction (279) ‘choose the option that fil the Human Reproduction | 27 B- Enididymis is extratesticular structure G- Fructose appears in semen, secreted from ‘seminal vesicle D- Prostate gland includes 30-40 tubulo alveolar ‘lands E- Orchidectomy is surgical removal of testis. How many statements are correct? 3 as os a2 Match the column A with columa B and select the correct option Gotnw [Got 1 [ose raise [noone T pematne gird |. Jrosteaads 1 [oeneoryaon |= PERERA W [Serials [a [Sector amie () Teed ve @ todd Vea @ tela vb lea, bl-6 Vd. Which of the following ie correctly matched vest. ‘menstrual cycle ? (1) FSH = Ovulation @) Owdation + Start of the eycle @) Oxytocin ~ Milk let down hormone (4) Secretory phase - Variable in time period Identify the statements as true(T) or false(F) |. Each testicular lobule contains one to three seminiferous tubules Il. Acrosome contains hyaluronidase IIL Inhibin is secreted only by Sertoli cals IV, Leydig’s cells secrete androgens. Options [1] u [TV @_(t [tir @ [FlFit[t @ [TTF IT @_[F[tlF[T isa Road) New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 ee 280) Human Reproduction 1 62 65, Select the correct option Statement A: Eyelids separate and eyelashes are formed during the sath month ‘of gestational period During 2nd timestr of pregnancy foetus is more susceptible 10 teratogens (1) Statement is incorrect but statement Bis coroct Statement & @) Statements A & B are comact @) Statement A is correct but statement 8 is Incorect (4) Statoments A & 8 are incorect Which of the folowing Is incorrect wt. lactation? (1) Estrogen antagonizes the mikproducing effect of prolactin on tho breast (2) As placanta detaches during parton, th levels ‘of estrogen and progesterone declines. and lactation gets iiated (@) Orytocin causes contraction of myoepithelial cals tring mammary duets (4) Human mik is rch source of lactose, protein ‘and ascorbic acd Incorrect statement wt. foliular phase is (1) Peary ft inthe ovary row to become fly ‘mature Grasfian flige, (2) Estrogen regenerates the endometrium through pralteraton (@) Gonadotropins incease gradually (4) The sour of estrogen inthis has corpus tour ‘What isthe acrosomal reaction? (1) Secretion of fertizin and antfetizn by mature ‘ovum and sperm @ It ig the process of sperm activation in the mammals @ Secretion of sperm tsins which help sporm to tnter the cytoplasm of ovum through zona pelea Its te fuslon of genetic material of sperm and “) Ccapacitaton of sperms occurs in (1) Epiciaymis (2) Vas detorens (9) Female reproductive vact (4) Ovidct only Corporate Offic : Aakash Tow for NEET aa 166. Second polar body is released after __X__in Yregin. Cneose the option that fils the blanks correctly. x y (1) Fist meat dision vay (2) Second meiotic dion Ove (@) Second meio division Ovary (4) Firet mecote dision —Oviduct Which of the folowing is an incorreet match wt structure and its function ? « Fatty tissue covered by skin and pubic hairs 7 (1) Mons pubis Pairod fleshy folds of skin ‘whieh extend down from ‘mone pubis Paired fol of tissue in the form of lips under the labia majors Covers the vaginal opening completely 68, Study the chart and identily A - Vote a. (Se wena) po oro ‘choose the corret option @) Labia majora - @) Labia minora - (4) Hymen : 13.61 5 a [er feeemesnes Lor] sactew frctatrems a] (a) [nssos || peace ina] 668. Tho endometrium bopins to breakdown, Inhibition of Uterine contraction ceases and bleeding and cramps ‘of menstruation begin, withthe withdrawal of which ‘ofthe following hormones? (1) Estrogen @) Progesterone © FSH (4) FSH ond Li 70. Which ofthe folowing calls are diploid? (1) Sparmatids and sperm (2) Sparmatogonia and spermatis (©) Primary and secondary spermatocytes Psa Road, New Delhi-110008, Phone ¥011-47629458 (4) Spermatogonia and primary spermatocyte = a” 1 Nr FT Package for NET (Part. the srt devo oan in tents eps Human Reproducten | 281 78. Tho inner group of cots attached to the tophobi stem (1) ios @ Coe (@) Oviuet (a) Veoina Homene detected in the mother {oto 14 days after concepto, ndeator of pregnancy is ou @ ns @ FSH (4) Progesterone me nat te ' bod and wine Mand is aso an (1) mtrphase. primary oocyte (2) Anaphase:l secondary oocyte (8) Prophase, primary ooeve (A) Prophase, secondary soos In 26 days menstrual eye, ovulation wil occur on () 14 day @) 10" cay @) 12" day (6) 7 doy Vien of the following is nt a function of estogen? (1) Estogen lowers the blood chelesterl level and thereby afford a natural protection to women ‘against atherosclerosis (2) Estrogen prevents breast and uterine cancer {@) Estrogen prevents osteoporosis in females (4) Estogon has profound influence on endometium eich of the folowing statement is Incorrect? (1) Spermiation occurs before spermiogenesis @) Spermatogenesis stars atthe age of puberty Primary spermatocytes undergo meiosis, () Each spermatogonium is diploid and contains 46 chromosomes. Placenta is the only source of hormones tke (1) Estrogen and progesterone (@) Estrogen and HPL (8) Protein and hCG ofa bastooyat (1) Embryobiast (2) Gat of Raubor (@) Bra cot (@) Blastocoet 79. Folowing is 2 diagrammatic soctona vow of ovary with labelled parts, B, © and D. Choose the Incorrect dentiicaton of the labelled pat and ts escrito, ¥ Sa 1590040 00010 OR folie leach ovary at puberty @) 8 [sender ary a [S797 contains secondary oot [Gretna ice canna a) S| © etic _[seconsaryooase [Deviopedby he oem | 0 [comustssum|tM-manisecrets ad elt procestaran and somo lamountotestogen 180, During ovulation in human female, the usual ‘observation is thal the peak of (1) Estrogen and progesterone is almost same @) Lis higher man FSH (@) FSH is higher tan LH (4) Proposterono is higher than estrogen folowing is an incorrect match wit I, the hormone secreted and its 1 estrogen a foe 1 [Pen rnin |Fatetom ance patary (o |raimin (stm nna eruraar (4) CG and HPL psa Roa New Deii-110008, Phone = 011-47625456 Ee me 282) Human Reproduction 8 83 85, ‘Second polar body is (1) Released in ovary prior to ovulation when primary ocyte completes melosis Released in alopian tube when secondary oocyte travels through infundibulum Having more DNA content than fst polar body Haploid and is released in periviteline space ater the entry of sperm in secondary oocyte Read the statoments (A - E) ‘A. Sustentacular cols regulate spermatogenesis by Feleasing inhibin to check FSH over acti 5. Mullerian duct degenerates in malo while in female develops into fallopian tube, ©. Rete tests, ductulletferentes and epididymis forms the extratesticular duct system. D. The extended part of corpus spongiosum is enlarged forming glans penis E, The prostatic uid contains fructose, citric acid, inositol and prostaglandins, How many of the above statements are true? @ ® ® m2 @ 3 @4 @ 5 Which of the folowing Is not correctly matched? (1) Zona pellucida = Glycoprotein coat synthesised by oocyte, (@) Luteal phase = Secretion of progesterone and lasts for 14 days, (3) Trophobiast cell layer- Forms chorion, amnion ‘and foetal part of placenta (4) Cortical and zona = reaction to chock polyspermy. Identity the developments stage shown in the diagram and its correct place of occurance in a normal pregnant female. Constitutes fast block [Developmental Site of occurance Stage (1) [Blastocyst [Uterine wall [Starting point of (2) [8 called Morual i tute IMiddle part of fallopian (3) |Late morula [ithe @) [erate [End partoffallopian ube PPusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone ; 011-47623456 Catalyst Package for NEET (Party 86. Read the following statements (A-E) (A) Ator ovation, the ruptured folie lft in ovary ig fist converted to corpus albicans. (8) The secondary oocyte forms a thick coat of ‘lyeoprotein around itself called zona pellucida (©) The primary oocytes are surrounded by a single layer of folicuar cols (©) The prmary oocyte (2n) within the tertiary fotice grows in size and completes its first meiotic ‘vision (©) The totiary folic is charactorisod by afi fleg cavity ant, How many of the above statements aro true 7 mt @2 @s ws 87. Identity the statements as True (T) or False (F) () Cromastor muscles. and connective tissue form ‘pormatic cord and surround several structures passing through inguinal canal (W)_ Cremaster and dartos muscles help in positioning of testes for temperature regulation inside (i) Scrotum helps in_maintaining the high temperature of testes (2-2.5" C higher than body perature) necessary for spermatogenesis (0) The testes descend into the scrotum through Inguinal cana curing 7h month of gestation period ' 1 w at T F fF @ rT F F T oT F T T wt T F T 88. Which of the following accessory glands are not ‘matched with their corteet function ? (1) Bulbourethral glands ~ compound tubuio- alveolar Gland atthe base of penis, Lesser vestibular glands — present on either side of vaginal orice and secrete alkaline secretion for lubrication Seminal vesicle ~ paired, secretes 60-70% of the semen which contains fructose @ ® (@) Prostate gland ~ chestnut shaped, les at base Of bladdar, contributes alkaline component to semen, SOR ee sypt Package for NET (Pan wien of the following extra-em oe ise 0 foetal part of amen (1) chorion only {@) Alantois and Amnion Yonic membranes Placenta? fa) Arion and Chorion (a) Alantos only in the blanks and choose the «fill 10080 the correct option Mine production in the mammary gla Minuated by —()_ Secreted by (i) abd ac Sfmilk is stimulated by hormone — (ii) rereseog fom the posterior lobe of pituitary glang 8°" (1) (Prolactin; (i) hypothalamus; (ii) oxytocin ) (I) Prolactin; ( {ap oxytocin {@) (9 Estrogen: (i) ovary; (ii) oxytocin (@) (9 Estrogen; (i) ovary; (i) prolactin (1) Storage of sperm {@) Maturation of sperm {@) Dilution of decapacitation factors anterior lobe of pituitary; (@) Transport sperm into the vas deferens 2. Which statement is not true regarding the hormonal control during various phases of menstrual cycle? (1) The elevated estrogen level through positive feedback stimulates the secretion of LH towards the end of follicular phase causing LH surge {@) The levelof progesterone rises during luteal phase and thus has inhibitory effect on FSH and LH secretion {@) Sudden decline in progesterone level causes menstruation (4) High level of estrogen has inhibitor effecton FSH and LH and its level gradually decreases during follicular phase {8. Read the following statements (A-D) [A~ Trophoblast forms extra embryonic membrane B— Allembryonic layers develop from inner cell mass or epiblast C—Amniogenic layer is formed by hypoblast =n human hypoblast degenerates before forming any layer of embryo of extra embryonic ayers How many of the above statements are true ? We @4 03 @0 Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Puse Reproduction |263 Hu 84. The chromosome number and DNA content in spermatids is and _ respectively (1) 23, 23 (2) 23, 46 (©) 46, 23 (4) 48, 92 95. Which of the following is the correct matching pait wt gland and thir hormones? Gand Hormone GY [Senor cots [FSH @) [Piacenta nat [Theca inioma af Graatan ®) Hroticie Progesterone| [Anterior ptary [Oxtocin 96. Which of the folowing statements (a-e) are correct with respect to oogenesis and foliculogenesis’ (2) New oogonia are not added ater bith in a fernale (b) AX birth the female ovaries have primary oocytes arrested at metaphase-t (©) Primary oocytes grow in size and complete ‘meiotic division within the primary folicle (@) Tertiary foicles have a well-developed, uid-filed antrum, (€) 1 primary oocyte is capable of forming only 1 Mabe ®ve Made Meade 97. A fertle human male releases __(A)___ sperms! ejaculation, of which __(B)___ should have normal ‘morphology and at feast _(C)__ of them must have vigorous motility. “ e © (1) 500 milion 50% = 25% (2) 200-300 million 60% 40% (8) 20 milion 60% 40% (4) 20-20 milion 50% 25% 198. During the luteal phase of menstrual cycle (1) Progesterone and Estrogen are high ; FSH and LH are low (@) FSH, LH and Estrogen gradually increase ; Progesterone is low @) LH attains a sudden surge (4) Only progesterone attains a peak ; FSH, LH and Estrogen are low ead) Naw Deli-110008, Phone : 011-47625450 284) Human Reproduction 99. Most of the major organ systoms are formed in a acrosomal reaction ‘Soltnaon slow block —» fat block ‘erosomal reaction -> capacitation Spglainaton —» preven of po\yseer™ Capacitaton —> approximation —» acrosomal (acon “2 ono of recoption fermation ~> provenion of pavepermy ‘acrosomal reaction > agglutination > sctaton -»prvento a polrspemy —» 2% ‘ot reepton formation 115. Woh ofthe folioing hormone appear n wing "Soning asthe basi of ovation @ ° “ human fom 0 (tes @ FSH ou (4) Estrogen 116. Slow block to polyspemy inctdes {o) Inuxol Na" whic causes depolarisation rmomérane few (©) Corel reactions {o) Zona ectona which makes he e99 pervious tp eocond sperm () and @) @ (andor (9) (and e) (ony oa ona | 011-47625456,

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