GSE Prospectus 2012 LR

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The University of Auckland

Business School
Graduate School of Enterprise Prospectus

Mission statement
To develop graduates, knowledge and ideas that enhance the productivity, growth and global competitiveness of New Zealand enterprise.

The opportunity
The University of Auckland Business School has a well-defined mission. It makes a major contribution to developing the leadership and the globally competitive thinking on which New Zealands future wellbeing depends. The Master of Business Administration, Master of Management and Postgraduate Diplomas in Business provide vehicles for you to participate, contribute and benefit from this mission. Enrolment in these programmes delivers the opportunity to: Challenge your thinking. Enhance your decision-making skills. Accelerate your professional and personal development. Gain new business tools and management techniques. Develop and strengthen your personal network.

The benefits
In the words of members of our most recent graduating class: I entered the MBA programme expecting to consolidate my work experience and to update my business knowledge. But the programme gave a lot more it challenged my thinking modes and changed my attitudes. The study cohort is a critical part of this journey and learning alongside similarly experienced professionals in this more senior MBA stream was particularly valuable. All up, an excellent choice for a mid-career business masters. After transitioning from the health industry into the business world I found that I had gaps in my knowledge. The MBA not only enabled me to fill these gaps, but encouraged me to challenge the conventional and think in a completely different way. It has taken me to a whole new level and given me a new found confidence to tackle any challenge that comes my way. One definition of insanity is doing the same things today as you did yesterday while expecting to achieve a different result. For me the MBA provided the framework on how to make sense of the dynamic business environment, bringing the importance of leadership to the fore, while arming me with the tools to make better decisions. Being immersed in the MBA, surrounded by highly motivated people, was intellectually stimulating and provided me with an academic balance to the years of real world learning.

Am I ready?
These graduate programmes, delivered by the Graduate School of Enterprise, are designed to develop you for decision-making roles whether you are self-employed, engaged in a start-up venture, managing a small to medium-sized enterprise or employed in a large corporate, nonprofit agency or in the public sector. In general, your profile will fit into one of three broad study clusters: MBA: Pathway 1: This direct entry cohort follows an intensive two-year path to complete an MBA degree, which is delivered fortnightly in a block format. Currently, this cohort has an average age of 41 and an average of 18 years work experience. MBA: Pathway 2: This cohort follows a two-year path to complete a Postgraduate Diploma in Business with the top students then applying to spend a further year to complete the MBA: Pathway 2 which is the second year of the MBA. Currently, this cohort has an average age of 34 and an average of 11 years work experience. Master of Management: Most students undertaking the Master of Management are working managers or business owners. They undertake their study on a part-time basis over two years. The most successful students share a number of the following characteristics: They recognise that they are at a transitional point in their professional career development. They are then poised for the greatest return on investment from exposure to new perspectives, new skills and new networks. They recognise that the value of these programmes rests on an individual commitment to learning and a willingness to contribute to the pool of knowledge in the classroom. They recognise that the quality of their learning

What does it cost?

2012 Graduate School of Enterprise students
Postgraduate Diploma in Business (PGDipBus) MBA: Pathway 1 MBA: Pathway 2 (prerequisite PGDipBus) Master of Management (MMgt) (prerequisite PGDipBus) (2 years - 120 points) (2 years 240 points) (1 year 120 points) (2 years 120 points)

Fees ($NZ)
$14,104.80 $38,331.60 $24,226.80 $24,226.80

Students should budget up to $2,500 annually for additional costs including Admission fee, University building levy, Student Services levy, textbooks and printing, meals, parking, etc. MBA students should allow for up to $5,000 in overseas travel and accommodation (over and above the tuition fees) for the International Business programme. For further fee information see The fees outlined above are indicative. Fees for 2012 will be set towards the end of 2011 experience rests on accepting responsibilities and meeting the expectations of the cohort and the study groups within it. They recognise that the quality of their learning experience rests on having support in the home and the workplace. Semester One (February) Master of Management Postgraduate Diploma in Business in Health Management Postgraduate Diploma in Business (PGDipBus) - offered in Administration, Mori Development and Health Management. Cohorts take one course (15 points) in each 10week period, attending a three-hour class one night each week. Classes are normally scheduled from 5.30pm to 8.30pm from Monday through Thursday. MBA: Pathway 1 cohort takes two courses (30 points) in each 10-week period, attending classes on alternate weeks. Classes are normally scheduled from 1pm to 7pm on Friday and continue from 9am to 4pm on Saturday. MBA: Pathway 2 (the PGDipBus is a prerequisite of the MBA: Pathway 2) cohort takes two courses (30 points) in each 10-week period, attending two three-hour classes each week. Classes are normally scheduled from 5.30pm to 8.30pm from Monday through Thursday. Master of Management is a research-based programme where much of the study is on an individual basis. The taught components of the course (research methods) are normally scheduled on weekdays. Outside the classroom, students can expect to spend a considerable amount of time working in study groups or on group assignments. In terms of study preparation, individual students should expect to spend up to three hours studying outside the class for every hour spent in the classroom.

Where do I study?
Most Graduate School of Enterprise courses (Postgraduate Diploma in Business, MBA and Master of Management) are taught in the Owen G Glenn Building at 12 Grafton Road, Auckland. Since opening in 2008, the Owen G Glenn Building has been the purpose-built home of The University of Auckland Business School. The building encompasses lecture theatres, computer laboratories, seminar rooms, study spaces, library facilities, function rooms and offices for teachers and administration staff, as well as two cafs and five floors of underground parking.

When do I study?
The Graduate School of Enterprise has two programme intakes each year: Quarter One (January): Postgraduate Diploma in Business cohorts MBA: Pathway 1 cohort MBA: Pathway 2 cohort Quarter Three (June): Postgraduate Diploma in Business cohort

Contact us
Telephone: 0800 227 337 Email: (please type your Student ID and name in the Subject Line)

AACSB International is the largest global community of business schools and corporations dedicated to enhancing management education. It represents the highest standard of achievement for business schools worldwide.

EQUIS is the leading international system of quality assessment, improvement and accreditation of higher education institutions in management and business administration.

AMBA is an international brand recognised as the quality mark for the MBA and its awarding institution.

Year 3 Year 4
All papers are (15pts) unless otherwise specified
BusAdmin Papers MMgt Papers Mori Development Papers At these stages there is no direct entry. You must reapply

PoplHlth Papers

Mandatory Transition Paper

(OGGB | Quarters)
Master of Business Administration
BUSADMIN 780 Managing Business Growth BUSADMIN 798A MBA Research Project BUSADMIN 784 Managers and the Law BUSADMIN 788 Contemporary Topics in Management BUSADMIN 781 Leadership and Ethics BUSADMIN 783 International Business BUSADMIN 790 Organisational Studies BUSADMIN 798B MBA Research Project

(OGGB | Semesters)
Master of Management
BUSINESS 710 Research Design (15pts) or

(OGGB | Semesters)
BUSINESS 704 Quantitative Research Methods (15pts) BUSINESS 705 Qualitative Research Methods (15pts)

Master of Management
MANAGEMT 705A Organisational Research Project (45pts) MANAGEMT 705B Organisational Research Project (45pts)

(OGGB | Quarters)
Certificate of Proficiency
BUSADMIN 765 Finance

(OGGB | Quarters)
Master of Business Administration
BUSADMIN 780 Managing Business Growth BUSADMIN 798A MBA Research Project BUSADMIN 788 Contemporary Topics in Management BUSADMIN 781 Leadership and Ethics BUSADMIN 783 International Business BUSADMIN 790 Organisational Studies BUSADMIN 798B MBA Research Project

Master of Business Administration

BUSADMIN 766 Supply Chain Management

(OGGB | Semesters)
Master of Management
BUSINESS 710 Research Design (15pts) or

BUSINESS 704 Quantitative Research Methods (15pts) BUSINESS 705 Qualitative Research Methods (15pts)

(OGGB | Semesters)
Master of Management
MANAGEMT 705A Organisational Research Project (45pts) MANAGEMT 705B Organisational Research Project (45pts)

(OGGB | Quarters)

( Tamaki Innovation Campus | Semesters )

Postgraduate Diploma in Business Health Management

BUSADMIN 762 Marketing

Master of Health Management (Year 1)

POPLHLTH 705 Evaluation Research Methods POPLHLTH 718 Health and Public Policy POPLHLTH 729 Information and Strategic Health Management POPLHLTH 754 Health Leadership

BUSADMIN 765 Finance

Year 2

For course outlines visit:

How is my study structured?

For the PGDipBus, students are required to complete 120 points, over a two-year period (eight quarters). Classes are delivered in a lockstep schedule with each cohort taking the same courses in the same order. The programme is designed to encourage cumulative and increasingly integrative learning, with each course building on the courses that precede it. The 120 points of the Postgraduate Diploma in Business are referred to as the core, ie, where students acquire knowledge of the core business disciplines. In the two MBA pathways, the programme structure and course sequence are identical. The first 120 points are regarded as the core (equivalent to PGDipBus) and is followed by 120 points of applied or experiential learning, in which students are expected to apply their core knowledge, often in group-based projects and assignments. These programmes require students to assume responsibility for their own learning and also contribute to group learning and dialogue in the classroom. The academic focus in these programmes is to facilitate learning among a group of committed adult students. This approach demands equal commitment from the teacher and the student.

Who are my fellow students?

In the Postgraduate Diploma you can expect your classmates to range in age from late 20s to late 40s. The majority will possess a degree. In the MBA programme you can expect your classmates to be aged from mid-30s to late 40s. Many will have a degree, often at postgraduate level. They will have an average of 18 years work experience.

and Performed acceptably in any test of academic aptitude and/or interview prescribed by Senate or its representative MBA: Pathway 1 Completed a bachelors degree from The University of Auckland or an approved professional or equivalent qualification and completed at least three years relevant management experience. and Performed acceptably in any test of academic aptitude and/or interview prescribed by Senate or its representative. MBA: Pathway 2 Completed a Postgraduate Diploma in Business in Administration from The University of Auckland with an average grade of B+ or higher (some students may be required to complete additional transitional courses) and completed at least three years relevant management experience. and Performed acceptably in any test of academic aptitude and/or interview prescribed by Senate or its representative. Master of Management Completed a Postgraduate Diploma in Business in Arts Management from The University of Auckland or a Postgraduate Diploma in Business in Administration from The University of Auckland with an average grade of at least B+ or higher or an approved equivalent qualification and completed at least five years of relevant work experience. and Performed acceptably in any test of academic aptitude and/or interview prescribed by Senate or its representative. Calendar of The University of Auckland All students enrolling at The University of Auckland must consult its official document, the current Calendar of The University of Auckland, to ensure that they are aware of and comply with all regulations, requirements and policies.

What motivates my fellow students?

Your classmates have thought about business education for a long time. They have consulted their partners, their families, their friends and their colleagues. They have sought advice from former business students. Their decision to seek a business degree is driven by several key desires: To have their thinking challenged. To gain new business tools and techniques. To obtain a business management education. To broaden and deepen their business networks. To better understand themselves and their future aspirations.

How do I prepare for study?

All students entering the Graduate School of Enterprise are required to complete the online Mathematics Refresher Course. This self-paced course refreshes basic maths concepts, builds student confidence in these skills and provides a soft entry to postgraduate study habits. Students are also advised to utilise Student Learning Centre and University of Auckland Library courses in areas such as effective reading, academic writing, researching databases and academic referencing.

What are the entry criteria?

To be considered for admission, you must meet the following minimum criteria: Postgraduate Diploma in Business Completed a bachelors degree and at least two years relevant employment experience or an approved professional qualification and at least two years relevant employment experience or completed at least five years of relevant employment experience.

And after I graduate?

The Business School provides a range of ongoing activities for alumni. In particular, these include the monthly MBA Breakfast, the Deans Distinguished Speaker Series, the Short, Sharp seminars presented by Short Courses and other workshops and speaking events that expose you to visiting international experts. Many of the cohorts of graduates continue to maintain close ties and organise events, such as Outward Bound and weekend trips.

Contact us
Telephone: 0800 227 337 Email: (please type your Student ID and name in the Subject Line)

Contact us
Telephone: 0800 227 337 Email: (please type your Student ID and name in the Subject Line)

Calendar 2012
(Incoming cohorts)
MBA: Pathway 1
Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Class Times: Fridays 1-7pm and Saturdays 9am-3pm

Lectures start
Fri 27/01/2012 Fri 20/04/2012 Fri 13/07/2012 Fri 05/10/2012

Lectures end
Sat 24/03/2012 Sat 16/06/2012 Sat 08/09/2012 Sat 01/12/2012

Exam dates
Sat 31/03/2012 Sat 23/06/2012 Sat 15/09/2012 Sat 08/12/2012

MBA: Pathway 2 Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4

Class Times: Two weeknights 5.30-8.30pm

Lectures start
Mon 16/01/2012 Mon 09/04/2012 Mon 02/07/2012 Mon 24/09/2012

Lectures end
Fri 23/03/2012 Fri 15/06/2012 Fri 07/09/2012 Fri 30/11/2012

Exam dates
Sat 31/03/2012 Sat 23/06/2012 Sat 15/09/2012 Sat 08/12/2012

PGDipBus Cohort P07 (Quarter 1 - Start January)

Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Class Times: One weeknight 5.30-8.30pm

Lectures start
Mon 16/01/2012 Mon 09/04/2012 Mon 02/07/2012 Mon 24/09/2012

Lectures end
Fri 23/03/2012 Fri 15/06/2012 Fri 07/09/2012 Fri 30/11/2012

Exam dates
Sat 31/03/2012 Sat 23/06/2012 Sat 15/09/2012 Sat 08/12/2012

PGDipBus Cohort P008 (Quarter 3 - Start June)

Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Class Times: One weeknight 5.30-8.30pm

Lectures start
Mon 02/07/2012 Mon 24/09/2012

Lectures end
Fri 07/09/2012 Fri 30/11/2012

Exam dates
Sat 15/09/2012 Sat 08/12/2012

MMgt (Year 1)
Semester 1 Semester 2 Class Times: One weekday

Lectures start
27/02/2012 16/07/2012

Lectures end
Fri 01/06/2012 Fri 19/10/2012

Exam dates
Sat 02/06/2012 - Mon 25/06/2012 Sat 20/10/2012 - Mon 12/11/2012

Admission and enrolment guide

How do I apply?
Choose your programme Postgraduate Diploma in Business (PGDipBus) Master of Business Administration (MBA: Pathway 1 and Pathway 2) Master of Management (MMgt) Check the entry requirements Apply for admission Visit:

Contact us
If you have any questions about the application procedures, or if you require assistance, please contact the GSE Service Desk: Phone: 0800 227 337 (within New Zealand only) Email: (please type your Student ID and Name in the subject line)

Need help with admission?

Email: Phone: 0800 61 62 63

Sign into Student Services Online

and follow the online application process. Well send you an acknowledgement email within two working days. This will include a checklist of documents you need to submit: - Curriculum vitae Upload to Student Services Online (SSO) - Personal statement Upload to SSO - Two references A template for these can be downloaded from and emailed (with Student ID and Name in Subject Line) to Well also send you a NetID and password Check the application closing dates Quarter 1, 2012 - 1 November, 2011 Quarter 3, 2012 - 1 May, 2012 Quarter 1, 2013 - 1 November 2012 Submit your supporting documents Well assess your application. This may take a week or more and you may be called for an interview at the GSE. If your application is successful, well email you an offer of place. Accept or decline your offer of place in SSO If you accept your offer, you have been admitted to the University and are now a student. Enrol in your courses in SSO Pay your fees in SSO - Website keyword search paying your fees

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Disclaimer Although every reasonable effort is made to ensure accuracy, the information in this document is provided as a general guide only for students and is subject to alteration. All students enrolling at The University of Auckland must consult its official document, the current Calendar of The University of Auckland, to ensure that they are aware of and comply with all regulations, requirements and policies.

CONTACT THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ENTERPRISE (GSE) Address: The University of Auckland Business School Level 3, Owen G Glenn Building 12 Grafton Road, Auckland Private Bag 92019, Auckland, 1142, New Zealand Telephone: 0800 227 337 Email: (please type your Student ID and name in the Subject Line) Web:

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