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Hef plane 1, 3,10 7 e721, 74 BY 35/36 yoy HES) Mohs ty 0 oF Ghe & 7,1, 29 Aaun | rane, I, 4, Rs ley WABI N94 [ej 21, 41 3y , Se (6/ Tl) 73 Ist, Ind & Ilird Laws of Motion In two different experiments, an object of mass 5 kg moving with a speed of 25 ms“! hits two different walls and comes to rest within (i) 3 second, (ii) $ seconds, respectively. [duly 28, 2022 (| Choose the correct option out of the following : (a) Impulse and average force acting on the cbject will bbe same for both the cases. (b) Impulse will be same for both the cases but the average force will be different. (6) Average force will be same for both the cases but the impulse will be different. (4) Average force and impulse will be different for both the cases. A balloon bas mass of 10 g in air. The air escapes from the balloon at 2 uniform rate with velocity 4.5 cm/s. If the balloon shrinks in 5 s completely. Then, the average force acting on that balloon will be (in dyne). Muly 28, 2022 (1)] @3 9 () 12 @ 18 A ball of mass 0.15 kg hits the wall with its initial speed of 12 ms ' and bounces back without changing its initial speed. If the force applied by the wall on the ball during the contact is 100 N. Calculate the time duration of the contact of ball with the wall. [uty 26, 2022 (11)] (a) 0,018 s (b) 0.036 s (c) 0.009 s(d) 0.072 s A block of metal weighing? kg isresting on 2 frictionless plane (as shown in figure). It is struck by a jet releasing water at a rate of | kgs”! and at a speed of ms !. Then, the initial acceleration of the block, in ms, will be : Mune 29, 2022 (1)] 3 (by 6 (©) 5 wa ‘Aman of 60 kgs running on the road and suddenly jumps intoa stationary trolly ear of mass 120 kg, Then the tolly car starts moving with velocity 2 ms~!. The velocity of the running man was ms! When he jumps into the car. Tune 28, 2022 1] 10. 12. Laws of Motion RELL nL, ee A block of mass 2 kg moving on a horizontal su with speed of 4 ms-! enters arough surface ranging fe x=0.5 mtox= 1.5m. The retarding forcein thisray of rough surface is related to distance by =~ ke yh k= 12 Nmr!, The speed of the block as it just tosses the rough surface will be: une 28,2022 (1) (a) Zero (b) 15 ms (c) 20 ms! (d) 25 met A batsinan hits back a ball of mass 0.4 kg straight inthe dircetion of the bowler without changing its initia peed of 15 ms~!, The impulse imparted to the ball jg Ns [une 26, 2022 (thy An object of mass Skg is thrown vertically upwards fon the ground. The air resistance produces a consiaxt retarding force of 10 N throughout the motion. The reo of time of ascent to the time of descent will be equa to: [Use g = 10 ms] [June 24, 2022 any (@) L:1 (b) ¥2:v3 (©) V3:v2 (a) 2:3 The initial mass ofa rocket is 1000 kg, Calculate at what rate the fuel should be burnt so that the rocket is given an acceleration of 20 ms-2. The gases come out at a relative speed of 500 ms~! [Use g = 10 m/s?] (a) 6.0% 10? kgs! (b) 500 kgs? (©) 10kg st () 60 kg st A particle of mass M originally at rest is subjected to force whose direction is constant but magnitude varies with time according to the relation real) Where Fy and T are constants. The force acts only fe he {ime interval 27. The velocity v ofthe particle after tie 27 [July 27, 2021 (0) (a) 2F,T/™M (b) FyT/2M. (©) 473M (a) FyI3M A force F=(40i-+10])N acts on a body of mass SHE U the body starts from rest, its position vector f nl 1= 10 5, will be : [duly 25, 202 (0) (1001+400j)m — (b) (1004+ 100))™ (©) (400i-+1003)m (a) (400i-+4005)™ A boy pushes a box of mass 2 ke with 3 © treba [Aug. 26, 2021 ()] 201 +10])N on a frictionless surface. SA lly at rest, then, mis displacement ol the x-axis after 10 s. [Feb. 26 207 sail a rs 16. 0 dependent force F=A(v,i +, 3), where v, and vy are x and y components of its velocity 7. if @ is the accelera- tion of the particle, then which of the following statements is tre for the particle? 1Sep. 06, 2020 (11) (a) quantity #2 is constant in time (0) F arises due to a magnetic field (c) kinetic energy of particle is constant in time (@ quantity $+ is constant in time ‘Aspaceship in space sweeps stationary inte dust. Asa reso is mass creases ota rte ASO =H, ‘where v () isits instantaneous velocily. The instantaneous acceleration of the satellite is: {Sep.05,2020 1D} bw? @ - 0 & “Fa 2 oe © “10, © To A small ball of mass mm is thrown upward with velocity w fromthe ground. Theball experiences a resistive force mk? where vis its speed. The maximum height attained by the [Sep. 04, 2020 (1D] he Inf 4 OE) tall is thrown upward with an initial velocity vp from the surface of the earth. The motion of the ball i affected by a drag force equal to my? (where m is mass ofthe ball, vis its instantaneous velocity and 7 is a constant), Time taken by the ball to rise to its zenith is: [10 April 2019 I] ogo) odell) © we" Aball is thrown vertically up (taken as + z-axii ground, The correct momentum-height (p-h) {9 April 2019 1] & “ (b) | [7 fy SS «0 of} (2) 9] rN, bp 19, 20. 2 2. A panticle ‘momentum p. mass m is moving in a str Tinga time t» (a force F = ktacts inthe saime ditcetion on the moving particle during time interval Tso that its momentum changes from plo 3p. Here is constant, The valucof Tis: (1h dan. 2019 1 2, (a) af ) AP w -e eg A pani af mass fv aeted upon by a force F given by R the empirical lnw F =< v(t. If this law is to be tested ez experimentally by observing the motion start from rest, [Online April 10, 2016] the best way is to plot {@) log v(O against + (6) vtpoginst (©) log vd against F(A) log (against t {A body of mass 5 kg under the action of constant force Fede Fyj has velocity a= 0 as #=(6~2)) ms and at t= 10s as 0=+6) m/s. The force F is: [Online April 11, 2084] 3:4 © (-33) By ae (d) ( $i)N (@ (sain (© (i-a)N A particle of mass m is at rest at the origin at time 150, Lis subjected toa force Fl) = Foe" in the x direction. Its speed (0) is depicted by which of the following curves? (2012) > This question has Statement 1 and Statement 2. Of the four choices given after the Statements, choose the one that best describes the two Statements. Statement 1: Ifyou push on a cart being pulled by.a horse sothat it does not move, the cat pushes you back with an equal and opposite force, Statement 2: The cart docs not move because the force deseribed in statement I cancel each other. 1Online May 26, 2012] Statement | is true, Statement 2 is true, Statement 2 is the correct explanation of Statement 1. Statement | is false, Statement 2 is true, Statement | is tre, Statement 2 is false Statement | is cue, Statement 2 is true, Statement 2is not the correct explanation of Statement 1. @) (b) () © BK Wo tivation howe itehinoatphamonmy akin: ai ye weal XY" wath the veut ate shown tt the thsate Neer AAO LONER ay placa our the thy planes Witt ts the seven agyativatnunaal Maun reg eet tol [20 ry oso! AS mye = aa hoetsvutal dhuaction to verti het Ws) Zoro (2) a8 ny Fea vertical ditwetion M4 Unload Mg rsthuenin vention npwcansty applying Axo DY Hank the hat novest 2 anwehiteaytgange ie SE ANE RMS It] OAS nos J ey Not Hatt, Hil the mages ofthe fae (Canis UMTS) (2006) a UY IGN eh NN Gh SIN 2S Aplayer cauiyht a crieker ball ofa 180 pmo Ata rate of 20 mx Ut the ca QU the five of Je paaness fs cumple im he Mow exertat by the ball ow the: hand at the player ts equal 69 12006] GY ISON YEN (HN Wh WON A parteorimass 0.3 ky subject toa finns Foe with R= 1S Nm. What will By is iii acoeteration iiLis reloasoa thon a pent 20m anaty fivan the etait 212005] (ay 1S asa Fars (od teamsta Sst IT. AROS is hep ona fncbontess anetined! suefaoe withangle of inclination "a, The inching is given att aevelenition “a” to hexp the Nook stationary. Then a is equal to [005] @) gowe 0) cane (©) gune \ ws 2S. A rocket with a Titt-olT mass 3.5 5 10" kg is Basted, upwands with an initial acceleration of Lm’s?, Then the initial theust of the blast is (2003) @) ssst08N (bY DON L0EN, ()_1soxt0'N (dW) 1.78810°N 29, Three frees start act invaliancously on a parti moving with velocity, &, These forees are represented in magnitude and direction by the thrve sides of u triangle ABC. The particle will now move with velocity [2008] (a) less than ¥ c (b) greater than F (c) [7 in the direction of the largest force BC (@)_ = remaining unchanged x i 30. A solid sphere, a hollow sphere and a ring ate released from top of an inclined! plane (lFéetiontess) so that they slide down the plang. Then maximunn acceleration dev the plane is for (no rolling) [2003] {a) solid sphere (2) ring (bs) hollove sphere () all same ACC My a ATECIEC Motion of Connected Boulos, Hutny 8 HaUlltintuny Of Foroen Vo beatin af mmayen anny = 8 yea ‘eoonmieetodd bya Tish st Lage olay: over sand ty oa steatly linelinnecd plies We 6G He the ty system tv ab test He foes ett by the ite fon tualy af nine any avi bo Phe ye tthe "Vay pl 6 A Vis 29 toe ay att 7 (WN (VION (0) SIN (lyon ny Atork ‘tikes 28 tide doa Hetil nating sx JO" ant Font Pep inh a1 yt ey unitinn velocity 'y", [the inetine beehanzerl lg time taker by the bleh, to slide dauva the: infin, lf boapprovinatel Hoty 21,2099 any WW) Mobs IORI (LORS Ad Oy Nanifinm metal chai ofmass me atl Fenyth “E payey cover at runsstese anid tiietontows pulley. Hts relenah thom gest write part as tenth sidtewnd vest of is hetgtt 1 ny 0 «ng bs unis ow the wher sido? te pully, Ata eertuin point of tiny, whew 1 ‘ # the acceleration of the chain is 2. The yuh otis July 28, 2022 aN) he Om Woe (wy? (as wa A monkey of nnss SO ky limbs on a rope whist ci taal the tension () of 850. N.C mnaukey ily ibs sown wit an aoveteration of ars! aual tie ey up with au aecelenition of Sn, Choate te court nf (ee Ws) [aay 20,2022 (a) T= T00N while etionbing upward (b) Ts 350 Nile point dora 6) Rope will break while ctimbing upwsutd (a) Rope will break while going dawmeart Vleroe masses Mo 100 by, my = LD Bye and fice aewanged inva system as shaver in figue: surthves are trietionless ail strings are imextensihle Weightless, ‘The pulleys are also weight!* Feietiontess, A free F isappptied on the systems th! mass mm, moves upward vith an aeveeration of" The value of ¥ is (Tike g = 10 ms. shy at i sw! wl [duty 26, 2022 Woke [J] m= 20ie (by UKON (a) 240.N und M, ace tied topetticr a the two ends of a light inextensible string, thit passes o fuictionlers pulley. When the mass M, is vi M, the accel fs M, is thrive th (a) 3M0N (o) MON Two masses M, that of When the mass of My The acceleration af the system mis 1 The ratia Gy willbe: Muy 26, 2022 (1) iw 0) 5 3 ns 3 2 M, 5 37, Four forces are acting at point Pin equilibrium asshown in figure, The ratio of forcer F, to F x where Mh, Fora free body diayram shown in the figure, the four forces are applicd in the ‘x" ancl *y* directions, What auldtional force must be applied and at what ange with Donitive x-axis so that the net accel eratiem of xy is zero? [July 25, 2022 (1D) (a) JN, 45" nN (0) J2N, 135" om i ty 2 . 6) FN 30" (a) 2N, 45° at ” ale 42. 43. 25 A lock of mass / placed inside a box descends vertically with acecleration ‘x’, The block exerts a foree equal to one-fourth ofits weight on the floor ofthe box. The value oe wil be [June 29, 2022 (1D) £ & 3g 5 by oh ag me me we & A-onass oF HC hy is suspended vertically by # rope of length Sm frum the roof. A force of 30 N is applied at themidldle point of rope in horizontal direction, ‘The angle made by upper half of the rope with vertical is = wn"!xeto!), The value of » is . (Given g = 10 mis?) [Mune 27, 2022 (H1)] ‘Apperson is standing in an elevator In which situation, ne experiences weight loss ? [dune 26, 2022 (1)] (a) When the clevator moves upward with constant eleration (b) When the elevator moves downward with constant acceleration (c) When the elevator moves upward with uniform velocity (d) When the elevator moves downward with ui velocity In thearrangement shown in fig- urea, ay, a and a, are the ac- celerations of masses m,, my, img and m respectively. Which of the following relation is true for this arrangement? [June 26, 2022 (11) (a) 4a, +243 +a +04 {b) a, +4a, 43a, +a, (6) 9 +4; 43a; +2a4=0 (a) 29) 2a, +30, +ay=0 a A system of 10 balls each of mass 2 kg are connected via massless and stretchable string, The system is allowed to ip over the edge of a smooth table as shown ia figure, Tension on the string between the 7 and 8" ball is N when 6 ball just leaves the table, to" bal batt Hune 26, 2022 (11)] A26 44, 45. 46, 47, ak. A block of mass 2000 y is kept stationary on a smooth inclined plane by apply horizontal force a mynin > JUN as shown in figure, The value of [une 28, 2022 (11D) A block of mays ny slides 019 the wroden weulge, Which in turn shes tuckward an the horizontal surfaee, The acceleration of the block with respect to the wedge is: Given m= Sky. M= 1okg Assume all the surfaces shown in the figure to be frictionless, [Sep. 1, 2021 QD} 4 m a 5 —u (b) () 30% (d) Accaris moving on a plane inclined at30°to the horizontal with an acceleration of 10 ms? parallel to the plane upward. A bob is suspended by a string from the roof of the car. The anglein degrees which the string makes with the vertical is INA, Aug. 31,2021 (1 (Take g = Wms?) The boxes of masses 2 kg and § kg are connected by 2 massless string passing over smooth pulleys. Calculate the time taken by box of mass & kg to strike the ground starting from rest. (use g = 10 mvs?) | Aug, 27, 2021 (I1)| (a) 034s (b) 02s (6) 0258 hae (@) 045 A steel block of 10 kg rests on a horizontal floor as shown. When three iron cylinders are placed on it as shown, the block and eylinders go down with an acceleration 0.2 m/s?. ‘The normal reaction R by the Noor if mass of the iron eylinders are equal and of 20 kg each, N (Take g= 10 mist] [July 20, 2021 (1)] sl. 53. Spr) (a) 716 (b) O86 (e) Th Consider frame that ismade up attwo thin massless reals AL and AC as shown, WW) bag in the figure, A vertical force P of inagnitude 100 N is applied at point A ofthe ame, Suppose the force is B resolved parallel fo the arms AB and AC of the frame. The magnitude of the resolved ‘component along the arm AC is xN, The value of x, to the nearest integ [Given : sin(35°) = 0,573, cos(35°) = 0.819 sin(110°) = 0.939, cos(110°) = ~0.342] [Mareh 16, 2021p ‘Apperson standing on a spring balance inside stationay iN measures 60 kg. The weight of that persca if thetit descends with uniform downward acceleration of 8 mit will be __N. (g=10m/7]_— | Feb, 26, 2024 (h) A mass of 10 kg is suspended by a rope of length 4m, from the ceiling. A force F is applied horizontally at ke mid-point of the rope such that the top hall of the rope makes an angle of 45° with the vertical. Then Fequals (Take g = 10 ms? and the rope to be massless) 19 dan, 2019 11, 7 Jan, 20201 (a) 100N (b) 90N (ce) FON (6) 75N ‘Two blocks of mass My = 20 kg and M, = 12 kga connected by a metal rod of mass 8 kg. The system is Pulled vertically up by applying a force of 480 N es shown. The tension at the mid-point of the rod is: [Online April 22, 201) 0N (@) 144N i () 96N (©) MON (6) 192N My A block of mass m is connected to another block of M by a spring (massless) of spring constant Thebls are kepl ona smooth horizontal plane, iil het are al rest and the spring is unstretched, Then 8608 force F staris acting on the block of mass M © ba 7 Find the force on the block of mass ' i — | > oooaam 3. 9, 60, ME mE © Gem © fo) Weeme @ me an (msi ‘Twomasses m =Skg and m= 4.8 kg tied toa string are hanging over a light frictionless pulley. What is the geeceleration of the masses when left free to move ? (g=9.8m/S") [2002 S, 2004) (ay Smit () 98 mis? (9 02m? (@) 482 “Aspring balance is attached to the ceiling of a lift. A man fangs his bog on the springand the spring reads 49 N, when the lif is stationary. Ifthe Tift moves downward with an acceleration of 5 mys*, the reading of the spring balance will be 12003] (@) 24N _(b) AN (@) ISN @) 49N ‘A block of mass M is pulled along a horizontal fiictionless surface by a rope of mass m. Ifa force P is applied at the free end of the rope, the force exerted by’ The ropecon the Block is [2003] bo) > em ®) Fem PM wr © Gren A light spring balance bangs from the hook of the other light spring balance and a block of mass 47 kg hangs from the former one, ‘Then the true statement about the scale reading is (2003) (2) both the seales read Af kg each () the scale of the lower one reads AY ke and of the upper one zero (6) thereading ofthe two scales can be anything but the sum of the reading will be Af ke (4) both the scales read 12 kg each | ‘Alif\is moving down with acceleration a. A man in the Tift drops a ball inside the Hit, The acceleration of the tall zsobserved by the man in the liftanda man standing Stalionery on the ground are respectively [20021 @ sg (b) g-ag-4 © g-ag @) ag When forces Fy, Fy, Fy ave acting on a particle of mass m such that F and Fare mutually perpendicular, then the Tarticle remains stationary. Ifthe force Fy isnowrernoved then the acceleration of the particle is 2002) @) Fim (b) FF) /mFy © G-Fym @ Fin Three identical blocks of masses m= 2 ke are drawn by force F'= 0, 2 N with an acceleration of 0. 6 ms" on. © frictionless surface, then what is the tension (in 3 30 the string between the blocks B and C? [2002] 027 eLpe Us F (a) 9.2 te) 3.4 (©) 4 (d) 98 61. One end of a massless rope, which passes over a massless and frictionless pulley P's tied toa hook C while the other nd is fee. Maximum tension that the rope con bear is 360 N. With what value of maximum safe acceleration in ms) ‘can aman of 60 kg climb on the rope? (2002) F (a) 16 () 6 4 (a) 8 AC acey Friction 62. Abagiss gently dropped on a conveyor belt moving at a speed of 2 m/s, The coelficient of friction between the conveyor belt and bag is 0.4. initially, the bag slips on the belt before it stops due to friction. The distance travelled by the bag on the belt during slipping motion is: [Take g~ 10 mis] (July 27, 2022 @] (@) 2m (b) 0.5 m (©) 32m (4) 08 m 63. Ablock of mass M slides down on a rough inclined plane swith constant velocity: The angle made by the incline plane with horizontal is 0. The magnitude of the contact force will be [July 27, 2022 ()] (a) Mg (b) Mg cos 0 (6) JMgsind=Mgcos8 (@) Mgsinoyivn 64. A2kg block is pushed against a vertical wall by applying 2 horizontal force of 50 N. The coefficient of static friction between the block and the wall is 0.5. A force Fis also applicd on the block vertically upward (as shown in figure). The maximum value ofF applied, so thatthe block doesnot moveupward willbe: Wune30,2022 0D] F wall son (@) 10N @ 206 (e) 25N (@) 45N AB 65. ae 66. 3 61. oo. A block of mass 40 kg slides over a surface, when a mass, ‘of 4 ky is suspended through an inextensible massless string pasing over frietionless pulley ws shown below. The coetficient of Kinetie fretion between the surface and block 1s 0.02, The acceleration of block is, toms?) [Mune 29, 2022 (1)) ©) 77 TITTTTT \ Oste ta) Ins? (b) V3 ms? (e) 4/8 ms? (@) S/H ms 18s M is connected to a four times bigger ‘mass by using a string-pulley arrangement, as shossn in the figure. The bigger mass is placed on a horizontal iec+ slab and being pulled by 2 Mg foree. In this situation x tension in the string is Mg for x = ‘lect mass of the string and friction of the block (bigger mass) with ice slab. (Given g = acceleration due to gravity) [June 28, 2022 (1) aM M§<——W7T feesab 8 A system of two Blocks of masses m= 2 kg and M= 8 kg is placed on a smooth table as shown in figure, The Ccoeflicient of static friction between two blocks is 0.5, ‘The maximum horizontal force F that can be applic to the block of mass M so that the blocks move tozether will (June 27, 2022 () my M —>F "| (a) 98 (b) 39.2 (c) 49 N (ad) 84 |. A dise with a fat small bottom beaker placed on it at a distance & from its center is revolving about an avis pass- ing throxigh the eenter and perpendiculur to its plane with an angular velocity ©. The coefficient of static frietion between the bottom of the beaker and the surfaee of the ise is 4. The breaker will revolve with the dise if: Vune 25, 2022 (I) () rs 3 (a) RM es Hing on a surface with an The coefficient of friction id bock is 0.5. The distance covered ‘oming to rest A block of mass 10 kg starts sli I Selocity of 9.8 ms! between the surfie by the block before e 10. 7. n 73. 14, fuseg=9.8ms 2) fa) 4.9m (hy () 125m ) mn Whom a body slices down fra 1631 any gy inetned phine making an angle ol 30° wath ag it takes time T. When the stime boily sides q the rest along a rough in angle and through the hen where a constant greater than 1th ovetign ion between the body and the rong pane rr ny 0 fg, the Jaen UNA, Sep. 1, 2024 (1); Ontine, April 1,201 The coef 0.5 and the table is smooth, The maximum horizon force that ean be applicd to move the blucks logethe at of staic fiction beeen Iwo Hes Ne (take 10 ms") INA, Aug. 26, 2021 (I); March 17, 2021 (5) ‘Table kg] =0.5 \ 2kg > F ‘A body of mass ‘nis launched up on rong inclined plane making an angle of 30° with the horizontal, Te coefficient of friction between the bod K inl plane is planes “S if the time of ascent is halt of the time of descent, The value ofx is. INA, July 20, 2021 (1) A boy of mass 4 kg is standing on a picee of woudl laving mass 5 kg. Ifthe coefficient of friction between the wool and the floor is 0.5, the maximum force thatthe boy ea exert on the rope so that the piece af wood dacs tol OE from its place i N. (Round oT the Nese integer) [Take g= 10 ms 2] {Mareh 17, 2021 (1) ied ‘Abody ofmass | kg rests on a horizontal floor wilh "He 1 ae ithas a coefMicient of static frievion =. is des" pose mie mae the body move by applying th: mol gous! force FN. The value of F will be tothe Nearest integer) (Take g = 10 mis -] [March 17. sor UD Laws of Motion ©) Impulse, = changein momentany, AP =~ AP Fup 4p SAR SAR l= Given An, = 3snndaty = 5s. Hence, P.,, in ease (), when At, = 3s is more than (fi) when At 5 ()) Force, F=: Isx12(-i) ISP 3.6 kes 0F,3.6= Fat 3.6= 100 At = At= 0,036 see = 10% I= 10N Sms? (6) By law of conservation of linear momontum Bee 60x V= (120 + 60) x 2 — 60V = 360 = Y= 6 m/s vdv (©) a= sade = dx; f =< os ]2oe S-3x4=a_16 > V=4 > v=2ms (12) Impulse = AP = FB = my Cm) =2 m= 2404" 18= 12 Ns (b) While going upward, a, =-(g +a) 10" » =-{e0!) ewe Now, Feu t ai =u =a, 1, & and, $= uly +a a = -al} ~ 6 = 129-6 = 68 e While coming downward, v 10 47 g-0= 10-5 = Bre? Here, =0 1 1 So, S= fan = txeb= 4g $0, $= 612-43 =f bee b 3 12, 13, (2) Thrust foree on rocket is given by Fn * (Yet) tm ¥, ng) = niet (he dt vi = s0n( fH!) 10° e101 a9 = Bato ky/s) (c) From the Newton's second law of motion, Fema Py | (©) Acceleration, a= Using, PEW et xa 17 => F ss = Fs5(si+2))100 => F= 40014100} (500) = 10745) m Displacement ofthe box along x-axis, a} = au! = 210x100 = 500 m pi = SxlOxto0 (8) Given Fak(y,iey,) “By =hoyl, F, nd, Similarly, 8 . & atm Me ue 1. 16. un (0) From Fea Webave given, ‘Thruston: constant the Newton's second law, daw) _ (dn dam) _ fae dt de ato, at the satellite, fi) = br) pe B)=-07 1-40 [Using G) and Gi) =F=M@a a 2 vO ofl +, argc a) mk? — mg. vedy wht of MO be =a ry =0 yp | tte) = ctton (rg and mks? act opposite to each other) (ve=¥3) » = fan 3 Fale +eL--# he? +2) 2 stil 8-5 |g dt -(@+~) Let time t required to rise to its zenith (v= 0) $0, @) =u2—2¢h v= fPaagh Momentum,P=my =m? ~2h AL b=0, P= muandat h=—,P=0 ‘pivard direction is positive and downward direction is negative. 1, 19, 20. 22. 0) Kon Kevin's wasnt haw 4p a Inteypeting tet silos we wt “ - Bay como Els (0) Fran Fe Seuyyarm = Got) sz p Vie negating wth stem Jip =I & Inve sinvn’ : (a) From question, Massed toy m= 5 Velocityene=9, ue (6) -2]) mls Velocityat = 108, ye+6j mvs Force, (c) Given that Fy = hig dy =m =Feh a fogts aim fur- Shona 3] 2 ve Steet] Bie a (e) If you push a cant with sone force then accexding to evn third law the cart will exert an equal and opgrnite force on you. So the cant push yeas with vane mpannt force in oppenite ditection. Sp Statement | is contest ‘The action reaction paits mentioned in statement ane, cannot cancel each ther because action and reaction forces act on two different badies. So they cannot cancel each other. So Statement 2 is wrong ALBG Vor Men wort wedlye ~~ my wr Malancing vertical frances An, sn MP Veewls force © ma, ir” Nia sin Mi = my con 30° +N = Rycon I" Kay, sin 10 on, Afi day vi ray on 4 Alony incline plane om pain rs “l sing (iy) 1 = ry, = Ki, mye 2 7 97 2 omeyrte hm 2 46, (MO) From figure, tan HF 60) = stant sip 4) = 2210 afb t= 3A un er DES un 2% 0nd yg sin 30 + ma Vr oh 41, (A) Venn Sve boely ddngenms WW tw Ay Foam ily Multiply equation (ily hy 2 an ning vith equation (i) wo got " Mn aO san the Ww 4 ing, core 307" my con SY 2 1 Wm 30% or {fie a to mie ng sin 40" tna, 7 30° » 44, Ad, 50, si, $2, 53, ATE | 2a Using Sasa PAE “tees Por t=0A see (d) Total weight acting downward, WH (20734 10g 70g a=92 Now fram PBD, N~mg= ma I oy No My 20% 0.2 eo N=Tg 40.2) o> N=OMN Wo thy (42) P makes ungle of 35° with AC $9, mponent along AC ~ 100 cos 35 = 81.96 xp) (492) Mavs of the person, M = 60 kg i ‘Tension in the rope of the Jif when it moves downy with acceleration a, : | TM (g¢~ a)” 60 (10 ~ 1,8) = 492 N (a) The free body diagram is By Lam's theorem 1 _b F Ne 138°" 135 1 = Femg~100N = —490_ ia Wk 2041248 480N 480 ~ T= 2a AAD Tm 24x 12 Akg AKO 2H8 T= 192N z (a) Writing free body-diagrams for m & M, a iM weet T= ma and FT Ma where is force dc to spring x man Ma or, P= Mat ma 4 Acceleration of the system ann Mim" Now free acting on the block of mass m is rn (it) oe Mam mem” gai mi, At vy cairn iA the racers, (Any e9% ott \y 9 no! ad ade amy alm omn iy Moen in iseaticnary Wy = me A ml? 09 mtd sn te Wi ders ith a: oben | nym) wo ( 9 yq-5)- 25H Ww | ng w 44. (6) Tenge rope and the Mork aa vpn Pa(m+ Mia "faenin reed, "TE “ poe ma “iin the block as u sete, Face ont ck, = Ma Bree m+M 1, (a) Assprings are massless $0, tension in epring, 1 3 Tension in spring Ms And, reading of spring halanceis equal to tension of spring, wo, beth Mu will show same reading. Ta 5%. (¢) Case - $2 For the man standing in the Sift, the szzslerstion of the ball Fm * Up — ly = yyy * Cate St: The man standing on the ground, theacueleralion Ae ball Yin Oy ~ Ly 2 ty = 2 ' (8) When forces J, and Jane uetingon the particle, remains in equilibriunn, Force and 1 areprenionat each eaher, ee N= Pot By r- (Ee The force Fis now removed, wo, sesultant of fp anil 1's ‘illnow make the particle move with force cats! 1 Then, seceleration, a = LL m (9) Force = mass + woceleration pal rtms myea “Ima ha “A, “a, oy, oA, 6, 1 (d) Vor & ky bi Le f ia on +H a wm 5m tv? ty=ma 9"? 489 1 pty op [pest eter ape (4) Venien, tN Nha h a wanin- We uw n yy “ae ma Y= many nn ote oA tl ~ () Petardintion tus ta Miehin = Ya Wh 2 ma ie WAM Cay Brean the Neos Aiaayaen thera Ne sygund fe Mysins Win i/ ~ Yxunh Sun, 6 = : aval lisagoabs? vtshgsinaf Le Comins tain, vo dtl of 0 pe a frsehtar 6 ssintty 7 ha My (4) Nyy A oh Week, we bave NaN Andi ani § yh jel cg OSD ZN BN Bin, thax innum force Ihatean he applied iv 4514, ek mort My 7 4a Vor 40 My, thuck 1 Ag 7 tis» Mla (2 fy = seam 7 4= Ma ‘Adbing, (i) 4 (i), we yet ~~ Ma 8 a (6) For Amn My To 4M ForM wlti) a wi) T= mg = Ma Adding (i) & (ii), we wet Mg = 5 Ma ii) A15B sak $ ee aM So, peso Aten Bate it aH foe 0 Dapit a e elope res i) ‘ ‘a willbe maximum when "Sinn eal) woe in NAPE a ye 2 ge 49N From (ii), Fouay ” 84a * fy, Big + 2g = 10H 49 .(b) For beaker to move with disc fem So, R will be maximum, when J, *f, Therfore, Sian = 107" Rana ds = me? Renae He o , Mane Ras we So Rs (by a= Fe 2 u g0,s= i [rv=0) 0S oF t y 9.87 Qepy 2405498 . (3) Acceleration on smooth inclined plane a= gsin30°~ 2 Lie Using $= ut + at iB Sauls Jey 8 oli) ( asephrabr? ll ( Acceleration on rough inclined plane a= gsin30°~ pgcon30? = g. sash mas ote - V5) Using again Sx wsdat a(t-v5u\(ar} (ul) By (i) and ( =9.8m, u=0) Le aI 1-Vj _hgr? = telt-sGn) f o ‘4 =x =3.00 aul J (15) For block a mass Ikg . r= By, ikea (uN= mg) f, cppn0.5xixl0=515" = Maximnum horizontal fOFCE Fay = 5 15N (3) From question, 1 ext wey 2s 1 [28 on 24a on0,494 O) gsin = pg cos 0 = Aig sin O- pg cos 0) So, x23 F, : 3tan0 = 5 pg cos 0=3gsin0 = H=—F = 30°] (30) From FBD shown, T= Mg-N Remg+N=(utmg-P Forman For block THN N el Mg Fart ng For no movement of block, T SUR => TS pM +m)g—T) pg MM amg _ (0.5544) 110 l+h 7 140.5 £.Tiygy = 30. N (5) As block is at rest So, FcosO= f= iN ANA Fein, Feos 0 ji (mg—F sin 0) 1S yd F(cos 0+ ju sin 0)= jung pe bmg t 050+ sind For nin ™ (cos 0+ j1 in 0) should be maximum d he (008 0+ 4 sin 0)= 0=> tan O=H (FFB vistance, Displacement & Ur form Motion path as shown 60m, then the 25,2022 (D1 ent would be :[Suly 2 ed from A to Bon a circular edicance travelled by him is (Gree @) 2m () 1m fe 19m 6) 9m A person starts his journey fom centre ‘O" of the park cud coms beck to the same positon following path OPQO Se shown in the figure. The radius of path taken by the parece i 200) mand be takes 3 min $8 sec to complete his ‘The average speed of the person is ___ 73.14) (June 30, 2022 (1) A.cor covers AB distance wih first one-third at velocity vy, ms-!, second one-third at vp ms and last one-third atyms) fv, andy, = 11 mst then the average velocity of the car is, ms", e——__4 [June 28, 2022 1D] Au ye % B A particle is moving with speed y= px along positive x-axis, Calculate the speed of the particle at time = t (assume that the particle is at origin at t =O). [12 Apr. 2019 DE Be es © = Om @ 2 t (d) art ‘All the graphs below are intended to f represent the same motion, One of them does it incorrectly. Pick it up. 12018) a sas @ — Dore i” ae ae bs time @) fi f the distance betweer ers the first half of th en ty 6 Acar sepothcr hatfat 60 kwh, The average laces at 40 kmh rl [Online May >, 291) speotet the eat is @) 45kwh I (ay 40k! (@) kmh 4skah . TENG at. hen its displacement aflerunitine (2007) is yy telat beet, Bee © eteloated at=0 attime =O. stare movin along Arete postive x-direction with a velocity! thot vax asv= avx. The displacement of the particle varies with 0) 2284 i [2009] a oe o) * ol? @e Non-uniform Motion dx % trie Redan (BS) i: [July @4 (b) Zero ©8 (d) 16 10, The velocity of the bullet becomes one third after it penctrates 4 cm in a wooden block. Assuming thot bullet is facing a constant resistance uring its motion in the block. The bullet stops compictely after travelling a (4+ x)em inside the block. The value of x is: [July 27. 2022 (10 @ 20 W109 © 05 @ Is 11, Acar is moving with speed of 150 knvh and after applying the break it will move 27 m before it stops. Ifthe same cat is moving with a speed of onc third the reported spet then it will stop after travelling, m distance. [aly 25, 2022 (0) 12. Apasticleis moving ina straight line such that its velocity isinereasing at 5 ms” per meter. The acceleration of the particle is ___ms at a point where its velocity '¢ 20ms'. [uly 25, 2022 01 13.. A small toy tas moving from the position of rest unde"® constant acecleration. If it travels a distance of 10min tS the distance travelled by the toy in the next fs will be: ‘i {June 29, 2022 (11 va, Delom 22m 30m) om . Fwo buses Pand Q start from a point atthe same times maven astraight fineand their pestionsare repre Y Xd) = at + BP and Xo(t)=ft— 2. At ‘what time, bole thebuses havesameveiogity? [June 25,2022 (0! 7 PERE | af wm tl way : ) & S24 ey BHF yy foo Oe 30-9 © aan mH day 1s. A parti Je is moving with constant acceleration ‘a', Fdllosing graph shows: ersus x(displacement) plot, ‘The acceleration ofthe particleis —_nvs?, INA, Aug. 31, 2021 (ID) o 10 20 30 x(n) 16, Ifthe velocity ofa body related to displacement x is given by v= V5000+24x m/s, then the acceleration of the body is mis. INA. Aug. 27, 2021 (DL The instantaneous velocity of a particle moving in a straight line is given as v~ q+ Bit, where oc and are constants, The distance travelled by the particle between sand 2sis [July 25,2021 (11) @) 30+78 © partp 2,8 342 © +5 (a) 50458 18. A scooter accelerates from rest for time 4, at constant rate 4a, and then retards at constant rate a for time fy and i ‘comes to rest. The correct value of 7~ will be “[Feb. 26, 2021 (1D) @ ate t) “a o 2 a a £y (») and time (¢) graph ofa body in a straight line motion is shown in the figure. The point Sis at4.333, seconds. The total distance covered by the body in 6 3 i Eg ot o4 19. The vel 105 Sep. 2020 (11) = «ins) 49 =m OF um &) Rm 20. The speed verses time graph for x particle is shown in he figure. The distance iravelled (in m}by the particle during 7 @ Fm tor=Sswillbe_____. INAASe the time interval r= 21. 2. m4 28. ait 10) 1 # (ns) © 4 2 aw Trias time —> o “The distantee x cavered by a particle in one dimensional motion varies with time tase = al! + 2b 1 6, I the acceleration ofthe particle depen on 2 un", where nis an inteyer, the value of 1 is » INAY San 20201] A bullet of mass 20g bias un initial speed of | ms ', just before it starts penetrating, mud wall of thickness 20 c Ifthe wall offersa mean resistance of2.5/10?N, the specs! ofthe bullet afer emerging from the other side of the wall close to [10 Apr. 2019 11] () Ot ms (b) 0.7 ms! © 03m! (d) Ams! ‘The position ofw particle as a function of time f, is given by.x(0)= ait bf ~ et? where, a h and ¢ are constants When the particle attains zero acceleration, then its velocity will bet [9 Apr. 2019 11) 2 2 6 # or (b) arse 2 # © a ) are A particle starts from origin O from rest and moves with a uniform acceleration along the positive x-axis, ently all figures that correetly represenls the motion qualitatively (a= acceleration, v= velocity, x= displacement, ¢= time) 18 Apr. 2019 11] waa ®) o Va j— 47 o t 0 @ BLO (by (A) © (A, (0) (4) (A),(6).@) A particle starts from the origin at time |= 0 and moves along the positive x-axis, The graph of velocity with respect to time is shown in figure. What is the position ofthe particle at time ( = 53? [10 Jan, 2019 11) j 4 x © ' F 6 28. 29, 30, r23 tb) 6m In a cas race en wright rod, ear A takes a time Fes than car B at the finssh ard passes finishing point with a speed ‘more than of ear B. Bath the ears start from rest and travel oth constant acceleration a and ay revpectvely, 48678 ©) dm 910 ts) fa) 10m (9m Then ‘is equal 2a, 19 dan, 2019) (by (aya (a) ae o Jaane cy Mt An automobile, travelling at 40 hmv. canbe stopped ata distance of 40 m by applying brakes. Ifthe same automobile is travelling at SO kmh, the minimum stopping distance, in metres, is (assume no skidding) (2002 S, 2003 S, 2004'S, Online April 15, 2018] (a) 7m (by 1m (100m (d) 150m. The velocitystime graphs ofa car anda seceter are show in the figure. (i) the difference between the distance travelled by the car and the scooter in 15 sand (i) the time a1 which the car will catch up with the scooter arc, respectively {Online April 15,2018] (a) 337.Smand 256 4 i (b) 225Smond 10; 2” dis (©) N2Smand2255 Z J » ) Nasmiis RS ‘A man in acarat location Qona straight highway is moving with speed v He decides to reach a point P in a field at a distance d from highway (point Myas shown in the figure, Speed of the car in the field is half o that on the highway. What should be the distance RM, sothat the lime taken to reach Pisminimum? [Online Aprit 15,2018) a © % i o4 y ee a Q & M (o) Ee wd The distance travelled by a body moving along a | time Fis proportional to? ML 32. 33. ATE The acceleration-time (a, 1) graph for the musing boy will be (Online Mt 2 at ) ) = a. + 1 1 © () —— I+ : = “The graph of an objcet’s motion (alog the rat), n the figure. The instantaneous veloc points 4 and # are v4 and vg respective aa [Online May 7,2.) tis ° 10 2005) @ (0) ¥4=0.5 mis vy, © vpn vy Anobject, moving with a speed of 6.25 mis, isdeceleatal at a rate given by Boas where is the instantaneous speed. The Lime taken by the object sor torrest, would be: (2011) fs) 28 (b) ds) 8s dh Is body is at rest atx = 0. AL starts moving inthe Positive x-dircetion with a constant acceleration. Nhe same instant another body passes through x = D mins in the positive x-direction with a-conslant speed. 1 Position of the frst boy is given hy x,(1) alerts aud that oF the second body by x,(e) afer the san i? ‘nlerval, Which of the following graphs correcilydowst (x, ~ap) asa function oftime*f? (eo i) ton) ) LZ (b) | faa 9) 1d) From aon AB sin 13s on 2004 200 4 2R200 Bs 4. dt 5 Sy pe a 7a hae Differentiating wrt. time, we get de ©) Graphs in option (c) position-time and option (a) Velocity-position are corresponding to velocity-time graph option (d) and its distance-time graph is as piven below. Hence distanee-time graph option (b) is incorrect distance 6 (©) Average speed = Total distance wavelled _ x t ‘Total time taken T = z 8 kmh + 2x40 "2x60 1. 10, Motion ina Straight Line ds (©) Weknowihat, v= = de= vd d rot Integrating, [de = [vd 0 0 t ash or x= fog gees? at pee] 7 o 0 2 3 tte axe k g mt renytZet, Atte, 2% 3°39 ae @ veayxs> Integrating both sides, led Fe] Jo p2rear 2x ) Given, t= Vi44 = xa (74)'= 2-84 16 ds d Fa 21-8 4 n2nd-8 = Seng (©) Letinitial velocity of bullet = u a ai Final velocity of bullet 3 Distance travelled by bullet, s=4 cm Using, —uF= 2; = 45=4+x > )_ [fspeed becomes ‘n’ times by ke then stopping distance becomes n? Here, V9 V3 a” const S,.27 SoS ie Z, 80, $95 ie Fmis onal ofl se z #, ec, suppose bodly travel 5 di nm ets + aay? weg 07 80 105 od ste WS ed 21045 0 a) Forbus Fr ioe ty root 2h bead orbs sneste® 7 dr, pestle Mea Ge (yeV(Q a+ Ie= f-2 ash an fecal 20 = fa = 242 aie +2) atpelnt 'B )=17+ 20.20 sail) Subtracting (i) from (i), we get a= ims? ay (2) Acceleration equals to a =v att gy =-V50004 285 de 1 ggg “ZY000e 2a ¥5000+ 24x 4 12 st sa=y Xt = (5000424 * eizm’s Ne +28 T0004 2 1. ©) We have given, veatepe ee sx (arp) 1 2 4 > Feasts ‘pe od aight ASpanicle is moving in a straight line, - Distanee = Displacement 4-1] pis i] _ 30, 28 3 |°2 3 4. Distance =| 2 2 © Portimeinterval 1, _ A137 v. oseds te 3, sper ; Distance covered by the body = area of v-f graph (OARS) + a0 (SCD) 20, 5x8=220m tasa?= af? +2be+e 2A.) Distance X varies with time’ de 2x Ha 201426 oat F 22? 25x10 | 20 of £)\s 2? =? -2] = higg ( } wee ee 100 1 a ) xeartbr—eP Velocity, 4 Latter se?) = a+ 2bt-3er dv ation, yp = L ane seve gpmls=0.s 4 (421 —3at*) | Bey at 01 Mat me rene inlerval ty ' i : Fagen dom mala 88 and v= ovr 2)-x( * ay = aztyor, A a 3e a —— ROE Pht A138 24, 28. 26. 21. 28, 29. (6) For constant acceleration, theres straight line parallel totaxison a=t, Inclined straight line on Y—4, and parabols on x=f @ Position ofthepatcl. = area under graph (time t= 0 t058) 1 (6) Let time taken by Ato reach finishing point is to *. Time taken by B to reach finishing point = ty +t az Putting this value of fy in equation (i) as(22) = 5 -40(2° 2 aca(2} on-a(2)' > 4-100 7 you i (©) Using equation, a= “—~ and S=ur+ Sat 4 Distance travelled by car in 15 sec = 1 as? 75 "3" Distance travelled by scooterin IS seconds =30% 15450 (distance = speed time) Difference berween distance travelled by ear and seoote in 15 sec, 450 -337.5 = 112.5m “r Let car catches scooter in time t 61 895.4 45(1-15) = 301 = 3375 +451-675 =40.=9151=337.5 S 1-225 (@ Let thecar tum ofthe highway ata distance! from thepaiat So R= ‘And ifspeed of car in eld is», then time taken by rower distance OF= OM—eontheltgnwayy = =e (i) 4 30. a 22. a HTB ‘Time taken totravel the distance" ing. lel Ta + 7 wee sali) ‘Total time elapsed to move the car from (4p oMnx Vd? +e? 2 y path= dt For’ tobeminimum 7 “aye () Distance along @ line i.c., displaceme =P Cr sap given) . By double differentiation of displacement, acceleration. dy_ dP ae dv_ de ya 5? and a= P= 6 ad ade a=6ror axl Hence graph (b) is correct. (@) Instantaneous velocity y= 4° At From graph, v, - 24 = 9 = 0.5 mis ay 8s Integrating, Pda aft [prtav=2sfiar [ial =1G Odeos = -2«25 (®), For the body starting from rest, distance 1 (ry) is given by i = ye Sat For the body moving with constant specd =v va etna at This equation is of parabola. For t< + 7 the slope is negative ] Laws of Motion oli | Ist, IInd & Illrd Laws of Motion 1 In two different experiments, an ebject of mass 5 kg moving with a speed of 25 ms hits two different walls and comes to rest within (i) 3 second, (ii) $ seconds, respectively: [oly 38, 2022.) Choose the correct option out of the following : (a) Impulse and average force acting en the object will be same for both the eases. (b) Impulse will be same for both the cases but the average force will be different. (c) Average force will be same for both the cases but the impulse will be éifferent. (d) Average force and impulse will be different for both the cases. A balloon bas mass of 10 gin air. The air escapes fom the balloon at ¢ uniform rate with velocity 4.5 emis. If the balloon shrinks in 5 s completely. Then, the average force eeting on that balloon will be (in dyne). uly 28, 2022 (D] (a3) (12 @ 1s A tall of mass 0.15 kghits the wall with its initial speed, of 12 ms“! and bounces back without changing its initial | speed. Ifthe force epplied by the wall on the ball during the contact is 100 N. Calculate the time duration of the contact of ball with the wall. [July 26, 2022 ID} (a) 0.018 s(b) 0.036 s (¢) 0.009 s(d) 0.072 s A block of metal weighing? kg isresting on frictinless plane (as shown in figuse). It is struck by a jet releasing water at a rate of | kgs” and ata speed of 10 ms“!. Then, the initial acceleration of the block, in ms-?, will be: [June 29, 2022 @3 6 Or @4 ‘Aman of 60 kgis running on theroad and suddenly jumps intoa stationary trolly car of mass 120kg. Then the trolly car starts moving with velocity 2 ms“. The velecity of the running man was ms“!, When he jumps into the car. [June 28, 2022 (1)] 10. 'A block of mass 2 kg moving 09 a horizontals. wwth speed of 4 ms! entersa rough surface ranging 20.5 mtox= 1.5m. The reterding force in this ofrough surface is related to distance by F = yet k= 12 Nm), The speed of the block as it jus, Cross, the rough surface will be: [une 28,202 yy fa) Zero (b) 1S ms! (¢) 2.0 ms“ (a) 2.5 mel ‘Apbatsman hits back a ball of mass 0.4 ke straight in the direction of the bowler without changing its initial spaeg ‘of 15 ms“!, The impulse imparted to the ball jg _____—_Ns. [Mune 26, 2022 (ny Knobject of mass 5kg isthrown vertically upsrards tm the ground. The air resistance produces 9 constant retarding force of 10 N throughout the motion. The rato of time of ascent tothe time of descent will be equa ig: (Useg= 10 ms] [June 24, 2022 (In) @ 1st) ¥2:v3 (© V3:v2 (2:3 ‘The initial mass of s rocket is 1000 kg. Calculate st what rate the fuel should be burnt so that the rocket is given an zcceleration of 20: ms, The gases come cut at a relative speed of 500 msé! with respect to the rocket : [Use g = 10 m/s?] JAug. (a) 6.0« 10? kgs (b) 500 kg s* (©) 10kgs* (@) 60 kgs A pacticle of mass M originally at rest is subjected toa force whose direction is constant but magnitude varies with time according to the relation rel] Where F, and T are constants. The force acts only for the time interval 2T. The velocity v of the particle after time ais 2021 (I [nly 27, 2021 (DI (a) 26 TIM (b) FIM (©) FG 13M (d) Pet A force F=(401+10})N acts on a body of mass 5H Ifthe body starts from rest, its position vector 1 at tine t= 105, willbe: [duly 25, 2021 0 (a) (1001+400})m ——(b) (1oci-+100j)m {e) (400+100j)m —(@) (aoai +400j}m A boy pushes a box of mass 2 ke with » fore? F = (201 +10))N ona frictiontess surface. Ifthe bor" initially at rest, then mis displacement aes ; the x-axis after 10 5, [Feb. 26, 2021 o | Eo 13, Aparticle moving in the xy plane experiences 9 velocity dependent force F=K(vyi+v, Dywhere v, and v, are x andy components of its velocity 7.if d is the aceclera- tion ofthe particle, then which ofthe following statements trae for the particle? [Sep. 06, 2020 (11)] {@) quantity #4 is constant in time (b) F arses duc toa magnetic fetd {o) Kinetic enerey of particle is constant ia time (8) quantity #-2 is constant in time 14. Aspaceship in space sweeps stationary interplanetary dust au) ‘Aga result, its mass increases at a rate =, where » (ists instantancous velocity. The instantaneous acceleration ofthe satellite is {Sep.05, 2020 1H} by @ wo © 6 aby? oy OHO © ome 18. Assnall ball of mass m is thrown upward with velocity w from the ground. The bal experiences a resistive force mki* where visits speed. The maximum height attained by the ballis: [Sep. 04,2020 (ID] Lf ke) dint A © FUSE she 2g 16, Aballis thrown upward with an initial velocity vp from the surface ofthe earth, The motion ofthe ball is affected by a drag force equal to my" (where m is mass ofthe ball, vis 1 ee) jun © 3) its instantaneous velocity and 7 isa constant). Time taken by the bal to rise to its zenith is: [10 April 2019 T] 0 p(s) oe E) 1 Fy Vsan'{ Pty, © Feil ye] © Fart We” 17. Atul is thrown vertically up (taken as +2-axis) from the ground. The correct momentum-height (p-h) diagram is: [9 April 2019 I] tp ‘ @) i © st te ©) ten @ —7Tt" Se 18. 19, 24 22. 423 ‘A particle of mass m is mating in 2 staight line ith momentum p- Starting atime 0, foroe = facsin the same direction on the moving panicle during time interval Tso that its momentum changes fom ps 3p. Here kis 2 constant. The value of 9: 15 Jan. 2019 1) lk fz 2p aE Zw f2 @ 5 wm AF Oy, OVE A portiele of mass m is acted upem by a farce F given by the empirical law FB. v(ty. If this la isto be tested ' ‘capcrimentally by observing the motion staring from rest, the best way isto plot : {Online April 19, 2016] 1 : () logw(tyagainst > (b) w(tyagains ! a (©) log vt) against “7 (2) log wt) against A body of mass 5 kg under the action of constant force F J 6i-2}) mis and att= 10sas ¥=+6) m/s. The force F is: [Online April 11,2014] ae ( agi) 4 3: 4s (© (31-4) @ (2-4) ‘A particle of mass m is at rest at the origin at time 10. Itis subjected toa force Ftt)= Fein thex direction. Its speed v(t) is depicted by which ofthe following curves? (2012) “xi +F,j has velocity at t= 0s 2s @ (si+4))N FP ba t— VX tT i= ‘This question has Statement | and Statement 2. Of the four choices given after the Statements, choose the one that best describes the two Statements. Statement 1; Ifyou push ona cart being pulled by horse so that it does not move, the cart pushes you back with an. equal and opposite force. Statement 2: The cart does not move becanse the force described in statement 1 cancel each other. [Online May 26, 2012) {a) Statement I is true, Statement 2 is true, Statement 2 is the correct explanation of Statement 1. (b) Statement 1 is false, Statement 2 is true. (©) Statement 1 is true, Statement 2 is false. (@)_ Statement| is tue, Statement 2 istrue, Statement 2is not the correct explanation of Statement 1. Motion in a Plane EX - Tihe pryeetiow ol ea P IK on Le peak ay vere Then, the vate of a witty Uinty 28, 2022401 Te Ae (eA AJ and We (Ge zpe2k) am. the magnitiate of owmponent of vetor A along vector UE will te m. Huty 26,2022 00] u Two vectors and have equal magniten magninabor + 8 isequal wnnotines themagnitnte B then the angle between ant willbe: Mame 29,2022 (0) od a) wnt ta 3a (3) (evs () Statement 1: Two forces (B+ Q)and (BQ) where hon actat an angle 0, to each ether, the magnituale of their resultant is. /3(P* +0"). when they act at an This ispassible only when 0, <,. Statement II In the situation given above, 0, = 60" and 0 = 90° In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate anywer from the eptions given below s [sug M2 (a) Statement-1is false but Statement ist (b) Both Staternent-t and Statement-Il are true (©) Statement-1is true but Statement is falye (©) Both Statement-Land Statement ate false, The magnitude of vectors OA, Old and OC ins the given any figure are equal, The ditection of OX + OW -O€ with xainis will bes [aug 26,2021 (01 Csi (Ie ¥3 42) @) tan (Viti ve) (ivi v2) (vi tiv3) (revive) li viva) (Ive) Thoamgte betwen vector (A) anal (A ti) (hy tan (we) tan @) tw @ wl] — 0 tan! £| O) Foy (sr 5 tf Xe © wtf ‘] af Meow | nw (x hind) Doorwetoes Nand ¥ havea aytittae, Hhcnayniks (XY) of XY isis imes thonmpnitn The angele between Nand Vis: Maly 28,20, 2021 (1: 10 dan, 2009 1D ES (cos ( ") ty evs | Ca ] : tin? ' } af wat va i ow ES What will be the projection af yeotor AEE TER Ot veotor tied] aoty 22, 202100 ay 2 (iedek) (bi afi ink) . w vi(ie}) w (ini) / Qa Hare moyinge alone the wt wie j die jr Rand ¢ They Mike ot a point und stant game in iter tN ES . whi Now particle Pes moving normal io the plans which cis moni 4 11] respectively sotainy vector and 1 Similarly paiticks 4 normal tothe plane which contains vector A anil CEM goons i. R 2B Ma 15. 16, 17, angle betwiven the direction of motion of P and Q is Then the value of x is INA, July 22, 2024 (1D ‘GH of equal side, what is the sum of pAb =2t43}-ab A B H G D oe Peb.25,2021 01 (@) -16P-24j+32k —b) 167 424j4328 (© 167 +24j-328 (@) (67-245 +328 If PxQ=Qxi, the angle beiween B and Q is 0 (0° <30° < 360°), The value of O will be i (Web. 25, 2021 (1)] ‘Aforce F = (742) +38)Naetsata point (4/+3)-A)m. ‘Then the magnitude of torque about the point (+2}+Qm willbe VF Nem. The value, INA Sep. 05, 2020] ‘The sum of two forces B and @ is & such that || = [P| The angle 0 (in degrees) that the resultant of 27 and makewith @ is___- [NA Jan, 202011] and [Ay +Aq| = 5. The value of (2%, +343) (30-24%) is [8 April 202011) (@)-1065(b) -995 — (@) -1125_ (a) ~ IRS In the cube of side ‘a” shown in the figure, the vector from the central point of the fuex ABOD to the central point of the face BEFO will be:, [10 Jan. 2019 IL dale) — rn i + @ 4a(7-/) Lag w@sa(i-§) Two forees Pand Q, of magnitude 2F an are at an angle 0 with cach other. doubled, then their resultant also ge! ihe angle 0 is: {10 Jan. 2019 1 (a) 120° () oP ©) (d) Let Ae+) and B= (2i-).The magnitude of a Ga Ad is given coplanar vector & sueh that A.C= i Y 7 fOntine April 16,2018] ot jo nd 3F, respectively, If the foree Q is 4s doubled. Then, 18, 19. erate 20. 2. 22. 23 24, a7 0 30 [> &) & ) £ © & «w & Avec X is vated bya all avgle AO radian (90 << 0D to get a new vector Hi, Io that case [HA] is: JOntine April 11, 2015] y |B)40-|4] «) [AJa0 ral a) i Ax d= Bx A, then theanglebetween on (@o ‘Aand (is [2004] WG x ) 5 Motion ina Plane with Constant Acceleration article starts travelling froma height. rc keeping z coordinate constant, along the &and j directions ‘Att Lsaceeleration [duly 28, 2022 (11) x @ > ‘Autinot=Oapi 7 emimaplan instant of time it’s position redefined as 3tand St? respectively. of the particle will be (@) 307 (6) 30F (©) 344159 (a) 384159472 ‘Att = 0, truck, starting fom rest, moves in the posi tcairction at uniform acceleration of Sms 2,Att= 20s, aball Jbrelease fom the topof te truck. The bl strikes the ground in Ts afterthe release The velogyoftlnebull, when it strikes ng=l0ms?) [June30,2022 ()] (@ 1007 tb) 107-100) {) 1007 (ad) 10) ‘A helicopter is fying horizontally with a speed *v" at altitude *h' has to drop a food packet for a man on the ground. What is the distanee of helicopter from the man swhien the food packet is dropped? [Aug. 31,2021 (I aghv? +1 @ ent (o) faghv? +n? 2 eft @ Pier x ‘Abombis dropped by fightcr plane flying horizontally. To an observer sitting inthe plane, the trajcetory ofthe bomb (Aug. 26, 2021 (11) isu (@) hyperbola (b) parabola in the divection of motion of plane (©) str ly down the plane (0) paraby jon opposite (o the motion of plane A mosquito ismoving with a velocity 7 = 0.5737 +347 494 rms end cecelerating in uniform conditions, What will be thedircetion of mosquitonter 2s? [March 16, 2021 (10) (ay tan ‘3 Giompsaxis (6) tan !($) f : is in (3) tions yaxis fs fo) tan (3 Sromaraxis (dl) tan (3) from.x-axis Als 2S. Atalloon ismovingup in air verticallyabove point A onthe ground. When itiset aheight a git! standing ata distance (point B) from A (see figure) sees it at an angle 45° with respect tothe vertical. When the balloon climbs up a further height A,,itisscenatan angle 60" with respect tothe vertical ifthe gisl moves further bya distance 2.4644 (point C). Then the height hi (given tan 30°=0.5774);, [Sep 05, 2020 ()] (a) 1A64d (©) 0.7324 (0) 064d Wa Starting from the origin at time: $j ms",aparticlemovesinthes- AS Tobe 0, with initial velocity plane with a constant acceleration of (10 +47) ms, Attime t, its coordiantes are (20 m, yg m). The values of and y, ate, respectively {9 Jan, 2020 (IIS), Sep, 04, 2020 (1)] (b) 2sand 18m @ Ssand25m (@) 4sand52m (©) 2sand24m 27. The position vector of a particle changes with time according to the relation 7(1) =15127+ (4-203), What is the magnitude of the acceleration at; 2 [9Aprit 2019 11) Oo Ms @m W% 28. A particle moves from the point (2.0/+4.07}m atr=0, with an initial velocity (3.07 + 4.07)ms"'.Itisacted upon ‘bya constant force which produces a constant acceleration (4.07 +4.0])ms*, what is the distance of the particle from the origin at time 2s? [11 Jan. 2019 11] (@) 15m) 20/3m © Sm — (@} 102m 29. A particle is moving with a velocity =K (v?+xj), qiere Kis cerstnt. The poner eauation fr its pa is: (2010, 9 Jan. 2019 1] @) yx constant — (6) y?—x+ constant (© y= + constant @) x= constant A etcleis moving along the x-axis wth its coordinate with time‘ given by x(f) = 10 + &— 34, Another particle is ‘Moving along the y-axis with its coordinate as a function of time given byy(t)=5-8F. Att 1 s,thespeedof the second particleas measured in the frame ofthe fist particle is given, as Vv. Then v(in m/s) is__ INA8 Jan. 20201] A particle moves such that its position vector (i) = cos oF 30. 31. sin ot j where @is e constant and sis time. Then. which ofthe following statements s true forthe velocity (and acceleration & (ofthe particle: [8 Jan. 2020 11] ©) § isperpendicularto 7 and d is directed away from theorigin (&) and @ both are perpendicular to F (0) ¥ and @ both are parallel to # (A) & is perpendicular to F and @ is directed towards theorigin oo ~ ATES 3A particle has an inital velocity of 37-45 4, Say acceleration of 0.47 +0.97 Isspccd afer 105i, [ay () 7¥2 units (b) 7 units 1 (©) 8Sunits (@) LOunits The cocrdinates of moving patcl at any ine py given by x=ar? and at time ‘f’ is given by pe The speed of thepaning (aon) (0) oyu? +p? ) 3a? +p? © Ayer e @) yar sp? Projectile Motion 34. An objects projected inthe air with initial velocity wet an angle 0. The projectile motion is such that the horizon rangeR.ismaximum, ‘Another object is projected in the air with a horizontal r halfof therange of fist object. The initial velocity remaig, same in both the case. The value ofthe angle of prcjecten atwhich the second objectis projected, willbe de [uly 29, INI) Aball ofmass m is thrown vertically upward, Another ball cof mass 2 m is thrown an angle 8 with the vertial Bok the balls stay in air for the same period of time. The ratic of the heights attained by the two balls respectiv 3 +, the valueofx is Huly27, x Abody of mass 10 kg is projected at an angle of the horizontal, The trajectory of the body is observed to pass through a point (20, 10). FT isthe time of fig, then T its momentum vector, at time t= is ——— [Take 5 10 m/s") (uly 27,2024) @ 1001+ @00V2-200)} (©) 10042 i +(100-200/3)} 36. © 100i +(100~200)2)} © 100V2i+ (100¥3 -200)} [fthe initial velocity in horizontal direction of a projectile is unit vector / and the equation of trajectory is. = S* (1~2), The y component veetor of the initial velostyis J. Cake g= 10 mist) [uly 26, 2022101) ‘Two projectiles thrown at 30° and 45° with thehorizert! respectively reach the maximum heightin sametin, ratio oftheir intial velocities is: Wuly 2 @t2 M21 @ v1 @! ‘Two projectiles are thrown with same initial velocity ae an angle of 45° and 30° with the horizontal respesti® Theratio of teir respective ranges will be [duly 26. 20 © ani @ FB: 31. 38, ». 220 @ 12) Ou

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