4. Liam Martin interview (VTA Method)

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Interview Notes – The Virtual Teaching Assistant Method with Liam Martin

Here are some quick notes to accompany the Liam Martin interview. You can use them to skip
to parts of the interview that interest you, or use it as a reference manual if you want to listen again to a
previous section.


0:00 – Liam's Story

6:25 – How you can study less and learn more

8:00 – The two different types of studying (and why spending time on the wrong one kills you)

10:20 – Studying versus learning

12:25 – What if you don't like your classes?

13:15 – How Liam learned to like statistics

18:00 – How Liam would help an overloaded student

21:15 – Liam's organization system

24:15 – Don't try to do everything

26:45 – Realize your study methods may not be perfect

30:00 – The mentality that got you into your situation, won't get you out of it

34:20 – The importance of learning through different modalities

38:00 – How Liam prepares students for an exam

39:30 – Pre and post lecture reviews

42:00 – What to do if you're panicking several days before an exam

43:40 – Ask yourself questions before reading the answers

47:30 – The power of the audio book method

49:45 – Why 95% of people don't get their money's worth from programs

50:30 – Setting up a 30-Day Trial

51:45 – Liam's digital ass-kicking

55:45 – Don't be afraid to read books outside your classes

56:45 – Using self-education to make your classes more interesting

57:45 – Look for friends to partner with to keep you accountable

59:10 – Accountability kills procrastination

1:01:20 – Studying partners don't need to be in your subject, just the same motivation

1:02:00 – The importance of sharing your goals

1:03:45 -- Who do you share your goals with?

1:05:45 – Don't share your goals with everyone, be selective.

1:06:30 – Liam's #1 tip for successful learning

1:07:20 – The danger of following other people's goals

1:08:15 – Sometimes that means not being in university

1:11:00 – Know where your motivation is coming from

1:13:20 – Preventing yourself from losing interest

1:16:45 – Internal motivation is necessary

1:18:00 – Finding a partner to work with

1:20:15 – Make the decision to take action with the tools you have

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