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A6 A1


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High in the long dormant volcanic mountains above the town of Gentsfoot, there is a long
abandoned temple dedicated to a legendary giant hero Stormwind, also known as the Sky Giant,
who is said to have once ruled the area. The gnome scholar of Gentsfoot, Sera, has been
studying the relics and lore surrounding Stormwind and his temple for decades. To ascend the
mountain and study the ruins themselves is a task beyond her skills, so she has never been able
to study the ruins up close. And now, with no warning, the volcano has become active once
again, threatening to destroy whatever might remain of the Temple of the Sky Giant. Therefore,
Sera has hired your party to ascend the mountain, explore the ruined temple, and bring back
whatever treasures you find.
alert them to the fact that the ancient people
THE ASCENT who used this path would have made a way
for it to continue, prompting them to search
The party begins the adventure two days for it.
into their ascent of the volcanic mountain.
Read the following out loud to begin the ACTIVE VOLCANO
adventure! The volcano which hosts the eponymous temple
has recently become active. At your discretion,
You have been climbing the mountain for two you can choose to roll a die of your choice any
days now, wary of its intermittent rumblings, time the players come to a new area. On an even
adjusting to the ever thinner air, but otherwise, result, there is no effect. On an odd result, the
the ascent has not proven terribly challenging. volcano rumbles. If the rumbling occurs three
Today, however, the path dead ends into a sheer, times or more, you can choose to apply one or
vine-covered cliff roughly 15 feet high. A small more of the following effects:
copse of trees rises to one side, nearly reaching
the high edge above you, while the dense ● The speed of the lava flow from which
covering of vines blankets the cliff face from top the players must escape (see ‘Escape’
to bottom to the right of the trees. below) increases to 45 feet per round.
● The width of the lava flows in room
A character can climb the tree with
A5. The Study increases by 1-3 feet,
Athletics 15. A character who succeeds at a
increasing the difficulty of attempts to
DC 16 Perception, Nature, or Survival check leap across.
to investigate the vines covering the cliff
face will discover that they obscure a hidden ● Every minute players remain in room
cave with a staircase leading to an exit A3. The Empty Room, they must
above. Players who succeed in such a check make a Basic Fortitude saving throw,
notice that there’s a section of the vines DC 12, to avoid taking 1d4 poison
where they are unusually straight and damage from the noxious gas trapped
orderly, not tangled around each other from within, originally emitted by the crater
growing naturally. Alternatively, a gust of in room A4.
wind could blow through the vines, causing
them to ripple outward and alert the players
to look closer. A relevant Lore Skill, such as Once discovered, the players should enter
Mountain Lore, or Architecture Lore, or any the cavern. A set of rough-hewn stairs
other if the player can justify it (DC 13), will climbs along one wall of the cave.

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Otherwise, the interior of the cave is empty
except for the skeleton of a previous A Gnome Lore, Medicine, or Nature check
adventurer. Players who investigate the to Recall Knowledge reveals that this
skeleton with a Perception check of 13 can gnomish woman is well into the Bleaching
discover a discarded pouch containing 6gp. (Core Rulebook 42). The players can learn
If a player examines the skeleton for signs of this by conversing with her for the next
how the adventurer died, a DC 15 Nature or several minutes, but she was cursed by Jotun
Survival check reveals bite and claw marks priests for dropping the original shrine to
on the bones. These are the marks of a Stormwind’s mother into the chasm beneath
mountain lion attack, which can be revealed the bridge, requiring a new one to be forged
if the check used to examine the skeleton is and sanctified. She must guard the bridge
17 or higher. and she can never leave it nor cross it. If she
Once the party makes it to the top of the attempts to do so, she simply finds herself
cliff, they continue along the path for a short back on this side of it. Nor can she kill
time before coming to a section of the path herself – she’s tried to leap into the chasm,
where another cliff rises above them to their only to find that she appears once more on
right. On top of the ledge are four mountain this side of the bridge. The terms of the
lions. If the party are not using Stealth, the curse were that she must guard it “until the
mountain lions notice them and the first one bridge should fall”. As a result, she has
uses its Pounce ability, targeting the player spent the intervening centuries since the
who is first in marching order. If the players abandonment of the temple with a lack of
take time to examine the area before passing the new experiences and stimulation that
through, a DC 14 Nature check reveals gnomes need to avoid the Bleaching.
evidence of mountain lions nearby. In that Consequently, she is overly eager for
case, the mountain lions leap from the cliff anything new or different, and she won’t
face and snarl at the party, prompting an open the gate for the party unless they
Initiative roll. satisfy her desire for new and different
MOUNTAIN LION If the party asks about “that other fellow”,
she responds that a black-robed figure
CREATURE 1 passed through earlier, heading to the
See ‘Cat’, Core Rulebook p. 215 temple. She wanted to engage him in
conversation or some other form of
RIDDLES AT THE BRIDGE entertainment, just as she now does the
The party continues on for some time party, but he simply ignored her and
before they come to a wide stone bridge that teleported to the other side of the chasm.
crosses a large chasm, extending about 30 If the party asks who she is or what she’s
feet across. The bridge is blocked by a doing here, she tells them her name, Gerdie
locked gate. As they approach the bridge, a Griffleferth, and begins explaining the
frail, emaciated female gnome steps out history given above, rapidly and excitedly. If
from behind a nearby rock outcropping. She the party allows her to finish, they’ll earn 1
greets the party with the following: reputation point (RP) and she then asks them
to do something to “liven things up around
Well, well, what a day! Not just one visitor, but
here”. The party will need to earn 5 RP for
two! And one of them a whole group! Maybe
you all will prove more accommodating than Gerdie to open the gate and allow them to
that other fellow, though, eh? cross.

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Give the party some time to come up with 1. What flows when red, but is still when
ideas. If the party does not come up with black? Answer: lava.
ideas on their own, Gerdie offers the 2. What is lost when found and found
following suggestions, each of which earns when lost? Answer: Time or a memory.
RP for the party, 1 on a success, or 2 on a
critical success: 3. When it falls, earth rises. Answer:
lava/volcanic spew.
1. “Let’s have a song (or dance, etc)!”
Performance DC 13. 4. Taller than the mountain, lower than the
2. “Can anyone, er…(looks around) lift sky. What am I? Answer: a cloud.
this log?” Athletics DC 12 (any feat of
strength you determine may be used Once the party has accrued 5 RP, Gerdie
instead). claps her hands in delight and declares that
3. “Can anybody do a backflip or this was the most fun she’s had in a long
something like that?” Acrobatics DC time! She then cheerfully pulls the gate key,
12 to balance, flip, or otherwise which hangs on a necklace, from her tunic.
perform a dexterous feat. She opens the gate and allows the party
4. “Tell me the news – any news!” through. As the party passes, she asks them
Society DC 10 to share recent history to come back and report how everything
or cultural information. went on their way out. “You will come back
5. “What about a coin trick?” Thievery or and tell me everything, won’t you? It’ll be a
Deception DC 13. fine tale, I’m sure!”

If the party attempts Intimidation or THE TEMPLE OF THE SKY GIANT

Diplomacy DC 15 to try and convince her
that their mission is urgent or otherwise to As the party approaches the Temple, read
pass sooner, they earn another 1 RP and the following out loud:
Gerdie requests that they tell her more about
it all. If anyone takes 10 minutes to explain The Temple of the Sky Giant juts out from the
their mission, Gerdie gets excited, and the rock of the mountain, the stone that forms its
party earns an additional 1 RP. walls carved right out of the mountain itself by
Once the party accrues 4 RP, any mighty hands. The doorway is 50 feet tall and 30
Diplomacy, Intimidation or Deception check feet wide. Near the rear of the structure, a large
of DC 10 convinces Gerdie to open the cylindrical tower rises 40 feet into the air above
gate, earning the final Reputation Point the rest of the building. Two large wooden doors
flanked by statues of gigantic humanoid figures
mark the entrance to the temple before you.
If the party has not earned at least 4 RP
between their own ideas and Gerdie’s
suggestions, she offers one final suggestion: THE TEMPLE DOORS
a riddle contest.
If the party agrees to the riddle contest, The first challenge facing the party upon
you may choose from among the following arrival at the temple is simply opening the
options at your discretion or by rolling 1d4 doors. They do not yield to a simple push.
and using the riddle associated with that An Athletics check of 16 can push one open
number below: just enough for the party to squeeze through
one at a time. A DC 13 Perception, Crafting,
or Architecture Lore check reveals that the

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top hinge of the right-side door is heavily HUNTING SPIDER CREATURE 1
damaged and destroying it with ranged Bestiary 306
attacks results in the rest of the door Initiative Percception +7
crashing to the ground. The door hinge has 5
Hardness and only 10 HP. It has already If a character enters the same square as one
reached its broken threshold. of the webs, they must make a DC 14 Reflex
save or be caught in the webs. They can
A1. THE ENTRANCE HALL attempt a DC 15 Athletics check to escape at
You enter a wide entrance hall, dominated by a the beginning of each of their turns. Once
5 foot tall dais with a 25 foot tall statue of a the players defeat the spiders and clear the
gigantic figure brandishing a club. There are
webs, they can enter the room to the north.
three doors visible. One on each wall, both left
and right, and one on the rear wall beyond the
dais. A3. THE STUDY
The door opens into an abandoned study. There
An appropriate Recall Knowledge check are shelving units filled with alchemical
(DC 13) reveals that this is indeed, a ingredients and tattered, crumbling scrolls lining
representation of Stormwind himself. Any the walls. A table with tattered, illegible papers
examination of the dais reveals three scattered across it and a candlestand sits in the
middle of the room.
roughly circular insets on its side,
suggesting that something is meant to be Investigating the table reveals that the
placed there. candlestand has been used somewhat
Examining the room around the statue recently, and a small, unlocked chest
reveals a series of bas-reliefs depicting underneath the table, containing a red gem
scenes in the life of Stormwind. Some have just the right size to fit one of the insets in
captions that are still legible, although they the dais.
are written in Jotun. A character who can Investigating the shelves with a DC 15
read Jotun can translate, otherwise a player Perception check reveals two minor healing
may be able to read the Jotun words but will potions and either a scroll with the
not understand them. Descriptions of the bas alchemical formula for Leaper’s Elixir, or a
reliefs and visible captions in both Common vial with the same elixir already prepared,
and Jotun are found in the Adventure depending on whether anyone in the party
Toolbox at the end of this book. can craft the elixir or not. These items
should be useful for traversing the giant-
A2. THE SPIDER’S DEN sized stairs to the tower. If the party has
The left door leads into a dimly lit room covered already ascended to the tower, feel free to
in large spider webs. There is another door in the substitute this with a more helpful item as
wall to the right, but it is blocked by the webs.
you see fit.
Investigating the opposite shelving unit
The webs can be cleared by burning them with the same Perception check reveals a
with torches, fire based spells or other items, note that reads:
or simply attacking them. The statistics of The sun in the sky shines on the grass. This
the webs can be found in the description of is the proper order of things.
the Web spell (Core Rulebook 384). When a If the players fail to deduce this, you can
character touches one of the webs, a Hunting provide them with hints that the three gems
Spider descends from the ceiling and found throughout the temple should be
attacks. placed in the order of red (sun), blue (sky),

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and green (grass). For instance, you may seen, with a few glinting materials on it.
point out that sun is written in red letters, However, several active lava flows meander
sky in blue, and grass in green. through the room, cutting off access to the other
side of the room.

A4. THE EMPTY ROOM With a Perception check of 13, a character

Upon opening the door to the right of the will notice that one of the glinting items
Entrance Hall, a cloud of noxious gas appears to be a small key. To collect the
emerges. Players must make a Basic key, players have a few options. They can
Fortitude Save DC 12 or take 1d4 poison simply traverse the room using the Long
damage. Once they enter the room, read the Jump action over the lava flow – there is
following: enough space to get the initial stride
necessary. They may use Crafting (DC 16)
This door opens into a largely empty room, or Engineering Lore to devise to lock the
unusually warm due to heat emanating from pulley device so that a player can swing on
another door to the left. A pile of humanoid the chains with Athletics (DC 15). This can
bones lies in front of another chest. be done by lodging any foreign object into
the pulley mechanism. Finally, in addition to
This chest is locked and requires DC 20 any viable solutions the players come up
Thievery to Pick the Lock. If the chest is with on their own, they may use Thievery or
successfully opened, another gem of the Athletics (DC 17) to release the vat of water
right size and shape to fit into the dais, blue from its morrings and spill water on the lava
this time, lies inside. The chest can also be to cool it. This can also be accomplished by
bashed open, using the statistics for the simply breaking the vat (see Wooden
wood material (Gamemastery Guide 577). Structure statistics, Gamemastery Guide
Otherwise, the players will have to recover 577). In this case, the lava takes 10 minutes
the key from the next room. The skeleton to cool enough to climb across. If the
and the lack of other obvious challenges players succeed in reaching the other side of
may make the players suspicious. Feel free the room, the key can be used to open the
to encourage their suspicions, but there is in chest in the previous room and claim
fact no other danger to contend with, unless another gem to insert into the dais.
the rumblings of the volcano have released
more toxic gas, as detailed under ‘Active
Volcano’ above. The door beyond the statue leads to a spiraling
A5. THE FORGE stone staircase that climbs some 100 feet up. In
In this room, a crater filled with lava in the the far corner of the room a pile of broken
middle of the room appears to have served as a scaffolding lies beneath the stairs. The stairs
forge. An iron wrought crane and pulley system themselves are an odd size, made for giant gaits,
seems to have been used to lower items into the rather than smaller humanoids. Approximately
crater and lift them out once heated enough to be halfway up the staircase, some of the stairs have
pliable. A large iron chain is still wrapped crumbled away, leaving a gap of about 8 feet
around the central beam, one end dangling long and 3 feet high between the last usable step
above the crater, the other end wrapped in a pile and the next.
to the right of the door which the players
entered. There is also a large vat of water that The stairs are made for giant-sized feet, and
would have been used to cool the heated metal. so are built roughly 3 feet high each. Players
On the other side of the room a table can be can climb the stairs at half speed until they

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reach the gap caused by the crumbled stairs. Book of the Dead 142.
The width of previous steps is too narrow to
permit the Stride required for the Leap After this battle, a Perception check (DC 13)
action. to examine the statuette reveals features that
With a Crafting check of DC 13, a player suggest it represents a female cloud giant. A
can use the scaffolding below to create a Religion, Society or Lore check (DC 16) to
ramp. With Perception 13, they can instead Recall Knowledge allows a player to
find a wooden beam of sufficient strength hypothesize that the shrine is in honor of an
and length for someone trained in ancestral spirit. The exact inscription, in
Acrobatics to cross using the Balance action, Jotun and Common, is included in the
DC 15. With Perception DC 14 or Adventure Toolbox below.
Architecture Lore DC 13, a player notices a Combined with the inscription and the
rope and pulley system hanging from the depictions in the Entrance Hall below, this
ceiling about 50 feet above the gap. One end should be enough for the players to piece
of the rope is held in place by a bucket together that the shrine is in honor of
sitting near the edge of the opening at the Stormwind’s mother, and that Stormwind
top of the stairs. A single successful ranged himself requested to be buried high in this
attack (AC 15) is enough to knock the tower as a means of being close to her in
bucket over, freeing one end of the rope death.
which could then be climbed. Examining the recent ritual with a DC 15
Arcana, Occultism, or Religion check
reveals the remnants of a black onyx stone.
At DC 18, the player also realizes that the
After climbing the spiral staircase, you find
yourself in a circular room dominated by a large ritual performed here was to Create Undead.
sepulcher against the opposite wall. Another, The gem in the staff is the right size and
smaller sarcophagus lies against the left wall, shape to fit the insets in the dais. The gem
with a statue of small dog atop it. On the right can be removed with Thievery, Crafting, or
side of the room is a small shrine, in which sits a Athletics 16. However, attempting to do so
statuette of a female humanoid. The coffin is results in the coffin rumbling and an undead
carved with a bas relief of a giant, presumably giant emerging therefrom! In any case,
Stormwind himself, holding a scepter with a removing or attempting to remove the gem
gem incrusted in the top. And before the triggers an Undead Giant to rise.
sarcophagus, a hooded figure stands in the At your discretion, the Undead Giant may
middle of some sort of occultic circle, chanting
awaken to fight by the side of the Scorned
as he faces the sarcophagus.
Hound. Otherwise, it awakens when players
attempt to remove the gem from the scepter.
As the adventurers enter, the hooded figure
turns and exclaims, “No, he’s not ready!” SKELETAL GIANT
Then he fires a bolt of arcane energy at the CREATURE 3
small sarcophagus on the left side of the
room, and a dog-like creature emerges. The S N
mage disappears as Initiative is rolled. Bestiary 299.
Once the party has all three gems, they
L D should return to the dais and put them into

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the insets in the proper order (red, blue, Round 1: No event. Using all three
green). This results in a clicking noise, and actions for movement, the characters should
the statue rolling back along unseen tracks, be able to get at least 75 ft.
revealing a small compartment in which is Round 2: Tremors strike, rendering the
found a large tome entitled The Chronicle of ground difficult terrain.
the Sky Giant. The tome is a detailed Round 3: The players come to a slope that
chronicle of Stormwind’s reign over many is just steep enough to require the Climb or
decades. It is written in Jotun, but a Balance action, DC 18. The slope is just 10
character who can read Jotun can find one of ft high, so that with one climb or balance
the details in the Adventure Toolbox below action, and using the rest to Stride,
for every minute they spend examining the characters can make it a total of 60 ft. this
Chronicle. round.
If they spend more than five minutes Round 4: Now the characters encounter a
examining the Chronicle, the volcano Landslide, which is Greater Difficult
rumbles far more strongly than before, Terrain. The lava flow reaches the slope,
triggering the events of the next section. which speeds it up to 45 ft. this round.
Round 5: A downed tree blocks the
characters’ path here. However, there are
ESCAPE openings between the branches permitting
them to Crawl through. Players will need to
After the party claims the Chronicle, the use one action to Drop Prone, another to
volcano rumbles stronger than ever before Crawl 5 ft, and the last to move 25 ft. (or
and begins to erupt. Players must escape the their speed if different) for a total of 30 ft.
Temple, treating the rumbling ground as The lava has returned to even ground and its
difficult terrain. speed of 40 ft. per round.
Once they are outside, the rumbling stops Round 6: At the start of this turn, roll 1d4.
but lava begins flowing in their direction. A number of thermal vents equal to the
Have the players roll Initiative and treat this number rolled on the die open in the path of
as an encounter. The lava flow begins 5 ft. the players, forcing any affected player to
behind the party and moves 40 ft. per round, use one action to make a Reflex save to
unless you are applying the effect from the avoid the vents. If they fail their save, they
“Active Volcano” sidebar above. If the lava take 1d6 fire damage. You may use your
comes within 10 ft. of a player, they take discretion to determine which players need
1d4 fire damage. If they do get caught in the to dodge the vents, or you can go by
lava flow, they take massive fire damage. initiative order, the vents affecting the
Keep track of the distance traveled each character with highest initiative first, and so
round by each player and by the lava. You on.
may choose to tell the players the distance The bridge is 50 ft. away at the start of this
that the lava is behind them, or you may turn. Thus players can reach it with two
simply note whether it is closer or farther movement actions.
from them, as the encounter unfolds. During In the third round, the players encounter a
each round, different events occur to slow recent landslide blocking their path. The
the players down, or speed the lava up, in landslide can be crossed but counts as
one case. These events are as follows: Greater Difficult Terrain, slowing their
progress and increasing the risk of the lava
catching up to them.

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Round 7: The lava pours into the chasm at suffer for it. When she died, he revered her
this point, melting the posts that held the as an ancestral spirit, fashioning a small
bridge, causing it to collapse into the depths. shrine that he carried with him wherever he
However, if the characters make it this far, went.
they are safe. After Earthfall, he fled Thassilon
Gerdie awaits the party here, and they can with a few followers, eventually settling in
tell her about their adventures in the Temple primarily human lands, harrying the
if they wish. However, now that the bridge is residents, demanding tribute, and so on. He
destroyed, the curse is broken, and she slowly soon declared himself king of the region,
fades into an ethereal mist that is then carried and was hailed as a hero by the giants. This
away on the wind. Whether they talk to Gerdie hero worship continued into his death, when
or not, from here on the players can reach the the Temple was constructed.
evacuation site of Gentsfoot and report to Sera
Stormwind’s dying request was that
with no further incident.
he be interred as close to his mother as
possible, believing that she had returned to
the clouds from whence she came. Thus,
CONCLUSION when the priests of Stormwind’s clan
encouraged worship of him as a folk hero
The party returns to the site to which the and desired to build a temple to him, they
town of Gentsfoot has been evacuated, and elected to build it atop the high mountains
recounts their adventure to Sera. Sera will be nearby.
especially interested in their encounter with
Gerdie, if they tell her about it. They turn
over the Chronicle and other treasures SERA GRIFFLEFERTH
related to the giant to Sera, who is so
enthralled by the Chronicle that she Sera began studying the history of the Sky
distractedly points to a pouch of 50gp on her Giant chiefly in the hopes of learning the
desk while she excitedly exclaims the details fate of a long-last ancestor, whom the
found in the Chronicle (see above), allowing players meet at the bridge – Gerdie!
the party to keep the rest of the treasures However, through the years she has become
they found. genuinely fascinated by Stormwind and his
Be sure to congratulate your players on a story, and thus the Chronicle proves of even
successful adventure! more interest to her than the fate of her
ancestor. However, when the party reveals
Gerdie’s fate, she will be pleased to learn
ADVENTURE TOOLBOX why she disappeared in the first place, and
that she finally found peace.


The Giant Stormwind was a slave of the The following present additional details that
runelords, the son of a Cloud Giant mother characters can uncover in their exploration
whom he adored, and an unknown father. of the temple.
His mother was the target of frequent abuse
at the hands of their captors, perhaps A1. THE ENTRANCE HALL
because of her proud spirit, which endeared
her to Stormwind, even as he watched her

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The following descriptions and captions can The word deit ‘dies’ is legible in what
be revealed to curious players. The remains of the caption.
following are found on the right wall,
numbered R1-R3.
R1. A humanoid figure flees at the head of a
group of other similar figures. The sarcophagus bears the following
inscription in Jotun:
Jotun: Stromwint flugt runahera lant.
Jotun: In skiar wer ek lagt that nair at thi ek laig.
Common: Stormwind flees the Runelords’ land.
Common: In the clouds am I laid, that close to
thee I may lie.
R2. A group of large humanoid figures
engage in battle with a group of smaller
Jotun: Stromwint drept thar ma… The following bits of information can be
Common: Stormwind slays the… gleaned by a player who spends time
reading the Chronicle of the Sky Giant, or
they can be shared by Sera as she excitedly
3. A large humanoid figure sits on a throne examines the book once the players turn it
while other large figures stand at his side over to her.
and a few smaller figures bow before him.
1. Stormwind was born a slave of the
Jotun: Stromwint sturt his riyk. Runelords of Thassilon, witnessing his
mother suffer great abuse at the hands of
Common: Stormwind rules his kingdom.
their captors.
On the opposite, left, wall, there are three 2. He was able to throw of their yoke and
other bas-reliefs visible, but only one escape with a band of fellow giants in
caption legible. the wake of Earthfall.
L1. A large female humanoid figure cowers 3. Stormwind’s band of giants conquered
before a smaller humanoid who appears to the region and Stormwind proclaimed
be attacking her with magic, while a baby himself king of the region.
humanoid appears to cry out nearby. 4. When Stormwind died, he was revered
as an ancestral hero by giants,
Jotun: An runaher mainmal Stromwintis mothir. prompting a band of giant priests to
build the temple in his honor.
Common: A runelord abuses Stormwind’s
mother. 5. The construction of the temple was
delayed when a new statue for the shrine
L2. The female humanoid walks hand-in- of Stormwind’s mother, the Cloud Giant
hand with a toddler, her head held high Brunhilt, was lost to the incompetence
while other humanoids in the background of its bearer.
appear to sneer at her. 6. Stormwind requested to be buried high
L3. The same female humanoid lies still on in the air to be close to his mother.
a stone table, while a male humanoid bends
over her tearfully, clasping her hand in his.

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Contributor, and means any work covered by this License, including 12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of
translations and derivative works under copyright law, but specifically the terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open Game
excludes Product Identity. (e) “Product Identity” means product and product Content due to statute, judicial order, or governmental regulation then You
line names, logos and identifying marks including trade dress; artifacts, may not Use any Open Game Material so affected.
creatures, characters, stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, 13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to
incidents, language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of
formats, poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and other visual becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination
or audio representations; names and descriptions of characters, spells, of this License.
enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special abilities; 14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be
places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical or unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary
supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any to make it enforceable.
other trademark or registered trademark clearly identified as Product identity 15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE
by the owner of the Product Identity, and which specifically excludes the Open Game License v 1.0a © 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Open Game Content; (f) “Trademark” means the logos, names, mark, sign, System Reference Document © 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.;
motto, designs that are used by a Contributor to identify itself or its products Authors: Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams, based on
or the associated products contributed to the Open Game License by the material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Contributor (g) “Use”, “Used” or “Using” means to use, Distribute, copy, Pathfinder Core Rulebook (Second Edition) © 2019, Paizo Inc.; Authors:
edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative Material of Logan Bonner, Jason Bulmahn, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, and Mark
Open Game Content. (h) “You” or “Your” means the licensee in terms of Seifter.
this agreement. Pathfinder Gamemastery Guide (Second Edition) © 2020, Paizo Inc.;
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that Authors: Logan Bonner and Mark Seifter.
contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used Pathfinder Bestiary (Second Edition) © 2019, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Logan
under and in terms of this License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Bonner, Jason Bulmahn, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, and Mark Seifter.
Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added to or subtracted from Pathfinder Book of the Dead © 2022, Paizo, Inc.: Authors: Jason
this License except as described by the License itself. No other terms or Bulmahn, Brian Bauman, Tineke Bolleman, et. al.
conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content distributed using this The Temple of the Sky Giant: A Pathfinder 2e One-Shot © 2023, Jeremy
License. Graves. Author: J.K. Graves.
3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Jotun Incantations: Wintry Spells for Festive Roleplay © 2023, Jeremy
Your acceptance of the terms of this License. Graves. Author: J.K. Graves.
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this Maps by J. K. Graves
License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, Title Page Artwork courtesy of Pathfinder Infinite Community Use.
non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open
Game Content.
5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing This product is compliant with the Open Game License (OGL) and is suitable for use
original material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game (Second Edition).
Contributions are Your original creation and/or You have sufficient rights to Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified as Product Identity, as
grant the rights conveyed by this License. defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a, Section 1(e), and are not Open Game
6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT Content: All trademarks, registered trademarks, proper nouns (characters, deities,
locations, etc., as well as all adjectives, names, titles, and descriptive terms derived from
NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact text of the
proper nouns), artworks, characters, dialogue, locations, organizations, plots, storylines,
COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are copying, trade dress, the historical period called the Gap, the terms kishalee, sivv, skyfire, Dreamer
modifying or distributing, and You must add the title, the copyright date, (the official Open Game Content term for which is “dreaming barathu”), and the Drift
and the copyright holder’s name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any (the official Open Game Content term for which is “hyperspace”). (Elements that have
original Open Game Content you distribute. previously been designated as Open Game Content, or are exclusively derived from
7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, previous Open Game Content, or that are in the public domain are not included in this
including as an indication as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed in
Open Game Content: Except for material designated as Product Identity, the game
another, independent Agreement with the owner of each element of that mechanics of this Pathfinder Infinite game product are Open Game Content, as defined in
Product Identity. You agree not to indicate compatibility or co-adaptability the Open Game License version 1.0a, Section 1(d). No portion of this work other than the
with any Trademark or Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work material designated as Open Game Content may be reproduced in any form without
containing Open Game Content except as expressly licensed in another, written permission.
independent Agreement with the owner of such Trademark or Registered


Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only .
The Temple of the Sky Giant: A Pathfinder 2e One-Shot © 2023, Jeremy Graves. All
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Society, Starfinder, and the Starfinder logo are registered trademarks of Paizo Inc.; the
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