Menu 4 - SET design template

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Menu Design Template – MENU 5 - Set

Step 1 - Menu Planning

Complete the following table for Menu 1

Menu Name:
Service Style
Special Dietary and Lifestyle diet requirements (Tick one or more boxes as your menu provided)

eating regimes: exclusions for allergies, contraindications with medicines or food intolerance
o elimination
o macrobiotic
fat-free fluids Keto food restrictions gluten-free high carbohydrate high or low energy high or low protein high fibre
lacto Ovo low carbohydrate low cholesterol low fat low gluten low kilojoule low sugar modified sodium or potassium modified texture
nutritional requirements portion size gluten-free flour yeast-free flour non-sugar sweeteners sugar-free type one and two diabetes

Cultural or religious background suited to this halal Hindu kosher vegan vegetarian
(You must select 2 groups across all 5 menus)

adolescents athletes children defence forces

elderly health care ill or injured
Customer group
nutritional and energy requirements due to physical condition
You must select two from this customer group for menus. people in areas affected by disaster or environmental extremes
people in remote areas

Customers prefer Cuisine: Mediterranean Cuisine Japanese Cuisine Chinese Cuisine. Italian Cuisine Thai Cuisine Indian Cuisine
Mexican Cuisine Lebanese Cuisine Spanish Cuisine French Cuisine Turkish Cuisine Korean Cuisine Vietnamese Cuisine Greek Cuisine
(You must select type of ‘Cuisine’ for each customer group as your menu provided)

Menu Items (You must have at least 2 main dishes across all 3 courses menu) Insert more rows if needed

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Course 1 – Entrée/ Starter
Menu item 1 Ingredients Amounts (grams.)

Course 2 – Main
Menu item 1 Ingredients Amounts (grams.)

Course 3 – Dessert
Menu item 1 Ingredients Amounts (Kg, ml, etc.)

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Step 2: Calculate portion yields and yield costs from raw ingredients

Calculating yields
Yield is about how much you will have of a finished or processed product. A tomato soup recipe may yield 15 L, and a
muffin recipe may yield 24 muffins. Here is an example:

We buy 2.00 kg of carrots, wash these and peel and top and tail the carrots. We weigh the peeled carrots and have
1.60 kg left (2.00 kg [bought carrots] – 1.60 kg [peeled carrots] = 0.40 kg [trimmings].

How do we calculate the net yield expressed in percent?

Net yield: 2.00 - .40 = .1.6Kg

Calculate as percentage of total weight: 1.6 x 100 / 2.00 = 80%

80% yield

20% wastage

To put simply, 80% of the carrots you have bought can be used and 20% is waste.

Calculating the Cost of Net Yields

Once we have done a yield test, we need to calculate the true net cost of the trimmed product. For example, if we buy
1.00 kg carrots for $ 2.00 and have after trimmings 0.800 kg left, the cost for 0.800 kg is now $ 2.50.

How did we calculate this?

Weight x cost ÷ net yield

(1Kg x $2.00 - $2.00) ÷ .80Kg

1 x 2 ÷ .80 = 2.50

The net price for 1.00 kg of trimmed carrots is $2.50.

Now you need to calculate the yield tests and yield costs for each ingredient in your menu items (at least 8).

You only need to complete this task for ingredient’s that need to be processed in some way. For example, you need to
complete yield tests for meat and vegetables, but not for milk or butter.

Use the table below to complete your yield tests and yield costs. Two examples are provided in red.

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MENU 5 - Set
Course 1 – Entrée/ Starter
Refer to the Waste Percentages and Yields excel sheet in the ‘Assessment Resources folder for percentage yields for Raw product % Yield Yield cost Net Yield
some common foods cost cost
Milk 500 ml $1.50 per Litre 100% $1.50 per litre $.75 (500ml)
Carrots 100 g $2.00 per kg 80% $2.50 per Kg $0.25 (100g)
Menu item 1 Ingredients Amounts (Kg, ml, etc.)

Course 2 – Main
Raw product % Yield Yield cost Net Yield
cost cost
Menu item 1 Ingredients Amounts (Kg, ml, etc.)

Course 3 – Dessert
Raw product % Yield Yield cost Net Yield
cost cost
Menu item 1 Ingredients Amounts (Kg, ml, etc.)

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Step 2: Menu Costing

 Download the Excel sheet from Moodle called ‘Standard Recipe Card’
 You will use this card for all your 5 menus
 Complete a sheet for each of your menu item for your Menu 1 (you must have at least 2 main dishes
for this menu)
 The costs you use in the Standard Recipe Card should be the Yield Costs and Net Yield Costs that
you have calculated in the table above
 There is an example provided for you (Antipasto plate)

Step 4: Write Your Menu

Now it is time to write your menu. This is what your customers will read. Therefore, you should:
 Use words that appeal to customer
 Use words that suit the service style
 Use correct names and words for style of cuisine.
 Use descriptive writing to promote sale of menu items
 Show special dietary requirements, e.g. V for vegetarian, GF for gluten-free)

You also need to include the cost of each dish on the menu.

 You will get the total cost from your Standard Recipe Card
 You need to ‘mark-up’ the cost of each dish so that you make a profit
 Use a mark-up rate of 300% to calculate the cost of each dish on your menu

Write your menu on the next page.

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Menu #5
(Describe the dishes detail for your 3-course menu, with minimum selling
price of 300% mark-up from portion cost)

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