March 2020

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MARCH 2020


• Target amount 57M
• Sales 8.8M • Due to price adjustment issue with PPPDS and the recent COVID19 case
as well as stock condition for some of the items we have, the sales is
• Last year 28.7M
lower than ever.
• Non-public 6.6M • We have the lowest sales record after November 2019 and is lower by
69% over last year as well as lower from the average sales of the past 8
• Public 1.2M years
• The quarter performance covered only 30% while the year to date
• Enterprise 1.1M
performance is 44%
• The outstanding orders we have could cover 22% of the annual target
and will push the annual target position to 67%.
• Most of our imports have been cleared so that the outstanding import
is reduced by 12% over last year similar period imports. However, we still
do have 3.6M USD worth of import pending.
OTHER • With the current situation of Corona outbreaks, most offices are closed
and will continue closing. Hence our next month performance will be
• Outstanding order 125M affected. It is to be recalled that, the next three-month target is the
highest of all which would cover 40% of the annual target.
• Outstanding import 3.7M
• Hence, we should have to made some adjustment on the performance
• April target 67M

• Quarter to date 30%

• Year to date 44%

Marketing & Sales Operations



• This month sales are one of the lowest sales records after November 2019 and there are two reason for this.
One is the sales slow down due to price adjustment negotiation with PPPDS and the other is the outbreak of
COVID19 epidemic.
• This will continue even to the next month till mid-May unless most the government offices start operation,
some stock arrive and cleared from customs and unless price adjustment is released from PPPDS
Products Qty Amount Contribution

Desktop Computer 254 4,851,067 54.83%

Server 2 896,890 10.14%
Switch 9 167,740 1.90%
Laptop 20 574,408 6.49%
Imaging 81 1,161,664 13.13%
Toner 178 591,573 6.69%
UPS 38 497,549 5.62%
Miscellaneous 41 54,202 0.61%
Monitor 5 38,671 0.44%
Surge Protector 20 13,928 0.16%
Grand Total 8,847,692

Against last month

• The sales are lower by 21% over February mainly due to lower sales in Imaging, UPS and others.
Products March March Difference
Qty Amount Qty Amount Qty Amount
Desktop Computer 119 2,485,373 254 4,851,067 135 2,365,694
Server 1 89,900 2 896,890 1 806,990
Switch 5 135,000 9 167,740 4 32,740
Laptop 18 429,071 20 574,408 2 145,337
Imaging 434 4,067,412 81 1,161,664 (353) (2,905,748)
Copier 7 795,877 - - (7) (795,877)
Toner 172 536,685 178 591,573 6 54,889
UPS 137 626,662 38 497,549 (99) (129,113)
Miscellaneous 100 241,091 41 54,202 (59) (186,889)
Monitor 2 9,292 5 38,671 3 29,379
Software 1 5,200 - - (1) (5,200)
Surge Protector 3,416 1,834,712 20 13,928 (3,396) (1,820,784)
Grand Total 11,256,274 8,847,692 - (2,408,583)

Marketing & Sales Operations


Against target
• Due to the reason mentioned above, we were helpless to achieve the monthly target. We covered only 15% of
our target.
• With regards to Desktop, we were out of stock, however, the sales might exceed by 30% had it been we
secured the price adjustment from PPPDS

Products Target Actual Difference

Qty Amount Qty Amount Qty Amount
Desktop Computer 1,450 19,802,500 254 4,851,067 (1,196) (14,951,433)
Server 20 2,790,000 2 896,890 (18) (1,893,110)
Active network Device 30 1,552,500 9 167,740 (21) (1,384,760)
Workstation 6 240,000 - - (6) (240,000)
Laptop 200 4,577,000 20 574,408 (180) (4,002,592)
Imaging 588 9,878,100 81 1,161,664 (507) (8,716,436)
Copier 127 11,139,000 - - (127) (11,139,000)
Toner 540 507,000 178 591,573 (362) 84,573
UPS 856 5,142,300 38 497,549 (818) (4,644,751)
Miscellaneous 492 1,269,000 41 54,202 (451) (1,214,798)
Monitor 16 96,000 5 38,671 (11) (57,329)
Software 50 250,000 - - (50) (250,000)
Surge Protector 65 27,300 20 13,928 (45) (13,372)
Grand Total - 57,270,700 8,847,692 - (48,423,008)

March Historical Figures

• This year March sales is also lower by 69% over last year and it is only covering 30% of the average of the past
eight years sales
• There were no sales lower than 14M during March and this year sales is record low
2012. 2013. 2014. 2015. 2016. 2017. 2018. 2019. 2020.

Sector Performance
• The nonpublic and Enterprise sector performance is 29% and 23% over their respective target. However, the
public sector is 4%
• The public sector last year performance and this year are nearly equal

Marketing & Sales Operations


2019/20 Actual
Enterprise 2019/20 Target

2019/20 Actual
Public 2019/20 Target

2019/20 Actual
Non Public 2019/20 Target

- 5,000,000 10,000,000 15,000,000 20,000,000 25,000,000 30,000,000 35,000,000

Quarter Performance
• We are not able to reach last year quarter figure and only covered 30% of the quarter target.
• This is due to the public sector performance and it is only because of the price adjustment.
Department Last year quarter Quarter Target Achievement Coverage
Non-Public 45,300,791 51,403,500 36,723,685 71%
Public 3,699,660 76,719,440 3,845,693 5%
Enterprise 9,337,722 14,085,500 1,890,810 13%
Total 58,338,173 142,208,440 42,460,188 30%

Year to date performance

• During the third quarter, our target was to achieve 338M but we covered only 250M. this means we are short
by 26%. Hence, we covered 44% of the annual target so far.
• However, compared with last year similar period of 150.5M, this year performance is higher by 66%.
• The outstanding order we have shall cover 22% of the annual target. Hence, we can cover 67% of the annual
target by now.
Month 2018/19 2019/20 Target 2019/20 Actual
Jul 9,836,515 24,405,800 21,608,989
Aug 16,553,762 21,868,070 29,822,365
Sep 6,694,431 18,405,600 32,554,923
Oct 16,264,113 34,706,200 31,563,496
Nov 6,455,605 33,599,850 32,413,904
Dec 36,395,609 63,161,150 60,050,349
First Half 92,200,035 196,146,670 208,014,027
Jan 11,222,129 43,923,340 22,356,222
Feb 18,403,650 41,014,400 11,256,274
Mar 28,712,394 57,270,700 8,847,692
Apr 34,295,370 66,659,900 -
May 28,956,760 76,120,350 -
Jun 47,338,220 82,610,000 -
Second Half 168,928,523 367,598,690 42,460,188
Grand Total 261,128,558 563,745,360 250,474,215

Marketing & Sales Operations



Top 10 customers
• Two third of the sales were generated from the below 10 customers. Most of them are nonpublic customers.
Berhan Bank only covered 34% of the March revenue

Top 10 Customers Non-Public Public Enterprise Grand Total

Berhan International Bank S.C 3,012,080.00 3,012,080.00
Oda Bultum University 829,729.80 829,729.80
Repi-Wilmar P.L.C 65,444.00 446,890.00 512,334.00
AAU CDT-Africa (ASSET Project) 450,000.00 450,000.00
YUBDO Importer 409,260.58 409,260.58
Gebrewohld Wold Import 400,000.00 400,000.00
Ministry of Revenues Jimma Branch Office 357,078.00 357,078.00
Wondemeneh Tsegaye 244,687.00 244,687.00
Kaki PLC 146,700.00 146,700.00
Eagle Hills Ethiopia Real Estate PLC 130,888.00 130,888.00

Branch performance
• 26% of the sales were generated from Mexico and Kazanchis while majority is still maintained by Bole Branch.
• However, if we disregard the tender sales and compare the branches on their direct performance, Bole
covered 51%, Mexico 28% and Kazanchis 21%.
• The commission sales we have scheduled is motivating the branches on both sales and credit collection.

Kazanchis 15%


Outstanding order
• The outstanding order we have could cover 22% of the annual target or 56% of the last quarter target.
• Therefore, there are two main activities we should have so that we can utilize this opportunity. One is to price
adjustment from PPPDS and the other is having the right volume of the stock.
Marketing & Sales Operations

The current order we have exceed that of last year similar period by 29%. Therefore, this is a good opportunity
for us to utilize and cover 67% of the annual target without any additional order.

Department Last year order This Year Order

Non-Public 90,984,938 30,536,571
Enterprise 4,933,554 28,081,076
Public 1,816,994 67,111,129
University 29,636,648
Federal 37,474,482
Total 97,735,486 125,728,777

Outstanding Import
• The outstanding import we have is less by 12% over last year and this is due to the fact that most of the
orders are cleared. However, we still do have imports under clearance 9%, waiting for shipment 33% and
waiting for LC 58%.
• The 58% imports that are waiting for LC would have crucial role for the achievement of further sales.
Last year
Products Qty. FOB (USD) Import
Enterprise 745 $631,356.72 110,880.66
Miscellaneous 11 $3,526.41
Server 12 $25,500.00
Switch 722 $602,330.31
Non-Public 4,574 $1,788,680.05 1,757,402.84
Copier 62 $41,416.00
Desktop 3,485 $1,523,260.00
Imaging 474 $81,962.00
Miscellaneous 250 $4,500.00
Toner 0 $77,657.05
UPS 303 $59,885.00
Public 6,642 $1,235,895.00 2,306,518.00
Desktop 1,512 $532,224.00
Imaging 500 $347,000.00
Miscellaneous 2,000 $125,250.00
UPS 2,630 $231,421.00
Grand Total 11,961 $3,655,931.77 $4,174,801.50


Marketing & Sales Operations

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