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STAMP Scoring Rubric

STAMP Scoring Rubric outlines in detail what expectations are placed upon the test takers for performance at any given level. Test takers receive a score
(Benchmark Level) for each section of the test. Benchmark Levels are grouped by major levels (Novice, Intermediate and Advanced). Within each major level are
three sub-levels (low, mid, high) that are aligned to the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines. Please refer to STAMP Benchmarks & Rubric Guide
( for more information.

Functions/Complexity Vocabulary Accuracy/Comprehensibility

Words Use of isolated words that deal Limited vocabulary Errors in spelling, word order,
Shows ability to produce individual words with the prompt/task, shows which deals with the word choice and usage limit
that could be related to the prompt. inability to connect words in prompt or situation. communication. Language
order to create meaning. produced can only be
(STAMP Level 1)
understood by the reader
/listener with great effort by
someone accustomed to a
language learner.

Phrases Single, isolated connections to Typically limited in their Errors in grammar, word order
Shows ability to create simple meaning verbs. May be inconsistent at vocabulary to Novice and word choice are prevalent
by grammatically connecting words. connecting words grammatically level topics that they and limit communication.
Specifically, some basic subjects and or have errors throughout. experience in every-day Language produced is
(STAMP Level 2)
verbs or verbs and objects, but may be However, the errors must not life or that they have understood with difficulty by
inconsistent at doing this. prevent understanding of what is recently learned. someone accustomed to a
being said. language learner.

Simple Sentences Shows the ability to use very Generally, sentences Errors in grammar, usage, word
Shows ability to create simple sentences simple structures and functions that are created use order, and word choice
with very basic grammatical control. of the language that have just basic vocabulary words sometimes limit
Novice-High been learned or studied. with limited ability to communication. Language
(STAMP Level 3) Extensive use of formulaic elaborate. produced is mostly understood
sentences, phrases and by someone accustomed to a
memorized sayings. language learner with some

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Functions/Complexity Vocabulary Accuracy/Comprehensibility

Strings of Sentences Shows the ability to produce Vocabulary is beginning Errors in usage, grammar, word
Shows ability to create simple sentences simple sentences that are to expand beyond the order, and word choice continue
with some added detail. Simple enhanced by the use of most frequent words to be common, but generally do
sentences with different forms of added prepositional phrases, adverbs, and the ability to not hinder communication.
(STAMP Level 4)
detail are generally produced with no etc. Independent sentences elaborate is more Language produced is
connections or links to each other. (ideas) can be moved around evident in the language understood by someone
without affecting the overall produced. Drawn from accustomed to a language
meaning of the response. daily life. learner with little effort.

Connected Sentences Demonstrates the ability to Vocabulary use is Shows ability to use more than
Shows ability to create enough language create enough language that expanding, and just simple present tense,
to address a majority of the prompt or shows the beginning of language used is more however errors occur when
situation, showing groupings of ideas. connectedness. Able to create than just the usual, high trying to use other tenses. New
Thoughts are loosely connected and several sentences with frequency or most skills, such as creating more
generally cannot be moved around complexity and may use some commonly used complex sentence structures or
Intermediate-Mid without affecting meaning. transition words. Connectedness vocabulary. May begin using other tenses, will
(STAMP Level 5) begins to emerge as they create to use circumlocution generate some errors.
‘groupings of sentences.’ haltingly due to limited Language produced is easily
Learners begin to transfer vocabulary. understood by someone
previously learned skills and accustomed to a language
language to new learner.

Pre-Paragraph Language Shows the ability to use different Use of transition words At this level, good control of the
Shows ability to create language with a time frames and just beginning and concepts with more language and confidence is
more natural flow. The increased number to develop the ability to switch ease is evident in evident with an increasing
of complex structures are well most time frames (present, past language production. range of topics. There are still
constructed. Sentences and ideas are and future) with increased Circumlocution is used occasional errors in language
connected with multiple, varied accuracy. Complexity and variety more effectively. Ability production, but errors do not
connectors, transitions and other linking of sentence types and structures to create new language hinder ability to communicate.
(STAMP Level 6)
strategies. is increasing, helping move on less common topics Language produced is generally
response to a more natural and is evident understood by someone
smooth flow. accustomed and those
unaccustomed to a language

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Functions/Complexity Vocabulary Accuracy/Comprehensibility

Paragraph/Advanced Language Shows the ability to create a Use of advanced Majority of language is
Shows ability to address each aspect of smooth and natural flow by using vocabulary (less error-free, creating a smooth
the response with Complex structures, a variety of added details, frequent and and natural flow. However, there
which demonstrate an increasing ability complex grammar and specialized), advanced may still be occasional errors,
to produce a greater depth of meaning descriptive language. Shows structures and/or terms but without pattern or causing
with language that effectively and more ability to switch time frames evident. Able to address any breakdown in
thoroughly addresses each aspect of the naturally with a high degree of a wide variety of ‘less communication. Language
prompt. Able to create a accuracy. Ability to use a wide common’ topics. produced is easily understood
paragraph-length description with a variety of sentence structures, Advanced language is by those unaccustomed to
Advanced-Low natural flow. patterns and tenses is evident in used within the language learners. Use of
(STAMP Level 7) communications. response, which helps correct orthography (elements
demonstrate an of writing such as spelling,
increased ability to more grammar, punctuation, accents,
effectively demonstrate tonal markers, umlauts etc.)
their language skills. increases in importance –
especially if the desire is to
reach Advanced levels. Correct
orthography is expected to
meet basic WORK and/or
academic writing needs at the
Advanced level.

Extended Paragraph and Language Shows the ability to create Effective use of concise Language is almost entirely
Shows ability to confidently address each sophisticated language with language across a wide error free, creating a smooth
aspect of the prompt with clear in-depth description and variety of topics is and natural flow. Any errors in
organization and a native-like flow. Able narration interwoven throughout. evident. Vocabulary the language are not easily
to incorporate a significant number of Syntactic density is evident as helps create Advanced identified and do not occur in
complexities with higher degree of well. Ability to switch time language throughout the any patterned way. Language
accuracy throughout, giving that depth of frames is natural and generally response, produced is native-speaker-like
meaning expected at Advanced Mid. without error. Complex demonstrating a deeper and understood by those
(STAMP Level 8)
Shows skill with creating a response that structures and grammar are used cultural understanding, unaccustomed to language
is interwoven with lexical and syntactic to create linguistic diversity in adding more clarity and learners. Uses correct
density, which one might expect to see at the language. depth of meaning. orthography throughout the
the Advanced level. Increasing ability to response. Correct orthography
extend discourse beyond immediate is expected to meet basic
experience to better address the prompt. WORK and/or academic writing
needs at the Advanced level.

Updated March 2024

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