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‫‪Gynecology Exam‬‬

‫)‪3RD Batch Group (A‬‬

‫اعداد اللجنة العلمية الدفعة الثالثة‬

‫الطب البرشي جامعة ‪ 21‬سبمتب‬

1- The most common cause of precocious 5- Premenstrual tension should be initially
puberty is: treated with:
a. Idiopathic. a. OCP.
b. Gonadoblastoma. b. Hysterectomy.
c. Albright syndrome. c. Aldosterone.
d. Abnormal skull development. d. Diuretics.
e. Granulose cell tumor e. D &C.


2. The most common symptom of luteal 6- The commonest uterine fibroid to cause
phase defect is: excessive bleeding is:
a. Vaginal dryness. a. Submucous fibroid.
b. Early abortion. b. Subserous fibroid.
c. Tubal occlusion. c. Intramural fibroid.
d. Breast tenderness. d. Cervical fibroid.
e. Ovarian enlargement. e. Broad ligament fibroid


3- Treatment of PID include all the 7- Untreated patients with cancer of the
following EXCEPT: cervix usually die with:
a. Oral doxycycline. a. Cachexia and starvation.
b. Removal of IUCD. b. Bowel obstruction.
c. Clindamycin. c. Renal failure and uremia.
d. Tetracycline. d. Multiorgan failure.
e. Dilatation and curettage. e. Cerebrovascular accident.


4. The initial evaluation in an infertile 8- OCP have the following beneficial

couple should include: effects EXCPET:
a. Ovarian biopsy. A. Decrease endometrial cancer
b. Semen analysis. B. Decrease benign breast disease
c. D&C. C. Decrease iron deficiency anemia
d. Laparoscopy. D. Decreased ovarian cancer
e. Sperm penetration assay. E. Decrease the incidence of renal failure


9- IUCD are relatively contraindicated in 13- The following is related to premature
the following patient EXCEPT: ovarian failure:
A. With past history of chronic Salpingitis. A. There are decreased levels of estrogen.
B. With Submucous fibroid B. Is associated with autoimmune disease.
C. With history of ectopic pregnancy C. There are decrease levels of FSH.
D. With septate uterus D. It is seen in association with autoimmune
E. With history of C section disease.
E. Karyotype is indicated in women who
ANSWER (E) develop the problem before 25
years of age.
10- Galactorrhea (non-gestational
lactation) may result from all of the ANSWER (A)
following EXCEPT:
A. pituitary adenoma 14- Recently the main risk of hormone
B. Hypothyroidism replacement therapy after menopause is:
C. Renal failure A. fracture the neck of femur
D. Intrapartum hemorrhage B. Cancer of the colon
E. Bronchogenic carcinoma C. Hirsutism
D. Cancer of breast
ANSWER (D) E. Genital atrophy

11- Patients with the following condition ANSWER (D)

present with primary amenorrhea:
A. Bicornuate uterus 15- The single largest cause of acquired
B. Polycystic ovary syndrome tubal pathology is:
C. Imperforate hymen A. Acinetobacter
D. Sheehan’s Syndrome B. Bacterial vaginosis
E. Anorexia nervosa C. Chlamydia trachomatis
D. Group A streptococcus
ANSWER (C) E. Mycobacterium tuberculosis

12- Feature characteristically associated ANSWER (C)

with imperforated hymen in a 16 year old
girl include: 16- The most common germ cell tumor is:
A. Acute retention of the urine A. Dysgerminoma.
B. Absence of secondary sexual B. Endodermal sinus tumor.
characteristics. C. Embryonal carcinoma.
C. Hirsutism D. Choriocarcinoma.
D. Short stature. E. Immature teratoma
E. Present with secondary amenorrhea
17- The most suitable treatment for a 20- A 65yrs old patient underwent TAH+
thirty four-year-old woman with minimal BSO for a suspicious 8cm right ovarian
endometriosis on laparoscopy, who has mass and normal CA125. She had
been trying to conceive for two years and originally presented with postmenopausal
has pelvic pain, is: bleeding. Frozen section shows Call-Exner
a) Laser ablation to endometriosis/excision of bodies. Likely the pathology specimen will
the endometriosis. demonstrate:
b) GnRH analogues. a) Brenner cell tumor
c) Danazol. b) clear cell carcinoma of the cervix
d) Progesterone. c) endometrial hyperplasia
e) Combined oral contraceptive pill. d) mucinous ovarian carcinoma
e) serous adenocarcinoma
18- seventeen-year-old girl who is not
sexually active presents with left iliac fossa 21-The following are associated with
pain. An ultrasound scan shows a 5 cm cyst menstrual disorders except
on the left ovary which is complex in a) Endometrial polyp.
nature, with solid, calcified elements and b) Endometrial simple hyperplasia.
fatty deposits noted on MRI. The likely c) Pelvic inflammatory disease.
diagnosis is: d) Thyroid disease.
a) Thecal luteal cyst. e) Diabetes
b) Tubo-ovarian abscess. ANSWER (E)
c) Serous cystadenoma.
d) Fibroma. 22- The following are associated with
e) Dermoid cyst molar pregnancy except
a) Dermoid cysts.
ANSWER (E) b) Large for dates.
c) Hyperemesis.
19-The management of a thirty eight-year- d) Pre-eclampsia.
old woman whose family is complete, with e) Diploidy.
a BMI of 30 and who has urodynamically ANSWER (A)
proven stress incontinence and a 4/5 score
on the Oxford Grading Scale, would be: 23- The following factors on ultrasound
a) Pelvic floor exercises. are suspicious of malignancy:
b) Bladder neck injections. a) A single loculated cyst of 7 cm diameter.
c) Anterior repair. b) Multiple cysts around the periphery of the
d) Colposuspension. ovary with a dense stroma.
e) TVT. c) A single frond floating within a cyst.
d) Solid elements and septate.
ANSWER (E) e) Calcification and fats.

24-The following are associated with a 28-Trichomoniasis:
raised alpha-fetoprotein (AFP): A. Associated with cytological findings in
a) Endodermal yolk sac tumors. PAP smear.
b) Granulosa cell tumors. B. Associated with pregnancy & Diabetes
c) Epithelial ovarian cancer. mellitus.
d) Dysgerminomas. C. Is sexually transmitted parasite which
e) Choriocarcinoma. causes pruritic discharge.
D. May cause overt warts.
ANSWER (A) E. Is diagnosed on a wet smear which reveals
clue cells.
25-Regarding carcinoma of the ovary:
a) It is most common in developing countries. ANSWER (C)
b) The incidence is similar to carcinoma of
the endometrium with similar prognosis. 29- A patient presents with vulval itching,
c) The peak age is 80–90 years old. sore vagina and a profuse, white, curdy
d) The majority are epithelial in origin. discharge with erythema and redness at
e) The mainstay of treatment is surgery and the introitus. The likely diagnosis is:
radiotherapy combined. a) Bacterial vaginosis.
b) Trichomonas vaginalis.
ANSWER (D) c) Candida.
d) Chlamydia.
26-The following are causes of benign e) HPV
vulval ulcers except:
a) primary syphilis. ANSWER (C)
b) Chancroid.
c) HSV
d) HPV infection. 30- Polycystic ovarian diseases, all of the
e) Crohn’s following can be seen EXCEPT:
A. Acne.
ANSWER (D) B. Streak ovaries.
C. Insulin resistance
27- The procedure most suitable for the D. Hirsutism.
investigation of pelvic pain is: E. Galactorrhea.
a) Cystoscopy.
b) Hysteroscopy. ANSWER (B)
c) Hysterosalpingogram.
d) Laparoscopy.
e) Hysterectomy.

31- On bimanual examination, bilateral 34- All of the following possible causes of
adnexal masses were palpated. A vaginal infertility, EXCEPT:
US was done for her and it showed A. Previous laparotomy for any reason
bilateral tubo-ovarian abscess. What is the B. Smoking
most appropriate next step in C. High body mass index
her management: D. PCO
A. Admit the patient for emergency E. Uterine subserous fibroids
laparoscopic drainage of the abscess.
B. Admit the patient and give her IV ANSWER (E)
C. Treat with multiple oral antibiotics as an 35- The commonest presenting complaint
outpatient. in women with primary vaginal cancer
D. Cal interventional radiotherapy to perform a. bleeding
"CT guided Percutaneous aspiration". b. constipation
E. Admit the patient for exploratory c. vaginal mass
laparotomy and TAH+ BSO d. urinary retention


32- 16-year-old adolescent female is 36- A 5-year-old female is noted to have

evaluated for lack of pubertal breast enlargement, vaginal bleeding,
development. She is diagnosed with and an 8-cm pelvic mass. Which of the
gonadal dysgenesis. Which of the following following is the most likely etiology?
laboratory findings are likely to be a. Benign cystic teratoma (dermoid).
elevated in this patient? b. Endodermal sinus tumor,
A. Follicle stimulating hormone levels c. Brenner tumor.
B. Estrogen levels d. Choriocarcinoma.
C. Progesterone levels e. Granulosa-theca cell tumor
D. Prolactin levels
E. Thyroxine levels ANSWER (E)

ANSWER (A) 37- The follicular phase of menstrual cycle

is characterized by:
33- Bartholin's abscess: a. Endometrial gland proliferation
A. Is often asymptomatic. b. Decreased Ovarian Estradiol production.
B. Is usually bilateral. c. Progesterone dominance.
C. Is most commonly due to gonococcus d. A fixed length of 8 day
D. Is best treated surgically. ANSWER (A)
E. Is usually presented as painful swelling to
one side to clitoris.

38- First sign of puberty is 42- A The earliest sign of Sheehan
A- budding of breast syndrome is:
B- growth spurt A. Secondary amenorrhea.
C- menstruations B. Failure of lactation.
D- change of voice C. Loss of axillary + pubic hair.
D. P.V bleeding.
ANSWER (B) E. Increase appetite
39– female pt. presented with multiple
small ulcers surrounded by red erythema 43- Regarding Hyperprolactinemia all are
base on the valval with positive lymph true EXCEPT:
node enlargement mostly the diagnosis is: A. Can be drug induced
A- syphilis B. Stress can play role
B- herpes Simplex C. Can cause infertility
c- chancroid D. In case of pituitary adenoma surgical
d- HIV removal is the best choice
E. Dopamine agonist is the treatment of the
ANSWER (B) choice
40- the following is not a problem arising
from pelvic floor dysfunction. 44- Which of the following contraceptive
a. fecal incontinence methods should NOT be used by a patient
b. incompetent cervix with coronary heart disease?
c. pelvic organ prolapses A. Combined oral contraceptive pills
d sexual dysfunction B. Male condom
e. urinary incontinence C. Female condom
D. Diaphragm
ANSWER (B) E. Spermicidal agent
41- 24_A62yrs old woman complains of 45- 36yrs old woman presents with
constipation and difficulty having bowel intermenstrual bleeding as well as
movements. She states that she often needs subfertility. Her US shows: AVF uterus
to use her fingers to push her vagina with picture suggestive of adenomyosis.
backward to achieve a bowel movement. ET: 7mm with 10x15mm fundal polyp.
The best ttt for this patient is: Both ovaries are normal and no fluid in
DP. Which of the following is gold
a) hysterectomy
standard for endometrial polyp diagnosis?
b) anterior colporrhaphy
a) CT scan of pelvis
c) posterior colporrhaphy
b) hysteroscopy
d) resection and repair of enterocele
c) pelvic US
d) saline infusion sonogram
e) TVS
46. A 29yrs old patient presents at 12wks 49 - A 29yrs old G2P0 woman (who had
GA with abdominal distension and vaginal history of regular menses) is undergoing
bleeding. TVS suggests molar pregnancy an evaluation for amenorrhea of 10months
with bilateral enlarged multicystic ovaries. duration. Pregnancy test is negative, her
The cysts are thin walled with clear TSH, PRL, FSH and LH are normal. She
contents and no fluid in Douglas pouch. had estrogen and progesterone intake but
Most likely diagnosis: with no withdrawal. Her diagnosis was
a) mucinous cystadenoma intrauterine adhesions which were
b) struma ovarii confirmed by imaging. Most accurate
c) serous cystadenoma statement is:
d) lutoma of pregnancy a) Her condition usually occurs after uterine
e) theca lutein cyst curettage for a pregnancy related process
b) She would best be diagnosed by
ANSWER (E) laparoscopy
c) The patient likely has severe cramping pain
47- Raised FSH levels are found in all the every month
following conditions EXCEPT: d) The patient has hypothalamic dysfunction
a. postmenopausal women e) Her treatment includes endometrial
b. Turner syndrome ablation
c. women on combined oral contraceptive pill
d. gonadal dysgenesis ANSWER (A)
e. perimenopausal women who had
hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo- 50- Regarding gonococcal infection of the
oopherectomy female genital tract, the following are
common site of infection:
ANSWER (C) A. Bartholin gland.
B. Skene gland.
48- The following are true about C. Urethra & cervix.
Asherman syndrome EXCEPT:
D. Rectal crypt.
A. Usually causes primary amenorrhea
E. All of the above.
B. Causes Secondary amenorrhea
C. May result from excessive dilation &
curettage ANSWER (C)
D. Usually diagnosed by HSG
E. Usually associated with intrauterine

Writing Questions
❖ MS Khadija 65 years old females, the last menstrual period
before 10 years, complaining of vaginal bleeding for 5 days
1- which call type of this bleeding in this condition?

Answer: Post menopausal bleeding

2- which are the possible causes of this bleeding?

- hormone replacement therapy & Endometrial hyperplasia
- Benign conditions: atrophic vaginitis, atrophic endometritis, vulvar dystrophies,
endometrial and endocervical polyps (most common causes)
- Gynecologic malignancies: endometrial, cervical, vaginal, and vulvar cancers, and
estrogen producing ovarian tumors (most serious causes)
- Systemic disease as hypertension and ITTP

3- Which the most likely malignant cause of this bleeding?

- Endometrial carcinoma

4- which the risk factors of this malignant?

- Nulliparity, early menarche & Late menopause, Marked Obesity
- Unopposed estrogen therapy (as estrogen replacement therapy in menopause ERT)
- Atypical endometrial hyperplasia EH, PCOS, estrogen producing ovarian neoplasm
5-Which the management of this conditions?
Answer: ????????

❖ Enumerate four contraindications of COCs?

- Coronary Heart Disease
- Thrombo-embolic disorders
- Liver disease (impaired function)
- Malignancy of the female genital system.
- Abnormal bleeding from the genital tract.
- Suspected or known carcinoma of breast

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