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Chapter IV


Data Analysis and Interpretation
How many hours per week do you spend on homework or school related task.
Respondents Codes Themes
1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Manage and Academics Goal
Prioritize Time

8 To have more free time Free time

Table 1 shows the responses from a survey of 8 individual students. Out of the 8 respondents,
7 students (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) indicated that they prioritize their academic activities over non-
essential tasks in order to maintain good grades and manage their time effectively. In
contrast, respondent 8 mentioned a preference for having more free time rather than focusing
solely on homework and school activities. This student expressed a desire to enjoy their
holidays and free time rather than devoting all their time to academic work.
How do you currently prioritize your free time versus your homework/ study time?
Respondents Codes Themes
1,3,5,6,8 Read books Prioritize

2,7,4 Enjoy free time Relax and rest

Table 2 shows the responses from a survey of 8 individual students. Out of the 8 respondents,
5 students (1, 3, 5, 6,8) indicated that they prefer to focus on their academic work and
activities rather than engaging in non-essential tasks. This helps them to improve their
academic grades and performance. In contrast, 3 respondents (2, 4, 7) expressed a preference
for enjoying their free time and resting during holidays like Saturdays and Sundays, as well
as after school. They prefer to relax their minds and avoid stress in order to rejuvenate their
How does the amount of homework you have impact your stress level?
Respondents Codes Themes
1,2,3,4,5,6 Work and overload Stress

7,8 Manage time Time management

Table 3 shows the responses from a survey of 8 individual students. Out of the 8 respondents,
6 students (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) expressed that having an overload of activities causes them
significant stress. They reported that this overload has a major impact on their mental,
physical, and emotional well-being, leading to feelings of tiredness. In contrast, 2 respondents
(7 and 8) disclosed that even though they have a heavy workload, they are still able to
complete their activities on time and maintain some free time. These students stated that they
are able to effectively manage their time and balance their responsibilities.
How do strategies or adjustment could be used to achieve a better balance between
homework and free time?
Respondents Codes Themes
1,2,3,4,5 Divide and Balance Time Management

6,7,8 Prioritize Highlight Important

Table 4 shows the responses from a survey of 8 individual students. Out of the 8 respondents,
5 students (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) reported that they utilize time management techniques to balance
their free time and academic responsibilities. They stated that time management is easier
when they schedule and organize their activities, which helps them avoid stress and fatigue.
The remaining 3 respondents (6, 7, 8) indicated that they prioritize their academic work over
non-essential activities. These students expressed that they first complete and submit their
assignments before the deadline, rather than engaging in unnecessary tasks.
How do you typically designate your time between academic responsibilities and leisure
Respondents Codes Themes
1,2,3,4 To have more time Free Time

5,6,7,8 To have more space Schedule

Table 5 shows the responses from a survey of 8 individual students. Out of the 8 respondents,
4 students (1, 2, 3, 4) expressed that they prioritize completing their academic activities
before enjoying their free time. They stated that this approach helps them avoid late
submissions and reduces overthinking. The remaining 4 respondents (5, 6, 7, 8) indicated that
they set aside specific time or create schedules to manage their tasks. These students reported
that they balance their free time and leisure activities by implementing structured schedules
and time management.

How do you describe the balance you achieved between your academics and activities?
Respondents Codes Themes
1,2,3,4,5,6 To have good grades Academic Pursuit

7,8 To understand clearly Reevaluating

Table 6 shows the responses from a survey of 8 individual students. Out of the 8 respondents,
6 students (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) indicated that they are heavily focused on excelling in their studies
and view their academic performance as their top priority. These students appear to be
devoting the majority of their time and effort towards their coursework and educational goals.
In contrast, the remaining 2 respondents (7 and 8) suggested that they are taking a more
holistic approach. They seem to be stepping back and reflecting on what is most meaningful
to them, rather than solely optimizing for academic success. This implies that these students
may be trying to strike a better balance between their academics and other important aspects
of their lives, such as personal interests, relationships, or extracurricular activities.
How do you describe the different types of homework on academic’s subjects?
Respondents Codes Themes
1,3,6,7 Depends on Surmise

2,4,5,8 To know how hard/ difficult Struggle

Table 7 shows the responses from a survey of 8 individual students. Out of the 8 respondents,
4 students (1, 3, 6, 7) demonstrated that their approach to academic activities depends on how
well they understand the lessons taught by their teachers. These students indicated that their
performance is largely influenced by their comprehension of the course material. In contrast,
the remaining 4 respondents (2, 4, 5, 8) reported that they first complete all the minor or
easier subjects before tackling the more challenging major subjects. These students expressed
that they prioritize the easier tasks first in order to refresh their mind and avoid stress, before
moving on to the more difficult work.

How do you manage your schedules to accommodate the increased workload of more
challenging courses without sacrificing your overall well-being?
Respondents Codes Themes
1,2,4 To have better understanding Academics

3,5,6 To balance major/minor Management

7,8 Prioritize Major Sort

Table 8 shows the responses from a survey of 8 individual students. Out of the 8 respondents,
3 students (1, 2, 4) reported that they focus on all of their academic activities. This strategy
suggests that these respondents prioritize building a strong foundational knowledge and skill
set before tackling more advanced course content. In contrast, 3 other respondents (3, 5, 6)
stated that they focus on effectively managing their schedules. This could involve allocating
specific time slots for studying, completing assignments, and other course-related activities,
as well as ensuring a balance between academic work and other aspects of their lives. The
remaining 2 respondents (7 and 8) revealed that they prioritize their major subjects and
assignments first. These students appear to focus on the most important or challenging tasks,
and then organize the remaining work based on complexity or difficulty.
The data presented in the tables not only illuminate the varied approaches to academic
responsibilities and time management but also underscore the importance of striking a
balance between academic pursuits and personal well-being. The researchers found that
students who prioritize time management techniques and structured schedules demonstrate a
proactive stance towards achieving academic goals while safeguarding their mental and
physical health. Conversely, those who advocate for engaging in non-essential tasks to
rejuvenate their spirits emphasize the significance of personal time and relaxation in
maintaining a healthy academic-life balance.
Moreover, the findings underscore the individualized nature of students’ responses to
academic pressures and workload. While some students thrive under heavy academic
demands and effectively manage their responsibilities, others find themselves overwhelmed
by an excess of activities, leading to stress and fatigue. Understanding these divergent
responses can inform the development of tailored support mechanisms to assist students in
navigating challenges and optimizing their academic performance.
The insights accumulated from the survey data also shed light on the role of personal
preferences and learning styles in shaping students' approaches to academic tasks. The
researchers realized that students who prioritize foundational knowledge and skill
development before tackling advanced course content exhibit a strategic approach to
academic progression, emphasizing the importance of building a strong academic foundation.
Conversely, students who focus on effectively managing their schedules highlight the value
of strategic planning and time allocation in optimizing learning outcomes and academic
Furthermore, according in the answers of grade 10 students the students who view
academic success as their top priority must balance their ambitions with self-care practices
that promote well-being and resilience. Conversely, those who adopt a more holistic approach
seek to integrate personal interests and extracurricular activities into their academic journey,
reflecting a nuanced understanding of success that extends beyond traditional academic
The insights cope from the series of tables showcasing responses from a survey of
individual students unfold the diverse array of attitudes and strategies embraced by students
in managing their academic responsibilities, time, stress, and priorities. Among the students
surveyed, a clear dichotomy emerges between those who prioritize academic pursuits as a
means to excel in their studies and those who advocate for a more balanced approach that
incorporates personal time and relaxation. This contrast underscores the complex interplay
between academic ambitions and the desire for leisure time, reflecting the multifaceted nature
of student experiences and priorities.
A prevailing theme across the tables is the significance of time management in
navigating academic demands effectively. Students who employ structured schedules and
time management techniques often find themselves better equipped to juggle academic tasks
while mitigating stress and fatigue. This proactive approach not only aids in avoiding late
submissions but also contributes to a more efficient and organized academic workflow.
Conversely, students who prioritize completing assignments promptly before engaging in
non-essential tasks demonstrate a focused and disciplined approach to their academic
Above all discussions, the researchers have observed the impact of workload on
student well-being, with several respondents expressing how an overload of activities can
lead to significant stress and exhaustion. These findings underscore the importance of
recognizing and addressing the mental, physical, and emotional toll that excessive academic
commitments can exert on students. Conversely, students who are adept at managing heavy
workloads while maintaining a semblance of free time underscore the value of effective time
management and balance in fostering well-being amid academic pressures.
In essence, the data underscores the complex interplay between academic
commitments, time management, stress, and personal priorities in shaping students'
experiences and approaches to learning. By recognizing and accommodating the diverse
needs and preferences of students, educational institutions can foster an environment that
supports holistic growth and well-being.
The insights gleaned from the survey findings serve as a valuable resource for
understanding the nuanced dynamics at play in student lives and can inform strategies aimed
at promoting academic success, well-being, and personal fulfillment in educational settings.

As a researcher, we used a simple way to learn more about the students who took part
in the study. We gave the students questionnaires to gather information about the factors that
affect the balance between their homework and free time.
This study focused on understanding how Grade 10 students in Puerto Galera National High
School San Isidro Extension manage their time between schoolwork and personal activities.
Some students may already have a good handle on this, while others may still be trying to
find the right balance. Factors like family, friends, and financial situation can influence how
students prioritize their time.
In addition to family, friends, and financial situation, it's important to consider how
extracurricular activities, personal interests, and study habits might also impact how Grade 10
students manage their time effectively. To help students improve their time management
skills, it could be beneficial to provide workshops or resources on setting priorities, creating
schedules, and practicing effective study techniques. Encouraging open communication with
teachers, parents, and peers can also help students seek support when needed and maintain a
healthy balance between academics and personal activities.
Furthermore, mental health and well-being are crucial considerations when addressing
the balance between schoolwork and personal time for Grade 10 students. Providing access to
counseling services, promoting mindfulness practices, and fostering a supportive
environment can help students cope with stress and maintain a healthy work-life balance.
Encouraging regular breaks, physical activity, and adequate sleep is also essential for overall
well-being and academic success.

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