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Motor protection and control Manual motor starters, contactors and overload relays Auxiliary contact blocks for AF116 ... AF2650 contactors Description ‘Te auctary contact blocks are used forthe operation of ausilary cicuts and contaleruits for standard Types of aulary contact blocks fr side mounting: = CAL 2-poe block, with instantaneous N.O. + N.C. contacts For elpping onto the rght-ana/orlef-hana side ef tne contactors Te CAL... 118 isa second block for mounting n acilion toa frst GAL 11 block, ght andor et hand a the AFI16 .. AFZB50 contactors Tre auclary contact blocks ae equiaped with screw type connecting teminale delivered open, protected against accidental rec: contact ana bea the coresponaing function marking, Ordering details (1) Fareonactos Rg Touweodes Ca Wat = ee \t ‘6 ‘Side-mounted instantaneous auxiliary contact blocks ea 1 eT aaa Te . 1 Feat" isAiriaoa 2 ae, aE CO eaten enoeeotr ae. EY aici ero feta [VFe wm conate ypu ie eco Trg co wD, Auxiliary contact blocks for AF116 ... AF2650 contactors Technical data Te [eae aa Contact utilization characteristics according to IEC Fata rll tips ise SEE MEET 90 : Facinpbe wana tage Ur. ek 2 fated opera veage as 4, SVE Fst Raa rae tat eg, ico : tote opens eure A eto emser 54 serovars [on 7 meaovsators | 4 : pasos [34 a aug ETRE Fea nes : Bes apc se nd “Bale ts > ie Rated opera caret 013 sectolee setts avec [onsen faacew favoc fea sae TSK BW vee} 4/72 Haw Hovoe Juss. We Fassareaw tases Joss hea S88 ATs W Ravoe ori se aarew _ OVE O47 15 HERTS Briel icon ans gis 8a : tease wiht are wea |r00 : acre rots | oa : Nin ig PA Sin ES is Seas baTRET IRA srihitoe tae cE Exot Rover asiwen pepe oA asi > Mecano Nene a aay i WAPOA) grit A230” 205) Sten operate eye, _ oa Fo 00 eek [beta ie ea ee acy 1 | 300 jeu tb eb * Seas st es Moos i cn ae EE TI NC cy i i co [0A pal concent Contact utilization characteristics according to UL/ GSA Sanda ~ 8, CACHE x vac open ie : seo vac, 250 v06 ~ Piataay eo, Gia irate curt ox = mania ake encer rg eco Vx Iie mara lamer bear Fava ~ DG Rerral sled cure Ba 2 Crem camper lig eg ava Connecting characteristics ‘onnscioncapney i Da Seta sence defied mm . = ae tr ~ By eawi aa ar neato te freaas aa : I OREO E re : Fs bi ihre ie Sx forects ne ~ Be. TBE ~ me Ts fame : eincin capa ia ESA bras ange ~ Sippnatera SE ere : Titre era nee - Deg of reer ae, aa? EN 687-1 andes en gos2e. [20 - Sete erinas Beware aoe i saws aie ei et nad Siena ype Soe pus Pei ~

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