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Copyright 1996-2011, All rights reserved.

BCA-0312306911-ITR -30.000.000,00, "Ali Murtadlo,

MBA"- Branch Manager BNI
(Updated: 2011-07-22)
Jln. A Yani 91 - Kudus - 59317, Kudus - 59317, KUDUS, 59317, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia Tel:62-021-500888(Home),

Resume Summary
Current Position : "PT BNI Life" BRANCH MANAGER in PT BNI Life (Oct 2010 - Present)
Current Specialization : Finance - Corporate Finance/Investment/Merchant Banking
Highest Education : Bachelor's Degree in Business Studies/Administration/Management
Years of Experiences : 20
Expected Salary : USD 10000000000

mployment History

.t 2010 - Present
1. PT BNI Life
Position Title (Level) : "PT BNI Life" BRANCH MANAGER (Senior Management/General
Specialization : Finance - Corporate Finance/Investment/Merchant Banking
Role : Investment Banking
Industry : Insurance
Monthly Salary : USD 9999999999.9999
Work Description :

Ali Murtadlo, MBA link of Banking Corporate and Industry Hilir/Hulu of BUMN Kahuripan, such as : Business
Process Analyst / Technical Writer professional / Corebanking / Technology Information and Maintenance /
Central of Accounting, A/R, Price & Polecy Director / System&Procedure / Delivery Channel / Humen
Resourching in Training Progam/ Account And Administration of their job handling in similar of PIMPINAN with
along 18 years "Wiyata Bhakti, Melayani Negeri Kebanggaan Bangsa", of related experience within multiple in
Banking and Hilir/Hulu Industry of Kahuripan BUMN.

The "Pimpinan - PresidentDirector of BCA wholesaler Hadinata Brothers, & CO. PT of Highlihtder of
Successfull in Net profit of "alim Hadinata BrOTHERS, co & PT Whole salers of Bank Central Asia ( BCA) of
HET Rp 6,5 milyard per month from PLF, OP, Showroom, and Java outset in regional share market area from
1994 untill at Now in Index Jounjon Bursa Saham BCA Corebanking of London CommenwealthBank and World
Bank of United State of America.
The other seoson of Highlihtder consulate of Successfull in Manager Marketing Bank Niaga in Sunset
PolecySector Real of Trade and insurance in regional area 4 ie: DEXLIME Pte, PT BNI Life, BBA, DEXLIME Pte,
Ierus, AERO, Columbia, Pertamina HRD-Psicometric, and BBA.

Copyright 1996-2011, All rights reserved.

.t 2010 - Present
2. PT COLUMBINDO PRDANA, Columbia Cash & Credit
Position Title (Level) : "COLUMBIA" Store Supervisor (Coordinator/Supervisor)
Specialization : Sales - Corporate
Role : Sales Executive/Account Manager
Industry : Retail / Merchandise
Monthly Salary : USD 9999999999.9999
Work Description :

Retail store sales worker supervisors manage salespeople, cashiers, stock clerks, and other entry-level
employees who work in retail establishments. Sales worker supervisors are employed by general and discount
department stores and by specialty stores such as furniture, book, and music stores. In smaller
establishments sales worker supervisors may manage the entire sales floor during their shift. In large
department stores supervisors generally manage a single department such as shoes or housewares. Sales
supervisors typically report to store managers.

Beyond ensuring that employees are doing their jobs, sales worker supervisors hire, fire, and train
employees. They also handle customer complaints and questions. Sometimes retail supervisors are entrusted
with bookkeeping and purchasing responsibilities. In big department stores they may be responsible for
organizing the merchandise on store shelves, reviewing the inventory to make sure everything is in stock, and
establishing the sales goals for their departments. Sales worker supervisors in specialty stores may need
specialized knowledge. For instance, a supervisor employed in a kitchen supply store should know a good deal
about cooking.

Read more: Retail Store Sales Worker Supervisor Job Description, Career as a Retail Store Sales Worker
Supervisor, Salary, Employment - Definition and Nature of the Work, Education and Training Requirements,
Getting the Job

pr 2000 - Present
Position Title (Level) : IERUS PROJECT (Senior Management/General Manager/CEO/VP/Director)
Specialization : Finance - General/Cost Accounting
Role : Management/Cost Accounting/Business Analyst
Industry : Banking / Financial Services
Monthly Salary : IDR 30000000
Work Description :

EVENTS, AND LOKAKARYA ,LAPORAN SPT PS 25 (1771), PS 21 (1721), PS 21 OP (1770S), PS 21/26 MASA,


The Store MANAGER of Shopping Centre :Responsibilities include the development, implementation, and
administration of accounting policies as well as investor communications and earnings releases. Will oversee
the corporations accounting and financial controls functions, including SEC and regulatory reports, as well as
the preparation of corporate income tax returns/PPn/BM. Purpose of position in Resposible maintain the store
order to ensure resident and visitor access to necessary supply and accomodation. Responsibities in main
activities : a) Maintain Customer Service And Facilities b) Maintain Stock, Supplayer, and Inventories c)
Maintain The Account Store

Copyright 1996-2011, All rights reserved.

pr 1994 - Present
Position Title (Level) : "BCA - President Director of BCA wholesaler (Senior Management/General
Specialization : Finance - Corporate Finance/Investment/Merchant Banking
Role : Investment Banking
Industry : Banking / Financial Services
Monthly Salary : USD 9999999999.9999
Work Description :

According to UU RI No. 32, 2004; UU RI No. 43, 1999; UU RI No. 7 1979; Keputusan Bersama
KeputusanARNAS and Keputusan BAKN No. 02 2000 and No. 22 2000, Surat Edaran Mandagri No.
81173/9979/SJ 1988, SE Kep. BAKN No. 09/SE/1979 17 September 1979, and record-record and successfully
in Dep. Keuangan RI No.:PEM-4384/O/WPJ.10/KP.08.03/2007, Disnaker No : 3319-311210-011416 on 2010,
SKCK No : 01/01/XII/2010/RES KDS, Kewajaran of Pratama Nomor: S-
00023670/PPTops/wpj.10/kp.0803/2009, Komando Daerah Militer Regional 4 of Diponegoro No.:
0135/EC.67.80P/IX/1988, health care of Perum Husada "Wiyata Bhakti" Praja No. RM : 455.489 03 March
2003 and certificate commercial of The Wordwide of USA in Commonthwealthbank and WTO, such as : LUKS :
ATG/000103 Ref.LUKS 000166-3FDP13 PORT PAYE Aut: N' 06/23 FRANCE La Porte, SWIS: BT61000203 Ref#:
Swis-000180-3L1113 WMG Pte Ltd., SS=58 4P036554 Reff: 0011000002127711 PP SWEDEN. Inside of
minimum and highligt criteria in UJI KEPATUHAN no. ref of 1684/1997 of Ali Murtadlo MBA in historical
Familily feud of RM at now at the soonest to be Pimpinan of HB/Commonworld of Central Bank to be
approached as a similar of "Pimpinan" position in BUMN after successfull of Reg. No. 00154479 SIUP :
0013/10-25/PB/I/1990/P and 3446-P/09/Cab/Binusardag/IX90 on debt to debt Autorization of Master/Visa
Card and Clearing/Lc of Courbanking of "ALIM","AM","pgdani" of Bankbook BANK CENTRAL ASIA (BCA)
Matraman JAKARTA TIMUR in "SECTOR REAL" of HADINATA BROTHERS, PT, Co of Ali Murtadlo, MBA success
in more than Rp 6 Milyard Rupiah per month of HJT/HET per month and No. 8-843/WPJ.10/KP.1307/2008
Konseling of Clarifikasi Pajak Rp 2,9 Milyard from Sunset Polecy Processing and No. 8-
844/WPJ.10/KP.1307/2008 Konseling of Clarifikasi Pajak Rp 3.6 Milyard from Sunset Polecy Processing DEP
KU RI Kanwil DPJ JATENG, and EMK : 121070493 ISBN : 978-979-27-0300-9 in Akutansi Management and
EMK : 121070632 ISBN: 978-979-27-0433-4 in Management Keuangan Modern of business solution

The "Pimpinan - PresidentDirector of BCA wholesaler Hadinata Brothers, & CO. PT of Highlihtder of
Successfull in Net profit of "alim Hadinata BrOTHERS, co & PT Whole salers of Bank Central Asia ( BCA) of
HET Rp 6,5 milyard per month from PLF, OP, Showroom, and Java outset in regional share market area from
1994 untill at Now in Index Jounjon Bursa Saham BCA Corebanking of London CommenwealthBank and World
Bank of United State of America.
The other seoson of Highlihtder consulate of Successfull in Manager Marketing Bank Niaga in Sunset
PolecySector Real of Trade and insurance in regional area 4 ie: DEXLIME Pte, PT BNI Life, BBA, DEXLIME Pte,
Ierus, AERO, Columbia, Pertamina HRD-Psicometric, and BBA.

an 1994 - Present
. PT AIA Financial
Position Title (Level) : Auditor (Senior Management/General Manager/CEO/VP/Director)
Specialization : Finance - General/Cost Accounting
Role : Basic Accounting/Bookkeeping/Accounts Executive
Industry : Accounting / Audit / Tax Services
Monthly Salary : USD 9999999999.9999
Work Description :

According to 1684/1997 As a Owner of "alim" Hadinata Brothers, CO PT and Allowance record from reff no.
DEP.KU : PEM-4384/O/WPJ.10/KP.08.03/2007 with NPWP No.: 08.846.184.3506.000 with Reff NIK :
2B10049777 as a Wiyata Bhakti in BUMN of Ali Murtadlo MBA to go successfull on Legal from
BAPEPAM/BEKADE of Pegawai Negeri BUMN and place to "KEDINASAN" as a Auditor

an 1992 - Present
6. BCA Corporate with Citibank

Copyright 1996-2011, All rights reserved.

Position Title (Level) : Credit Card Manager - Semarang (Senior Management/General
Specialization : Banking/Financial Services
Role : Corporate Banking
Industry : Banking / Financial Services
Monthly Salary : USD 9999999999.9999
Work Description :

According to 1684/1997 As a Owner of "alim" Hadinata Brothers, CO PT and Allowance record from reff no.
DEP.KU : PEM-4384/O/WPJ.10/KP.08.03/2007 with NPWP No.: 08.846.184.3506.000 with Reff NIK :
2B10049777 as a Wiyata Bhakti in BUMN of Ali Murtadlo MBA to go successfull on Legal from
BAPEPAM/BEKADE of Pegawai Negeri BUMN and place to "DINAS" as a Credit Card Manager - Semarang of
Citibank Citi provides professional challenges and opportunities of bank line

eb 1991 - Present
. BCA PT Royal Chemie Indonesia sector Real
Position Title (Level) : PT Royal Chemie Indonesia Internal Audit Manager (Senior Management/General
Specialization : Clerical/Administrative Support
Role : Contracts Administration
Industry : Manufacturing / Production
Monthly Salary : USD 9999999999.9999
Work Description :

According to 1684/1997 As a Owner of "alim" Hadinata Brothers, CO PT and Allowance record from reff no.
DEP.KU : PEM-4384/O/WPJ.10/KP.08.03/2007 with NPWP No.: 08.846.184.3506.000 with Reff NIK :
2B10049777 as a Wiyata Bhakti in BUMN of Ali Murtadlo MBA to go successfull on Legal from
BAPEPAM/BEKADE of Pegawai Negeri BUMN and place to "DINAS" on PT Royal Chemie Indonesia Internal
Audit Manager in The biggest resin producer in Indonesia currently

an 1991 - Present
. "BCA" PT Mayora Indah Tbk in Food & Baverage
Position Title (Level) : General Affairs Supervisor (Senior Management/General
Specialization : Public Relations/Communications
Role : Marketing Communication
Industry : Food & Beverage / Catering / Restaurant
Monthly Salary : USD 9999999999.9999
Work Description :

According to 1684/1997 As a Owner of "alim" Hadinata Brothers, CO PT and Allowance record from reff no.
DEP.KU : PEM-4384/O/WPJ.10/KP.08.03/2007 with NPWP No.: 08.846.184.3506.000 with Reff NIK :
2B10049777 as a Wiyata Bhakti in BUMN of Ali Murtadlo MBA to go successfull on Legal from
BAPEPAM/BEKADE of Pegawai Negeri BUMN and place to "DINAS" on MAYORA as General Affairs Supervisor.

For To Know that Since first established in 1977, PT Mayora Indah Tbk has been one of Indonesias important
food industries. As a result of the countrys growth in economy and the shift of social consumptive pattern
towards more practical products, PT Mayora boasts a rapid growth over the years.

Today, PT Mayora Indah Tbk is divided into 6 business divisions:

1. Biscuit: Roma, Better, Slai O Lai, and Danisa
2. Candy: Kopiko, Kis, Tamarin, and Plonk
3. Wafer: Beng Beng, Astor, and Roma
4. Chocolate: Choki Choki, and Danisa

Copyright 1996-2011, All rights reserved.

5. Health Food: Energen

6. Coffee: Torabika

To meet the ever increasing market demands, PT Mayora Indah Tbk went public through Initial Public
Offering (IPO) in 1990. A successful move that is evident in the materialization of factories in Tangerang,
Bekasi and Surabaya, which employ 5,300 workers.

Supported with strong and wide distribution networks, products of PT Mayora Indah Tbk are available
throughout Indonesia and some overseas countries such as Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam,
Singapore, Hong Kong, Saudi Arabia, Australia, Africa, America and Italy.

an 1991 - Present
9. "BCA" Watson Pharmaceuticals, Inc. in retailer
Position Title (Level) : "WATSON" Warehouse Supervisor (Senior Management/General
Specialization : Healthcare - Pharmacy
Role : Pharmacy Technician
Industry : Retail / Merchandise
Monthly Salary : USD 9999999999.9999
Work Description :

According to 1684/1997 As a Owner of "alim" Hadinata Brothers, CO PT and Allowance record from reff no.
DEP.KU : PEM-4384/O/WPJ.10/KP.08.03/2007 with NPWP No.: 08.846.184.3506.000 with Reff NIK :
2B10049777 as a Wiyata Bhakti in BUMN of Ali Murtadlo MBA to go successfull on Legal from
BAPEPAM/BEKADE of Pegawai Negeri BUMN and place to "DINAS" on WATSON as a Warehouse Supervisor.

To Let to Know of Watson : A.S Watson Group (ASW) has evolved into an international retail and
manufacturing business with operations in 36 markets worldwide. Today, the Group owns more than 7,900
stores running the gamut from health & beauty chains, luxury perfumeries & cosmetics to food, electronics,
fine wine and airport retail arms. An established player in the beverage industry, ASW provides a full range of
beverages from bottled water, fruit juices, soft drinks and tea products to the worlds finest wine labels via its
international wine wholesaler and distributor.
ASW employs over 98,000 staff and is a member of the world renowned Hongkong-based conglomerate
Hutchison Whampoa Limited, which has five core businesses-port and related services; property and hotels;
retail; energy, infrastructure, investments and others; and telecommunications in 55 countries.

an 1991 - Present
10. BCA - BANK BUMI ARTA Corporate
Position Title (Level) : BBA PREDISKOM (Senior Management/General Manager/CEO/VP/Director)
Specialization : Corporate Strategy/Top Management
Role : Chief Executive Officer (CEO)/Managing Director
Industry : Banking / Financial Services
Monthly Salary : USD 9999999999.9999
Work Description :

According to 1684/1997 As a Owner of "alim" Hadinata Brothers, CO PT and Allowance record from reff no.
DEP.KU : PEM-4384/O/WPJ.10/KP.08.03/2007 with NPWP No.: 08.846.184.3506.000 with Reff NIK :
2B10049777 as a Wiyata Bhakti in BUMN of Ali Murtadlo MBA to go successfull on Legal from
BAPEPAM/BEKADE of Pegawai Negeri BUMN and place to "KEDINASAN" as a PRESDISKOM BBA

Copyright 1996-2011, All rights reserved.

an 1991 - Present
Position Title (Level) : AGONG PODOMORO Senior Secretary (Senior Management/General
Specialization : Clerical/Administrative Support
Role : Administrative Executive
Industry : Manufacturing / Production
Monthly Salary : IDR 30000000
Work Description :

According to 1684/1997 As a Owner of "alim" Hadinata Brothers, CO PT and Allowance record from reff no.
DEP.KU : PEM-4384/O/WPJ.10/KP.08.03/2007 with NPWP No.: 08.846.184.3506.000 with Reff NIK :
2B10049777 as a Wiyata Bhakti in BUMN of Ali Murtadlo MBA to go successfull on Legal from
BAPEPAM/BEKADE of Pegawai Negeri BUMN and place to "DINAS" in Senior Secretary of AGONG PODOMORO

an 1991 - Present
12. BCA Bank Muamalat Indonesia Corporate
Position Title (Level) : Bank Muamalat Trade Finance Officer (Senior Management/General
Specialization : Banking/Financial Services
Role : Corporate Banking
Industry : Banking / Financial Services
Monthly Salary : IDR 30000000
Work Description :

According to 1684/1997 As a Owner of "alim" Hadinata Brothers, CO PT and Allowance record from reff no.
DEP.KU : PEM-4384/O/WPJ.10/KP.08.03/2007 with NPWP No.: 08.846.184.3506.000 with Reff NIK :
2B10049777 as a Wiyata Bhakti in BUMN of Ali Murtadlo MBA to go successfull on Legal from
BAPEPAM/BEKADE of Pegawai Negeri BUMN and place to "DINAS" as a Trade Finance Officer of Bank

an 1991 - Present
13. BCA Bursa fek Indonesia
Position Title (Level) : Bursa Efek Indonesia Staf Travel Management (Senior Management/General
Specialization : Banking/Financial Services
Role : Corporate Banking
Industry : Stockbroking / Securities
Monthly Salary : USD 9999999999.9999
Work Description :

According to 1684/1997 As a Owner of "alim" Hadinata Brothers, CO PT and Allowance record from reff no.
DEP.KU : PEM-4384/O/WPJ.10/KP.08.03/2007 with NPWP No.: 08.846.184.3506.000 with Reff NIK :
2B10049777 as a Wiyata Bhakti in BUMN of Ali Murtadlo MBA to go successfull on Legal from
BAPEPAM/BEKADE of Pegawai Negeri BUMN and place to "KEDINASAN" as a Bursa Efek Indonesia Staf Travel

an 1991 - Present
1. BCA CV Indografika Group
Position Title (Level) : Indografika Group Kepala Shift ( KS ) (Senior Management/General
Specialization : Clerical/Administrative Support
Role : Administrative Executive
Industry : Printing / Publishing
Monthly Salary : IDR 9999999999.9999
Work Description :

Copyright 1996-2011, All rights reserved.

INDOGRAFIKA CV adalah perusahaan yang didirikan bulan Nov. 2003.
According to 1684/1997 As a Owner of "alim" Hadinata Brothers, CO PT and Allowance record from reff no.
DEP.KU : PEM-4384/O/WPJ.10/KP.08.03/2007 with NPWP No.: 08.846.184.3506.000 with Reff NIK :
2B10049777 as a Wiyata Bhakti in BUMN of Ali Murtadlo MBA to go successfull on Legal from
BAPEPAM/BEKADE of Pegawai Negeri BUMN and place to "DINAS" on Kepala Shift ( KS ) of Indografika

Bergerak di bidang industri jasa kemasan dan percetakan yang menerima pesanan-2, maupun memproduksi
barang-2 tertentu yang bersifat kebutuhan massal dengan orientasi pasar domestik maupun ekspor.

Dalam memasarkan product output-nya, Perusahaan mempunyai 2 kebijakan utama yang menyangkut jenis
product-nya ( disebut MP [ Mass Product ] dan JO [ Job Order ] ). Untuk JO, INDOGRAFIKA memasarkan
sendiri melalui Departemen-nya. Sedangkan untuk MP, dipasarkan melalui Group Bisnis yaitu Interbuana.

Perbesaran kapasitas produksi ditempuh melalui Capacity Development oleh INDOGRAFIKA sendiri, maupun
melalui Group Bisnis yaitu INDOMITRA, atau melalui proses Sub-Contract ke Industrial Supplier terkait.
Disamping memasarkan Product JO Group ( Product JO hasil produksi sendiri ) Indografika juga mengelola
Product JO Non Group ( Product non produksi sendiri, produk-2 yang dihasilkan oleh supplier lain ) yang
karakteristik productnya masih berhubungan erat atau dapat di-sinergikan dengan produk perusahaan.

an 1991 - Present
1. BCA HOTL MNTNG GROUP of Corporate
Position Title (Level) : Night Manager (Senior Management/General Manager/CEO/VP/Director)
Specialization : Public Relations/Communications
Role : Marketing Communication
Industry : Hotel / Hospitality
Monthly Salary : USD 9999999999.9999
Work Description :

According to 1684/1997 As a Owner of "alim" Hadinata Brothers, CO PT and Allowance record from reff no.
DEP.KU : PEM-4384/O/WPJ.10/KP.08.03/2007 with NPWP No.: 08.846.184.3506.000 with Reff NIK :
2B10049777 as a Wiyata Bhakti in BUMN of Ali Murtadlo MBA to go successfull on Legal from
BAPEPAM/BEKADE of Pegawai Negeri BUMN and place to "DINAS" as Night Manager of HOTE MENTENG

an 1991 - Present
16. BCA PT Anak Jaya Bapak Sejahtera in Store
Position Title (Level) : AJBS Store Manager (Senior Management/General Manager/CEO/VP/Director)
Specialization : Customer Service
Role : Call Centre Executive
Industry : Retail / Merchandise
Monthly Salary : IDR 30000000
Work Description :

According to 1684/1997 As a Owner of "alim" Hadinata Brothers, CO PT and Allowance record from reff no.
DEP.KU : PEM-4384/O/WPJ.10/KP.08.03/2007 with NPWP No.: 08.846.184.3506.000 with Reff NIK :
2B10049777 as a Wiyata Bhakti in BUMN of Ali Murtadlo MBA to go successfull on Legal from
BAPEPAM/BEKADE of Pegawai Negeri BUMN and place to "DINAS" as A AJBS Store Manager.

To Know abaut AJBS : AJBS adalah sebuah perusahaan trading dan pendistribusian barang untuk produk
fastener, power tools dan alat teknik yang telah mengembangkan pasarnya dari barat sampai dengan timur
Indonesia, AJBS telah berhasil memegang beberapa brand terkenal untuk diberikan kepercayaan sebagai
distributor brand terkenal tersebut.

an 1991 - Present
1. BCA PT Astra Otoparts Tbk CORPORAT

Copyright 1996-2011, All rights reserved.

Position Title (Level) : PT Astra Otoparts Tbk Marketing Supervisor (Senior Management/General
Specialization : Corporate Strategy/Top Management
Role : Chief Executive Officer (CEO)/Managing Director
Industry : Manufacturing / Production
Monthly Salary : USD 9999999999.9999
Work Description :

According to 1684/1997 As a Owner of "alim" Hadinata Brothers, CO PT and Allowance record from reff no.
DEP.KU : PEM-4384/O/WPJ.10/KP.08.03/2007 with NPWP No.: 08.846.184.3506.000 with Reff NIK :
2B10049777 as a Wiyata Bhakti in BUMN of Ali Murtadlo MBA to go successfull on Legal from
BAPEPAM/BEKADE of Pegawai Negeri BUMN and place to "KEDINASAN" as a PT Astra Otoparts Tbk Marketing

an 1991 - Present
1. BCA PT Bank BRI Syariah Corporte
Position Title (Level) : PT Bank BRI Syariah CorporteOperation Manager (Senior Management/General
Specialization : Banking/Financial Services
Role : Corporate Banking
Industry : Banking / Financial Services
Monthly Salary : USD 9999999999.9999
Work Description :

According to 1684/1997 As a Owner of "alim" Hadinata Brothers, CO PT and Allowance record from reff no.
DEP.KU : PEM-4384/O/WPJ.10/KP.08.03/2007 with NPWP No.: 08.846.184.3506.000 with Reff NIK :
2B10049777 as a Wiyata Bhakti in BUMN of Ali Murtadlo MBA to go successfull on Legal from
BAPEPAM/BEKADE of Pegawai Negeri BUMN and place to "KEDINASAN" as a PT Bank BRI Syariah
CorporteOperation Manager

an 1991 - Present
19. BCA PT Bank Commonwealth Corporate
Position Title (Level) : PT Bank Commonwealth Relationship Manager Funding (Senior
Management/General Manager/CEO/VP/Director)
Specialization : Corporate Strategy/Top Management
Role : Chief Executive Officer (CEO)/Managing Director
Industry : Banking / Financial Services
Monthly Salary : USD 9999999999.9999
Work Description :

According to 1684/1997 As a Owner of "alim" Hadinata Brothers, CO PT and Allowance record from reff no.
DEP.KU : PEM-4384/O/WPJ.10/KP.08.03/2007 with NPWP No.: 08.846.184.3506.000 with Reff NIK :
2B10049777 as a Wiyata Bhakti in BUMN of Ali Murtadlo MBA to go successfull on Legal from
BAPEPAM/BEKADE of Pegawai Negeri BUMN and place to "DINAS" as a Relationship Manager Funding of BCA
PT Bank Commonwealth Corporate

an 1991 - Present
20. BCA PT Berkat Andijaya lektrindo Corporate
Position Title (Level) : PT Berkat Andijaya ElektrinBranch Manager Semarang (Senior
Management/General Manager/CEO/VP/Director)
Specialization : Finance - Corporate Finance/Investment/Merchant Banking
Role : Funds Management/Investment
Industry : Electrical & Electronics
Monthly Salary : IDR 9999999999.9999
Work Description :

PT Berkat Andijaya Elektrindo adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang distribusi home appliances di
wilayah Indonesia. Sejak tahun 2002, PT Berkat Andijaya Elektrindo ditunjuk oleh AUX Group untuk

Copyright 1996-2011, All rights reserved.

memasarkan produk AUX di wilayah Indonesia.
Dalam perkembangan sekarang, saat ini kami memberikan peluang kepada tenaga- tenaga muda
professional yang mempunyai dedikasi tinggi untuk bergabung dengan kami dan bersama-sama
mengembangkan AUX Air Conditioner & Home Appliances menjadi salah satu merek kepercayaan konsumen

According to above as a UU RI No. 32, 2004; UU RI No. 43, 1999; UU RI No. 7 1979; Keputusan Bersama
and Keputusan BAKN No. 02 2000 and No. 22 2000, Surat Edaran Mandagri No. 81173/9979/SJ 1988,
SE Kep. BAKN No. 09/SE/1979 17 September 1979, and record-record and successfully in
Dep. Keuangan RI No.:PEM-4384/O/WPJ.10/KP.08.03/2007, Disnaker No : 3319-311210-011416 on 2010,
SKCK No : 01/01/XII/2010/RES KDS, Kewajaran of Pratama Nomor: S-
00023670/PPTops/wpj.10/kp.0803/2009, Komando Daerah Militer Regional 4 of Diponegoro No.:
0135/EC.67.80P/IX/1988, health care of Perum Husada "Wiyata Bhakti" Praja No. RM : 455.489 03 March
2003 and certificate commercial of The Wordwide of USA in Commonthwealthbank and WTO, such as : LUKS :
ATG/000103 Ref.LUKS 000166-3FDP13 PORT PAYE Aut: N' 06/23 FRANCE La Porte, SWIS: BT61000203 Ref#:
Swis-000180-3L1113 WMG Pte Ltd., SS=58 4P036554 Reff: 0011000002127711 PP SWEDEN. Inside of
minimum and highligt criteria in UJI KEPATUHAN no. ref of 1684/1997 of Ali Murtadlo MBA in historical
Familily feud of RM at now at the soonest to be Pimpinan of HB/Commonworld of Central Bank to be
approached as a similar of "Pimpinan" position in BUMN after successfull of Reg. No. 00154479 SIUP :
0013/10-25/PB/I/1990/P and 3446-P/09/Cab/Binusardag/IX90 on debt to debt Autorization of Master/Visa
Card and Clearing/Lc of Courbanking of "ALIM","AM","pgdani" of Bankbook BANK CENTRAL ASIA (BCA)
Matraman JAKARTA TIMUR in "SECTOR REAL" of HADINATA BROTHERS, PT, Co of Ali Murtadlo, MBA success
in more than Rp 6 Milyard Rupiah per month of HJT/HET per month and No. 8-843/WPJ.10/KP.1307/2008
Konseling of Clarifikasi Pajak Rp 2,9 Milyard from Sunset Polecy Processing and No. 8-
844/WPJ.10/KP.1307/2008 Konseling of Clarifikasi Pajak Rp 3.6 Milyard from Sunset Polecy Processing DEP
KU RI Kanwil DPJ JATENG, and EMK : 121070493 ISBN : 978-979-27-0300-9 in Akutansi Management and
EMK : 121070632 ISBN: 978-979-27-0433-4 in Management Keuangan Modern of business solution

an 1991 - Present
21. BCA PT Bintang Indo Jaya in food Sector
Position Title (Level) : PT Bintang Indo Jaya Supervisor Purchasing (SP) (Senior Management/General
Specialization : Food Technology/Nutritionist
Role : Dietitian/Nutritionist
Industry : Food & Beverage / Catering / Restaurant
Monthly Salary : IDR 9999999999.9999
Work Description :

According to UU RI No. 32, 2004; UU RI No. 43, 1999; UU RI No. 7 1979; Keputusan Bersama
and Keputusan BAKN No. 02 2000 and No. 22 2000, Surat Edaran Mandagri No. 81173/9979/SJ 1988,
SE Kep. BAKN No. 09/SE/1979 17 September 1979, and record-record and successfully in
Dep. Keuangan RI No.:PEM-4384/O/WPJ.10/KP.08.03/2007, Disnaker No : 3319-311210-011416 on 2010,
SKCK No : 01/01/XII/2010/RES KDS, Kewajaran of Pratama Nomor: S-
00023670/PPTops/wpj.10/kp.0803/2009, Komando Daerah Militer Regional 4 of Diponegoro No.:
0135/EC.67.80P/IX/1988, health care of Perum Husada "Wiyata Bhakti" Praja No. RM : 455.489 03 March
2003 and certificate commercial of The Wordwide of USA in Commonthwealthbank and WTO, such as : LUKS :
ATG/000103 Ref.LUKS 000166-3FDP13 PORT PAYE Aut: N' 06/23 FRANCE La Porte, SWIS: BT61000203 Ref#:
Swis-000180-3L1113 WMG Pte Ltd., SS=58 4P036554 Reff: 0011000002127711 PP SWEDEN. Inside of
minimum and highligt criteria in UJI KEPATUHAN no. ref of 1684/1997 of Ali Murtadlo MBA in historical
Familily feud of RM at now at the soonest to be Pimpinan of HB/Commonworld of Central Bank to be
approached as a similar of "Pimpinan" position in BUMN after successfull of Reg. No. 00154479 SIUP :
0013/10-25/PB/I/1990/P and 3446-P/09/Cab/Binusardag/IX90 on debt to debt Autorization of Master/Visa
Card and Clearing/Lc of Courbanking of "ALIM","AM","pgdani" of Bankbook BANK CENTRAL ASIA (BCA)
Matraman JAKARTA TIMUR in "SECTOR REAL" of HADINATA BROTHERS, PT, Co of Ali Murtadlo, MBA success
in more than Rp 6 Milyard Rupiah per month of HJT/HET per month and No. 8-843/WPJ.10/KP.1307/2008
Konseling of Clarifikasi Pajak Rp 2,9 Milyard from Sunset Polecy Processing and No. 8-
844/WPJ.10/KP.1307/2008 Konseling of Clarifikasi Pajak Rp 3.6 Milyard from Sunset Polecy Processing DEP
KU RI Kanwil DPJ JATENG, and EMK : 121070493 ISBN : 978-979-27-0300-9 in Akutansi Management and
EMK : 121070632 ISBN: 978-979-27-0433-4 in Management Keuangan Modern of business solution

Copyright 1996-2011, All rights reserved.

In food of PT. Bintang Indo Jaya, perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang makanan

an 1991 - Present
22. BCA PT CIMB Niaga Auto Finance Corporate
Position Title (Level) : "PT BANK NIAGA" Manajemen Training Marketing Execu (Senior
Management/General Manager/CEO/VP/Director)
Specialization : Banking/Financial Services
Role : Financial Planning/Wealth Management
Industry : Banking / Financial Services
Monthly Salary : USD 9999999999.9999
Work Description :

Pimpinan Tahapan TABUNGAN And record to CPNSN Catatan Sipil No. :168/4/1997 with NIK : 2B10049777
and NPWP No. : 08.846.184.3506.000 after BNI/SBY/2010/34 untill BNI/SBY/2010/963 ODP PT BNI'46
reqruitment processing to UNAIR and UNBRAW and BNI/IPB-II/2010/5 untill BNI/IPB-II/2010/170 ODB BNI to
IPB in Job fair 2010 and successful of PPM-RECRUITMENT processing of Ali Murtadlo MBA and after for along
18 years of Ali Murtadlo MBA in "Wiyata Bhakti Melayani Negeri Kebangganan Bangsa, inof Kahuripan BUMN
Regional 6 of Pimpinan CPM or Branch Manager in place of Regional 4.

an 1991 - Present
23. BCA PT Chia Jian Indonesia Furniture
Position Title (Level) : PT Chia Jian Indonesia HEAD MANAGEMENT PRODUCTION (Senior
Management/General Manager/CEO/VP/Director)
Specialization : Corporate Strategy/Top Management
Role : Chief Executive Officer (CEO)/Managing Director
Industry : Manufacturing / Production
Monthly Salary : IDR 30000000
Work Description :

According to 1684/1997 As a Owner of "alim" Hadinata Brothers, CO PT and Allowance record from reff no.
DEP.KU : PEM-4384/O/WPJ.10/KP.08.03/2007 with NPWP No.: 08.846.184.3506.000 with Reff NIK :
2B10049777 as a Wiyata Bhakti in BUMN of Ali Murtadlo MBA to go successfull on Legal from
BAPEPAM/BEKADE of Pegawai Negeri BUMN and place to "KEDINASAN" as a PT Chia Jian Indonesia hEAD

an 1991 - Present
2. BCA PT Chia Jian Indonesia Furniture
Position Title (Level) : PT Chia Jian Indonesia HEAD MANAGEMENT PRODUCTION (Senior
Management/General Manager/CEO/VP/Director)
Specialization : Corporate Strategy/Top Management
Role : Chief Executive Officer (CEO)/Managing Director
Industry : Manufacturing / Production
Monthly Salary : USD 9999999999.9999
Work Description :

According to 1684/1997 As a Owner of "alim" Hadinata Brothers, CO PT and Allowance record from reff no.
DEP.KU : PEM-4384/O/WPJ.10/KP.08.03/2007 with NPWP No.: 08.846.184.3506.000 with Reff NIK :
2B10049777 as a Wiyata Bhakti in BUMN of Ali Murtadlo MBA to go successfull on Legal from
BAPEPAM/BEKADE of Pegawai Negeri BUMN and place to "KEDINASAN" as a PT Chia Jian Indonesia hEAD

an 1991 - Present
2. BCA PT Chia Jian Indonesia Furniture
Position Title (Level) : PT Chia Jian Indonesia HEAD MANAGEMENT PRODUCTION (Senior
Management/General Manager/CEO/VP/Director)

Copyright 1996-2011, All rights reserved.

Specialization : Corporate Strategy/Top Management
Role : Chief Executive Officer (CEO)/Managing Director
Industry : Manufacturing / Production
Monthly Salary : USD 9999999999.9999
Work Description :

According to 1684/1997 As a Owner of "alim" Hadinata Brothers, CO PT and Allowance record from reff no.
DEP.KU : PEM-4384/O/WPJ.10/KP.08.03/2007 with NPWP No.: 08.846.184.3506.000 with Reff NIK :
2B10049777 as a Wiyata Bhakti in BUMN of Ali Murtadlo MBA to go successfull on Legal from
BAPEPAM/BEKADE of Pegawai Negeri BUMN and place to "KEDINASAN" as a PT Chia Jian Indonesia hEAD

an 1991 - Present
26. BCA PT GSM Konsep Internasional Corporate
Position Title (Level) : Junior Analyst and Consultant (Senior Management/General
Specialization : Corporate Strategy/Top Management
Role : Chief Executive Officer (CEO)/Managing Director
Industry : Telecommunication
Monthly Salary : IDR 30000000
Work Description :

According to 1684/1997 As a Owner of "alim" Hadinata Brothers, CO PT and Allowance record from reff no.
DEP.KU : PEM-4384/O/WPJ.10/KP.08.03/2007 with NPWP No.: 08.846.184.3506.000 with Reff NIK :
2B10049777 as a Wiyata Bhakti in BUMN of Ali Murtadlo MBA to go successfull on Legal from
BAPEPAM/BEKADE of Pegawai Negeri BUMN and place to "DINAS" as a Junior Analyst and Consultant of BCA
PT GSM Konsep Internasional Corporate

an 1991 - Present
2. BCA PT Garudafood Putra Putri Jaya
Position Title (Level) : Food Technologist (Senior Management/General Manager/CEO/VP/Director)
Specialization : Food/Beverage/Restaurant Service
Role : Management
Industry : Food & Beverage / Catering / Restaurant
Monthly Salary : USD 9999999999.9999
Work Description :

According to 1684/1997 As a Owner of "alim" Hadinata Brothers, CO PT and Allowance record from reff no.
DEP.KU : PEM-4384/O/WPJ.10/KP.08.03/2007 with NPWP No.: 08.846.184.3506.000 with Reff NIK :
2B10049777 as a Wiyata Bhakti in BUMN of Ali Murtadlo MBA to go successfull on Legal from
BAPEPAM/BEKADE of Pegawai Negeri BUMN and place to "KEDINASAN" as a Food Technologist OF garuda food

an 1991 - Present
2. BCA PT Indomobil Prima Niaga
Position Title (Level) : Sales Supervisor (Senior Management/General Manager/CEO/VP/Director)
Specialization : Merchandising
Role : Merchandising Manager
Industry : Manufacturing / Production
Monthly Salary : USD 9999999999.9999
Work Description :

According to 1684/1997 As a Owner of "alim" Hadinata Brothers, CO PT and Allowance record from reff no.
DEP.KU : PEM-4384/O/WPJ.10/KP.08.03/2007 with NPWP No.: 08.846.184.3506.000 with Reff NIK :
2B10049777 as a Wiyata Bhakti in BUMN of Ali Murtadlo MBA to go successfull on Legal from
BAPEPAM/BEKADE of Pegawai Negeri BUMN and place to "DINAS" as a Sales Supervisor of PT Indomobil Prima

Copyright 1996-2011, All rights reserved.

an 1991 - Present
29. BCA PT Jaya Konstruksi Manggala Pratama, Tbk
Position Title (Level) : Jaya Konstruksi Site Manager (SM) (Senior Management/General
Specialization : Corporate Strategy/Top Management
Role : Chief Executive Officer (CEO)/Managing Director
Industry : Property / Real Estate
Monthly Salary : USD 9999999999.9999
Work Description :

According to 1684/1997 As a Owner of "alim" Hadinata Brothers, CO PT and Allowance record from reff no.
DEP.KU : PEM-4384/O/WPJ.10/KP.08.03/2007 with NPWP No.: 08.846.184.3506.000 with Reff NIK :
2B10049777 as a Wiyata Bhakti in BUMN of Ali Murtadlo MBA to go successfull on Legal from
BAPEPAM/BEKADE of Pegawai Negeri BUMN and place to "KEDINASAN" as a aya Konstruksi Site Manager

an 1991 - Present
30. BCA PT Kompas Cyber Media Co.
Position Title (Level) : PT Kompas Cyber MedMarketing Communication Support (Senior
Management/General Manager/CEO/VP/Director)
Specialization : Advertising/Media Planning
Role : Advertising Executive/Account Manager
Industry : Printing / Publishing
Monthly Salary : IDR 30000000
Work Description :

According to 1684/1997 As a Owner of "alim" Hadinata Brothers, CO PT and Allowance record from reff no.
DEP.KU : PEM-4384/O/WPJ.10/KP.08.03/2007 with NPWP No.: 08.846.184.3506.000 with Reff NIK :
2B10049777 as a Wiyata Bhakti in BUMN of Ali Murtadlo MBA to go successfull on Legal from
BAPEPAM/BEKADE of Pegawai Negeri BUMN and place to "KEDINASAN" as a PT Kompas Cyber MedMarketing
Communication Support

an 1991 - Present
31. BCA PT Kompas Cyber Media Co.
Position Title (Level) : PT Kompas Cyber MedMarketing Communication Support (Senior
Management/General Manager/CEO/VP/Director)
Specialization : Advertising/Media Planning
Role : Advertising Executive/Account Manager
Industry : Printing / Publishing
Monthly Salary : USD 9999999999.9999
Work Description :

According to 1684/1997 As a Owner of "alim" Hadinata Brothers, CO PT and Allowance record from reff no.
DEP.KU : PEM-4384/O/WPJ.10/KP.08.03/2007 with NPWP No.: 08.846.184.3506.000 with Reff NIK :
2B10049777 as a Wiyata Bhakti in BUMN of Ali Murtadlo MBA to go successfull on Legal from
BAPEPAM/BEKADE of Pegawai Negeri BUMN and place to "KEDINASAN" as a PT Kompas Cyber MedMarketing
Communication Support

an 1991 - Present
32. BCA PT Mitra Adiperkasa Tbk in Real Sector
Position Title (Level) : PT Mitra Adiperkasa Tbk Secretary cum Receptionist (Senior
Management/General Manager/CEO/VP/Director)
Specialization : Advertising/Media Planning
Role : Advertising Executive/Account Manager
Industry : Apparel
Monthly Salary : USD 9999999999.9999

Copyright 1996-2011, All rights reserved.

Work Description :

According to 1684/1997 As a Owner of "alim" Hadinata Brothers, CO PT and Allowance record from reff no.
DEP.KU : PEM-4384/O/WPJ.10/KP.08.03/2007 with NPWP No.: 08.846.184.3506.000 with Reff NIK :
2B10049777 as a Wiyata Bhakti in BUMN of Ali Murtadlo MBA to go successfull on Legal from
BAPEPAM/BEKADE of Pegawai Negeri BUMN and place to "DINAS" as A Secretary cum Receptionist in PT Mitra
Adiperkasa Tbk

As to Know that Leading on retail network and brand portfolio in Indonesia with over 40 concepts covering all
aspects - from sports to fashion and lifestyle; department stores to trendy cafes; Mitra Adi Perkasa (MAP)
growth from just a few to over 710 outlets in a short span is unrivalled in Indonesia.

MAP is managed by a strong management team of retail marketing professionals with extensive experience
and knowledge in their various backgrounds.

Are you ready for taking challenges? Let's join us and growth the business together with our great team.

an 1991 - Present
33. BCA PT Mustika Ratu, Tbk In Sector Real
Position Title (Level) : PT Mustika Ratu Export Manager (Senior Management/General
Specialization : Corporate Strategy/Top Management
Role : Chief Executive Officer (CEO)/Managing Director
Industry : Manufacturing / Production
Monthly Salary : IDR 30000000
Work Description :

According to 1684/1997 As a Owner of "alim" Hadinata Brothers, CO PT and Allowance record from reff no.
DEP.KU : PEM-4384/O/WPJ.10/KP.08.03/2007 with NPWP No.: 08.846.184.3506.000 with Reff NIK :
2B10049777 as a Wiyata Bhakti in BUMN of Ali Murtadlo MBA to go successfull on Legal from
BAPEPAM/BEKADE of Pegawai Negeri BUMN and place to "KEDINASAN" as a PT Mustika Ratu Export Manager

an 1991 - Present
3. BCA PT Nippon Indosari Corpindo (Sari Roti), Tbk
Position Title (Level) : PT Nippon Indosari Corpindo Sales Manager (Senior Management/General
Specialization : Sales - Corporate
Role : Distributor/Channel Sales
Industry : Manufacturing / Production
Monthly Salary : USD 9999999999.9999
Work Description :

a PMA in bakery industry, According to 1684/1997 As a Owner of "alim" Hadinata Brothers, CO PT and
Allowance record from reff no. DEP.KU : PEM-4384/O/WPJ.10/KP.08.03/2007 with NPWP No.:
08.846.184.3506.000 with Reff NIK : 2B10049777 as a Wiyata Bhakti in BUMN of Ali Murtadlo MBA to go
successfull on Legal from BAPEPAM/BEKADE of Pegawai Negeri BUMN and place to "KEDINASAN" as a SALES
MANAGER of PT Nippon Indosari Corpindo (Sari Roti), Tbk

an 1991 - Present
3. BCA PT Nissan Motor Indonesia in Sector Industry
Position Title (Level) : PT Nissan Motor Warehouse Assistant Manager (Senior Management/General
Specialization : Manufacturing/Production Operations
Role : Project Management

Copyright 1996-2011, All rights reserved.

Industry : Manufacturing / Production
Monthly Salary : USD 9999999999.9999
Work Description :

According to 1684/1997 As a Owner of "alim" Hadinata Brothers, CO PT and Allowance record from reff no.
DEP.KU : PEM-4384/O/WPJ.10/KP.08.03/2007 with NPWP No.: 08.846.184.3506.000 with Reff NIK :
2B10049777 as a Wiyata Bhakti in BUMN of Ali Murtadlo MBA to go successfull on Legal from
BAPEPAM/BEKADE of Pegawai Negeri BUMN and place to "DINAS" as a Warehouse Assistant Manager in PT
Nissan Motor Indonesia.

Assure the smoothness of warehouse day to day operation
Improve productivity
Enhance 5S
Stock opname accuracy
Cost Efficiency in warehouse operational
Allocate man power tu support daily operation
Manage storage location to accomodate incoming parts
Make report and data analysis
Understand inventory system & its software

an 1991 - Present
Position Title (Level) : KEPALA BAGIAN PRODUKSI OF PURA GROUP (Senior Management/General
Specialization : Manufacturing/Production Operations
Role : Production Technician/Operator
Industry : Manufacturing / Production
Monthly Salary : USD 9999999999.9999
Work Description :

According to 1684/1997 As a Owner of "alim" Hadinata Brothers, CO PT and Allowance record from reff no.
DEP.KU : PEM-4384/O/WPJ.10/KP.08.03/2007 with NPWP No.: 08.846.184.3506.000 with Reff NIK :
2B10049777 as a Wiyata Bhakti in BUMN of Ali Murtadlo MBA to go successfull on Legal from

an 1991 - Present
3. BCA PT Panasonic Gobel nergy Indonesia (PCGI)
Position Title (Level) : Panasonic Gobel Energy Indonndustrial Personnel (Senior Management/General
Specialization : Corporate Strategy/Top Management
Role : Chief Executive Officer (CEO)/Managing Director
Industry : Manufacturing / Production
Monthly Salary : USD 2400000
Work Description :

According to 1684/1997 As a Owner of "alim" Hadinata Brothers, CO PT and Allowance record from reff no.
DEP.KU : PEM-4384/O/WPJ.10/KP.08.03/2007 with NPWP No.: 08.846.184.3506.000 with Reff NIK :
2B10049777 as a Wiyata Bhakti in BUMN of Ali Murtadlo MBA to go successfull on Legal from
BAPEPAM/BEKADE of Pegawai Negeri BUMN and place to "KEDINASAN" as a Panasonic Gobel Energy
Indonndustrial Personnel

an 1991 - Present
3. BCA PT Pertamina Training & Consulting
Position Title (Level) : PT Pertamina Trainer & Consulting (Senior Management/General

Copyright 1996-2011, All rights reserved.

Specialization : Journalist/Editor
Role : Management
Industry : R&D
Monthly Salary : USD 30000000
Work Description :

According to 1684/1997 As a Owner of "alim" Hadinata Brothers, CO PT and Allowance record from reff no.
DEP.KU : PEM-4384/O/WPJ.10/KP.08.03/2007 with NPWP No.: 08.846.184.3506.000 with Reff NIK :
2B10049777 as a Wiyata Bhakti in BUMN of Ali Murtadlo MBA to go successfull on Legal from
BAPEPAM/BEKADE of Pegawai Negeri BUMN and place to "KEDINASAN" as a PT Pertamina Trainer &

an 1991 - Present
Position Title (Level) : Team Leader SPG (Senior Management/General Manager/CEO/VP/Director)
Specialization : Purchasing/Inventory/Material & Warehouse Management
Role : Management
Industry : Manufacturing / Production
Monthly Salary : USD 9999999999.9999
Work Description :

According to 1684/1997 As a Owner of "alim" Hadinata Brothers, CO PT and Allowance record from reff no.
DEP.KU : PEM-4384/O/WPJ.10/KP.08.03/2007 with NPWP No.: 08.846.184.3506.000 with Reff NIK :
2B10049777 as a Wiyata Bhakti in BUMN of Ali Murtadlo MBA to go successfull on Legal from
BAPEPAM/BEKADE of Pegawai Negeri BUMN and place to "DINAS" on Team Leader SPG of PT SINAR SOSRO.

an 1991 - Present
0. BCA PT Smartfren Telecom in Telpongenggam
Position Title (Level) : PT Smartfren Telecom FINANCE SUPERVISOR (Senior Management/General
Specialization : Corporate Strategy/Top Management
Role : Chief Executive Officer (CEO)/Managing Director
Industry : Manufacturing / Production
Monthly Salary : IDR 9999999999.9999
Work Description :

According to UU RI No. 32, 2004; UU RI No. 43, 1999; UU RI No. 7 1979; Keputusan Bersama
and Keputusan BAKN No. 02 2000 and No. 22 2000, Surat Edaran Mandagri No. 81173/9979/SJ 1988,
SE Kep. BAKN No. 09/SE/1979 17 September 1979, and record-record and successfully in
Dep. Keuangan RI No.:PEM-4384/O/WPJ.10/KP.08.03/2007, Disnaker No : 3319-311210-011416 on 2010,
SKCK No : 01/01/XII/2010/RES KDS, Kewajaran of Pratama Nomor: S-
00023670/PPTops/wpj.10/kp.0803/2009, Komando Daerah Militer Regional 4 of Diponegoro No.:
0135/EC.67.80P/IX/1988, health care of Perum Husada "Wiyata Bhakti" Praja No. RM : 455.489 03 March
2003 and certificate commercial of The Wordwide of USA in Commonthwealthbank and WTO, such as : LUKS :
ATG/000103 Ref.LUKS 000166-3FDP13 PORT PAYE Aut: N' 06/23 FRANCE La Porte, SWIS: BT61000203 Ref#:
Swis-000180-3L1113 WMG Pte Ltd., SS=58 4P036554 Reff: 0011000002127711 PP SWEDEN. Inside of
minimum and highligt criteria in UJI KEPATUHAN no. ref of 1684/1997 of Ali Murtadlo MBA in historical
Familily feud of RM at now at the soonest to be Pimpinan of HB/Commonworld of Central Bank to be
approached as a similar of "Pimpinan" position in BUMN after successfull of Reg. No. 00154479 SIUP :
0013/10-25/PB/I/1990/P and 3446-P/09/Cab/Binusardag/IX90 on debt to debt Autorization of Master/Visa
Card and Clearing/Lc of Courbanking of "ALIM","AM","pgdani" of Bankbook BANK CENTRAL ASIA (BCA)
Matraman JAKARTA TIMUR in "SECTOR REAL" of HADINATA BROTHERS, PT, Co of Ali Murtadlo, MBA success
in more than Rp 6 Milyard Rupiah per month of HJT/HET per month and No. 8-843/WPJ.10/KP.1307/2008
Konseling of Clarifikasi Pajak Rp 2,9 Milyard from Sunset Polecy Processing and No. 8-
844/WPJ.10/KP.1307/2008 Konseling of Clarifikasi Pajak Rp 3.6 Milyard from Sunset Polecy Processing DEP
KU RI Kanwil DPJ JATENG, and EMK : 121070493 ISBN : 978-979-27-0300-9 in Akutansi Management and
EMK : 121070632 ISBN: 978-979-27-0433-4 in Management Keuangan Modern of business solution

Copyright 1996-2011, All rights reserved.


To Let To Know that SMARTFREN Telecom, part of Sinar Mas group, has been established to provide the most
innovative, advanced and high quality cellular sevice in Indonesia. Supported by CDMA2000 1x EVDO REV-A
Technology, we provide high quality voice and high speed internet (mobile broadband) to our customers.
Nowadays SMARTFREN Telecom has been operating in most cities in Java, Sumatera, Bali, Kalimantan and

an 1991 - Present
1. BCA PT Suksesindo (Jakarta) Corporate
Position Title (Level) : Mandiri Funding & Lending Officer - Bank Mandiri (Senior Management/General
Specialization : Clerical/Administrative Support
Role : Administrative Executive
Industry : Banking / Financial Services
Monthly Salary : USD 9999999999.9999
Work Description :

According to 1684/1997 As a Owner of "alim" Hadinata Brothers, CO PT and Allowance record from reff no.
DEP.KU : PEM-4384/O/WPJ.10/KP.08.03/2007 with NPWP No.: 08.846.184.3506.000 with Reff NIK :
2B10049777 as a Wiyata Bhakti in BUMN of Ali Murtadlo MBA to go successfull on Legal from
BAPEPAM/BEKADE of Pegawai Negeri BUMN and place to "DINAS" as a Mandiri Funding & Lending Officer -
Bank Mandiri

an 1991 - Present
2. BCA PT Yamaha lectronics Manufacturing Indonesia
Position Title (Level) : Yamaha Electronics Manager Personnel & GA (Senior Management/General
Specialization : Human Resources
Role : General HR
Industry : Manufacturing / Production
Monthly Salary : USD 9999999999.9999
Work Description :

According to 1684/1997 As a Owner of "alim" Hadinata Brothers, CO PT and Allowance record from reff no.
DEP.KU : PEM-4384/O/WPJ.10/KP.08.03/2007 with NPWP No.: 08.846.184.3506.000 with Reff NIK :
2B10049777 as a Wiyata Bhakti in BUMN of Ali Murtadlo MBA to go successfull on Legal from
BAPEPAM/BEKADE of Pegawai Negeri BUMN and place to "DINAS" on Manager Personnel & GA of YAMAHA
ELEKTRONIK OF As one of multinational company which has famous brand in the world

an 1991 - Present
3. BCA- PT CJ GLS Indonesia Cooperate
Position Title (Level) : Warehouse Assistant Manager (Senior Management/General
Specialization : Banking/Financial Services
Role : Risk Management
Industry : General & Wholesale Trading
Monthly Salary : IDR 9999999999.9999
Work Description :

We are a well established International Freight Forwarding & Logistics company located in Sunter
Area,seeking qualified person to fill positions as Warehouse Assistant Manager of Ali Murtadlo, MBA

According to UU RI No. 32, 2004; UU RI No. 43, 1999; UU RI No. 7 1979; Keputusan Bersama
and Keputusan BAKN No. 02 2000 and No. 22 2000, Surat Edaran Mandagri No. 81173/9979/SJ 1988,

Copyright 1996-2011, All rights reserved.

SE Kep. BAKN No. 09/SE/1979 17 September 1979, and record-record and successfully in
Dep. Keuangan RI No.:PEM-4384/O/WPJ.10/KP.08.03/2007, Disnaker No : 3319-311210-011416 on 2010,
SKCK No : 01/01/XII/2010/RES KDS, Kewajaran of Pratama Nomor: S-
00023670/PPTops/wpj.10/kp.0803/2009, Komando Daerah Militer Regional 4 of Diponegoro No.:
0135/EC.67.80P/IX/1988, health care of Perum Husada "Wiyata Bhakti" Praja No. RM : 455.489 03 March
2003 and certificate commercial of The Wordwide of USA in Commonthwealthbank and WTO, such as : LUKS :
ATG/000103 Ref.LUKS 000166-3FDP13 PORT PAYE Aut: N' 06/23 FRANCE La Porte, SWIS: BT61000203 Ref#:
Swis-000180-3L1113 WMG Pte Ltd., SS=58 4P036554 Reff: 0011000002127711 PP SWEDEN. Inside of
minimum and highligt criteria in UJI KEPATUHAN no. ref of 1684/1997 of Ali Murtadlo MBA in historical
Familily feud of RM at now at the soonest to be Pimpinan of HB/Commonworld of Central Bank to be
approached as a similar of "Pimpinan" position in BUMN after successfull of Reg. No. 00154479 SIUP :
0013/10-25/PB/I/1990/P and 3446-P/09/Cab/Binusardag/IX90 on debt to debt Autorization of Master/Visa
Card and Clearing/Lc of Courbanking of "ALIM","AM","pgdani" of Bankbook BANK CENTRAL ASIA (BCA)
Matraman JAKARTA TIMUR in "SECTOR REAL" of HADINATA BROTHERS, PT, Co of Ali Murtadlo, MBA success
in more than Rp 6 Milyard Rupiah per month of HJT/HET per month and No. 8-843/WPJ.10/KP.1307/2008
Konseling of Clarifikasi Pajak Rp 2,9 Milyard from Sunset Polecy Processing and No. 8-
844/WPJ.10/KP.1307/2008 Konseling of Clarifikasi Pajak Rp 3.6 Milyard from Sunset Polecy Processing DEP
KU RI Kanwil DPJ JATENG, and EMK : 121070493 ISBN : 978-979-27-0300-9 in Akutansi Management and
EMK : 121070632 ISBN: 978-979-27-0433-4 in Management Keuangan Modern of business solution

an 1991 - Present
. BCA-PANIN BANK Corporate
Position Title (Level) : PANIN BANK Audit Assistant Manager (Senior Management/General
Specialization : Banking/Financial Services
Role : Corporate Banking
Industry : Banking / Financial Services
Monthly Salary : IDR 30000000
Work Description :

Panin Bank is the 7th largest bank in Indonesia with 400 offices spreading in 25 provinces. We are aiming to
become the leader of financial services provider in Indonesia and invite you to play important role in Panin
Bank's Head Office OF ALI mURTADLO. MBA

According to UU RI No. 32, 2004; UU RI No. 43, 1999; UU RI No. 7 1979; Keputusan Bersama
and Keputusan BAKN No. 02 2000 and No. 22 2000, Surat Edaran Mandagri No. 81173/9979/SJ 1988,
SE Kep. BAKN No. 09/SE/1979 17 September 1979, and record-record and successfully in
Dep. Keuangan RI No.:PEM-4384/O/WPJ.10/KP.08.03/2007, Disnaker No : 3319-311210-011416 on 2010,
SKCK No : 01/01/XII/2010/RES KDS, Kewajaran of Pratama Nomor: S-
00023670/PPTops/wpj.10/kp.0803/2009, Komando Daerah Militer Regional 4 of Diponegoro No.:
0135/EC.67.80P/IX/1988, health care of Perum Husada "Wiyata Bhakti" Praja No. RM : 455.489 03 March
2003 and certificate commercial of The Wordwide of USA in Commonthwealthbank and WTO, such as : LUKS :
ATG/000103 Ref.LUKS 000166-3FDP13 PORT PAYE Aut: N' 06/23 FRANCE La Porte, SWIS: BT61000203 Ref#:
Swis-000180-3L1113 WMG Pte Ltd., SS=58 4P036554 Reff: 0011000002127711 PP SWEDEN. Inside of
minimum and highligt criteria in UJI KEPATUHAN no. ref of 1684/1997 of Ali Murtadlo MBA in historical
Familily feud of RM at now at the soonest to be Pimpinan of HB/Commonworld of Central Bank to be
approached as a similar of "Pimpinan" position in BUMN after successfull of Reg. No. 00154479 SIUP :
0013/10-25/PB/I/1990/P and 3446-P/09/Cab/Binusardag/IX90 on debt to debt Autorization of Master/Visa
Card and Clearing/Lc of Courbanking of "ALIM","AM","pgdani" of Bankbook BANK CENTRAL ASIA (BCA)
Matraman JAKARTA TIMUR in "SECTOR REAL" of HADINATA BROTHERS, PT, Co of Ali Murtadlo, MBA success
in more than Rp 6 Milyard Rupiah per month of HJT/HET per month and No. 8-843/WPJ.10/KP.1307/2008
Konseling of Clarifikasi Pajak Rp 2,9 Milyard from Sunset Polecy Processing and No. 8-
844/WPJ.10/KP.1307/2008 Konseling of Clarifikasi Pajak Rp 3.6 Milyard from Sunset Polecy Processing DEP
KU RI Kanwil DPJ JATENG, and EMK : 121070493 ISBN : 978-979-27-0300-9 in Akutansi Management and
EMK : 121070632 ISBN: 978-979-27-0433-4 in Management Keuangan Modern of business solution

an 1991 - Present
. Company Confidential
Position Title (Level) : Procurement & Contract Management Section Head (Senior Management/General
Specialization : Banking/Financial Services

Copyright 1996-2011, All rights reserved.

Role : Financial Planning/Wealth Management
Industry : Banking / Financial Services
Monthly Salary : USD 9999999999.9999
Work Description :

According to 1684/1997 As a Owner of "alim" Hadinata Brothers, CO PT and Allowance record from reff no.
DEP.KU : PEM-4384/O/WPJ.10/KP.08.03/2007 with NPWP No.: 08.846.184.3506.000 with Reff NIK :
2B10049777 as a Wiyata Bhakti in BUMN of Ali Murtadlo MBA to go successfull on Legal from
BAPEPAM/BEKADE of Pegawai Negeri BUMN and place to "DINAS" on MAYORA as a Procurement & Contract
Management Section Head in Company Confidential.

Company Condfidential is one of 7 biggest bank in Indonesia. In gearing up for long term business expansion,
we seek talented, motivated and suitably qualified competent individuals to join our team in the following


* Responsible to manage and support request of goods from Head Office and Branches since Purchase
Request received until delivered/distributed the goods.
* Ensure procurement process done with comply procedure and bank regulation
* Design procurement strategy, manage & update price list periodical with regularly bidding.
* Managing all contract agreement related to the procurement activities
* Controlling all procurement and office equipment maintenance activities

an 1991 - Present
Position Title (Level) : DEXLIME PTE : Executive Assistant (Senior Management/General
Specialization : Manufacturing/Production Operations
Role : Management
Industry : Accounting / Audit / Tax Services
Monthly Salary : USD 9999999999.9999
Work Description :

In Sectorm Real of Hilir of the Pratama Perpajakan, Export/Import, Industry of IERUS, Sukun Embroidery,
ALBISINDO Timber, PT., Dexlime, PTE. ltd,

an 1991 - Present
. Frisian Flag
Position Title (Level) : Secretary to Project (Senior Management/General Manager/CEO/VP/Director)
Specialization : Clerical/Administrative Support
Role : Contracts Administration
Industry : Manufacturing / Production
Monthly Salary : USD 9999999999.9999
Work Description :

According to 1684/1997 As a Owner of "alim" Hadinata Brothers, CO PT and Allowance record from reff no.
DEP.KU : PEM-4384/O/WPJ.10/KP.08.03/2007 with NPWP No.: 08.846.184.3506.000 with Reff NIK :
2B10049777 as a Wiyata Bhakti in BUMN of Ali Murtadlo MBA to go successfull on Legal from
BAPEPAM/BEKADE of Pegawai Negeri BUMN and place to "KEDINASAN" as a Secretary to Project

an 1991 - Present

Copyright 1996-2011, All rights reserved.

. PT Bank Rabobank International Indonesia
Position Title (Level) : Rabobank Head of Branch Operations Manager (Senior Management/General
Specialization : Finance - Corporate Finance/Investment/Merchant Banking
Role : Investment Banking
Industry : Banking / Financial Services
Monthly Salary : USD 9999999999.9999
Work Description :

According to 1684/1997 As a Owner of "alim" Hadinata Brothers, CO PT and Allowance record from reff no.
DEP.KU : PEM-4384/O/WPJ.10/KP.08.03/2007 with NPWP No.: 08.846.184.3506.000 with Reff NIK :
2B10049777 as a Wiyata Bhakti in BUMN of Ali Murtadlo MBA to go successfull on Legal from
BAPEPAM/BEKADE of "Pegawai Negeri" BUMN and place to "KEDINASAN" as a Head of Branch Operations
in PT Bank Rabobank International Indonesia.


* Supervise branch operations and administrative activities
* Coordinating with all parts around the bank to provide excellent customer service level and customer
satisfaction in branch
* Maintaining best operational risk including CDD and all legal aspects

an 1991 - Present
9. PT Djarum -
Position Title (Level) : 2D / 3D Graphic Artists (Senior Management/General Manager/CEO/VP/Director)
Specialization : Aviation/Aircraft Maintenance
Role : Management
Industry : Advertising / Marketing / Promotion / PR
Monthly Salary : USD 9999999999.9999
Work Description :

According to 1684/1997 As a Owner of "alim" Hadinata Brothers, CO PT and Allowance record from reff no.
DEP.KU : PEM-4384/O/WPJ.10/KP.08.03/2007 with NPWP No.: 08.846.184.3506.000 with Reff NIK :
2B10049777 as a Wiyata Bhakti in BUMN of Ali Murtadlo MBA to go successfull on Legal from
BAPEPAM/BEKADE of Pegawai Negeri BUMN and place to "KEDINASAN" as a 2D / 3D Graphic Artists OF

an 1991 - Present
0. PT Frigoglass Indonesia
Position Title (Level) : PT Frigoglass Indonesia Production Manager (Senior Management/General
Specialization : Purchasing/Inventory/Material & Warehouse Management
Role : Management
Industry : Manufacturing / Production
Monthly Salary : USD 9999999999.9999
Work Description :

According to 1684/1997 As a Owner of "alim" Hadinata Brothers, CO PT and Allowance record from reff no.
DEP.KU : PEM-4384/O/WPJ.10/KP.08.03/2007 with NPWP No.: 08.846.184.3506.000 with Reff NIK :
2B10049777 as a Wiyata Bhakti in BUMN of Ali Murtadlo MBA to go successfull on Legal from
BAPEPAM/BEKADE of Pegawai Negeri BUMN and place to "KEDINASAN" as a Production Manager


Copyright 1996-2011, All rights reserved.

* Manage the implementation of scheduled production so as to ensure compliance and uniformity with the
agreed time frames, product quality, health and safety standards.
* Manage the production resources (people and equipment) to optimize the production capacity and
improve productivity.
* Identify recruitment needs based on the capacity planning according to plant needs.
* Coordinate the production phases (e.g. cutting, welding, painting, insulation/foaming, screen printing,
final assembly etc.) and raw material provision in order to ensure smooth & appropriate daily operation in
terms of capacity and quality.
* Manage and ensure the coordination of all production clusters (groups of activities) in order to optimize
production times and capacity.
* Monitor the housekeeping of the facilities in order to secure quality, increase efficiency, improve
productivity and ensure healthy & safe working conditions.
* Design and follow up the implementation of training programs for the departments staff so as to secure
diffusion of technical know-how within the plant.
* Train, support and motivate the production staff in order to ensure the quality of their work, their safety
and their commitment

an 1991 - Present
1. PT Kurnia Tetap Mulia (Hotel JW Marriott Medan)
Position Title (Level) : Purchasing Manager (Senior Management/General Manager/CEO/VP/Director)
Specialization : Corporate Strategy/Top Management
Role : Chief Executive Officer (CEO)/Managing Director
Industry : Hotel / Hospitality
Monthly Salary : IDR 30000000
Work Description :

According to UU RI No. 32, 2004; UU RI No. 43, 1999; UU RI No. 7 1979; Keputusan Bersama
and Keputusan BAKN No. 02 2000 and No. 22 2000, Surat Edaran Mandagri No. 81173/9979/SJ 1988,
SE Kep. BAKN No. 09/SE/1979 17 September 1979, and record-record and successfully in
Dep. Keuangan RI No.:PEM-4384/O/WPJ.10/KP.08.03/2007, Disnaker No : 3319-311210-011416 on 2010,
SKCK No : 01/01/XII/2010/RES KDS, Kewajaran of Pratama Nomor: S-
00023670/PPTops/wpj.10/kp.0803/2009, Komando Daerah Militer Regional 4 of Diponegoro No.:
0135/EC.67.80P/IX/1988, health care of Perum Husada "Wiyata Bhakti" Praja No. RM : 455.489 03 March
2003 and certificate commercial of The Wordwide of USA in Commonthwealthbank and WTO, such as : LUKS :
ATG/000103 Ref.LUKS 000166-3FDP13 PORT PAYE Aut: N' 06/23 FRANCE La Porte, SWIS: BT61000203 Ref#:
Swis-000180-3L1113 WMG Pte Ltd., SS=58 4P036554 Reff: 0011000002127711 PP SWEDEN. Inside of
minimum and highligt criteria in UJI KEPATUHAN no. ref of 1684/1997 of Ali Murtadlo MBA in historical
Familily feud of RM at now at the soonest to be Pimpinan of HB/Commonworld of Central Bank to be
approached as a similar of "Pimpinan" position in BUMN after successfull of Reg. No. 00154479 SIUP :
0013/10-25/PB/I/1990/P and 3446-P/09/Cab/Binusardag/IX90 on debt to debt Autorization of Master/Visa
Card and Clearing/Lc of Courbanking of "ALIM","AM","pgdani" of Bankbook BANK CENTRAL ASIA (BCA)
Matraman JAKARTA TIMUR in "SECTOR REAL" of HADINATA BROTHERS, PT, Co of Ali Murtadlo, MBA success
in more than Rp 6 Milyard Rupiah per month of HJT/HET per month and No. 8-843/WPJ.10/KP.1307/2008
Konseling of Clarifikasi Pajak Rp 2,9 Milyard from Sunset Polecy Processing and No. 8-
844/WPJ.10/KP.1307/2008 Konseling of Clarifikasi Pajak Rp 3.6 Milyard from Sunset Polecy Processing DEP
KU RI Kanwil DPJ JATENG, and EMK : 121070493 ISBN : 978-979-27-0300-9 in Akutansi Management and
EMK : 121070632 ISBN: 978-979-27-0433-4 in Management Keuangan Modern of business solution

an 1991 - Present
2. PT Prima Fajar Cahaya Surya
Position Title (Level) : Personal Banking Funding ICB Bumiputera (Senior Management/General
Specialization : Banking/Financial Services
Role : Financial Planning/Wealth Management
Industry : Banking / Financial Services
Monthly Salary : USD 30000000
Work Description :

According to 1684/1997 As a Owner of "alim" Hadinata Brothers, CO PT and Allowance record from reff no.

Copyright 1996-2011, All rights reserved.

DEP.KU : PEM-4384/O/WPJ.10/KP.08.03/2007 with NPWP No.: 08.846.184.3506.000 with Reff NIK :
2B10049777 as a Wiyata Bhakti in BUMN of Ali Murtadlo MBA to go successfull on Legal from
BAPEPAM/BEKADE of Pegawai Negeri BUMN and place to "KEDINASAN" as a Personal Banking Funding ICB

an 1991 - Present
3. PT Ramayana Lestari Sentosa Tb
Position Title (Level) : Personal Admin (PA) (Senior Management/General Manager/CEO/VP/Director)
Specialization : Manufacturing/Production Operations
Role : Management
Industry : Retail / Merchandise
Monthly Salary : IDR 9999999999.9999
Work Description :

According to 1684/1997 As a Owner of "alim" Hadinata Brothers, CO PT and Allowance record from reff no.
DEP.KU : PEM-4384/O/WPJ.10/KP.08.03/2007 with NPWP No.: 08.846.184.3506.000 with Reff NIK :
2B10049777 as a Wiyata Bhakti in BUMN of Ali Murtadlo MBA to go successfull on Legal from
BAPEPAM/BEKADE of Pegawai Negeri BUMN and place to "KEDINASAN" as a Personal Admin (PA)

ducational Background

raduation Date: 1993

Bachelor's Degree of Business Studies/Administration/Management
Major : Part Time of Bachelor of MBA Reg ELHKISXP
United Kingdom
CGPA : 3.64/4

raduation Date: 1991

Master's Degree/Post Graduate Degree of Business Studies/Administration/Management
Institute/University : UNDIP Semarang, Indonesia
Grade : Incomplete

(Proficiency: Advanced - Highly experienced; Intermediate - Familiar with all the basic functionalities;
Beginner - Just started using or learning the skill)

Skill Years Proficiency

TAX BREVERT >5 Intermediate
THE TAX : 1771,1721,177S, PS 23/26, STP >5 Intermediate

(Proficiency: 0=Poor - 10=cellent)

Language Spoken Written


Copyright 1996-2011, All rights reserved.

English 10 10
Bahasa Indonesia 10 10

Personal Particulars & Preferences

Date of Birth : 15 Dec 1969

Nationality : Indonesia
Gender : Male
Tax Card No. : 08.846.184.3-506.000
Possess Own Transport : Yes
Expected Monthly Salary : USD 10000000000
Availability : Immediately after notice period of 1 month(s)

Additional Info

THE SUMMARY OF ALI MURTADLO, MBA : Style Guides of Ali Murtadlo, MBA as a Branch Manager or General
Manager orSupervisor, and Director of Kahuripan BUMN Regional 6 and place in 4. And record to CPNSN
Catatan Sipil No. :168/4/1997 with NIK : 2B10049777 and NPWP No. : 08.846.184.3506.000 after
BNI/SBY/2010/34 untill BNI/SBY/2010/963 ODP PT BNI'46 reqruitment processing to UNAIR and UNBRAW
and BNI/IPB-II/2010/5 untill BNI/IPB-II/2010/170 ODB BNI to IPB in Job fair 2010 and successful of PPM-
RECRUITMENT processing of Ali Murtadlo MBA and after for along 25 years of Ali Murtadlo MBA in "Wiyata
Bhakti Melayani Negeri Kebangganan Bangsa, inof Kahuripan BUMN Regional 6 of Pimpinan. According to UU
RI No. 32, 2004; UU RI No. 43, 1999; UU RI No. 7 1979; Keputusan Bersama KeputusanARNAS and
Keputusan BAKN No. 02 2000 and No. 22 2000, Surat Edaran Mandagri No. 81173/9979/SJ 1988, SE Kep.
BAKN No. 09/SE/1979 17 September 1979, and record-record and successfully in Dep. Keuangan RI No.:PEM-
4384/O/WPJ.10/KP.08.03/2007, Disnaker No : 3319-311210-011416 on 2010, SKCK No :
01/01/XII/2010/RES KDS, Kewajaran of Pratama Nomor: S-00023670/PPTops/wpj.10/kp.0803/2009,
Komando Daerah Militer Regional 4 of Diponegoro No.: 0135/EC.67.80P/IX/1988, health care of Perum
Husada "Wiyata Bhakti" Praja No. RM : 455.489 03 March 2003 and certificate commercial of The
Wordwide of USA in Commonthwealthbank and WTO, such as : LUKS : ATG/000103 Ref.LUKS 000166-3FDP13
PORT PAYE Aut: N' 06/23 FRANCE La Porte, SWIS: BT61000203 Ref#: Swis-000180-3L1113 WMG Pte Ltd.,
SS=58 4P036554 Reff: 0011000002127711 PP SWEDEN. Inside of minimum and highligt criteria in UJI
KEPATUHAN no. ref of 1684/1997 of Ali Murtadlo MBA in historical Familily feud of RM at now at the soonest
to be Pimpinan of HB/Commonworld of Central Bank to be approached as a similar of "Pimpinan" position in
BUMN after successfull of Reg. No. 00154479 SIUP : 0013/10-25/PB/I/1990/P and 3446-
P/09/Cab/Binusardag/IX90 on debt to debt Autorization of Master/Visa Card and Clearing/Lc of Courbanking of
HADINATA BROTHERS, PT, Co of Ali Murtadlo, MBA success in more than Rp 6 Milyard Rupiah per month of
HJT/HET per month and No. 8-843/WPJ.10/KP.1307/2008 Konseling of Clarifikasi Pajak Rp 2,9 Milyard from
Sunset Polecy Processing and No. 8-844/WPJ.10/KP.1307/2008 Konseling of Clarifikasi Pajak Rp 3.6 Milyard
from Sunset Polecy Processing DEP KU RI Kanwil DPJ JATENG, and EMK : 121070493 ISBN : 978-979-27-
0300-9 in Akutansi Management and EMK : 121070632 ISBN: 978-979-27-0433-4 in Management Keuangan
Modern of business solution TECHNOLOGY INFORMATIKA (TI) BBA.

The successfull above is right as like as the same original cerfiticate owner by of the name of belows :

Full Name : ALI MURTADLO, MBA in Corebanking Access code of "ALIM" of Bankbook of owner PT Hadinata
Brothers & CO in BCA Matraman Wholesaler Sector Riel of Bank.
Sex : Male,
Blood of Category : "B" Weight : 78 kg, Height : 171 cm, Eyes Color : Black,
Name of Parents : Sudomo Sali"M"uzamil, call name MUZAMIL
Relegion : Moslem,
Marital Statue : Married, 2 Children
Place and the Born : Kudus, 15 December 1969
Identity Card Number of
Nomor Induk Mahasiswa of UNDIP-Pol : R-600882249
Nomor Induk Karyawan / NIK : 2B10049777;
KTP No: 3319071512690002;
NPWP No.: 08.846.184.3506.000 ;

Copyright 1996-2011, All rights reserved.

Present Address: Peganjaran 178 Rt 5/III Bae Kudus 59327 Indonesia

And record to CPNSN Catatan Sipil No. :168/4/1997 with NIK : 2B10049777 and NPWP No. :
08.846.184.3506.000 after BNI/SBY/2010/34 untill BNI/SBY/2010/963 ODP PT BNI'46 reqruitment
processing to UNAIR and UNBRAW and BNI/IPB-II/2010/5 untill BNI/IPB-II/2010/170 ODB BNI to IPB in Job
fair 2010 and successful of PPM-RECRUITMENT processing of Ali Murtadlo MBA and after for along 18 years
of Ali Murtadlo MBA in "Wiyata Bhakti Melayani Negeri Kebangganan Bangsa, inof Kahuripan BUMN Regional 6
of Pimpinan CPM or Branch Manager in place of Regional 4.

In more detailed explanation in the field know about Ali Murtadlo, MBA of belows following link :

Ali Murtadlo, MBA link of Banking Corporate and Industry Hilir/Hulu of BUMN Kahuripan, such as : Business
Process Analyst / Technical Writer professional / Corebanking / Technology Information and Maintenance /
Central of Accounting, A/R, Price & Polecy Director / System&Procedure / Delivery Channel / Humen
Resourching in Training Progam/ Account And Administration of their job handling in similar of PIMPINAN
with along 18 years "Wiyata Bhakti, Melayani Negeri Kebanggaan Bangsa", of related experience within
multiple in Banking and Hilir/Hulu Industry of Kahuripan BUMN.

Success criteria highlights: Information-Mapping certified : SOSIALISASI UU PS 21 2008, UPDATE PPH,
- Deadline- driven with customer focus : Reply Enquiry, Quote of Exhibition
- Business Analysis / Requirements : KOOFESIEN DETERMINE OF MARKET SURVEY
- Project of : SPT 1771, 1721, BAPEKSTA/EXPOR/IMPOR, 1770S, PS21/26 MASA, PBB
- Documentation Management : PEB, AWB, & LRE/I, L/C, PPN,
- Business Process Reengineering : Bank Endors, Bank Rekonsiliation
- Use Cases, User Guides : Event-Event Exhitibion,

Style Guides of Branch Manager, General Manager, Supervisor, and Director of Kahuripan BUMN Regional 6
and place in 4.
- QA and Editing, Process SPA/SPAJ/MAP/FAKTUR/INVOICE/PACKING LIST/SSBC in the similar sespect and
transaction in Corebanking and Central Accounting of BUMN Hulu/Hilir/Kahuripan Regional 6/4 for the
instalation line at profesional tittle company Part of Indo Group, Such as a "PT BNI Life" BRANCH MANAGER,
Supervisor of cv. IE RUSTICA, "COLUMBIA" Store Supervisor, "BCA - President Director of BCA Hadiata
Brothers & CO PT Whole saler ,PT AIA Financial, BCA Corporate with Citibank, BCA PT Royal Chemie
Indonesia,"BCA" PT Mayora Indah Tbk in ,"BCA" Watson Pharmaceuticals,BCA - BANK BUMI ARTA
Corporate,BCA AGONG PODOMORO GROUP,BCA Bank Muamalat Indonesia ,BCA Bursa Efek Indonesia,BCA CV
Indografika Group,BCA HOTEL MENTENG GROUP ,BCA PT Anak Jaya Bapak ,BCA PT Astra Otoparts Tbk ,BCA
PT Bank BRI Syariah Corporte,BCA PT Bank Commonwealth,BCA PT Berkat Andijaya Elektrindo ,BCA PT
Bintang Indo Jaya in food,BCA PT CIMB Niaga Auto Finance ,BCA PT Chia Jian Indonesia , BCA PT Chia Jian
Indonesia ,BCA PT GSM Konsep Internasional ,BCA PT Garudafood Putra,BCA PT Indomobil Prima Niaga,BCA
PT Jaya Konstruksi Manggala ,BCA PT Kompas Cyber Media Co.,BCA PT Mitra Adiperkasa Tbk in ,BCA PT
Mustika Ratu, Tbk,BCA PT Nippon Indosari Corpindo ,BCA PT Nissan Motor Indonesia ,BCA PT PURA
BARUTAMA ,BCA PT Panasonic Gobel Energy,BCA PT Pertamina Training ,BCA PT SINAR SOSRO,BCA PT
Smartfren Telecom in,BCA PT Suksesindo (Jakarta) ,BCA PT Yamaha Electronics ,BCA- PT CJ GLS Indonesia
,BCA-PANIN BANK Corporate,Frisian Flag,PT Bank Rabobank Internationa,PT Djarum ,PT Frigoglass
Indonesia,PT Kurnia Tetap Mulia (Hotel JW ,PT Prima Fajar Cahaya Surya,PT Ramayana Lestari Sentosa
Tb,Mandiri Bank in Industry Hilir of cv.,and DEXLIME PTE Ltd Corporate.

NIP : 196912152006041111
The summary obove as a description and explore of Ali Murtadlo, MBA in TPT Bupati enter to Governur Ref.
811/3834/17/2010 to be prepared as a Government employer to place in Regional area 4 sub ordinary of
Regional area 6 of BUMN, and record all of Ali Murtadlo, MBA at themeeting slbd of Bandung Coomintment in
cendlude of Reqruitment processing with Office Development Bank (ODB) BNI, BNI Life, BCA, BBD,
BBA,Mandiri, Columbia Cash And Credit, Bank Niaga Crimb. Panin Bank, Commontwealth Bank,All of them
under WORD BANK UMBRELLA in Sector Realof "alim" owner Hadinata Brothers, CO & PT of Ali Murtadlo, MBA
in successfully hightliht to convert of NIP (Nomor International Paypall)from 9 digit of the number Nomor
Induk Pegawai TPT Bupati Ref. 811/3834/17/2010 suchas:

Copyright 1996-2011, All rights reserved.

l,85149012_1,85158382_l,85272872_l,85277422_l,85279472_l,85282562_l,85287482_l,85432532_l in
convert on 18 digit number ofNIP 196912152006041111, in precessing data of BAPEPAM and PPM
Management for Ali Murtadlo, MBA Legal Office as a "Pimpinan Pegawai Negeri Badan Usaha Milik Negara"
(BUMN) Similar of President Directorand Comisaris in prepate of Budgeting of Forecash and Cashflow planning
Salary from "alim" Hadinata Brothers & CO PT to go Tahapan BCA 0312306911 from Validation of BCA
wholesaler Matramanan Jakarta Timur in the London and Las Vegas Index Jounjone ("Bursa" World Trade) in
the World Bank Investment for along more than 25 years old of like as Deposito of BCA of Hadinata Brothers,
CO & PT..

Thank you for all, PPM Management ODB Bank of Bapepam, BKD, Sesdalopbank, and Kementrian BUMN to
hope for Ali Murtadlo, MBA will be successfully as a "Pimpinan" BUMN in free garanted as longs as need of
MOU BCA Sector Real owner of Ali Murtadlo, MBA. will be needed by government, BUMN and BOD.


as a Head of Processing Data Unit PPM Management On 2010

Drs. Badri Hutomo, Msi as a "Pembina Utama Muda"

NIP : 195603011985031017


Name : Lukman Vangobel

Relationship : KP
Position : Directur Regional
Company : PT BNI Life
Telephone : 062-21-53667676
Email :

Name : Mohammad Dodiek Tas'an Wartono

Relationship : COMISARIS
Position : Director
Telephone : 062-82-1276224
Email :

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