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SMA: Session 9

What did we do in the last class?

Web Scraping
Regular Expression Pattern Matches
. any character
\w word
\W NOT word
\d digit
\D NOT digit
\s whitespace
\S NOT whitespace
[abc] Any of abc
[^abc] Not any of abc
(abc) Specific capture of “abc”
+ 1 or more instances
* 0 or more instances
? 0 or 1 instance
HTML Tag Explanation
<!DOCTYPE> Defines document type
<html> Defines HTML document
<head> Main information about document
<title> Title for document
<body> Document body
<h1> to <h6> Headings
<p> Paragraph
<br> Line break
<!–comment here–> Comment
<img> Image
<a> Hyperlink
<ul> Unordered list
<ol> Ordered list
<li> List item
<style> Style information for a document
<div> Section in a document
<span> Section in a document

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