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Power Engineering Foundation

Induction Motors
The machines are called induction machines because of the rotor voltage which produces the rotor current and the rotor magnetic field in induced in the rotor windings instead of being physically connected to the DC sources. Induction generator has many disadvantages and low efficiency. Therefore induction machines are usually referred to as induction motors.

There are two different types of induction motor rotors that can be placed inside the stator. 1. Squirrel cage the conductors would look like one of the exercise wheels that squirrel or hamsters run on. 2. Wound rotor have a brushes and slip ring at the end of rotor. The magnetic field's rotation of induction motors is given by
n sync = 120 f e P

The Concept of Rotor Slip The voltage induced in a rotor bar of an induction motor depends on the speed of the rotor relative to the magnetic fields. Two terms are commonly to use to define the relative relationship between the speed of magnetic field and rotor's speed. 1. Slip speed defined as the difference between synchronous speed (magnetic field's speed) and rotor speed. nslip = nsync - nm where nslip = slip speed of the machine nsync = speed of the magnetic fields nm = mechanical shaft speed of motor 2. Slip defined as the relative speed expressed on a per-unit (or sometimes as percentage) basis. n slip s= n sync


n sync nm n sync

or s =

sync m sync

Prepared by Fuad Latip

Power Engineering Foundation

Notice: If the rotor turns at synchronous speed, s = 0, while if the rotor is stationary (standstill), s = 1. Mechanical speed (rotor's speed) can be expressed in term of synchronous speed and slip as below: nm = (1-s)nsync (in rpm) or m = (1-s) sync (in rad/s)

The Electrical Frequency on the Rotor The rotor frequency can be expressed as fr = sfe where fr = rotor frequency s = slip fe = electrical frequency Alternative to find fr is defined as below

fr =

p (n sync nm ) 120

Example 1 A 208-V, 10-hp, four pole, 50Hz -connected induction motor has full-load slip of 5 percent. a. What is the synchronous speed of this motor? b. What is the rotor speed of this motor at rated load? c. What is the rotor frequency of this motor at the rated load? d. What is the shaft torque of this motor at the rated load? (Answers will be discussed in class)

Prepared by Fuad Latip

Power Engineering Foundation The per-phase equivalent circuit of an induction motors is given in figure 1.

Figure 1

IR a R2 = a 2 R R I2 = X 2 = a2 X R

Power and Torque in an Induction Motor

The power flow diagram of an induction motor is shown below

Prepared by Fuad Latip

Power Engineering Foundation

Example 2 A 480-V, 50Hz, 50hp, three phase induction motor is drawing 60A at 0.80 PF lagging. The stator copper losses are 2 kW, and the rotor copper losses are 700W. The friction and windage losses are 600W, the core losses are 1800 W, and the stray losses are negligible. Fine the following quantities: a. The air gap power PAG b. The power converted Pconv c. The output power Pout d. The efficiency of the motor (Answers will be discussed in class)

Derivation of Power and Torque Equations

Figure 1 can be used to derive the power and torque equations governing the operation of the induction motor. The input current to a phase of the motor can be found by dividing the input voltage by the total equivalent impedance:
I1 = V Z eq 1 Gc jBM + 1 ( R2 / s ) + jX 2

where Z eq = R1 + jX 1 +

Therefore the stator copper losses and the core losses can be found.
PSCL = 3I 12 R1 Pcore = 3E12 Gc

The air gap power can be found as PAG = Pin PSCL Pcore or
2 PAG = 3I 2

R2 s

Prepared by Fuad Latip

Power Engineering Foundation The rotor copper losses can be expressed as

2 PRCL = 3I 2 R2

After all losses are subtracted from the input power to the motor, the remaining power is converted from electrical to mechanical form. This power known as power converted or developed mechanical power, is given by
Pconv = PAG PRCL R2 2 3I 2 R2 s 1 2 = 3I 2 R2 1 s 1 s 2 Pconv = 3I 2 R2 s
2 = 3I 2

Notice from PAG and PRCL equations, the rotor copper losses are equal to the air gap power times the slip: PRCL = sPAG When the slip of the motor is lower, the rotor losses in the machine is also will lower. If the rotor is not turning (s=1) the air gap power is entirely consumed in the rotor. From the power flow, Pconv = PAG - PRCL, and PRCL = sPAG, thus Pconv = PAG sPAG Pconv = (1-s)PAG Finally if the friction and windage losses and the stray losses are known, the output power can be found as Pout = Pconv PF&W - Pmisc The induced torque or developed torque, ind in a machine was defined as the torque generated by the internal electric-to-mechanical power conversion. It is given by the equation

ind =


or ind =



Prepared by Fuad Latip

Power Engineering Foundation All power has discussed previously will be visualize in the equivalent circuit as Figure 2 but it cannot shows the PRCL and Pconv together with PAG. Figure 3 shows the per phase equivalent circuit with the PRCL and Pconv visually whereby PAG cannot be shown.




Figure 2 : Per phase equivalent circuit with PAG

Figure 3 : Per phase equivalent circuit with PRCL and Pconv separated

Example 3 A 460 V, 25-hp, 60Hz, four pole, Y-connected induction motor has the following impedances in ohms per phase referred to the stator circuit:

R1 X1

=0.641 R2 =1.106 X2

=0.332 =0.464 Xm


The total rotational losses = 110 W, Rotor slip = 2.2% at rated voltage and frequency. Find the motor's Speed, Stator Current, Power factor, Pconv, Pout ind, load and Efficiency (Answers will be discussed in class)

Prepared by Fuad Latip

Power Engineering Foundation

Induction Motor Torque-Speed Characteristics

1. How does the torque of an induction motor change as the load changes? 2. How much can an induction motor supply at starting conditions? 3. How much does the speed of and induction motor drop as its shaft load increases? To answer all question above, the equivalent circuit in figure 4 and the induce torque equations will be referred.

Figure 4: Per phase equivalent circuit of an induction motor with RC is negligible

ind = ind =




The air gap power is the power crossing the gap from the stator circuit to the rotor circuit. It is equal to the power absorbed in the resistance R2/s.This power can found by using an equation below
2 PAG = 3I 2

R2 s

If I2 can be determined, then the air gap power and the induced torque will be known. How to find I2? The Thevenin's theorem are applied to find the equivalent of the portion of the circuit to the left of the X's in figure 4. Figure 5 a-c shows the way how to calculate the VTH and ZTH in order to find the I2 whereby I2 = VTH/ZTH

Prepared by Fuad Latip

Power Engineering Foundation

Figure 5(a): The Thevenin equivalent voltage of an induction motor input circuit.
VTH = VTH = jX M V R1 + jX 1 + jX M XM R12 + ( X 1 + X M )

Figure 5(b): The Thevenin equivalent impedance of the input circuit

Z TH = jX M (R1 + jX 1 ) R1 + j ( X 1 + X M )

Figure 5(c): The resulting simplified equivalent circuit of an induction motor.

Prepared by Fuad Latip

Power Engineering Foundation Since the magnetization reactance XM >> X1 and XM >> R1, thus the VTH equation yield


XM X1 + X M

Figure 5(b) shows the two impedances are in parallel, and the Thevenin impedance is given by
Z TH = Z1 Z M Z1 + Z M

Z TH = RTH + jX TH =

jX M (R1 + jX 1 ) R1 + j ( X 1 + X M )

Since XM>>X1 and (XM+X1)>>R1, the Thevenin resistance and reactance are approximately given by
XM RTH R1 X +X M 1 X TH X 1

From Figure 5(c)

I2 = = VTH Z TH + Z 2 VTH + R2 / s + jX TH + jX 2 VTH


and I2 =


+ R2 / s ) + ( X TH + X 2 )

The air gap power therefore given by

2 PAG = 3I 2


+ R2 / s ) + ( X TH + X 2 )

R2 s 2 3VTH R2 / s

Prepared by Fuad Latip

Power Engineering Foundation and the rotor induced torque is given by

ind = ind =


sync sync (RTH + R2 / s )2 + ( X TH + X 2 )2

2 3VTH R2 / s

A plot of induction motor torque as a function of speed (and slip) is shown on Figure 6.

Figure 6
Comments on the Induction Motor Torque-Speed Curve

1. The induced torque of the motor is zero at synchronous speed. (s=0). 2. The torque-speed curve is nearly linear between no load and full load. In this range, the rotor resistance is much larger than the rotor reactance, so the rotor current, the rotor magnetic field and the induced torque increase linearly with increasing slip. 3. There is maximum possible torque that cannot be exceeded. This torque called pullout torque or breakdown torque is 2 to 3 times the rated full-load torque of the motor. 4. The starting torque on the motor is slightly large than its full-load torque, so this motor will start carrying any load that it can supply at full power. 5. if the rotor of the induction motor is driven faster than synchronous speed then the direction if the induced torque in the machine reverses and the machine becomes a generator, converting mechanical power to electric power.

Prepared by Fuad Latip


Power Engineering Foundation

Maximum (Pullout) Torque in an Induction Motor

The maximum induced torque (pullout torque) will occur when the power consumed by 2 R resistor R2/s is maximum. PAG = 3I 2 2 s The power supplied to R2/s will be maximum when the magnitude of that impedance is equal to the magnitude of the source impedance. Zsource = RTH + jXTH + j X2 Maximum power transfer occur
R2 2 = RTH + ( X TH + X 2 ) 2 s

Slip at pullout torque is given by s max = Thus torque maximum will be R2 R

2 TH

+ ( X TH + X 2 ) 2

max =

2 2 sync RTH + RTH + ( X TH + X 2 ) 2

2 3VTH

This torque is proportional to the square of the supply voltage and is also inversely related to the size of the stator impedances and the rotor reactance. The smaller a machine's reactance the larger the maximum torque it is capable of achieving. The slip at which the maximum torque occurs is directly proportional to rotor resistance but the value of the maximum torque is independent of the value of the rotor resistance. The figure 7 shows the effect varying rotor resistance on the torque-speed characteristic of a wound-rotor induction motor. Note that the pullout torque did not change when the rotor resistance increases. It only changes on starting torque.

Prepared by Fuad Latip


Power Engineering Foundation

Figure 7

Example 4 A two pole, 50Hz induction motor supplies 15kW to a load at a speed of 2950rpm. 1. What is the motor's slip? 2. What is the induced torque in the motor in N-m under these conditions? 3. What will the operating speed of the motor be if its torque is doubled? 4. How much power will be supplied by the motor when the torque is doubled? (Answers will be discussed in class) Example 5 A 460 V, 25-hp, 60Hz, four pole, Y-connected induction motor has the following impedances in ohms per phase referred to the stator circuit:

R1 X1

=0.641 R2 =1.106 X2

=0.332 =0.464 Xm


1. What is the maximum torque of this motor? At what speed and slip does it occur? 2. What is the starting torque if this motor? 3. When the rotor resistance is doubled, what is the speed at which the maximum torque now occurs? What is the new starting torque if the motor? (Answers will be discussed in class)

Prepared by Fuad Latip


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