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Bacolor, Pampanga
College of Engineering and Architecture
Department of Electronics Engineering

Implementation of QR-Code Based Identification System in Analog

Laboratory with Database for Attendance Management

Alipio, Franz Aliber P.

Aquino, John Kennedy C.
Capulong, Michelle Joyce M.
Cuenco, Pamela Denise B.
Cunanan, Jericho D.
Nuguid, Lorenz Roy C.

November 2023

Engr. Kirson B. Serrano



Implementation of QR-Code Based Identification System in Analog

Laboratory with Database for Attendance Management

A Thesis
Presented to the
Department of Electronics Engineering
College of Engineering and Architecture
Don Honorio Ventura Technological State University

In Partial Fulfilment
of the Course Requirements for the Degree of
Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering

Alipio, Franz Aliber P.

Aquino, John Kennedy C.
Capulong, Michelle Joyce M.
Cuenco, Pamela Denise B.
Cunanan, Jericho D.
Nuguid, Lorenz Roy C.

November 2023


Background of the Study


A lot of significant developments in our environment have occurred

throughout the last generation of years, primarily due to the evolution of

information technology. Considering the entire system is being improved

and modified, it's time to strengthen and tighten our attendance

monitoring system. Until now, teachers checked attendance using the

traditional way. Whereas, teachers used to call names to keep track of

our attendance in school, or they would write your name and signature

on a piece of paper as evidence of your attendance. Students can even

manipulate their attendance by having a classmate write their name in

such a way that they appear present in that subject even if they are

absent. There is a lot more technology accessible in the Internet of

Things (IoT) phase that might be utilized to monitor student attendance.

QR codes, biometric systems, and other technologies can be used to

identify each student based on their distinct features.

QR stands for "Quick Response." While they may look simple, QR

codes are capable of storing lots of data. But no matter how much they

contain when scanned, the QR code should allow the user to access

information instantly – hence why it’s called a Quick Response code [1].

The advantages of using a QR code attendance system for students

include simpler and quicker attendance tracking, cheaper hardware

costs, and better stability. Biometric data is a type of personal

information that can be used to uniquely identify an individual. It is

usually collected as a part of a digital identity verification process.

Biometric data can include fingerprints, voiceprints, iris scans, and facial


recognition systems [2]. A biometric system comprises a biometric

device that scans students' fingerprints to record their daily attendance.

The Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) module will be

used to implement the use of a cellular network that connects to the

network using a SIM card. The SIM card is what allows you to make and

receive calls, as well as send and receive text messages. It is also the

technology that provides data services such as internet access and

email [3].

This project proposes a digital attendance system for college

students that is planned to be an efficient attendance monitoring system

in lecture classes. It features a biometric that can be used for entering

the class as an attendance using the fingerprints of the students, and it

also has a system of QR codes that backs up the validity of the

biometric system, the QR code is visible on the student ID which can be

used by scanning the QR code, and the system will send an SMS

notification to the student's parents or guardian using the GSM module.

Applying QR codes to monitor student attendance has various

advantages. To begin with, it simplifies the process of attendance,

conserving time as well as eliminating the demand for laborious tasks.

Furthermore, it improves attendance efficiency along with the pace,

which makes the procedure easier for educators as well as students.

Statement of the Problem


The conventional method of manual attendance recording in the

analog laboratory at Don Honorio Ventura State University-Main

Campus is outdated and causes issues such as time-consuming data

entry that relies on handwritten sign-ins, vulnerability to fraudulent

entries, and the risk of losing attendance sheets or paper records. To

prevent or overcome these limitations, a proposed capstone titled “QR

Code-Based Identification System with Database” is introduced to

revolutionize the attendance tracking process.

By using QR code technology, this system aims to improve and

automate the attendance recording process. With the existing unique

QR code data on our student and staff identification cards, attendance

will be registered by scanning these upon entry to the analog laboratory.

The use of QR code technology together with a comprehensive

database will help and ensure the storage of attendance records,

eliminating the risk of loss of data from attendance records and providing

accessibility for future reference.

Furthermore, the addition of a biometric scanner for the physical

tracking of an individual's attendance ensures the attendance system

cannot be bypassed or easily manipulated through fingerprint data. The

addition of a GSM module for SMS notifications to parents or guardians

adds an extra layer of transparency. In issues such as absence or

unauthorized absence, notifications will be sent to keep them informed.

This provides a collaborative approach to student attendance



General Problem

The manual attendance tracking systems are fraught with errors,

inefficiencies, and security issues.

Specific Problem

1. Incorrect data entry and students marking attendance on behalf of

absent peers, manual attendance tracking systems usually produce

unreliable records.

2. Campus lacks real-time attendance tracking and fails to provide

enough protection against fraudulent entries.

3. Record loss is a chance, there is insufficient information

accessibility, and the possibility of tampering.

Objective of the Study

General Objective

This study aims to develop and implement an integrated QR

Code-based attendance system with a Database for the analog


Specific Objectives

1.To design a system that is capable of QR-Code and biometric

Attendance with Database records.

2.To integrate fingerprint biometrics and SMS notifications into the QR-

code-based system to prevent fraudulent attendance entries and

alert attendance status.


3.To establish a Database records or server that stores attendance

records that provides data accessibility and prevents tampering or

loss of records

Significance of the Study

The study is highly significant to the instructors, students, and the

school premises. Furthermore, this study could be more of importance to

the following:

● Instructors. Manually monitoring student attendance is a burden for

many instructors, and it is easy to lose track of it. QR Code

attendance tracking provides a more reliable technique of monitoring

student attendance, which many universities use for determining


● Students. The QR code system secures the daily activities of the

students. Since the QR code is used for monitoring attendance, no

student can enter or exit the school without the institution


● School. QR code is being used in school libraries, and access

gates to make it easier to track students inside the school grounds.

The implementation of a QR code system in a school not only

increases student security but also aids in school management.

● Future Researchers. It can inspire future researchers to improve

current trends in product development to create very helpful

innovations. The ideas presented may be used as reference data in


conducting new research or testing the validity of other related


Conceptual Framework

Figure 1. Input-Process-Output Block Diagram of the System

Figure 1 shows the conceptual framework of the study which has three

sections, namely, the input, process, and output. The knowledge

required about database system programming requires knowledge in


data programming and software development and is one of the most

crucial parts of the implementation and development of the attendance

system. The following hardware components are required for the

system. The system used for the process is SQLite and Firebase will

work as an alternative to the database services. The process includes

steps in the study that include coding, designing, testing, and including

the literature review of the study. The overall output will be a QR-code

base Identification system with a Database in the Analog laboratory for

attendance management in the Don Honorio Ventura State University

setting. This attendance system replaces the manual attendance method

in analog laboratories and improves the process of attendance via QR

code technology.

Concept Description

Technology Integration QR Code Based Identification System: Use of QR

codes for unique types of identification
Biometrics (Fingerprint): The use of fingerprints in
Biometrics for enhanced accuracy

Communication SMS Notification: Use of GSM Module to send

Channel Notifications or attendance updates to recipients or to

Database Management Centralized Database: Database for the storage of

attendance records
Real-time Updates: Updates on attendance that

User Interaction User Friendly Interface: Designing a friendly UI for

administrators or staff

Security and Privacy Biometric Security: Improved system security with

the addition of fingerprint biometric authentication.
Data Protection: Measures for protecting sensitive
and important data.


Automation and Reduced Manual Effort: Reducing and minimizing

Efficiency the manual method of attendance through QR code
automated attendance system process
Streamline Operations: Improve the process of
administrative in attendance system efficiency.

Figure 2. Introduction to Concepts of the Attendance System

Research Hypothesis and Assumption

Null Hypothesis

There is no significant difference between a traditional attendance

system and a database attendance system based on accuracy and


Alternative Hypothesis

There is a significant difference between a traditional attendance

system and a database attendance system based on accuracy and


Null Hypothesis

There is no significant difference in managing attendance in the

analog laboratory compared to traditional methods.

Alternative Hypothesis

There is a significant difference in managing attendance in the

analog laboratory compared to traditional methods.

Scope and Delimitations

The delimitation of this study refers to the specific focus and

boundaries set for the research. In the case of the implementation of a

QR-code-based identification system with a wireless database in an


analog laboratory for secure attendance management, some key

delimitations can be identified:

1. The study specifically focuses on the implementation of a QR-code-

based identification system in an analog laboratory. It does not explore

other types of laboratories or settings.

2. The study focuses on the use of QR code technology for identification

purposes. Other identification technologies, such as barcode systems,

are not considered within the scope of this study.

3. The study aims to enhance attendance management in the analog

laboratory through the implementation of a QR-code-based system.

While security is an important aspect, other security measures beyond

the scope of this study, such as access control or data encryption, may

not be explored in detail.

5. The research focuses on the application of the QR Code-based

identification system in an analog laboratory setting. The study does not

extend its scope to digital or virtual laboratories. By setting these

delimitations, the study can maintain a clear and specific focus, enabling

more focused research and analysis. However, it is important to

acknowledge that these delimitations may restrict the generalizability

and applicability of the findings to other contexts or technologies.

6. The study complies with relevant privacy regulations and will follow

privacy laws and regulations by complying with educational institutions.

Data permissions will be considered.

Proposed Solution


As both IoT and QR CODE technologies are relatively recent

development fields, there has been limited prior work on IoT-based

attendance monitoring systems. This proposal introduces a paradigm

approach to IoT-based QR CODE attendance monitoring, aiming to

revolutionize the existing, time-consuming attendance tracking

methods. Addressing and reducing student truancy and absenteeism

remains a critical management goal for educational institutions.


Here's how the attendance process works: When a student or

staff member's ID falls in the range of the QR reader installed in the

analog laboratory, the biometrics scanner (fingerprint) takes the job, and

then the data is transmitted to the server, where it undergoes

processing. The processed data is then securely stored in the database

for attendance. The system is also capable of sending notifications to a

specified recipient via the GSM module while simultaneously logging the

data on the proposed Database server. SMS alerts can be sent to the

mobile phones of each student's parents/guardians. This integrated

system offers attendance tracking with the added feature of allowing

students and their parents to know their daily attendance records. This

solution can greatly assist college administrations in addressing

retention issues and absenteeism, which have become significant

concerns for academic performance in many universities and

educational institutions.

Figure 3. Example of DHVSU identification card QR scan results


The QR Code in the DHVSU identification cards shows data that

includes information with its ID Number, Full Name, and Program.

Figure 4. SQLite Database Example

Figure 5. Firebase cloud-based Database compared to traditional database

Primary Database: SQLite

For the database, SQLite will be used. It is a C-language library that

implements a small, fast, self-contained, high-reliability, full-featured,

SQL database engine. Its primary advantages are that it is serverless,


embedded, simple to use, lightweight, and supports offline usage. It may

have limitations for large-scale applications, but it is best used or

suitable for small to medium-sized applications.

Alternative Database: Firebase

Firebase Realtime Database, on the other hand, will be used as an

alternative database, due to its real-time data synchronization and offers

authentication, hosting, and cloud functions.

Biometrics and GSM Module Integration

For the biometrics, fingerprints will be used with software compatibility

that is compatible with the programming language. For the GSM module,

a Microcontroller compatible GSM/GSRM module will be used.

Real-time Notifications

For real-time notifications, the GSM Module communicates with the GSM

network that handles the communications process, Firebase and Twilio

will be used as an alternative.

Online and Offline Support

By utilizing SQLite’s capabilities offline, it can be implemented and when

it becomes online, the synchronization of data will occur when the

internet connection becomes available.

Estimated Work Schedule and Budget


Table 1. Estimated Budget


Literature Review

Existing Work

Over the past few years, technological advancements have

significantly impacted various sectors, including education. An innovative

solution gaining attention is the Automated QR-based attendance System,

recognized for its potential to streamline administrative tasks and improve

efficiency within educational institutions. The present review of the

literature conducts a thorough examination of existing research on these

systems, evaluating implementation, efficiency, and results for educators

and students. The study aims to give significant insights into the current


environment and provide new pathways for future research and growth in

this dynamic subject by thoroughly examining major findings from earlier


[3] In a study conducted by Fahmida Yesmin Chowdhury (2023),

There is potential for the suggested attendance management system to be

ideal for students at the college or university level who can employ a

smartphone. Applications of this type might be utilized for monitoring staff

attendance in any organization and additionally by creating a unique QR

code every day to provide them participation via the application. Still, this

app is unable to be utilized in institutions where using a smart device is

forbidden for students. Teachers issue a QR code to each class, students

log in with their fingerprints, scan the QR code to record attendance, and

the system employs GPS technology to track the student's position. This is

how the proposed attendance system works. When assignments are

finished successfully, attendance is automatically recorded. Daily reports

are then delivered to the student's parents on a regular basis. The

attendance application that was built makes it easier for instructors to keep

track of their children's attendance, gives parents timely reminders about

their children's attendance, and lets them talk to teachers about any

problems they may have.

In [2] According to Ahmed et al. (2016) "Life Measurement" is what

biometrics means, but the term is connected to the function of measurable

unique biological and physiological traits to determine a person. Biometric

attributes are thought to be exclusive to a single person. Therefore, using


This system's biometrics offers a useful defense against false identity. In

this manner, the system will minimize the time and effort that instructors

are expected to put into each lecture. It will speed up the attendance

process and provide plenty of time for the lecture to be given easily.

[3] Mishra et al. (2021), presented a paper entitled “Online

Attendance Monitoring System Using QR Code (OAMS)”. The manual

upkeep of attendance records consumes significant time, a challenge

addressed by the framework's simplified and automated approach. The

system features two interfaces—one for teachers and one for students.

The primary and pivotal interface is that of the teacher, serving as the

central hub for consolidating all crucial and supplementary information

related to the attendance tracking system. In order to launch the

framework, the instructor only has to log in using its Server Module, which

allows an encoded QR code with certain data to be created. In today's

educational setting, keeping up with technology is essential. Schools are

attempting to determine ways to make improvements using these new

technologies. It's possible to make the most of class time by strategically

using mobile devices. Checking attendance might take some time,

especially in big classes. Therefore, it is recommended that this process be

automated utilizing the devices that the students possess. Instructors won't

have to multitask in the classroom; instead, they may focus on teaching.

In [4] a study conducted by Talip & Zulkipli (2018), the goal of this

study is to automate the attendance system using QR codes. The

researcher can employ QR codes to create an automated student


attendance system using mobile technologies. The use of mobile devices is

critical in supporting and improving education and its delivery. This study

revealed that the use of mobile devices has increased. The effect on

education and learning. It also allows the institution to improve its academic

management system, which helps to reduce student fraud and dishonesty.

Furthermore, the mobile attendance system, which employs QR codes, has

made gathering student attendance easier and faster. mobile attendance

system for the academic administration system.

[5] According to Patil et al. (2021), the proposed approach takes

advantage of the GPS system (Global Positioning method) to keep track of

the student's location. The student's data is saved in the database after

scanning the QR code, which the teacher may access in real-time. As a

consequence, instructors should not be alarmed. Monitoring attendance

and cross-checking to discover whether students reported any false

attendance for their pals. It is essential to save attendance records in an

automated way that benefits the environment. The proposed system is

systematic and efficient. The capability is simple to use and easily available

to anyone. Schools and colleges are examples of educational institutions

that might benefit from this technology. It may also be used in the office

with little modifications. Aside from a smartphone and biometric gadgets.

[6] According to Shoewu, O. et al. (2013) For student-recognizable

proof, a biometric (fingerprint) ID-based framework is utilized. This cycle,

be that as it may, takes out the requirement for fixed materials and

workforce for the keeping of records. Eighty competitors were utilized to


test the framework and an achievement pace of 94% was recorded. The

manual attendance framework's normal execution time for eighty students

was 17.83 seconds while it was 3.79 seconds for the programmed

attendance management framework utilizing biometrics. The outcomes

showed improved execution over the manual attendance management

framework. Attendance is set apart after student distinguishing proof.

In [7] According to Norhikmah, A.R. Safitr, et al. (2016) the

Application of QR Code in training attendance is faster and more efficient.

Implementation of online presence applications using the QR Code has

been running as expected by users both lecturers and students. The use of

the QR Code can also resolve the issue of absence. This system can

shorten and simplify the presence process.

Based on [8] the article of (Academia ERP / SIS, 2020) entitled “Why

Attendance Management System is Important in Educational Institutions”.

They utilized an important role in proficient student management, the

institute may adopt faster, easier, and better attendance practices with the

use of automation. They state that poor attendance has a clear influence

on educational quality and student progress. Institutes must apply it to

improve institute administration. As a result, an automated attendance

tracking system increases classroom management, student performance,

and parent trust in the institute organization.

[9] Arpith Arun (2023), presented an article entitled “How to Track

Attendance with QR Codes”. It states that QR codes are an attainable

physical-to-digital way of promoting digital attendance tracking from


physical interfaces. Their article shows that using QR codes for attendance

monitoring provides a simplified and effective way for a variety of

organizations. The simplicity of use and speed of QR code scanning makes

it an attractive alternative to more mature manual approaches. The use of

QR codes combined with technology like biometrics and SMS alerts

improves security and communication while providing accurate and real-

time attendance tracking. This contemporary approach not only streamlines

administrative work but also promotes openness and accountability. In

essence, QR codes emerge as a versatile and efficient tool for managing

attendance in a variety of corporate and educational environments.

[10] According to Hendry et al. (2017), this research aims to provide

an automated student attendance system that has been specially created

for usage in a technical school. The primary goal is to create a QR code-

based application to speed up attendance and save important teaching

time. This method aims to assist students in avoiding the administratively

imposed repercussions of low attendance, such as removal from final

examinations. All data is securely stored in a MySQL relational database

management system using the recommended approach. The major goal

of the attendance system is to provide a dependable and functioning

monitoring and reporting system that allows administrators to detect and

handle students who do not fulfill the minimum attendance standards

stated in the school's policy and academic guidelines.

In [11] Xiong Wei et al. (2017), developed a "QR Code Based Smart

Attendance System", technology has become a trustworthy companion for


everyone in modern times. Compared to earlier, technology can solve

problems much more quickly and has made life a lot easier. The article

intended a technique that will address an issue with documenting

attendance after technology. The primary goal of this project is to create a

QR code for each student as a means of tracking their attendance. A

second goal is to create an XLS or CSV file with the collected data. This

research focuses on the issue of eliminating incorrect registration and

checking student fake information.

[12] Chitresh Saraswat et al. (2017), proposed an approach for

fingerprint verification technology to create an accurate, quick, and well-

organized automatic attendance system. They suggest a system that

automates the entire manual attendance detection process and verifies

fingerprints through minute detail extraction. This paper presents an

efficient automatic attendance system that uses a minutiae-based

fingerprinting technique. The experimental result demonstrates how

effectively the proposed system verifies users' fingerprints. Fingerprint

image thinning and enhancement algorithms are executed more quickly

with the use of straightforward, efficient, and precise techniques.

According to research [13] by Lia Kamelia et al. (2020), persons with

multiple schedules can benefit from the use of real-time online attendance.

The attendance system is based on a fingerprint scanner and QR code.

The study's main objective is to lessen issues like data management

delays that arise from manually using systems. The goal of this endeavor is

to develop or create an online presence system that combines fingerprint


and QR CODE authentication. The ZFM-20 fingerprint module serves as

both the system's primary input and an entry point for accessing the whole

system's security features. They also suggest verifying the data report on

cell phones via SMS, WEBSITE, and APP.

According to [14] Prosper Nkasiobi Collins (2022). This study

explores the use of Quick Response (QR) codes and smartphones as an

innovative attendance management system in higher education institutions

in Malaysia. The conventional method of recording student attendance in

large classrooms is time-consuming and tedious. In response, this

research proposes a system developed using Google Drive, Google

Forms, Google Sheets, and QR code images to streamline the attendance

process. Students are required to scan their unique QR code using the

Attendiz Mobile App to confirm attendance. The proposed system provides

enhanced security and efficiency compared to traditional methods,

eliminating the possibility of proxy attendance. Additionally, it offers a

simplified approach that can easily be adopted by lecturers for managing

attendance records.

[15] Shaban et al. (2021) developed a module that can be added to a

custom learning management system to allow the relevant QR Code for

each class session to be displayed. It is feasible to create an app that uses

institutional information systems and QR codes to track student

attendance. They came to the conclusion that, with effective

implementation, student attendance could be accurately and efficiently


recorded, saving valuable class time. The system was generally well-

received by users, indicating that information technology can stimulate and

facilitate positive changes in education.

[16] Maciel and Pereira (2017) proposed a smart attendance system

that uses secure authentication through QR codes. By embedding student

information into QR codes through data-hiding algorithms, the system

seeks to enhance attendance management. When the teacher displays the

QR code, the students use their smartphones to scan this information, and

their user IDs are used to automatically mark their attendance.

[17] Patel et al. (2019) A smart attendance system utilizing QR code

technology is proposed in the paper "Smart student attendance system

using QR code," which was presented at the 2nd International Conference

on Advances in Science and Technology in 2019 at the Institute of

Engineering and Information Technology, Mumbai, India. The teacher

displays a QR code that students can scan with their smartphones thanks

to the system's use of secure authentication and data-hiding algorithms.

Because the attendance is automatically recorded based on the user ID,

fraudulent registrations are not possible. In addition to highlighting the

many uses of QR codes in the rapidly changing field of technology, the

paper suggests a reasonably priced method for managing attendance in

educational settings.

[18] Immanulah and Reswan (2022) Provide an attendance system

that employs random QR codes as one-time passwords (OTPs) in 2022 in

the paper "Randomized QR-code scanning for a low-cost secured


attendance system." Employees must scan the QR code within ten

seconds of it being displayed on the screen because the code is

randomized and changes every time. The system uses the employees'

MacAddress and smartphones as unique identifiers to track attendance.

The randomized QR-code scanning approach is useful and effective for

establishing a secure attendance system in workplaces like factories and

offices, according to the authors' conclusion. In conclusion, research has

demonstrated that using QR codes to track student attendance can be both

a dependable and effective way to monitor attendance as well as a way to

improve student engagement and foster a more collaborative learning

environment. Research carried out since 2018 has consistently shown how

effective QR codes are at raising attendance rates and offering a more

efficient method of tracking attendance.

[19] Fauzi et al. (2020) published a study in 2020 with the title

"Development of web-based smart security door using QR code system."

The study details a safe door lock system that uses a Raspberry Pi

processor and QR code technology to grant access to university labs and

classrooms. Through a web-based server, the system allows authorized

users to view the activity log and gain access to the facility. The system's

efficacy and potential for expansion to additional properties and facilities,

like offices and labs, are illustrated by the authors. This research serves as

an initial look into the creation of a smart security door system that uses

QR codes.


[20] Hashim et al. (2022) proposed a system that consists of two

different application types: a mobile application for taking attendance by

scanning the QR code the instructor creates, and a website for instructors

to create QR codes. Students will scan a QR code that is created once the

teacher enters the classroom. The recommended system uses a Local

Area Network (LAN) to operate offline in order to prevent the loss of the

Internet connection. In order to prevent false attendance issues, the work

verifies the student's identity using two factors: the IMEI number associated

with the student's smartphone and his or her username and password as

the first factor. In comparison to other similar systems, experimental results

demonstrate the advantage of the QR CODE system in lowering time-

consuming attendance tracking and low hardware expenses.

Lacking in the Approaches

The attendance system is great in assisting students and teachers in

reducing class time spent monitoring attendance. However, they lack a

way to validate whether the scanned QR code and the given straight to

the professors are authentic, considering that it may be difficult for

professors to use this system if the students scan and send attendance

even when they are not at school. Still, users can falsify their attendance

with this method.

Furthermore, most studies did not address ways to prevent students

from manipulating their attendance to guarantee that they truly attended

the class. The biometric systems, particularly fingerprint scanning, which


serves to help you authenticate your attendance, could be a beneficial

addition to the attendance system. Given that fingerprints cannot be

stolen or forgotten, they are always with their owner. Fingerprints are

more difficult to forge and are safer compared to login information or

code. Moreover, fingerprint traces are non-transferable and cannot be


There is a lack of research focus on the following areas:

1. Research on integrating the GSM module into attendance systems

to enhance communication with parents/guardians is lacking. While

some studies mention SMS notifications, there is a need for

research that explores real-time communication features, potential

implementation challenges with GSM, and the overall improvement

it brings to communication among schools, parents and teachers. By

analyzing GSM features we can develop an efficient and adaptable

communication system that ensures timely and accurate delivery of

notifications, to the intended recipients.

2. Although databases are used, there is a lack of in-depth information

in the literature regarding database selection, data synchronization

techniques, and effective database management for maximum

reliability and performance.

3. There seems to be a lack of emphasis on ensuring that the system

works smoothly without an internet connection in settings,


considering the possibility of connectivity issues. The studies that

mention smartphone-based attendance should delve into how the

system can operate offline, synchronize data when online again, and

ensure a user experience despite internet access. By enhancing the

system's reliability and accessibility, in certain scenarios, its strong

offline functionality becomes crucial.

4. The research covers advantages for teachers and parents. It is

crucial to conduct an examination of the overall user experience.

This involves recognizing any obstacles that educators, students,

and administrators may encounter while using the system on a

basis. When considering user experience we should focus on how

intuitive and user-friendly the system is well as developing strategies

to address any resistance or challenges faced by various user

groups. Taking an approach, to user experience guarantees that the

attendance system not only fulfills its functional requirements but

also caters to the needs of all users.

Synthesis of the Related Literature and Studies

Most schools have standards that are frequently mandated, such as

regular attendance and punctuality. It takes an inordinate amount of time

for each student to find themselves and sign the attendance sheet after

writing their names. Also, the setup contributes to an increase in


impersonations. Various researchers have created devices capable of

reducing time-consuming manual attendance and providing protection

against fraudulent registration.

Table 3. Application and Summary

Author and
Year Published Application Summary of the RRL’s

The researchers made Students scan QR codes

Chowdhury use of a QR code, a and fingerprints to register
(2023) biometric system attendance, using GPS
(particularly, a technology. The app helps
fingerprint), and GPS teachers track attendance
technology and sends notifications to

Ahmed et al. The researchers used a Students scan fingerprints

(2016) biometric method which and facial features,
includes fingerprints as allowing attendance based
well as facial recognition on scanned biometrics

Mishra et al. The system has two In this study, The

(2021) interfaces: one for instructor can access
professors (which serves the attendance by
as the central hub) and logging in using its
one for students. They server module, which
employed a server generates a QR code
module and QR code in containing specific
this study. data.

Talip and In this study, attendance The focus of this research

Zulkipli was tracked using mobile is to use QR codes to
(2018) devices with QR codes. establish an automated
student attendance system
using mobile technologies.

Patil et al. In this study, the The student's data is

(2021) researchers used a GPS stored in a database
system (Global accessible to the teacher,
Positioning System), as along with GPS tracking


well as a QR code and a for their whereabouts after

database. scanning the QR code.

Shoewu et The researchers utilized This is a programmed

al. (2013) a biometric system attendance management
(fingerprint) ID-based framework utilizing
framework. biometrics.

Norhikmah The study utilized the The QR code-based online

et al. (2016) use of QR codes for presence applications
tracking training have been efficiently
attendance. implemented by both
lecturers and students,
and have been found to
effectively address
absence issues.

Academia Researchers have The researchers played a

ERP/SIS developed an automated crucial role in improving
(2020) attendance tracking student management,
system to enhance suggesting that
classroom management, automation could facilitate
student performance, faster, easier, and better
and parent trust. attendance practices
within the institute..

Arpith (2023) Researchers utilized QR QR codes, combined with

codes, biometrics, and biometrics and SMS
SMS alerts to enhance technology, are becoming
security, communication, an efficient tool for
and provide real-time managing attendance in
attendance tracking in various corporate and
their study. educational settings.

Hendry et al. Researchers developed Researchers aim to

(2017) a QR code-based develop an automated
application and a student attendance system
database management using a QR code
system like MySQL. application for efficient
attendance tracking and
reliable monitoring.

Xiong Wei et Their study is to create This study is to build a

al. (2017) QR Code and an XLS or system for the QR Code
CSV file. Based Smart Attendance
System to eliminate
incorrect registration and


checking student fake


Chitresh Fingerprint verification In their project, they used

Saraswat et was used in this study. fingerprint verification
al. (2017) technology to create an
accurate, quick, and well
organized automatic
attendance system.

Lia Kamelia The researcher made They developed a QR

et al. (2020) use of a QR Code, ZFM- Code authentication, ZFM-
20 fingerprint module, 20 Fingerprint module
and verifying data reports serving as the system's
on cell phones via SMS, primary input and
WEBSITE,and APP. accessing the whole
system’s security features.
They also suggest
verifying the data report on
cell phones via SMS,

Prosper This study used Quick The researchers

Nkasiobi Response (QR) codes, developed using Google
Collins and was developed using Drive, Google Forms,
(2022) Google Drive, Google Google Sheets, and QR
Forms, Google Sheets, code images to streamline
and QR code images. the attendance process.
Students are required to
scan their unique QR code
using the Attendiz Mobile
App to confirm attendance.

Shaban et al. This study integrates QR This study shows essential

(2021) code technology into an QR codes for each class
exclusive learning session, allowing for an
management system, improved method of
allowing for exact and tracking student
efficient tracking of attendance.
student attendance and
therefore saving valuable
class time.

Maricel and This study used QR Students use their

Pereira (2017) Codes through data- smartphones to scan this
hiding algorithms. information, and their user
IDs are used to
automatically mark their



Patel et al. Researchers utilizing Students can scan with

(2019) QR code technology their smartphones thanks
to the system's use of
secure authentication and
data-hiding algorithms.
Because the attendance
is automatically recorded
based on the user ID,
fraudulent registrations
are not possible.

Immanulah and This study used QR "Randomized QR-code

Reswan (2022) codes as one-time scanning for a low-cost
passwords (OTPs) secured attendance
system." Employees must
scan the QR code within
ten seconds of it being
displayed on the screen
because the code is
randomized and changes
every time. The system
uses the employees'
MacAddress and
smartphones as unique
identifiers to track

Fauzi et al. This study developed a The system's efficacy and

(2020) web-based smart potential for expansion to
security door using a QR additional properties and
code system. facilities, like offices and
labs, are illustrated by the
authors. This research
serves as an initial look
into the creation of a
smart security door
system that uses QR



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