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22 crafting grid

33 crafting grid

Crafting is the method by which many blocks, tools, and other resources are made in Minecraft. It is available in Beta mode as well as the removedIndev, Infdev and Alpha modes. In order to craft something, the player must move items from their inventory into a crafting grid. A grid can be accessed in the player's inventory or on a Crafting Table. The player must then arrange them into the pattern representing the item(s) they wish to create. As long as the proper pattern of resources is placed, it will not matter where within the grid the ingredients are placed. Crafting recipes can also be flipped horizontally from their depictions in the graphs below: for instance, you can make a bow with the strings on the right instead of the left. The player has access to a 22 crafting grid in their Inventory screen which can be used anytime the screen is brought up. Crafting recipes that are at most 22 materials wide and tall can be crafted there, like wooden planks, sticks and Crafting Tables. To craft with a 33 grid, create a Crafting Table, place it anywhere and right-click on it. This brings up a pop-up screen which allows the player to assemble any crafting recipe in the game, as the maximum size for a recipe is 33.

1 Item durability 2 Complete recipe list

o o o

2.1 Basic Recipes 2.2 Block Recipes 2.3 Tool Recipes

o o o o o o o o o

2.4 Weapon Recipes 2.5 Armor Recipes 2.6 Transportation Recipes 2.7 Mechanism Recipes 2.8 Food Recipes 2.9 Miscellaneous Recipes 2.10 Dye Recipes 2.11 Wool Recipes 2.12 Enchantment & Brewing Recipes

3 See also

Item durability
Certain crafted items, such as tools and armor, as well as certain other usable items, are subject to item durability; a process whereby repeated use of the tool will deplete its number of available uses unless it is repaired. A stronger material will last longer whereas a weaker resource such as wood disintegrates quicker. In order to determine the durability of an item, a small damage bar below each item displays how much longer a tool will last before it breaks and needs to be replaced (this also applies to armor). A use is counted only if a player completely breaks apart one block or hits a mob. If a block is partially broken this is not counted as a full use. If a player happens to use a tool that is not suitable for the task at hand (e.g. Using an axe to dig through stone instead of a pickaxe, or fighting a mob with a shovel instead of a sword), will count as two uses rather than one as this is not using the item in hand for it's designed use. Proper use of tools will maximize their durabilities. Assuming a player uses a tool appropriately, the following list shows the maximum durabilities for tools of each material type.

Wood - 60 uses Stone - 132 uses Iron - 251 uses Gold - 33 uses Diamond - 1562 uses

Regarding protective gear such as armor, the amount of damage a piece of armor can protect is dependent on the percentage of remaining uses it has and its number of base armor points. A mathematical equation for said percentage can be found on the item durability page. As expected, the durability of armor decreases as the number of times you are being hit increases. Please note though, even though that gold tools have lower durability, they do the work faster.

Complete recipe list

Currently, there are 200 recipes. Some recipes are depicted in the animations below (note: your browser needs Javascript enabled).

Basic Recipes
[hide]Na me Ingredients Input Output Description

Wooden Planks


Used as a building material and can be crafted into many things. Any form of wood used will still result in the same output.


Wooden Plank

Used to craft torches, arrows, signs, lad ders, fences and as handles for tools and weapons.


Stick + Coal (or C harcoal)

Used to create light. Torches also melt snow and ice.

Crafting Table

Wooden Plank

Allows the player to craft on a 3x3 grid.



Allows the player to smelt.


Wooden Plank

Stores blocks and items inside. Place two chests side by side to create a larger chest with double the capacity.

Block Recipes
[hide]Name Ingredients Input Output Description

Ore Blocks

Gold Ingots or Iron Ingots or Diamond Gems or Lapis Lazuli Dyes

Allows ingots, gems, or dyes to be crafted into placeable blocks. Can be used as an expensive building block or compact storage of the ore.


Glowstone (Dust)

Used to create brighter light than torches. Melts snow/ice and can be used underwater.



Used as a building material and can be colored with dyes. This recipe is not recommende d because

Wool can be easily obtained from Sheep.


Gunpowder + Sand

Used to cause explosions.


Stone, Sandstone, Woode n Planks, Cobblestone, Brick , orStone Brick

Used for making long staircases. Two slabs placed on top of each other will create a normal-sized double slab block.


Wooden Planks, Cobblestone,Brick, Stone Brick, Nether Brick

Used for compact staircases.

Snow Block


Used as a building material.

Clay Block


Used to store Clay Balls, or as a building material.

Brick (Block)

Clay Bricks

Used as a building material.

Stone Brick


Used as a building material.


Wooden Plank + Books

Used as decoration, or to give an Enchantm ent Table knowle dge.



Used as a building material. Is not influenced by gravity like normal Sand.


Pumpkin + Torch

Used to create brighter light than torches. Melts snow/ice and can be used underwater.

Tool Recipes
[hide]Name Ingredients Input Output Description


Sticks + Wooden Plank or Cobblestone or Iron Ingots or Gold Ingots or Diamond Gems

Used to chop wood-related blocks faster than by hand.


Sticks + Wooden Plank or Cobblestone or Iron Ingots or Gold Ingots or Diamond Gems

Required to mine stone-related blocks and ore.


Sticks + Wooden Plank or Cobblestone or Iron Ingots or Gold Ingots or Diamond Gems

Used to dig dirt, grass, sand, gravel and snow faster than by hand. Shovels are required to dig snowballs.


Sticks + Wooden Plank or Cobblestone or Iron Ingots or Gold Ingots or Diamond Gems

Used to till dirt and grass blocks to prepare for crops.

Flint and Steel

Iron Ingot + Flint

Used to create fire.


Iron Ingots

Used to hold and transport water, lava and milk.


Iron Ingots + Redsto ne Dust

Points to the player's spawn point.


Paper + Compa ss

Will create an image of an area explored while held. This can be used for path-finding.


Gold Ingots + Redsto ne Dust

Displays positions of the Sun and Moon.

Fishing Rod

Sticks + String

Used to catch fish. Can also be used to pull mobs and other entities.


Iron Ingots

Used to collect leaves, tall grass, vines and wool from Sheep. Also breaks Wool faster than by hand.

Weapon Recipes
[hide]Name Ingredients Input Output Description


Stick + Wooden Plank or Cobblestone or Iron Ingots or Gold Ingots or Diamond Gems

Deals mobs mo re damage than by hand.


Sticks + String

Allows for ranged attacks by using arrows.


Flint + Stick + Feat her

Used as ammunition for bows.

Armor Recipes
[hide]Name Ingredients Input Output Description


Leather or Gold Ingots or Iron Ingots or Diamond Gems or Fire*

Leather Cap gives Gold Helmet gives Iron Helmet gives Diamond Helmet gives Chain Helmet gives


Leather or Gold Ingots or Iron Ingots or Diamond

Leather Tunic gives

Gems or Fire*

Gold Chestplate gives Iron Chestplate gives

Diamond Chestplate gives Chain Chestplate gives

Leather Pants give Gold Leggings give Leather or Gold Ingots or Iron Ingots or Diamond Gems or Fire*


Iron Leggings give

Diamond Leggings give Chain Leggings give


Leather or Gold Ingots or Iron Ingots or Diamond Gems or Fire*

Leather Boots give Gold Boots give Iron Boots give Diamond Boots give

Chain Boots give

* Fire is only obtainable via inventory hacking.

Transportation Recipes
[hide]Name Ingredients Input Output Description


Iron Ingots

Used to transport the player or a mob along rail s.

Powered Minecart

Furnace + Mineca rt

Used to push other Minecarts along rails using fuel.

Storage Minecart

Chest + Minecart

Used to transport goods along rails.


Stick + Iron Ingots

Used to guide minecarts.

Stick + Gold Powered Rail Ingots + Redston e Dust

Used to speed up or brake minecarts.

Stone Pressure Plate + Iron Detector Rail Ingots + Redston e Dust

Functions like a Pressure Plate (sends a Redstone sign al when powered) but can only be activated by a minecart.


Wooden Planks

Used to travel in water quicke r than swimming.

Mechanism Recipes
[hide]Name Ingredients Input Output Description


Wooden Plank or Iron Ingots

Wooden doors are activated by clicking or with redstone. Iron doors are similar but can only be opened by redstone, buttons, or switches.


Wooden Plank

Trapdoors are activated by clicking, and function as normal doors, but are a 1x1 one block and lay flat on the ground. Can also be activated with redstone.

Pressure Plates

Wooden Planks or Stone

Used to send an electrical charge when stepped on by a player or a mob. Wooden Pressure Plates can also be activated by dropping something on


Stone Button


Used to send an electrical charge by being pressed. Stays activated for approximately a second before shutting off again. Constantly sends an electrical charge, or can be used as a receiver/transmi tter when connected the side of a block. Can also be used for lowlevel lighting.

Redstone Torch

Redstone Dust + Stick


Cobblestone + Stick

Used to send an electrical charge by being turned on or off. Stays in on or off state until clicked again.

Note Block

Wooden Planks + Redstone Dust

Plays a note when triggered. Right click it to change the pitch of the note. Placing this on top of different blocks changes its type of instrument.


Wooden Planks + Diamond Gem

Plays Music Discs.


Cobblestone + Redst one Dust +Bow

Used to hold and shoot out items in a random order when given a Redstone charge.

Redstone Repeater

Stone + Redstone Dust +Redstone Torch

Used in redstone circuits as repeater, a delayer, and/or a diode.


Cobblestone + Redst one Dust +Wooden

Pushes blocks an d entities.

Planks + Iron Ingot

Sticky Piston

Piston + Slimeball

Pushes blocks and entities, and will pull back the block next to the end when retracted.

Food Recipes
[hide]Name Ingredients Input Output Description


Wooden Planks

Used to hold mushroo m stew. The player keeps the bowl when they eat the stew. Also used to milk a Mooshroom .

Mushroom Stew

Red Mushroom + Brown Mushroom + Bowl

Restores . Bowl is reusable.



Restores .


Sugar Cane

Is used in the cake recip e.

Restores on every use. Can be used 6 times, for a total Cake Wheat + Sugar + Egg + Milk of

restored. The buckets a re not lost in the process.


Wheat + Cocoa Beans

Restores per Cookie.

Restores , and also heals hearts automatically . It is the only food that you can eat with a full Hunger ba r.

Golden Apple

Gold Blocks + Red Apple

Compact storage of melon slices. Each slice Melon Block Melon Slice restores . However, breaking one melon block only gives 3-7 melon slices.

Melon Seeds

Melon Slice

Plantable on farmland. Will produce one Melon Block each harvest.

Pumpkin Seeds


Used in farming to obtain more Pumpki ns.

Miscellaneous Recipes
[hide]Nam Ingredients e Input Output Description


Iron Block or Gold Block or Diamond Block or Lapis Lazuli Block

Used to reclaim ingots/gems/dyes from blocks.


Sticks + Woo l

Used as decoration.


Wooden Planks + Stic k

Shows text entered by the player.



Used to climb vertically.

Glass Pane


Have similar placement behavior as Redstone and Fences and use the same texture asGlass. They cannot currently be placed horizontally. As of the 1.9 pre-release 2, they drop nothing when broken, just like normal glass blocks.

Iron Bars

Iron (Ingot)

Have similar placement behavior as Fences, however their height is counted as only 1 block.


Sugar Cane

Used to create books and maps.



Used to create a bookshelf or an enchantment table.



Used as a barrier that cannot be jumped over. Counts as 1.5 blocks high for mobs and players, but 1 block high for other blocks.

Nether Nether Brick Brick Fence

Like Fences, but the version created from Nether Bricks. Also found naturally in Nether Fortresses.

Fence Gate

Sticks + Woo den Planks

Used as a gate that can be opened like a door. However Fence gates are only opened by rightclicking (unlike doors and trapdoors, which can be

opened by left- or rightclicking) and are not affected by Redstone. Fence gates also open differently, depending on which way you are facing it. But it will always open away from you.


Wool + Woo den Planks

Used to forward time from any time at night to morning if all the players in the world are in bed, and changes the spawn point of the player. (The colors of the bed are always the same, regardless of the colors of wool used in the crafting.)

Gold Ingot Gold Nugget

Used in Tools, Armor, Clock and P owered Rail.

Eye of Ender

Ender Pearl + Blaze Powder

Used to locate Strongholds, and repair an End Portal Frame.

Dye Recipes
[hide]Name Ingredients Input Output Description

Bone Meal


Used to instantly grow crops, trees, tall grass, huge mushrooms and flow ers, and can be used in dye recipes.

Light Gray Dye

Ink Sac + Bone Meals or Gray Dye + Bone Meal

Used as a dye to create light gray wool. (Note: light gray dye can also be made by combining gray dye with bone meal, thus letting you make 4 light gray dyes from every ink sac instead of 3.)

Gray Dye

Ink Sac + Bone Meal

Used as a dye to create gray wool.

Rose Red


Used as a dye to create red wool.

Rose Orange Dye Red + Dandeli on Yellow

Used as a dye to create orange wool.

Dandelion Yellow


Used as a dye to create yellow wool.

Lime Dye

Cactus Green + Bone Meal

Used as a dye to create lime wool.

Light Blue Dye

Lapis Lazuli Dye + Bone Meal

Used as a dye to create light blue wool.

Cyan Dye

Lapis Lazuli Dye + Cactus Green

Used as a dye to create cyan wool.

Purple Dye

Lapis Lazuli Dye + Rose Red

Used as a dye to create purple wool.

Magenta Dye

Purple Dye + Pink Dye or Lapis Lazuli Dye + Bone Meal + 2 Rose Red or Lapis Lazuli Dye + Pink Dye + Rose Red

Used as a dye to create magenta wool.

Pink Dye

Rose Red + Bone Meal

Used as a dye to create pink wool.

Wool Recipes
[hide]Name Ingredients Input Output Description

Light Gray Wool

Wool + Light Gray Dye


Gray Wool

Wool + Gray Dye


Black Wool

Wool + Ink Sac


Red Wool

Wool + Rose Red


Orange Wool Wool + Orange Dye


Yellow Wool

Wool + Dandelion Yellow


Lime Wool

Wool + Lime Dye


Green Wool

Wool + Cactus Green


Light Blue Wool

Wool + Light Blue Dye


Cyan Wool

Wool + Cyan Dye


Blue Wool

Wool + Lapis Lazuli Dye


Purple Wool

Wool + Purple Dye


Magenta Wool

Wool + Magenta Dye


Pink Wool

Wool + Pink Dye


Brown Wool

Wool + Cocoa Beans


Enchantment & Brewing Recipes

[hide]Name Ingredients Input Output Description

Glass Bottle


Used in Brewing.


Iron Ingot

Used to store water for G lass Bottle.

Brewing Stand

Blaze Rod + Cobblestone

Used to Brew.

Blaze Powder

Blaze Rod

Can be crafted together with a Ender Pearl, to create an Eye of Ender. Can also be used to craft Magma


Magma Cream

Slimeball + Blaze Powder

Used in Potions, mostly for fireresistance.

Fermented Spider Eye

Spider Eye + Brown Mushroom+ Sugar

Used in Potions. All potions with Fermented Spider Eye have negative effects, which makes it useful in splash potions.

Glistering Melon

Melon Slice + Gold Nugget

Used in Brewing to create health restoration Potio ns.

Gold Nugget

Gold Ingot

Used to craft Glistering Melon with Mel on Slices.

Enchantme Book + Diamond + Obs nt Table idian

Used to Enchant Tools .

See also

Brewing Enchanting Smelting

[show]Minecraft by Mojang AB and 4J Studios

Categories: Minecraft | Crafting

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