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This proposal aims at analyzing the transnational migration and Diasporic aspects in Pre and Post

9/11 narratives in the selected texts of H.M Naqvi and Ayad Akhtar both are the Pakistani
American writers. Diaspora is derived from Greek word ''Dispersion'' and Hebrew ''Galut''
(exile). A diaspora is a scattered population that belongs to a separate geographical historically;
the word diaspora was used to refer to the mass dispersion of a population from its original
territories, in particular the dispersion of Jews from Palestine. Diasporic Literature is a very
broad concept idea and an umbrella term that remembers for it every one of those literary works
composed by the writers outside their native nation, however these works are some way or
another related with native culture by giving a few characteristics of their native culture.

H.M. Naqvi (2009) is a Pakistani American essayist who has composed his novel Homeboy is set
in New York after the event of 9/11completely novel centers around three young Pakistani
immigrants. AC (Ali Choudry) JIMBO (Jamshed) and CHUCK (Shahzad) narrator of the novel.
Either all these characters migrated or their parents migrated to America from different
geographical parts of Pakistan and therefore have different familial and social backgrounds.
Although all these Muslim characters have assimilated in American culture and successfully
formulated their American identity but they experienced discrimination and treated as others just
after the 9/11 attack. After that, they have longing and nostalgic feelings for their original
homeland and culture.

Ayad Akhtar (2012) is a second-generation playwright, screenwriter and novelist, of Pakistani

descent who received the Pulitzer Prize 2013 for his Drama "Disgraced". He has written five
plays and two amazing novels. American Dervish is a novel set in Milwaukee city in the state of
Wisconsin. Hayat the protagonist of novel is the second-generation emigrant his parents have
migrated from Pakistan. Temporal setting of this novel is pre 9/11 and its narrative is different
from the post 9/11 narratives. The novel tells the story of young boy of Pakistani descent
growing up in Wisconsin state and struggles for identity and religion. All the characters of novel
have some distinguished diasporic aspects like memory, food, language, assimilation and identity

Steven Vertovec, (1997), Three Meanings of "Diaspora," Exemplified among South Asian
Religions. Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies in his article he puts forward three
meanings of diaspora, (I) 'diaspora' as social form history and geography of the immigrants, (ii)
'diaspora' as type of consciousness, state of mind and sense of identity, in other words, it deals
with the psychology of immigrants and (iii) 'diaspora' as mode of cultural production, production
and reproduction of transnational, social and cultural phenomena, in other words, assimilation of
the immigrants.

Robin Cohen (2008). Global Diasporas: An introduction. Introduces his distinctive method to
the study of the world's Diasporas. His book investigates the changing implications of the idea
and the contemporary diasporic condition, including contextual investigations of Armenian,
Jewish, Chinese, African, British, Lebanese, Indian and Caribbean individuals. The1st addition
of his book had a major impact on diaspora studies and was the initial text in an emerging
research and teaching field. In second edition extends and clarifies Robin Cohen's argument,
addresses some critiques and outlines new perspectives for the study of Diasporas.
Pervez (2018), in "Representation of Muslims' condition in America after 9/11 incident" the
study of Pakistani Diasporic writer Mohsin Hamid's novel "The Reluctant Fundamentalist'
explores main protagonist leaves his native Pakistan to study and then work in the United States.
In the novel, Mohsin Hamid represented Changez as diaspora. Changez is doing job in America
and his family is in Lahore. His family is financially weak; facing domestic problems and
Changez is only one to support his family. After the incident of World Trade Centre, Changez
realized that he was actually a diaspora separated from his homeland. Before the incident of 9/11
attack Changez was living peacefully.

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