flood hydrology 4

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husnesseeSseeaese. Ca > lakes DEFINITIONS EXTREME FLOQDS @blaseda > emperically estalished bupper limit > Flood peaks : Snamely > RMF CRegional Maximum Flood) @ Kovaes > analysed 300 highest Flood pears For SA Sbetw. > 1894 -19 +4 Risk, i.t-o. design life ~ HYDROLOGICAL RISK. > Chyaroregical rigk definition) » “hydrological system, i +a : Vaporation, inf iltratt * The input >pregiparagion Percolation, ee an) ousioue> Puna re Groundwater flow, etc. + «wii ee megem 2 hy deo logical practises take price Bthat be described F system opera ; Ap get from internet) ana FLOW - “Zstream FIOW > w. results From & PECpItabidn > infiltrates inta> soir © & guencually >moves through Sei btos Stream channe) *a¥.a, 9 Groundwater Flow - * Unit HypeoGenpa 7 = * the hy drag raph of e 2 Umm) >:tunoF€ foe 7 > Fallow ing 2 rainfall of > tehouy + We 2 uniform Oa ete) canna oe 3 times over catchmene RARER REDUCTION FACTOR — ° Adjusiment curves for polnt rafa eit dors not rain WW! Jame intcns & Catch rem AC : - Poin RainfgV = ee » Rain€al mrasured -_ _ 7 @ particular cle ee fo 1

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