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Compac Technician Notebook

Ghost Server Ver 1.0

Setup Instructions


1. Ghost Server must be running at least Windows 2000 Professional or Windows

XP Professional
2. Ghost Server must have at least 1 NICs
3. Ghost Server must have enough space to handle the required image files
4. Compac Technician Notebook Server Setup CD
5. CD-R Discs used must have minimum capacity of 700MB for data


1. Configure Network Adapter IP Address

a. Open Network Connections in the Control Panel
b. Right click on the Network Adaptor to be used for imaging and select
c. Select TCP/IP and click on Properties in NIC Properties window
d. Click on Advanced in the TCP/IP Properties window
e. Add an additional IP Address of with a subnet mask of
f. Click on OK & OK and the Close to enable the new IP Address and close
the NIC Properties window
2. Software Installation
a. Install Symantec Ghost 7.5 Corporate from Setup CD
 Launch setup by running Ghost7.5\Setup.exe on the Setup CD
 Choose “Standard Tools only” for installation type
 Install to default installation directory
 Under the Custom setup section, use default selected components
b. Install 3Com Boot Agents from Setup CD
 Create the imaging directory as follows: Imagingdrive:\Imaging
e.g. C:\Imaging
 Launch setup by running 3ComBootAgents\Setup.exe on the
Setup CD
 Install to default installation directory
 Select Imagingdrive:\Imaging\TFTPBOOT as the FTP source
directory (Where Imagingdrive is the drive letter of the drive
used to store the image files e.g. C:\Imaging\TFTPBOOT”
 Choose “Server” for installation type
c. Install DHCP Turbo Standard Server
 Launch setup by running DHCPTurbo\dhcpt_std_free.exe on
the Setup CD
 Choose “Full” for installation type
 Install to default installation directory
 Select the option “No, I will start the service when I need it.” for
the DHCP Turbo start-up options
d. Install Image Burning software
 Create the directory Imagingdrive:\Imaging\Imageburn
 Copy the contents of the directory Imageburn on the Setup CD
to Imagingdrive:\Imaging\Imageburn
e. Copy PXE Services Startup batch file ConfigFiles\pxestart.bat to
3. Configure DHCP Turbo
a. Copy DHCP Turbo Configuration files from Setup CD
 Copy the files from ConfigFiles\DHCPTurbo directory on the
Setup CD into the directory where DHCP Turbo is installed e.g.
C:\Program Files\DHCP Turbo
 Select Yes to overwrite any files or directories
b. Check DHCP Turbo configuration
 You need to be connect to a network hub so that they
network connection is active otherwise configuration will fail.
 Load DHCP Turbo management console
 Add a new server with the name of in the Servers Pane
 Delete the Localhost Server in the Servers Pane
 Double click on the server
 Select Yes to start the server and login with username Admin and
no password
 Check the Imaging Scope has the following defined
 IP Range from to for Clients
 Policy with Option 60 with a value of “PXEClient”
 Lease Period of 30 minutes only
 Close DHCP Turbo management console
4. Configure 3Com Boot Agents
a. Copy 3Com Boot Agent Configuration file from Setup CD
 Copy all the files in the ConfigFiles\TFTPBOOT directory on
the Setup CD to Imagingdrive:\Imaging\TFTPBOOT
b. Check 3Com PXE Server Configuration
 Startup the 3Com PXE Server and go to Setting on the Menu Bar
 Select “No” when asked “Do you want to enable Proxy DHCP?”
 Select Options from the Menu Bar
 Select the Network Adapters option
 Check that only the interface is selected
 Select OK to close Network Adapters window
 Close 3Com PXE Server
c. Check 3Com TFTP Server Configuration
 Startup the 3Com TFTP Server
 Select only when asked which Network Adapters to use
 Select File from the menu bar
 Select Stop Serving to the Stop the TFTP Server
 Select Options from the Menu Bar
 Select the Network Adapters option
 Check that only the interface is selected
 Select OK to close Network Adapters window
 Select File from the menu bar
 Select Start Serving to the Stop the TFTP Server
 Close 3Com TFTP Server
5. Setup GhostCast Server Customisations
a. Setup GhostCast Server Image Push integration in Explorer
 Start Windows Explorer
 Select Tools from the Menu bar
 Select Folder Options
 Select the File Types tab in the Folder Options window
 Under Registered File types, scroll down to and select the
extension GHO with File type of Ghost image file
 Click on the Advanced button
 Click on New in the Edit File Type window
 In the New Action window, By Action: enter Push Image and
by Application used to perform action: enter wscript.exe
/nologo ImagingDrive:\Imaging\TFTPBOOT\ImagePush.vbs
e.g. wscript.exe /nologo C:\Imaging\TFTPBOOT\ImagePush.vbs
 Select OK, OK and Close to close the Folder Options window
b. Setup GhostCast Server Image Pull launch shortcut
 Start Windows Explorer
 Go to the following directory Imagingdrive:\Imaging
 Create a new shortcut in the directory
 Enter the following for the program to run: WindowsDirectory\
system32\wscript.exe /nologo Imagedrive:\Imaging\
TFTPBOOT\ImagePull.vbs (Where WindowsDirectory is the
directory in which Windows is installed) e.g. C:\Windows\
system32\wscript.exe /nologo C:\Imaging\TFTPBOOT\
 Enter the following for the name of the shortcut: Create Image
from Workstation
 Click Finish to complete creation of shortcut
 Select the shortcut in Windows Explorer and right-click on it and
select Properties
 Enter following in Start in: Imagedrive:\Imaging
 Select OK to close the Shortcut properties window
Usage Instructions
Create Image of Workstation:

1. Check that the Ghost Server (Technician’s Notebook) and the workstation are
connected to each other via network switch/hub or cross-over cable
2. Start up the appropriate programs required for PXE LAN Boot
a. Run Imagingdrive:\Imaging\pxestart.bat
3. Start up a GhostCast Imaging session on Ghost Server to make image
a. Run the “Create Image from Workstation” shortcut in Imagingdrive:\
b. Enter the full directory to store in the image in e.g. C:\Imaging
c. Enter the name of the Image file to be created in Imagingdrive:\Imaging
when prompted
4. Configure the workstation to boot from LAN connection
5. Boot the workstation from the LAN
6. Select Create Image boot option from the PXE boot menu on the workstation
7. The imaging of the workstation should start automatically and the progress can be
followed from either the Ghost Server or the Workstation
8. The workstation will exit from the Ghost client to DOS command prompt when
9. Create Bootable Ghost CD from the 1st image file from the set created above
a. Delete any old image files in Imagingdrive:\Imaging\Imageburn\cds\
b. Copy the 1st image file with the extension .gho to Imagingdrive:\Imaging\
c. Place blank CD-R disc in CD-Writer
d. Run Imagingdrive:\Imaging\Imageburn\run.bat
e. When prompted for which for CD to Build & Burn select elghostboot
f. When CD is burnt, Delete the 1st image file in Imagingdrive:\Imaging\
10. Create Ghost Data CDs from the rest of the image files in the set created above
a. Delete any old image files in Imagingdrive:\Imaging\Imageburn\cds\
b. Copy the next image file with the extension .0?? to Imagingdrive:\
c. Place blank CD-R disc in CD-Writer
d. Run Imagingdrive:\Imaging\Imageburn\run.bat
e. When prompted for which for CD to Build & Burn select elghostdata
f. When CD is burnt, Delete the image file in Imagingdrive:\Imaging\
g. If there are more image files in the set, repeat steps 9.a – 9.f
Push Image to Workstation:

1. Check that the Ghost Server (Technician’s Notebook) and the workstation are
connected to each other via network switch/hub or cross-over cable
2. Start up the appropriate programs required for PXE LAN Boot
a. Run Imagingdrive:\Imaging\pxestart.bat
3. Start up a GhostCast Imaging session on Ghost Server to push image
a. Right-click on the appropriate 1st image file of the set with the .gho
extension which you wish to push to the workstation
b. Select Push Image from the menu
c. Enter the number of clients you wish to push the image to at the same time
when prompted
4. Configure the workstation to boot from LAN connection
5. Boot the workstation from the LAN
6. Select Create Image boot option from the PXE boot menu on the workstation
7. The imaging of the workstations should start automatically once all the
workstation clients have connected to the server and the progress can be followed
from either the Ghost Server or the Workstation
8. The workstation will exit from the Ghost client to DOS command prompt when

Ghost.exe must be replaced the on PXE Boot images with version licensed to
Compac Sorting Equipment

1.0 Documentation:
 Updated Imageburn Installation (Installation Section 2d)
 Updated DHCP Turbo Management console configuration (Installation
Section 3b)
 Update Image Pull shortcut creation (Installation Section 5b)
 Removed Services Check (End of Installation Section 5b)
 Updated GhostCast Imaging Session start up (Create Image of Workstation
Section 3b)
Updated ghostpull.sys to use Directed Broadcast mode
Updated ImagePull.vbs to prompt for directory to store image in
Fixed pxestart.bat to start required applications properly

0.9 First Release

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