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Tech Doc – Sizer Directories Version 1.2 19 Feb.

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and Updating

TechDoc – Sizer Software Directories and Version

9 Updating
Written By: Software Date: 19 February 2004
Department: Service Version: 1.2
Valid From: November 4 , 2003

1. Sizer and SCP Software Directory Structures

The Sizer control PC has two different programs operating within the system:
§ SCP - Sizer Control Program (DOS based program)
§ SSP – Sizer Supervisory Program (Windows based program)
The directory structure for Version 9 and Version 10 are described here.

1.1. Version 9 Directory Structure

The directory structure for Version 9 is as follows:
C:/Sizer \data
\SCP32 \Configs

Files contained within this directory are:
§ Sizer.exe – Executable for SSP program
§ PMS.INI – This is used to configure functions on the SSP, not contained within
the executable. Useful features are;
§ Sort table counting - Sets the number of counters (sensors) and tables. These
can then be mapped for the order they are found. This sample setup has four
tables with two counters on each, wired in sequence: NumTables=4,
NumCounters=8, CounterMap=0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3
§ SplitSLS mode = True/False
§ Default Access = Default level of user access on startup of program.

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Tech Doc – Sizer Directories Version 1.2 19 Feb. 04 Page 2 of 4
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§ SCREENS.INI - Holds information for screen layouts for the SSP. Colors for the
main SSP screens can be changed by altering the settings in this file.
This directory contains all the database files for this site's SSP, including fruit
types, layouts, and totals information.
When a backup is made of the SSP, files are zipped and stored in this directory
as well as onto the floppy or zip drive.
Holds information for all graphs stored. Note that files are by date so that graphs
and running information can be accessed by date.
Essential files contained within this directory are:
§ Compac.exe – Main executable for the SCP program.
§ Compac.hlp – Help f ile instructions for the compac.exe executable.
§ Compac.ini – Important settings not contained within the actual SCP software.
Compac.ini has features common to both WINNT and DOS versions;
§ Counter map, used for sort table counting and bin fullness
§ Color Grading = True/False
§ Default access = Access on startup
§ ConsecutiveMissingCupLimit = number of cups before multiple missing cups are
§ ConsecutiveMissedGradesLimit = number of missed grades before multiple
missed grades are acknowledged
Compac.ini features for the WINNT version are the port settings information for
the SCP (see SCP and 485 card setup document).

Compac.ini features for the DOS version are:

§ DifferentialMode = Yes
§ UseLabPC = TRUE
§ Set both to NO/False if using a HAL4000. These settings are for using an A/D
PC+ card
All information saved within the software settings for the SCP is saved as a .cfg
file. The SCP always starts using the file compac.cfg. Any timing information, drop
information or unique settings for the sorter are stored within this file. Along with
the current compac.cfg file, this folder also contains other .cfg files that are saved
as backups, or copies.
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These files are the same format as the .cfg files contained within the CONFIGS
directory. They usually have a file name in the form of a three-digit number
followed by .cfg, for example: 302.cfg The number represents the unique ID of a
fruit type. If the flag “Auto Load Optimiser info” is set to YES within special
parameters, then when the fruit variety is loaded all optimiser settings and weight
values for that fruit variety are loaded into the optimiser control settings.

1.2. Version 10 Directory Structure

The Version 10 directory structure is as follows:
C:/Sizer \Export
Language folders:
\SCP32 \Configs
This folder contains executables and other essential files. Note that there is NO
Sizer .INI file for Version 10. To set specific system values, in the Sizer 10 front
end, log in at Technician level access and use the Magic Numbers function.
Contains tagged files created from events that document machine status.
Contains Sizer log files.
C:\Sizer\Object Store, Reports, and Language Files
Contain programmer-only files. The Object Store contains system configuration
details. The Language Files contain different language .dll files for the front end.
This includes the Compac.INI file for SCP. Its details are as noted for the Version
9 directory. Note that this .INI file for Version 10 only impacts on SCP.

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Tech Doc – Sizer Directories Version 1.2 19 Feb. 04 Page 4 of 4
and Updating

2. Updating Version 9 and SCP

2.1. Updating SSP Versions in Version 9
Follow the instructions below to update the SSP versions for Version 9.
1. Make a complete backup of the Sizer directory; copy the complete directory to
another location where it is safe.
2. Copy the new Sizer.exe into the existing C:\Sizer directory.
3. If versions are older than 7.00 then scripts must be run to update the
4. Copy all .BAT, .IMP, and .TXT files from the zip into the data directory.
5. From the data directory type 570TO700.BAT and press enter.
6. If this does not work, then you may have to start with a clean database and
lose your totals. All machine configuration, labeler, and sampling information
must be re -entered.

2.2. Updating SCP Versions

Follow the instructions below to update SCP versions.
1. Make a complete copy of the SCP32 (or compac for DOS versions) directory
and place it somewhere safe.
2. Copy the new Compac.exe and compac.hlp into the C:\SIZER\SCP32
3. Copy the latest version of SCPMOD into Configs and Optimise directories.
4. Run SCPMOD for all configuration files in both the Optimise and Configs

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Copyright © 2004 Compac Sorting Equipment Ltd.

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