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The Floating Stone

Good morning to the chairperson, honorable judges, teachers, and my fellow friends.

My name is Tan Zi Yee. Today, the tile of my story is “The Floating Stone”.

Once there was a king who had a very beautiful daughter. He loved her so much. He

would not let her marry and wished to keep her by his side forever, but the princess

was not sad. She loved a handsome young shepherd and was glad that her father

did not ask her to marry someone else.

The years passed and the princess grew older. The king wondered if he had made

the wrong decision.

“Maybe the princess should marry. She should marry a wise man.” he thought.

He gathered all his ministers around him.

“The princess should marry any man who can make a stone float in the air.”

Everyone was astonished. “A stone floating in the air? But that’s impossible.” They


Some thought it was silly, some just said “it’s just his way to keep the princess by his

side forever. This way, the princess would not marry anyone.”

The news spread from one person to another so fast that soon the whole world

knew. Many princes from all over the world came to try their luck. Now, the princess

was really sad.

She ran to the shepherd and cried, “What shall we do? I don’t want to marry

someone else.”

“I don’t know but I’ll find a way,” said the shepherd.


For hours the shepherd thought and thought. Suddenly he remembered what a wise

man once told him. “Size is the answer!” He was very excited and ran to the castle

the next day.

At the castle, there was a long line of princes waiting to try their luck.

“What if one of them make the stone float before I do.” The shepherd was worried,

but there was no time to worry. The king stepped in with the princess by his side.

Then a small stone was brought in, carried on a silver piece of cloth.

“Any man who can make this stone float will marry the princess.”

Everyone tried but none of them could do it. At last, it was the shepherd’s turn.

“So, you think you can marry the princess?” asked the king.

“Yes, your majesty.” said the shepherd.

“And how are you going to do it?” asked the king.

“By Science, sir.” said the shepherd.

The king was very curious. “Carry on.” he said.

The shepherd took out a hammer, he pounded the stone until it was as fine as dust.

Then he put it in his palm and blew it in the air.

“There, your majesty.” said the shepherd. “Your stone float.”

Everyone clapped and cheered and even the king smiled.

“You can have her shepherd, I only kept her with me until I could find someone wise”.

From this story, we learned that we should use our knowledge to solve problems.

Thank you.

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