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dSpi AOS Pigso Sy oti HOSS asd SPOrp SenrS'S S])08 (1923-226) RosinOHIOS'D Arrocwanor Ido VWjoort (Sgadeo) “esin¥sirays” Si (our SIDS at (Egg dirader) ohh WErk VDoIS ae (em $26) 280 BOOS Teal? FH GOAT a6N0d (Saye) RoGMAPNGSS achensias GroeedO Gros we’, Hay SgQaiin) goo grdddo emagrs: 28) Soper DSRosSe) (eo) PESSSOS 0B (SHSDA ertiies SOBs siso 26 (Srotirsoso) SohOs SOdrONs Spe ersSavoe® HeSissoorr GSAS TH (BPvogeo) HAdsos Boyd Syao GSags av cy) Baars Sire wr Hadsas we (Subs) Bit SS aires Sarr Deomt (aerenrr) BOBO Sood’ Bows Aras xe (row 8a SE) AS PGS S¥ © O SED Sotrts (rows €ey Se) BS grssdvos® GRQSOOS ay Sey SF OB (oxmosé Sx) FOPH OB sodho dijo Soto (rss) aqrbegrbaho Sho Sou CGowmmpoe*) DEE Ko WAS BSS Sbore Oyisro, YS 8 BY Dysiro (Qxion¥o) SESE SBD) ZOO Dzdoerts (@oBSSSDE 3D) Sbddwb soph sQdes ov 23. 24, 25. 26. 27. 28. 29, 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37, 38. 39. 40. 41, 42. COGPE Bt, mm FeNNS D Ue Food! shod ete ©0808 (DaaSK6 creer) Exmgdscraines 2005 darodbo 53. (WSS, Sram sss) BOSSQGDS OSTos Se Srbset (wre) GED AES oO Oj00S at (@rawt5) OPED SELES DONS are _ (Seass*5) DSS TobSspod* hotir aPNSSS nabdeydod GEe5 Srgs) BoE Ko PES IWS Doywo 98 (S058 Az50) CoGPe FHV BoGS swags vsddrar Sys EXSTSompaD Gerry FosSS) seu Moire 2B SoS (Gostorgetn BWorrerS aes ) DELGDS ations eoco axys Foto Gree") Soryys ShrayOS GHSdSHS (Nowe 26 (ewtigsiin) (roe ara’ o8 SASHA 2a (ours) 68 GS SeodS Hs Odeo Sip Doar Benzyod (SOE agro Sg) POSES) OHROS ODS sqrordD (859 Sve) SASEmw O Seige eleyoorrt Ewart) tye wood SND FPS 655 00 heres) 2S8 CaeSod® SSagED od Sigeo Hodarte Soleroh DBsrasN) 80 Demo Sed GHA Bobs 80 OSw (oper) 2 wee soo Beat atraspos* Sycinrforr SR MedoSK6 Tere) Bnied Srey hse 2st (@05) DMASSnE SoyrisH*Q, SDDS aH (oS) Sdsw0d - od adqydtnd yxros® DoyBieo aha (et) 44, 45, 46. 47. 48, 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61, 62. 63. 64, 66. 66. 67. (S68) O3655) eprbbch Sipmimortye dito Soo Paso Hy 408 Bnipe Hote 4 Meyer Eorgs avant (PSW¥, BSS Da) Sinker Dayodivek Ssvoert — (@asET-en) DSO Sod pMt¥eyYos® Mi) GAO Goro e6AoB (Sree) [rig BOS shoo Spy DUNS aSp% Erdossrod (Cx. 65 ¥e-go05") BS Sowrd HN002S FON Short (Exon) ESSENSE DoS sob Syosenwzt (24) SHYE NySo, SSY~E apso, SSyS scyox Osoerty. (@deye2) 2 SbSyeo GNontben, Syrontoearr HOB ons Ea @s H8ye) Srotiesbiiin 2 epenrr DEBfox06 Bes, 25 we) 2 cago Sous ese Typos vidio Sos aires (S80x5 osnefo) SNM D SHeraylsS Boaiard (Ser) Sg D Souto Rosewseinks eHRoore (é.xp. 6068) Pdsder Sho 9 soos FDomts (€& 850-1280) “OSENOELS” OS Ott S005 Sera (BOS Sexe) BIS SosTte It (aren S) as SosQos Myrw rani wn) AS& SS Swsos Somoon Es. 1296 8h RowFwom eOhoart (oem a5-85-09) DachSNS Seiras ASS Dp wOAob (&%. 1336) 99 dévome Ser s00 58 (G&S 1509 08 1529 Seth) Bator Seirag HSS Dspe wonod (6%. 1526) SRS HNSty cintjo 15266 a6B85 sels eo} (aekross, arab) arnt Dgpt shiidoart (€% 1530) POSAHAS TES HRSoHOONS SESE asic 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. va 74. 1B. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88, 89. 90. 91, 92, 93. 94. @ Sih GSSDGS Seas BBsr5 SYO 00 @d-x8 BENG Hoslow 25H Noort (©. 8k Hoos Snygansss OgS Spo od S OO NpS) OGODS Srote Ds SHEDOE Jo IHE* Hob (225 wey SHSHWE wes! Sosigeo Iveo Deo: (God-65-85-s BOS gra BOS ar 8 Tye eG ah 06 fs CFOS THTD TP Sd DO OS ence Pesos Mowe Isc BSS 24% Brroktet dst Grd dee Hires OYooS roy (Sse Sty D Sow’ Soasard Rote KOSS Ciro? oabeyBs roe SQeosim ( Sodb Soreris NQ0N5 at (WepsES POS HOS ohos® vd Soysa BEdd Hono ASO soo TS eo woe @asets sooS-a-rd 03 hye: 888 H5 SPS SHOSD Some Smbwoe des atyoors PRD Serine rosditin SQOON Be d5t (raed 5G Siordne 5 Sows Bos arto (G OHS Dairsrbs s Geran O ProdH Ssiod SoGiHy SR: ARN So oOS Ad 25% @rg POR O ciorP08 Gods Sos BPO Rolod krotir PSPok SoSH |S Tv (e2Ro65) 18946 (Siow Here FYDoe OAS Edo 28 (ost). DSP sing GAS sos Gard ErSodshen Aso @doom 36) BwhS Po BIE Serwe Ino rtohomres Cosas) Rironw Storberto ays Ersoghod (Eves) 0. ASe aithen SID Sey ToS SQo (1858) 1. 2 SRo aor (SDs Hed* Gyods dossy asaepe (1919 GUS Gees So) 2. 2 digo cap BraQads Wass KSvaeRt (1935 gOS (Sebi So) 3. BHHS eb BSS FLoOS aed (S885 IS) 4 SB HOS BHO wt @oriorrG6 Bo8) 05. GES sosorygo So HAS Borwod® Prureo Sears wh @8 dvix) . GESTED WOE Strom S sevos? ds, art ator Stone (HS eGo) 1, G¥ grat HBO Se Aspe Ersodomes (&%. 1878) 08. girdegine Stiranto od GOS weds og O Bsos* (SSoesgod (gr68) 9. Bord OSH soddiv oMAGMS Iipco (SSosPod (184368) 10. OSES ERRAND THs art woreds TSS) 11. Spar Sosy Sox Qgph Soymieed (1870) 12. 2 SSSons Js Dota shou gad oF SOEUR Devoerc Go so) 13. OryrErhS® SotyB e[ssirdh Sbods arto (rro6d) 14. PeeGE Kgord SGN DG pts Hhorrs (1922 6°) 15. GOS! eistgows aduiry Etodore Godan se*) 16, GPUS Gee cepY eSrBoOs Konto (1937) 17. Smo HF Santas Soiso (1906) s 118, 119. 120. 121, 122, 123. 124. 126. 126. 127, 128. 129, 130. 181. 182. 133. 134, 135. 136. 187. 138, 139, 140. Drs Kor Sw OAS Strodsarto (oxy Hed) “S58 of oS O48 Grd aS sokdir” oS Wow, SH00S as (roman 35*S) Ptr atigubo w6AS Souto (1916) Hiid DOKESegio BOAN Kondo (1921) “gobdie D5) Gis” oS (Komrk SNS 7H (Perr vend Se verb) BOLKSNO ON Ott 2SO8 Sor os (Gero owen) “Sod Siar Sg” od SSrd Sogno Bsodons ae (ERO) 6S HaON Smaroner Sad werd (or Deb. codegh) PSA Aoysoss THSS IS (Gon aren PBo\esSa°S) TigpO Gao gkind Sosrds wtigiord deo KoisS 25 0b) oS Yo Dy OHSc@ (1953, wsfob 1) THEO GSE SgEHSIeo @OAS Souso (1966) 2 HOmbS sriecorr rrobd sia DOSE tipo Rowe (HE TOS BONS SPomPAy Somes) BnSS Sosy, Barbs drsoG005 Souto (1951-56) croverdh TEA GUESS wRRaLUES Dipped doyesset (1806) ASOSDWS HBS acigird OGyProdS Souso (1906) @8ars wobbo GS 0850 (grrego) BofS§ P rome OAWotbe e648 785 as (qoGcrod*) TroGE SoSSS Salisro BGoHo2S Souto (i918) Ryo FG BndS sigh ds 65.0") PES WaHos® Sosdowes OSR Wedao EMM SBS Sontio 942) 8y5 solaie Boggy, e8PG00S Sautso S (1942 ers 8) POSBSOE SHES Svs wer Yo 141, 142. 143, 144. 145. 146, 147. 148, 149, 150. 151, 152, 158. 154, 155. 156. 157. 158. 159, 160. 161, 162. 163. 164, (eosergo) AENOA SHAS SYK OHBoor (1950) SOBs ward da (Géryo0) SOGSET ward D6 (graorarS) Potiren atigind) omiidainents Acbibod GBS Bea @By 35) Hixioh NOSee adr QS Sstadsorr Sores 28 08 Koreas 29) SOIT HAS HS POSSI Ds pdo e%5Q)0008 (1946 &) Kege Pood GMnow FOOOS art (856%%) Seen So ergo der Hgidoore (Soteren) Roviorats oly Der Dgdomrt (goes) Shoots sky de Ogdoorto (F Goes) Bho soos SywrOs Fo GAY OH2 Spd Roda (So) Sto Feo ws (rs Saeco dzbotrty (ere Seen) 8D Deno Poo WH “KT” |srr (eUSstoe grssven) (P08 G08 Sg Zon0ds av oy) aria soo a8 MAGS Drow ex6000 86005 at (e018) axtyto SvisoNS Povo 46 (8 160) SaPdeht sodods Grodo 5 @eo) SgerRsGSe SRE" AcwAYS av (oh) 1945 a Rabe Niifatho ONO woos HONG (gas) Trop Gokdin SS? Ser IES solgoes” (089 SBsmso) POSASDE ES. 1498 Sousod* Sx Sryo SNDGS Seyi wd (@RErse) ipdtionos Siow, siitiyicot ches BONS SS ciormod Sivoert (Ur Aroen) Grate o Grose earns xOrran Gobe, Bro, BAS) U.S. 1453 & ARGS HIH Sozs 165, 166, 167. 168. 169. 179, 180. 181. 182. 183. 184, 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191, eShobiy 6) ireS Gob? airs BOS Koy 8 Hirayo SAIS dsote (Cdardty BE Hoyas Hsosssei) Sirvren aS POS gs 98 6 Bay ss SAE [osfo 26 @ eMbow ScwGeiryo BORIS art (Seoa! Bien Shen se orgy SWo GHB Soiiere S&> HyoSo BHTS a8 ede Dqrard) Soot Gigoderé O95 9 Sotod® eons eshSorr Sa) Srdy Devoert BOBHOS! asad HSS cho\wrom SID BPS CRD SYS Neocod*® YS Stoe od (axe Babrorierr asroert (HOw DSK age Sd aired aoso 56 Ayer 24 BO[EHos® chore siairvio Srysnserr S806* SSosGod (worpobe G05 Gedejo 645 eHoOws® D2, Sod orary Roos a DAP CDOS KGS wreyGod (6% 178 PQS Storbartn dspped Sogod (G% 1789 ag_145 ad ord Srembsr, 28 herd) S80 ad od BBS Bam a8 eoss wbSod* sore! Stoshsermy Szoerto (boo eric arihirrdie SOS Sto dusted axitQoo & rand! A580 Tosswns emis ss w- (ers05 GE. 1509 Seyi 15G5 25H (CopEE DacSns crevod® adyodio HesySO Ata Brown, bergy6 HexS 08 Syfso dass wo By fio oa G4 1517, 1806 Bini are sBmnosoy dddip Sins 85 Gowda EomgrsS, Has (6. 1602 & GS Gade - wS SYS Sossre) POSSI ayFSo Ass SordS, see Ghorgen SaberOS Wozben, etjjocren Sis scrN8 @%ooB afd (GmBBE &Y gokaire Sod oF SorpoG) Hod ar wes add Sojso 23 (SqpEsED FobHO) Bohs a6 Gers aye Sopio 36 (IwHES'D Dod Qs o) . IGPK, SBT Groot Hyory sce carr Siys0 (eorytm See0) 5. wofjtimot, (od 268 sty Ke asigyor Sos SBS Grose (sorm S800) (ES. 1740-48 soos Shai sss dingo 28886 sot 26A0B (oQaer, ars wrersE Hyp) aQeSr SUSE, nxod eairs Sstebo TSS do (sorpeB), |. Byatior aPSSdy cing Sood? HokRSE Hod ~ Som) spite GPA OHO (orb) SIME" aofiainw Damod erQs ow Sepory, we (oR) Sc_wS corpo ISOHO song wBrro (ecficines, Hodsrt) , BeOS ein, Gayo typ asjotio axped HA608 (G% 17486) GS, 1748 & PriererE Nero ad - Sng; Htico0 SoS Hofiio SHiio DSHS Hey TSH ogo ErsoeGwh (AERO, sivaxsSeoh) & “ 1748 6 Sees HOWSS Eo BS syerh (Soma aren, exgoh5) SuaiSach, SoS treod® SOb soytop SoBQ exghASxe SGodsarc (Gre) . Sommariranth SEES Sowarr, SwasS echo riwnG Sehr Shs ot (@odarw) PHEaoM BY PHOS SPOSH Hos sorwsFaoh BS BOS d Sara BaS SH Sos Sdodiarpe (668) . BGS Saran Soe wofis 12516° Sour D Hod ehss Kifabos SesSaoh worws Dero S500 Aysoowrt (ey) Sour trawe Sob sifyrbd 1751 soytn PAs 212 213. 214, 215. 216. 217. 218, 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 226. 226. Sapenrp GBYOOS sr (O88 wos waygys) Tost Sq cinigos® dst ISO SBS LED oire (Hodes, vofiawe S86) SSE, SoyrPshsin Erdos Psgpe PUSESOE hn Spsatire SOSoNE osnds (hol eb (ots - Berd) Sart SoS gos AGHFans at (odes) sete Squos cmyod* o Wosayre Hyg woAod (1748 - 50) } dine Sy God ad wabad 8 shod Cots, Sarts Sqbs corpo Ses) ersSS? SHS, Soyrsiind® Somogsnay Pbbcte Xo (Gare Seeds aingfo) G& 1740 & Bord Sam dS (©DSQar5) wbssherS Sous Bord Saran sans wrt Goede) dBph Sarew Daye soseyp waddwron (6%. 1750) bowde bayen sosey oddas so (@d0b0 $6) dSosv0S HH cingo a6hoh — Hore) Soser O88 KO dow’ ss0 DS Qoeter) Sete O85 KO adoso Asp wbAoe (756 &) Sever O88 @ ado%o wiosho Sosa @MouwAS Sing Srtes acbderdos woffa Berd OS (E65 =e)S) DYByos* Sova; PS acbertios sG soba SoDd Nt BBA dst (af 85) Rorenor dinky SEAT GSS Ose (25 Sts) BOS, RoeTet 23 aS, 1757 wt Bors SEowios*® OAS aimyjo 26 eB aexzo) deh cingo Soy Borren Sara dev (5 St) . SagwBio nowiorjod Depomoshiiy HOHo Ise 230. 231. 232. 233. 234, 235, 236. 237. 238. 239, 240, 241. 242. 243. 244, (@HEREe2) . 2 Caifo Shas Oi ab whstio Borrd & Rod de 8H Gh ozo) . Sng Seid leserom srimo Da (soficines dcowsrordo) RSE Stars Bored Naren ISL (225grs0) gba Stthe seo sols wos® Sairsorr aRyPSo TS sar8 Seo $D)0OS Bored Sara (ess) CEP SOBs toer-s-Ter Satin SESE & 00, Zod Sarps o5 eis SOD sof SPOS osyh cinyo 1764 6 defyeo cingjo dete GomnS 35) asy6 dwgo stimorr dépe sofix, AO Payoh 08 HB608 (1765 &) © Gago Sous Entim SeSQ vostorrGs® AShowstio Poort (@sy8 osxXo) soft arth Boreas, 836, 2632 sod eed 8iq Siren THE SNE Hobs eho Dshotrt (Od) as 8 cinfo Sox Bored SSaravrr Nah DwOS wt (rary 39) Bord OFS SnsG MSS essere ACIDS ot (Paty 35) TOh_VS a4) 2 eGso dp Bord thot eee GSFaQDBd (62°) ©hs5%in) totss Webso wsrr (Hos 0.808, Systran OSS) Gar) who axphgotit awrid Wysg a vot worjdines SQM eite20 (26 exo) BES HchoHAs’ SOROGAS arets Grsod) Ende Dirt dingo dpe wood (1767-69) Bnd Girt ginyfo 2sIS0 soefg 2BA0d (raed moc sof 75 sey) Bnd Diet angos* Duaho HGodsarv Gdob) 246. 247. 248, 249, 250. 251. 252. s 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. 259. 260. 261. 262. 263, 264. 3. artis GirG ceogo sveorr 1792 & 3: sbtorupdy Prdvarth Sarmow £2005 Bis ew Bots BarS ayods 1780 & eoffane GSBoas wt qe Sots BE ngod® Ls ansart Gof = 2 dint Sthabod® pric-h 1782 Avon Hier — Gowiss BNrS ainyfo x: Boss BrF cmyo sdeorr sorbents DESKS shifg Hoh 608 (wofdines, Simoes Spt SHOES, sob 0 shi Sorts HE nfo Frsoe Goo 790 Bras PirS aingod® Sey Ford Ks axe (865 SiSrix artis Dirt cinyos® LARons at Gxpees Sot SoG HA60H — (SUSarbee, Sgpide! BPS DPE aiowod® LAs on shoddoniarte (Exper! TOS DWE dintfo axipes Evossbod (1799 PQS PS coho Soyws Dir doves AcbIOPS to Qgreetias D BNrS aingos® PrioO-Sapweried S me Goss BierG ain 3 BEE cinyo dogs aOAS Noh 26 (Horites x YS DNS Sgos* Saipivers S ainzjo as KSHE 2565 Cm OBYES? wepbB, Storgyow whys 2Ons 508 (Gorts SOSty amgo 1761 2 Gin SXosto Sey S08" Seer worl sarod ErSoshod (Sorts DOSty cto Sod RIFOY Tragsin O80 Js HHotiadod (ea Baty SOO Sox So Store arerd Die MoSmos EMSA (Bard shaded datos (OSH art O sole Pood’ ieorgvos*® Sa (1775 08 82 58S) Heong antd bas asm rend DH) Sas exe (GePrsmHoW) mordbnry od bars 56 Ss sregponosiomrth (Sane) Booties arsine bapyr edirtio Sener snge> SOK oor dio (warseydio) soft at sister 6? ath 1775 & od Seaway (P5559) Setar Lage coh ae GSR 208 a4) dew od (HS, Bhs Sod) HHH sojfdinos® Aspe HE) SG SoH Soba (1776 SG) 18) Sofi ah Sar SOS 25 do crdabe Bbe00 SF ALYS Bor (oerBS) BSS wo HeoY amigos Hoy How Dvoer ast — (arHUQy, shisord Sober) toipord hodaie Dapts Hedorrey (7938 6) PISHAD dsp Hddowrw 780 &) Sag Sots Smgisory Sous Satyr NabboPs at Bods ererdiorsy) 1802 & sof wOs* Des Serord SOs wohs600s ie, Cots wrerdory) 1803 € Botts wot Serr dimyjo SSS6 Hatig BORG Goorw Ste, Sgho sy) Saris Sof — more cingein Dype e6A0S (818 &) Gd wgrdorr SUS Seo) (1773-83) % ess BdoED Si) HOD MSty asta OSH SBaboew BL (1773 BroBBOR yo) Bornd S&F thodis Gadergd Sey GS MSGS wsod (OS SHohp) Sosex Boren TY cagrorr Tmwanto (OS EH ROM) KO pranth Lok perark Soser & eG art (OS SRohp) Bord, bie Grows vrmey sire TA mayo doo Th Syao Gas Dsot 295. 296. 297. 298, 299. 330. 331. 332. 334. 8857 336. 337. 338. 339. “Si 340. 841 342. 343. (BS ErHoky) Bee MPSERaty SOYLATP St Srgys NGS 2665 (OS Roh) = UG ones" her, Baber Sten HOS (SOS SrRohy) me Sof) Soy ASS adseorr erageo &SbodSart (SbS=rHx%, 1786-93) pe SeMAyAr Spsroods Megs (8Sard%) mots SrhOh Sine GAYS S58 (HS By AY 360) gbbc Styod® sohs ayaoagso Gedo Dersod SYO 1774 & GAeHG Sart (3858) SUSPOD D SHS wbsds SROs eer BarOS Mycdio|EPos Eromomrt (SdSarbi> SE) GDS wv0 tod Hidsod® ered? ah (Ps Somond Spit Sey Eas HSGS asd (S55srb8) SEenS G5 Sony ASAE aNd re NobMBS wt aR) DOS Siow SHBO GSVDIS MAGS assd ah) POY Misos SYS Snddirr wohssoos wer Gesorart Dero) Shobair Sond Saiyres dooihtay POs Sy Stow Yotne 28 ode 0 HbODS MGS aS6S O68 eR) eof Déigts LsALoS* GILRYS ASHE essT (ODd%0 BotSo&, 1828-35) BSENSo” OS GIO Sey Tas KsyS ast (Dabo Boso8) Bobs Sol GhadD eosir SA ND OG BQ SSren Ew ASE (Gabo Bosso8) OSH PIAh Ghogo TAS SHE adsS (GE, 1848-56) GQ dt weber pio Patrods K5H5 etn GES) SoSBto HO KEgde GrboHods are 844, 345. 346. 347. 348, 350. 351. 352. 353. 354. 355. 356. 357. 358. 859. (SeSrbi) GaeD a8 ko ay sof aycboere Hse Dries sof\s a68 S62So wach (1781) BOBS er SATS dxpe DabMoodart (1883) wich adheres Sy spews Exo 286 okabS ox shbs5) BSxivy Dewan AAI BATHS aco (35 HRofp) Sourm, 60, assidd od (ra Dyes SBS BwPd OD hensind iaos* 8 dod Syeda Bibes arposio Sess 6YBO dzvoert (Soxrers8 S88) . 1813 yt sgo Geto wsIAIoE® SayhayE Bio Dod Stronomrty (8 ©% Grd-cbeo) DHS Sod sof BUS Poco Geos AGlyPeED ooritio SSosod (1844 x08) Bioiir SoaD ebiko wolf Dest ass Séoe* GSSREED dupe AYowordto8 (1835 6) O8% KOFOS Sos #¥ Smowh grs6s Avos* AQ Ws Serorth 0G (warm 6d 1. SS Sod GP OAT SiS Tare S62, SEP 08 C&5H5 SOS 3. wr 08 OPeyrePS SH 4 rs" sod sme So Bag6 SYOd angansH dd rere’ SasDend (Gosron, Her) SESW TOPHS Somd ayPwro Sony (4) POSS PoosD By AYad S48 dp asst GiSSOMBS abo (ehnomts) SQh edcbo dzire S (POSES OER Airey Dea) who HSroow Dott (Kaye) OSE 6 S885 RASH Snow ersroc® Srrcren 4456 (rh geo) sof Dts ayes edsds OONHQ Sogoo sO00S art Gdarten) 360. 361. 362, 363. 364, 365. 366. 367. 368. 369. 370, 371. 872, 373, 374, 375. 377. 378, 379. 380. PES GH Nod BYB Geto I Souwrow &: 6 Some 8S5 208 S00 SoH Bho oes ds OSH avd Jh6 Sarre %8dN00S Swhoew Szvoerv OSE 26 dost Hedsorr 25346 Br we (eS (085 a6 Soest HBdSorr Bord, x5 Bras wt ee Dene Btoroeren dxyY Lod aH So SSaN0H (1817 08 1831 Gierds PISS woflcinow Now Hy Boro a6hoh (esto05 a BEDI, PSAP dS Sok ISSAC PSSoS O8R rO8 S:0dSorr awore Ssh (64 1795-18 6.5 1806 & Bho Btrrberdy d¥ys eras Gegt 6.¥ 1824 6 Bae Storbarey d¥x5 wOrFeD oss OSH a68 Syoddorr wOAs SHA) Seige: SmfpSoen dypts Sd (&% 1830- “BG PS AyWolss Sedo” Dept asGr (1857 3. SENS 1848-1856 cogs sited ax Sodasre & TapSoBshe Lepossini soxidvos® Gases KSOE e885 Ox% @ aes Dotis edo Dope wrB aired (1851 bE try ohyran waging aap O BP St Wagos® Smardane (1864 OSS od BHS disséeo Sh sherQ Gxos* ayhosrabsio Erdos (8 1813) L886 esr (8 oiwzo) 2. 1857 adsd & PIS AQso DES wONod CH6he) 3. 1857 & SrGy6* PAY Djisio DHE aOAod (reBxb 6) 4. dxjpto BoppirGD soradielo IShey SSO SSErROSHD, BUNPaE Bididartn Iba (1857, %@50) 5. dik AHF warka asarhosha a8 das POSGTO w HSS’ or Tods POH Ast (ooriédrod) OS arcbEsQOS® atipotoes O45 6 FA) rosor EH a6 ebi6o Hof Soot (G5ar5 Hof) 7, SMES 2569 Sawyr GSSorre 3 (er dm) 3 PPPS Pye Tarscho Srodsad (wodcred) 9. dept OSS ae QQO BOA (1857 Brrare> SSeorr) SEEMS (1857 WRonté*) 0. Boss werErS oys'D sores Rend? axpse HBsorre (64 1862 &) 1. 1858 DRonBS OSA av BEA Dd Grow eBmowbdoays (oardigss) . OBR PASS? grSah Pio Sos Dos (7/8) 1857 Rdrowe Bthrverts wabtet ase (oxrtir5 Se) 1857 Reon Bworoerew rood! GAGS ESoOS arto (ra wb2) 5 1857 Berane Btoroaren srood® O84, DISD SEbsart Goby orryoee) . BEkone Bibrberent BOS stimo (Q5HG, BHF shervw FOS acho) . wrasoios Heroo wiSrP (iS Sows ED vee OSE 7S ommast 688 &ySoerth) , edd OSH wb BS Haye Soar (exe aS) |. erty SararP ASOD BSHoort S 400. 401. 402. 403. 404, 405. 406. 407, 408. 409. 410. 411. 412, 413, 414. 415. 416. 417. (@g5 6d) OSs Sire’ ag oair BD arto PES ads, wasn 35 Bass Semoh —_—(1858 Ago) 1858 SgQod*d SFOsro%o DB (OSE DoS SfodA oS HOB POSES SySPwo So(Grr aS Som spi Strovof ©sN2 ass roti ereigirr Sox) agfouir od dos 1858 Geods Sep 1858 S005 1 8 Odo Baron OGob eisor® egrdort (costerts) d8pe soddiv, sormoGe soy BOP Be Scbobod (4870) Ape arahdrens Bthindoh (1869 &) gokdir, sorpol tolls Greg, Shods send (Grab send) Om)S H08 Hsdsos* OSH 76 GOS Doren @88 Srtgeh Saigon (1858 08) Bin, CSF CE Beio Ens Sosdyorerch, poirows Sedod GorbS) od ¥os* AnggSnus Sore Dept ager Saint Sodaboe (1860 6) POSES Sno dx5 Ad Somer saya (562) 1876 & @8% aYmotw dd dgo oye Agfouir touted aySiool gOSawo SSSGGT BSBoisnh0a (1877 x08 1 S08) Sgbvorwro O46 aydto VAGCAS Beror (6 895) agp OHS TH SPI B 6oag oHS POHRS GH HsryS bord 839 6%) (O8x 08 aoy Totiorr dypth dingo aoNod (1824-26 So%) OSS art aspe aoyp soe BS rorom Stawmbagt (1852 &) ods IGS! dS ooyd? Sertoad DowSriio Frsofoarty (1880 x08) BG cogs PS ro age Byes Stoves (1885 &) wT Awolefgo dgpt eHoDd (1948 &) rele Bo geos smyoe maaioy Boe es <820%%) Qenogngs OR CS OBE Ce EG suo grates 2a@) — QPOp dowel .GmROC em,e olive L¥6T) BeGoya.e yoo: conn cag Rong Bede eat, 08 Poke goat, cde 61 ~ of its.e eat) nee ,sotos mhh.s ment off 9 61 - os Ales spat) hered goss URS ,ocd.a seas rol sag of ep 6t - 82 Gs eat oc Of efieresd WaucSssan Reacrece = of GG.s eae) BORE ME You: myo mac of se 00) Rowe ores: 2 poe Ger woces) evlos ggow ) couige eeuee: He aga We ,emoilios amogoloe ane Gee paagek: woos ence sates) PORE GPL SO CyoMHs? 2 Flog ons) GI6I - 080 Gis gat ee oGa) SReCIOMEE CHIME SIC Gy@E? Og ops eTet - of Ges eat - of Gis eput) gophers cSegesl Sack 2) Bao cporpendt oped) of ap t- obs Ghee ep) goug of se oSeqad) @ smopa Rhos Gamgaut ‘sas one 61 t - of Giles eaut) roamgaat Bag crop. BS DOS GaqrOdIOe op.8@) Of ag crop ena Saoge on coals agen athey mr - 08% Gs eau) goose one Bo) 9 ike ong seats mad speow + “0g ‘Grr ‘Shr LYP ‘OFF ‘be tH ad tH lr ‘OFF ‘een Ber ‘oer “98h @ SNOLLYSITENd Aas + 08 s quits opgaut opts mane olkey pep (606T - o%% blk.s eeut) ampO® corergiroc: Sacse ~ Gore maadivor egateped aka off ee (Tost - 08 G&s pou) -gogoe aStox 8: Gegpe .oore: gee H.0 ‘Slog of ep (tost ~ o& Gs seat) 8s abe SED Cae mmast Sue gone anceag (ote sekete) abs cee oxalk.s save pELotee oc (sest - of o&.s eau) eeceese cndkegose mae s8e ‘acgow opgz.c Qe RG FORDER o Sas Good ORE a (eg8t - 08 pec) of sam ae you c.n.cQng2 ‘manage sagSeogsoes ay cacole.s capse eotoey 4 @Se afc) gobe emma of a FORRSE on) ORG: SRS) cragereay fis) (eet -o8 oper) golkcerme guapoue O88: oorpeaat Ge yom: quoitioe sacs aR omed) ape ‘ss qogeos ampgotee of ae (e62t - o& Bc) gocogSe epoqatces ome B ste gee caw gorpens canoe ogice ge geos ops) offs a (9 S6LT) gogeqDE gogiios: ¢ OB opBat (0n88) 08s acqozoe 9) ‘eer ep Teh rag crag oaP ver edocs aoe sae mame alhey og.ed) of © (ease heyy Bowie auch soSed mp are ogg) of ampgoR gg (FLT 08m eeogoe Gr) goes crag fos: eos te BG, .o exh os (PeLT 08 ampgor gg) 8 ofc: 28 ge ogee Gated egg) (GyoSeg gone) care game alhey grachar Grppas (821 ape yoreSsue) Riresed opie yon PEG RE Geos ayolies conpene goles a Ber Tar ‘087 GIP PSSELS ayVo SaawrN& Siw So esHS2 SroYBoWPOd AYSooS Sho (1793 YS so) |. Smoot GES Iiretisiqnes Seronodso (ou? Ho¥ Sorption) Gow Lenireeg SOHO GSSODS sossgo (1919 Sezer) 1919 sept dvvoers roto $5y 4§) Borgo ari ehosy sirdwe dope erPoD, (1930, 81, 32 6) 1771 Soundod® SOKO aOR HemoerNS oSro eStore 608d (40) Kpsrrat Soros Seo, HOSYS, SArrrgyy SpSSraiwd esos odes. BSso ado ‘eobOchE aShimyY eh elses” oS Sof d8yS Done Tarvo As5ED Kew) 1943 & aso BSS So} LogDoded Gordo") DHE Hod OED Gedsho are sop baa Growot Sitabo dobmN8 oxy Sxy MSO ZS Beronoart (1883 08) ASOs wos Gory wows BYE SE, SarFmotmart Sphdrots srevio Besgho Erdsohow GER) 1880-84 satfg Sood? Sse Gsyvo MySrr SaQS Haw adder (eR OHS) Kotereo Sowa ss "ro wo Se Sonodsarto (Ep) DSdSE HOTS PSigin, Sigaye agorm Sod ehsrto Qsosro0s SOjotinboh (GED) 1905 & SodérSto atissvom eSo}oOS STS POO (@otorrgs 808) Borpotes®D D SO Widors AOwoe eso Gs SoiSso, Sorbo wesrh8) DH Sob Hdwoth HAG ors oroHore BoGe (1850) oye sven dey 1853 & dys SrvosHoe (Gowran) POSSI HrpKoE’ SD azpe Prsosgod (18458) 470. ATL. 472. 473. 478. 480. 481. 482. 483. 484. 485. 486. “6 epee B65 GoE Heo SobN” 1905 S asys howe ont 5) |. LSSLOS® Stier girot FHC Dd (eS Serge HBB Og so Bato) wae GIO wSDorwo Se Adio SSHor @ARFow08 (omy) 208 Berne Hh HES PIs yo (4 5) 28 Broso Stes? grdsd¥o 206 adage 2%) Basa (Krded eed) SHDE PSSSLE’ WAS Trohs, sod Soxyieso e Wasagsr (wawangrS od) 1772 WardnyrSordd Isys axyomrt Gorrend®) TASES Td Sompsio erat sys Aeysoane (8) 5, Darran od wtidh, GQodI ertiow des Ady Sane Gane) 1828 & “eam” sh hooNart (ParanzeSords) 1930 208 “pia” Ds nodarts (@&y Siresn) 18316 PADanEPSOE & Sntien HESE SHS Avat> O> (a) Amok, asddmow Bor qrAs'’s wSG0D smiica davodiareo (wardxgrSod) ramayiords 1833 & ayys Ssdowt (eorpowen OS &) HSorGos* oisy Stire war Soyer Roowtods (owrda (wresssjo8, sare) wore Oxy) Ssiratinw aestOs ot (BSSOor0, SkwWSS BoSMotaho Wainr, Horo wort) DSS SS HSTUE! PHoDS sSas Deygiook GDS Dey, ADS Sen WStyo SYR (sor80 Terre) 18758 Foerané® trotied Baar} BSeHYSo SAE wpSrirerd, Phodsartd (Ecirsod S88) KaPBS Solrsots SSS Isppe aos (1824 &) SREE PUBLICATIONS @ =—$—$$—$——$ ————————————_ #195 961¢@ goaoasore castap onpaRDOR OMICS: © 2 S82) GOGOgS osama GB, alos Bol Seats OCP Sosa Cy Qe SET Las: gua grou cs)enacenge cepGsac Bog: Ge BF PAQog) HOGER OMG anc ¢,comhidosie Deu 2Gee) ‘cpaacgfer ow ome Bh 2 watre) eee psa cog ee Tuecp er came (qpengaskareon-0) Se HOMO CHORAL AQchgtE® Yee EC oseseg) ae codes 2 goss we Gascony c,gaceal Sep pout RPO "BE "GRA GOR OAC S8e cs ots BRE GoreE ge pee seoee Domes olga anata Feared: osaee camp aNeteOeee gace Ganken puepa eve goone Ses) ye gies) re egoge Taamy Ge erg one, 2 Rlopogom) pee scone Bay wapempor, 16D) gogoge adhe erase ou.e ebdkeat Lagoa stubopa cpeguyan’ Q.esoge 2 Go9}0GD) meescoee Gop AYER, CEPY qDgae gtaanae Pose: Hoset Moon: qogae) eoewe ee gihghense goss seme = ospae) ce gan ahhe Wcgoge gtbge soca o.0gs8 eng sGe sine dos Sree anaes meowge gorges, Shae he grata + ‘61s ‘91g ‘g1g ‘pIg erg 19 TTg ‘Og ‘609 ‘809 "Log ‘03 NON C,OMOROR 4 (g oan) parolee op (geo oe) oe see SG aes chor gan gRrrasece ‘on,§ giao aamelemarser ‘acpOag (coxa gctga) canonse Tarte ouer on, ete acho oongtare: oles gut ghee ghpe (guaghgee gSane: oo) Reco CBBS SROMET Gow .SOKGe — LET (ge0 phe gay) uencogh okey pa Wagan ge ge goog guia, o cost (Seaqoos) © guahag donates gue gouge Spagna gosto geet: eat, (Segspoe) Re Reosaos: Quoe Rane qoNray Sag crosshead Tre pacpgloeerees (gt gtew gSxox gor sede) RRros arog: Banana: op pe oe geamutien cede mae ‘keteas Re coamglteenes (oxponere) pee SGoyossA ome gor. Gece. Tow opaERONy tae coppers olyopaae ge Gor hee QUOP ,POQUE UEC CPBOEe .O L68T (gece BGe20) g0%e ,ougna Gasodhy ge seq eee BY wou, Bagom segckos oteae se (sa20gn820) gescoge ogre Bho. 2 1681 (,g0gpae gus c.ogkeein c,gonge: Gases) RLGLOE aque sae gowrepare BSaro (o1peq ofSury pueuedecq) ue AVA (ans moses) Come cage somathteats Secs ‘psc! Tuer: (oases ‘soz,okkee @ ‘Aloe aug 1), Ge coeeStecese Prmobe wae ggoggesd) wepoeane (.G00NS acre) —canoarka,d Backakag @SNOILVOITENd 33auS + ge ‘coulre mane xtae aSnan roman + ‘€09 zo LOS ‘00g “66y ‘867 ‘96% e6r Zor 16h O6r “68h (1905) aEnys wd Joys wirysirarh CHB a SotirS wrtirts, 385 Sows) BBS art ‘Soro Vos” 9 wHS (Goiehots B53) ‘etysirno 7 8D - BOE fo 7 Sols" oD (ow onsord) ed “£r6S Dd SnGS AL” OHS WSsrbotiees) SSE DSow HSKeriien abbodowiart (orator 1x) SPU SESE THO Sarco AdSart (2Odbo 4S) ‘SoopOs” Sans (dower wrr5) 28% soad8o%, Fos Sorod® rssirs bBo Brerroto Dawyscts) Sotené “OES sohohS SPREAS” oS Koy BePeye’s Soto (1861) . “Sore SES wr Boxe ays Shoot owe) Boeroné® “sokdhS eMGbAs” Fhotiads Soudo (1852) SRE “oobcS et habas” 8 Soxs PHodsart (Boers B§) 1883, BRooS Sos! SSS PHOrP SotRS SHS SAAN o Doyo Shs (Boar B58) HdolSwrG BSG Gots SAIS APH" Depp denen dow (1885 &%on6) 1885 Shon 28 6 Moran S wOAS “erds erboh SOPs” Sdrdeds ooys Shrods He (@BE sow 88§) “g68 wha TORS” Qs Sivdem o d08* ed (GRon5) tS) who SORS arQy Sirdvo 1886 e a8ys e6A0d Cote &) wbS wbch ofS Sods Qs Sirdwns COGS Strodsarts (oogron TSS) mrcreron PELI DIA Hovsrd (cro 2.855 65 soko) 0, POS whic PODS Marts POS SirSso 250 542. 543. 559. 560. SREE PUBLICATIONS @ —_—$—— . SbsaPS SOO . RoBdian sees . OEE aotaie? ro % ORESS HWE wOAoH (HES oh) worpok & “aokdhS 63S) eFRGAS” OS Hox Rboasard (wroreran TSS) bd ba wofitee oS soff aaa Qh S73) SngQanss bch POT sabs Gado ony, (72) POS whch POTD Bnd et pit Ose (eng 8. B58) gOS bc SOAR weighs Strods sogo ast (BE os) SS wht TOPS 1891 & wegys Soros we (GrSiepo ssorPwO) aw 5, OS bcs ONKt Nardy tes aden (q@bbcine PSE ertirw OSH a8 NABoso) SOP HOSED Sosid alB Sossyro SoH SHO Hovde (EaSarb cored) (1885 08 1905) (1905 “08 1919) (1920-1947 88%) SRK Tdoten, Sh HOw D darairos* addy Stromdayd ©8ar6 SOB (FBS, SAYS, O55) Sard wobten IS (HSS Ses Seay, Haretyy pd, omeran Tie So) dst abt dst (oriorrss Be, oe onsaerds, D5 SoGHS Sx) . BOO dap aSBrbadiy Eboorc (1896 &) waPS dugpt Sap £20006 (1905 &) 5. BorrSk 1905 6 Dgsod SONS Aesth asst (oS 885) wagi 28 Gord) 9 Bird Cteyvros 1906 & “SohS> OF” awSoo (Mos Sd) Sodsirad atigino HOSorr aroviorryS Ge % Digpt Gedsyo NeyyoGodod (1908 €) 1909 6° Dede Giedipo LETQOES Soiaos Dihoertd (oo® - KxZ, SoxySeoen) 4197 gouer sac CADO:S .9 OZ6T COREL QuIgo LIONS WOssgaBEE SQAZoBW erie: ep goghe «pom soge) Re 9.00) munome Gunthe sages ganoghenerg: tga epee SI LGR ve Zgcp OLORRQE tee G up Seeg (OS O60 Sx) Bo8dhS Said o6,9 FOr Hhodsirw (oS Sx6 25 SreShoh) ddwod? ay ptbcinod® Ob)65 ‘sodabS ao8BoBs bi Jog Anky Sirdvo Isys ai6Ao8 (oxoe8) 19146 wer Soj6s"S YAS Sosfan osh Hod ore does (eo) 1943 @Rfath 21 wor SoSES wssdes SREE PUBLICATIONS ¢6- ———————————_ 4201 aoe LST eaeeo 2O% ‘goo: asec Bia) He gow lac a ct ape: woken, 32 961) cod sgonkne after se gageree cog mtac Bhesed sangae oyohe.c eg@ snepend oc 0@) care gloa: aunyeke epst OOFET D BORE cae Gpgad uospete gor meg adee awe gy cates) ego mon Ley HOGS: pe comern ag ceAine) tRas goRe URE Le Fxg show «2 Caeeow) acon eae Foe dee = eT Sale you 9 Sale LET) gozang mune dike gorodote Re gone Ga cesioe aoe ake erage eacdine guuac) Glos ) Bors.cog ge satee wothnos: anasiop cuag- tong wessas) eeenoniee ONO Cpeactace) BG owey oacten) sree oxthe ang-eug gous Heer aucmthnon eqaton nos bog Seer Sezoy) es) ast qemoe hee 8k WARES oomeinwoRAR SHE =70,) 00,8 Sage’ coke Egkror gowe wBaas crouor caste age woken adie Pocsskeerse Gat oa.s aioe auag-eung 1 G2 Ee ge peo Se Bsa, 4 PPL "eh ‘Ch Teh ‘OL GEL Bel “Leh ‘082 ——= # SNOLLVOITENd 3auS @ StuROR Yrccgmar srqDE Ie gue sie (98s 903) RERQOGe Hews ooge cqowgue, gickae abe be nize (GenmpeBovoae Sega) ase Selh.s ate amos Geoegoa (G0¥% Se0.8) oxaw he tbo gee cos soe ams once ogeaegore Bho emcee Ste © LOGT (gece ce) neeegogad auytae Saqed) pean Bovoue Segu (gevoacstare) AEC SLE owas wile hace ‘pos (Go domen ,goos ale oemmpor. * (Rameeses) goder ackgs gofke Ss canny opectpor mbSne gan gone 1 (Gaaslopassn) Rog sug ook omng oor: spate tom ge ac: gator concetitac (2061) gnoghhs aoe exec) Sloe gedos seg ode (gies ephy gouge ecto aioe Inkiedler es sDeaszos: ade ¢ Hagan efye onmempor gmee « Cxotragoe 20.8) ase AGOGO) wes eG, séle Tar opgean aaes) (oxna0g) coaige sii cape Soe goss Dele ovest (goekegace) owes Bae expe: Toe qos Sele pest (,9eee90KN) cowige sac ge: Hou GOO. Deh zest ( 681) gore tke glows Saekh gogo) dow (crasoae One ee) cpeeergooe® Oocrg CAR soFe GecEteE .o s8BT (G® Seer@ seams) BRC AaEE s80 he olge oomp gapgoe g,echoe qate: (@ PFET) gogogSer cde Gane Sass Repeoud 9. gous gm 7 (getewor) uapeGac vac Whege®) sates “GOL BEL “LBL Berks Ryfo Toe HSE asod (Fol PHS) Sear HSSeQ ots 145 85 ‘s08d5 chrhabS - 384 DgEiy O So Esto 1947 SYS AqBoigo Wsowes (1947 0 seo) DS BRIS BOMASL0S* eaenE ssSsos® 850 wancd (oparsé Saran) Porth sokosS chrNabSs® ObSso Devotrts (SDB sey) Bwotbarén Babdrr (ol Gedo (1948 a6) SPoARBavch olSarrrS grUsSS0S* dxypr DDSo womoh (996°) Wares x08 (195488) THEPSNE, PSO rowan Pty! efoioh ORAS ah) osviiriso (@8 dgrSo) Fare? Dgpth Saypier acigsbo wood (19558*) Ravi grdS pltheo SESGED sohahS GarNad Se’ Agpt SOS (1961 BHonbS*) BLS rr0hdd agp HS'oyS ‘wrGwrorrGy Dept Se Sod (1948 e838 30) Hos gUPA’ cremporio Erde Dspe HE S008, (1949 SSon56*) dsp gdsddo Siwes Gararyey S¥orr GréroBoo (1950 es0 26) dard 18976 O85 atom (28a EO SOES ) Berd sorpotd® Seen sb (@.5.05) asp ded SofS Sirdeos ed gcorr ADE (1938, 396) dard Dp DErS GSrtiod! Hidorrv (19456*) 1869 wierd 28 rrob D8 ahyorrt (MarSE*D BSDos5S*) rroG Sol& SdoS08 rPoG ISyA¥ys Garvie Bode (8%, FEm0056) BkewrGe ob robs dap wssdsor Bon son (9156°) a & 786. 787. 788. QS. HESS wes: Soo BS S\Sorr ethetooenanto (GSP EOS Sr) edsrberd Serr agpt ator (1889 i0a8 145) ). aisrGerd Surrt DapwrQ, Dod obo ESRAE OF Seotiainsarth DEMS soGorroh dspt e&joD0h (1917 S005 19%) Kitch Doss agsnos® SErHorh Seer Ode Gadao dxpt AgjoGodoH (19218*) Bio DHpe MsBoart (1964 & 275) rangois SONS wripioeo JS SEWN SSoRS aons*Q, (prck 6. er8) (eran Wo SPS) oregon oodronce Sane! weit (GEE D.sB.60845) BdB¥o SSELS De-1x Spt Nyrodos (19618*) POSE Sombie 600 TERT TRS SiO QoIP oH Sd 845) KGS Sodprow mobos carNadSe OSS SS QSEE SeyIod (6eg6 Sqerdisss) AnBoS yp Asyorr Bod rwogoars (wego%) DQNSS OAK HEHE as5S (HFSS BS) POS beh SONS Gis sérd¥o ars 3G OUYBS 85 Oho (@oero») GanS Scpoerh SoD aro (worerd T5'S) RGAE acgirdy Oegro (axtog) 3. FS PSS wSSeO PAODS Soxseyto (1897) aed& - afGrbdirs 2Oh08 (1896) 5 dingo Dspeso . BOPS Adade GOQsS GrsoHods ariysbo Bodsirs8o atigeioo) Bord HA6 SSS Popo Sonindds 8 @2.od) Eubbeo OSH wO8 HpBdsorr HBS adigsvo @ors5) BagEN Sirao Gers SOyOdo DKS God (otiair5) SREE PUBLICATIONS ¢—$$—_—_—__—_—__—__———<§£ ¢203¢

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