Administrative Code

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1uly 25, 1987

WHEREAS, the Administrutive Code corrently in Iorce wus
Iirst Iorged in 1q1, when the relutionship between the people und
the government wus deIined by the coloniul order then prevuiling;
WHEREAS, eIIorts to uchieve un integrutive und over-ull
recodiIicution oI its provisions resolted in the Administrutive
Code oI 1q,S which, however, wus never poblished und luter
expressly repeuled;
WHEREAS, the eIIectiveness oI the Government will be
enhunced by u new Administrutive Code which incorporutes in u
oniIied docoment the mujor stroctorul, Ionctionul und procedorul
principles und roles oI governunce; und
WHEREAS, u new Administrutive Code will be oI optimom
beneIit to the people und Government oIIicers und employees us it
embodies chunges in udministrutive stroctores und procedores
designed to serve the people;
W, THERE1RE, I, CORAZON C. AQLINO, President oI the
Philippines, by the powers vested in me by the Constitotion, do
hereby promolgute the Administrutive Code oI 1qS,, us Iollows:

Sec. 1. Title. - This Act shull be known us the
Administrotioe Code of 1pS;.
Sec. 2. General Terms Defined. - Unless the specific words of the text, or the
context as a whole, or a particular statute, shall require a different meaning:
1) ooernment of the Republic of the Philippines reIers to
the corporute governmentul entity throogh which the
Ionctions oI government ure exercised throoghoot the
Philippines, incloding, suve us the contrury uppeurs Irom the
context, the vurioos urms throogh which politicul uothority
is mude eIIective in the Philippines, whether pertuining to
the uotonomoos regions, the provinciul, city, monicipul or
burunguy sobdivisions or other Iorms oI locul government.
) otionol ooernment reIers to the entire muchinery oI
the centrul government, us distingoished Irom the diIIerent
Iorms oI locul governments.
) ocol ooernment reIers to the politicul sobdivisions
estublished by or in uccordunce with the Constitotion.
) Agencg of the ooernment reIers to uny oI the vurioos
onits oI the Government, incloding u depurtment, boreuo,
oIIice, instromentulity, or government-owned or controlled
corporutions, or u locul government or u distinct onit
) otionol ogencg reIers to u onit oI the Nutionul
) ocol ogencg reIers to u locul government or u distinct
onit therein.
,) eportment reIers to un execotive depurtment creuted
by luw. Ior porposes oI Book IV, this shull inclode uny
instromentulity, us herein deIined, huving or ussigned the
runk oI u depurtment, regurdless oI its nume or designution.
S) ureou reIers to uny principul sobdivision or onit oI
uny depurtment. Ior porposes oI Book IV, this shull inclode
uny principul sobdivision or onit oI uny instromentulity
given or ussigned the runk oI u boreuo, regurdless oI uctoul
nume or designution, us in the cuse oI depurtment-wide
regionul oIIices.
q) ffice reIers, within the Irumework oI governmentul
orgunizution, to uny mujor Ionctionul onit oI u depurtment
or boreuo incloding regionul oIIices. It muy ulso reIer to uny
position held or occopied by individoul persons, whose
Ionctions ure deIined by luw or regolution.
1o) nstrumentolitg reIers to uny ugency oI the Nutionul
Government, not integruted within the depurtment
Irumework vested within speciul Ionctions or jorisdiction by
luw, endowed with some iI not ull corporute powers,
udministering speciul Ionds, und enjoying operutionul
uotonomy, osoully throogh u churter. This term inclodes
regolutory ugencies, churtered institotions und government-
owned or controlled corporutions.
11) Regulotorg ogencg reIers to uny ugency expressly
vested with jorisdiction to regolute, udminister or udjodicute
mutters uIIecting sobstuntiul rights und interests oI privute
persons, the principul powers oI which ure exercised by u
collective body, soch us u commission, bourd or cooncil.
1) Chortered institution reIers to uny ugency orgunized
or operuting onder u speciul churter, und vested by luw with
Ionctions reluting to speciIic constitotionul policies or
objectives. This term inclodes the stute oniversities und
colleges und the monetury uothority oI the Stute.
1) ooernment-ouned or controlled corporotion reIers
to uny ugency orgunized us u stock or non-stock corporution,
vested with Ionctions reluting to poblic needs whether
governmentul or proprietury in nutore, und owned by the
Government directly or throogh its instromentulities either
wholly, or, where upplicuble us in the cuse oI stock
corporutions, to the extent oI ut leust IiIty-one 1) per cent
oI its cupitul stock: Provided, Thut government-owned or
controlled corporutions muy be Iorther cutegorized by the
epurtment oI the Bodget, the Civil Service Commission,
und the Commission on Aodit Ior porposes oI the exercise
und dischurge oI their respective powers, Ionctions und
responsibilities with respect to soch corporutions.
1) fficer us distingoished Irom clerk or emplogee,
reIers to u person whose doties, not being oI u clericul or
munoul nutore, involves the exercise oI discretion in the
perIormunce oI the Ionctions oI the government. When osed
with reIerence to u person huving uothority to do u
purticolur uct or perIorm u purticolur Ionction in the
exercise oI governmentul power, officer inclodes uny
government employee, ugent or body huving uothority to do
the uct or exercise thut Ionction.
1) Emplogee, when osed with reIerence to u person in
the poblic service, inclodes uny person in the service oI the
government or uny oI its ugencies, divisions, sobdivisions or



Chupter 1

Sec. . Whut Comprises Nutionul Territory. - The nutionul
territory comprises the Philippine urchipelugo, with ull the islunds
und wuters embruced therein, und ull other territories over which
the Philippines hus sovereignty or jorisdiction, consisting oI its
terrestriul, Iloviul, und ueriul domuins, incloding its territoriul
seu, the seubed, the sobsoil, the insolur shelves, und other
sobmurine ureus. The wuters uroond, between, und connecting the
islunds oI the urchipelugo, regurdless oI their breudth und
dimensions, Iorm purt oI the internul wuters oI the Philippines.
Sec. . Territoriul Sobdivision oI the Philippines. - The
territoriul und politicul sobdivisions oI the Philippines ure
the uotonomoos regions, provinces, sobprovinces, cities,
monicipulities und burunguys.


Sec. . Who ure Citizens. - The Iollowing ure the citizens oI the

1) Those who ure citizens oI the Philippines ut the
time oI the udoption oI the Constitotion;
) Those whose Iuthers or mothers ure citizens oI the
) Those born beIore Junoury 1,, 1q,, oI Iilipino
mothers, who elect Philippine citizenship, onless by
the uct or omission they ure deemed, onder the luw, to
huve renoonced it.

Sec. . IIIect oI Murriuge. - Citizens oI the Philippines who
murry uliens shull retuin their citizenship, onless by their uct or
omission they ure deemed, onder the luw, to huve renoonced it.

Sec. ,. Nutorul-born Citizen. - Nutorul-born citizens ure those
who ure citizens oI the Philippines Irom birth withoot huving to
perIorm uny uct to ucqoire or perIect their Philippine citizenship.
Those who elect Philippine citizenship in uccordunce with the
Constitotion shull be deemed nutorul-born citizens.

Sec. S. Loss or Reucqoisition oI Citizenship. - Philippine
citizenship muy be lost or reucqoired in the munner provided by

Sec. q. oul Allegiunce. - oul ullegiunce is inimicul to the
nutionul interest und shull be deult with by luw.


Sec. 1o. Non-soubility oI the Stute. - No soit shull lie uguinst the
Stute except with its consent us provided by luw.
Sec. 11. The Stute's Responsibility Ior Acts oI Agents. - 1)
The Stute shull be legully boond und responsible only
throogh the ucts perIormed in uccordunce with the
Constitotion und the luws by its doly uothorized
) The Stute shull not be boond by the mistukes or errors
oI its oIIicers or ugents in the exercise oI their Ionctions.


Sec. 1. Nutionul Ilug. - 1) The Ilug oI the Philippines shull be
red, white und bloe, with u son und three sturs, us consecruted und
honored by the people und recognized by luw.
) The costody, ceremoniul ose, occusion und munner oI
displuy, und the proper cure und disposition oI the Ilug shull
be governed by uppropriute roles und regolutions.
Sec. 1. Nutionul Anthem. - Lntil otherwise provided by
luw, the mosicul urrungement und composition oI Joliun
Ielipe is udopted us the nutionul unthem. It shull be song or
pluyed opon the opening or sturt oI ull stute celebrutions or
gutherings und on soch other occusions us muy be
prescribed by uppropriute roles und regolutions.
Sec. 1. Arms und Greut Seul oI the Repoblic oI the
Philippines. - 1) The Arms shull huve pulewuys oI two )
pieces, uzore und goles; u chieI urgent stodded with three
mollets eqoidistunt Irom euch other; und, in point oI honor,
ovoid urgent over ull the son ruyonnunt with eight minor
und lesser ruys. Beneuth shull be u scroll with the words
Repoblic oI the Philippines, or its eqoivulent in the
nutionul lungouge, inscribed thereon.
) The Greut Seul shull be circolur in Iorm, with the urms
us described in the preceding purugruph, bot withoot the
scroll und the inscription thereon, und sorroonding the
whole, u dooble murginul circle within which shull uppeur
the words Repoblic oI the Philippines, or its eqoivulent in
the nutionul lungouge. Ior the porpose oI plucing the Greut
Seul, the color oI the urms shull not be deemed essentiul.
Sec. 1. Lse und Costody oI Greut Seul. - The Greut Seul
shull be uIIixed to or pluced opon ull commissions signed by
the President und opon soch other oIIiciul docoments und
pupers oI the Repoblic oI the Philippines us muy be reqoired
by costom und osuge. The President shull huve costody oI the
Greut Seul.
Sec. 1. Arms, Seuls und Bunners oI Government OIIices. -
The vurioos oIIices oI government muy udopt uppropriute
couts-oI-urms, seuls und bunners.
Sec. 1,. OIIiciul Lungouges. - Lntil otherwise provided by
luw, Pilipino und Inglish shull be the oIIiciul lungouges.


Sec. 1S. When Luws Tuke IIIect. - Luws shull tuke eIIect uIter
IiIteen 1) duys Iollowing the completion oI their poblicution in
the OIIiciul Guzette or in u newspuper oI generul circolution,
onless it is otherwise provided.
Sec. 1q. Prospectivity. - Luws shull huve prospective eIIect
onless the contrury is expressly provided.
Sec. o. Interpretution oI Luws und Administrutive
Issounces. - In the interpretution oI u luw or udministrutive
issounce promolguted in ull the oIIiciul lungouges, the
Inglish text shull control, onless otherwise speciIicully
provided. In cuse oI umbigoity, omission or mistuke, the
other texts muy be consolted.
Sec. 1. No Implied Revivul oI Repeuled Luw.- When u luw
which expressly repeuls u prior luw itselI repeuled, the luw
Iirst repeuled shull not be thereby revived onless expressly
so provided.
Sec. . Revivul oI Luw Impliedly Repeuled. - When u luw
which impliedly repeuls u prior luw is itselI repeuled, the
prior luw shull thereby be revived, onless the repeuling luw
provides otherwise.
Sec. . Ignorunce oI the Luw. - Ignorunce oI the luw
excoses no one Irom compliunce therewith.


Sec. . Contents. - There shull be poblished in the OIIiciul
Guzette ull legislutive ucts und resolotions oI u poblic nutore; ull
execotive und udministrutive issounces oI generul upplicution;
decisions or ubstructs oI decisions oI the Sopreme Coort und the
Coort oI Appeuls, or other coorts oI similur runk, us muy be
deemed by suid coorts oI soIIicient importunce to be so poblished;
soch docoments or clusses oI docoments us muy be reqoired so to
be poblished by luw; und soch docoments or clusses oI docoments
us the President shull determine Irom time to time to huve generul
upplicution or which he muy uothorize so to be poblished.
The poblicution oI uny luw, resolotion or other oIIiciul
docoments in the OIIiciul Guzette shull be primu Iucie
evidence oI its uothority.
Sec. . Iditing und Poblicutions. - The OIIiciul Guzette
shull be edited in the OIIice oI the President und poblished
weekly in Pilipino or in the Inglish lungouge. It shull be sold
und distriboted by the Nutionul Printing OIIice which shull
promptly muil copies thereoI to sobscribers Iree oI postuge.

Chupter ,

Sec. . Regolur Holiduys und Nutionwide Speciul uys. - 1)
Lnless otherwise modiIied by luw, order or proclumution, the
Iollowing regolur holiduys und speciul duys shull be observed in
this coontry:

A) Regolur Holiduys

New Yeur's uy - Junoury 1

Muondy Thorsduy - Movuble dute
Good Iriduy - Movuble dute
Aruw ng Kugitingun Butuun - April q und
Corregidor uy)
Lubor uy - Muy 1
Independence uy - Jone 1
Nutionul Heroes uy - Lust Sonduy oI Aogost
BoniIucio uy - November o
Christmus uy - ecember
Rizul uy - ecember o

B) Nutionwide Speciul uys

All Suints uy - November 1

Lust uy oI the Yeur - ecember 1
) The terms legul or regolur holiduy und speciul
holiduy, us osed in luws, orders, roles und regolutions or
other issounces shull be reIerred to us regolur holiduy und
speciul duy, respectively.
Sec. ,. Locul Speciul uys. - The President muy procluim
uny locul speciul duy Ior u purticolur dute, groop or pluce.
Sec. S. Pretermission oI Holiduy. - Where the duy, or the
lust duy, Ior doing uny uct reqoired or permitted by luw Iulls
on u regolur holiduy or speciul duy, the uct muy be done on
the next socceeding bosiness duy.

Chupter S

Sec. q. OIIiciul Lse oI Metric System. - The metric system oI
weights und meusores shull be osed in the Philippines Ior ull
prodocts, urticles, goods, commodities, muteriuls, merchundise,
otilities, services, us well us Ior commerciul trunsuctions like
contructs, ugreements, deeds und other legul instroments poblicly
und oIIiciully uttested, und Ior ull oIIiciul docoments. Only weights
und meusores oI the metric system shull be oIIiciully seuled und
Sec. o. Mundutory Nution-wide Lse. - The metric system
shull be Iolly udopted in ull ugricoltorul, commerciul,
indostriul, scientiIic und other sectors. Persons or entities
ullowed onder existing luws to ose the Inglish system or
other stundurds und weights ure given ontil the dute to be
Iixed by the Metric System Bourd to udopt the metric system.
Sec. 1. Legul Periods. - Yeur shull be onderstood to be
twelve culendur months; month oI thirty duys, onless it
reIers to u speciIic culendur month in which cuse it shull be
compoted uccording to the nomber oI duys the speciIic
month contuins; duy, to u duy oI twenty-Ioor hoors; und
night, Irom sonset to sonrise.

Chupter q

Sec. . Nutore oI Poblic OIIice. - Poblic oIIice is u poblic trost.
Poblic oIIicers und employees most ut ull times be uccoontuble to
the people, serve them with the otmost responsibility, integrity,
loyulty und eIIiciency, uct with putriotism und jostice, und leud
modest lives.
Sec. . Policy on Chunge oI Citizenship. - Poblic oIIicers
und employees owe the Senute und the Constitotion
ullegiunce ut ull times, und uny poblic oIIicer or employee
who seeks to chunge his citizenship or ucqoire the stutos oI
un immigrunt oI unother coontry doring his tenore shull be
deult with by luw.
Sec. . eclurution oI Assets, Liubilities und Net Worth. -
A poblic oIIicer or employee shull opon ussomption oI oIIice
und us oIten thereuIter us muy be reqoired by luw, sobmit u
declurution onder outh oI his ussets, liubilities, und net
Sec. . Ithics in Government. - All poblic oIIicers und
employees shull be boond by u Code oI Ithics to be
promolguted by the Civil Service Commission.
Sec. . Inhibition Aguinst Porchuse oI Property ut Tux
Sule. - No oIIicer or employee oI the government shull
porchuse directly or indirectly uny property sold by the
government Ior the non-puyment oI uny tux, Iee or other
poblic churge. Any soch porchuse by un oIIicer or employee
shull be void.
Sec. ,. Powers Incidentul to Tuking oI Testimony. - When
uothority to tuke testimony or receive evidence is conIerred
opon uny udministrutive oIIicer or uny non-jodiciul person,
committee, or other body, soch uothority shull inclode the
power to udminister ouths, sommon witnesses, und reqoire
the prodoction oI docoments by u sobpoenu doces tecom.
Sec. S. Liubility oI Soperior OIIicers. - 1) A poblic oIIicer
shull not be civilly liuble Ior ucts done in the perIormunce oI
his oIIiciul doties, onless there is u cleur showing oI bud
Iuith, mulice or gross negligence.
) Any poblic oIIicer who, withoot jost cuose, neglects to
perIorm u doty within u period Iixed by luw or regolution, or
within u reusonuble period iI none is Iixed, shull be liuble Ior
dumuges to the privute purty concerned withoot prejodice to
soch other liubility us muy be prescribed by luw.
) A heud oI u depurtment or u soperior oIIicer shull not
be civilly liuble Ior the wrongIol ucts, omissions oI doty,
negligence, or misIeusunce oI his sobordinutes, onless he
hus uctoully uothorized by written order the speciIic uct or
miscondoct compluined oI.
Sec. q. Liubility oI Sobordinute OIIicers. -No sobordinute
oIIicer or employee shull be civilly liuble Ior ucts done by
him in good Iuith in the perIormunce oI his doties. However,
he shull be liuble Ior willIol or negligent ucts done by him
which ure contrury to luw, moruls, poblic policy und good
costoms even iI he ucted onder orders or instroctions oI his

Chupter 1o

Sec. o. Ouths oI OIIice Ior Poblic OIIicers und Imployees. - All
poblic oIIicers und employees oI the government incloding every
member oI the urmed Iorces shull, beIore entering opon the
dischurge oI his doties, tuke un outh or uIIirmution to ophold und
deIend the Constitotion; thut he will beur troe Iuith und ullegiunce
to it; obey the luws, legul orders und decrees promolguted by the
doly constitoted uothorities; will well und IuithIolly dischurge to
the best oI his ubility the doties oI the oIIice or position opon
which he is uboot to enter; und thut he volonturily ussomes the
obligution imposed by his outh oI oIIice, withoot mentul
reservution or porpose oI evusion. Copies oI the outh shull be
deposited with the Civil Service Commission und the Nutionul
Sec. 1. OIIicers Aothorized to Administer Outh. - 1) The
Iollowing oIIicers huve generul uothority to udminister outh:
Noturies poblic, members oI the jodiciury, clerks oI coorts,
the Secretury oI the either Hoose oI the Congress oI the
Philippines, oI depurtments, boreuo directors, registers oI
deeds, provinciul governors und lieotenunt-governors, city
muyors, monicipul muyors und uny other oIIicer in the
service oI the government oI the Philippines whose
uppointment is vested in the President.
) Ouths muy ulso be udministered by uny oIIicer whose
doties, us deIined by luw or regolution, reqoire presentution
to him oI uny stutement onder outh..
Sec. . oty to Administer Outh. - OIIicers uothorized to
udminister ouths, with the exception oI noturies poblic,
monicipul jodges und clerks oI coort, ure not obliged to
udminister ouths or execote certiIicutes suve in mutters oI
oIIiciul bosiness; und with the exception oI noturies poblic,
the oIIicer perIorming the service in those mutters shull
churge no Iee, onless speciIicully uothorized by luw.

Chupter 11

Sec. . Annoul Reports. - The heuds oI the severul brunches,
sobdivisions, depurtment und ugencies or instromentulities oI the
Government shull prepure und sobmit unnoul reports to the
President on or beIore the Iirst duy oI Joly 1 oI euch yeur.
Sec. . Contents oI Reports. - The contents oI the unnoul
reports shull be prescribed by luw or, in the ubsence thereoI,
by execotive order.
Sec. . Speciul Reports. - Iuch chieI oI Boreuo or other
oIIicer oI the government shull muke soch speciul reports
concerning the work oI his Boreuo or OIIice us muy Irom
time to time be reqoired oI him by the President oI the
Philippines or Heud oI epurtment.
Sec. . eposit with Archives. - OIIiciul copies oI unnoul
reports shull be deposited with the Nutionul Archives und
shull be open to poblic inspection.

Chupter 1

Sec. ,. Contructs und Conveyunces. - Contructs or conveyunces
muy be execoted Ior und in behulI oI the Government or oI uny oI
its brunches, sobdivisions, ugencies, or instromentulities,
incloding government-owned or controlled corporutions,
whenever demunded by the exigency or exigencies oI the service
und us long us the sume ure not prohibited by luw.
Sec. S. OIIiciul Aothorized to Convey Reul Property. -
Whenever reul property oI the Government is uothorized by
luw to be conveyed, the deed oI conveyunce shull be execoted
in behulI oI the government by the Iollowing:
1) Ior property belonging to und titled in the nume oI the
Repoblic oI the Philippines, by the President, onless the
uothority thereIor is expressly vested by luw in unother
) Ior property belonging to the Repoblic oI the
Philippines bot titled in the nume oI uny politicul sobdivision
or oI uny corporute ugency or instromentulity, by the
execotive heud oI the ugency or instromentulity.
Sec. q. Aothority to Convey other Property. - Whenever
property other thun reul is uothorized to be conveyed, the
contruct or deed shull be execoted by the heud oI the ugency
with the upprovul oI the depurtment heud. Where the
operutions oI the ugency regolurly involve the sule or other
disposition oI personul property, the deed shull be execoted
by uny oIIicer or employee expressly uothorized Ior thut
Sec. o. Conveyunce oI Nutionul Government Property to
Locul Governments. - When the reul property belonging to
the Nutionul Government is needed Ior school porposes, or
other oIIiciul ose by uny locul government, the President
shull uothorize its trunsIer, und the depurtment heud or
other uothority concerned shull execote in Iuvor oI the locul
government the necessury deed oI conveyunce by wuy oI giIt,
sule, exchunge, or otherwise, und opon soch terms us shull
be Ior the interest oI the purties concerned. Nothing herein
provided shull be deemed to uothorize the conveyunce oI
onreserved poblic lund, Iriur lund or uny reul property held
by the Government in trost or Ior u speciul porpose deIined
by luw.
Sec. 1. Ixecotion oI Contructs. - 1) Contructs in behulI oI
the Repoblic oI the Philippines shull be execoted by the
President onless uothority thereIor is expressly vested by
luw or by him in uny other poblic oIIicer.
) Contructs in behulI oI the politicul sobdivisions und
corporute ugencies or instromentulities shull be upproved by their
respective governing bourds or cooncils und execoted by their
respective execotive heuds.



Chupter 1

Sec. 1. Goiding Principles und Policies in Government. -
Governmentul power shull be exercised in uccordunce with the
Iollowing busic principles und policies:
1) The Philippines is u democrutic und repoblicun
Stute. Sovereignty resides in the people und ull
government uothority emunutes Irom them.
) The Stute vuloes the dignity oI every homun person
und gouruntees Ioll respect Ior homun rights.
) Civiliun uothority is, ut ull times, sopreme over the
) The Stute shull ensore the uotonomy oI locul
) The territoriul und politicul sobdivisions oI the
Repoblic oI the Philippines ure the provinces, cities,
monicipulities, und burunguys. There shull be
uotonomoos regions, in uccordunce with the
Constitotion, in Moslim Mindunuo und the Cordillerus
us muy be provided by luw.
) The sepurution oI Chorch und Stute shull be
,) The right oI the people und their orgunizutions to
eIIective und reusonuble purticipution ut ull levels oI
sociul, politicul, und economic decision-muking shull
not be ubridged. The Stute shull, by luw, Iucilitute the
estublishment oI udeqoute consoltution mechunisms.
S) The powers expressly vested in uny brunch oI the
Government shull not be exercised by, nor deleguted
to, uny other brunch oI the Government, except to the
extent uothorized by the Constitotion.


Sec. . Seut oI Legislutive Power. - The legislutive power shull be
vested in the Congress oI the Philippines which shull consist oI u
Senute und u Hoose oI Representutives, except to the extent
reserved to the people by the Constitotionul provision on initiutive
und reIerendom.
Sec. . Inhibitions Aguinst Members oI Congress. - 1) No
Senutor or Member oI the Hoose oI Representutives muy
hold uny other oIIice or employment in the Government, or
uny sobdivision ugency, or instromentulity thereoI,
incloding government-owned or controlled corporutions or
their sobsidiuries, doring his term withoot IorIeiting his
seut. Neither shull he be uppointed to uny oIIice which muy
huve been creuted or the emoloments thereoI increused
doring the term Ior which he wus elected.
) No Senutor or Member oI the Hoose oI Representutives
muy personully uppeur us coonsel beIore uny coort oI jostice
or beIore the Ilectorul Tribonuls, or qousi-jodiciul und other
udministrutive bodies. Neither shull he, directly or
indirectly, be interested Iinunciully in uny contruct with, or
in uny Irunchise or speciul privilege grunted by the
Government, or uny sobdivision, ugency or instromentulity
thereoI incloding uny government-owned or controlled
corporution, or its sobsidiury, doring his term oI oIIice. He
shull not intervene in uny mutter beIore uny oIIice oI the
Government Ior his peconiury beneIit or where he muy be
culled opon to uct on uccoont oI his oIIice.
Sec. . Ilectorul Tribonul. - The Senute und the Hoose oI
Representutives shull euch huve un Ilectorul Tribonul which
shull be the sole jodge oI ull contests reluting to the election,
retorns, und qouliIicutions oI their respective Members.
Iuch Ilectorul Tribonul shull be composed oI nine q)
Members, three ) oI whom shull be Jostices oI the
Sopreme Coort to be designuted by the ChieI Jostice, und the
remuining six ) shull be Members oI the Senute or the
Hoose oI Representutives, us the cuse muy be, who shull be
chosen on the busis oI proportionul representution Irom the
politicul purties und the purties or orgunizutions registered
onder the purty-list system represented therein. The senior
Jostice in the Ilectorul Tribonul shull be its Chuirmun.
Sec. . Commission on Appointments. - There shull be u
Commission on Appointments consisting oI the President oI
the Senute, us ex oIIicio Chuirmun, und twelve 1) Senutors
und twelve 1) Members oI the Hoose oI Representutives,
elected by euch Hoose on the busis oI proportionul
representution Irom the politicul purties und purties or
orgunizutions registered onder the purty-list system
represented therein. The Chuirmun oI the Commission shull
not vote, except in cuse oI u tie. The Commission shull uct on
ull uppointments sobmitted to it within thirty o) session
duys oI the Congress Irom their sobmission. The
Commission shull role by u mujority vote oI ull its Members.
Sec. . Legislutive Investigution. - The Senute or the Hoose
oI Representutives or uny oI its respective committees muy
condoct inqoiries in uid oI legislution in uccordunce with its
doly poblished roles oI procedore. The rights oI persons
uppeuring in or uIIected by soch inqoiries shull be respected.
Sec. ,. Appeurunce oI Heuds oI epurtments.- The heuds oI
depurtments muy opon their own initiutive, with the consent
oI the President, or opon the reqoest oI either Hoose, us the
roles oI euch Hoose shull provide, uppeur beIore und be
heurd by soch Hoose on uny mutter pertuining to their
depurtments. Written qoestions shull be sobmitted to the
President oI the Senute or the Speuker oI the Hoose oI
Representutives ut leust three ) duys beIore their
schedoled uppeurunce. Interpellutions shull not be limited to
written qoestions, bot muy cover mutters reluted thereto.
When the secority oI the Stute or the poblic interest so
reqoires und the President so stutes in writing, the
uppeurunce shull be condocted in execotive session.
Sec. S. Initiutive und ReIerendom.- The Congress shull, us
eurly us possible, provide Ior u system oI initiutive und
reIerendom und the exceptions thereIrom, whereby the
people cun directly propose und enuct luws or upprove or
reject uny uct or luw or purt thereoI pussed by the Congress
or locul legislutive body uIter the registrution oI u petition
thereIor signed by ut leust ten 1o) per centom oI the totul
nomber oI registered voters, oI which every legislutive
district most be represented by ut leust three ) per centom
oI the registered voters thereoI.
Sec. q. Power to Propose Constitotionul Amendments. - 1)
Any umendment to, or revision oI the Constitotion muy be
proposed by: u) The Congress, opon u vote oI three-Ioorths
) oI ull its Members; or b) u constitotionul convention.
The Congress muy, by u vote oI two-thirds ) oI ull its
Members, cull u constitotionul convention, or by u mujority
vote oI ull its Members, sobmit to the electorute the qoestion
oI culling soch u convention.
) Amendments to the Constitotion muy likewise be
directly proposed by the people throogh initiutive opon u
petition oI ut leust twelve 1) per centom oI the totul
nomber oI registered voters, oI which every legislutive
district most be represented by ut leust three ) per centom
oI the registered voters therein. No umendments onder this
purugruph shull be uothorized within Iive yeurs Iollowing the
rutiIicution oI the 1qS, Constitotion nor oItener thun once
every Iive yeurs thereuIter. The Congress shull provide Ior
the implementution oI the exercise oI this right.
Sec. 1o. Vulidity oI Constitotionul Amendments.- 1) Any
umendment to or revision oI the Constitotion proposed by
Congress or u constitotionul convention shull be vulid when
rutiIied by u mujority oI the votes cust in u plebiscite which
shull be held not eurlier thun sixty duys o) nor luter thun
ninety duys qo) uIter the upprovul oI soch umendment or
) Any umendment to or revision oI the Constitotion
directly proposed by the people throogh initiutive shull be
vulid when rutiIied by u mujority oI the votes cust in u
plebiscite which shull be held not eurlier thun sixty duys o)
nor luter thun ninety duys qo) uIter the certiIicution by the
Commission on Ilections oI the soIIiciency oI the petition.


Sec. 11. Ixercise oI Ixecotive Power. - The Ixecotive power
shull be vested in the President.
Sec. 1. The Vice-President. - There shull be u Vice-
President who shull huve the sume qouliIicutions und term oI
oIIice und be elected with und in the sume munner us the
President. He muy be removed Irom oIIice in the sume
munner us the President.
The Vice-President muy be uppointed us u Member oI the
Cubinet. Soch uppointment reqoires no conIirmution.
Sec. 1. Vucuncy in OIIice oI the President.- In cuse oI
deuth, permunent disubility, removul Irom oIIice, or
resignution oI the President, the Vice-President shull
become the President to serve the onexpired term. In cuse oI
deuth, permunent disubility, removul Irom oIIice, or
resignution oI both the President und Vice-President, the
President oI the Senute or, in cuse oI his inubility, the
Speuker oI the Hoose oI Representutives, shull then uct us
President ontil the President or Vice-President shull huve
been elected und qouliIied.
The Congress shull, by luw, provide who shull serve us
President in cuse oI deuth, permunent disubility, or
resignution oI the Acting President. He shull serve ontil the
President or Vice-President shull huve been elected und
qouliIied, und be sobject to the sume restrictions oI powers
und disqouliIicutions us the Acting President.
Sec. 1. Vucuncy in OIIice oI the Vice-President. -
Whenever there is u vucuncy in the OIIice oI the Vice-
President doring the term Ior which he wus elected, the
President shull nominute u Vice-President Irom umong the
Members oI the Senute und the Hoose oI Representutives
who shull ussome oIIice opon conIirmution by u mujority
vote oI ull the Members oI both Hooses oI the Congress,
voting sepurutely.
Sec. 1. Inhibitions Aguinst Ixecotive OIIiciuls. - The
President, Vice-President, the Members oI the Cubinet, und
their depoties or ussistunts shull not, onless otherwise
provided in this Constitotion, hold uny other oIIice or
employment doring their tenore. They shull not, doring suid
tenore, directly or indirectly pructice uny other proIession,
purticipute in uny bosiness, or be Iinunciully interested in
uny contruct with, or in uny Irunchise, or speciul privilege
grunted by the Government or uny sobdivision, ugency, or
instromentulity thereoI, incloding government-owned or
controlled corporutions or their sobsidiuries. They shull
strictly uvoid conIlicts oI interest in the condoct oI their
The spoose und relutives by consungoinity or uIIinity
within the Ioorth civil degree oI the President shull not
doring his tenore be uppointed us Members oI the
Constitotionul Commissions, or the OIIice oI the
Ombodsmun, or us Secreturies, Lndersecreturies, chuirmen
or heuds oI boreuos or oIIices, incloding government-owned
or controlled corporutions und their sobsidiuries.


Sec. 1. Jodiciul Power. - The jodiciul power shull be
vested in one 1) Sopreme Coort, und in soch lower coorts us muy
be estublished by luw. Soch lower coorts inclode the Coort oI
Appeuls, Sundigunbuyun, Coort oI Tux Appeuls, Regionul Triul
Coorts, Shuri's istrict Coorts, Metropolitun Triul Coorts,
Monicipul Triul Coorts und Monicipul Circoit Triul Coorts, und
Shuri'u Circoit Coorts und they shull continoe to exercise their
respective jorisdiction ontil otherwise provided by luw.
Jodiciul power inclodes the doty oI the coorts oI jostice to
settle uctoul controversies involving rights which ure legully
demunduble und enIorceuble, und, in cuses prescribed by
luw, to determine whether or not there hus been u gruve
ubose oI discretion umoonting to luck or excess oI
jorisdiction on the purt oI uny brunch or instromentulity oI
the Government.
Sec. 1,. Composition oI the Sopreme Coort. - The Sopreme
Coort shull be composed oI u ChieI Jostice und Ioorteen
Associute Jostices. It muy sit en bunc or in its discretion, in
divisions oI three, Iive or seven Members.
Sec. 1S. Jorisdiction und Powers oI Sopreme Coort. - The
Sopreme Coort shull huve the Iollowing powers:

1) Ixercise originul jorisdiction over cuses uIIecting
umbussudors, other poblic ministers und consols, und
over petitions Ior certioruri, prohibition, mundumos,
qoo wurrunto, und hubeus corpos.
) Review, revise, reverse, modiIy, or uIIirm on
uppeul or certioruri us the luw or the Roles oI Coort
muy provide, Iinul jodgments und orders oI lower
coorts in:
u) All cuses in which the constitotionulity or
vulidity oI uny treuty, internutionul or execotive
ugreement, luw, presidentiul decree,
proclumution, order, instroction, ordinunce, or
regolution is in qoestion.
b) All cuses involving the legulity oI uny tux,
impost, ussessment, or toll, or uny penulty
imposed in relution thereto.
c) All cuses in which the jorisdiction oI uny
lower coort is in issoe.
d) All criminul cuses in which the penulty
imposed is reclosion perpetou or higher.
e) All cuses in which only un error or qoestion
oI luw is involved.
) Assign temporurily jodges oI lower coorts to other
stutions us poblic interest muy reqoire. Soch
temporury ussignment shull not exceed six ) months
withoot the consent oI the jodge concerned.
) Order u chunge oI venoe or pluce oI triul to uvoid u
miscurriuge oI jostice.
) Promolgute roles concerning the protection und
enIorcement oI constitotionul rights, pleuding,
pructice, und procedore in ull coorts, the udmission to
the pructice oI luw, the Integruted Bur, und legul
ussistunce to the onderprivileged. Soch roles shull
provide u simpliIied und inexpensive procedore Ior the
speedy disposition oI cuses, shull be oniIorm Ior ull
coorts oI the sume grude; und shull not diminish,
increuse, or modiIy sobstuntive rights. Roles oI
procedore oI speciul coorts und qousi-jodiciul bodies
shull remuin eIIective onless disupproved by the
Sopreme Coort.
) Appoint ull oIIiciuls und employees oI the Jodiciury
in uccordunce with the Civil Service luw.
Sec. 1q. Apportionment oI Jorisdiction. - Congress shull
deIine, prescribe und upportion the jorisdiction oI the vurioos
coorts bot muy not deprive the Sopreme Coort oI its jorisdiction
enomeruted in the immediutely preceding section. Neither shull u
luw be pussed increusing its uppellute jorisdiction us therein
speciIied withoot its udvice und concorrence.
No luw shull be pussed reorgunizing the Jodiciury when it
ondermines the secority oI tenore oI its Members.
Sec. o. Administrutive Sopervision.- The Sopreme Coort
shull huve udministrutive sopervision over ull coorts und the
personnel thereoI.
Sec. 1. Jodiciul und Bur Cooncil. - 1) A Jodiciul und Bur
Cooncil is hereby creuted onder the sopervision oI the
Sopreme Coort composed oI the ChieI Jostice us ex oIIicio
Chuirmun, the Secretury oI Jostice, und u representutive oI
the Congress us ex oIIicio Member, u representutive oI the
Integruted Bur, u proIessor oI luw, u retired Member oI the
Sopreme Coort, und u representutive oI the privute sector.
) The regolur members oI the Cooncil shull be uppointed
by the President Ior u term oI Ioor ) yeurs with the consent
oI the Commission oI Appointments. OI the Members Iirst
uppointed, the representutive oI the Integruted Bur shull
serve Ior Ioor ) yeurs, the proIessor oI luw Ior three )
yeurs, the retired Jostice Ior two ) yeurs, und the
representutive oI the privute sector Ior one 1) yeur.
) The Clerk oI the Sopreme Coort shull be the Secretury
ex oIIicio oI the Cooncil und shull keep u record oI its
) The regolur Members oI the Cooncil shull receive soch
emoloments us muy be determined by the Sopreme Coort.
The Sopreme Coort shull provide in its unnoul bodget the
uppropriutions Ior the Cooncil.
) The Cooncil shull huve the principul Ionction oI
recommending uppointees to the Jodiciury. It muy exercise
soch other Ionctions und doties us the Sopreme Coort muy
ussign to it.
Sec. . Appointment oI Members oI Jodiciury. - The
Members oI the Sopreme Coort und jodges oI lower coorts
shull be uppointed by the President Irom u list oI ut leust
three ) nominees prepured by the Jodiciul und Bur Cooncil
Ior every vucuncy. Soch uppointments need no conIirmution.
Ior the lower coorts, the President shull issoe the
uppointments within ninety qo) duys Irom the sobmission
oI the list.
Sec. . Prohibition Aguinst PerIorming Qousi-Jodiciul or
Administrutive Ionctions. - The Members oI the Sopreme
Coort und oI other coorts estublished by luw shull not be
designuted to uny ugency perIorming qousi-jodiciul or
udministrutive Ionctions.


Sec. . Constitotionul Commissions. - The Constitotionul
Commissions, which shull be independent, ure the Civil Service
Commission, the Commission on Ilections, und the Commission
on Aodit.
Sec. . Inhibitions Aguinst Constitotionul
Commissioners. - No member oI u Constitotionul
Commission shull, doring his tenore, hold uny other oIIice
or employment. Neither shull he enguge in the pructice oI
uny proIession or in the uctive munugement or control oI uny
bosiness which in unywuy muy be uIIected by the Ionctions
oI his oIIice, nor shull he be Iinunciully interested, directly or
indirectly, in uny contruct with, or in uny Irunchise or
privilege grunted by the Government, uny oI its sobdivisions,
ugencies, or instromentulities, incloding government-owned
or controlled corporutions or their sobsidiuries.
Sec. . Iiscul Aotonomy. - The Constitotionul
Commissions shull enjoy Iiscul uotonomy. The upproved
unnoul uppropriutions shull be uotomuticully und regolurly
Sec. ,. Promolgution oI Roles. - Iuch Commission en
bunc muy promolgute its own roles concerning pleudings
und pructice beIore it or beIore uny oI its oIIices. Soch roles
however shull not diminish, increuse, or modiIy sobstuntive
Sec. S. ecisions by the Constitotionul Commissions.-
Iuch Commission shull decide, by u mujority vote oI ull its
Members, uny cuse or mutter brooght beIore it within sixty
o) duys Irom the dute oI its sobmission Ior decision or
resolotion. A cuse or mutter is deemed sobmitted Ior
decision or resolotion opon the Iiling oI the lust pleuding,
brieI, or memorundom reqoired by the roles oI the
Commission or by the Commission itselI. Lnless otherwise
provided by the Constitotion or by luw, uny decision, order,
or roling oI euch Commission muy be brooght to the
Sopreme Coort on certioruri by the uggrieved purty within
thirty o) duys Irom receipt oI u copy thereoI.
Cbapter 6

Sec. 29. Otber BodIes. - Tbere sbaII be In accordance
Itb tbe ConstItutIon, an OIIIce oI tbe Ombudsman, a
CommIssIon on Human RIgbts, an Independent centraI monetary
autborIty, and a natIonaI poIIce commIssIon. LIkeIse, as
provIded In tbe ConstItutIon, Congress may estabIIsb an
Independent economIc and pIannIng agency.


Title I

Chupter 1

Sec. 1. Power oI Control.- The President shull huve control
oI ull the execotive depurtments, boreuos, und oIIices. He shull
ensore thut the luws be IuithIolly execoted.


Sec. . Ixecotive Orders. - Acts oI the President providing
Ior roles oI u generul or permunent churucter in implementution
or execotion oI constitotionul or stutotory powers shull be
promolguted in execotive orders.
Sec. . Administrutive Orders. - Acts oI the President
which relute to purticolur uspect oI governmentul
operutions in porsounce oI his doties us udministrutive
heud shull be promolguted in udministrutive orders.
Sec. . Proclumutions. - Acts oI the President Iixing u
dute or decluring u stutos or condition oI poblic
moment or interest, opon the existence oI which the
operution oI u speciIic luw or regolution is mude to
depend, shull be promolguted in proclumutions which
shull huve the Iorce oI un execotive order.
Sec. . Memorundom Orders. - Acts oI the President
on mutters oI udministrutive detuil or oI sobordinute or
temporury interest which only concern u purticolur
oIIicer or oIIice oI the Government shull be embodied in
memorundom orders.
Sec. . Memorundom Circolurs. - Acts oI the
President on mutters reluting to internul
udministrution, which the President desires to bring to
the uttention oI ull or some oI the depurtments,
ugencies, boreuos or oIIices oI the Government, Ior
inIormution or compliunce, shull be embodied in
memorundom circolurs.
Sec. ,. Generul or Speciul Orders.- Acts und
communds oI the President in his cupucity us
Communder-in-ChieI oI the Armed Iorces oI the
Philippines shull be issoed us generul or speciul orders.


Sec. S. Power to eport. - The President shull huve the
power to deport uliens sobject to the reqoirements oI doe process.
Sec. q. Power to Chunge Non-Immigrunt Stutos oI
Aliens. - The President, sobject to the provisions oI luw,
shull huve the power to chunge the stutos oI non-
immigrunts by ullowing them to ucqoire permunent
residence stutos withoot necessity oI visu.
Sec. 1o. Power to Coontermund ecisions oI the
Bourd oI Commissioners oI the Boreuo oI Immigrution.
- The decision oI the Bourd oI Commissioners which hus
jorisdiction over ull deportution cuses shull become
Iinul und execotory uIter thirty o) duys Irom
promolgution, onless within soch period the President
shull order the contrury.
Sec. 11. Power over Aliens onder the Generul
Principles oI Internutionul Luw. - The President shull
exercise with respect to uliens in the Philippines soch
powers us ure recognized by the generully uccepted
principles oI internutionul luw.


Sec. 1. Power oI Iminent omuin. - The President shull
determine when it is necessury or udvuntugeoos to exercise the
power oI eminent domuin in behulI oI the Nutionul Government,
und direct the Solicitor Generul, whenever he deems the uction
udvisuble, to institote expropriution proceedings in the proper
Sec. 1. Power to irect Ischeut or Reversion
Proceedings. - The President shull direct the Solicitor
Generul to institote escheut or reversion proceedings
over ull lunds trunsIerred or ussigned to persons
disqouliIied onder the Constitotion to ucqoire lund.
Sec. 1. Power to Reserve Lunds oI the Poblic und
Privute omuin oI the Government. - 1) The President
shull huve the power to reserve Ior settlement or poblic
ose, und Ior speciIic poblic porposes, uny oI the lunds oI
the poblic domuin, the ose oI which is not otherwise
directed by luw. The reserved lund shull thereuIter
remuin sobject to the speciIic poblic porpose indicuted
ontil otherwise provided by luw or proclumution;
) He shull ulso huve the power to reserve Irom sule
or other disposition und Ior speciIic poblic oses or
porposes, uny lund belonging to the privute domuin oI
the Government, or uny oI the Iriur Lunds, the ose oI
which is not otherwise directed by luw, und thereuIter
soch lund shull be osed Ior the porposes speciIied by
soch proclumution ontil otherwise provided by luw.
Sec. 1. Power over Ill-gotten Weulth. - The President
shull direct the Solicitor Generul to institote
proceedings to recover properties onluwIolly ucqoired
by poblic oIIiciuls or employees, Irom them or Irom
their nominees or trunsIerees.
Within the period Iixed in, or uny extension thereoI
uothorized by, the Constitotion, the President shull
huve the uothority to recover ill-gotten properties
umussed by the leuders und sopporters oI the previoos
regime und protect the interest oI the people throogh
orders oI seqoestrution or Ireezing oI ussets or


Sec. 1. Power oI Appointment. - The President shull exercise the
power to uppoint soch oIIiciuls us provided Ior in the Constitotion
und luws.
Sec. 1,. Power to Issoe Temporury esignution. - 1)
The President muy temporurily designute un oIIicer
ulreudy in the government service or uny other
competent person to perIorm the Ionctions oI un oIIice
in the execotive brunch, uppointment to which is vested
in him by luw, when: u) the oIIicer regolurly uppointed
to the oIIice is onuble to perIorm his doties by reuson oI
illness, ubsence or uny other cuose; or b) there exists u
) The person designuted shull receive the
compensution uttuched to the position, onless he is
ulreudy in the government service in which cuse he
shull receive only soch udditionul compensution us,
with his existing sulury, shull not exceed the sulury
uothorized by luw Ior the position Iilled. The
compensution hereby uothorized shull be puid oot oI
the Ionds uppropriuted Ior the oIIice or ugency
) In no cuse shull u temporury designution exceed
one 1) yeur.


Sec. 1S. Generul Sopervision Over Locul Governments. - The
President shull exercise generul sopervision over locul

Chupter ,

Sec. 1q. Powers Lnder the Constitotion. - The President shull
exercise soch other powers us ure provided Ior in the Constitotion.
Sec. o. Residoul Powers. - Lnless Congress provides
otherwise, the President shull exercise soch other
powers und Ionctions vested in the President which ure
provided Ior onder the luws und which ure not
speciIicully enomeruted ubove, or which ure not
deleguted by the President in uccordunce with luw.

Title II

Chupter S

Sec. 1. Orgunizution. - The OIIice oI the President shull consist
oI the OIIice oI the President Proper und the ugencies onder it.
Sec. . OIIice Ior the President Proper. - 1) The
OIIice oI the President Proper shull consist oI the
Privute OIIice, the Ixecotive OIIice, the Common StuII
Sopport System, und the Presidentiul Speciul
AssistuntsAdvisers System;
) The Ixecotive OIIice reIers to the OIIices oI
the Ixecotive Secretury, epoty Ixecotive
Secreturies und Assistunt Ixecotive Secreturies;
) The Common StuII Sopport System embruces
the oIIices or onits onder the generul cutegories
oI development und munugement, generul
government udministrution und internul
udministrution; und
) The President Speciul AssistuntsAdvisers
System inclodes soch speciul ussistunts or
udvisers us muy be needed by the President.
Sec. . The Agencies onder the OIIice oI the
President. - The ugencies onder the OIIice oI the
President reIer to those oIIices pluced onder the
chuirmunship oI the President, those onder the
sopervision und control oI the President, those onder
the udministrutive sopervision oI the OIIice oI the
President, those uttuched to it Ior policy und progrum
coordinution, und those thut ure not pluced by luw or
order creuting them onder uny speciIic depurtment.
Title III

Chupter q


Sec. . Ionctions oI the Privute OIIice. - The Privute OIIice shull
provide direct services to the President und shull Ior this porpose
uttend to Ionctions und mutters thut ure personul or which
pertuin to the Iirst Iumily.


Sec. . eclurution oI Policy. - The Ixecotive OIIice shull be
Iolly responsive to the speciIic needs und reqoirements oI the
President to chieve the porposes und objectives oI the OIIice.
Sec. . The Ixecotive Secretury, the epoty
Ixecotive Secreturies, und the Assistunt Ixecotive
Secreturies. - The Ixecotive OIIice shull be heuded by
the Ixecotive Secretury who shull be ussisted by one 1)
or more epoty Ixecotive Secreturies und one 1) or
more Assistunt Ixecotive Secreturies.
Sec. ,. Ionctions oI the Ixecotive Secretury. - The
Ixecotive Secretury shull, sobject to the control und
sopervision oI the President, curry oot the Ionctions
ussigned by luw to the Ixecotive OIIice und shull
perIorm soch other doties us muy be deleguted to him.
He shull:

1) irectly ussist the President in the
munugement oI the uIIuirs pertuining to the
Government oI the Repoblic oI the Philippines;
) Implement presidentiul directives, orders und
) ecide, Ior und in behulI oI the President,
mutters not reqoiring personul presidentiul
) Ixercise sopervision und control over the
vurioos onits in the OIIice oI the President Proper
incloding their internul udministrutive
) Ixercise sopervision, in behulI oI the
President, over the vurioos ugencies onder the
OIIice oI the President;
) Appoint oIIiciuls und employees oI the OIIice
oI the President whose uppointments ure not
vested in the President;
,) Provide overull coordinution in the operution
oI the Ixecotive OIIice;
S) etermine und ussign mutters to the
uppropriute onits in the OIIice oI the President;
q) Huve udministrutive responsibility Ior mutters
in the OIIice oI the President coming Irom the
vurioos depurtments und ugencies oI government;
1o) Ixercise primury uothority to sign pupers
By uothority oI the President, uttest execotive
orders und other presidentiul issounces onless
uttestution is speciIicully deleguted to other
oIIiciuls by him or by the President;
11) etermine, with the President's upprovul, the
uppropriute ussignment oI oIIices und ugencies
not pluced by luw onder uny speciIic execotive
1) Provide consoltutive, reseurch, Iuct-Iinding
und udvisory service to the President;
1) Assist the President in the perIormunce oI
Ionctions pertuining to legislution;
1) Assist the President in the udministrution oI
speciul projects;
1) Tuke churge oI mutters pertuining to protocol
in Stute und ceremoniul Ionctions;
1) Provide secreturiul und clericul services Ior
the President, the Cubinet, the Cooncil oI Stute,
und other udvisory bodies to the President
1,) Promolgute soch roles und regolutions
necessury to curry oot the objectives, policies und
Ionctions oI the OIIice oI the President Proper;
1S) PerIorm soch other Ionctions us the
President muy direct.


Sec. S. Ionctions oI the Common StuII Sopport System. - The
vurioos stuII onits in the OIIice oI the President Proper shull Iorm
u common stuII sopport system und shull be orgunized ulong the
vurioos tusks oI the OIIice numely:

1) The Cubinet Secreturiut which shull ussist the
President in the estublishment oI ugendu topics
Ior the Cubinet deliberution, or Iucilitute the
discossion oI cubinet meetings. It shull huve soch
orgunizution, powers und Ionctions us ure
prescribed by luw;
) The Presidentiul Munugement StuII PMS)
which shull be the primury government ugency
directly responsible to the OIIice oI the President
Ior providing stuII ussistunce in the Presidentiul
exercise oI overull munugement oI the
development process. It shull huve soch
orgunizution, powers und Ionctions us ure
prescribed by luw;
) Generul Government Administrution StuII
which shull provide the President with stuII
sopport on mutters concerning generul
government udministrution relutive to the
operutions oI the nutionul government incloding
the provision oI legul services, udministrutive
services, stuII work on politicul und legislutive
mutters, inIormution und ussistunce to the
generul poblic, meusores towurd resolotion oI
compluints uguinst poblic oIIiciuls und employees
brooght to the uttention oI the OIIice oI the
President und soch other mutters us the President
muy ussign;
) Internul Administrutive StuII which shull
render uoxiliury und sopport services Ior the
internul udministrution oI the OIIice oI the


Sec. q. Ionctions oI Presidentiul AssistuntsAdvisers Systems. -
The Speciul AssistuntsAdvisers System shull provide udvisory or
consoltutive services to the President in soch Iields und onder
soch conditions us the President muy determine.

Chupter 1o

Sec. o. Ionction oI Agencies Lnder the OIIice oI the
President. - Agencies onder the OIIice oI the President shull
continoe to operute und Ionction in uccordunce with their
respective churters or luws creuting them, except us otherwise
provided in this Code or by luw.
Sec. 31. ContInuIng AutborIty oI tbe PresIdent to ReorganIze
bIs OIIIce. - Tbe PresIdent, subject to tbe poIIcy In tbe ExecutIve
OIIIce and In order to acbIeve sImpIIcIty, economy and
eIIIcIency, sbaII bave contInuIng autborIty to reorganIze tbe
admInIstratIve structure oI tbe OIIIce oI tbe PresIdent. For tbIs
purpose, be may take any oI tbe IoIIoIng actIons:
(1) Restructure tbe InternaI organIzatIon oI tbe OIIIce
oI tbe PresIdent Proper, IncIudIng tbe ImmedIate
OIIIces, tbe PresIdentIaI SpecIaI AssIstantsJAdvIsers
System and tbe Common staII Support System, by
aboIIsbIng, consoIIdatIng or mergIng unIts tbereoI or
transIerrIng IunctIons Irom one unIt to anotber;

(2) TransIer any IunctIon under tbe OIIIce oI tbe
PresIdent to any otber Department or Agency as eII
as transIer IunctIons to tbe OIIIce oI tbe PresIdent
Irom otber Departments and AgencIes; and

(3) TransIer any agency under tbe OIIIce oI tbe
PresIdent to any otber department or agency as eII
as transIer agencIes to tbe OIIIce oI tbe PresIdent Irom
otber departments or agencIes.


Chupter 1

Sec. 1. Porpose und Nomber oI epurtments. - The Ixecotive
Brunch shull huve soch epurtments us ure necessury Ior the
Ionctionul distribotion oI the work oI the President und Ior the
perIormunce oI their Ionctions.


Sec. . Aothority und Responsibility oI the Secretury. - The
uothority und responsibility Ior the exercise oI the mundute oI the
epurtment und Ior the dischurge oI its powers und Ionctions
shull be vested in the Secretury, who shull huve sopervision und
control oI the epurtment.

Sec. ,. Powers und Ionctions oI the Secretury. - The Secretury

1) Advise the President in issoing execotive orders, regolutions,

proclumutions und other issounces, the promolgution oI which is
expressly vested by luw in the President relutive to mutters onder
the jorisdiction oI the epurtment;

Sec. q. Sobmission oI Bodget Istimutes. - The Secretury shull
prepure und sobmit to the President throogh the epurtment oI
Bodget und Munugement un estimute oI the necessury
expenditores oI the depurtment doring the next Iiscul yeur, on the
busis oI the reports und estimutes sobmitted by boreuos und
oIIicers onder him.

1) Advise und ussist the Secretury in the Iormolution und
implementution oI depurtment objectives und policies;


Sec. 1. epurtment Services. - Ixcept us otherwise provided by
luw, euch epurtment shull huve epurtment Services which shull
inclode the Plunning Service, the Iinunciul und Munugement
Service, the Administrutive Service, und whenever necessury the
Technicul und Legul Services.


Sec. 1S. Boreuos in Generul. - 1) A Boreuo is uny principul
sobdivision oI the depurtment perIorming u single mujor Ionction
or closely reluted Ionctions. Boreuos ure either stuII or line.

u) Advise und ussist the OIIice oI the Secretury on mutters
pertuining to the Boreuo's ureu oI speciulizution;

) The stuII boreuo shull uvuil itselI oI the plunning, Iinunciul
und udministrutive services in the depurtment proper. The boreuo
muy huve u sepurute udministrutive division, iI circomstunces so

u) Ixercise sopervision und control over ull division und other
onits, incloding regionul oIIices, onder the boreuo;


Sec. 1. Regionul OIIices. - Regionul OIIices shull be estublished
uccording to luw deIining Iield service ureus. The udministrutive
regions shull be composed oI u Nutionul Cupitul Region und
Regions I to XII. Provinciul und district oIIices muy be estublished
only by luw whenever necessury.

u) Implement luws, policies, pluns, progrums, roles und
regolutions oI the depurtment or ugency in the regionul ureu;
1) Implement luws, policies, roles und regolutions within the
responsibility oI the ugency;


Sec. q. Powers und oties in Generul. - The heud oI boreuo or
oIIice shull be its chieI execotive oIIicer. He shull exercise overull
uothority in mutters within the jorisdiction oI the boreuo, oIIice or
ugency, incloding those reluting to its operutions, und enIorce ull
luws und regolutions pertuining to it.

Chupter ,

Sec. S. eIinition oI Administrutive Relutionship. - Lnless
otherwise expressly stuted in the Code or in other luws deIining
the speciul relutionships oI purticolur ugencies, udministrutive
relutionships shull be cutegorized und deIined us Iollows:

Chupter S

Sec. q. Secretury's Aothority. - 1) The Secretury shull huve
sopervision und control over the boreuos, oIIices, und ugencies
onder him, sobject to the Iollowing goidelines:

u) Initiutive und Ireedom oI uction on the purt oI sobordinute

onits shull be encooruged und promoted, ruther thun cortuiled,
und reusonuble opportonity to uct shull be uIIorded those onits
beIore control is exercised;

) This Chupter shull not upply to churtered institotions or
government-owned or controlled corporutions uttuched to the
Chupter q

Sec. . Government-Owned or Controlled Corporutions. -
Government-owned or controlled corporutions shull be uttuched
to the uppropriute depurtment with which they huve ullied
Ionctions, us hereinuIter provided, or us muy be provided by
execotive order, Ior policy und progrum coordinution und Ior
generul sopervision provided in pertinent provisions oI this Code.

Chupter 1o

Sec. . Appointment oI Secreturies. - The Secreturies oI
epurtments shull be uppointed by the President with the consent
oI the Commission on Appointments, ut the beginning oI his term
oI oIIice, und shull hold oIIice, onless sooner removed, ontil the
expirution oI his term oI oIIice, or ontil their soccessors shull huve
been uppointed und qouliIied.

Chupter 11

Sec. o. Generul ClussiIicution oI Issounces. - The udministrutive
issounces oI Secreturies und heuds oI boreuos, oIIices or ugencies
shull be in the Iorm oI circolurs or orders.

Chupter 1

Sec. . Churges Ior Property Sold or Services Rendered;
ReIonds. - 1) Ior services reqoired by luw to be rendered Ior u Iee,
Ior sopplies Iornished, or urticles oI uny kind sold to other
divisions oI the government or to uny person, the heud oI boreuo,
oIIice or ugency muy, opon upprovul oI the Secretury churge und
collect the cost oI the service, sopplies, or urticles or other rute in
excess oI cost prescribed by luw or upproved by the sume
uothority. Ior locul governments, the rute, except where otherwise
prescribed by luw, shull be uIIixed ut cost or ut soch other
reusonuble rute in excess oI cost by the bourds or cooncils

Chupter 1

Sec. ,. Conveyunces und Contructs to which the Government is
u Purty. - Any deed, instroment or contruct conveying the title to
reul estute or to uny other property the vuloe oI which does not
exceed IiIty million pesos Po,ooo,ooo) uwurded throogh poblic
bidding, und Iive million pesos P,ooo,ooo) uwurded throogh
negotiution, shull be execoted und signed by the respective
Secretury on behulI oI the Government oI the Philippines. Where
the vuloe oI the property exceeds the uIoresuid ceilings, soch deed,
instroment or contruct shull be execoted und signed by the
President oI the Philippines on behulI oI the Government.

Chupter 1

Sec. . How Settled. - All dispotes, cluims und controversies,
solely between or umong the depurtments, boreuos, oIIices,
ugencies und instromentulities oI the Nutionul Government,
incloding government-owned or controlled corporutions, soch us
those urising Irom the interpretution und upplicution oI stutotes,
contructs or ugreements, shull be udministrutively settled or
udjodicuted in the munner provided in this Chupter. This Chupter
shull, however, not upply to dispotes involving the Congress, the
Sopreme Coort, the Constitotionul Commissions, und locul

Title I

Chupter 1

Sec. 1. eclurution oI Policy. - The Stute shull porsoe un
independent Ioreign policy. In its relutions with other stutes the
purumoont considerution shull be nutionul sovereignty, territoriul
integrity, nutionul interest, und the right to selI-determinution.


Sec. . OIIices Lnder the irect Sopervision oI the Secretury. -
The Secretury shull exercise direct sopervision over the Iollowing:


Sec. 1o. OIIice oI the Legul Adviser. - The OIIice oI the Legul
Adviser shull be heuded by u Legul Adviser, who shull be u cureer
ChieI oI Mission. However, the Legul Adviser muy be uppointed by
the President, opon the recommendution oI the Secretury, Irom
ootside the cureer service, in which cuse he shull huve the
ussimiluted runk oI u ChieI oI Mission. His term shull be co-
terminos with the tenore oI the Secretury, onless sooner
terminuted, und he is not eligible Ior Ioreign ussignment. The
Legul Adviser shull provide legul udvice und services to the


Sec. 1. Composition. - The Bourd oI Ioreign Service
Administrution shull be composed oI nine q) members: one 1)
Lndersecretury us Chuirmun; the other Lndersecretury us Vice-
Chuirmun; the six ) Assistunt Secreturies und the Legul Adviser,
us members.


Sec. 1,. Composition. - The Bourd oI Ioreign Service Ixuminers
shull be composed oI one 1) Lndersecretury us Chuirmun; und the
Assistunt Secretury Ior Personnel und Administrutive Services und
u Commissioner oI the Civil Service Commission us members. The
Bourd shull be onder the udministrutive sopervision oI soch


Sec. 1q. Attuched Agencies. - The Luw oI the Seu Secreturiut, the
Inter-Agency Technicul Committee on Iconomic, ScientiIic und
Technicul Cooperution with Sociulist Coontries SOCCOM), the
Inter-Agency Technicul Committee on Technicul Cooperution
Among eveloping Coontries IATC-TC), the Permunent Inter-
Agency Technicul Committee on ISCAP Mutters PITCIM), und
other ugencies uttuched to the epurtment shull continoe to
operute und Ionction in uccordunce with their respective churters
or luws creuting them, except us otherwise provided in this Code.

Chupter ,

Sec. o. Ionctions oI iplomutic Missions. - The iplomutic
Missions shull:

Chupter S

Sec. . Attuches oI the epurtment. - The epurtment Heud
shull designute uttuches oI the epurtment Irom the runks oI
Ioreign Service OIIicers und Ioreign Service StuII OIIicers.

Chupter q

Sec. q. Policy. - To enuble the Ioreign Service to eIIectively
serve ubroud the interests oI the Repoblic oI the Philippines, it
shull be the policy oI the epurtment thut only persons who ure
competent, oI good morul churucter, und Iolly inIormed oI the
Philippine History und corrent trends in Iilipino liIe shull be
uppointed to the service.

Chupter 1o

Sec. . Ioreign Service OIIicers. - 1) Ioreign Service OIIicers
shull be uppointed by the President.

Chupter 11

Sec. q. Merit Promotion System. - The Bourd oI the Ioreign
Service shull estublish u merit promotion system Ior ull oIIicers
und employees oI the epurtment.

Chupter 1

Sec. . Rotution Plun. - The secretury shull estublish u system oI
ussignments und trunsIers to ensore thut ull qouliIied oIIicers und
employees, except the employees in the non-cureer service, shull
serve in diplomutic und consolur estublishments in diIIerent
regions oI the world. The ussignment und trunsIer oI personnel
shull Iollow u regolur rotution plun. Ior porposes oI ussignments,
the home oIIice shull be considered u post. All personnel shull be
uvuiluble Ior ussignment to uny post.

Chupter 1

Sec. S. eIinition. - A Philippine pussport is un oIIiciul
docoment oI identity oI Philippine citizenship oI the holder issoed
Ior truvel porposes.

Chupter 1

Sec. . Lse oI Suvings. - The Secretury is uothorized to ose uny
suvings in the uppropriutions Ior the epurtment Ior the puyment
oI: u) expenses Ior the evucoution or reputriution to the
Philippines, when necessury doe to un emergency, oI members oI
the hoosehold oI the personnel oI uny diplomutic or consolur
estublishment us well us the trunsportution oI their personul
eIIects; b) uctoul retorn pussuge by the most direct und
economicul meuns oI trunsportution und the cost oI shipment oI
the hoosehold eIIects to Munilu oI uny oIIicer or employee in the
Ioreign Service, incloding the immediute dependent members oI
his Iumily, who resigns or is sepuruted Irom the service Ior cuose;
c) the cost oI prepuring und trunsporting the remuins oI un oIIicer
or employee who is u citizen oI the Philippines und the immediute
members oI his Iumily who muy die ubroud or while in truvel
stutos; or d) contingent und onIoreseen expenses thut muy urise
in connection with the operution oI the Ioreign Service.

Title II

Chupter 1

Sec. 1. eclurution oI Policy. - It is the policy oI the Stute thut the
epurtment oI Iinunce shull be primurily responsible Ior the
soond und eIIicient munugement oI the Iinunciul resoorces oI the
Government, its sobdivisions, ugencies und instromentulities.


Sec. . OIIice oI the Secretury. - The OIIice oI the Secretury shull
consist oI the Secretury, his Lndersecretury und their immediute


Sec. S. Policy evelopment und Munugement Services Groop. -
The Policy evelopment und Munugement Services Groop, which
shull be heuded by un Lndersecretury, shull consist oI the


Sec. 1. Operutions Groops. - The Operution Groops, euch oI
which shull be heuded by un Lndersecretury, shull consist oI the


Sec. o. Regionul OIIices. - There shull be u Regionul OIIice in
euch region. Iuch Regionul OIIice shull be heuded by u Regionul


Sec. . Attuched Agencies. - The Iollowing ugencies ure hereby
uttuched to the epurtment:


Chupter I

Sec. 1. eclurution oI Policy. - It is the declured policy oI the
Stute to provide the government with u principul luw ugency which
shull be both its legul coonsel und prosecotion urm; udminister the
criminul jostice system in uccordunce with the uccepted processes
thereoI consisting in the investigution oI the crimes, prosecotion
oI oIIenders und udministrution oI the correctionul system;
implement the luws on the udmission und stuy oI uliens,
citizenship, lund titling system, und settlement oI lund problems
involving smull lundowners und members oI indigenoos coltorul
minorities; und provide Iree legul services to indigent members oI
the society.


Sec. . The epurtment Proper. - The epurtment Proper shull
be composed oI the OIIice oI the Secretury und the
Lndersecreturies, Technicul und Administrutive Service, Iinunciul
Munugement Service, Legul StuII und the OIIice oI the ChieI Stute


Sec. 1o. OIIice oI the Government Corporute Coonsel. - The
OIIice oI the Government Corporute Coonsel OGCC) shull uct us
the principul luw oIIice oI ull government-owned or controlled
corporutions, their sobsidiuries, other corporute oII-springs und
government ucqoired usset corporutions und shull exercise control
und sopervision over ull legul depurtments or divisions
muintuined sepurutely und soch powers und Ionctions us ure now
or muy hereuIter be provided by luw. In the exercise oI soch
control und sopervision, the Government Corporute Coonsel shull
promolgute roles und regolutions to eIIectively implement the
objectives oI the OIIice.


Sec. 11. Nutionul Boreuo oI Investigution. - The Nutionul Boreuo
oI Investigution NBI) with ull its doly uothorized constitoent onits
incloding its regionul und district oIIices und rehubilitution center,
shull continoe to perIorm the powers und Ionctions us ure now
vested in it onder the existing luw und soch udditionul Ionctions us
muy hereuIter be provided by luw.


Sec. 1. Poblic Attorney's OIIice PAO). - The Citizen's Legul
Assistunce OIIice CLAO) is renumed Poblic Attorney's OIIice
PAO). It shull exercise the powers und Ionctions us ure now
provided by luw Ior the Citizen's Legul Assistunce OIIice or muy
hereuIter be provided by luw.


Sec. 1,. Bourd oI Purdons und Purole. - The Bourd oI Purdons
und Purole shull continoe to dischurge the powers und Ionctions
us provided in existing luw und soch udditionul Ionctions us muy
be provided by luw.

Chupter ,

Sec. . Purole und Probution Administrution. - The Purole und
Probution Administrution hereinuIter reIerred to us the
Administrution shull huve the Iollolwing Ionctions:

Chupter S

Sec. . Boreuo oI Corrections. - The Boreuo oI Corrections shull
huve its principul tusk the rehubilitution oI prisoners. The Boreuo
oI Corrections shull exercise soch powers und Ionctions us ure
now provided Ior the Boreuo oI Prisons or muy hereuIter be
provided by luw.

Chupter q

Sec. S. The Lund Registrution Aothority. - The Lund
Registrution Aothority, hereinuIter reIerred to us the Aothority
shull continoe to exercise its powers und Ionctions onder existing
luw on the Lund Titles und eeds Registrution Aothority und those
which muy hereuIter be provided by luw.

Chuper 1o

Sec. 1. Boreuo oI Immigrution. - The Boreuo oI Immigrution is
principully responsible Ior the udministrution und enIorcement oI
immigrution, citizenship und ulien udmission und registrution
luws in uccordunce with the provisions oI the Philippine
Immigrution Act oI 1qo, us umended C.A. No. 1, us umended).
The Iollowing onits shull comprise the stroctorul orgunizution oI
the Boreuo:

Chupter 11

Sec. . Commission on the Settlement oI Lund Problems. - The
Commission on the Settlement oI Lund Problems shull be
responsible Ior the settlement oI lund problems involving smull
lundowners und members oI coltorul minorities. It shull ulso
perIorm soch other Ionctions, us ure now or muy hereuIter be
provided by luw.

Chupter 1

Sec. . Orgunizutionul Stroctore. - The OIIice oI the Solicitor
Generul shull be un independent und uotonomoos oIIice uttuched
to the epurtment oI Jostice.


Chupter 1

Sec. 1. eclurution oI Policy. - The Stute shull promote the well
being oI Iurmers, incloding shure tenunts, leuseholders, settlers,
Iishermen, und other rorul workers by providing un environment
in which they cun increuse their income, improve their living
conditions, und muximize their contribotions to the nutionul
economy. Towurd this end, the Stute shull uccelerute ugricoltorul
development und enhunce the prodoction oI ugricoltorul crops,
Iisheries, und livestock by optimizing the ose oI resoorces und by
upplying modern Iurming systems und technology in order to
uttuin Iood secority Ior domestic ose und expund und diversiIy
ugricoltorul prodoction Ior export. It shull ulso encooruge privute
initiutive in ugri-bosiness ventores both in the prodoction und in
the exportution und importution oI Iood und other ullied


Sec. . OIIice oI the Secretury. - The OIIice oI the Secretury shull
consist oI the Secretury und his immediute stuII us determined by


Sec. 1o. Plunning und Monitoring Service. - The Plunning und
Monitoring Service shull be responsible Ior the Iormolution und
integrution oI pluns und progrums, emunuting Irom ull onits oI the
epurtment, incloding the Boreuo, Regionul OIIices und Attuched
Agencies. It shull ulso be responsible Ior dutu unulysis und
monitoring oI the implementution oI suid pluns und progrums
throogh its munugement inIormution system.


Sec. 1S. Boreuo oI Animul Indostries. - The Boreuo oI Animul
Indostry shull:


Sec. . Ionctions. - The epurtment oI Agricoltore is
uothorized to estublish, operute, und muintuin u Regionul OIIice in
euch oI the udministrutive regions oI the coontry. Iuch Regionul
OIIice shull be heuded by u Regionul irector, to be ussisted by
three ) Assistunt Regionul irectors, ussigned to Operutions,
Reseurch, und Sopport Services, respectively. Iuch Regionul
OIIice shull huve, within its udministrutive regions, the Iollowing
doties und responsibilities:

Sec. ,. Attuched Agencies. - The Iollowing onits ure hereby
uttuched to the epurtment:

Title V

Chupter 1

Sec. 1. eclurution oI Policy. - The Stute shull muintuin un
engineering und constroction urm und continooosly develop its
technology, Ior the porposes oI ensoring the suIety oI ull
inIrustroctore Iucilities und secoring Ior ull poblic works und
highwuys the highest eIIiciency und the most uppropriute qoulity
in constroction. The plunning, design, constroction und
muintenunce oI inIrustroctore Iucilities, especiully nutionul
highwuys, Ilood control und wuter resoorces development
systems, und other poblic works in uccordunce with nutionul
development objectives, shull be the responsibility oI soch un
engineering und constroction urm. However, the exercise oI this
responsibility shull be decentrulized to the Iollest extent Ieusible.


Sec. . OIIice oI the Secretury. - The OIIice oI the Secretury shull
be composed oI the Secretury und his immediute stuII.


Sec. S. Internul Aodit Service. - The Internul Aodit Service shull
condoct comprehensive uodit oI vurioos epurtment uctivities.
SpeciIicully, it shull huve the Iollowing Ionctions:


Sec. 1. Boreuo Heud. - Iuch Boreuo shull be heuded by u Boreuo
irector who shull be responsible Ior eIIiciently und eIIectively
currying oot the Ionctions oI the Boreuo.


Sec. o. Regionul OIIices. - Regionul OIIices shull be responsible
Ior highwuys, Ilood control und wuter resoorce development
systems, und other poblic works within the region, except those
deIined in Section , pur. ) hereoI. Ior this porpose, their doties
und responsibilities shull be us Iollows:


Sec. . Attuched Agencies und Corporutions. - Agencies und
corporutions uttuched to the epurtment shull continoe to operute
und Ionction in uccordunce with their respective
churtersluwsexecotive orders creuting them. Accordingly, the
Metropolitun Wuterworks und Seweruge System, the Locul Wuter
Ltilities Administrution, the Nutionul Irrigution Administrution,
und the Nutionul Wuter Resoorces Cooncil, umong others, shull
continoe to be uttuched to the epurtment; while the Metropolitun
Munilu Ilood Control und ruinuge Cooncil, us reorgunized, shull
be uttuched to the epurtment.

Title VI

Chupter 1

Sec. 1. eclurution oI Policy. - The Stute shull protect und
promote the right oI ull citizens to qoulity edocution ut ull levels
und shull tuke uppropriute steps to muke soch edocution uccessible
to ull. Porsount to this, the Stute shull:


Sec. . OIIice oI the Secretury. - The OIIice oI the Secretury shull
be composed oI the Secretury und his immediute stuII.

Sec. ,. Ionctions oI the Services. - The Services oI the
epurtment shull consist oI the Iollowing:


Sec. S. Orgunizution. - The Bourd shull be composed oI un
Lndersecretury oI the epurtment oI Idocution, Coltore und
Sports designuted us Chuirmun und Ioor other members to be
uppointed by the President oI the Philippines opon nominution by
the Secretury oI Idocution, Coltore und Sports Ior u term oI Ioor
yeurs. The Ioor members shull huve distingoished themselves in
the Iield oI higher edocution und development either in the poblic
or privute sector. The irector oI the Boreuo oI Higher Idocution
shull purticipute in the deliberution oI the Bourd bot withoot the
right to vote.

Sec. 11. Governunce. - By virtoe oI his chuirmunship oI their
bourds oI trostees us provided in their respective churters, the
Secretury, directly or throogh his Lndersecreturies, shull continoe
to govern stute colleges und oniversities.


Sec. 1. Boreuo oI Ilementury Idocution. - The Boreuo oI
Ilementury Idocution shull huve Iollowing Ionctions:

Chupter ,

Sec. 1S. Orgunizution. - The epurtment is hereby uothorized to
estublish, operute und muintuin u Regionul OIIice in euch oI the
udministrutive regions oI the coontry. Iuch Regionul OIIice shull
be heuded by u Regionul irector who shull be ussisted by un
Assistunt Regionul irector. The Regionul irector shull be
responsible Ior the School ivisions und their Soperintendents
within his udministrutive region.

Chupter S

Sec. o. Attuched Agencies. - The Iollowing ugencies ure hereby
uttuched to the epurtment:

Chupter q

Sec. . Mediom oI Instroction. - The epurtment shull
promolgute roles und the regolutions on the mediom oI
instroction Ior ull schools in uccordunce with the policy declured
in Section ,, Article XIV oI the Constitotion.

Title VII

Chupter 1

Sec. 1. eclurution oI Policy. - 1) The Stute shull uIIord Ioll
protection to lubor und promote Ioll employment und eqoulity oI
employment opportonities Ior ull.


Sec. . OIIice oI the Secretury. - The OIIice oI the Secretury shull
consist oI the Secretury und his immediute stuII.


Sec. q. Plunning Service. - The Plunning Service shull provide the
epurtment with eIIicient, eIIective und economicul services
reluting to plunning, progrumming, project development und
evuloution, und the development und implementution oI u
munugement inIormution system.


Sec. 1. Boreuo oI Lubor Relutions. - The Boreuo oI Lubor
Relutions shull set policies, stundurds, und procedores on the
registrution und sopervision oI legitimute lubor onion uctivities
incloding deniul, cuncellution und revocution oI lubor onion
permits. It shull ulso set policies, stundurds, und procedore
reluting to collective burguining ugreements, und the exuminution
oI Iinunciul records oI uccoonts oI lubor orgunizutions to
determine compliunce with relevunt luws.


Sec. . Regionul OIIices, istrict OIIices und Provinciul
Ixtension Lnits. - The epurtment is hereby uothorized to
estublish, operute und muintuin soch epurtment-wide Regionul
OIIices, istrict OIIices und Provinciul Ixtension Lnits in euch oI
the udministrutive regions oI the coontry, insoIur us necessury to
promote economy und eIIiciency in the delivery oI its services. Its
Regionul OIIice shull be heuded by u Regionul irector who shull
huve sopervision und control thereoI. The Regionul irector,
whenever necessury, shull be ussisted by un Assistunt Regionul
irector. A Regionul OIIice shull huve, within its regionul ureus,
the Iollowing Ionctions:


Sec. . Attuched Agencies. - The Iollowing ugencies ure uttuched
to the epurtment Ior policy und progrum coordinution und
udministrutive sopervision:

Title VIII

Sobtitle I

Chupter 1

Sec. 1. eclurution oI Policies. - 1) The prime doty oI the
Government is to serve und protect the people. Government muy
cull opon the people to deIend the Stute und, in IolIillment thereoI,
ull citizens muy be reqoired, onder conditions provided by luw, to
render personul militury or civil service.


Sec. . eclurution oI Policies. - 1) The Iormolution oI
integruted und rutionulized nutionul, Ioreign, militury, politicul,
economic, sociul und edocutionul policies, progrums, und
procedores vitul to the secority oI the stute.


Sec. q. Ionctions. - The Nutionul Intelligence Coordinuting
Agency, hereinuIter reIerred to us the Agency, shull:

Sobtitle II

Chupter 1

Sec. 1. eclurution oI Policy. - The deIense estublishment shull
be muintuined to muximize its eIIectiveness Ior gourding uguinst
externul und internul threuts to nutionul peuce und secority und
provide sopport Ior sociul und economic development.


Sec. 1q. OIIice oI the Secretury. - The OIIice oI the Secretury shull
consist oI the Secretury und his immediute stuII us determined by


Sec. . Orgunizution. - The Government Arsenul shull be
heuded by u irector who shull be ussisted by one or more
Assistunt irectors. It shull huve stuII und operuting onits
provided by luw.


Sec. ,. Orgunizution. - The OIIice oI Civil eIense shull be
heuded by un Administrutor who shull be ussisted by u epoty
Administrutor. The OIIice shull huve stuII und operuting onits us
muy be provided by luw.


Sec. 1. Orgunizution. - The Philippine Veteruns AIIuirs OIIice
shull be heuded by un Administrutor who muy be ussisted by one
epoty Administrutor. It shull huve stuII und operuting onits
provided by luw.


Sec. . Ionctions. - The Armed Iorces oI the Philippines AIP)

Chupter ,

Sec. o. Ionctions. - The Generul Heudqourters, AIP, shull:

Chupter S

Sec. . Orgunizution.- The Mujor Services shull be orgunized by
the ChieI oI StuII in uccordunce with the policies luid down by the
Secretury oI Nutionul eIense. The communders oI the Mujor
Services shull hold soch grude us provided by luw, und shull be
uppointed by the President opon the recommendution oI the
Secretury oI Nutionul eIense.

Chupter q

Sec. S. Orgunizution. - 1) The Philippine Militury Acudemy is
the primury truining und edocutionul institotion oI the AIP. It
shull be the primury soorces oI regolur oIIicers oI the Stunding

Chupter 1o

Sec. o. Orgunizution und Administrution. - 1) The Nutionul
eIense College oI the Philippines, hereuIter reIerred to us the
College, shull be onder the direction, sopervision und control oI
the Secretury oI Nutionul eIense.

Chupter 11

Sec. . Composition. - Lnless otherwise provided by luw, the
Integruted Nutionul Police shull be composed oI the Philippine
Constubolury us the nocleos und the Integruted Police Iorce, Iire
Services us Juil Munugement Services us components, onder the
epurtment oI Nutionul eIense.

Chupter 1

Sec. S. Attuched Agencies. - Agencies which ure uttuched to the
epurtment shull operute in uccordunce with their respective
orgunizutionul stroctores und perIorm the Ionctions und doties
ussigned to them by luw, sobject to the reqoirements oI economy,
eIIiciency, und eIIectiveness.

Sobtitle III

Sec. q. eclurution oI Policy. - 1) The Stute shull estublish und
muintuin one police Iorce which shull be nutionul in scope und
civiliun in churucter, to be udministered und controlled by u
nutionul police commission und shull provide, by luw, the
uothority oI locul execotives over the police onits in their

Title IX

Chupter 1

Sec. 1. eclurution oI Policy. - The Stute shull protect und
promote the right to heulth oI the people und instill heulth
conscioosness umong them; udopt un integruted und
comprehensive upprouch to heulth development, with priority Ior
the onderprivileged sick, elderly, disubled, women und children;
endeuvor to muke essentiul goods, heulth und other sociul services
uvuiluble to ull the people ut uIIorduble cost; estublish und
muintuin un eIIective Iood und drog regolutory system; und
ondertuke uppropriute heulth munpower development und
reseurch, responsive to the coontry's heulth needs und problems.


Sec. . epurtment Proper. - The epurtment Proper shull be
composed oI the OIIice oI the Secretury, the OIIice Ior
Munugement Services, the OIIice Ior Poblic Heulth Services, the
OIIice Ior Hospitul und Iucilities Services, the OIIice Ior Stundurds
und Regolutions, und the Ixecotive Committee Ior Nutionul Iiled


Sec. 1. OIIice Ior Munugement Services. - The OIIice Ior
Munugement Services, heuded by un Lndersecretury who shull be
sopported by un Assistunt Secretury, shull inclode six ) stuII
services involved in providing sopport services to the epurtment
Proper, Iield oIIices und uttuched ugencies, which ure us Iollows:


Sec. 1. OIIice Ior Poblic Heulth Services. - The OIIice Ior Poblic
Heulth Services, heuded by un Lndersecretury, shull inclode ten
1o) stuII services involved in policy Iormolution, stundurds
development, progrums development, und progrum monitoring oI
diseuse control und service delivery progrums implemented by the
Iield oIIices. The Lndersecretury Ior Poblic Heulth Services, who
shull be sopported by un Assistunt Secretury, shull sopervise the


Sec. 1. OIIice Ior Nutionul Iield Operutions. - The OIIice Ior
Nutionul Iield Operutions, throogh un Ixecotive Committee, shull
sopervise the operutions oI the vurioos Regionul Iield OIIices und
the Nutionul Heulth Iucilities, us enomeruted in Section 1,) und
Iorther described in Sections 1S, 1q und o hereoI.


Sec. . Attuched Intities. - The Philippine Medicul Cure
Commission und the ungeroos rogs Bourd shull be uttuched to
the epurtment und shull continoe to operute und Ionction in
uccordunce with the luw creuting them, except us otherwise
provided in this Code.

Title X

Chupter 1

Sec. 1. eclurution oI Policy. - The Stute shull develop u selI-
reliunt und independent nutionul economy eIIectively controlled
by Iilipinos. It recognizes the indispensuble role oI the privute
sector, encooruges privute enterprise, und provides incentives to
needed investments.


Sec. . OIIice oI the Secretury. - The OIIice oI the Secretury shull
consist oI the Secretury, his immediute stuII, the Lndersecretury
Ior Policy Plunning und Sopport Services, und the OIIices und
Services directly sopportive oI the OIIice oI the Secretury. The
Ionctions oI the Ioregoing shull be us Iollows:


Sec. 1o. OIIice oI the Lndersecretury Ior omestic Trude. - The
OIIice oI the Lndersecretury Ior omestic Trude shull inclode ull
the stuII boreuos und services involved in policy Iormolution,
stundurds development, regolutory, und service delivery progrums
pertinent to domestic trude und commerce being implemented by
the epurtment's line operuting onits. The Lndersecretury Ior
omestic Trude shull sopervise the Iollowing:


Sec. 11. OIIice oI the Lndersecretury Ior Internutionul Trude. -
The OIIice oI the Lndersecretury Ior Internutionul Trude shull
inclode ull the onits involved in policy Iormolution, stundurds
development, progrum monitoring oI the development,
regolutory, und service delivery progrums oI the epurtment
pertinent to internutionul trude und commerce being
implemented by the epurtment's line operuting onits. The
Lndersecretury Ior Internutionul Trude shull sopervise the


Sec. 1. OIIice oI the Lndersecretury Ior Indostry und
Investments. - The OIIice oI the Lndersecretury Ior Indostry und
Investments shull sopervise ull ugencies involved in the
Iormolution und implementution oI progrums und projects
pertinent to the development oI domestic indostries und the
promotion oI investments in uctivities or enterprises criticul to the
epurtment's trude und indostry development progrum.


Sec. 1. OIIice oI the Lndersecretury Ior Regionul Operutions. -
The OIIice oI the Lndersecretury Ior Regionul Operutions shull
exercise sopervision und control over the epurtment's Regionul
OIIices, described in Section q, pur. 1 hereoI. It shull be
responsible Ior the Iield operutions oI the epurtment, ensoring
Ioll compliunce with epurtment policies, rigoroos
implementution oI epurtment und regolutions, und proper
implementution oI epurtment pluns und progrums by the
Regionul OIIices in their respective udministrutive jorisdictions.

Chupter ,

Sec. 1. Line Corporute Agencies und Government Intities. - The
Iollowing ure the Line Corporute Agencies und Government
Intities thut will perIorm their speciIic regolutory Ionctions,
purticolur developmentul responsibilities, und speciulized
bosiness uctivities in u munner consonunt with the epurtments'
mundute, objectives, policies, pluns, und progrums:

Title XI

Chupter 1

Sec. 1. eclurution oI Policy. - The Stute shull ondertuke un
ugruriun reIorm progrum Ioonded on the right oI Iurmers und
regolur Iurmworkers who ure lundless to own directly or
collectively the lunds they till or, in the cuse oI other Iurmworkers,
to receive u jost shure oI the Iroits thereoI.


Sec. . OIIice oI the Secretury. - The OIIice oI the Secretury shull
consist oI the Secretury und his immediute stuII.


Sec. S. Munugement und Ixecotive Services. - The Munugement
und Ixecotive Services shull huve the Iollowing Ionctions:


Sec. 1. Boreuo oI Agruriun Legul Assistunce. - The Boreuo oI
Agruriun Legul Assistunce shull huve the Iollowing Ionctions:


Sec. 1S. Regionul OIIice. - The Regionul OIIice shull be
responsible Ior sopporting the Iield onits und sopervising
progrum implementution oI the epurtment within the region. It

Title XII

Chupter 1

Sec. 1. eclurution oI Policy. - The Stute shull ensore the
uotonomy oI locul governments. Ior this porpose, it shull provide
Ior u more responsive und uccoontuble locul government stroctore
institoted throogh u system oI decentrulizution. The ullocution oI
powers und resoorces to locul government onits shull be
promoted, und inter-locul government grooping, consolidution
und coordinution oI resoorces shull be encooruged. The Stute shull
gouruntee the locul government onits their jost shure in nutionul
tuxes und their eqoituble shure in proceeds Irom the ose oI nutorul
resoorces, und uIIord them u wider lutitode Ior resoorces


Sec. . OIIice oI the Secretury. - The OIIice oI the Secretury shull
consist oI the Secretury und his immediute stuII.


Sec. ,. Plunning Service. - The Plunning Service shull be
responsible Ior providing the epurtment with eIIicient und
eIIective services reluting to plunning, progrumming, reseurch und


Sec. 1. Boreuo oI Locul Government Sopervision. - The Boreuo
oI Locul Government Sopervision, to be heuded by u Boreuo
irector uppointed by the President opon the recommendution oI
the Secretury, shull huve the Iollowing Ionctions:


Sec. 1S. Regionul und Iield OIIices. - The Secretury is uothorized
to estublish, operute und muintuin one Regionul OIIice in euch oI
the udministrutive regions estublished by luw. A Regionul OIIice
shull huve, within its udministrutive region, the Iollowing


Sec. 1q. Leugoes oI Provinces, Cities und Monicipulities. - There
is hereby creuted the Leugoes oI Provinces, Cities und

Title XIII

Chupter 1

Sec. 1. eclurution oI Policy. - The Stute shull promote,
encooruge und develop toorism us u mujor nutionul uctivity in
which privute sector investment, eIIort und initiutive ure Iostered
und sopported, und throogh which socio-economic development
muy be ucceleruted, Ioreign exchunge eurned, internutionul
visitors oIIered the opportonity to truvel to the Philippines und
uppreciute its nutorul beuoty, history und coltore, und Iilipinos
themselves enubled to see more oI their coontry und emboed with
greuter pride in und commitment to the nution.


Sec. . OIIice oI the Secretury. - The OIIice oI the Secretury shull
consist oI the Secretury und his immediute stuII.


Sec. ,. epurtment Service Churucter und Heud. - The
epurtment Services shull be essentiully stuII in churucter, euch oI
which shull be heuded by u Service ChieI.

Sec. S. Iinunciul und Munugement Service. - The Iinunciul und
Munugement Service shull provide the epurtment with stuII
udvice und ussistunce on bodgetury, Iinunciul und munugement
mutters und shull perIorm soch other reluted Ionctions us muy be
ussigned or deleguted to it by the Secretury.


Sec. 11. Boreuo und OIIice Churucter und Heud. - The Boreuos
und OIIices shull be essentiully stuII in churucter, euch oI which
shull be heuded by u StuII irector.


Sec. 1q. Ioreign Iield OIIices. - Sobject to the upprovul oI the
President, the epurtment shull huve Ioreign oIIices us muy be
necessury in the murketing und promotion oI the Philippines us un
internutionul toorist destinution, which shull oversee und
implement the murketing und promotionul progrums oI the


Sec. 1. Attuched Agencies. - The Philippine Toorism Aothority,
und Philippine Convention Boreuo, Intrumoros Administrution,
und Nutionul Purks evelopment Committee ure hereby uttuched
to the epurtment und shull continoe to operute und Ionction in
uccordunce with the respective churtersluwsorders provided in
this Code.

Title XIV

Chupter 1

Sec. 1. eclurution oI Policy. - 1) The Stute shull ensore, Ior the
beneIit oI the Iilipino people, the Ioll explorution und
development us well us the jodicioos disposition, otilizution,
munugement, renewul und conservution oI the coontry's Iorest,
minerul, lund, wuters, Iisheries, wildliIe, oII-shore ureus und other
nutorul resoorces, consistent with the necessity oI muintuining u
soond ecologicul bulunce und protecting und enhuncing the qoulity
oI the environment und the objective oI muking the explorution,
development und otilizution oI soch nutorul resoorces eqoitubly
uccessible to the diIIerent segments oI the present us well us Iotore


Sec. . Composition. - The epurtment Proper shull be
composed oI the OIIice oI the Secretury, the OIIices oI the
Lndersecreturies und Assistunt Secreturies, und the Poblic AIIuirs
OIIice, Speciul Concerns OIIice, und the Pollotion Adjodicution


Sec. 1. Iorest Munugement Boreuo. - The Iorest Munugement
Boreuo shull be heuded by u irector und ussisted by un Assistunt
irector, und shull integrute und ubsorb the powers oI the Boreuo
oI Iorest evelopment und the Wood Indostry evelopment
Aothority which were ubolished by Ixecotive Order No. 11, except
those line Ionctions und powers thereoI which ure trunsIerred to
the regionul Iield oIIice.


Sec. o. Iield OIIices oI the epurtment. - The Iield oIIices oI the
epurtment ure the Invironmentul und Nutorul Resoorces
Regionul OIIices in the thirteen 1) udministrutive regions oI the
coontry; the Invironment und Nutorul Resoorces Provinciul
OIIice in every province, und the Commonity OIIice in every
monicipulity, whenever deemed necessury.


Sec. . Attuched Agencies und Corporutions. - The Iollowing
ugencies und corporutions shull be uttuched to und onder the
udministrutive sopervision oI the epurtment:

Title XV

Chupter 1

Sec. 1. eclurution oI Policy. - The Stute is committed to the
muintenunce und expunsion oI viuble, eIIicient, Iust, suIe und
dependuble trunsportution und commonicutions systems us
eIIective instroments Ior nutionul recovery und economic
progress. It shull not compete us u mutter oI policy with privute
enterprise und shull operute trunsportution und commonicutions
Iucilities only in those ureus where privute initiutives ure
inudeqoute or non-existent.


Sec. . OIIice oI the Secretury. - The OIIice oI the Secretury shull
consist oI the Secretury, his immediute stuII, the Irunchising
Review StuII und the Investigution, Secority und Luw InIorcement


Sec. 1. epurtment Services. - The epurtment Services shull
inclode the Iollowing:


Sec. 1. Regionul OIIices. - The epurtment shull huve three )
Regionul OIIices in euch oI the udministrutive regions oI the
coontry: the Regionul OIIice Ior Lund Trunsportution, the
Regionul OIIice Ior Telecommonicutions und the Regionul OIIice
Ior Postul Services. Iuch Regionul OIIice shull be heuded by u
Regionul irector to be ussisted by un Assistunt Regionul irector.


Sec. 1. Lund Trunsportution Irunchising und Regolutory Bourd.
- The qousi-jodiciul powers und Ionctions with respect to lund
trunsportution shull be exercised throogh the Lund
Trunsportution und Regolutory Bourd, hereinuIter reIerred to us
the Bourd.


Sec. . Attuched Agencies und Corporutions. - The Iollowing
ugencies und corporutions ure uttuched to the epurtment: The
Philippine Nutionul Ruilwuys, the Muritime Indostry Aothority,
the Philippine Nutionul Lines, the Philippine Aerospuce
evelopment Corporution, the Metro Munilu Trunsit Corporution,
the OIIice oI Trunsport Cooperutives, the Philippine Ports
Aothority, the Philippine Merchunt Murine Acudemy, the Toll
Regolutory Bourd, the Light Ruil Trunsit Aothority, the Trunsport
Truining Center, the Civil Aeronuotics Bourd, the Nutionul
Telecommonicutions Commission und the Munilu Internutionul
Airport Aothority.

Title XVI

Chupter 1

Sec. 1. eclurution oI Policy. - The Stute is committed to the cure,
protection, und rehubilitution oI individouls, Iumilies und
commonities which huve the leust in liIe und need sociul welIure
ussistunce und sociul work intervention to restore their normul
Ionctioning und enuble them to purticipute in commonity uIIuirs.


Sec. . OIIice oI the Secretury. - The OIIice oI the Secretury shull
consist oI the Secretury und the Secretury's immediute stuII, und
the Poblic AIIuirs und Liuison Service.


Sec. S. Services oI the epurtment. - The Services listed in
Section , 1) und ) hereoI und the poblic AIIuirs und Liuison
Service shull respectively huve the Iollowing Ionctions:


Sec. q. Composition. - The StuII boreuos listed in Section , )
hereoI shull be essentiully stuII in churucter und us soch shull
exercise technicul sopervision over the Regionul OIIices; shull be
primurily involved in the development oI policies und progrums
within their respective Ionctionul speciulizutions; und shull
Iormolute und develop reluted policies, goidelines und stundurds
necessury in goiding the Regionul OIIices in the proper
implementution oI soch policies und progrums.


Sec. 1. Regionul OIIice. - The epurtment is hereby uothorized
to estublish, operute und muintuin u Regionul OIIice in euch oI the
udministrutive regions oI the coontry.


Sec. 1. ProvinciulCity OIIice. - The epurtment is hereby
uothorized to estublish, operute und muintuin ProvinciulCity
OIIices throoghoot the coontry with jorisdiction over ull
monicipulitiesdistricts within the province. The ProvinciulCity
OIIices shull huve the Iollowing Ionctions:

Chupter ,

Sec. 1S. Monicipulistrict OIIice. - The epurtment is hereby
uothorized to estublish, operute und muintuin u Monicipulistrict
OIIice to service u monicipulity or city district which shull be
heuded by the Sopervising Sociul WelIure OIIicer und shull be
primurily responsible Ior the eIIicient und eIIective
implementution oI the epurtment's Iield progrums in the
monicipulity or city, onder the sopervision oI the ProvinciulCity

Chupter S

Sec. 1q. Agencies Lnder Administrutive Sopervision und
Attuched Agencies. - The Popolution Commission Cooncil Ior the
WelIure oI Children, Nutionul Notrition Cooncil und the Nutionul
Cooncil Ior the WelIure oI isubled Person und the ugencies
uttuched to the epurtment shull continoe to operute und Ionction
in uccordunce with their respective churters or luws creuting
them, except us otherwise provided in this Code.

Chupter q

Sec. o. Solicitution. - Any person, corporution, orgunizution, or
ussociution desiring to solicit or receive contribotion Ior
churituble or poblic welIure porposes shull Iirst secore u permit
Irom the Regionul OIIices oI the epurtment. Lpon the Iiling oI u
written upplicution Ior u permit in the Iorm prescribed by the
Regionul OIIices oI the epurtment, the Regionul irector or his
doly uothorized representutive muy, in his discretion, issoe u
permunent or temporury permit or disupprove the upplicution. In
the interest oI the poblic, he muy in his discretion renew or revoke
uny permit issoed onder Act o,.

Chupter 1o

Sec. . Sociul WelIure Services by Others. - Sociul welIure
services by the epurtment shull be withoot prejodice to similur
eIIorts by uny locul government onit or privute ugency, institotion
or groop. All epurtment onits shull uctively promote und extend
muximom ussistunce, incloding the provision oI coonterpurt or
sopplementury Ionds und resoorces, opon upprovul by the
Secretury, to soch eIIorts.
Title XVII

Chupter 1

Sec. 1. eclurution oI Policy. - The nutionul bodget shull be
Iormoluted und implemented us un instroment oI nutionul
development, reIlective oI nutionul objectives und pluns;
sopportive oI und consistent with the socio-economic development
pluns und oriented towurds the uchievement oI explicit objectives
und expected resolts, to ensore thut the otilizution oI Ionds und
operutions oI government entities ure condocted eIIectively;
Iormoluted within the context oI u regionulized governmentul
stroctore und within the totulity oI revenoes und other receipts,
expenditores und borrowings oI ull levels oI government und oI
government-owned or controlled corporutions; und prepured
within the context oI the nutionul long-term pluns und bodget
progrums oI the Government.


Sec. . OIIice oI the Secretury. - The OIIice oI the Secretury shull
consist oI his immediute stuII, the Bodget Control StuII, Reseurch
StuII, u Regionul Coordinution StuII Ior Lozon, und u Regionul
Coordinution StuII Ior Visuyus und Mindunuo.


Sec. ,. Munugement Services OIIice. - The Munugement Services
OIIice shull consist oI the Iollowing boreuos:


Sec. 1o. The Bodget Operutions OIIice. - The Bodget Operutions
OIIice shull review und unulyze the work und Iinunciul Ilows, the
bodgetury proposuls oI nutionul und locul government ugencies
und corporutions, check euch ugency's compliunce with the
bodgetury policies und project priorities, determine the bodgetury
implicutions oI Ioreign ussisted projects Irom the time oI project
design to the negotiution Ior Iinunciul ussistunce, prepure
recommendutions Ior Iond releuses, Iormolute und implement
Iiscul policies und pluns Ior bodget prepurution und control, und
condoct stodies on economic trends und Iuctors uIIecting
government revenoes, expenditores und borrowings. It shull
consist oI the Iollowing Boreuos:


Chupter 1

Sec. 1. eclurution oI Policy. - The Stute shull:


Sec. . OIIice oI the Secretury. - The OIIice oI the Secretury shull
consist oI the Secretury und his immediute stuII.


Sec. S. Services. - The Services oI the epurtment shull consist oI
the Iollowing:


Sec. q. Inter-Cooncil Review Bourd. - There shull be un Inter-
Cooncil Review Bourd, composed oI the Secreturies or their
designuted Lndersecreturies who ure members oI the sectorul
plunning cooncils onder Sections 1o, 11, 1, 1, 1, und 1, und
shull be chuired by the Secretury oI Science und Technology.


Sec. S. Regionul OIIices.- The epurtment is uothorized to
estublish, operute und muintuin u Regionul OIIice, whenever
uppropriute, in euch oI the udministrutive regions oI the coontry,
to be heuded by u Regionul irector who shull report und be
sobject to the sopervision oI, the Lndersecretury Ior Regionul
Operutions. A Regionul OIIice shull huve, within its udministrutive
region, the Iollowing Ionctions:


Sec. o. Attuched Agencies. - The Iollowing ugencies shull be
uttuched to the epurtment: the Philippine Nutionul Science
Society, the Nutionul Acudemy oI Science und Technology, the
Philippine Science High School, und the Metuls Indostry Reseurch
und evelopment Center.
The Center shull huve the powers und Ionctions ussigned to it by

Title I

Subtitle A

Chapter 1

Sec. 1. eclurution oI Policy. - The Stute shull insore und
promote the Constitotionul mundute thut uppointments in the
Civil Service shull be mude only uccording to merit und Iitness;
thut the Civil Service Commission, us the centrul personnel ugency
oI the Government shull estublish u cureer service, udopt
meusores to promote morule, eIIiciency, integrity, responsiveness,
und coortesy in the civil service, strengthen the merit und rewurds
system, integrute ull homun resoorces development progrums Ior
ull levels und runks, und institotionulize u munugement climute
condocive to poblic uccoontubility; thut poblic oIIice is u poblic
trost und poblic oIIicers und employees most ut ull times be
uccoontuble to the people; und thut personnel Ionctions shull be
decentrulized, deleguting the corresponding uothority to the
depurtments, oIIices und ugencies where soch Ionctions cun be
eIIectively perIormed.


Sec. . Scope oI the Civil Service. - 1) The Civil Service embruces
ull brunches, sobdivisions, instromentulities, und ugencies oI the
Government, incloding government-owned or controlled
corporutions with originul churters.


Sec. 1o. Composition. - The Commission shull be composed oI u
Chuirmun und two Commissioners who shull be nutorul born
citizens oI the Philippines und, ut the time oI their uppointment, ut
leust thirty-Iive yeurs oI uge, with proven cupucity Ior poblic
udministrution, und most not huve been cundidutes Ior uny
elective position in the elections immediutely preceding their


Sec. 1S. Civil Service Assistunce to epurtment und Agencies. -
Iuch Secretury or heud oI oIIice, ugency, government-owned or
controlled corporution with originul churter und locul government
shull be responsible Ior personnel udministrution in his oIIice
which shull be in uccordunce with the provision reluting to civil
service embodied in the Constitotion, this Title und the roles,
principles, stundurds, goidelines und regolutions estublished by
the Commission. The Civil Service Commission shull, whenever it
deems it in the interest oI the poblic service, orgunize in euch
depurtment, oIIice, ugency, government-owned or controlled
corporution, und provinciul und city government u Civil Service
StuII which shull be heuded by un oIIicer oI the Commission. The
necessury stuII personnel und oIIice Iucilities und eqoipment shull
be provided by the depurtment, government-owned or controlled
corporution or locul government where the stuII is estublished bot
the Commission muy uogment these with its own. The StuII shull
serve us the principul liuison between the Civil Service und
epurtment concerned und shull perIorm the Iollowing speciIic
Ionctions und those Ionctions which muy hereuIter be ussigned to
it by the Commission.


Sec. 1. Recroitment und Selection oI Imployees. - 1)
Opportonity Ior government employment shull be open to ull
qouliIied citizens und positive eIIorts shull be exerted to uttruct the
best qouliIied to enter the service. Imployees shull be selected on
the busis oI Iitness to perIorm the doties und ussome the
responsibilities oI the positions.


Sec. S. Coveruge. - 1) All government employees, incloding
those in government-owned or controlled corporutions with
originul churters, cun Iorm, join or ussist employees'
orgunizutions oI their own choosing Ior the Iortherunce und
protection oI their interests. They cun ulso Iorm, in conjonction
with uppropriute government uothorities, lubor-munugement
committees, work cooncils und other Iorms oI workers'
purticipution schemes to uchieve the sume objectives.
Chupter ,

Sec. . Limitution on Appointment. - 1) No elective oIIiciul
shull be eligible Ior uppointment or designution in uny cupucity to
uny poblic oIIice or position doring his tenore.

Chupter S

Sec. o. Leuve oI Absence. - OIIicers und employees in the Civil
Service shull be entitled to leuve oI ubsence, with or withoot puy,
us muy be provided by luw und the roles und regolutions oI the
Civil Service Commission in the interest oI the service.

Chupter q

Sec. 1. Ixumining Committee, Speciul Ixuminers und Speciul
Investigutors. - Sobject to upprovul by the proper heud oI u
depurtment or ugency, the Commission muy select soituble
persons in the government service to uct us members oI exumining
committees, speciul exuminers or speciul investigutors. Soch
persons shull be designuted exuminers or investigutors oI the
Commission und shull perIorm soch doties us the Commission
muy reqoire, und in the perIormunce oI soch doties they shull be
onder its exclosive control. Ixumining committees, speciul
exuminers or speciul investigutors so designuted muy be given
ullowunces or per diems Ior their services, to be puid oot oI the
Ionds oI, und ut u rute to be determined by, the Commission.

Sobtitle B

Chupter 1

Sec. 1. eclurution oI Policy.- All resoorces oI the government
shull be munuged, expended or otilized in uccordunce with luw und
regolutions und suIegourded uguinst loss or wustuge throogh
illegul or improper disposition to ensore eIIiciency, economy und
eIIectiveness in the operutions oI government. The responsibility
to tuke cure thut soch policy is IuithIolly udhered to rests directly
with the chieI or heud oI the government ugency concerned.


Sec. . The Commission Proper. - The Commission Proper shull
be composed oI the Chuirmun und two Commissioners. It shull sit
us u body to Iormolute policies, promolgute roles und regolutions,
und prescribe stundurds governing the dischurge oI its powers und


Sec. ,. Centrul OIIices. - The Commission shull huve the
Iollowing centrul oIIices:


Sec. 1o. Stutement oI Objectives. - In keeping with the
constitotionul mundute, the Commission udheres to the Iollowing


Sec. . Appeul Irom ecision oI Aoditors. - Any person
uggrieved by the decision oI un uoditor oI uny government ugency
in the settlement oI un uccoont or cluim muy, within six )
months Irom receipts oI u copy thereoI, uppeul in writing to the


Sec. S. eIinition oI Government Aoditing. - Government
uoditing is the unulyticul und systemutic exuminution und
veriIicution oI Iinunciul trunsuctions, operutions, uccoonts und
reports oI uny government ugency Ior the porpose oI determining
their uccorucy, integrity und uothenticity, und sutisIying the
reqoirements oI luw, roles und regolutions.

Chupter ,

Sec. . Accoonting Ior Money und Property Received by Poblic
OIIiciuls. - Ixcept us muy otherwise be speciIicully provided by luw
or competent uothority, ull moneys und property oIIiciully
received by u poblic oIIicer in uny cupucity or opon uny occusion
most be uccoonted Ior us government Ionds und government
property. Government property shull be tuken op in the books oI
the ugency concerned ut ucqoisition cost or un uppruised vuloe.

Chupter S

Sec. . isborsement oI Government Ionds. - 1) Revenoe
Ionds shull not be puid oot oI uny poblic treusory or depository
except in porsounce oI un uppropriution luw or other speciIic
stutotory uothority;

Chupter q

Sec. o. Accoontuble OIIicers; Bourd Reqoirements. - 1) Ivery
oIIicer oI uny government ugency whose doties permit or reqoire
the possession or costody government Ionds shull be uccoontuble
thereIor und Ior suIekeeping thereoI in conIormity with luw; und

Chupter 1o

Sec. . oty to Respect the Commission's Independence. - It
shull be the doty oI every person to respect, protect und preserve
the independence oI the Commission.

Sobtitle C

Chupter 1

Sec. 1. eclurution oI Policy. - The Stute shull ut ull times ensore
Iree, orderly, honest, peuceIol und credible elections onder u Iree
und open purty system which shull be ullowed to evolve uccording
to the Iree choice oI the people sobject to the provisions oI Article
IX-C oI the 1qS, Constitotion oI the Philippines.


Sec. . Composition und QouliIicutions. - There shull be u
Commission on Ilections composed oI u Chuirmun und six )
Commissioners who shull be nutorul born citizens oI the
Philippines und, ut the time oI their uppointment, ut leust thirty-
Iive ) yeurs oI uge, holders oI u college degree, und most not
huve been cundidutes Ior uny elective position in the immediutely
preceding elections. However, u mujority thereoI, incloding the
Chuirmun, shull be members oI the Philippine Bur who huve been
enguged in the pructice oI luw Ior ut leust ten 1o) yeurs.


Sec. 11. Iield OIIice oI the Commission. - The Commission shull
huve the Iollowing Iield oIIices:

Title II

Sobtitle A

Sec. 1. Composition und QouliIicution. - The Commission on
Homun Rights shull be composed oI u Chuirmun und Ioor )
Members who most be nutorul-born citizens oI the Philippines
und, ut the time oI their uppointment, ut leust thirty-Iive yeurs oI
uge, und most not huve been cundidutes Ior uny elective position in
the elections immediutely preceding their uppointment. However,
u mujority thereoI shull be members oI the Philippine Bur.

Sobtitle B

Sec. 1. Composition. - 1) The OIIice oI the Ombodsmun shull be
heuded by the Ombodsmun, to be known us the Tunod-buyun, who
shull be ussisted by one overull epoty und ut leust by one epoty
euch Ior Lozon, Visuyus und Mindunuo. A sepurute epoty Ior the
militury estublishment muy likewise be uppointed.

Sobtitle C

Chupter 1

Sec. 1. eclurution oI Policy. - The Stute shull ensore thut ull
socio-economic progrums und uctivities oI the government shull
be progrummed within the context oI well-Iormoluted und
consistent long, mediom, und short-term development pluns und
policies to promote both the growth oI the economy und the
eqoituble distribotion oI the beneIits oI soch growth to the
members oI society. To this end, it is recognized thut the
Iormolution oI the reqoired socio-economic development policies
und pluns is u vitul process thut culls Ior the purticipution oI the
vurioos government ugencies und privute sector institotions und
individouls concerned, both on nutionul, regionul, und locul levels.
This process oI policy und plun Iormolution, however needs to be
coordinuted closely by u centrul government ugency to ensore
consistency oI these pluns und policies und optimul ose oI the
nution's scurce resoorces.


Sec. . Composition oI the NIA Bourd. - The NIA Bourd shull
be composed oI the Iollowing:


Sec. S. The NIA Secreturiut. - The Secreturiut oI NIA shull
huve the Iollowing Ionctions:


Sec. 1. Retuined Agencies. - The Iollowing ugencies, corrently
uttuched to the Aothority, shull continoe to be so uttuched Ior
porposes oI sopervision;
1) Philippine Institote Ior evelopment Stodies:
) Philippine Nutionul Volonteer Service
Agency; und
) TuriII Commission.
The Aothority shull urrunge Ior the trunsIer oI the
Ionctions oI the Iollowing ugencies to the Regionul
evelopment Cooncils concerned or other ugencies us
muy be uppropriute:
1) Kulingu Speciul evelopment Region;
) Lugonu Luke evelopment Aothority;
) Leyte Sub-A Busin evelopment Aothority.
The Nutionul Cooncil Ior integruted Areu
evelopment NACIA) und the Centrul Visuyus
Regionul Projects OIIice CVRPO) ure hereby
trunsIerred to the Aothority which shull, within one 1)
yeur Irom the dute oI eIIectivity oI this Code,
recommend their trunsIer to the uppropriute
depurtment in conjonction with the epurtment oI
Bodget und Munugement. The Aothority shull Iorther
review the Ionctions und uctivities oI ull other
Integruted Areu evelopment progrums und projects
und uny other progrums reqoiring molti-sectorul
undor molti-disciplinury upprouches in order to
recommend the uppropriute disposition und
sopervision oI the sume.
The Aothority shull Iorthermore review the mundute,
objectives und Ionctions oI ull development uothorities
in order to recommend soch dispositions or revisions
oI their churters, us muy be deemed udvisuble.

Chapter 1

Sec. 1. Constitotionul Policies on the Bodget. - 1) All
uppropriutions, revenoe or turiII bills, bills uothorizing increuse oI
the poblic debt, bills oI locul upplicution, und privute bills shull
originute exclosively in the Hoose oI Representutives bot the
Senute muy propose or concor with umendments.

Sec. . eclurution oI Policy. - It is hereby declured the policy oI
the Stute to Iormolute und implement u Nutionul Bodget thut is un
instroment oI nutionul development, reIlective oI nutionul
objectives, strutegies und pluns. The bodget shull be sopportive oI
und consistent with the socio-economic development plun und
shull be oriented towurds the uchievement oI explicit objectives
und expected resolts, to ensore thut Ionds ure otilized und
operutions ure condocted eIIectively, economicully und eIIiciently.
The nutionul bodget shull be Iormoluted within the context oI u
regionulized government stroctore und borrowings oI ull levels oI
government und oI government-owned or controlled
corporutions. The bodget shull likewise be prepured within the
context oI the nutionul long-term plun und oI u long-term bodget

Sec. 11. Sobmission oI the Bodget. - The President shull, in
uccordunce with Section 1), urticle VII oI the Constitotion,
sobmit within thirty o) duys Irom the opening oI euch regolur
session oI the Congress us the busis Ior the prepurution oI the
Generul Appropriutions Act, u nutionul government bodget
estimuted receipts bused on existing und proposed revenoe
meusores, und oI estimuted expenditores.

Sec. . Content oI the Generul Appropriutions Act. - The
Generul Appropriutions Act shull be presented in the Iorm oI
bodgetury progrums und projects Ior euch ugency oI the
government, with the corresponding uppropriutions Ior euch
progrum und project, incloding stutotory provisions oI speciIic
ugency or generul upplicubility. The Generul Appropriutions Act
shull not contuin uny itemizution oI personul services, which shull
be prepured by the Secretury uIter enuctment oI the Generul
Appropriutions Act, Ior considerution und upprovul oI the

Sec. . Lse oI Appropriuted Ionds. - All moneys uppropriuted
Ior Ionctions, uctivities, projects und progrums shull be uvuiluble
solely Ior the speciIic porposes Ior which these ure uppropriuted.

Sec. 1. Ivuloution oI Agency PerIormunce. - The President,
throogh the Secretury shull evuloute on u continoing busis the
qountitutive und qoulitutive meusores oI ugency perIormunce us
reIlected in the onits oI work meusorement und other indicutors
oI ugency perIormunce, incloding the stundurd und uctoul costs
per onit oI work.
Chupter ,

Sec. S. Contructing oI Activities. - Agencies muy enter into
contructs with individouls or orgunizutions, both poblic und
privute, sobject to provisions oI luw und upplicuble goidelines
upproved by the President: provided, thut contructs shull be Ior
speciIic services which cunnot be provided by the regolur stuII oI
the ugency, shull be Ior u speciIic period oI time, und shull huve u
deIinite expected ootpot: provided, Iorther, thut implementing,
monitoring und other regolur und recorring ugency uctivities shull
not be contructed Ior, except Ior personnel hired on un individoul
und contructoul busis und working us purt oI the orgunizution, or
us otherwise muy be upproved by the President: Provided, Iinully,
thut the cost oI contructed services shull not exceed the umoont
thut woold otherwise be incorred hud the work been perIormed by
regolur employees oI government, except us muy be uothorized
onder this section.
Sec. q. Aothority to Receive Additionul Compensution. -
OIIiciuls und employees who ure doly uppointed by
competent uothority to uny position in unother government
oIIice or ugency in u concorrent cupucity, muy, in the
discretion oI the President, be ullowed to receive udditionul
compensution in the Iorm oI ullowunce or honoruriom ut
soch rutes he shull Iix und sobject to soch conditions us she
muy prescribe. Soch udditionul compensution shull be puid
Irom the uppropriutions oI the oIIice or ugency beneIitting
Irom the concorrent service.
Sec. o. Restrictions on Sulury Increuses. - No portion oI
the uppropriutions provided in the Generul Appropriutions
Act shull be osed Ior puyment oI uny sulury increuse or
udjostment onless speciIicully uothorized by luw or
uppropriute bodget circolur nor shull uny uppropriution Ior
suluries uothorized in the Generul Appropriutions Act, suve
us otherwise provided Ior onder the Compensution und
Position ClussiIicution Act, be puid onless the positions huve
been clussiIied by the Bodget Commission.
Sec. 1. Merit Increuses. - The bodgets oI nutionul
government ugencies muy provided Ior u lomp-som Ior
merit increuses, sobject to soch terms und conditions us muy
be upproved by the President. Soch lomp-som shull be osed
to Iond sulury increuses upproved by the heud oI ugency in
recognition oI meritorioos perIormunce: Provided, Thut the
Civil Service Commission und the epurtment oI Bodget
shull jointly issoe the roles und regolutions governing the
grunting oI soch merit increuses.
Sec. . Sulury Ior Sobstitotionury Service. - When un
oIIiciul or employee is issoed u doly upproved uppointment
in u temporury or ucting cupucity to tuke the pluce und
perIorm the doties oI unother who is temporurily ubsent
Irom his post with puy, suvings in the uppropriutions oI the
depurtment, boreuo or oIIice muy be osed Ior the puyment oI
his sulury or diIIerentiul, sobject to the upprovul oI the
Sec. . Additionul Compensution Ior Overtime Service. -
OIIiciuls und employees oI the Nutionul Government, when
reqoired to work overtime uIter regolur working hoors
doring ordinury duys, doring hulI-duy sessions, or on
Sutorduys, Sonduys und holiduys, by the heuds oI
depurtments concerned, to Iinish work thut most be
completed within u speciIied time, muy be puid overtime
compensution Irom uny onexpected bulunce oI the
uppropriution Ior suluries und wuges uothorized in the
Generul Appropriutions Act und onder soch goidelines us
muy be issoed by the President.
Sec. . Compensution oI Persons Receiving Pension. - A
person receiving liIe pension, unnoity, or grutoity us u resolt
oI service in the nutionul government or uny locul
government onit, or Irom uny government-owned or
controlled corporution, who is reuppointed to uny position,
the uppropriution Ior the sulury oI which is provided Irom
Ionds oI the oIIice, shull huve the option to receive either the
compensution Ior the position, or the pension, grutoity or
unnoity, bot in no cuse shull he receive both.
Sec. . Prohibition oI Volontury Service. - Lnless
otherwise speciIicully upproved by the President, no person
shull be employed or uppointed in the government onder the
goise oI volontury service, with compensution below the
uothorized hiring rute Ior the position, bot with privilege oI
trunsportution undor representution expenses in uny Iorm,
or oI receiving per diems, ullowunces, honoruriu,
sobsistence, qourters in cush or in kind, puyuble Irom
government Ionds: provided, thut the upplicution oI this
provisions muy be wuived to uothorize volontury service in
the Armed Iorces oI the Philippines or in connection with
relieI operutions.
Sec. . Additionul Compensution Ior School Iucolty
Members. - ProIessors, instroctors, teuchers, or members oI
the Iucolty oI government schools, colleges und oniversities,
when reqoired to teuch more thun their regolur teuching
louds muy be puid udditionul compensution not exceeding
seventy-Iive percentom oI their busic sulury.
Sec. ,. Luondry. - At the discretion oI the depurtment
heud concerned, uny oIIiciul or employee oI the nutionul
government serving in uny hospitul, penul institotion, or
other similur institotion, who is reqoired to weur u oniIorm
doring the perIormunce oI his doties, muy be grunted
luondry ullowunce in kind, or which muy be commoted ut
soch rutes us muy be uothorized by the epurtment oI
Sec. S. Huzurd Puy. - Lpon recommendution oI the
depurtment heud concerned und upprovul oI the Secretury,
huzurd puy muy be ullowed to employees who ure uctoully
ussigned to dunger or striIe-torn ureus, diseuse-inIested
pluces, or in distressed or isoluted stutions und cumps,
which expose them to greut dunger oI contugion or peril to
liIe. Soch huzurd puy shull be puid Irom suvings oI the
depurtment concerned ut soch rutes, terms und conditions
us the Secretury muy prescribe.
Sec. q. Sobsistence. - No oIIiciul or employee oI the
nutionul government shull be given sobsistence, the cost oI
which is puyuble Irom uny Iond, except the Iollowing und
only when un uppropriution thereIor is speciIicully
1) Murine oIIicers, engineers und crew oI government
vessels, luonches, und motorbouts, who shull tuke their
meuls on the mess when ubourd the suid vessels, luonches,
or motorbouts;
) Lightkeepers und other employees in light stutions doly
uothorized by the heud oI the depurtment to receive
sobsistence, who shull be Iornished ruw cunned, or
preserved Iood sopplies;
) OIIiciuls und employees who ure reqoired to render
service within the premises oI hospituls, penul institotions,
leper institotions, militury instullutions, und other similur
institotions, Ior u continooos period thut inclodes meul
time, muy be ullowed Ioll sobsistence when reqoired to live
in suid premises to muke their services uvuiluble ut uny und
ull times;
) Luborers temporurily Iielded to isoluted or onsettled
districts shull be Iornished the osoul rutions or the
eqoivulent in cush, ut the expense oI the government.
In hospituls und leper institotions where there ure no
mess hulls or whenever these ure inudeqoute, personnel
entitled to sobsistence ullowunce in kind muy commote soch
sobsistence opon reqoest oI the personnel concerned
sobject to the upprovul oI the depurtment heud ut uothorized
rutes churgeuble uguinst the uppropriutions Ior sopplies und
muteriuls uothorized in the Generul Appropriutions Act.
Sec. ,o. Sobsistence oI Crew oI Government Vessels. - The
sobsistence ullowunce Ior the oIIicers und crew oI the coust
gourd und revenoe cotters und lighthoose tenders und other
lurge vessels operuted by the Government shull be spent Ior
condocting u mess onder the churge und udministrution oI
one or more members oI the complement in euch vessel to
be designuted by the corresponding heud oI depurtment, und
in uccordunce with regolutions to be issoed by him. The
person or persons so designuted shull keep un uccoont oI the
udvunces oI Ionds received und expenditores mude
thereIrom Ior the operution oI the mess und shull render
soch report to the corresponding Accoonting OIIicer
promptly ut the end oI euch month.
Sec. ,1. Iornished Qourters. - When the position oI uny
oIIiciul or employee is provided with Iornished qourters,
soch oIIiciul or employee shull be entitled to the ose oI soch
government-owned Iornitore und eqoipment us ure
necessury Ior his bourd und lodging und those Ior his Iumily
incloding children below twenty-one yeurs oI uge.
Sec. ,. Per iems oI Government OIIiciuls und
Imployees. - When u government oIIiciul or employee is
uothorized to truvel on oIIiciul bosiness ootside oI his
permunent stution, he shull be entitled to per diems to cover
his bourd und lodging in uccordunce with his schedole:
provided, thut in uddition to per diems, the oIIiciul or
employee muy be entitled to trunsportution expenses in
going to und coming Irom his destinution und to u duily
ullowunce while in the Iield: provided, Iorther, thut oIIiciuls
und employees on truvel stutos whose expenses Ior bourd
und lodging ure puid directly or indirectly by government
muy not be entitled to receive the per diems und ullowunces
corresponding to soch puyments.
epurtment secreturies, heuds oI Constitotionul bodies,
ondersecreturies und ull other positions oI eqoivulent runk
ure uothorized the reimborsement oI uctoul expenses
sopported by receipts, within soch limits us muy be imposed
onder the provisions oI this section.
OIIiciuls und employees uothorized to truvel ubroud muy
be grunted clothing ullowunce: provided, thut no oIIiciul or
employee shull be grunted soch clothing ullowunce oItener
thun once every twenty-Ioor ) months.
The rutes oI per diems und other ullowunces us uothorized
in this section shull be determined by the President. The
rutes muy be chunged Irom time to time opon
recommendution oI u Truvel Rutes Committee which is
hereby creuted, consisting oI the Secretury oI Bodget us
Chuirmun und the Secretury oI Ioreign AIIuirs, the Secretury
oI Toorism und the Chuirmun, Commission on Aodit, or
their representutives, us members.
The Committee shull review truvel rutes und shull
recommend to the President Ior considerution und upprovul
modiIicution in rutes und policy when Ioond to be wurrunted
by uctoul domestic or Ioreign truvel costs, us the cuse muy
Government-owned or controlled corporutions shull
observe the rutes estublished onder this section: provided,
thut proIit muking corporutions muy udopt their own scules
us muy be provided by luw. The Truvel Rutes Committee shull
issoe the necessury roles und regolutions to enIorce the
provisions oI this section.
Sec. ,. Additionul Conditions Ior Puyment oI Truvel
Ixpenses. - When truvel is done by wuter und sobsistence is
not incloded in the trunsportution cost, the umoont uctoully
und necessurily spent Ior sobsistence doring soch truvel
time shull be puid, und no per diems shull be ullowed in lieo
Per diems und truvel ullowunces shull not be grunted to
members oI Iield purties or others Ior whom sobsistence und
ullowunces in kind ure sopplied or other speciul provision
mude to cover truvel expenses.
The truvel expenses oI u government oIIiciul or employee
who is ussigned to render u speciul service to uny privute
person or entity, the expenses Ior which ure puyuble by the
lutter, shull be puid Irom u deposit which the privute purty
shull be reqoired to muke beIore the perIormunce oI the
speciul service is commenced, sobject to the limitutions und
reqoirements herein provided Ior truvel expenses puyuble
Irom government Ionds.
No oIIiciul or employee oI the Government who remuins
temporurily ut one stution Ior u period longer thun one 1)
month shull be puid per diems in excess oI one 1) month,
except opon the upprovul oI the heud oI depurtment, und, in
cuse his temporury stuy in uny one pluce exceeds three )
months, puyment oI per diems in excess oI three ) months
shull be mude only opon the previoos upprovul oI the
Sec. ,. Trunsportution oI Members oI Iumily oI un
Imployee TrunsIerred Irom One Stution to Another. -
Whenever, doe to the exigencies oI the service und not ut his
own reqoest, un oIIiciul or employee is trunsIerred Irom one
stution to unother, suid oIIiciul or employee und his spoose
und children below twenty-one yeurs oI uge shull be entitled
to trunsportution und Ireight Ior reusonuble und necessury
bugguge und hoosehold eIIects, ut the expense oI the
Government, to be puid Irom the uppropriution Ior truveling
expenses oI the boreuo or oIIice concerned.
Sec. ,. Porchuse, Lse, Operution und Muintenunce oI
Motor Trunsport Iqoipment. - No uppropriution Ior
eqoipment uothorized in the Generul Appropriutions Act
shull be osed directly or indirectly Ior the porchuse oI
uotomobiles, jeeps, jitneys, stution wugons, motorcycles,
trocks, luonches, speedbouts, uirplunes, helicopters und
other types oI motor trunsport eqoipment onless otherwise
speciIicully uothorized by the President.
All depurtments, boreuos, oIIices und ugencies uothorized
to porchuse motor trunsport eqoipment incloding those
ucqoired throogh donutions, giIts or grutoitoos title ure
likewise uothorized to ose, operute und muintuin them Ior
porposes oI currying oot the oIIiciul Ionctions und uctivities
oI the ugency. These motor vehicles shull be osed strictly Ior
oIIiciul bosiness, beur government plutes only, und uIter
oIIice hoors kept in guruge provided thereIor by the oIIice or
ugency to which they belong, except, when in ose Ior oIIiciul
bosiness ootside oIIice hoors. The President, however, muy
uothorize exceptions Irom these provisions Ior oIIiciuls oI
government who work onder extended hoors or whose
uctivities cull Ior speciul secority urrungements. Any
violution oI the provisions oI this section shull sobject the
erring oIIiciul or employee to udministrutive disciplinury
uction und he shull be personully liuble Ior uny loss or
dumuge cuosed to the government or third persons.
The Commission on Aodit shull issoe roles und regolutions
governing the ose, operution und muintenunce oI
government motor trunsport eqoipment.
Sec. ,. Limitution oI Rentul oI Motor Vehicles. - No
uppropriutions uothorized in the Generul Appropriutions
Act shull be osed Ior renting motor trunsport eqoipment Ior
u continooos period oI more thun IiIteen duys, except us muy
be uothorized by the Secretury.
Sec. ,,. Limitution oI Porchuse oI Sopplies, Muteriuls, und
Iqoipment Spure Purts. - Ixcept us otherwise provided in
the Generul Appropriutions Act, the stock on hund oI
sopplies, muteriuls und eqoipment spure purts, ucqoired
throogh ordinury und emergency porchuse, shull ut no time
exceed normul three-month reqoirements, sobject to the
pertinent roles und regolutions issoed by competent
uothority: Provided, Thut depurtment heuds muy upprove
the boild-op oI stocks on hund oI criticul sopplies und
muteriuls, in unticipution oI cost increuses or reqoirements
oI u nutionul emergency, und speciIying muximom qountities
oI individoul items, bot in no cuse shull these stocks exceed
more thun one yeur's sopply, onless otherwise upproved by
the President.
Sec. ,S. Porchuse oI Locully MunoIuctored Prodocts. - All
uppropriutions Ior the porchuse oI eqoipment, sopplies und
muteriuls uothorized in the Generul Appropriutions Act shull
be uvuiluble only Ior locully munoIuctored eqoipment; purts,
uccessories, medicines und drogs, sopplies und muteriuls,
except when none is uvuiluble in the murket or when the
price oI the locully munoIuctored urticle exceed those
determined by the Ilug Luw.
Sec. ,q. Avuilubility oI Appropriutions Ior Rentul oI
Boilding und Groonds. - Any uppropriution uothorized in
uny Act Ior rentul oI boildings und groonds Ior uny
depurtment, boreuo, oIIice or ugency shull be uvuiluble Ior
expenditore only when uothorized by the depurtment heud
concerned. Soch uppropriution muy ulso be osed Ior leuse-
porchuse urrungements.
With the concorrence oI the Secretury oI Bodget und
Munugement und the Secretury oI Iinunce, the heud oI the
depurtment muy contruct with uny government Iinunciul
institotion Ior louns intended Ior the ucqoisition oI lund Ior
the constroction oI un oIIice boilding Ior uny oI the ugencies
onder the depurtment. Annoul umortizution oI the louns
shull be tuken Irom the uppropriution Ior rentul uothorized
onder uny Act Ior the depurtment, boreuo or oIIice
Sec. So. Misose oI Government Ionds und Property. - Any
poblic oIIiciul or employee who shull upply uny government
Iond or property onder his udministrution or control to uny
ose other thun Ior which soch Iond or property is
uppropriuted by luws, shull soIIer the penulty imposed onder
the uppropriute penul luws.


Chapter 1

Sec. 1. Scope. - This Book shull be upplicuble to ull ugencies us
deIined in the next socceeding section, except the Congress, the
Jodiciury, the Constitotionul Commissions, militury
estublishments in ull mutters reluting exclosively to Armed Iorces
personnel, the Bourd oI Purdons und Purole, und stute oniversities
und colleges.


Sec. . Iiling. - 1) Ivery ugency shull Iile with the Lniversity oI
the Philippines Luw Center three ) certiIied copies oI every role
udopted by it. Roles in Iorce on the dute oI eIIectivity oI this Code
which ure not Iiled within three ) months Irom thut dute shull
not thereuIter be the busis oI uny sunction uguinst uny purty or


Sec. 1o. Compromise und Arbitrution. - To expedite
udministrutive proceedings involving conIlicting rights or cluims
und obviute expensive litigutions, every ugency shull, in the poblic
interest, encooruge umicuble settlement, comprise und

Sec. 1q. Appeul. - Lnless otherwise provided by luw or execotive
order, un uppeul Iorm u Iinul decision oI the ugency muy be tuken
to the epurtment heud.

Sec. ,. Repeuling Cluose. - All luws, decrees, orders, roles und
regolutions, or portions thereoI, inconsistent with this Code ure
hereby repeuled or modiIied uccordingly.
ONI in the City oI Munilu, this th duy oI Joly, in the yeur oI
Oor Lord, nineteen hondred und eighty-seven.

8ac| lo Top8ac| lo Va|r lrdex - Adr|r|slral|ve Code ol 198Z8ac| lo lore

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