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Kidapawan City National High School – Senior High School Program


1st Semester SY. 2022-2023

Name: __________________________________________ Grade & Section: ____________________________ Score: ___________

School: _________________________________________ School ID: _________________________________ LRN: _____________
Teacher: ________________________________________ Date: ________________________
I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the letter that best describe the statement. Write your answer on the space provided. (20 points)

_____ 1. It differs from athletics or other daily activities because it focuses primarily on “an aesthetic or even entertaining experience.
A. Sport B. Dance C. Recreation D. Game
_____ 2. All of the following are reasons why people still dance except.
A. To please the gods C. To please evil
B. To please others D. To please themselves or self-expression
_____ 3. It provides attachment points for muscles to allow movements at the joints.
A. Skeletal System B. Nervous System C. Spinal Column D. Posture
_____ 4. This provides both structural and nervous system support for your entire body, and it is made up of 34 bones to holds the body
A. Skull B. Tissue of the body C. Spinal Column D. Nerves
_____ 5. This defined as “the relative position of the body at any one period of time”.
A. Central Nervous system B. Posture C. Tissues D. Nerves
_____ 6. It begins to make musculoskeletal adaptation to the postures and movements performed most often.
A. Posture B. Central Nervous system C. Tissues D. Nerves
_____ 7. All are the primary tissue types in our body except.
A. Nervous tissue B. Spinal Tissue C. Epithelial Tissue D. Muscle Tissue
_____ 8. What is the most common traumatic (or acute) injury in dancers?
A. Achilles Tendonitis B. Sprain C. Strain D. Trigger Toe
_____ 9. What is the pinching of tissues at ankle (tibia and talus) at either the front or the back of the ankle?
A. Achilles Tendonitis B. Ankle Impingement C. Patellofemoral Pain D. Snapping Hip
_____ 10. Thins injury causes many different factors from arthritis, labral tear, stress fracture, muscle strain, snapping hip syndrome, sacroiliac
joint dysfunction, to piriformis syndrome. What is this?
A. Achilles Tendonitis B. Ankle Impingement C. Hip Impingement D. Patellofemoral Pain
_____ 11. What do you call an Injury known as “jumper’s knee,” results from the kneecap “tracking” incorrectly due to muscle imbalances like
tight hamstrings and calves coupled with weak quads?
A. Achilles Tendonitis B. Ankle Impingement C. Hip Impingement D. Patellofemoral Pain
_____ 12. It is used to prevent swelling, which can help your ankle feel better. What is this?
A. Compression B. Elevation C. Ice D. Rest
_____ 13. It is considered as the source and condition of life.
A. Movement B. Aesthetic C. Art D. Expression
_____ 14. It was the sole custodian of learning and education as well as the source of morals in Europe.
A. School B. Home C. Museum D. Church
_____ 15. It was said that the first use of dance was a ________ in order to communicate.
A. Movement B. Gesture C. Art D. Social Expression
_____ 16. It is the ability of individuals or communities to adapt and self-manage when facing physical, mental, psychological and social
with environment.
A. Health B. Art C. Physical D. Development
_____ 17. The following are example of GOOD personal hygiene EXCEPT
A. Caring for and cleaning our bodies to promote good health and happiness B. doing something to improve our self-esteem
C. Eating fatty foods D. Washing our hands
_____ 18. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of practicing good personal hygiene?
A. Better health B. Borrow clothes to others
C. Improved self-esteem D. Others will have a better
_____ 19. Which of the following is NOT a way to prevent body odor?
A. Spray Perfume B. Use Deodorant C. Wash Your Body D. Wear Clean Clothes
_____ 20. What is personal hygiene?
A. Does not help with keeping us well
B. Increases the number of germs that enter our bodies
C. Is a collection of habits people perform to keep themselves clean and their bodies healthy.
D. Is not important
_____ 21. What is the most common traumatic (or acute) injury in dancers?
A. Achilles Tendonitis B. Sprain C. Strain D. Trigger Toe
_____ 22. What is the pinching of tissues at ankle (tibia and talus) at either the front or the back of the ankle?
A. Achilles Tendonitis B. Ankle Impingement C. Patellofemoral Pain D. Snapping Hip
_____ 23. Thins injury causes many different factors from arthritis, labral tear, stress fracture, muscle strain, snapping hip syndrome, sacroiliac
joint dysfunction, to piriformis syndrome. What is this?
A. Achilles Tendonitis B. Ankle Impingement C. Hip Impingement D. Patellofemoral Pain
_____ 24. What do you call an Injury known as “jumper’s knee,” results from the kneecap “tracking” incorrectly due to muscle imbalances like
tight hamstrings and calves coupled with weak quads?
A. Achilles Tendonitis B. Ankle Impingement C. Hip Impingement D. Patellofemoral Pain
_____ 25. It is used to prevent swelling, which can help your ankle feel better. What is this?
A. Compression B. Elevation C. Ice D. Rest
_____ 26. What do we mean when we say “good personal hygiene”?
A. Caring for and cleaning our bodies to promote good health and happiness
B. Washing our hands
C. Doing something to improve our self-esteem
D. All of the answers are correct
____ 27. What is the benefit of practicing good personal hygiene?
A. Improved self-esteem
B. Better health
C. others will have a better perception of you
D. All of the answer are correct
_____28. Personal hygiene ______?
A. is not important
B. Does not help keeping us well
C. Is a collection of habits people perform to keep themselves clean and their bodies
D. Increase the number of germs that enter in our bodies.
____ 29. What do we mean when we say, “good personal hygiene”?
A. Caring for and cleaning our bodies to promote good health and happiness
B. Washing our hands
C. Doing something to improve our self-esteem
D. All of the answer are correct
_____ 30. The pinching of tissues at ankle (Tibia and talus) at either the front or the back of the ankle.
A. Achilles Tendonitis B. Ankle Impingement
C. Snapping Hip D. Patellofemoral Pain

II. IDENTIFICATION. for items 31-35. Identify signage refer your answer in the box below. Write only the letter of your answer.



______ 31.

______ 32.

______ 33.

______ 34.

______ 35.

III. TRUE OR FALSE. For items 31-40. Write True if the statement is correct and write False if the statement is incorrect.
_______ 36. The nervous system controls all functions of the body.
_______ 37. The Central Nervous system is comprised of the brain and spinal cord.
_______ 38. The job of the “peripheral nervous system” is it receives the information, decides what to do with it, and gives the order for the
muscles or glands to act.
_______ 39. The tendon is the major conduit for information traveling between bran and body.
_______ 40. The skeletal system gives the body shape and form.
_______ 41. The tendon attaches a muscle to other body parts, usually bones.
_______ 42. The primary function of joints is to provide motion and flexibility to the frame of the body.
_______ 43. Visceral or smooth muscle is found only in the heart and is responsible for pumping blood throughout the body.
_______44. In dancing, the particular function is bodily movement, which is produced by the muscular and skeletal systems. They are often
grouped together and are called the musculoskeletal system.
_______ 45. Contracting muscle fibers could make us sit, stand, walk, or run without the skeleton to pull against.

IV Identification. For 41-50 items. Specify possible joints and muscle problems that can be associated with the following profession.
46. Singer
47. Painter
48. Dancer
49. Actor
50. Audio Engineer
51. Musicians
52. Curator
53. Teacher/ Higher Education Lecturer
54. Fashion Designer
55. Choreographer

V. Essay. Answer the following question. Be brief and concise. 56-60 items.
56. From your own point of view, List down the ways on how to prevent a person who is experiencing ACHILLES TENDONITIS.
Write down at least five (5) observation.
A. C. E.
B D.

57. As an arts design major, how Will prevent getting injured.________________________________________


58. What is the deference between sprain and strain ankle? ________________________________________________________

59. Why personal hygiene is important.


60. What is R.I.C.E.R. method?


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