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Jay Parker and his interview by The Long Islander on December 8, 2011

Jay says: FACT:

He wanted time off to spend with my family.He declined to seek a third term Jay ran for re-election in December 2005 he lost. 70 votes to his 11. Beaten by a fellow fireman who was begged to run against Jay. Why would you lie about a public record that you DID seek a third term in 2005. There are issues with the District Treasurer working remotely from Florida Jay was the Chair when the Treasurer sought permission to do it and he had no problem as she was already working remotely from home here as the job demanded. She is available 24/7 for issues. No issues have arisen in the six years that she has worked for 2.5 months from Florida, and she attends via Skype. Why does he raise this now? He wants a firemans mother to get the job instead and he is concerned that the Treasurer knows about all his prior improprieties in office as a fire commissioner. Kick her out and no one knows where the dead bodies are. Lack of regular business hours. Business hours at the district office have been part-time since 2009. Two weeks ago the Treasurer had a knee replaced and is working remotely from home, so business is now by appointment until her return in two weeks. Many small fire districts operate this way. Things are fractious. Jay is causing the fraction. Jay refuses to obey NYS Law that the public may only observe during a public meeting of a municipality. The only time the public may speak is if there is a public session scheduled to hear comments. Jay has repeatedly interrupted meetings, even to the extent of standing up and screaming at the chairperson six feet away that he is a taxpayer and resident and has every right to speak whenever he wants and threatening that the chairperson will hear from his lawyer. Jay refuses to observe official rules of order.

Jay says: FACT:

Jay says: FACT:

Jay says: FACT:

Jay says: FACT:

Meetings are cancelled. Given that being a fire commissioner is an entirely unpaid position, and people have other lives, it happens that illness/injury, business/family commitments or other interruptions occur, causing meetings to be postponed. Be real Jay during your term as Chair in 2002, 3 of the 12 official meetings were cancelled and 2 were rescheduled, and of the ones held Parker (the Chair) was absent 3 times. In 2003, Parker was absent 5 of 12 regular meetings. In 2002 and 2003 Parker made 50% of the few special meetings held. For 2004, three (3) of the regular monthly meetings were entirely cancelled without being rescheduled, one was rescheduled, and Parker missed four meetings and again only made 50% of the special meetings. For 2005, Parker as Chair again, the July regular meeting was entirely cancelled, one was rescheduled and Parker was absent for 2 of the rest. But then he was beaten 70-11 when seeking re-election in December 2005. Apparently no one liked him as Chair that year. 2012 has had 4 meetings rescheduled and one with no quorum. Not unusual.

Jay says: FACT:

Radio equipment was never installed. What Jay purchased was installed in 2006 and he was even involved in the installation. What he planned and ordered for the rest of the radio project was the wrong equipment, and that got returned in 2008 for a full credit. Then a majority of the Board decided to use another radio contractor and again purchased the wrong, and outmoded equipment in 2009 with the contractor unable to deliver what was promised for installation, and that equipment went back for a full credit in June 2011. In July 2011 additional radio equipment was installed to enhance the radio systems performance. Instead of purchasing an entire new radio system, the district is presently in the process of adding equipment to enhance coverage. None of Jays equipment is collecting dust unless it is something he bought that could not be installed.

Once again we have incorrect and incomplete reporting by The Long Islander......

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