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◥ resonant electric dipole-dipole coupling for

RESEARCH ARTICLE coherent exchange of rotational angular mo-
mentum between pairs of laser-cooled CaF
QUANTUM INFORMATION molecules individually trapped in optical twee-
zers. With the ability to tune the angle of the
Dipolar spin-exchange and entanglement between molecular quantization axis in the lab frame,
our system realizes both ferromagnetic and
molecules in an optical tweezer array antiferromagnetic couplings in a quantum XY
spin-exchange model by effectively encoding a
Yicheng Bao1,2*, Scarlett S. Yu1,2, Loïc Anderegg1,2, Eunmi Chae3, Wolfgang Ketterle2,4, spin-21 system into molecular rotational states.
Kang-Kuen Ni1,2,5, John M. Doyle1,2 Using this spin-exchange Hamiltonian, we per-
formed iSWAP two-qubit gate operations. An
Ultracold polar molecules are promising candidate qubits for quantum computing and quantum simulations. iSWAP gate, when sequentially combined with
Their long-lived molecular rotational states form robust qubits, and the long-range dipolar interaction single-qubit operations, can generate bipartite
between molecules provides quantum entanglement. In this work, we demonstrate dipolar spin-exchange entanglement deterministically and form a
interactions between single calcium monofluoride (CaF) molecules trapped in an optical tweezer array. We universal set of quantum gates, which is the
realized the spin-21 quantum XY model by encoding an effective spin-21 system into the rotational states of essential resource for all quantum information
the molecules and used it to generate a Bell state through an iSWAP operation. Conditioned on the verified applications (12, 43). We found that the fidelity
existence of molecules in both tweezers at the end of the measurement, we obtained a Bell state fidelity of generated Bell states is presently limited by
of 0.89(6). Using interleaved tweezer arrays, we demonstrate single-site molecular addressability. the thermal motion of molecules within the

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tweezer traps. Finally, we demonstrate the use

of an interleaved dual tweezer-array system,
uantum entanglement is one of the key (28, 31, 39, 40). In this work, we report the which allows for robust single-site address-
ingredients that fundamentally distin- entanglement of pairs of molecules—the crit- ability and fast gate operations between mo-
guishes quantum mechanics from clas- ical ingredient in quantum computing and lecules. This, combined with expected improved
sical mechanics (1). It is considered an simulation based on molecules—by leverag- molecular cooling (44), has the potential to
essential resource for quantum informa- ing long molecular coherence and intrinsic greatly increase the fidelity of two-qubit ope-
tion processing but remains generally challeng- dipolar interactions with individual parti- rations in this system. This work is parallel and
ing to create experimentally. One mechanism cle addressability. concurrent with that of another study (45).
of realizing quantum entanglement between A key step toward using ultracold polar mol-
particles is using the electric dipole-dipole ecules for quantum simulations and multi- Initial-state preparation of CaF molecules in a
interaction, as demonstrated in systems such particle quantum gates is the generation of 1D optical tweezer array
as Rydberg atoms (2) and silicon quantum coherent dipole-dipole couplings between We began the experiment by loading CaF mol-
dots (3). Polar molecules possess permanent, molecules (12, 41), which has been shown in ecules from a cryogenic buffer gas beam source
long-range, and spatially anisotropic electric sparsely filled three-dimensional (3D) lattices (46) into a radio-frequency magneto-optical
dipoles whose interaction could be harnessed (27) and 2D layers (42) and in a molecular trap (14). Next, we loaded the molecules into a
for high-fidelity entanglement generation. There- quantum gas microscope (33). Here, we used 1D optical lattice using L-enhanced gray molasses
fore, they have been proposed as a powerful
platform for realizing quantum simulations
of strongly interacting many-body dynamics A D
(4–7) and for scalable quantum computing
(8–12). Ultracold molecules can be produced
through either direct laser cooling (13–17),
assembly of individual ultracold atoms (18–24), B
or optoelectrical Sisyphus cooling (25, 26). Cur-
rent experimental progress has established the
capability of preparing and manipulating ultra-
cold molecules with high fidelity (27–33). In
particular, rearrangeable tweezer arrays offer
an attractive quantum platform owing to their C
scalability and potential for single-site address-
ability (24, 34–38). Toward this aim, molecules
have been demonstrated to have long qubit
(rotational and hyperfine state) coherence
times, which are substantially longer than the
predicted molecule-molecule dipolar gate times
Department of Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
02138, USA. 2Harvard-MIT Center for Ultracold Atoms, Fig. 1. Experimental setup and relevant energy levels. (A) The image of averaged fluorescence from a
Cambridge, MA 02138, USA. 3Department of Physics, Korea
20-site optical tweezer array of CaF molecules. (B) An illustration of the optical tweezers and the coordinate
University, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul 02841, South Korea.
Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of system used in this work. For visual clarity, only four sites of the realized 20-site array are depicted.

Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. 5Department of (C) An illustration showing the relative angle between the applied bias magnetic field B (in the XY plane)
Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Harvard University, →
Cambridge, MA 02138, USA. and the intermolecular vector r . The tweezer light propagates along Z. (D) Relevant rotational (N) and
*Corresponding author. Email: hyperfine (F) states in the ground electronic state of CaF.

Bao et al., Science 382, 1138–1143 (2023) 8 December 2023 1 of 6


cooling on the electronic X 2 Sþ–A2 P1=2 tran- of 94(1)% (37, 47). Because the L-cooling tech- ular population left over in the X, N = 1 man-
sition (47, 48) and optically transported them nique relies on closed photon cycling between ifold. In the end, all the remaining molecules
into a glass cell using a focus-tunable moving the X, N = 1 and A, J = 1/2 manifolds (N is the in the array were in the jX ; N ¼ 0; F ¼ 1;
lattice, as characterized previously (49). rotational angular momentum, and J is the mF ¼ 0i state, initializing the qubits and ef-
We used a microscope objective with 0.6 nu- total angular momentum, excluding nuclear fectively encoding a spin- 21 model in the sub-
merical aperture to project a 1D optical tweezer spin), only molecules in the X, N = 1 rotational space spanned by the jX ; N ¼ 0; F ¼ 1; mF ¼
array in the glass cell, as well as collect fluo- manifold can be loaded into the tweezers and 0i ≡ j↑i and jX ; N ¼ 0; F ¼ 1; mF ¼ 0i ≡ j↓i
rescence from the molecules during L-imaging detected in this phase of the experiment. states (Fig. 1B). The total state preparation
(47). The array is formed by passing single- Imaging distributes the population of mol- and detection efficiency is 60(2)%, which is
frequency 776-nm laser light through a shear- ecules over all 12 hyperfine states. To prepare limited by the residual population in other
mode acousto-optic deflector (AOD) driven with the molecules in a single quantum state, we hyperfine states within X, N = 1 and imperfect
a multitone waveform (37), which is generated used a combination of optical pumping and imaging fidelity. This state preparation effici-
by a high-speed arbitrary waveform generator microwave transfer. Using short X−A laser ency can be improved by an optimized optical
(AWG). This allows for control of the position pulses resonant with all hyperfine levels in pumping scheme (45).
of individual optical tweezer sites as well as trap the X, v = 0, N = 1 manifold except the
depth. We started with a 20-site array formed by jX ; N ¼ 1; F ¼ 0; mF ¼ 0i state (v is the vib- Single-molecule rotational coherence time
a single AOD (Fig. 1A). rational quantum number; F is the total angu- To observe high-fidelity dipolar spin-exchange
We loaded the molecules into the tweezers lar momentum, including nuclear spin; and interactions, a long rotational coherence time
by overlapping the array with a transported mol- mF is the magnetic quantum number of F), we comparable to the timescale of the dipolar
ecular cloud that is held in an optical dipole trap pumped most of the molecular population interaction is required. With a sample of mol-

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in the presence of the L-cooling light. We ob- into the latter state. We then linearly ramped ecules at finite temperature in optical tweezers,
served an average probability of 35% for loading down the trap depth of the tweezers in 5 ms it is important to control the differential ac
a single site with a single molecule. After loading and applied a bias magnetic field of ≈3.2 G. Stark shift broadening caused by the molecule’s
the array, we applied a L-imaging pulse and A subsequent microwave p-pulse transfers the thermal motion in the tweezer trap (28, 50–52).
collected fluorescence onto a camera to identify population from jX ; N ¼ 1; F ¼ 0; mF ¼ 0i to To suppress this broadening, the tweezer laser
the tweezer sites that are loaded with single the jX ; N ¼ 0; F ¼ 1; mF ¼ 0i state (Fig. 1B). is linearly polarized at a “magic” angle relative
molecules in the ground electronic and vibra- Finally, we applied an X−A laser pulse that to the quantization axis that is defined by the
tional state (or empty) with a detection fidelity contains frequencies to drive all the hyperfine applied bias magnetic field, as detailed previous-
of 98(1)% and nondestructive detection fidelity components in order to remove any molec- ly (31) (Fig. 1A). To maximize the single-qubit

XY8 Block R=1.5 m, D=35(10) ms, T=35(2) ms

π/2 π π π π π π π π π/2 0.2

B Bare Ramsey C = 3.6(6) ms
Spin Echo C = 33(5) ms R=1.75 m, D=75(17) ms, T=53(2) ms
Contrast (a.u.)


XY8 C = 630(90) ms
0.1 0.4
R=2.0 m, D=96(21) ms, T=77(2) ms

0 0.2
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Time (ms) 0
D 80 R=2.25 m, D=159(29) ms, T=105(2) ms
J/h (Hz)


20 0
0 50 100 150 200 250
1.5 2 2.5 Time (ms)
Tweezer Spacing ( m)

Fig. 2. Rotational coherence and dependence of dipolar interactions on decoupling sequences. The coherence time is fitted as a Gaussian 1/e decay time
tweezer spacing. (A) The Ramsey sequence with XY8 dynamical decoupling constant. (C) Dipolar spin-exchange oscillation at various tweezer spacings,
used in this work. Xp/2 represents a p2-pulse, which rotates the quantum state with fitted decay-time constant and oscillation period shown in the legends.

around the x axis of the Bloch sphere by 90°. Similarly, Xp (Yp) represents a 180° (D) Dipolar spin-exchange interaction strength J versus the tweezer spacing jRj.
rotation around the x axis (y axis) on the Bloch sphere. At the top, “×N” means that The dashed orange line is the theoretical prediction of J at zero temperature.
the block of XY8 pulses is repeated multiple times during the evolution time. The solid blue line is the simulated result of J with the thermal motion of the
(B) Measured single-molecule rotational coherence time between j↑i (N = 1) molecules taken into account (59). In (B) and (C), error bars represent
and j↓i (N = 0) using Ramsey, single–p-pulse spin echo, and the XY8 dynamical one standard deviation of uncertainty.

Bao et al., Science 382, 1138–1143 (2023) 8 December 2023 2 of 6


0.5 moved the even numbered sites toward the odd

= 54.7°
= 0°, D = 30(7) ms, T = 46(3) ms
numbered sites by sweeping the AOD frequency
tones of the even sites, which reduces the sep-
0.4 = 90°, D = 96(21) ms, T = 77(2) ms
aration and has the effect of increasing the
dipolar interaction strength. We then applied a
0.3 p
2 -pulse to prepare both molecules
pffiffiffi in the super-
Fraction position state ðj↑i þ j↓iÞ= 2 . Then, we applied
0.2 XY8 dynamical decoupling sequence of micro-
wave pulses. Under the time evolution of dipolar
spin-exchange Hamiltonian (Hdip), a relative pffiffiffi
phase accumulatedp between
ffiffiffi ðj↓↑i þ j↑↓iÞ= 2
and ðj↑↑i þ j↓↓iÞ= 2 . (Because the XY8 se-
0 quence only contains p-pulses, it will not affect
0 50 100 150 200 250
the phase accumulation during the evolution
Time (ms)
under Hdip.) After a wait time, we applied an-
other 2p -pulse and then moved the molecules
Fig. 3. Dipolar spin-exchange interaction at different angles. Shown are the data for q = 0°, 54.7°, and
apart. To read out the final qubit state, we
90°. The q = 0° and q = 90° data are fitted to an exponentially decaying sinusoidal model, with decay-time
used a second L-imaging pulse to project the
constant tD and oscillation cycle time T shown in solid lines. Error bars represent one standard deviation of
system to j↑↑i. We selected the data where
both sites in a tweezer pair are initially loaded

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with single molecules. Our measurement
coherence time, it is beneficial to adiabatically lations between j↑i and j↓i, from which tc is yielded the probability P↑↑ of detecting both
lower the trap depth as much as possible determined. molecules in the j↑i state. To summarize,
without unduly spilling molecules from the trap. starting from the initial state j↓↓i, a microwave
However, this is not optimal for maximizing Coherent dipolar spin-exchange interaction pulse sequence creates
h a final  statethat evolves
 in i
The dipolar spin-exchange interaction Hamiltonian time as yðt Þ ¼ 21 1  ei2ħ j↓↓i  1 þ ei2ħ j↑↑i ,
Jt Jt
the number of observed dipolar spin-exchange
oscillation cycles. At finite temperature, the (41) is resulting in the probability P↑↑ ¼ cos2 4ħ Jt
J ^ þ ^  ^ ^ þ  1
2 1 þ cos 2ħ , which oscillates at an angular
instantaneous dipolar interaction strength fluc- Hdip ¼ S S þ S1 S2
tuates owing to thermal motion, which becomes 2 1 2  frequency of wJ ¼ 2ħ J
, where ħ is reduced
more prominent in a shallow trap. This is the ¼J S ^ x S^ x þ S^ y S^ y ð1Þ Planck’s constant.
1 2 1 2
main mechanism of dephasing. To mitigate þ 
At smaller tweezer spacings, we observed
this issue, we confined the molecules more where, respectively, S^i (S^i , S^ix, S^iy) is the spin- 21 increased wJ because of the stronger dipolar
tightly by operating the tweezer at a higher trap raising (lowering, Pauli-X, Pauli-Y) operator interaction between the two molecules (Fig. 2C).
light intensity for which the magic angle is for molecule number i in a tweezer pair. J is By fitting the data to an exponentially decaying
close to 90°. The work described in this man- the dipolar interaction strength that can be sinusoidal model, we extracted the dipolar oscil-
uscript was performed under these conditions. further expressed as lation cycle period T and contrast decay time
We measured the rotational qubit coherence d2   constant tD. The dipolar spin-exchange strength
time under conditions of three different micro- J¼ 1  3cos2 q ð2Þ J at different tweezer spacings can then be cal-
4pD0 r3
wave pulse sequences used to drive transitions culated from T (Fig. 2D). We found that the
between j↑i and j↓i and observed the pop- where d is the transition dipole moment be- measured J is slightly smaller than the theo-
ulation in j↑i. With a Ramsey sequence, we tween the j↑i and j↓i state (d ≈ 1 Debye), D0 is retical prediction and deviates more as the
observed a single-qubit coherence time of tc = the vacuum permittivity, r is the intermolecular spacing decreases. This can be explained by the
3.6(6) ms. By adding a single p spin-echo pulse, spacing, and q is the angle between the quan- finite temperature of the molecules causing 
tc is extended to 33(5) ms. We used active mag- tization axis and the intermolecular axis direc- the effective intermolecular spacing →
r  to be

netic field cancellation to remove long-term tion. Apart from molecular systems (27, 30, 33), larger than the tweezer spacing jRj. We used
drift on the order of 10 mG, but the system this XY spin Hamiltonian was previously stu- Monte Carlo simulations to describe the behav-
we used does not remove magnetic field fluc- died with Rydberg atoms in optical tweezers ior of the molecules in the tweezer, including
tuation within a power line cycle time of less (56) and atoms in optical lattices (57, 58). the thermal motion of the molecules, and show
than 1/(60 Hz). This limits the effective interval We set the bias magnetic field perpendicu- in Fig. 2D that the simulated results agree with
between spin-echo pulses to an integer multiple lar to both the k-vector of the tweezer light the experimental data. Additionally, the sim-
of 60 Hz, making it difficult to measure fast and the direction of the 1D tweezer array. The ulation captures that the thermal motion re-
dipolar oscillations with only a single p-pulse. polarization of the linearly polarized tweezer duces the observed number of coherent dipolar
Instead, we used dynamical decoupling schemes light is rotated to the tweezer array direction oscillations as tweezer spacing is decreased (59).
to preserve the qubit coherence. This technique (i.e., a magic angle close to 90°). This config-
is used in a variety of quantum information uration provides the largest “magic trap depth” Anisotropy of the dipolar interaction
systems (53, 54), including molecular systems (the tightest confinement) at a given magnetic The general dipole-dipole Hamiltonian described
(27, 30, 45). We chose the XY8 dynamical de- field. in Eqs. 1 and 2 is inherently anisotropic owing to
coupling sequence (Fig. 2A) with a cycle length We →
first prepared pairs of tweezers spaced the q-dependent term. We studied the effect of
of 1.6 ms (55), which is much shorter than 1/ at jRj∼5 mm, with each site loaded with a the anisotropy of spin exchange experimentally
(60 Hz), and achieved a coherence time of tc = single molecule prepared in the j↓i state (or by varying the angle q and measuring the cor-
630(90) ms. This dynamical decoupling was empty), yielding the j↓↓i state. At this sepa- responding dipolar interaction strength. The
used for all of our measurements except ration, the dipolar interaction strength J is angle q is varied by rotating the quantization
where noted. Figure 2B shows the measured negligible (J/h < 3 Hz, where h is Planck’s axis relative to the line between the centers
contrast versus time for single-particle oscil- constant). In a time period of ~1 ms, we then of the tweezers. The quantization axis is set by

Bao et al., Science 382, 1138–1143 (2023) 8 December 2023 3 of 6


the applied bias magnetic field and can be (12). At a dipolar spin-exchange interaction Our data show that the q = 0° configuration
changed by tuning the current through two pairs time of t = T/4 = 19.2 ms, where T is the leads to a negative J, which corresponds to a
of magnetic field coils while simultaneously ro- oscillation period of the spin-exchange oscilla- ferromagnetic interaction, and the q = 90° con-
tating the tweezer light polarization to maintain tion, the system has evolved into a maximally figuration leads to a positive J, which corre-
the same magic angle. entangled state known as a Bell state. To test sponds to an antiferromagnetic interaction.
In Fig. 3, we show P↑↑ at three characteristic the fidelity of the Bell state that was generated F SPAM is measured to be significantly higher

q = 0°, 54.7°, and 90°, all taken with a in our system, we applied a third 2p -pulse (see than F, with imperfect state preparation and
jRj ¼ 2 mm tweezer spacing. We observed di- Fig. 4 legend) around a variable rotation axis detection being the surmised cause. In detail,
polar spin-exchange oscillations in both the on the Bloch sphere (angled f relative to the x during initial-state preparation, molecules that
q = 0° and q = 90° configurations, with the oscil- axis on the equatorial plane) (Fig. 4A). By vary- fail to be prepared in the desired jN ¼ 0; F ¼ 1;
lation at q = 0° being at twice the frequency as ing f and measuring the survival probability of mF ¼ 0iðj↓iÞ state are intentionally removed
that at q = 90°. No clear oscillation is observed for all four possible final-state outcomes, one can by a resonant laser pulse, resulting in an empty
the q = 54.7° configuration, which was as ex- construct the parity quantity P (43, 60): trap or traps. During the final readout, if the
pected because the dipolar interaction averages  D E molecule is in the j↓i state or the trap is simply
to zero at this angle. These results agree with P¼ P ^ ¼ S^ z1 S^2z empty, both would appear dark. We used a
the absolute value of the magnitude of the anis- ¼ P↑↑ þ P↓↓  P↑↓  P↓↑ ð3Þ p-pulse and additional imaging pulse (Fig. 4C)
otropic term in each configuration. We also ob- to distinguish between these two cases. If the
served a larger number of oscillation cycles at Here,hi denotes averaging over all occurrences molecule is in the j↓i state, it will be trans-
q = 90° than at q = 0°. Our Monte Carlo sim- where both sites in a tweezer pair are initially ferred to the j↑i state and detected, whereas an
loaded with single molecules, and S^i represents
ulation indicated that thermal motion dephas- empty trap will remain dark. This information

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ing is the dominant cause. At q = 0°, the larger the Pauli-Z operator on the number i molecule is used to exclude the cases of empty traps during
motional wave function spread in the more- in a pair. the final readout, which improves the contrast of
weakly trapped axial direction of the optical Starting from a Bell state, this sequence will the parity oscillation (Fig. 4D). The resulting Bell
tweezers results in a large fluctuation of the result in a 4p oscillation in P as f is varied state fidelity corrected for measurement error
instantaneous value of q. The q = 90° config- from 0 to 2p (61). In Fig. 4B, P is displayed is determined to be F ex ¼ 0:89ð6Þ, which is
uration is less affected because of the tight for both the q = 0° and q = 90° configu- higher than the threshold of F th ¼ 0:5 (60),
confinement of the optical tweezers in the ra- rations. Extracting the contrast of the oscil- showing, under these conditions, the conditional
dial direction. lation for the q = 90° case, we measured a Bell preparation of entanglement of two molecules in
state fidelity of F ¼ 0:32ð2Þ and a state prep- a tweezer pair. The evolution of the system to
Fidelity of created Bell states aration and measurement (SPAM)–corrected create a Bell state is an iSWAP operation, and,
Dipolar spin-exchange can be used in a two- fidelity of F SPAM ¼ 0:89ð7 Þ. The phase of the although we have not fully characterized the
qubit iSWAP gate to generate entanglement parity oscillation reveals the sign of the aniso- system as an iSWAP gate, the Bell state fidelity
between molecules in neighboring tweezers tropic term (1 – 3cos2q), also seen previously (45). indicates how it would perform.

XY8 Block π/2 π/2 #2 π/2
XY8 Block π/2 π/2 #2 π #3

1 0° Parity, A = -0.31(7) 1 90° Parity, Empty Traps Excluded, A = 0.81(6)
90° Parity, A = 0.31(4)

0.5 0.5


0 0

-0.5 -0.5

-1 -1
0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 360 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 360
(Degrees) (Degrees)
Fig. 4. Parity measurements showing the creation of Bell state pairs. initial-state preparation, are applied before this sequence and not shown in
(A) The microwave pulse and detection sequence used in the parity oscillation this figure. (B) Parity oscillation at q = 0° and q = 90°. A is the fitted parity
measurement. The XY8 block is the same as that in Fig. 2A. fp/2 denotes a p2 oscillation amplitude. (C) With the addition of a p-pulse and a third imaging
-pulse with a microwave phase shifted by f relative to the first Xp/2 pulse in step to the sequence shown in (A), molecules are verified to be present
the sequence, effectively rotating the quantum state around an axis that is throughout the entanglement and readout process. (D) Parity oscillation for
angled f relative to the x axis on the Bloch sphere. The pulse in yellow with a q = 90°, with empty traps excluded and corrected for measurement error,
camera symbol represents imaging of the molecules. Note that the first imaging using the sequence depicted in (C). In (B) and (D), error bars represent one
pulse for tweezer-loading identification, as well as the microwave pulses for standard deviation of uncertainty.

Bao et al., Science 382, 1138–1143 (2023) 8 December 2023 4 of 6


0.8 0.6
| , T = 21(2) ms
| , T = 22(2) ms




0 0.1
Odd Sites
Even Sites
-0.2 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Time ( s) Time (ms)

Fig. 5. Single-site–resolved state preparation. (A) Rabi oscillation after preparation of the molecular pair in j↓↑i. (B) Dipolar spin-exchange oscillation with an initial
j↑↓i state at q = 90°. Shown here is the outcome of j↓↑i and j↑↓i. In (A) and (B), error bars represent one standard deviation of uncertainty.

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62. P. Yu, L. W. Cheuk, I. Kozyryev, J. M. Doyle, New J. Phys. 21, Initiative (HQI). E.C. acknowledges support from the National
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Bao et al., Science 382, 1138–1143 (2023) 8 December 2023 6 of 6

Dipolar spin-exchange and entanglement between molecules in an optical tweezer
Yicheng Bao, Scarlett S. Yu, Loïc Anderegg, Eunmi Chae, Wolfgang Ketterle, Kang-Kuen Ni, and John M. Doyle

Science 382 (6675), . DOI: 10.1126/science.adf8999

Editor’s summary
Ultracold atoms have long been candidates to be the building blocks of quantum information. Even more appealing are

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cold molecules, which have a richer energy-level structure and offer possibilities that atoms do not. However, achieving
entanglement, one of the essential ingredients of a quantum information platform, has been difficult in a molecular
system. Now, two groups, Holland et al. and Bao et al., have reached this goal using the dipolar interactions between
calcium fluoride molecules placed in optical tweezers (see the Perspective by Smerzi). —Jelena Stajic

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