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The methodology that will be applied by the study has been chosen in order to acquire
information and deduce conclusions about the perception of healthcare services in rural
Purpose of the study:
The idea of this research had its genesis from interest about healthcare services. This
study will continuing study from a previous research done from the JK Sharma, Ritu
Narang. The previous research had identified and assessed the perception of patients
towards quality of healthcare services in rural areas of seven districts of Uttar Pradesh.
The main purpose of this study is to obtain an insight into the patients' perception
towards healthcare services in rural Vijayawada. The aim will be to gain familiarity with
the issues, and to gain a deeper understanding about the topic.
Data CoIIection:
For the purpose of this study, and in order to achieve the objectives will be collected
and will be used both primary and secondary data. The secondary data will contribute
toward the formation of background information, needed in order to build constructively
the project and the reader to comprehend more thoroughly the survey outcome.
Primary data will be collected in two ways. Firstly, a questionnaire survey will be
conducted with patients' visiting the primary healthcare centers. Secondly, interviews
will be also carried out with patients who are unable to fill the questionnaire.
SampIing Design:
deally one wants to study is the entire population. However, usually it is impossible or
unfeasible to do this and therefore one must settle for a sample. Sample is portion of
elements taken from a population, which is considered to be representative of the
n order to collect primary data the questionnaire survey technique will be used. For the
purpose of this study random probability sampling is selected. "Sample size larger than
30 and less than 500 are appropriate for most research. Having in mind these
limitations, the sample size that will be consisted of about 200 questionnaires.
t is intended that the findings of this study will be used local and regional authorities to
assess and evaluate the current rural healthcare services development and to gain
knowledge on patients' perception and about their experience during their visit in the
healthcare centers. These findings could be used for correction of the current rural
healthcare services development in the area.

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