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Should people who live in the city be allowed to keep dogs?

There are many reasons for keeping dogs as pets in the city area, but there also many people who feel
dogs should not be allowed in the city.
Dogs are often not taken care of properly. They are kept in small backyards and rarely taken for walks.
They are left on a yard all day by themselves while the family are at work. Very little attention is ever given to
the dog and it is not a very good life for it. It is no wonder these dogs bark and disturb the neighbors and
become a nuisance to the community.
On the other hand not all people treat their dogs this way and why should the people who receive a lot of
pleasure and enjoyment from dogs suffer? Dogs can make a lonely person’s life happy or make a wonderful
playmate. It can also teach a child responsibility as they not only get to play with the dog, but also need to
exercise, feed and care for the dog.
I feel that we should be allowed to keep dogs in the city, because if taken care of properly, dogs can be a
great source of pleasure. As a child I used to enjoy playing and taking care of my pet. There is no greater loyalty
a person can get than from a well-cared for dog.

1. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?

a. the reason why the people should keep the dogs or not
b. the dogs can be kept as a pet
c. the dogs allow to be kept in the city
d. the dogs shouldn’t be allowed in the city
e. the reason why the people shouldn’t keep the pets
2. What does the word “they” in the second sentence of the second paragraph refer to?
a. people
b. dogs
c. the dog
d. the pets
e. the pets and dogs
3. Why do people keep dogs?
a. the dogs disturb the neighbors
b. because the dogs need a lot of attention
c. because the dogs are allowed to be kept in the city
d. because the dogs can take care of properly and can be a great source of pleasure
e. because the dogs like bark
4. What is the arguments against from the text above?
a. the dogs can make a lonely person’s life happy
b. the dogs can make a wonderful playmate
c. the dogs like barking and disturb the neighbors
d. the dogs can’t make a lonely person’s life happy
e. the dogs can be a great pleasure
5. The rich man had the driver……………the car yesterday.
a. washed
b. wash
c. washing
d. is washing
e. had washed
6. The governments……………the experiment stopped.
a. get
b. getting
c. got
d. gotten
e. gets

The following text is for questions 7 to 10

In modern world, women have the benefit from the wider chance of getting a career outside their
household sphere. Many women, however, have some difficulties deciding whether they will pursue a career or
not. Some of them stay at their offices, while at the same time they act as a housewives. But, the others choose
to concentrate their attention to their household only.
Being career women offers the advantage of a wider chance of self-actualization. They can widen their
knowledge and develop their capacity. For example, many women do not know exactly what is their talent
before they start a career. But then, after they have a career they know which field they can do best and which
one they cannot. This will help them to refocus their life goal.
Another big advantage is that they can help supporting their household’s finance so that men do not
become the single fighter in financing their families. For example, if a wife works, she can help her husband
financing their children’s educational budget, so that their children can have the best education.
Being career women, on the other hand, has some significant disadvantages, too. They have more
burdens in their life, as they have to manage their job as well as their household. For example, a female teacher
has to prepare teaching material for tomorrow class while at the same time she has to think about how to handle
her naughty son.
In addition, being career women can be risky for their household. For example, many women have to
spend their time more in their career as it grows more challenging, so they have only limited time left for their
family, resulting in their lack of care and attention for their husband and children. The extreme impact of this
situation is the broken home.
In the end, the decision that each woman makes will depend on their own personal values, as well as
their readiness for taking on the considerable consequences of each choice.

7. Where can you find the argument for (affirmative argument) in the text above?
a. Paragraph 2 and 3
b. Paragraph 1 and 2
c. Paragraph 3 and 4
d. Paragraph 1, 2, and 3
e. Paragraph 5 and 6
8. What is the best title for the text above?
a. modern women
b. career women
c. traditional women
d. past women
e. present women
9. Where can you find the argument against (negative argument) in the text above?
a. Paragraph 1
b. Paragraph 2
c. Paragraph 2 and 3
d. Paragraph 4
e. Paragraph 5
10. What does “The single fighter” in paragraph 3 mean?
a. the men look for less money to finance their family needs
b. the men look for job to fulfill their needs
c. the men who is responsible to the family, especially in financing their members of
d. the men who is responsible neither themselves nor their family
e. the men look for some money to finance themselves

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