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facilitated by Master Shang Zong Wei

Modern architecture is essentially a manifestation of western architectural

concepts and strategies, which emphasize on aesthetics, functionality,
economy, environmental context, etc.. While there have been studies with
regards to its social and psychological impacts, it remains lacking in objective
articulations of the relationship between habitat and inhabitants, particularly
where the well-beings of inhabitants are concerned.

Feng Shui used to be a closely guarded secret employed by the rulers and military of imperial
China. Behind its architectural veil, it was primarily a tool for political exploits. Following the
turbulences and disintegration of the imperial dynasties, Feng Shui found its way to the
commoners and other parts of the world. It gradually dissociated from mainstream architecture
to become a school of its own within the sphere of metaphysics.

Whilst modern architecture operates on more subjective / tangible grounds, Feng Shui seeks to
establish an objective / intangible relationship between man and environment. However, both
are meant to create better conditions for human occupation - in architecture, through attainment
of the ‘timeless quality’; whereas in Feng Shui, through alignment with the omni-potent/present
qi. They are but different means to achieving similar end.

Upon perceiving the relevance of Feng Shui in the modern context, Master Shang hopes to re-
position it as a crucial strategy in architectural thinking and making.

THE META-ARCHITECTONICS series is created to achieve this aim.

Its main objectives are:
1) To expose participants to and equip them with concepts and strategies in both disciplines of
architecture and Feng Shui;
2) To inspire a collective quest for the boundless wisdom of Chinese metaphysics, with
emphasis on the process of mutual learning between facilitator and participants;
3) To promote a wider perspective of architecture, in light of Feng Shui.

Its course contents may be a combination of the followings:

1) Classroom based modules or workshops. Lessons will be presented in powerpoint slides,

marker-board and/or other audio-visual media. Worksheets or workbook will be distributed
to participants as course materials and for written exercises;
2) Take-home assignments or participants’ personal case studies, culminating in project
submission and presentation by participants;
3) Out-of-classroom activities such as field trips and/or study tours;
4) Club gatherings for sharing of practical experiences, knowledge updates or refinement of
theories and techniques;
5) Seminars conducted by invited guest speakers.

Note: The Institute, jointly with the facilitator who is the author of the course contents, reserve their rights
to alter the course contents and fees from time to time, as and when they deem fit, without giving any
prior notice to the participants.
The Practical Feng Shui Modules form the classroom core of THE META-
ARCHITECTONICS series. The modules are structured to facilitate participant’s appreciation
of different spatial realms, from private to intermediate (semi-private/public) and to public.
Participants will be conveyed the essential meta-architectonic (Feng Shui & architecture)
concepts and strategies. At the end of each module, participants will put to practice the
acquired knowledge based on a given assignment or their own case studies.

Module 1 - FengShui Applications In Private Realms

Module 1 aims to equip beginners with the founding concepts and strategies of
FengShui and architecture, which can then be immediately applied to each individual’s
private realm, namely their workstations, office cubicles, home offices, etc., without the
complications of involving other individuals. This module will establish the intellectual
foundation which will enable participants to further their quest in the meta-architectonics.

1. The Fundamental Concepts Of FengShui And Architecture

2. Definition Of Spatial Boundaries

3. Direction And Location

4. The Concept Of Space - 8 Mansions (八宅)

5. Associated Attributes Of 8 Mansions (八卦纳甲 )

6. Application Of 8 Mansions Across The 24 Mountains (廿四山八宅法)

7. Relationships Between Ba Gua And 8 Mansions (宫星生克关系)

8. The Concept Of Time - Flying Stars (玄空飞星)

9. Erecting And Interpreting Flying Star Charts

10. Annual & Monthly Stars

11. Feng Shui Placement, Enhancement And Remedies Based On Combinational Application
Of 8 Mansions And Flying Stars (八宅, 玄空化解之道)

12. Ambiguity Margins, Death & Emptiness Lines (空亡线)

13. Case Studies And Assignment

Course details: 8 lessons

Course fee: $400
Module 2 - FengShui Applications In Semi-Private & Public Realms
Man lives in communities. Feng Shui and architecture inevitably will involve multiple
individuals. Module 2 extends the exploration of the meta-architectonics to the Semi-
Private realm, eg. flats, condominiums, apartments, landed etc.. and the Public Realms,
eg. Landed houses, commercial units, offices, factories, etc..

A field trip will be conducted after the course. Participants will be required to do Feng
Shui audit on site, while Master Shang will offer his personal guidance during this
practical outing.

1. External Landforms
2. Architectural Manifestations Of The 4 Celestial Creatures
3. Architectural Manifestations Of The 5 Elements
4. Architectural Manifestations Of The Early Heaven Ba Gua
5. Interpreting Architectural Plans
6. Determining Orientations (House, Seats, Bed, Stove, Altar)
7. Locating The Centre Of The House
8. Determining The Presence/Absence Of The 9 Palaces
9. Determination And Change Of House Period
10. Direct And Indirect Spirits
11. Conflict Identifications & Resolutions
12. Special Feng Shui Formations & Water Formulae
13. Implications Of The Later Heaven Ba Gua
14. Challenges In Public Realms
15. Feng Shui Placement, Enhancement and Remedies.
16. Professional Practice Introduction To Tong Sheng
17. Auspicious Date Selection
18. Case Studies And Assignment

Course details: 10 lessons

Course fee: $600

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