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Reviewed by Mr. Raju Biswas SAFETY OFFICER


Reviewed by
( JLL)

Approval by

Table of Content

S. No. Description Page No.

1 Approach to SHE Management 3-4

2 Project Description 4-5
3 HSE Policy/Alcohol drugs HIV/AIDS Policy 5-7
4 HSE Objective & Targets 8
5 Improvement programs 8
6 Site Organization Chart 12
7 Roles & Responsibility 12-15

8 HSE Committee 16

9 HSE Training 16

10 Subcontractor Evaluation, Selection and Control 17-18

11 HSE Inspection 18

12 HSE Audit 19

13 Compliance with Legal Requirements 19-20

14 Accident Investigation and Reporting Procedures 21

15 Occupational Health Measures 21

16 Labour Welfare Measures 21

17 Risk Assessment and Mitigation Procedures 21-22

18 Safe Work Procedures 22-23

19 Work Permit System 23

20 List of Standard Job specific PPEs to be used in the site 23-24

21 Traffic Management Procedure 24-31

22 Housekeeping 32-37

23 Waste disposal plan 37-39

Accident Undesired event giving rise to death, ill health, injury, damage or other
Dangerous An incident, which has the potential to cause injury, ill health, damage
Occurrence to property or environment.
Emergency An emergency occurring at the site/office/depot is one that may affect
several sections within it and or may cause serious injuries, loss of
lives, extensive damage to property or serious disruption outside the
works. It will require the best use of internal resources as well as
outside resources to handle it effectively. Usually this results due to
malfunction of the normal operating procedures. It may also be
precipitated by the intervention of an outside force such as a cyclone,
flood, and deliberate acts of arson or sabotage.
Evacuation Removal of residents and other persons from an area of danger.
Hazard Identification of un-desired events that could occur and usually the
Analysis estimation of the nature, characteristics and magnitude of the possible
loss/damage to life and property. The loss/damage, severity would be
analyzed and assessed for each hazard identified.
Hazard Source or situation with a potential for harm in terms of human injury or
ill health, damage to property, damage to workplace environment, or a
combination of these.
Hazard Provides information on available hazards on site and their nature.
Incident: Event that gave rise to an accident or had the potential to lead to an
Near miss: An incident where no ill health, damage or other loss occurs.

On-Site An accident, which takes place on working site and its effects are
Emergency: confined to the site premises involving only the people working on the
Probability: A number expressing the likelihood of occurrence of a specific event,
such as the ratio of the number of outcomes that will produce a given
event to the total number of possible outcomes.
Risk Analysis: It is a relative measure of the likelihood of various possible hazardous
events and consequences and enables the emergency plan to focus
on the greatest potential risk.
Risk: Combination of the likelihood and consequence(s) of a specified
hazardous event occurring.


Our approach to Environmental, Safety and Health (HSE) Management is based on
overall objective of continually improving HSE performance.
The guiding principles in management are:
 Prevention of environmental impact and safety risks through sound design
 Establishing and maintaining systems for “Resource Conservation & Waste
Minimization” and “Injury Free Work Environment” in construction activities;
and Monitoring of HSE parameters for timely corrective and preventive

The approach takes into account following.
 Statutory / regulatory and other requirements;
 Significant environmental aspects and potential hazards; and
 Clients Requirements


Site Address : Tata Cummins Jamshedpur (Jharkhand)

Name of Project : Proposed Expansion to Factory Complex for TATA CUMMINS


Details of Client : Tata Cummins LTD.

Completion Period : 06 Months

Commencement Date : 01-April-2024

Completion Date : 30-Sep-2024

Project HSE requirement : The site will comply with specification for HSE management and
HSE requirements for contractors in the as stated tender
documents and develop HSE plan in accordance with all other
guidelines a stated document and get same approved from client.

Major Activities :  Reinforcement and shuttering of foundation & Plinth Beam.
 Concreting of Foundation, Plinth Beam & Column.
 Backfilling.
 Temporary electrification
 Transportation of materials from Construction Depot to Site.
 Material Handling.
 Erection & Fabrication (Welding, Cutting and Grinding
 Break Work/ Stone Work
 Water Proofing Work
 ACP Sheet Fixing Work/PIR Pannel (ATP) Area
 Plumbing Work/Painting Work/ Polycarbonate Sheet Work
 Demolition of old Canteen

Key Safety Issues :  Protection of live utilities

 Material handling
 Tree cutting & shifting of lamp post
 Excavation
 Disposal & backfilling loose soil from excavated pit
 Temporary site electrification
 Work on live electrical circuits
 Concreting work
 Manual Handling
 House Keeping
 Work dumping


The HSE Policy is developed and implemented based on the Environment, Health & Safety
risks envisaged in the construction, planning and execution activity of the project. The Policies
shall be displayed at conspicuous places and shall be personally communicated in Tool Box
Meetings in the language known by most of the personnel at Work Site.
In addition to HSE policy the HIV & DRUG ABUSE POLICY are also adopted as a part of HSE
Commitment set forth in relevant Policies.


Aim. To adopt safety - Environment management systems and

procedures with a view to become the safest and environment friendly
site of Tata Cummins Project. Industrial safety is a major concern and
ACPL is committed to ensure job completion in time and without

Objective. Our endeavor will be: -

 To prevent occupational injury / ill health at work place

 To ensure all legal and statutory requirements are met with.

 To ensure that systems / procedures enumerated by Tata

Cummins are to be followed in totality

 To continually improve our safety and environment standards by

active participation of all employees.

It is policy of the site to ensure that all reasonable and practical

measures are taken to safeguard life, property, machines and
resources. A risk evaluation will be carried out at each stage of
construction and requisite control measures put in place. Site
managers and supervisors will adopt safety management systems as
per safety health and environment plan.


Managing Director

3.3 Drug & HIV Policy

Alcohol Drugs and HIV/AIDS Policy

ACPL recognizes that use of Drugs and Alcohol at site or coming to site
under the influence of drugs and appointment of workers who are HIV
infected brings in a non-disciplinary environment.

We are committed to avoid the use of drugs and alcohol when coming to
or working at ACPL site for the construction project CC-50.

We are also committed to avoid any activity that may lead to HIV/AIDS
disease and shall remain open to any medical examination if deemed fit
by the management.

We will create awareness through professional agencies, specially

designed for migratory workers on drug abuse and use of condoms.



4. HSE Objective and Target

The setting of Environmental, Health and Safety objectives and the

achieving of these objectives shall form part of the Project Health, Safety
& Environment Performance Measurement.

To encourage line management to take ownership of Health, Safety&

Environment matters, personal objectives shall be set for all within line
management responsibilities. These objectives shall be set by the
individual manager and shall be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic
and time-bound.
Regular monitoring of the setting of Health and Safety objectives shall be
undertaken to establish the effectiveness of the system, reviews shall be
carried out as and when required.
 Provide Safe Working Environment
 Ensure Safety of all workers, visitors and machinery within our
 Prevent loss or damage to property resulting from our activities
 Comply legislative and Client Safety rules in our site
 Fatality – Zero
 Lost Time Injury – Zero
 Man Days Lost – Zero
 Environmental Impact – Zero
 Legal Grievance – Zero
 Fire Incident – Zero
 Vehicle Transport Injury – Zero
 Usage of PPE – 100%
 HSE Training – 100%
 HSE Audit – Once in a month
5. Terms & Definitions
ACPL – Aishani construction Pvt. Ltd.
RIL - Tata Cummins Ltd.
PPE - Personal Protective Equipment
ERP - Emergency Response Plan

5.1 Safety
Safety can be defined as the freedom from those conditions that can cause
injury or death to personnel or damage or loss of equipment and property.

5.2 Injury
Can be defined as a harmful condition sustained by the body as remit of
an accident; it can be in the form of abrasion, a bruise, a laceration, a
fracture, a foreign Objects in the body, a puncture wound, a burn or an
electric shock.

5.3 Hazard
It is the inherent property of a substance or an occurrence which has the
potential to cause loss, damage or injury to property, person or

5.4 Risk
It is the probability of the realization of the potential for loss, damage and

5.5 Accident
An Accident is an unplanned, undesired event which has a probability of
causing personal injury or property Damage

5.6 Incident
It is an undesired event or condition that results or could have resulted in
harm to people, damage to property or environment.

5.7 Audit

A critical examination of each and every part, of a total operating system

with relevance to safety.

5.8 Near Miss

An unexpected, unwanted event not causing loss, injury or illness but

which under slightly altered conditions can lead to an accident.

5.9 Exposure Hours

It is the number of hours of employment including paid overtime and
training but excluding leave, sickness and unpaid overtime.

5.10 Fatality

Any work related or occupational illness resulting in death of the

individual irrespective of the intervening period.

'Delayed' deaths that occur after the incident are included if the deaths
were a direct result of the incident. For example, if a fire killed one
person outright, and a second died three weeks later from lung damage
caused by the fire, both are reported.

5.11 Medical Treatment Cases (MTC’s)

Medical cases that are not severe enough to be reported as fatalities, lost
workday cases or restricted workday cases i.e. work Related injury or
illness requiring medical treatment (more than First Aid) from a
professional physician or qualified medical person and where there is no
days lost from any day after the incident (or would not be any days lost
time from the day after the incident if this is a non-working day).

5.12 Restricted Work Cases (RWC):

The sum of calendar days (consecutive or otherwise) after the day of the
occupational injuries on which the employees /contractor employees
involved were unfit for full performance of the regular job.

5.13 Occupational Illness

Work related abnormal condition or disorder, other than that resulting

from a work injury caused by or mainly through exposure at work.
Whether a case involves a work injury or occupational illness is
determined by the nature of the original event or exposure that caused the
case and not by the resulting condition. Work injuries are caused by a
single event in the working environmental: cases resulting from anything
other than a single event are considered occupational illnesses and are
recordable as such. Examples of occupational illness incidents would be
where an employee was identified as suffering from noise induced

hearing loss, or an employee’s hearing re-assessment shows their
condition has worsened.

5.14 Man-hours Worked

The total number of hours worked by all employees working at site &

5.15 First Aid Case

First aid cases are where the injured person is given medical treatment and
Immediately for reporting on duty, without counting any lost time.

5.16 Lost Time Injury (LTI)

Any work injury which renders the injured person unable to perform his
regular job or an alternative restricted work assignment on the next
scheduled work day after the day on which the injury occurred.

5.17 Lost Time Injury Frequency (LTIF)

The number of loss time injuries per million man-hours.

5.18 Lost Work Days – Days away from work

The total number of calendar days on which the injured person was
temporarily unable to work as a result of lost workday case or permanent
partial disability.

5.19 Total Recordable Cases

It is the cumulative of Fatalities, LWDC, Restricted Work Case (RWDC) and

Medical Treatment Case (MTC) & OHC




The Project In-charge will have overall responsibility of Environment, Health and Safety at
site. For ensuring this, Project In-charge is required to: -

 Be familiar with and demonstrate his commitment to implementation of the Company

Policy and promote a continual improvement in OSHA performance.
 Ensure that all personnel for whom they are responsible are aware of this Policy and
implement relevant procedures as per requirement.
 Initiate formal hazard identification and risk analysis.
 Monitor OSHA performance of the personnel and activities under his control.
 Ensure that a comprehensive site OSHA Plan is published maintained and complied
with for the Project and distributed to all relevant parties.
 Establish a consultation and communication system with all employees and
 Ensure competence of subcontractors is verified in accordance with safety standards
laid down.
 Ensure sufficient induction training for all employees and workers before
commencement of work at site and subsequently for new inductees.
 Undertake program of regular safety checks at site.
 Comply with ACPL accident / incident investigation and reporting procedures.
 Conduct accident, dangerous occurrence and environmental incident investigation
and produce reports detailing clauses, conclusions and recommendations to prevent
a recurrence.
 Ensure provision of adequate first aid facilities and suitably trained personnel.

 Formulate a safety committee.
 Arrange and chair monthly safety meetings.


The Site/Front In-charge will be responsible to the Project In-charge for implementation of
safety procedures. In the absence of Project In-charge, he would take control of the Site. His
duties are similar to that of the Project In-charge.


They will be responsible to the Project In-charge / Site / Front In-charge for implementing the
requirements of this plan. In particular they are required to: -

 Be familiar with the Company Safety Policy and the Site Safety Plan.
 Monitor all site operations to ensure that standard procedures are followed at site.
 Liaise and cooperate with Site Safety Officer and ensure that defects brought to
attention are corrected.
 Establish and maintain proper communication with all workers with regard to safety
 Provide proper supervision for the work.


The responsibilities and accountabilities shall include the following:

 Instruct the subcontractor’s personnel under their control on the measures necessary
to perform the work safely and without health risks.
 Ensure that no work is carried out without an appropriate method statement and risk
assessment, that subcontractor’s person in charge receives a copy of the appropriate
method statement and risk assessment.
 Stop work if critical measures are required to counter unsafe actions or working
condition are rectified.
 Ensure that all tools, machinery and equipment used by the subcontractor are
adequate for the job and meet satisfactory standard. Ensure that these machinery
and equipment are maintained regime for machinery and equipment.
 Ensure that workers wear and properly use personnel protective equipment
according to the requirement.
 Ensure that only competent personnel work on the site.
 Ensure that housekeeping standards are maintained and make arrangements for
waste disposal.
 Ensure that the subcontractors’ workers receive the necessary Tool Box briefings.
 Complete an Accidents Investigation Report ensuring that each accident and / or
near miss is investigated and such corrective action taken to prevent re-occurrence
in the future. One copy of this report is given to the Construction Managers.
 Carry out daily safety patrol and submit the Site HSE Inspection Checklist to Safety
Department upon completion of the safety tour.
 Ensure attendance in any HSE Training and Courses.
 Ensure that all workers familiarize with the Emergency and Evacuation Procedure
and ensure compliance with the requirement of the above.


 To monitor the adequacy of the Contractor's Site Safety Plan and ensure its
 To monitor safety inspection reports;
 To study accident and incident reports;
 To study accident statistics and trends so as to identify unsafe practices and
 To review the emergency and rescue procedures;
 To review site safety training;
 To promote safety and industrial health on site;
 To discuss the Contractor's monthly safety report;
 To take follow up actions on minutes of meeting.


 Assume all responsibilities as covered in Schedule VIII of BOCW Rules.

 Demonstrate personal commitment towards set objectives

 Assist in the development and the review of procedures and safe systems of work,
including those of subcontractors

 Monitor the activities of the project and subcontractor work operations in

coordination with Section Managers

 Regularly consult with site management regarding the HSE Management System

 Compile and submit safety statistical information to the Chief Safety Manager each

 Deliver site induction to new workers and site visitors

 Assist in the development and presentation on the HSE training program

 Ensure each site has copies of the HSE Plan

 Investigate reportable accidents and prepare reports as directed by the Chief Safety

 Attend all site safety meetings

 Ensure records are kept of all injuries requiring first aid

 Maintain a daily diary of principal activities

 Carryout inspections of work sites

 Provide support to the construction department for implementation of project HSE



 Provide HSE information and guidance to supervisors on proper HSE procedures,

current and potential hazards and employee training requirements.
 Conducts project HSE inspection and reports infractions to the applicable supervisor
and the engineer and subsequently inspect to see that infractions are corrected.
 Ensure that the respective supervisor applies the approved method statement and
HSE control stipulated in the risk assessment during the execution of the work.
 Maintain register of any defects or violations observed and of remedial action taken.
 Conduct investigation of all fatal, lost time accidents, significant first aid cases, near
miss accident and damage to property or equipment. Complete and analyze each
accident investigation report.
 Conducts the HSE induction programs for new employees and subcontractors.
 Assist in HSE training courses and seminars.
 Assist construction supervisors and foremen during the tool box meeting to be held
every morning or weekly depending on the working status.
 Inspect for fire hazards and check that fire protection equipment is adequate,
accessible, and in proper working order.
 Supervise and implement security procedure.
 Assist in supervising medical facilities and maintaining medical records.


Subcontractors who intend to carryout out work on the Project Sites must comply with these

 Comply with all of the elements of the HSE Plan and any regulations applicable to
the work

 Comply with the Construction Method Statements and any document provided in the
interests of Environment, Health and Safety

 Ensure that all of their employees designated to work on site are properly trained and

 Ensure that all plant and equipment they bring on to site has been inspected and
serviced in accordance with legal requirement and manufacturer’s or suppliers’

 Make arrangements to ensure that all employees designated to work on or visit the
site present themselves for site induction prior to commencement of work

 Provide details of any hazardous substances to be brought onsite

 Submit all proposed HSE procedures and construction methods to MR for review

 Ensure that a responsible person accompanies any of their visitors to site

 Sign and accept the contractor’s Safety Agreement

 Understand the Disciplinary procedures and make their personnel aware of the


 A committee consisting of the following to be formed to ensure that requisite safety

standards are maintained:

Chairman Project Manager

Secretary HSE Officer
Members Construction Managers/ Engineers heading different Sub-functions
Store In-charge
All HSE Staffs
Sub-contractor Representative
Workers Representative
Administration Officer
Employer’s Client project Manager
Representative Consultant Project Manger
Consultant safety manager

 The Site HSE Committee to be conducted once in a month.

 Minimum period of 21 days to be maintained between two HSE Monthly Meeting.
 The MOM of the meeting to be prepared in format SF-002 and sent to all members within
2 working days.


Training as mentioned below shall be organised for site personnel.

96 Hrs. Training of various topics: It shall be carried out for all employees / workers/
staff/ Subcontractor of at least 2 week (96 Hrs.) at the time of induction before engage at site
and also provide the certificated for said HSE training.

Induction Training: shall be carried out for all employees at site including sub contractors
and their workers and visitors entering site

Refresher Training: shall be conducted at least every Six months to ensure that all workers
on site are kept up to date with safety requirements on site.

Toolbox Talks: Supervisors/engineers will deliver toolbox talks to all workers/operators

every day. Special emphasis shall be laid on the following: -
 Working around Excavator, dumper, JCB and other construction vehicles
 Manual handling
 Working in excavations pits/trench
 Working at height
 Movement of person and vehicles on road
 PPE Use
 Cement handling
 Electrical hazard
 Handling steel rebar
 Staging and shuttering and de-shuttering
 Safety during mixing, transport and pouring of concrete
 Housekeeping etc

Other Training: A training calendar shall be prepared on the basis of training need
identification, TATA CUMMINS training matrix and corporate training requirement. The Site
shall organize the training as per training calendar.

Training to Managers: Trainings to managers will be arranged by Corporate HR and site

HSE Management.

Outside Agencies: Site will contribute to the training on Safety, Health and Environment to
all its workers/staffs/employees/sub-contractors through outside agencies approved by


The objectives of subcontractor evaluation, selection and control are to assist the site
management in selecting subcontractors with respect to their ability to carry out work in
conformance with ACPL Project Safety Plan.

This Procedure is intended for use in the selection and installation of subcontractors. The
Project Manager any other persons appointed by him will be responsible for undertaking this
evaluation and selection.

HSE Requirements and Sub-Contractor Selection and Approval Process.

In the tendering process the subcontractor shall include in its cost estimating all the items
necessary for it to comply with both the general and specific safety requirements.

Selection of Subcontractor

The Project shall select a subcontract after evaluating their proposal taking into
consideration its cost, quality, schedule and safety.
It is Recognize that it is not simple to apply quantitative weighting to these considerations.
However the project shall avoid awarding of work to lowest bidder without regard to their
Safety and Health Management Plan and Performance record. The Awareness, Detailed
understanding about the BOCW Rules applicable to project activities shall be the pre-
requisite for Contractor Selection.

At the time of selecting a subcontractor, the subcontractor will be informed that in the event
that they Elects to subcontract out part of its work to others, he shall ensure that its own

1) Are aware of and understand their safety obligation described in SBBPL

Project Safety Plan.

2) Have the capacity and ability to perform the work in conformance with SBBPL
Project Safety Plan.

The subcontractor shall be fully responsible for the actions of its elected subcontractors.


Since ACPL shall be operating as per Client Guidelines and the applicable directives the
same shall equally apply to the sub contractors as well.

The subcontractor is also subject to scrutiny under the same applied terms as has to equally
and proactively demonstrate compliance to the established requirements and BOCW Rules
as applicable in Jaipur. It will be mandatory for the subcontractor to conform to the law and
maintain all statutory registers / records to demonstrate compliance to the requirements
Man, Material, Method and Machine.

Though the subcontractor shall deploy all the competent manpower for project execution as
per terms of the contract and will assure fair and reasonable understanding of the HSE
concerns and ongoing up -dation of the personnel in this respect, `the planning for Training
and competence development of the subcontractors and his employees shall be taken up by
ACPL on regular basis.

Since the subcontractor shall also be subject to internal audit and periodic evaluation, a sub-
contractor specific check list has been developed and monitoring of the sub contractor shall
be done on this basis. The deviations observed are to be corrected by the subcontractor.
The Subcontractor / his HSE representatives shall be the part in Safety Committees and the
Management Reviews where their Process HSE performance will always remain a key part
of the agenda.

P&A Department shall prepare a list of Sub-contractors, inventory of their aspects / impacts,
hazards/risks and the applicable HSE and Social Legislations with client Concerns as it
applies to their Products, Activities and Services.

The contractor specific inspection check list shall be prepared in line with the requirements.


Following HSE Inspection program shall be adopted.

 Planned General Inspection: Site HSE Committee Team shall inspect the site a
week before the scheduled date of meeting. Daily Safety observation shall be taken
by all safety officers. Weekly Safety Walk about by PM, Safety Incharge & concern
section In-charges.

 Routine Inspection: The following inspection shall be done under routine inspection:
- Daily inspection of plant & equipment by Operator
- Weekly Inspection of Scaffold
- Monthly inspection of electrical hand tools.
- Quarterly inspection of Temporary electrification.

 Specific Inspection

- Inspection performed before and after a welding and gas cutting

- Inspection of formwork before concreting by formwork erector.

Inspection color code as stated in the tender document will be followed. Inspection tags will
be fixed on all the equipment and machinery inspected by the prepared checklist


The HSE Audit for site shall be conducted every month to improve the HSE Management
System at site. The compliance report on the observation will be submitted to client.

SBBPL shall cooperate in the external Audit conducted by an external agency and will
comply to the observations raised by them during audit


Legal requirements applicable to the construction projects in India are:

 The Building and other construction workers (Regulation of Employment and

conditions of service) Act, 1996 and Central rules 1998
 The Water [Prevention & Control Of Pollution] Act – 1974 and Rules 1975
 The Water [Prevention & Control Of Pollution] Cess Act-1977 and Rules-1978 as
amended in 2003
 The Air [Prevention & Control Of Pollution] Act – 1981 and Rules 1983
 The Environment [Protection] Act – 1986 & Rules-1986 as amended from time to
 The Hazardous Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 1989 as amended from
time to time
 Bio-Medical waste ( Management & Handling ) Rules1998
 Public Liability Insurance Act – 1991, Rules there under.
 Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemicals 1989 and amendment in
 Ozone Depleting Substances (Regulation) Rules, 2000
 Municipal Solid Waste (Management and Handling) Rules 2000
 Noise Pollution Regulation & Control rules, 2000.
 Battery (Management and Handling) rules, 2001.
 The Gas Cylinders Rules – 1981
 Electrical Act 2003 / Rules 1956
 The Petroleum Act :1934 – The Petroleum Rules :2002
 The Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957 – The Mineral
Concession Rules, 1960
 The Static & Mobile Pressure Vessels [ Unfired ] Rules – 1981
 The Central Motor Vehicle Act: 1988 and The Central Motor Vehicle Rules:1989 as
amended in 2003

As per our analysis we are not required to obtain any license from State Pollution Control
Board or any other authority related to environmental legislation, for our project operation

Employees shall:
Assess work area and work methods prior to start of work.
Ensure work activities consider “How to do it safely?”
Practice and promote safe work habits.
Use protective equipment and comply with applicable safety procedures.
Report unsafe activities immediately to Immediate Supervisor or Safety

8 Health & Welfare of Employees

8.1 Health Check-up for all Employees

Medical examination of all worker / employee shall be carried out by authorized Qualified
MCI approved medical practitioner (M.B.B.S. - Doctor) after verification of all require
investigation report supporting document only. If worker not suitable construction activities
by his medical report than such worker should not appointed and allowed to do any work in
entire project. A worker who recovered from major dieses or injury, medical re-examination
shall be carried out before allowing work at site.

8.2 Drinking Water

ACPL is committed to ensure supply of clean drinking water in ample

quantity for its workforce at all its work sites and camps. ACPL will provide
adequate drinking water storage arrangements and water dispenser sat each site.
Drinking water storage tanks/dispensers shall be stored at elevated area and water
stagnation shall be avoided in its vicinity. ACPL shall ensure proper cleaning of
drinking water tanks/dispensers and maintain proper cleaning schedule, which
will be submitted to TCPLP on monthly basis. Drinking water shall not be stored
within six meters of any washing, urinal or latrine. Drinking water supplies shall
be clearly marked especially where non-drinking water is also available. ACPL
shall ensure drinking water testing as per Indian Standards for drinking water
quality i.e. IS: 10500 on quarterly basis. Through approved laboratory. Adequate
provision shall be taken to ensure availability of cool drinking water during hot
summer. Energy drink shall be arranged according to site temperature and
humidity condition. All the energy drinks shall be distributed to workforce after
approval from TCPL site management.

8.3 First aid Facility

First aid is an immediate and temporary medical care provided to the injured workers
at site before the services of a qualified medical practitioner are made available. It is
important for the personnel administering First Aid to know what they should do and
also what they must not do.
Improper and careless movement of the victim may increase the severity of the
problem and in extreme cases may cause death.

Great haste in administering First aid may not be often necessary but in cases of
severe bleeding and in cases where breathing is suspended, immediate action is
First Aid Box: A fully equipped First Aid Box must be available at the site. It should
contain adequate supply of various types of items as per TCPL First Aid List.

8.4 Sanitation
Sufficient numbers and types of portable toilets and urinals will be provided at each
site. ACPL shall ensure daily cleaning and water availability for these toilets/urinals.
Toilets and urinals will be connected to proper septic tank and soak pit to collect the
sewage. Sewage shall be removed through suction tanker to proper sewage treatment
facility available with TCPL and its Contractors in nearby area. Disposal of untreated
sewage in local area shall not be permitted from ACPL sites. ACPL will maintain
proper records for water consumption and wastewater (sewage) disposal from these

8.5 Pickup & Drop Facility

ACPL is not providing any hutment as all the workers are coming from their own
places. Pickup and Drop facility from their places will be provided for all workers.

8.6 Working in Extreme Conditions

ACPL monitor the temperature and follow TCPL Heat Stress flagging system and if
required will stop the work for some particular time in the afternoon. Company will
maintain a rest Shelter for workers to stay during that time provided with drinking
water facility. Energetic drinks will also be provided as required.


All injuries shall be recorded, reported and investigated as per statute. Remedial measures
as suggested by the Investigator shall be quickly communicated (Alert Sent) to all concerned
for implementation.

Details of Accident/ Incident Investigation & Reporting formats in the tender document will be


The Following occupational health measures shall be taken

 Pre-employment check up
 Periodical health inspection as per BOCW Act.
 Establishment of Occupational Health Center
 First Aid boxes at each work site.
 Appointment of Occupational Health Officer and First aider as per requirement.
 Availability of Ambulance.
 Periodical spraying/fogging of mosquito control insecticides.
 Periodical testing of alcohol.
 Regular awareness program on HIV/AIDS


The Following occupational health measures shall be taken;

 Accommodation for workers
 Sufficient Latrine & Urinals.
 Availability of tested & sufficient drinking water.
 Canteen Facility


Risk Assessment prepared for all civil activities at project will be prepared and reviewed
before submitting to client/consultant.

Potential hazards at site are: -

 Handling of heavy material by mechanical means;

 Welding and cutting;
 Temporary electrification;
 Transportation of material;
 Operation of heavy machinery;
 Dust hazard
 Noise hazard

Main potential causes of construction related injuries at site are: -

 Working at unprotected heights;

 Fall of material from top / material being thrown to the lower level;
 Tampering with electrical connections;
 Climbing on heights using structural members instead of ladders;
 Use of wrong tools;
 Repairing a running machine;
 Standing around or crowding around running machines;
 Running machines unauthorized;
 Standing under slung loads;
 Unauthorized driving;
 Over speeding of vehicles;
 Lifting beyond SWL;
 Handling of plant by inexperienced operators;
 Non use of PPE;
 Horse Play.

Unsafe conditions may result due to:

 Poorly maintained plant and equipment

 Nonstandard joints
 Unprotected heights
 Un-permissible level of sound
 Continuous exposure
 Poor house keeping
 Improper access and egress
 Wrong signaling
 Inadequate Illumination


To minimize hazards and risks, control measures shall be introduced in the following order
of priority: -\

 Engineering controls
 Administrative controls
 Elimination control
 Substitution control

Engineering controls

 Barricades and guardrails for heights and use of fall arrestors

 Machine guards and standard safety devices for machines; limit switches and locking
 ELCBs and circuit breakers for electrical connections and standard connectors

Administrative Controls

 Lock out and tag out systems
 Removal of unwanted persons from the work area
 Restricted entry to work area
 Earmarking Non PPE zones
 Filling up of check lists
 Control over movement of personnel


 Helmets, Safety Shoes, Gum boots, gloves and goggles

 Safety harness

Checklist for these activities shall be submitted in the formats given in the tender document
and also in the formats prepared by SBBPL


Permits to Work are usually required in high-risk areas as identified by the Risk
Assessments. They allow work to start only after safe procedures have been defined and
they provide a clear record that all foreseeable hazards have been considered. The Work
Permit System shall be prepared and followed at Food Block, Cosmetic Block and Ayurvedic
block and for other civil work activities for following activities:

1. Excavation work
2. Fabrication work (Rebar cutting and rebar bending0
3. Temporary Electrification at project site
4. Hot work
5. Concrete mixing, transportation and pouring


Handled/ Hazard Approved PPEs Specification
S.No Against
Acid/Alkali Proof
Skin contact Health issue rubberized hand IS 8807 : 1978
1. gloves
Rubberized apron
Body Protection Health issue IS:4501-1967
Acid/Alkali Proof
Electric Rubber gloves for
Hands IS 4770 : 1991
shock electrical purposes
2. Electrical work
Electric Rubber mats for
Body Protection IS 15652:2006
shock electrical purposes
Fumes &
Eye and Face Welders equipment
Sparks IS 1179 : 1967
Protection for eye & face
3. Welding (radiation)
IS 6994:1973
Hand Protection Hot Parts Leather Hand Gloves
Part 1
4. Foot Protection Feet injury Hit/Struck Industrial Safety IS:5852

shoes with steel toe
Concreting, pile
5. Foot protection muck, curing, Slip Gum boots IS 10667 :1983
meson work
Leather /cotton Hand
Manual Gloves IS:6994-Part-
6. Hands Cut injury
Handling 1-1973

Cylindrical type
Hearing earplug (made from -
7. DG Operations Ear Protection
uneasiness foam)
Ear muffs IS:9167
8. Grinding Body protection Leather Apron
chips, hot
slags etc.
Grinding Zero Power Plain
9. operations, Eye protection Eye injury goggles with cup type IS:2553-1977
drilling filters on both ends
Fall of object
from height, Industrial Safety
10. Head Protection Head injury IS 2925-1975
working at Helmet
Fall from height,
Head & Body Head &
11. working at Full body harness IS 3521
Protection Body injury


The Common Safety measures shall be taken while working on road is as follows:

 A traffic manager shall be appointed who report to chief HSE Manager.

 If the work involves blocking of part of the existing road, the traffic on the road shall
be blocked after traffic assessment. The following consideration shall be taken during
traffic diversion.
 Inconvenience to the traffic is minimal
 The width of the diversion shall be sufficient for the traffic to be diverted.
 All the control devices shall be as per IRC standards.
 The diversion plan shall always be in consultation with traffic police & it is the
duty of concerned Site In-charge & Safety officer to interact with traffic police.

 All diversions shall be made by barricading boards which shall be maintained with
reflective tapes, blinker lights etc.

 If any type of traffic related facilities like bus stops, parkings etc affected due to work
shall be relocated to appropriate locations in consultation with traffic police.

 Trained traffic marshals shall be deputed as per requirement and record shall be

 Signage boards with retro reflective sheeting shall be used for diverting routes.

 Warning Signs shall be posted in traffic control zone.

 All warning signs / lights / barriers must be installed before commencement of the
activity. These must be physically checked on ground by supervisor / safety officer
before work commences.

 The guard shall be deputed at the entrance gate to prevent unauthorized entry in
working area.

 All the workers & staffs shall be provided identity cards.

 The project sign boards shall be erected.

 All the road markings shall confirm to IRC: 35.

 All workmen shall be provided with essential PPEs like safety shoes, helmet, high
visible jackets, hand gloves, safety goggles, face shields etc as per requirement.

 The minimum PPEs requirement for the entire person in working area shall be Safety
shoes, helmet & High visible jackets.

 All the PPEs shall be as per Indian standards.

 For free flowing of traffic, arrangement shall be made for cleaning the concrete waste
/debris etc.

 Always ensure that the buffer zone remains free of materials.

 The disposal of debris shall be in designated location identified by Municipality.

 The following precaution shall be taken during transportation of Debris/concrete

loaded vehicle.
 The best route shall be selected to minimize the traffic disturbances.
 Debris /concrete shall be covered.
 The transportation shall be in night so that the minimum impact on traffic flows.
 Trained transporters shall be deputed.
 The marshal with blinker torch shall be available with vehicle.
 Helper attends the reversing of vehicle.

 Warning signs shall be displayed in back of the vehicle..

 It shall be ensured that each equipment used at site are maintained and operated
safely. For this a checklist shall be prepared for each equipment and Operational
control procedure shall be developed to conduct safe operation.

 The EMERGENCY CONTACT NO. shall be displayed for helping in any emergency.

 All persons working on Roadways and Motorways must be fully briefed on the
hazards of working close to live traffic.

 The working area must be coned off. This protective identification must not be
interfered with without authorisation.

 Work will not be allowed outside protected areas unless management has agreed

 Defined routes will be provided for pedestrians and traffic. These routes must not be
interfered with or blocked.

 Where short-term plant movements may affect pedestrians or traffic, then banksmen
must be provided to supervise such movements.

 All operatives must be informed of specific hazards and remain alert at all times in
particular for unauthorised entry into the working area.

 Ensure adequate welfare arrangements exist for those employed on this type of

 Flagmen should use red flags, lights/ whistles to warn the traffic and working staff.
Red lights during night must be displayed.

 All site related vehicles must have: -

 Licensed and authorized drivers.

 Reversing horn.
 Headlights, brakes and horn in working condition.
 Tuned and maintained engine.
 Daily checking of brakes.
 Helpers.

 Nobody should be allowed to go under the vehicle unless driver is out with keys and
wheel chokes are placed.

 Avoid spillage while handling / filling of oil.

 Prohibit smoking strictly

 No body shall be allowed in working area in drunken condition.

The following control measures shall be taken during transportation of Segment/ other
construction material loaded trailer to minimize the impact on traffic flow.

 Traffic manager shall prepare the route plan of transportation with consultation with
traffic police.

 Speed Limit:-Maximum 10 to 15 km/hr.

 Low bed trailer shall be used for segment transport

 Only trained transporters shall be deployed.

 Back light, side indicators light, red flag, back horn shall be available in trailers.

 The Segment shall be properly tied with chain.

 Trained Helper will attend to reversing of vehicles.

 Warning signal shall be at the back side of the trailer.

 One marshal shall be deputed with trailer with blinker torch.

 The tyres of trailers shall be cleaned in tyre washing facility before entry to completed

9.13 Material Handling

ACPL shall ensure that material handling by manually will be minimized at

construction. However, material handling is the prime job for any construction
Close co-ordination required, if two or more Person lift a single load. Back injuries
are the most common work place problem.
To avoid such back injuries at work place ACPL shall ensure that all persons are
aware about safe lifting procedure.
Lifting tools and equipment’s shall be used maximum to avoid manual material
handling. Only tested and certified lifting tools and tackles by third party shall be
used for such activities.
Risk assessment and hazard identification along with method statement carried out
shall be submitted to TCPL for approval.

9.14 Storage and Handling of Flammable liquids & Gas Cylinders

LPG cutting sets shall not be used for piping work.
HSD will not be stored at site and it will be transported to site in proper diesel
browser. Supply of diesel at site in barrels will be avoided to the extent possible. Plastic
barrel will not be allowed for diesel storage and transportation in any circumstances.
Adequate provisions like drip trays, secondary containments will be made to avoid oil spills.
Diesel carrying vehicles, DG/machinery areas shall be provided with spill kits to clean any
accidental spill. Spill kit will minimum contain oil absorbent pads/booms, shovel, and saw
dust and hazardous waste bin. Diesel drums if supplied on back of Camper, same shall have
fire extinguishers and drip tray. Hand pump shall always be used for emptying the drum.
Hand pump shall always be placed inside diesel barrel or drip tray to avoid any spills on

Cutting gases should be stored properly.
Oxygen and DA cylinders should be vertically stored separately and locked with
Only authorized person is allowed to enter the storage area.
Area should be protected from combustible and flammable materials.
Portable Fire Extinguishers shall be placed.

9.15 Electrical Safety

Periodic maintenance is carried out by competent and authorized electrical personal in
order to prevent unsafe conditions which lead to electrical failure & accidents.

Only authorized and competent persons should operate and maintain electrical
Switches, Circuits Breakers etc. shall be provided.
Portable light, Head lamps etc. shall be used on low and safe voltage.
Make shift temporary arrangements shall not be used.
Unknown circuits should be treated as live and risk taking is always dangerous.
Switches will be locked for maintenance by putting “Lock Off ” tags. Work sequence
and methods will be strictly observed.
Personal protective will be used as required.
Earthling, ELCB’s, etc. will be installed and maintained for proper circuit protection.
Emergency training for first aid, firefighting will be given to all electrical
maintenance personal. Safety posters like Do’s & Don’ts will be placed to remind
electrical safety.
1 Cables
Cables shall be kept off the ground whenever possible and not run through wet areas,
puddles or mud.
Cables on the ground shall be protected from damage, be of the right type for the job
and not a trip hazard.
Extension cables shall be kept as short as possible.
Extension cables shall not be used while they are still coiled up on a reel.
Insulating tape shall not be used to make joints or to cover faults in cables.

3 9.16 Electrical Power Tools

Before use:
No unauthorized persons shall operate power tools. Machines shall be mounted on
rigid foundations and earthed adequately
Tool shall be checked for double insulation.
Tools used shall be suitable for 110 volts power supply and residual current devices
shall be used for additional protection.
Plug shall be of correct type, undamaged and securely clamped to cable.
Supply cable shall be checked for cuts, splits or damage.

In use:
Damage to supply cables shall be avoided by protecting from sharp edges and objects;
tools shall not be lifted/ carried by the cable
Cable shall be kept clear off ground where possible to avoid damage by impact,
crushing and abrasion, by plant or vehicles and hand tools.
Makeshift repairs shall not be carried out. Qualified electricians shall do regular
maintenance and repairs.
Avoid standing on wet or damp surfaces when using electrical equipment

1 Drills

2 Before use:
Condition of drill chuck shall be checked, using the correct key
Drill bits shall be fitted after isolating power supply.
Materials to be drilled shall be firmly secured before drilling to avoid spinning.

3 In use:
Drill shall be held firmly with both hands using main and front handgrips.
Extra pressure shall not be put on the drill machine
Machine shall be checked prior to use.

4 Angle Grinders and Disc Cutters

Before use:
Only trained, experienced and authorized persons shall mount abrasive wheels and

Names of competent persons permitted to mount these wheels and discs shall be

Abrasive wheels and cutting discs shall be selected for the type of work and correctly

In use:
Guards shall be in place, adjusted and secure.

Firm grip shall be maintained while operating.

9.17 Fire Protection & Prevention
Fire Protection and Prevention Procedures shall comply with the requirements of the
regulations laid down by the respective authorities. The provisions of this section are
intended for reference to supplement the regulations, which shall govern.
Fire is basically a chemical reaction. It is an oxidation process accompanied by heat, light and
smoke. For its sustenance fire needs fuel, heat and oxygen. To eliminate the fire, it is
important to know the source and its location. Nearly 25% fires are due to electrical causes in
building construction. The known causes of fire are listed below.

Classification of fires:
Class A fires: Wood, textiles, paper, rubbish.
Class B fires: Oils, grease, paint, petroleum products
Class C fires: Gaseous substances under pressure.
Class D fires: Potassium, Sodium, Aluminum, Magnesium.
Class E fires: Electrical Fires

The common types of fire extinguishers use one of the following extinguishing
Water Type
Dry Chemical Powder (DCP)
Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
Powder Type (Na Cl, Copper)
Foam Type (AFFF)

Recommended extinguishing agents shall be as follows:

Combustible Extinguishing Agent

Class Type of Fire
Substance 1st Choice 2nd Choice 3rd Choice
Paper, Rags,
A Solid Water DCP -
B, C Liquid& Gas HSD Foam Type DCP CO2
D Metals Powder Type - -
E Electrical CO2 DCP -


A separate Housekeeping squad under Housekeeping Manager shall be deployed for the
housekeeping at site.

The following measures shall be taken to maintain good housekeeping at site.

 The work area housekeeping shall be ensured by site engineers/ supervisors/
subcontractors on regular basis.
 The housekeeping squad shall ensure the daily cleaning of work sites and
surrounding areas.
 A separate housekeeping register shall be maintained regarding the same.
 The work area to be barricaded and cleaning & painting of barricade boards shall be
ensured regularly.
 Toe dust must be cleaned on regular basis for smooth movement of traffic.
 The debris, excavated soil etc. shall be removed/ disposed off from site to designated
 All staircase, passageway and gangways shall be maintained free from any
 All emergency exits, fire points, assembly points, electrical DBs, DG sets, first aid
stations and other emergency stations shall be kept clean and free from any
 A designated scrap yard should be maintained at Casting yard and all stations.
 Proper stacking of material shall be ensured.
 Gas cylinders shall be kept safely.

9.18 Height Work

Precautions shall be taken to avoid from falling down. For work above ground floor
level, proper scaffolding /staging shall be erected depending upon the type of work.

Use of Ladders.
Ladders shall be fixed near the top if practicable or near the bottom and secured.
Shall be placed on a firm level base.
Shall be intermediately secured to prevent slipping and sagging.
While working on ladder above 1.2mtrs fall protections shall be used.
Ladders shall be extended at least 1mtrs above any landing place beyond the highest
rung from which a person shall work or have a nearby hand hold of univalent height.
Ladders shall be placed so that there is space behind each rung for proper foot hold.

Scaffolding /Staging.
Work activities above 1.2mtrs from ground floor level.
Proper steel scaffolding /staging shall be erected for works above 2mtrs height above
the floor level under the supervision of a trained & authorized person.
Ladders properly secured shall be used.
Supervision of work and inspection of materials.
Scaffolding /staging shall be erected altered or dismantled only under a supervisor as
far as possible.

All scaffolding /staging shall be inspected and tagging system will be done before use.
9.19 Barricades
Barricades shall be erected, maintained when required in connection with concern
Engineers operation.
Engineers, supervisors shall become acquainted with P.M, HSE officer and
barricading practices and shall respect of provision there off.

9.20 Excavation work

All subcontractors working under the Contractor will be briefed for required HSE
systems to be followed at site, before awarding the contract. Contractor performance
will be based on their safety performance in the past projects. Before engaging any
contractor and their workmen for work, Contractor’s HSE requirement will be briefed
to them. In case of any deviation, such work will be stopped and all their workmen
will be trained again to do safe job. Safety violation memo will be issued to such HSE

Job safety analysis will be made and briefed to all the employees before starting of the work.

Any excavation is to be done with a valid permit only.

All the material in the vicinity of area to be excavated should be cleared before start of

Area to be cordoned off with barricading tape.

Excavated earth to be placed at least 1.2 mtr. From the edge.

De-Watering water to be released much away from the excavated area.

Slops as per requirement to be maintained as much as possible.

Ladders for entry and exit to be provided for excavations beyond 1.5mtr.

Rain water guard to be provided for excavations beyond 1.5mtr.

Heavy loads to be kept away from pit to avoid fall of edges due to over load.

No Loose material or load shall be stacked near the edge of any excavation so as to endanger
the lives of person working below.

If any crack of ground near the excavated pit is noticed, excavation should be stopped and
brought to the attention of construction manager.

For machinated excavations machine movement to be guarded by deploying exclusive person.

Machine to be parked in safe location during night time.

If work is continued at night adequate light should be arrange.

People are to be warned of taking rest below / Side of the machine.

Only experienced licensed driver to be deployed as operators for machines.

Conditions of the machine to be checked every day before start of the work.

Only manual excavation to be done where ever there is a possibly of encountering cables /
underground facilities.

Gum boots to be used for civil works.

All workmen working inside the pit shall necessarily wear safety helmets and those who are
working in the slopes or benches of the pit shall use safety belt also.

Proper tools to be used for manual excavation.

Supervisor should be deployed for all excavation works.

People should be warned of taking rest in excavated pits.

Trucks for carrying excavated material to be parked sufficiently away from the excavate pit.

No irregular movement of trucks to be done, movement to be done only through identified


9.21. Welding and Cutting

All welding and cutting shall be done by workmen who are thoroughly trained in the work
screen shall be placed around the work to protect persons from glare.

Welding and cutting shall not be done in the proximity of flammable material.

Welders and helpers shall wear non-combustible helmets and gloves during welding
operations. They should be careful to keep out of the line of sparks and hot metal. They
should wear clothing free from grease, gasoline, oil and other flammable material.

Oxygen and acetylene cylinders or containers shall never be permitted in small spaces or
compartments where welding operations are in progress. A helper shall always be at hand
to shut off the gas in case of an accident when the welder is working in a space where it is
difficult to escape. Oxygen and acetylene hose should be regularly checked and those,
which have developed Cracks, should be replaced. Care should be taken to see that sparks
of grinding and slag of gas cutting do not reach near the vicinity of hoses of oxygen and
acetylene. Preferably these hoses should be laid away from electrical cables.

Joints on welding cables should be avoided. In case it is necessary the cable joint should
be rigidly bolted and the joint should be wrapped with a non-conducting material to avoid
sparks caused due to contact with conductor.

Formation of water pools under gas cutting beds should be avoided. It may cause

Gas cylinders should be kept vertical in shades. If the work is being carried out away from
the shade then water soaked absorbent gunny bag shall be placed on the valves and

Sufficient numbers of water containers should be placed at different locations in the

fabrication yard to facilitate wetting of gunny cloth and quenching of red-hot cut out
pieces of structural. All welding machines should be properly earthed.

All combustible materials like packing, boxes, cotton rags soaked with oil should be
removed from where hot work is being carried out, cylinders in use, must have valid test

Cylinders should be transported on trolleys only and not by rolling them on the ground.
Prior to being used all cylinders should be checked for leakage.

Separate enclosures should be provided for storing oxygen and DA cylinders. All hose fittings
shall be kink free. All leads, grounds, clamps, hose gouges, torches, cylinders flash back
arrestors must be inspected before use. The compressed gas regulators and other fittings shall

be free from oil, grease etc. Do not store wrenches, dies, cutters or other grease covered
tools in the same compartment with oxygen equipment.

Do not exceed 15 PSI on the torch side of the gauge when using acetylene. Lift cylinders
to upper levels with approved methods only. Do not use slings or lift a cylinder by the
protective cap.

Welding shall never be carried out by metallic ladder. Welding rod should be removed
from the electrode holder when laying it down. Studs shall be discarded in metal

9.22 Confined Space Entry

A confined space means both vessels and areas as follows: A space, which is sufficiently,
surrounded by confining surfaces which may trap hazardous gases, vapors, dusts, or where
oxygen deficiency may already exist or could develop.
A space with a physical configuration where the entry/ exit is restricted to such an extent that
emergency assistance, or self-escape by a person in distress would be difficult.
Entry to a confined space will be under TCPL permit and personnel ’s need to have
qualification of permit receiver. The use of multi gas detector is essential in order to measure
the atmosphere content whenever required.


Objective -To provide system for handling waste storage and disposal at project

Scope-This procedure covers to prepare list of solid waste material generated at

project site and plan to handle, store and dispose them in the efficient manner.

Responsibility-All deportment head and concerned personnel are responsible to

ensure that the waste generated and disposal as per the procedure.

All waste generated at project site as a result of civil activities must be
identified in the safely handled and stored in the identified area.
Solid Waste and waste oil, if any, shall be disposed in the most appropriate
method and guidelines shall be written down for collection and disposal of
All persons handling waste shall wear appropriate PPE like gloves, facemask,
and safety goggles.
The following procedure shall be implemented at the site management team and
address any gap in the implementation of the plan to improve the identification,
handling, storing and disposal of waste.

Used Oil-
The used oil from DG set and other equipment / machinery shall be collected in
a 200 liters container which shall be suitably marked. This shall be checked for
any leakage prior to uses.
The handling of waste oil shall be as per MSDS.
Secondary containment is provided to the container, which contains used oil and
stored in separate designated area in earmarked bin. The same shall be disposed
off to the authorized collection agency.
During changing of Oil it shall be ensured that no spillage takes place by used

Used cotton Waste;

Whenever cotton waste is used at the site, it shall not be throw haphazardly.
It shall be collected in earmarked bin for the purpose.
This shall be deposed as per guidelines from client.

Bio medical waste-
Used bandage, cotton, expired medicines and empty bottle, shall be collected in
a bin earmarked for the purpose and disposed in the most Safe manner.

Plastic Waste:
These shall be collected at a central place in the office/ deportment.
These shall be disposal off through the authorized recycling agencies.

Records of disposal of above waste shall be maintained on regular basis.
Address of authorized agencies for collection of this waste shall be recorded in
this register.

Waste Tracking Sheet

Waste Arrangem
Generation characteris onsite ents at Onsite
Approx. waste Onsite Type
Waste Sources tics’ (S/L, waste central waste
S.N. Quantity transport reuse of
Type and H/NH, collection waste treatment
(with unit) ation (if any) treatm
locations R/NR, & storage storage (if any)
mode ent
B/NB) area

Fuel and Chemical Handling and Spill Control

Storage Arrangements
Quantity Paved Mode of
S.No Chemical/ Storage
stored at surface with secondary spill drip fire Remark supply at Rep
. Fuel Name locations MSDS
site bund wall containment kit trays extinguisher (if any) site spil
and shed


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