20- kayla harris

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In this part of the test, you'll hear two different extracts. In each
extract, a health professional is talking to a patient. For questions 1-
24, complete the notes with information you hear. Now, look at the
notes for extract one.

Extract 1: Questions 1 - 12

You hear a GP talking to a patient called Kayla Harris. For questions 1 -

12, complete the notes with a word or short phrase.

You now have thirty seconds to look at the notes.

Patient : Kayla Harris

Chief complaint : Skin condition

Caused by new (1)

Main symptoms : Condition presenting as (2)_ in arms,

(3) and (4)_ _

Extreme hives

Other symptoms : (5) _ and (6)

Noticed (7) on areas of body post application and eyes are (8)

Duration of symptoms: (9)_

Past medical history : Similar episode whilst abroad in (10)

Did not use vaccines

Presented as though skin had been (11) _ Next steps : Patient

requested relief for (12)

Extract 2: Questions 13 - 24

You hear a GP talking to a patient called Matthew Brock. For

questions 13 - 24, complete the notes with a word or short
phrase.You now have thirty seconds to look at the notes.

Patient : Matthew Brock

Presenting complaint : (13)

Patient previously had long hair and now keeps it short because of work

Occupation : (14)

Patient now has hair trimmed every (15)

weeks using (16)_

Patient noticed that scalp (17)

Age : (18)

Past medical history : No history of (19) or

(20) _

BMI is (21) Additional Notes : Confirmed number of male

family members with same


Reports (23) _ stress at work Patient keen to try taking (24)

That is the end of Part A. Now look at Part B.

Part B

In this part of the test, you'll hear six different extracts. In each
extract, you'll hear people talking in a different healthcare setting. For
questions 25 to 30, choose the answer A, B or C which fits best
according to what you hear. You'll have time to read each question
before you listen. Complete your answers as you listen.

Now look at Question 25.

25) Why shouldn't the hospital focus only on readmission rates?

A. On admission, the hospital cannot predict the type of patients

they will see

B. On admission, the hospital cannot predict why patients need the


C. On admission, the hospital cannot predict the nature of the


26) You hear a group of nurses discussing an event. What led the
speaker to want to investigate the topic?
A. She wanted to better understand her past feelings and

B. She had experienced sudden mental health problems in her youth

C. She planned to improve the life of people with mental health


27) You hear a nurse briefing a colleague about a patient... The senior
nurse tells her trainee that if the patient goes into cardiac arrest, he

A. Contact the patient's next of kin

B. Call for help and commence CPR

C. Notify his supervisor

28) You hear an optometrist consulting a patient... Why did the

optometrist choose not to prescribe the patient with eye drops?

A. A prescription for eye drops cannot be given during surgery

B. A prescription for eye drops would reverse the condition

C. A prescription for eye drops requires early detection

29) You hear an occupational therapist discussing rehabilitation...

Why is it important to establish routine?

A. To facilitate patient independence

B. To assist with formation of the Mangement Plan

C. To gradually decrease the cost of the patient's healthcare

30) You hear a consultation between a vet and pet owner... Why
didn't the owner bring his pet to the vet sooner?

A. He didn't think that the cat was feeling pain

B. He didn't understand the severity of the cat's condition

C. He knew that the cat's vaccinations were up to date

Part C

In this part of the test, you'll hear two different extracts. In each
extract, you'll hear health professionals talking about aspects of their
work.For questions 31 to 42, choose the answer A, B or C which fits
best according to what you hear. Complete your answers as you
listen. Now look at extract one. Extract 1,Questions 31-36.

You hear an interview with Dr. Annalise Keating on Alcohol Poisoning.

You now have 90 seconds to read questions 31-36.

31. Which type of individual is most at risk of alcohol poisoning?

A. People with low body weight

B. Males or females of any age

C. People who are large or heavily built

32. In the second stage of intoxication, what does Dr. Keating note
about the individual's blood alcohol level?

A. It can reach 0.12%,

B. It increases by 0.12%,

C. It drops below 0.12%,

33. The seventh stage of intoxication typically occurs when the

individual's blood alcohol level is...?

A. above 0.45%

B. 0.45%

C. up to 0.45%

34. Which position does Dr. Keating suggest for a person experiencing
alcohol poisoning?

A. Laying down

B. Sitting down

C. Standing up

35. What else does Dr. Keating suggest that bystanders should do?

A. Keep the individual warm

B. Call the individual's family and friends

C. Give the individual water

Now look at extract 2. Extract 2. Questions 37-42.

You hear a physician, giving a lecture by Dr. Bradley Walsh on CKD . You
now have 90 seconds to read questions 37-42.

36. What point does Dr. Williams make about the cure for CKD?

A. There is none

B. It has to be given quickly

C. It will only work if the kidneys still function

37. What did Kidney Care Organization UK's study reveal about

A. 1 in 2 are over 75 years old

B. 1 in 2 have already experienced acute kidney failiure

C. 50% are under 75 years old

38. Why were patients especially fearful of "sick journeys"?

A. The dialysis procedure

B. The cost of treatment

C. The length of their journey

39. Which of the following CKD risk factors does Dr. Williams not

A. uncontrolled high blood pressure

B. uncontrolled high birthweight

C. uncontrolled hyperglycemia

40. Which of the following CKD risk factors is considered the greatest

A. Uncontrolled NIDDM

B. Hypertension

C. Family history

41. According to Dr. Williams, differences in treatment options for

CKD includes...

A. Cost

B. Advantages and disadvantages

C. Patient input



1. cream/moisturizer

2. itching

3. back

4. left calf

5. throbbing head

6. hot flushes

7. discolouration

8. bloodshot

9. 4 weeks

10. 2001/late 2001

11. sunburnt

12. inflammation


13. Bald spot

14. Pilot

15. fortnight

16. number 6 clipper/clipper(s)

17. is sore 18. 34

19. hypertension
20. diabetes 21. 22

22. 1/one

23. not more so than usual/no

24. Medications


25. C

26. B

27. C

28. C

29. A

30. B



31. B

32. A

33. A

34. B

35. C


36. C

37. A

38. C

39. B

40. C

41. C

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