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Chapter 1 Introduct|on
11 r|g|n of the Study

All businesses are concerned with earning proIit through selling either a product or rendering
service. A textile produce tangible product to sell Ior maximizing their proIit. But the most
important sector in a textile is the Human Resource Management. Without which an
organization cannot perIorm its Iunctions. And a structural planning process is essential to
develop HRM in an organization.
%hereIore, the Human Resource Practice has an important role to play in the textile sector oI
Bangladesh. Consequently the study oI Human Resource practice in RMG sector in the
context oI Bangladesh`s developing economy would help in the overall management oI
balance oI payment oI the count

12 ect|ve of the Study

%o acquire knowledge and Iind the relationship between practical and theoretical
%o evaluate the Human Resource perIormance oI RMG sector.
%o examine the operational procedure oI %extile.
%o examine various Iactors and techniques used in HR Planning Process.
%o analyze the overall perIormance oI Ioreign exchange operations oI RMG sector.
%o Iind the position oI RMG sector with regard to Ioreign exchange operations
through a comparison with other countries.

13 Scope of the Study
%his report is prepared as a requirement oI the course 'Human Resource Management. We
selected Square %extiles Ltd and COA%S Bd Ltd. working on these organizations we came to
know various Kind oI HRM practice which are use here. %hough they are a textile, they have
proved themselves in the related industry as a major competitor. In this report we have

Iollowed the guidelines provided by the teacher. Here we have tasked not only the HRM
practice but also the marketing, management, Iinance and operational area oI the Company
14 Methodo|ogy of the Study
%his report has been prepared on the basis oI surveyed inIormation. For preparing this report
I have also got the inIormation Irom annual report and website oI the SQUARE %EX%ILE
L% and COA%S Bd Ltd.
Sources of data co||ect|on
141 rlmary Sources

O Face to Iace conversation with the respective oIIicers and stuIIs oI the oIIice.
O Surveying with employees oI the oIIice.
14 Secondary Sources

O 'arious publications on textile.
O Website oI Square %extile Limited.
O iIIerent procedure manual published by Square %extile Limited and
COA%S Bd Ltd.

1S L|m|tat|ons
Although I have tried to Iind out the relationship between our theoretical knowledge and
practical implication, I have Iound some diIIerences between what I learn in theory and what
are practical.
%he report was completed under the Iollowing constraints
iIIiculty in gaining accesses to accounts oI the textile.
Without their own employee it is very much diIIicult to collect relevant
In some cases veriIications oI data were become tough.
Unavailability oI necessary documents.

As the department speciIied a short span oI time, suIIicient time could not
spend to make on in-depth study on such an important issue.

16 eport rev|ew
%his report contains Eight chapters-
Chapter 1 Gives introduction to the report.
Chapter 2 Importance oI HRM practice
Chapter 3 RMG in Bangladesh
Chapter 4 provides an overview about the Organizations
Chapter 5 HRM practice in RMG
Chapter 6 Shows the detailed research, the Iindings & analysis
Chapter 7 Gives suggestions Ior improvement
Chapter 8 Concludes the report


Chapter 2 Importance of nM pract|ce
21 Importance of n pract|ce
Every success oI origination is depending on eIIicient and eIIective man power. HR starts
when a man enters in the organization and its end, when he leaves the industry. HR deals
with the human dimension. Success or Iailure oI an industry depends on the eIIective
coordination oI the resources such as money, material, machinery and men. Among these, the
role and operation oI men is the most complex. All the activities oI an organization are
initiated and completed by the persons who make up the industry. %hereIore, people are the
most signiIicant resources oI any industry. HRM is known by diIIerent names Personal
management, personal administration, man power management.

%he role oI human resource management in organization is at counter stage. Managers are
aware that HRM is a Iunction that must play a vital role in the success oI organization. It is an
active participant in charting the strategic course an organization must take place to remain
competitive, productive and eIIicient. Its Iocal point is people; people are the liIe blood oI the
organization. %he uniqueness oI HRM lies in its emphases on the people in work setting and
its concerns Ior the well living and comIort oI the human resources in an organization. %he
HRM Iunction is much more integrated and strategically involved. HRM and every other
Iunctions must work together to achieve the level oI organization. EIIectiveness required
competing locally and internationally.
11ective use o1 HRM can help a company signi1icantly. It will de1initely help to
i. Increase productivity and turnover
ii. Improve Iinancial perIormance
iii. Make them dedicated and loyal towards organization
iv. Employ the skills and the activities oI the workIorce eIIiciently.
v. Provide the organization with well trained and well motivated employee.
vi. Increase to the Iullest the employee`s job satisIaction.
vii. evelop and maintain quality oI work liIe.

22 Io sat|sfact|on
obs satisIaction is deIined as an employee`s overall aIIective state resulting Irom an
approval oI all aspects oI his/her job. An employee`s level oI satisIaction toward her/his job
varies with speciIic aspects oI the job. %hese are the nature oI the work, pay, promotion, co-
workers and organizational context

Human resources (HR) and other management practices have been changed dramatically in
last Iour decades due to globalization, privatization/deregulation, competition, and
technological advances. %hese highly turbulent environmental changes have enIorced
organizations to adopt new workplace practices that enhance sustained level oI high
perIormance. In recent years, those practices have taken the attention oI both practitioners
and researchers, increasingly being used by Fortune 1000 companies. %hose practices or
systems have been conceptualized as high perIormance workplace practices (also reIerred in
the related literature as strategic HR priorities, involvement work systems, high-perIormance
work systems, high-perIormance organizations, and high-commitment management) that
consist oI Ilat hierarchical structures, job rotation, selI-directed teams, participation oI
employees in decision-making, horizontal communication channel, skills-based pay systems
In present study, we conceptualized these practices as high perIormance HR practices. HR
practices have many signiIicant beneIits Ior organizations that have to manage many
challenges to survive and competition. Since these practices can help organizations to have
achieved 'higher Ilexibility, higher product quality, and higher perIormance while remaining
cost competitive by inducing workers to work harder and using the skills and inIormation oI
their employees more eIIectively through moving decision authorities closer to those who
have the relevant inIormation . Also, Huselid suggested that a set oI HR practices (as he
reIerred high perIormance work systems) were related to turnover, accounting proIits, and
Iirm market value.

It has Iurther been proposed that HR practices are not only beneIicial Ior the employers but
also their employees through increased job satisIaction. %here are not many studies that
investigate the eIIects oI HR practice on employees` job satisIaction. However most oI those
studies were conducted in USA. One oI the rare comparable research on the eIIect oI HR
practice on employee`s job satisIaction Ior European countries that was conducted by Bauer.

Bauer Iound that a higher involvement oI employees in HR practice is associated with higher
job satisIaction in his study surveyed 15 European member countries.

It is thereIore, essential to explore potential the impacts oI HR practice on employee`s job
satisIaction diIIerent economic and cultural context.

23 roduct|v|ty
We Iocus on productivity as the key outcome. Many studies look at other outcomes such
as worker turnover, absenteeism, worker perceptions, etc. %hese are useIul, but iI they
have no eIIect on productivity then in our view they are second order generally studies
use them because they have no direct evidence on productivity. HR practice shows great
impact over productivity.

Applying the principles and methods contained herein should help you achieve sound
human resource management practices which can result in increased productivity,
reduced staII turnover, and satisIied employees and managers.

Chapter 3 MG |n 8ang|adesh
%he garment industry is the only multi-billion-dollar manuIacturing and export industry in
Bangladesh. %hough it took a rather late start i.e., in 1976 but it soon established its
reputation in the world market within a short span oI time and became a prominent player in
the economy within a short period oI time. Resultantly garment is now one oI the main export
items oI the country. Besides, enriching the country's economy it has played a very important
role in alleviating unemployment. At present there are more than two thousand one hundred
garment Iactories in the country employing more than 12 lack labors. 85 percent oI the labor
Iorce is women. Once Sri-Lanka was leader in this Iield in South Asia and India was its
competitor. AIter a bloody civil war resulting in the quick demise oI the garments industry oI
Sri-Lanka and India, the international buyers and investors diverted their attention towards
Bangladesh. As a result the garments industry oI Bangladesh expanded with unprecedented
success. %he role oI the RMG sector in our national economy can hardly be over-emphasized.
%here has been a steady development in our RMG export Iield during at least the last decade
and a halI but in the last Iew years it has been unique. %he export oI RMG recorded an
average growth oI 21.53 since 1994-95, which grew to 76.05 by the year 1999. Ready-
made garments help reducing poverty in Bangladesh even iI just one step just like at a time.
For example, minimum wages is %aka 5000 ($75) per month, so with this amount, members
can IulIill their basic needs.
%he industry has contributed to export earnings, Ioreign exchange earnings, employment
creation, poverty alleviation and the empowerment oI women. %he export-quota system and
the availability oI cheap labor are the two main reasons behind the success oI the industry. In
the 1980s, the RMG industry oI Bangladesh was concentrated mainly in manuIacturing and
exporting woven products. Since the early 1990s, the knit section oI the industry has started
to expand. Shirts, %-shirts, trousers, sweaters and jackets are the main products manuIactured
and exported by the industry. Bangladesh exports its RMG products mainly to the United
States oI America and the European Union. %hese two destinations account Ior more than a
90 share oI the country`s total earnings Irom garment exports. %he country has achieved
some product diversiIication in both the United States and the European Union. Bangladesh

is currently one oI the 12 largest exporters oI garments products in U.S.A and U.K. In spite oI
this, the real situation does not come in Iront oI the world. %hat is they are not becoming
inIluenced like beIore any more. We can see this by the price level oI our garments products
in the world market. %he quantity we are exporting is huge but at a very low price. In the
statistics the impact may be huge but the condition oI Bangladesh is not improving at that
satisIactory level. Bangladesh has a great comparative advantage in garments products that is
low labor cost. Because oI this advantage Bangladesh can produce products more easily than
other countries. But labor is cheap here because people who are related to this sector are Irom
very poor background. Most oI them are unskilled, uneducated. But iI some steps are taken to
improve the quality oI labor, the proper beneIit oI this comparative advantage can come out. .
%he industry provides employment to about 3 million workers oI whom 90 are women.
%wo non-market elements have perIormed a vital Iunction in conIirming the garment
industry's continual success; these elements are (a) quotas under Multi- Fiber Arrangement1
(MFA) in the North American market and (b) special market entry to European markets. %he
whole procedure is strongly related with the trend oI relocation oI production.
%he garments industry contributed only0.001 per cent to the country`s total export earnings in
1976, its share increased to about 75 per cent oI those earnings in 2005. Bangladesh exported
garments worth the equivalent oI $6.9 billion in 2005, which was about 2.5 per cent oI the
global total value ($276 billion) oI garment exports. %he country`s RMG industry grew by
more than 15 per cent per annum on average during the last 15 years. %he Ioreign exchange
earnings and employment generation oI the RMG sector have been increasing at double-digit
rates Irom year to year. Some important issues related to the RMG industry oI Bangladesh are
noted in table

Important issues related to the Bangladesh ready-made garments industry
1977-1980 arly period o1 growth
1982-1983 Boom days
1985 Imposition o1 quota restriction
1990 Knitwear sector developed signi1icantly
1993-1995 Child labor issue and its solution
2003 Withdrawal o1 Canadian restriction
2005 Phase out export quota system
Currently, there are more than 4,000 RMG Iirms in Bangladesh. More than95 percent oI
those Iirms are locally owned with the exception oI a Iew Ioreign Iirms located in export
processing zones (Gonzales, 2002). %he RMG Iirms are located mainly in three main cities:
the capital city haka, the port city Chittagong and the industrial city Narayangonj. Garment
companies in Bangladesh Iorm Iormal or inIormal groups. %he grouping helps to share
manuIacturing activities, to diversiIy risks; horizontal as well as vertical coordination can be
easily Iound in such group activities.

ears Issue


Chapter 4 Company verv|ew

4.1 History of Square TextiIe Ltd.
Square %extiles Ltd. started its journey by establishing the Iirst unit in 1997. One year later
the second unit was established. Square %extile is a subsidiary company oI Square Group
.%he Company was incorporated as a public limited company in the year oI 1994. %he
operation was started in 1997.It was enlisted in haka Stock Exchange & Chittagong Stock
Exchange in 2002. Within a very short time oI span the company achieved some signiIicance
success. Square %extile receives Oeko-%ex standard 100 and ISO-9002 certiIicates in the year
2000. Authorized capital oI the company is tk. 1000 million. It`s paid- up capital is tk. 251.90
million. 1,223 employees are working in this organization. %he business lines oI Square
%extiles Limited are manuIacturing and marketing oI yarn. %he Iactory is located in
Saradaganj, Kashimpur, Gazipur, Bangladesh. Its oIIice is located at Uttara in haka
4.2 Mission and GoaIs of Square TextiIe Ltd.


%he mission statement oI Square %extiles Limited is 'Our mission is realization oI vision
through maximum production oI goods and services strictly on ethical and moral standards at
minimum costs to the society ensuring optimum beneIits to the shareholders and other
stakeholders. %his mission is envisioned by the concept oI business which ensures well

being oI the investors, stakeholders, employees and members oI the society which will create
new wealth in the Iorm oI goods and services.
4.3 History of COATS BangIadesh Ltd.

Coats Bangladesh Ltd, a subsidiary oI Coats Ltd UK, is recognized as the most trusted and
recommended thread manuIacturer and market leader in supplying oI Industrial Sewing
%hread. Perhaps, that is why many oI the high street brands preIer as well as recommend to
use Coats %hread.
Coats plc has its roots in the very beginning oI the industrial revolution, dated back to the mid
18th century. Coats Iamily established its business in Paisley, Scotland in 1755. In 1896
Clarks, another thread manuIacturer, merged with Coats. Originating in Paisley, Scotland,
both Coats and Clark Iamilies they are the pioneers oI sewing thread and embroidery thread
manuIacture in the UK. Coats manuIactured sewing and crochet threads, including mercer
crochet, while the Clark Iamily manuIactured Anchor embroidery threads. In the 1980's
another large textile group 'antona 'iyella merged with Coats and subsequently acquired
%ootal Group another Iamous UK name.
In its journey oI more than 200 years, Coats has established its manuIacturing plants in more
than 70 countries and expanded its business operations in over 150 countries, worldwide.
In 1990, Coats expanded its business horizons in Bangladesh and started its operations as
%ootal %hread Bangladesh Ltd. In 1997, a global merger with Coats and %ootal %hread
Iormed which is presently recognized as Coats Bangladesh Ltd. At present, Coats Bangladesh
Ltd has 2 state-oI-the-art yeing plants established in Chittagong and Gazipur. With over 800
dedicated employees, Coats Bangladesh is one oI Iinest examples oI enriched human
Coats Bangladesh was the pioneer in achieving the ISO 9002 CertiIicate in the %extile Sector.
In its continual strive Ior excellence; Coats Bangladesh has recently achieved the ISO
9001:2000 CertiIicate. Not only that, Coats has been 'Oeko -%ex' CertiIied Ior having Eco
Friendly products.

Even the 'Best' can be 'Better' -the drive Ior Coats continues with the Iocus oI strengthening
relationship with the customers ensuring enhanced product quality and valued services with
every upcoming year.


Chapter S nM pract|ce |n MG
HRM Practices in Bangladesh garments Industry is the potential industry where the growth oI
a country depends a lot. In Bangladesh garments industry is also very inIluential. %his
industry is very big in Bangladesh and holds a lot oI skilled employees. So Human Resource
Management (HRM) is very much applicable as well as practiced in the garments oI
Bangladesh. %o compete with the global challenge we have developed a skilled and eIIicient
workIorce. %his large employee Iorce is managed totally by the HR department. %his HR
department meets all the requirements oI the employees Irom salary to rewards, hiring to
Iiring employees and other important developing trainings.
In Bangladesh Human resource management (HRM) reIers to the policies and practices
involved in carrying out the human resource(HR)` aspects oI a management position
including human resource planning, job analysis, recruitment, selection, orientation,
compensation, perIormance appraisal, training and development, and labor relations.
.1 HR Practiced
Recruitment, selection, and on boarding (resourcing)
Organizational design and development
Business transIormation and change management
PerIormance, conduct and behavior management
Manager, labor and employee relations
Human resources (workIorce) analysis and workIorce personnel data management
.2 Recruitment and SeIection process
Recruitment is the process through which the organization seeks applicants Ior potential
employment. Selection reIers to the process by which it attempts to identiIy applicants with
the necessary knowledge, skills, abilities and other characteristics that will help the company
achieve its goals, companies engaging in diIIerent strategies need diIIerent types and
numbers oI employees. %he strategy a company is pursuing will have a direct impact on the
types oI employees that it seeks to recruit and selection.

Source of recru|tment
%here are two kinds oI source used Ior recruitment .%hey are
1. External source
2. Internal source.
actors In1luencing Recruiting 11ort
Although every organization engages in recruiting activity some do so to a much larger extent
than others.
Employment condition
%he eIIectiveness oI past recruiting eIIort
Working condition, salary & beneIit package

Recruitment Process
1. Determining the number o1 vacant post: First oI all, what number oI employee is to be
recruited is determined. Generally HRM calls every other department to inIorm them (HRM)
the number oI employee they (other departments) need. When the number is determined
HRM department goes to the next process.
2. Determining the job criteria: Here the HRM department determines the necessary job
criteria discussing with the respective departments. iIIerent jobs require various criteria.
3. Inviting Application: In this step BB invites application Irom the intended applicants.
Generally HRM department advertises inviting application in the dailies. Applicants Iull
Iilling the job criteria can only apply. Applicants send their C' through mail to HRM
department. Besides BB has a C' bank and people interested to work in BB register their C'
there. %hey also come in consideration in case oI recruitment.
4. Scanning Application: HRM department now scans all oI the C' and calls a limited
number oI applicants Ior the next step oI recruitment. %his scanning is done based on various
Iactors and requirements.

5. Tender: %he HRM department does not take recruitment exam. It calls tender Ior taking
MCQ test and written exam. %he work is given to that bidder who Iull Iills all oI the
requirements and bids at the lowest rate.
6. MCQ test: In this step, Applicants have to Iace a MCQ test. %he MCQ question paper is
prepared under strict secrecy. Governor has the power to suggest question. A special coding
system is used to identiIy the applicants in MCQ test. Applicants passing the MCQ test with
at least a predetermined number are called Ior the written exam and viva voice.
7. Written exam and viva voice: Here applicants have to go through a written exam and a
viva voice. In the written exam applicants has to write easy, arguments, solve mathematical
problem etc. AIter that applicants securing a very good number are called Ior the viva voice
8. inal selection: %he number oI MCQ test and written exam are summed and averaged.
Applicants with a high average number within 100 serial numbers are Iinally selected.
.3 Training and DeveIopment program
%raining is a process oI learning a sequence oI programmed behavior. it is application oI
knowledge. It gives people an awareness oI the rules procedures to guide their behavior. It
attempts to improve their perIormance on the current job or prepare them Ior an intended job.
evelopment is a related process. It covers not only those activities which improve job
perIormance but also those which bring growth oI the personality; help individuals to the
progress towards maturity and actualization oI their potential capacities so that they become
not only good employees but better men and women. In organizational terms, it is intended to
equip. Person to earn responsibility and hold greater promotion
ost|ng and 1ransfer
When a Iresher enter in the ob he/she has to complete his/her training period successIully and then
he/she is transIerred to a branch. %he decision oI transIer is made by HRM department
A mentionable point is that whenever an employee gets promotion he/she is transIerred. Sometimes as
a punishment an employee is also sent to a distant branch. In case oI transIer, a certain process is
maintained. Human Resource epartment keeps one copy oI posting in employee`s personal Iile and

the copy oI posting order distribute among employee. %here is no hard and Iast that aIter a certain
period an employee must be transIerred.
Types o1 method practices in RMG .we discuss that method at bellow:

n the o tra|n|ng
On the job training is a training that shows the employee how to perIorm the job and allows
him or her to do it under the trainer`s supervision
On the job training is normally given by a senior employee or a manager like senior
merchandiser or a manager. %he employee is shown how to perIorm the job and allowed to
do it under the trainer`s supervision.
ob rotation
ob rotation is a training that requires an individual to learn several diIIerent some in a work
unit or department and perIormer each job Ior a speciIied time period.
In job rotation, individuals learn several diIIerent jobs within a work unit or department. One
main advantages oI job rotation is that it makes Ilexibilities possible in the department. When
one employee like junior merchandiser absence another merchandiser can easily perIorm the
Apprenticeship training
Apprenticeship training provides beginning worker with comprehensive training in the
practical and theoretical expect oI work required in a highly skilled occupation.
Apprenticeship program combined oI the job and classroom training to prepare worker Ior
more than eight hundred occupation such as computer operator, sewing technician.
.4 Performance Management
PerIormance appraisal is the process oI assessing employee`s past perIormance, primarily Ior
reward, promotion and staII development purposes.

PerIormance appraisal is a process that identiIies, evaluates and develops employee
perIormance to meet employee and organizational goals.
PerIormance Appraisal doesn`t necessarily use to blame or to provide a disciplinary action.
Previous management theories used to view perIormance appraisal as a stick that
management has introduced to beat people. PerIormance appraisals are now more clariIied
and they concentrate on developing organizational strengths and employee perIormance.

Purpose o1 Per1ormance Appraisal
%o review past perIormance
%o assess training needs
%o help develop individuals
%o audit the skills within an organization
%o set targets Ior Iuture perIormance
%o identiIy potential Ior promotion
%o provide legal & Iormal justiIication Ior employment decision
%o diagnose the hidden problems oI an organization
Performance AppraisaI Process
Who Appraises
SelI appraisal
180/360 degree approach
. EmpIoyee reIation
Employers and employees each have their own sets oI needs and values, and successIul
relationship between these two sides requires that some sort oI balance be struck. %his

balance oIten takes the Iorm oI a psychological contract, an understood agreement between
employer and employees that deIines the work relationship. %his contract with or without
support oI a Iormal collective bargaining, agreement inIluence the outcome achieve by each
SQUARE and COA%S group the various into three channel categories those are
1. Employee saIety
2. Employee health
3. Employee working condition

1. mployee sa1ety
SQUARE provide the employee saIety .It ensure the all kinds oI job saIety such as
insurance oI each employee not this it provide insurance to the labor.
2. mployee health
Free medical checkup, provide health card and also provide necessary medical
Iacilities Ior each employee.
3. mployee working condition
%he working condition oI employee is very hygienic
SQUARE is ISO 9001-2000 CertiIied company

.6 Job anaIysis
ob analysis is the procedure Ior determining the duties and skill requirement oI a job and the
kind oI person who should be hired Ior it. %he supervisor or HR specialist oI normally
collects one oI the Iollowing types oI inIormation

.7 Work activities
First he or she collects inIormation about the job actual work activities such as marketing,
sewing, production. %his list also include how, why and when the worker perIormance each
ducation and quali1ication
Collects the inIormation about education background and qualiIication.
Experience must not be needed Ior any job in RMG.
.8 Job Design
ob design is the process oI structuring work and designating the speciIic work activates oI an
individual or group oI individuals to achieve certain organizational objectives.
%he job design can generally be divided into three phases:
1. %he speciIication oI individual task.
2. %he speciIication oI the method oI perIorming each task
3. %he combination oI individual tasks into speciIic job to be assign to individual

nvironmental considerations
Social expectations
In designing jobs, the surrounding social expectations must be considered to avoid possible
worker dissatisIaction.


Work1orce availability
ob requirements should be balanced against the availability oI the people who are required to
do the work.
Work practices
Work practices are set methods oI perIorming work. %hese methods may arise Irom tradition
or the collective wishes oI employees.
S9 8enef|ts ewards
Garments industry oIIers a wide number oI beneIits to its employees. Almost all oI them are
applicable as Iar the government regulation. %he beneIits usually oIIered to the employees
Private pension plan
LiIe and accident insurance
Medical check ups
Nursery and summer camp allowances
Car, parking space and allowances, depending on position
Health plan and routine medical allowance including optical and dental treatment.
Short and long-term disability coverage, as well as liIe insurance
evelopment opportunities and career support.
Retirement beneIits.
Having rank oI a Iirst class gagged oIIicer
Entertainment beneIit
Advance training Iacilities
%here are two criteria Ior promotion and they are: PerIormance and Seniority. %here is also
certain ratio use in case oI promotion. Sometimes this ration is not maintained iI there are
adequate employees able oI promotion according to certain criteria. Educational
qualiIications are big Iactor in case oI promotion. Employees having higher degree and good
number oI training experience is given preIerence Ior promotion.

When an employee is promoted to a higher post, he gets more authority coming with more
responsibility, higher salary and better number oI beneIits and so on.

Chapter 6 |nd|ngs and ana|ys|s
SWO% analysis means the analysis oI strength, weakness, opportunity and threats Ior RMG
sector by collecting data Irom both Square and Coats B. It is given below
O Strong workIorce(dedicated & loyal employees)
O Low labor cost.
O Energy at low price.
O Easily accessible inIrastructure like sea road, railroad, river and air
O Wide ranges port Iacilities.
O Improved GSP advantages under Regional Cumulative.
O Looking Iorward to uty Free Excess to US, talks are on, and
appear to be on hopeIul track.
O Adjudication service oI the International Center Ior the Settlement
oI Investment ispute (ICSI) oIIered.
O Excellent %ele-communications network oI E-mail, Internet, Fax,
IS, NW & Cellular services.
O Globally recognized and loyal customers

O %here are too many departments under the super vision oI the general
manager which can cause low productivity due to large span oI super

O Employees Iace too much stress while they are on training as they have
to Iinish their incomplete job which were not done during training. It
creates double pressure Ior employees
O Autocratic approach oI nearly all the investors.
O %he country is deIicient in creativity.
O A small number oI manuIacturing methods.
O Sluggish backward or Iorward blending procedure.
O %ime-consuming custom clearance.
O Unreliable dependability regarding elivery/QA/Product knowledge.
O Long lead-time
O Communication gap created by incomplete knowledge oI English.
O Lack oI marketing tactics.
O Subject to natural calamities.
O unIavorable work atmosphere
O %here are bright opportunities Ior the Company in the overseas market. II is
can communicate well and capture a signiIicant market portion in the Europe
and USA market
O It can get scale oI economic.
O Huge Iinancial turnover gives them Ireedom to enhance their business
O Chittagong port is going to be handed over to the Ioreign operator, which will
make the port`s service much Iaster, it will also reduce lead-time as well as
total cost will be decreased
O Political instability
O Frequently changing oI laws and regulation
O Economical Iluctuation
O New competitors

O Raw material crisis
O ShiIting trend Irom cotton Iiber to polyester Iiber
O Fluctuation in international market price
O Global Competition
O Pest diseases on cotton crop result in low production oI cotton lint
O Import oI cotton
6.2 Job Satisfaction and Productivity:
ob satisIaction occurs because oI certain Iacets. %hey are Iollowings.
O Work itselI
O Pay
O Advancement Opportunities
O Supervision
O Coworkers etc
Enjoying the work itselI is usually the Iacet most strongly correlated with high levels oI
overall job satisIaction. Interesting jobs that provide training, variety, independence, and
control satisIy most employees. In other words, most people preIer work that is challenging
and stimulating to work that is predictable and routine. Moreover, there is an interesting
relationship between salary and job satisIaction as well as job condition. Personality also
plays a role in job satisIaction.
Productivity & performance are the impacts of Job Satisfaction:
%here are consequences when employees like their jobs, and there are consequences when
employees dislike their jobs. Managers` interest in job satisIaction tends to center on its eIIect
on employee perIormance. %here are large number oI studies that have been designed to
assess the impact oI job satisIaction on employee perIormance, OCB (Organizational
Citizenship Behavior), customer satisIaction, absenteeism, turnover, and workplace deviance.

Job satisfaction and Job Performance:
%here is a positive relationship between job satisIaction and job perIormance. Organizations
with more satisIied employees tend to be more eIIective as well as productive than
organizations with Iewer satisIied employees. Happy workers are not necessarily productive
workers but productivity is likely to lead to satisIaction. It might not be true that a happy
worker is more productive, it might be true that happy organizations are more productive.
Job Satisfaction and Absenteeism:
%here is a negative relationship between satisIaction and absenteeism but the correlation is
moderate to weak. issatisIied employees are more likely to miss work. %hereIore,
satisIaction leads to attendance and dissatisIaction leads to absenteeism.
Job Satisfaction and turnover:
SatisIaction is also negatively related to turnover, but the correlation is stronger than
absenteeism. Labor market conditions, expectation about alternative job opportunities, and
length oI tenure with the organization are important constrains on the actual decision to leave
one`s current job. Other Iactors like pay rises, praise, recognition, rewards, vacation/sick oII
leave, promotion also determine the job satisIaction which leads to the chance oI turnover.
Job Satisfaction and WorkpIace Deviance:
ob dissatisIaction predicts many speciIic behaviors, including unionization attempts,
substance abuse, stealing at work, undue socializing, and tardiness. Researchers argue that
these behaviors are indicators oI a broader syndrome that we would term deviant behavior in
the workplace. %he key is that iI employees do not like their work environment, they will
respond somehow. One worker`s response might be to quite. But another may respond by
taking work time to surI the Internet, taking work supplies Ior personal use and so on.

6.3 Findings and AnaIysis of Job satisfaction of empIoyees of RMG


From this job satisIaction pie graph, we can see that most oI the employees (49) are
satisIied with their job. %hey are very satisIied about their salary which is 15. Employees
also Ieel near to satisIied in Ilexibility oI work hours, physical working and job security Iield.
%here are also a Iew employees who are very dissatisIied (4) and dissatisIied (11) with
the aspects. So, Companies should try to improve this Iield oI job satisIaction Ior their

Chart escription: Employees were asked to provide three answers to this question.

%heir Iirst answer is the '%op Answer, and these numbers add up to 100. %he Iollowing
two answers were combined as the 'Secondary answer, so secondary answers add up to
200 (two choices per employee). %he entire chart adds up to 300, representing all three




Chart escription: %he chart is a compilation oI responses to an close-ended question.
II employees provided multiple answers to the questions, only their Iirst response is included
in the chart. 'Other Includes: Customers (0.7); Lack oI stress (0.6); 'other others
Other Notes: 'People/co-workers/staII includes %eamwork (0.7); 'Schedule or schedule
Ilexibility combines Flexible schedule (3.4) and Schedule/hours (5.1); 'Good
boss/management/supervisor includes Lack oI micro-management (1.0) and I am
recognized and appreciated (0.6).



Chart escription: %he chart is a compilation oI responses to an close-ended question.
II employees provided multiple answers to the questions.
'Other Includes: Budget issues/lack oI Iunding certainty (1.6); Negative public
perception (1.6); Lack oI training (1.6); AMHS speciIic issues (1.6); O% too huge/not
well organized (1.4); Lack oI job security (1.1); Lack oI quality planning (0.8);
BeneIits (0.9); Location oI job (0.7); Stress (0.6); Contractor issues (0.6); Unions
0.5; 'Other other (3).
Other Notes: 'Hours/Schedule includes Not enough hours; Seasonality oI work; Lack
oI Ilexible hours.


Chart escription: %he chart is a compilation oI responses to an close-ended question.
II employees provided multiple answers to the questions, only their Iirst response is included
in the chart.
'Other Includes: Improve schedules/schedule Ilexibility (1.4); People need to be
more kind/Iair to each other (1.2); Create more advancement opportunities (0.8); Adhere
to higher quality standards (0.6); Public Relations (0.6); More in-house projects (0.5);
'Other other (7.3).
Other Notes: 'AMHS SpeciIic includes comments such as 'Improve schedules, Iares,
service, and 'Run ships like a business. 'Hire more qualiIied people includes comments
such as 'on`t promote based on Iavoritism.


Chapter 7 ecommendat|ons
7.1 Recommendations:
O From the analysis with the organization structure we have seen that its span oI
super vision is too large. A number oI departments report directly to the
general manager. II the number were less the eIIiciency and productivity oI
the organization might be increased.
O Quality control department should remain prompt always. So that it can
maintain a certain level oI standard as per the market demand to capture the
Ioreign market share it should strive more.
O Sometimes job responsibility becomes a burden Ior the employee when he or
she goes Ior oII the job training. Because when he comes back the tasks
which were undone at the time oI his absence Ior training purpose have to be
completed within a short period oI time. Sometimes it become a great burden
Ior the employee as he has to Iinished his previous and present accumulately.
So HR department should Iocus on this problematic issues
O Sometimes HR do not emphasize enough on the motivation oI employee while
they are given training. So employees may not learn the training properly
because oI lack oI motivation so HR should Iocus on this issue. Because
according to expectancy theory describe below.


Chapter 8 Conc|us|ons
8.1 ConcIusions
%he Ilourishing oI any industry requires combined eIIorts and co-operation Irom several
parties. Social, political and macroeconomic environment play pivotal role in this regard.
%hough Square %extile is a newly 'entured Company in the respective sector, its growth and
expansion is praiseworthy. It`s contributing the country and serving the nation in diIIerent
ways. II it can up hold it`s much toward advancement, it will be able to set a role model in
our country.

%he garment industry is the only multi-billion-dollar manuIacturing and export industry in
Bangladesh. %hough it took a rather late start i.e., in 1976 but it soon established its
reputation in the world market within a short span oI time and became a prominent player in
the economy within a short period oI time. At present there are more than two thousand one
hundred garment Iactories in the country employing more than 12 lack labors. So the Human
Resource Practice has an important role to play in the textile sector oI Bangladesh. In this
report we will discuss the HRM practice in textile sector. We selected Square %extiles Ltd
and COA%S Bd Ltd. For our report. Square 1exLlles LLd sLarLed lLs [ourney by esLabllshlng Lhe
flrsL unlL ln 1 WlLhln a very shorL Llme of span Lhe company achleved some slgnlflcance success
Square 1exLlle recelves Ceko1ex sLandard 100 and lSC00 cerLlflcaLes ln Lhe year 000 Coats
Bangladesh Ltd, a subsidiary oI Coats Ltd UK, is recognized as the most trusted and
recommended thread manuIacturer and market leader in supplying oI Industrial thread. .
Coats Iamily established its business in Paisley, Scotland in 1755. Coats Bangladesh was the
pioneer in achieving the ISO 9002 CertiIicate in the %extile Sector. .

%o compete with the global challenge we have to develop a skilled and eIIicient workIorce. .
So Human Resource Management (HRM) is very much important. %his large employee Iorce
is managed totally by the HR department. %his HR department meets all the requirements oI
the employees Irom salary to rewards, hiring to Iiring employees and other important
developing trainings. In Bangladesh Human resource management (HRM) reIers to the
policies and practices involved in carrying out the human resource(HR)` aspects oI a
management position including human resource planning, job analysis, recruitment,
selection, orientation, compensation, perIormance appraisal, training and development, and
labor relations. Recruitment, selection, and on boarding (resourcing),Organizational design
and development Business transIormation and change management, PerIormance, conduct
and behavior management Manager, labor and employee relations, Human resources
(workIorce) analysis and workIorce personnel data management these are the HR practices oI
an organization.

Human Resource Management-Gary esslar

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