(Rajvindera Singh 11RM944) Best Companies To Work

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Submitted By: Rajvindera Singh Chahal Roll No.:11RM944

Submitted To: Prof.Himanshi Tiwari HR Department

Best Companies To Work

Many companies offer monetary rewards and innovative perquisites, such as yoga classes, stock options, and cappuccino bars, in hopes of acquiring top employees, this isnt enough to keep these great people. Best Employers have a commitment to people that is more substantial than the latest fad in employee benefits. Being a Best Employee requires a holistic approach to building a work environment in which employees are constantly engaged and committed to business success. Best Employers employ leaders who are passionate about people, who are clear and concise when communicating strategic direction, and who possess a sound ability to execute on their people practices Traits of Best Employers are consistent across national culture, economic conditions, and political situations. And, while the specific practices and programs of Best Employers may vary from country to country, at their foundation is a basic respect for the men and women who come to work every day. Factors which makes a difference for these best companies are: 1)Inspired Leadership : Dedicated to success for all concerned, Best Employers have leadership teams that set the example for commitment to their companies and their people. CEOs and senior leaders believe that their most important asset is people. They are, therefore, personally involved in developing top talent, interviewing potential employees, and communicating with employees the direction in which the company is headed. This is a difficult task, and the following actions are crucial: Maintain Visibility. Leaders of The Best talk to employees an average of three times more often than the leaders of The Rest. This higher visibility and accessibility of senior leaders helps to build trust among employees. Provide Clarity and Focus. Leaders of The Best are relentless in their communication with employees about the company's direction, business strategy, goals, and progress toward these goals. In doing so, they provide a clear direction of where the company is headed and what role employees should play. Encourage Openness and Involvement. The leaders at The Best help to shape a company culture in which employees are encouraged to give suggestions and feedback. Under their leadership, these companies use a consultative approach to problem solving and strategy development. While encouraging openness, the leaders at these Best Employers also exhibit closer alignment and consistency in points of view. They share a common set of values and beliefs, and reinforce behaviours that generate success.

2)Unique Company Culture: Best Employers are articulate about their unique organizational culture, and they hire people for culture fit. Best Employers create a unique employment experience and emphasize promotion from within, thus attracting people who see the benefit of furthering the success of the company. By harnessing the power of the organizational culture, Best Employers drive superior performance and business results. Best Employers embrace a culture of high

performance, stress company values, and have systems and practices in place to inspire their workforce to do their best. Some of the foundations of reinforcing a unique company culture are: Job-Person Fit. Best Employers are more likely than The Rest to recruit people based on the right fitthe people who have the ability, drive, and mind-set needed to help their Best Employer achieve success. The Best devote time and effort to articulate their culture and values to employees. They see the power behind a workforce thats aligned and unified under a shared set of values and beliefs. In addition, Best Employers typically have a longer onboarding process to help new hires assimilate to the company culture. A significant benefit of selecting for fit is that employees values are better aligned with the companys values, and thus, the employees are more likely to remain at the organization for long periods of time Home-grown Talent. To ensure that future leaders at their organizations continue to promote the same beliefs, Best Employers are more likely to promote from within, identify high-potential talent, and have leadership development programs in place and execute them effectively.

A Celebration Culture. Best Employers are more likely than the Rest to celebrate successes and to recognize employee contributions. They bring people together through celebrations of achieving project milestones, meeting or exceeding targets, and anniversaries.

3) Growing Talent : Best Employers provide more opportunities for employees to develop and grow professionally and personally. They are highly aware of and focused on the talent pipeline. Best Employers identify high potentials and ensure that they receive accelerated training and development, as well as frequent opportunities to meet with senior management. Because they view talent management as a critical investment, Best Employers spend more time and money on training, actively developing high potentials and offering other facets for career development. This focus is realized through the following: Commitment to Training. Best Employers provide access to more training channels and programs, put more employees on assignments or job rotation programs for developmental purposes, and are more likely to implement one-on-one mentoring. Training includes leadership and technical skills, as well as education about company culture and values. The Best also use more vehicles to deliver their training and development, such as classroom training, e-platform training, mentoring, coaching, paid membership in professional organizations, and company libraries. Robust Talent Pipeline. Best Employers are more likely to have programs in place to help people manage their own careers, including mentoring plans. Best Employers are more likely to identify high potential employees and provide them with accelerated learning

opportunities. In addition, The Best are more likely to tie managers compensation to how they manage the talent pipeline and develop their people.

4)Strong Sense of Accountability : Best Employers instil a strong sense of responsibility in their employees. Best Employers demonstrate respect for their people by holding them accountable for results and recognizing their achievements with enthusiasm and celebrations. Employees have a clear understanding of what is expected of them because leaders communicate with them frequently about business direction and company goals. Consequently, employees have a better understanding of the direction the company is headed and their roles. Best Employers are successful in conducting performance management, which helps solidify the alignment between employees, company goals, and performance expectations. Setting Clear Expectations. Its important to ensure that employees are clear about the company's goals and whats expected of them, or there will be a misalignment. Frequent communications about goals and direction from leaders to employees creates a focus and sense of accountability as each person knows his or her responsibilities. The vigorous performance management program ensures that employees are on the right track and working toward the company goals. Rigorous Performance Management Program. On average, Best Employers conduct more frequent formal performance reviews than The Rest. Employees at The Best often have the opportunity to evaluate their managers and their peers. In addition to the formal performance discussions, Best Employers are more likely to build in feedback systems in day-to-day interactions with employees. Managers give immediate feedback to employees in recognition of good work or to help improve performance. Emphasis on Fair Pay. While The Best do not always pay at the top of the market, they do emphasize fair pay by communicating clearly with their employees about their compensation and reward programs. Best Employers tend to use a variety of vehicles to communicate pay information, such as direct communication from managers or supervisors, employee handbooks, and focus group sessions. As a result, employees at The Best have a better understanding of how they are paid. Pay-for-Performance and Ownership Opportunities. Best Employers do not usually apply a universal increase percentage for all employees across the same role where there are differences in performance. Best Employers are not afraid to compensate high-performing employees differently. They emphasize pay-for-performance, and they are more likely than The Rest to offer incentive pay and variable pay to more employees. In addition, The Best are more likely than the Rest to provide employee ownership opportunities to share in the companys success.

5)HR Practices and Excellent Execution: Best Employers do not necessarily have more people programs than other companies, but the HR programs and practices at The Best are aligned with business strategies and are executed effectively. Best Employers make sure that their HR practices and programs are relevant to the business and valuable to employees. The Best identify and promote high-value programs that will drive employee engagement and business success. In addition, Best Employers demonstrate an ability to execute programs effectively. Through careful planning, dedicated resources, and communications, Best Employers make sure that programs are carried through to a successful implementation. Work Flexibility. In a world in which the boundaries between work and life are increasingly blurred, companies that provide employees work/life balance create an environment conducive to long-term productivity and retention. Flexible working hours, telecommuting, and job sharing are effective ways to help employees balance their work and personal lives. Best Employers offer these programs to a broad group of employees, whereas The Rest offer these programs only to some employees. Communication Strategy. Best Employers clarify company direction, goals, policies, and processes, which motivates employees to stay on track. Todays Best Employers leverage technology and other mediums to deliver targeted messages to their workforce in a variety of meaningful ways. The Best also tend to use more channels of communication, such as town-hall meetings, employee meetings, emails from CEOs, newsletters, memos, and an intranet. In addition to top-down communication, Best Employers are more likely to have formal employee suggestion programs and to conduct regular employee opinion surveys and focus groups. These bottom-up communication channels give senior management a sense of whats happening at the front line, what challenges employees face, and what successes theyve accomplished. Understanding what drives your peoplewhat attracts them, what engages them in their work, and what makes them want to staywill help you define actions that can lead to sustainable growth and long-term success. Yet, becomingand remaininga Best Employer is not easy. Its not as simple as having a flashy communications initiative and some new benefits; the commitment to people must be relentless. The companies that have sustained their status as Best Employers for three or more years running consistently demonstrate the following: They have a common focus on the sustainability of people practices. They have an unrelenting emphasis on doing a few core things very well. They have an organizational culture that reinforces adaptability. They have an intense focus on the execution of people practices and alignment with business strategy.

Vision : "To consistently provide the Indian consumer complete and differentiated shopping experiences and be amongst India's Top retailers, while delivering superior returns to all stakeholders". Introduction: Aditya Birla Retail Limited is the retail arm of Aditya Birla Group, a USD 28 billion Corporation. The Company ventured into food and grocery retail sector in 2007 with the acquisition of a south based supermarket chain. Subsequently Aditya Birla Retail Ltd. expanded its presence across the country under the brand "more." with 2 formats Supermarket & Hypermarket. More supermarkets cater to the daily, weekly and monthly shopping needs of consumers. The product offerings include a wide range of fresh fruits & vegetables, groceries, personal care, home care, general merchandise & a basic range of apparels. Store Location:Vasundhra, Ghaziabad Store Timing:6am to 10pm Shifts:6am to 3pm &1 pm to 10pm Employees: Store manager Asst store manager Customer sales associate Loss & prevention executive. Guard salary:25000 salary:20000 salary:6000 salary:10000 salary:7000

Observations of different parameters at more store during my training period are as follows: 1)Leadership: Leadership that is involved in this case of more are store manager,asst. store manager who remains on the shop floor most of the time in two shifts & some time cluster manager also visits the store to get an idea how the store is being run. When I talked to them they acknowledge that their most important asset is people who brings customer back by providing superior customer service & also they are critical due to the fact that your employees interaction with customer is high. I also found that managers were lacking communication with employees about the company's direction, business strategy, goals, and progress toward these goals, clear direction of where the company is headed and what role employees should play. Other day cluster manager took briefing of the mangers & customer sales associate due to high shrinkage(a kind of loss due to damage& theft) that he

reprimanded all of them & also he motivated them by telling them how important is there job is for the company ,also he said CSA can make or break a company. More lacks culture in which employees are encouraged to give suggestions and feedback. What I noticed there is that most of the process comes from the top as in most organisations, CSA are not taken into loop or they are shy in giving feedback thats why there are many things which CSA think can be improved but as there is not proper process for getting CSA feedback . 2)Unique Company Culture: Best Employers are articulate about their unique organizational culture, and they hire people for culture fit but in more what I found is that most people working specially CSA they are from economically week & socially backward background. Thus Mores motto of customer service & experience cant be realized due to the fact that they dont know much about service ,they are with very low level of motivation. To ensure that future leaders at their organizations continue to promote the same beliefs, Best Employers are more likely to promote from within, identify high-potential talent, and have leadership development programs in place and execute them effectively but this also not happening properly as there are large no. of CSA waiting to get promoted to supervisor position as its company policy to promote talent within. what CSA thinks is that they will not get chance of promotion & also they have belief that they will leave this job as soon as they will get another as retail industry is very demanding & even the weekends when they can socialize with parents & friends are mostly other than Saturday, Sunday as there is high no of customer walk-ins during this period so nobody gives you leave in this period.

3) Growing Talent :More believe that talent can be grown & promoted within organisation thats why its one of the few retailer which gives chance to CSA to move upward if they are talented. In more with experience even a CSA can be promoted to store manager after serving in position of supervisor & asst. store manager .it not only help company in keeping its value retained in company culture, give chance to CSA to move upward but at the same time help more retain employees which is biggest problem in retail sector. As far as training is concern ,managers are provided with regular training to get them know about the changing retail market, company policies but CSA are provided training only at the time of joining for a short period of 4-5 days. So they dont have knowledge of products they are suppose to sell Company policy in the starting. Only CSA who has worked for long say above one year have good knowledge of products ,standard operating procedures & company policy. Best employers instil a strong sense of responsibility in their employees. Best Employers demonstrate respect for their people by holding them accountable for results and recognizing their achievements with enthusiasm and celebrations. I noticed that though mangers & cluster manager tries to instil responsibility in them but they are not ready to take this it may

be because most of them are not mature(mainly CSA are in their 20s),also they dont see retail as there career in future & even some of them dont understand what is career & how will be build working with responsibility in retail. While The Best do not always pay at the top of the market, they do emphasize fair pay by communicating clearly with their employees about their compensation and reward programs, same is the situation with more as there are retailers who are paying better than more like Easy Day. The problem that I noticed is that CSA& managers salary was deducted because there was high pilferage level in that store. It was a tensed moment in which cluster manager took the briefing to told them that it has been continuously second auditing in which pilferage is more than 2.5% of sales when it acceptable level is only .5% thus all of them had to pay fine from salary. Even some of the CSA said that since they dont have any other source of income so they would be able to pay only when they will be getting next salary, some of them left the job as they didnt want to lose hard earned money further.

5)HR Practices and Excellent Execution: Best Employers make sure that their HR practices and programs are relevant to the business and valuable to employees. More was declared as best employer retailer it shows that they have practices & process that are best in the industry but at the end of the day it depends only on manager how he/she implements all these at store level thus whole designing of process can work wonder at store level or can be of no use as it is not being executed well by manager which is the case in my store. In a world in which the boundaries between work and life are increasingly blurred, companies that provide employees work/life balance create an environment conducive to long-term productivity and retention. When you compare the above said in more it is that there is no term like flexible working in retail. Most of the CSA working here in store comes from far flung areas like bulandsahar so after travelling 4 hours a day ,they work for 9 hour shift thats why I say its one of the most demanding jobs in this world. on the festival day they have to work when they want to celebrate it with their families. As I mentioned earlier also they get off on day other than Saturday & Sunday so its of no use according to them ,this is the thing that they miss the most ,at times it also act as social pressure when your friends says what kind of job you do when you are not getting off even on Sunday. Todays Best Employers leverage technology and other mediums to deliver targeted messages to their workforce in a variety of meaningful ways but in case of More it is not possible as most of these employees dont know how to use modern mode of communication like email so there is no feeling among CSA that they are connected with company & are part of the company in its success.

Conclusion: Aditya Birla Retail was presented the Retail Best Employer of the Year award
at the Reid and Taylor Awards for Retail Excellence, by the global jury of the Asia Retail

Congress 2009 but what I noticed at store level gives me a notion that though you can be a best employer then also when it comes to policy, values, belief of company much is depend on mangers which are finally executing all this policy at store level.

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