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1 of 95

1 Point

The goal of this activity is to reach the summit of a formation or the endpoint of a usually pre-defined route
without falling. It has an objective of completing the route in the quickest possible time or attaining the farthest
point on an increasingly difficult route.

Select the correct response:

 Caving
 Mountaineering
 Backpacking
 Rock Climbing
2 of 95
1 Point

It is a type of niche tourism , involving exploration or travel with a certain degree of risk (real or perceived), and
which may require special skills and physical exertion.

Select the correct response:

 Adventure Travel
 Games
 Sports
 Tourism
3 of 95
1 Point

Stephen could hardly know where to go during the camping. Aside from the compass, what else do you think
would he need in order for him to arrive from his destination?

Select the correct response:

 A signal Light
 A stick and a Flashlight
 A map
 An Uber App
4 of 95
1 Point

Which safety measure is the BEST to be considered in caving?

Select the correct response:

 Checking that there is no danger of flooding during the expedition.

 If an injury occurs, one caver stays with the injured person while the other two go out for help.
 Notifying people outside the cave as to the intended return time.
 All of the above.
5 of 95
1 Point
What is the main key to building an effective emergency shelter?

Select the correct response:

 Place it near the bank of flowing water.

 Put it in a field where it can be warmed by the sun.
 Make it only large enough for you to barely squeeze inside.
 Make it only from dead plant material.
6 of 95
1 Point

Which of the following is a sign of hypothermia?

Select the correct response:

 Slurred speech
 Aggression
 Indigestion
 Increased energy
7 of 95
2 Points

Identify the position of the arrow in each number and give what part of the standard compass is this. (2 pts.

Identify the arrow number 2.

Select the correct response:

 Magnetic Needle
 Direction of Travel Arrow
 Orienteering Arrow
 Declination Marker
 Dial
8 of 95
2 Points

Identify the position of the arrow in each number and give what part of the standard compass is this. (2 pts.

Identify the arrow number 4.


Select the correct response:

 Orienteering Arrow
 Declination Marker
 Direction of Travel Arrow
 Magnetic Needle
 Dial
9 of 95
1 Point

Which of the following should be AVOIDED when selecting a site to construct a shelter?

Select the correct response:

 It should provide protection against wild animals and rocks and dead trees that might fall.
 It should be directly next to a river - water is vital.
 It must contain enough material to make the type of shelter you need.
 It must be large enough and level enough for you to lie down comfortably.
10 of 95
1 Point

What does the wilderness ethics means?

Select the correct response:

 No id no entry
 Leave no trace
 Shout and cheer when you reached you destination
 Carve and leave markings
11 of 95
1 Point

What type of environment is considered to be a hostile place for human survival due to temperature extremes
and the scarcity-or absence- of water?

Select the correct response:

 Tropical Environment
 Mountain Environment
 Cold Environment
 Dessert Environment
12 of 95
1 Point

This method is used in navigating without a compass and is also portable and can be reused.

Select the correct response:

 Suspension Method
 Tapping Method
 Floating Method
 Lighting Method
13 of 95
1 Point

Bomb burst gears are crucial items of outdoor clothing with essential items for navigation and safety.

Select the correct response:

 True
 False
14 of 95
1 Point

Before leaving for a weekend camping trip, what is the most important thing you can do to ensure your safety?

Select the correct response:

 Tell someone where you are going and when you plan to return.
 Buy a lot of foods to eat and gears to use.
 Take your cell phone with you.
 Take your dog with you.
15 of 95
1 Point

A _________ is a two-dimensional representation of a three- dimensional area- from a map, you can
determine distance and height on the ground.

Select the correct response:

 Map
 Natural Navigation
 Compass
16 of 95
1 Point

What is the best survival tip to remember?
Select the correct response:

 Remain calm and do not panic

 Use a mirror to signal for help
 Collect bird eggs for survival food
 Always carry a folding knife
17 of 95
1 Point

A - Only the First statement is correct
B - Only the Second statement is correct
C - Both statements are correct
D - None of the statements is correct

I. Pack your gear in reverse order.

II. The things you want to get first should be the first thing you pack.

Select the correct response(s):

 A
 B
 C
 D
8 of 95
1 Point

Which of the following portable shelters require a minimal set up wherein all you need is some nylon cord and
a pair of obliging trees?

Select the correct response:

 Tarp Tent
 Hooped Bivy
 Sleeping bag
 Hammocks
19 of 95
2 Points

Identify the position of the arrow in each number and give what part of the standard compass is this. (2 pts.

Identify the arrow number 1.

Select the correct response:

 Orienteering Arrow
 Declination MArker
 Magnetic Needle
 Dial
 Direction of Travel Arrow
20 of 95
1 Point

You were hiking when you suddenly realized you’re lost. It started raining. What is the first thing you should

Select the correct response:

 Collect rainwater to use later and try to find food to help you warm up.
 Stop, build a large fire and wait for rescue to come.
 Look for shelter to protect yourself from the rain.
 Pick a direction and start jogging to get out before the storm hits.
21 of 95
1 Point
Kevin and his friends are planning to discover the trench of caves deep in the Sta. Ana Beach. They did
intensive study and preparations and even asked the help of the local government for the big sinking and
diving project and discovery. What example of an activity is this?

Select the correct response:

 Extreme Tourism
 Investigative Tourism
 Survey Tourism
 Exploration Tourism
22 of 95
1 Point

Why is it necessary to bring a medical kit when going out for an adventure activity?

Select the correct response:

 To make everyone safe from injuries

 So that first aid is given to someone during accidents
 There is a medicine ready to be given to those who will get sick.
 All of the above.
23 of 95
1 Point

What do you call this type of footwear used to protect your feet from muds while walking in wet ground.

Select the correct response:

 Hiking Boots
 Sandals
 Hybrid Boots
 Jungle trekking boots

24 of 95
1 Point

Your family is planning to hold a camping outside. Which among the choices below should be the first thing to

Select the correct response:

 Ask the help of the local authorities.

 Layout the activity paper and then plan the preparation.
 Be knowledgeable of the condition of the climate during the conduct of the activity.
 Conduct an ocular inspection of the area to see possible threats ahead.
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1 Point

Why is sleeping on the ground a bad idea?
Select the correct response:

 There are insects there.

 It is uncomfortable.
 There could be predators.
 You could lose body heat.
26 of 95
1 Point

What precautionary measure should you consider when trekking a mountain?

Select the correct response:

 Double your food intake the night before the activity to have food reserves inside our body and to be
physically fit during the day.
 Follow the tour guide and the instructions.
 Keep extra allowance for emergency expenses during the trek.
 Dress to impress.
27 of 95
1 Point

Which of the following locations is the best place to build a shelter?

Select the correct response:

 Slightly elevated above the ground

 In a cave
 On the ground
 In an old animal dwelling hole
28 of 95
1 Point

Which of the following screeing techniques should be done by sliding with slow-motion jogging?

Select the correct response:

 Descending Scree
 Traversing Scree
 Traveling Scree
 Ascending Scree
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1 Point

What is the first thing that one should do if they are lost in the forest?

Select the correct response:

 Take a minute to think

 Find a cave to rest for the night
 . Keep walking
 Scream for help
30 of 95
1 Point

A - Only the First statement is correct
B - Only the Second statement is correct
C - Both statements are correct
D - None of the statements is correct

I. A walking staff is one of the simplest yet most important survival aids you will ever need.
II. The “Survivor’s third leg” will reduce the chance of you slipping.

Select the correct response(s):

 A
 B
 C
 D
31 of 95
1 Point

What is the correct arrangement on how to make a poncho float?
1- Fold each side of the poncho over your equipment.
2- Tie the cordage tightly around the float to secure it.
3- Tuck the corners and wrap carefully to make it watertight.
4- Lay the poncho on the ground with the inner side facing upward and place your gear on top.

Select the correct response:

 4-1-3-2
 4-3-1-2
 1-4-3-2
 2-4-3-1
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1 Point

Which is the LEAST thing you need to do in preparing an outdoor activity?

Select the correct response:

 Pick your partner of best buddy on the trip

 Bring first aid and necessary kits
 Plan the place, location and time of departure and arrival
 Bring pets in your travel
33 of 95
1 Point

What type of environment is considered a hostile place for human survival due to temperature extremes and
the scarcity-or absence- of water?

Select the correct response:

 Tropical Environment
 Mountain Environment
 Cold Environment
 Dessert Environment
34 of 95
1 Point

The following are some of the key packing tips you must consider EXCEPT -

Select the correct response:

 Pack your gear in reverse order.

 Stash items you may need during the day outside the packs.
 Ensure that all pockets are fully closed and zipped.
 Use a dry bag inside your backpack.
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1 Point

Scrambling is one of the basic climbing techniques wherein it is act of climbing without using ropes.

Select the correct response:

 True
 False
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1 Point

A type of backpack wherein the packs are narrowed in profile than the other frame and tend to be longer with
either one or two compartments.

Select the correct response:

 Kit Bag
 External Backpack
 Internal Frame Backpack
 Day Pack
37 of 95
1 Point

In this adventure activity, the person uses an apparatus in moving across water. It is distinguished from
canoeing by the sitting position of the paddler and the number of blades on the paddle usually sits facing
forward, legs in front, and using a double-bladed pad.

Select the correct response:

 Kayaking
 Canoeing
 Scuba Diving
 Parasailing
38 of 95
1 Point

Which of these can be used to find cardinal directions (north, south, east, west)?
Select the correct response:

 Shadow casting
 Plants
 Stars
 All of the above
39 of 95
1 Point

The following are the types of compass EXCEPT-

Select the correct response:

 Press Compass
 Button Compass
 Fixed Dial Compass
 Basic Orienteering Compass
40 of 95
1 Point

Sun can be used for natural navigation if compass is not available. As a basic feature of the sun, where does it
rise and set respectively?

Select the correct response:

 North to south
 West to east
 East to west
 South to north
41 of 95
1 Point

Which list of survival tasks is prioritized in the correct order (assuming temperate climate)?

Select the correct response:

 Tend to injuries, build shelter, find food, find water, build fire
 Locate food, locate water, build shelter, build fire, tend to injuries
 Locate Water, build shelter, tend to injuries, build fire, locate food
 Address injuries, build shelter, build fire, locate water, locate food
42 of 95
1 Point

Basic orienteering compass has a rotating dial and simpler markings than the standard compass ideal for

Select the correct response:

 True
 False
43 of 95
1 Point

It is recommended to pack your gears in reverse order wherein the things you want to get to last should be the
last thing you pack.

Select the correct response:

 True
 False
44 of 95
1 Point

If you are stranded in an area with open space, like a beach or shoreline, what is the best thing you can do to
alert searchers of your predicament and location?

Select the correct response:

 Keep a fire burning

 Stay there until you hear a plane, then flash a mirror at them
 Look for alternative signaling materials such as fabrics.
 All of the above
45 of 95
1 Point

On a foggy Saturday trail, you have noticed some piles of rocks along your way. What do you call these kind of
trail markers?

Select the correct response:

 Cairns
 Big rocks
 Direction posts
 Signposts
46 of 95
1 Point

A - Only the First statement is correct
B - Only the Second statement is correct
C - Both statements are correct
D - None of the statements is correct

I. A hooped bivy is a waterproof and breathable bivy sack that has been designed to form a three-person
II. A basic sleep system consists of two parts: a sleep platform and a sleeping bag

Select the correct response(s):

 A
 B
 C
 D
47 of 95
1 Point

What are the key principles in survival?

Select the correct response:

 Preparation, Location, Gear, Food

 Preparation, Gear, Plan, Food
 Preparation, Location, Water, Food
 Location, Water, Food, Gear
48 of 95
1 Point

Global Positioning Signal is a hand-held unit that uses 24 orbiting satellites to triangulate your position on the
Earth’s surface to within meters.

Select the correct response:

 True
 False
49 of 95
1 Point

What principle of survival skills provides a sense of security and familiarity during outdoor activity?

Select the correct response:

 Water
 Food
 Protection
 Location
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1 Point

Which of the following methods is NOT a method to start a fire?

Select the correct response:

 Battery method
 Soda can and chocolate
 Animal dung method
 Stone method
51 of 95
1 Point

A - Only the First statement is correct
B - Only the Second statement is correct
C - Both statements are correct
D - None of the statements is correct

I. First-line gear is also known as “sustainment load” in the military.

II. First-line gears comprise of crucial items of outdoor clothing with essential items for navigation and safety.
Select the correct response(s):

 A
 B
 C
 D
52 of 95
1 Point

Basic orienteering compass has basic level of detail makes it ideal as a backup compass.

Select the correct response:

 True
 False
53 of 95
1 Point

A - Only the First statement is correct
B - Only the Second statement is correct
C - Both statements are correct
D - None of the statements is correct

I. One heavy layer is better than several light layers.

II. Wearing multiple layers gives you flexibility to fine-tune your temperature by taking off or putting on layers to
regulate your body heat.

Select the correct response(s):

 A
 B
 C
 D
54 of 95
1 Point

This involves activities like skiing and traversing via ferratas. It also involves activities wherein you ascend
mountains for long hours.

Select the correct response:

 Rock Climbing
 Backpacking
 Caving
 Mountaineering
55 of 95
1 Point

Which safety measure is the BEST to be considered in caving?

Select the correct response:

 Checking that there is no danger of flooding during the expedition. Rainwater funneled underground can
flood a cave very quickly, trapping people in cut-off passages and drowning them.
 If an injury occurs, one caver stays with the injured person while the other two go out for help, providing
assistance to each other on their way out.
 Notifying people outside the cave as to the intended return time. After an appropriate delay without a
return, tell the search team to look for them.
 All of the above.
56 of 95
1 Point

Sustainment loads are things you need for a daily basis; thus, it is your first line gear.

Select the correct response:

 True
 False
57 of 95
1 Point

A - Only the First statement is correct
B - Only the Second statement is correct
C - Both statements are correct
D - None of the statements is correct

I. Map, compass and walking staff are navigation gears.

II. Led light is an example of an Illumination gear.

Select the correct response(s):

 A
 B
 C
 D
58 of 95
1 Point

The purpose of this clothing layer is to keep you warm enough by wicking moisture away from your body.
Which of the following is being referred to?

Select the correct response:

 Base
 Outer
 Mid
 Inner
59 of 95
1 Point

Why is it necessary to bring a medical kit when going out for an adventure activity?

Select the correct response:

 To make everyone safe from the controversial Corona Virus
 So that first aid is given to someone during accidents
 There is a medicine ready to be given to those who will get sick.
 All of the above.
60 of 95
1 Point

________ are designed to enable hikers to carry large loads comfortably.

Select the correct response:

 Belt Bags
 Day Packs
 Kit Bags
 Backpacks
61 of 95
1 Point

What motivates people to travel?

Select the correct response:

 Discovery and exploration

 Pleasure and relaxation
 Intercultural Communication
 All of the above
62 of 95
1 Point

In crossing a river, you need to follow a waterway downstream, what is the best way to do it?

Select the correct response:

 Walk along the bank.

 Wade fast and go with the flow of water.
 Make a raft from logs.
 Use your pants for a life vest and float down it
63 of 95
1 Point

All of the following should be remembered when screeing downhill EXCEPT:

Select the correct response:

 Dig your heels into the slope and slide a short distance with each step, avoiding leaning forward.
 Hold on larger rocks to prevent ankle injuries.
 Ensure the scree is fine and deep, use gentle hops to launch yourself down the slope.
 Use your arms to steady yourself, relax your knees and continue your descent.
64 of 95
1 Point
Straps on the outside of an external frame pack allow you to compress the pack which
prevents the items inside from shifting and throwing you off-balance.

Select the correct response:

 True
 False
65 of 95
1 Point

These activities are less stressful team sports organized into opposing squads in pursuit of a trophy or

Select the correct response:

 Open Space Activities

 Adventure Activities
 Outdoor Activities
 Trail Activities
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1 Point

These are less stressful team sports organized into opposing squads in pursuit of a trophy or championship.

Select the correct response:

 Adventure Activities
 Trail Activities
 Open Space Activities
 Outdoor Activities
67 of 95
2 Points

Identify the position of the arrow in each number and give what part of the standard compass is this. (2 pts.

Identify the arrow number 3.

Select the correct response:

 Orienteering Arrow
 Declination Marker
 Magnetic Needle
 Direction of Travel arrow
 Dial
68 of 95
1 Point

What is the main key to building an effective emergency shelter?

Select the correct response:

 Make it only large enough for you to barely squeeze inside

 Put it in a field where it can be warmed by the sun
 Place it near the bank of flowing water
 Make it only from dead plant material
69 of 95
1 Point

To make the class of Miss Esperanza productive during the long break, she brought them in the mountains of
Peñablanca for 3 days to see more undiscovered places which are hidden in the mountains. She asked them
to record all their observations and discoveries and later submit this to the local government. What type of
activity is this?

Select the correct response:

 Serious Excursion
 Mountain Climbing
 Hiking
 Exploration
70 of 95
1 Point

A - Only the First statement is correct
B - Only the Second statement is correct
C - Both statements are correct
D - None of the statements is correct

I. Internal Frame packs are great for heavy loads.

II. Heavy items should be placed away to the back to prevent pack pulling from the shoulders.

Select the correct response(s):

 A
 B
 C
 D
71 of 95
1 Point

Why is being physically fit required in hiking?

Select the correct response:

 For proper composure

 Essential for long walks and carrying bags
 To display of body fitness
 To be good looking
72 of 95
1 Point

Why is it important to bring light materials and luggage during short travels?

Select the correct response:

 You can always buy what you needed when you arrive in the place for long terms.
 The international policy that hotels and inns will provide all what you needed for free applies always.
 It’s too impractical and exhausting to carry heavy stuffs during short stays.
 To limit your stay in the place and it is always the hotel’s policy
73 of 95
1 Point

Which list of survival tasks is prioritized in the correct order (assuming temperate climate)?

Select the correct response:

 Address injuries, build shelter, build fire, locate water, locate food
 Tend to injuries, build shelter, find food, find water, build fire
 Locate food, locate water, build shelter, build fire, tend to injuries
 Locate Water, build shelter, tend to injuries, build fire, locate food
74 of 95
1 Point

Hiking on scree is hard work, but walking sideways across the slope will help you to advance confidently,
efficiently and safely. What screeing technique is being referred into?

Select the correct response:

 Ascending
 Mantelling
 Traversing
 Descending
75 of 95
1 Point

What is the best thing you can do to minimize your risk of becoming lost when venturing into new territory?

Select the correct response:

 Mark the trees as you hike.

 Explore and find foods to eat.
 Map a trail before you embark.
 Bring a drone.
76 of 95
1 Point

This tourism involves travel to dangerous locations or participation in dangerous events or activities and is
usually deadly.

Select the correct response:

 Extreme Tourism
 Adventure Travel
 Overland Travel
 Jungle Tourism
77 of 95
1 Point

All of the following should be included as part of your second line gear EXCEPT:

Select the correct response:

 Hexamine stove
 Matchless fire set
 Sleeping bag/mat
 First aid kit
78 of 95
1 Point

On the trail, if you are facing the sun at noon in the Northern Hemisphere, walking toward it will take you in
what direction?

Select the correct response:

 South
 East
 West
 North
79 of 95
1 Point

During orienteering activities, why should trackers wear the proper gear?

Select the correct response:

 It protects the person from the weather.

 It enables the person to move freely.
 It supports his/her body systems while doing the activity.
 All of the above
80 of 95
1 Point

What precautionary measure should you consider when trekking a mountain?

Select the correct response:

 Double your food intake the night before the activity to have food reserves inside our body and to be
physically fit during the day.
 Follow the tour guide and the instructions.
 Dress to impress.
 Keep extra allowance for emergency expenses during the trek.
81 of 95
1 Point

Wearing multiple thick clothing layers are better than one heavy layer to easily adjust on the environment’s

Select the correct response:

 True
 False
82 of 95
1 Point

This involves activities like skiing and traversing via ferratas. It also involves activities wherein you ascend
mountains for long hours.

Select the correct response:

 Mountaineering
 Rock Climbing
 Caving
 Backpacking
83 of 95
1 Point

You have been hiking for a few hours in cold weather when your friend complains that they can no longer feel
their feet. What do you do?

Select the correct response:

 You have them put on another socks.

 You have them put on another pair of socks and rest for a half hour.
 You remove their socks and shoes and re-heat their feet using warm water.
 You build and have them put their feet near the fire to re-heat.
84 of 95
1 Point

External frame packs are designed intended for carrying heavy loads.

Select the correct response:

 True
 False
85 of 95
1 Point

A - Only the First statement is correct
B - Only the Second statement is correct
C - Both statements are correct
D - None of the statements is correct

I. Hiking boots have high uppers to keep mud off your pants on the trail.
II. Sandals have crampons to keep the feet warm in very cold environments.

Select the correct response(s):

 A
 B
 C
 D
86 of 95
1 Point

If lost for a long time, what is the most crucial factor in keeping yourself alive?

Select the correct response:

 Keep moving to find your way out

 Conserving energy and sleeping as much as possible
 Finding plants and animals to eat
 Keep clean to stay healthy
87 of 95
2 Points

Identify the position of the arrow in each number and give what part of the standard compass is this. (2 pts.

Identify the arrow number 5.

Select the correct response:

 Dial
 Orienteering Arrow
 Magnetic Needle
 Declination Marker
 Direction of Travel Arrow
88 of 95
1 Point

In a mountain climbing activity, Jessy and friends climbed without using ropes. Which climbing technique is
being performed?

Select the correct response:

 Mantelling
 Chimneying
 Straddling
 Scrambling
89 of 95
1 Point

What makes the arrow in the compass move?

Select the correct response:

 The magnet
 The North Pole
 The movement of the person
 The tracker
90 of 95
1 Point

What principle of survival skill provides a sense of security and familiarity that can help normalize even the
most dire situation?

Select the correct response:

 Protection
 Food
 Location
 Water
91 of 95
1 Point

Which of the following should be avoided when selecting a site to construct a shelter?

Select the correct response:

 It must be large enough and level enough for you to lie down comfortably.
 It provides protection against wild animals and rocks and dead trees that might fall.
 It must contain enough material to make the type of shelter you need.
 It should be directly next to a river - water is vital.
92 of 95
1 Point

A - Only the First statement is correct
B - Only the Second statement is correct
C - Both statements are correct
D - None of the statements is correct

I. Waterproof clothes have layers that are coated on the inside and sealed to ensure dryness.
II. If you are expecting heavier rain, you need to go for waterproof clothes.

Select the correct response(s):

 A
 B
 C
 D
93 of 95
1 Point

A - Only the First statement is correct
B - Only the Second statement is correct
C - Both statements are correct
D - None of the statements is correct

I. Crossing in a group is safer than crossing alone.

II. Cross the river against the current, move slowly and position each step carefully to avoid being swept away
by the force of the water.

Select the correct response(s):

 A
 B
 C
 D
94 of 95
1 Point

A ____________ is a handheld unit that uses 24 orbiting satellites to triangulate your position on the Earth’s
surface to within a meter.

Select the correct response:

 Compass
 Tracking Meter
 Map
 Global Positioning System
95 of 95
1 Point

What type of map incorporates a legend, or key which deciphers the information shown on the map?

Select the correct response:

 Thematic Map
 Series Map
 Topographic Map
 Cadastral Map

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