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Simone Engelen
Fw:Books 2024 ISBN 9789083345970 Acqn 35990
Pb 24x28cm 108pp col ills £38.25

A defining moment for Simone Engelen was when she was sexually abused by two individuals
during her high school year in the U.S. This devastating event not only influenced how Engelen
interacts with others but also reshaped her perception of intimacy. In '27 Drafts', she visually
articulates this inner battle of dealing with her body, identity and feminity. Her inward journey
began with shame, and led her to develop coping mechanisms involving addiction, anger and
control issues. In 2022 Engelen decided to go back to the U.S. with her mother in order to find
closure. It evolved into an exploration of a past life, in which the photographer used her camera
as a filter to create necessary distance and engage in conversations long avoided. The title refers
to the 27 attempts she has made to put into words the impact of this assault; simply seeking ways
to share this single event - that shaped the most formative years of her life.

Awoiska van der Molen - The Humanness of Our Lonely Selves

Fw:Books 2024 ISBN 9789083345987 Acqn 36031
Pb 22x28cm 56pp col ills £65

Critically acclaimed for her psychological landscape images, Awoiska van der Molen presents a
new body of work with understated black-and-white photos of built-up environments that reveal
traces of human presence: she zooms in on illuminated windows in the darkness of the evening
in Japan. One could say that these windows function as a screen between the photographer (or
the observer) and the world, between a psychological inner world and the external world of
things. Through the windows, we catch a glimpse of the life behind them, yet there is no
substantial contact. The windows serve as a barrier to the desire for safety and companionship as
well as a glimpse of it. They simultaneously represent the longing for connection as well as
comfort with distance. In this sense, the windows symbolise the existential loneliness that most of
us must come to terms with to a greater or lesser degree.

Nora Bibel - Uncertain Homelands

Eriskay Connection 2024 ISBN 9789083357188 Acqn 36032
Hb 23x32cm 308pp col ills £49

Water, in abundance or in scarcity, is the central theme of 'Uncertain Homelands'. Nora Bibel
(DE) investigates the repercussions of climate change around the world, focusing on Indonesia,
Namibia, and Germany. Through a combination of drone photography of landscapes, intimate
portraits of people affected by human-made climate change, and interviews, Bibel creates a
layered body of work that thoughtfully engages with global interconnectivity and the mutual
influence of water systems. The uncertainty lies in the question how our lives will change as a
result of climate change. Uncertain Homelands is a story about the threat to our familiar way of
life, but also about the resilience and diverse adaptation strategies that people use to counter it.

Rogier Maaskant - Sense of Presence

Eriskay Connection 2024 ISBN 9789493363021 Acqn 36033
Hb 24x33cm 144pp col ills £44

"The tiny creatures that run the world," is how myrmecologist Edward O. Wilson described
insects. They are nature's cleaners, provide food for many other species and are essential for the
pollination of plants, including our crops. They deserve a stage. With spotlights. The magical
images of Rogier Maaskant (NL) show the vast quantities of insects flying through the air at night
- in forests and above fields, ditches, and ponds around Rotterdam. By using strobe light, his
single exposures provide a unique view of the flight of trichoptera, moths, hoverflies, dragonflies,
mosquitoes, and countless other species that illustrate the rich biodiversity.

Sabine Hagmann - an immediate beauty remix, adventures in time and space and colour
Vexer Verlag 2024 ISBN 9783907112816 Acqn 36036
Hb 17x23cm 120pp col ills £35.50

Sabine Hagmann's an immediate beauty remix - adventures in time and space and colour
immerses you into the serenity of fleeting moments. Her lens captures the formations of light,
colour and motion that she encounters in her everyday life. With an attentive eye, she delves into
the essence of transient moments. The artist combines photographs from the ongoing immediate
beauty archive to create what she refers to as remixes. The associative pictorial encounters open
up spaces of impact imbued with a sensual mood. The book is the latest remix of Hagmann's
long-term project and lets the pictures speak for themselves. Viewers are challenged to give their
own perception time and to follow it.

Mirja Busch - Puddles Archive (Pfutzenarchiv)

Vexer Verlag 2024 ISBN 9783907112786 Acqn 36037
Pb 17x24cm 400pp col ills £35.50

Temporary and ephemeral, puddles are transient entities that establish themselves in specific
locations. Their presence or absence is contingent on the prevailing weather conditions. The
phenomenon of soil sealing distinctly defines puddles, and their existence is influenced by the
evolving water cycle driven by climate change. Das Pfutzenarchiv (The Puddle Archive) is a long-
term project of Mirja Busch, an artist based in Berlin. Over the course of more than a decade,
Busch has dedicated herself to exploring puddles and experimented with diverse methods of
archiving them. The culmination of this extensive effort is a 400-page book, presenting the
photographic archive cultivated since 2010. Nearly 2000 puddles have undergone analysis,
classification, and coding. Positioned between a monument and a snapshot, the book extends an
invitation for contemplation, encouraging readers to linger and reflect on the often disregarded
and overlooked phenomenon of puddles.

Lonneke van der Palen - Lemons Gazing at Mount Etna

Free Pony Press 2024 ISBN 9789083227443 Acqn 36010
Pb 28x39cm 280pp col ills £60

'Lemons Gazing at Mount Etna' is an unbound publication in which images unfold into a portable
and modular exhibition. Encompassing an eclectic selection of Lonneke van der Palen's
evergrowing visual archive, it deals with the notion of material culture and its retained and
unexpected beauty. Mundane scenes, modern artefacts, trash, treasures, and their intricate
relationships with economic, cultural, and historical contexts compose her large collection of
photographs. For a complete view, the images must be taken out of the plastic sleeve, adding a
tangible dimension and reinforcing the idea of rediscovery and renewed observation, breaking
traditional hierarchies.

Diana Blok - Living Leaves

Diana Blok 2024 ISBN 9789090385310 Acqn 36034
Pb 27x35cm 72pp col ills £60

Born in Uruguay to a Dutch father and an Argentine mother, Diana Blok grew up in several Latin
American countries before settling in Amsterdam in the 1970s. A self-taught portrait
photographer, she first turned her gaze to herself, visualising myths and dreams and capturing
forms of kinship between people. Her work has since focused mainly on portraying people for
whom gender, (cultural) identity, and sexual preferences are not fixed. During the global
pandemic, she began photographing dried leaves in Brazil in stunning macroscopic detail,
imbuing them with new life through her camera's lens.

Bernard Voita – Melencolia

Edizioni Periferia 2024 ISBN 9783907205440 Acqn 36011
Pb 25x32cm 64pp ills £50

Visual artist Bernard Voita's interest lies not so much in photography as a technical medium but
rather as a medium of perception, a means of visually transforming reality. Although he uses a
camera to produce his works, he maintains he is not a photographer. What appears at first sight
to be montage or collage proves to be a complex, three-dimensional installation in the studio,
which seems like a two-dimensional image only from one specific perspective. His meticulously
composed pictures thus have no equivalent in reality. Named after the famous engraving by
Albrecht Durer, 'Melencolia' is an elaborately handcrafted, long-term project that is intellectually
and visually challenging.

Iris Haverkamp Begemann - I Went on a Holiday to the Country You Fled From
Iris Haverkamp Begemann 2024 ISBN 9789090383507 Acqn 36014
Hb 28x27cm 120pp col ills £49

Iris Haverkamp Begemann is a documentary photographer based in Amsterdam. Her

collaborative approach led to this project, in which she explores identity and privilege. Guided by
memories and hand-drawn maps by trans writer and activist Alejandra Ortiz, she went on a
holiday to Mexico, the country from which Ortiz once fled. The series interweaves experiences of
belonging and rejection to create an intimate portrait of identity and the complex ways it dictates
personal freedom. Along with correspondence between the artist and Ortiz, the book includes
personal recollections and anecdotes. The series was granted the Dutch Photography Award in

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