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“+r CAMBRIDGE WORKBOOK WITH ANSWERS ‘A Sg hae EQS, l . & CAMBRIDGE 3 | Starter Who | am Unit 1A busy life Unit 2 Changing world Unit 3. Free time, screen time? Unit 4 Keep fit, feel good Unit 5 More than a holiday Unit 6 Time for food Unit 7 Live life! Unit 8 Feels like home Unit 9 Getting along Unit 10 Out and about Unit 11 Saving and spending Unit 12 Through life Unit 13 About me Unit 14 Play it, watch it, love it Answer key Audioscript NFSsessekses VOCABULARY [complete the table with family words. Some words are the same for men and women, Eewosivoriss grandmother i | grandpa/gronddad mum/mother i 12 ol eden Complete the sentences with a country or nationality. Peter is. He's from Detroit in the USA ‘Mexican. He's from the south of Jo's from Lisbon in Portugl, so he's [Nick's mum i from Coreda and his dad is from +80 he’s half and half French! Jioo is rom Hainan in______ s0 she's Chinese. Luca's family are from Milan in tly, so he’s Juan is Sponish, He's from Grenada in RON rite the numbers or dates. ~ = Now My telephone number is oh seven six nine Five three doubletwo one. 2 My date of birth isthe twenty-fifth of July two thousand ond two, 3 Yrmtwenty-one years old. 4 The Paris Ohympics i in two thousand and twenly four 5 lve at two hundred and ninety Green Street 6 My posteode is S, W, Fourteen, eight G, M. |) complete the sentences with the words and phrases inthe box. DOB driving licence firstname identity cord passport surname 1 When you drive @ ear, you need to have o 2 When you enter another country, you usually need 19 show your «tis litle book 3 In some counties people have oln) ____. This shows your pholo, our name and your date of birth 4 Thoms is the of very famous footballer. His __is Miller. 5 “means ‘Date of Bit. [fy Here are three parts of a conversation, A, Band C. The sentences are in the wrong order. Complete the sentences with the correct form of be. Then number the sentences in each part in the correct order. A OD ¥es,1 CO Hello, loudia. |_.__ Jang, oO ‘you a new student here, Jang? TI Hil My nome _____Clovdia, B C1No, we We from Germony. Cl Where. you from, Jang? ar {from Chengdu, in Chino. ._____you ‘and your family English, Clovdio? © On next tothe school café Ono, i My teacher's name Mrs Rivers Clb Sowe __inliferent classes. Where _____your classroom? Cl Who's your teachers name, Jong? it ‘Me Johnsont [B) complete the sentences. Use potsessive'sor ‘s/s. 0 Jon lives in a small flat. Jon's las /fat is small, 1 Tonye ond Nina ore sisters. Nina is ier 2 Wike has got a block bag. bog is black. 3 Nihal has got an American English teacher. English teacher is American. 4 1am Naomi Calder My Naomi Calder 5 Nick has got an old car. old ] Read about Dean. Write sentences with have/has got _{B] Complete the conversation about Jill’s friend Tomi or haven’t/hasn’t got. with the present simple form of the verbs in the box. You need to use some verbs more than once. come live love speak work Davide: Where * Tomi from, Jie Jill: Jopan. But he # there now. He a inNew York Davide: * there too? Sill: Yes, he # Hes ino language school. He's a teacher. Davide: Oh, grect Does he teach Joponese? sill No, he” He teaches Iaian. Davide: * ‘ny other langueges? Jill: Yes, he speaks French, oo. He? longuages! {im Dean. I'm studying to be @ mechanic at college T] © 02 Listen and write the letters of the alphabet. ‘and | work in a shop at weekends. I live with my parents and my brother Tim in a small fat. We love riding our motorbikes when we hav fr a er eens ve ore ee 2) Put the letters in order to spell two nationalities. I don't need a car! What arethey? 1 2 0 (Deana jab) _ Dean has go job 1 (Deon/brother B] © 0s Listen and write the dates, for example, 2 (Dean's parents/sors) 5 January 2003. 3 (Dean's porents/big house) bo ‘| 7 4 [Deon/metorbike) ae 7 5 (Dean/cor) . © 04 Read the form for new students atan art school, Then listen and complete the form. 1) write sentences about Carla and Roberto. Use can Ti Ast Setol orn arene RSae and can’t. Evening course: CARLA First nome: swim one kilometre v Surname | speck Spanish Lv Dos: | cook paella [= Nationality | wite computer programs |v ‘Address: 1 Corle Phone number: 2 Roberto 3 Roberto ond Corla 4 Corla 5 Roberto 6 Roberto and Corla Ci) for Read about a chef. Put the missing sentences (A-D) in the correct place. Gabriela Camara is one of the Francisco, USA. She was bom in Mexico and hor fath from tly, * eight. ish and fresh riela loves art, so taurants are also beautiful places to A she mokes Mexican food for customers in her restourents. | spend an afternoon or evening. ¢ B__SoGobriela can speak Italian, os well as Spanish and Engi her, food means spending happy times cooking € But mos! ofall, Gabriela loves food, and eating with her family D This is becouse she has restaurants in both these countries. @) Read the text again and write one-word answers. ‘Which county does Gabriels come from? ‘What is her mother’s nationality? Which country is her restaurant Cala in How old is her restourant Contramar? ‘What food does Gebriela cook in her restauronts? vegetables ond What does Gabriela love? food end Ea T) Choose the best answers for these statements or questions. 1 Hello A Goodbye. B_ No, thanks © Hi 2 Nice to meet you. A Yes, itis B Avthe restaurant, © Nice to meet you, too 3 Where do you come from? A. Fronce. What about you? B The swimming pool, | ink. © In tondon. Do you know i? 4 Acw,you married? A. Nota teacher B No, single © No, Im talion 5 Whose jocke is this? A Wso short jacket B WsHorry'. © John’s got it 6 How do you spell your surname, plecse? A. Kole Lowson B_ My names John. C WsGRAYSON, 2) Write the questions (Q) and answers (A) in the correct place in the table. lim twenty, Yim an actor. How mony brothers ond sisters have you gol? | What's your fst name? Where do you live? ‘One of each. Where de you come from? In Fors, France. Patricia. 'm Italian, Wh 's your job? How old are you? ry Complete the profile with can, the present simple, to be and has got. This is o famous sports person. His first name 7 Cesc. He 2 two surnames: Fabregas and Soler. He ? « footballer from Spain. At the moment he # in Spain he lives in another country. He 5 four languages. These are Spanish, Catalan, English cond French. He married and he 7 two daughters and one son. ea YOKOHAMA Lato) « D apusy ure i] Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. ‘You need to use one verb more than once. have get dressed. geton getup puton stay toke off woke up Every weekday, |? 1730 and then 12 in bod for about 15 minutos. A 7.45, | am ready fo y io 1 shower and thea |$ in a Tshirt and shorts. 1 «a quick breakfst, then 7 my bike ond cyde to colege. There, iD tny Tshict ond shor's and I ® shirt and jeors, | Read the text in Exercise 1 again. Complete the sentences with after or before. 1 He gels up. he wakes up. 2 He stays in bed for 15 minutes he gets up. 3 He has a shower he gets dressed, 4 He has breakfast he pus on his Tshirt ‘and shorts. 5 He rides to work he has breakfast. 6 He tokes off is shorts and Tshirt Fis shiet and jeans, he puts on 1B) Write the times. Use quarter, halfor o'clock. A) Match the information about the people’s work (1-6) with the jobs (a-f). 4|A workin on office. | write: things in computer language. 1 I go to work at ‘on airport and then fly plones. 2/4 \useacamero 5 every day ot work. 3A ‘repair cors, lorries || |4 1epend some time nd motorbikes. in on office and some time in the strat help people with problems and try to hoop them safe. opalce officer b amechonic € a photographer da compuler programmer fe opilet # a shop assistant TT] Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the negative form if necessary. My name is Natalie ond my sso’ nome is Misch. We! (be) very diferent. Mischa 2 (wor) in @ restaurant ond |? {be} a mechanic: We both # (sor} work at hol post eight, but wes {not getup) atthe same time. | always ‘ (getup a! seven oicloc, but Mischa Z {oot like eorly mornings ~she always says in bed vail eight lock. | ® (have tee and cereal for breakfast but Mischa ® {not eat oF drink anything et home. She ' (hove) breakfast later in the morning at work. Ey SSS - a @! Read Exercise 1 again. Write yes/no questions about tha and Natalie. 0 __Dothe sisters start _work at the same time? Yes, they do. 1 ino restauran® No, she doesn. 2 cot the same time No, they dont. 3 carly mornings? No, she doesn. 4 in bed unil eight clock? Yes, she does 5 breokfas! together? No, they dont. 6 tea and cereal for breakfast? Yes, she does {G] Read the table. Then choose the correct answers to complete the sentences about Fran. | HOW OFTE SABA go clothes shopping? cone Friday each month goo the countryside? every Soturdey spend some time clone? every evening play bosketbol? every Monday and Thursdoy goto afostfood restourant®@ —_O times @ yeor watch TV? every Friday, Saturday and Sundoy evening 1 On Frideys, Fron oes clothes shopping A wswally BB cbveysC sometimes 2 Fran goes to the countryside ‘owoek A once B twice © seven times 3 Inthe evening, Fran spends some time clone A ree B often clways 4 Fran plays boskeibal week A once —B twice three times 5 Fran oes to 0 fastfood restaurant. A reer — B usally € always 6 Fran watches TV a week. A ooce —B twice € three ies ) Complete the questions and answers with the correct form of want and the verb in brackets. 1A: Whot you fer college? (do) 1 to university. (go) 2 A: Why Leona’ «pilot (be) Because she ‘round the world. (ravel 3 As What kind of work Billy (do) He co job! He lols of money insteod! (not/ge, win) 4 As Whore Foul and Sophia in lhaly® (work) B: They fon an alive farm. (work) 1) Write sentences about what the people like (i), love (©), don’e like (@l) orhate (@) © Jone / meet fiends for coHee on Saturdays / Jane loves meeting fiends for cofce on Soturdoys. 1 Stefi / go out dancing on Friday evenings / 2 Louis / soy in bed after he wakes up / al 3 Le0 and Tom / play computer games together / 4 My mum ond | / swim in the seo / 5 Johnnie / go shopping at the supermarket / @ 6 My English teacher / work in hot woather / fl ear T) © 05 Listen to two fashion journalists describing sentences 1-6 in the order they do them. eS | A | stort work Bihave a ot drink Cl getup. I Di golore walk E | spend time talking to people. Figo swimming, 1B) © os which person are these sentences true for? Can you remember? Circle your answers, then listen again to check. Kenny/Gadwolks on he beach every morning Kenny/Zodie swims in a pocl Kenny/Zadie is married. Kenny/Zadie has a dog, Kenny/Zadie likes drinking green too. Kenay/Zadletolks to his/her family every doy. waen~o unr [apusyure EA Read the texts, then for each question choose the correct answer. Which person does some exercise after work? A Which person finishes work inthe ffernoon® Which person takes things to eot to work? A Which person travels fo and from the citport in different ways? A Which person goes tothe airport by cor? A A A Which person finishes work in the morning? [Nowaons Which person doesn't go home after work every day? Three pilots tell us Ello eRe Near Heidi iy frat ightis atone oviockin the aftenoon, 26 dont getup uni 8.20 am, go fora run if | have time, have a shower and put on my uniform. | put all the food and water | need for the day in my flight bag and | leave the house on my bike. Sometimes | have a long fight, and can't come home for two or three days, but | usually fy to Germany, Poland, she Uianel Francs: % C Lucy eave home in the afternoon, about three hours before my 4.00 p.m. fight. I take the bus to the airport. Before | get on the plane, I meet my fight team, and we eat sandwiches while we talk. We fly all night, but | can sleep for about three hours on the plane. We arrive back here at 7.00 a.m. and | get home by taxi an hour later. have breakfast, go to the gym, and then slaep before work Read the job advert, then tick the correct sentences and cross the wrong sentences. Shop Assistant The text does not give any information about the shop assistant’s salar oO Hartog’s Books Beslan cre ef eters een We need a new shop assistant to join the small team 1 shop assistant before, a ‘of four employees at our book store in New Street 3 You have to send your CV. Oo £23,000-25,000a year 4 The shop manager wants 10 see all new shop No experience needed (& ‘ossistants on Srd May. Q cea eC cate 5 Four other people work ot he shop, a network! Emmet Interviews with shop manager 3rd May pam Read the information about Ismail. Write five questions toask him and then write his answers. Job: photographer Place of work: newspaper office Goes to work by: bus Time he gets to work: 8.00 am Likes his job because: meets interesting people Lives with: three friends ‘What (job) do you do? 1'm a photographer Where How 3 @: When ram Write the beginnings and endings of emails in the correct places in the emails. Dear Hi lovefrom the best wishes Cl Qt a Seiden Ge : ‘Mr Thomas, | was ill yesterday and s0 I did net come to the English lesson. Could you tell me what the homework is for this week? Best ? Billy Hormer 0 Grandma, Con | visit you tomorrow at about 3 pm® I'd Ike to come after work = we finish early tomorrow. ‘ Celine Hello John, hope you are OK. Could you send me the information about the college tip, pleose? | didnt get the email about i Thanks. Alls Som 2 CHANGING WORLD UTE TUT) T] Complete the sentences with the name of the month. 1 isthe first month of he year 2 August is the month before 3 isthe seventh month ofthe year. 4 is between February and Apri 5 The month alter May is 6 is between September and November. 7 The lst month ofthe year is 2) writ ‘the seasons for Melbourne, Austr ‘Melbourne's seasons are the opposite ofthe UKs THE UK | MELBOURNE December= February | winter | 1 March = Mey spring [2 June ~ August September ~ November | 3) complete the sentences: os df the words inthe box. You need to change some words into adjectives. oud fog ice lightning rain snow storm sun lemperature 1 In very cold winters, you can waik on the on the lke, 2 ttwillbeo right tonight, with thunder ond 3 the in summer is usvelly between 20 ond BC. 4 W’shot but theres o large grey well have some ote, I hink 5 On dys inthe summer, we don't go ouside because its t00 hot. 6 Ws warm todoy but it was ‘was difficult to see ecross the sree. 7 People tke weather because the white trees cond countryside look beauiiful inthe sky, so this mocning, soi 4) Label the photos with the words in the box. acoast adesert aforest an island aloke amouniain avalley owaterfall eo 0s | Complete the text with the present continuous form I Read the text and choose the best title fori. of the verbs in brackets. Make the verb negative if, “ac We (al ver lave Aacanal necessary. B Living and working on Ascension Island Today is realy cold so? (ea los of warm © Remembering my ime on Ascension Island dlothes. ifs iy outside and it? (sn0v), oo. Im siting inthe library ot college with some Fronds, bute? ea) wt talk) obeut fm Marcus Higgs and lm a conservation officer. This going home early in cave the buses stop because of the means | work in the countryside, and I look after the Snow! My fiends Freddie and Lena lve i the hils so animals and plants that live there, |was born in Devon, they? (Gerd rene, bd Kosta ond Gachera in the south of England, but at the moment | am living ‘and working on Ascension Island. Ascension Island is in the middle of the ocean between Africa and South ‘America, Lam here for two years. . (gol home now becouse they live very necr tnd can easily welk home inthe snow. BB] Write the questions and answers to makea | work ina beautiful place called the Green Mountain conversation. National Park. n the park, there's a mountain and ‘some hls, and there are some smaller islands in the ‘Mike: HiLaurence, can't come to tennis practice water around the coast, and lots of beaches of course. tonight mot at home. Im in Birmingham. | work on projects to make these places better for ants and animals. There are lots of interesting sea i m2 pl 4 Bence ie col animals and birds here, and the conservation team are a working hard to keep them safe. also give information to visitors to the island and tell them ‘Mike: I'mhere with my team. We / work here/ eI mherewith my team. We/ work here Seaarooeas thisweek.? This week, we are putting some new trees around our: Visitor centre. love my job here, but living on Laurence: Stay/ina hotel? > _ Mike: Yes, areally rice one.|/ have /a great week! Ascension Island is not always easy, Only 800 people FS live here, and there is only one restaurant! But | am How about you? enjoying the weather — the temperature is 25-34 °C all Laurence: I'mon holiday this week. So / not work. Vategon | Nave loti ea ens Mike: Great! Where /stay? 1] complete the sentences with one or two words from a the text. 1 What is Morcu's job? ~ Hes Laurence: At home. Some friends / visit us /at the 2. Which part of Englond does Marcus come from? ~ ‘moment. Hos from the cof the country. 2 - — 3) Which continents is Marcus living nearest® — He is. Mike: That's nice. Have a good week living nearest to cond 4 What con you see near the coast of Green Mountain Notional Pork? = There are some 5 Who does Marcus help ot work? He helps 6 What doos Marcus like about Ascension Island? He 1 itis730.0m, ond | breakfast. | usualy tikes his new friends, his job and it of 700, but fm late today. (have) 2 Cathy always family partes, so she her grandmother’ inthday mecl his afternoon very much. (enjoy) 3 Usuelly, Horry only with his parents, bt at the moment his cousin with them because she has a summer job in their town ve) 4 Alicond his friends footbol in the park this ‘morning, They there three or four times « week. (play) 5 Gregorio is «taxi driver. He tex in London. But his week he fcross France because he is on holdey. (dive) 6 Inthe summer it «alot in my country, end ifs wory hot. today, (rain) 3) Complete the sentences with the present continuous or present simple form of the verbs in brackets. OU Mec a Choose the correct adjectives to complete the sentences. 1. We had strong/heavy snow yesterday morning, ond the children had lots of fun playing in iin the cfternoon, 2 The winde are realy stong/hare this morning so our plane con't leave 3 When the fog is thick/heavy on the coast, the fishing boats do not go out fo sea, 4 Webhad o great walk up the mountain in high/bright sunshine all the wary tothe top. There were clear/empty skies all doy. 5 Wehave a lot of hard/trong fos in winter inthe north of the county, 1 choose the correct answer. What weather does Maria's islond usually have in March? 3 ‘What is Jessica's friend, Lucy, doing in the forest? a) 4 Whereis Richard working this week? [A] [B) I Look at the photo and choose the correct options. 1 Inthe photo, there's family on o snowy mountain 2. Maybe/Actlly hey are on holiday. 3 The porents are siting/walkng atthe top ofthe mountain and the children are playing 4 Two children are on the right/in the middle of the phot. 5 There's alot of snow on the mountain, but atthe moment ther!/ifs sunny. 6 I ink they are enjoying/enioy their day on the mountain 7 The children ond the parents don't wearfarent wearing helmets. Thot would be a good ideo. 8 I can soe/seeing some clouds inthe sky. 9 There isa lake below/above the mountains. | Write the number of the sentence in the correct box. For some boxes two number a, “What is there in Desc: the photo? Sentence number: Sentence number: ‘The weather in the photo Sentence umber Whet is happening in the photo? Sentence number: ‘What do you think? Sentence number | Where are things in the photo? Sentence number: Read the email and underline the three ways of someone to do something. Hey Josh, Were thinking about our doy atthe lake tomorrow. Is great that you can come. This evening we're * going to the supermarket to get some food to take. Bo you want fo come with us? You can tell us what you want forthe picnic. And how about staying at ur house tonight? Then we can leave early in the morning, One more thing - would you like to bring 2 foe wad Let us know today, please. love, Grandma ond Grandpa 2] Put the words in order to make Josh’s possible answers to the invitation, 1 t've got / from 4 pm-~6.30 pm. / but I'm afraid / 11d / football practice / love to come 2 be/ That / wonderful. / would 3 are / but / for asking / busy / Thanks / tomorrow. / friends / my / al unir2 [cHancinc wor REP S - FREE TIME, VOCABULARY TJ complete the paragraphs with the words in the box. blogger comments download episode social media stream upload oa a site called articles or’ will isi it 2 ‘and they can post * is someone who writes on a kind of online ablog. He or sheneeds to? new ides onto this site very often, so people alot. People follow blogs that they find on about the blogs if they want to. (tire kee es | them, Some can get their programmes in two ways. you want to geta prograr or you can watch itimmediatelyif you* of TVprogrammes, you __ fromit, orall of TWchannels have a website where you smme to watch later, youcan? it, from the website. 12] complete the TV listings page with the types of programme in the box. There are 2 words you do not need. ction film cartoon documentary horror news Find out what's happened today from our journalists around the world Tet comedy crime drama. quiz show Learn about the flowers in the forests of South America, Police officer Rachel Kinsella (actor, Amy Black) finds a body in the river Watch TV stars doing funny things to make you laugh ‘Two teams of TV stars answer questions about the world this year SCREEN TIME? — @] Match the words (1-5) with the details about the film (ae). What kind of film is it? 1 theseting 4 the plot a 2 adoloye O 5 asere a 3 the characters C1 @ They are in a huge city on Mors. b They are on Mars, but have to get back to Earth to Find something thot wil save Mars. € Theyre called Leona, Sheena, Marvin and Bennie. > Leona and Marvin ore siting in « Merton kitchen Theyre planing ther journey. © Leone: Mars needs vs ‘Marvin: And we need Mors 7) complete the sentences the past simple form of be. Sometimes you need the negative form. 1 My fronds end | went othe pork lost night We there until about 200 pm. 2 ba cat the concert yesterday. She went to the cinemo. 3 you at the maich yesterday? There some grect goals! 4 Who your English teacher lost year? 5 There mony people ot the party becouse Hugh only invited o Few of his frends 6 Which dassroom you in this morning? Evening programmes Made in 2018, this isan exciting, fast-moving story of awoman tryingtofind | g her husband before it’s too late 2) Complete the conversations B! Complete the sentences about Amanda’s week. ‘Sometimes you need the negative form. decide enjoy fish help fore ploy watch work 1 you the football on TV last night? Br Not some games online. 2A: Where your friends to go for dinner? Br The Old Ship resturant. They it there 3 What time you ‘work today? At lunchtime. | this afternoon, awl Grondia to make some bread ofthe weekend. you ding that? | tasrruespay | SUNDAY AM | MONDAY AM | TUESDAY AM | goshopping | getup / IO otdock | speck /uncle | have braakfast / café | TUESDAY PM 1 Amanda yesterday. if 2° Amanda «2 week ogo 3° Amanda the day before yesterdoy. 4 Ananda this morning For each question, choose the correct answer. ‘What do we learn cbout Helena in the first paragraph? A. Her blog is for visitors to New York B She writes a blog every weekend € Willing © blog is nother only job, How long are most of Helens trips? A. one doy B_ twodoys © fourdoys Helena decided to go lo Morocco because A her friends old her about it B che saw something on television obout i. © she read oboutit online Helena thnks people read her blog becouse A. thoy balieve whot she writes, B thoy like her. they enjoy the woy she writes ‘What is the last paragraph obout® A. the odvice someone gave Helena. B_Heleno's hopes forthe future © what Helena wonts her blog to do ‘the past simple form of the verbs in the box. Helena Cooper’s life as a blogger When she was young, Helena Cooper was very ill. She is better now ‘and wants to spend her free time doing interesting things. Helena has two jobs: she works three days a week in Chicago, USA, and she is also a travel blogger. Her blog shows that you can travel the world at the weekend, and it doesn't need to cost too much. For most people a ‘weekend’ is two days, but Helena’s trips are usually four. Sometimes she only goes for one day, and she even went to Austria once for nine hours! Her first trip was to Morocco. She watched a TV programme about it, and started to look for fights and hotels online. Helena’s friends. thought she was silly to go for just a few days, but that didn't stop her. \Wnen she came back, everyone asked her lots of questions about Morocco, and she answered the same questions many times. So she wrote them down, and started her biog. She gives information only ‘about the places she visits, so people know its right, Helena thinks this is why people follow her blog and lke it Helena writes about the places she visits, but she doesn't want everyone to do the same things as her. She also thinks people shouldn't wait to do the things they really want to do. Her blog tries to show people that they can do those things now! [lf] circle two correct answers in each sentence. 1A good film is dul/onioyable/amusing. 2 Afunny fm is amusing/ily/erous. 3 Abod fle is awhl/biliant/dlsappointng. 4 Aboring im is scory/dull/ninteresting [B) are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? 1 Horror fims are usually scary. 2. Cartoons aro usally serious, 3 Grime dramas are usvll silly, 4 Documentary fms ore usually amusing. 5 Nature fis aro usvolly serious fea T) @ 07 Listen and number the topics (A-D) in the order {Fagg You hear them, Ba oncaioosiy G doing something with family members C1 the weather on Saturday o different kinds of TV a B) © 07 Who are the sentences true for, Ryan or Anna? =qye] Listen again and circle the correct answer. Ryan/Anna was in the city on Saturday. Ryan/Anna doweloaded a science fcion TV series. Ryan/Anna enjoys watching crime drama programmes. Ryan/Anna enjoyed playing 0 video game. Ryan/Anna played a game with a parent, Ryon/Anna met some friends auaena Baa J) Write the words in the correct order to make questions. 1 weekend / How / your / was 2 last / get / What / you / to / night / dd / up 3 a/ you / good / hove / weekend / Did 4 Fridoy //on / do / cfternoons / do / What / you e 5) uly / you / shopping / De / go / Saturdays / on 2) Match the answers (A-E) with the questions (1-5) in Exercise 1. A Lvisit my forily in ovr village. B No, goon Monday evenings. © No, itwas teriblol o D__itwos really good, thonks. o E Not much. Hod a quiet evening. 1B) Put the missing ‘follow-up’ questions (a-d) inthe correct place. Do you often go walking? b Did you walk e long way? ¢ Howolten do you have to do thal? cd What kind of food did you tke? Cathy: went fore picnic in the forest on Soturday. Elena: —Thot’snice. * Cathy: ols of salad ond cold meat. We went for 0 lovely walk after our meal, to. Elena: ? Cathy: We wclked about five kilometres, from the Visitor centre fo the loke Elena: * Cathy: Yes, when tim not working atthe weekend, Elena: * Cathy: One weekend « month. 2 fim Complete the sentences with the correct beginnings in the box. My favourite character is My favourite moment is The best things about he fim axe The plot is The setting is_ The story is cbout 1 «cos, I's in the mountains 2 «© group of students who get losin the mountains. fs abit sly relly. 3 very easy to Follow. 4 Morlon, because he's so funny. The obhers are good too, but he is the best 5 ‘when Morlon finds a donkey and he tries to ride it 6 the actors and the dialogue Theyte beiliont ce a | \ X % | - | I Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the 1) Read the information and complete the sentences false sentences. with can, can’t, could or couldn't. 1 You have six toes on each foot Leah is 20 years old now. 2 Your neck is between your head and your body. | Can Lech 3 Your hears inside your body. | ride a horse? Yes. She learned when she 4 When you eat, he food goes into your stomach, [cook nice meal? | Yes. She learned when shewos 16. | 5 Your back is below your head. [Swit 1,000 metres? 6 Your knees ore in the middle oF your arms. | spook Chinese? _ 7 Your brain is inside your heod. | drive a cart 8 Your fingers are part of your face. | ide a motorbike? u | 2) Complete the sentences with words from Exercise 1. 1 Leah ride a horse now, 2 Lech ride a horse when she was nine. 1 You use your «thinking ve tonnid 3 lech speak Chinese when she wos 18. 2 You vse your for tuning your hood. 4 tech swim 1000 metres now 3 You we your for playing the piano i n 4) Nou epee for corrying o backpack 5 leo cook a nice meal when she was 12. 5 Vavowjour fo stond up. 6 lech ride a motorbike when she was 18. 2 Yes, she can, She learned three years ago. ®No, she cont when she was 122 Yes, she could, when she was 19% No, she couldnt 1 Why is Elie going to see her 2 | Because she has | (toothache/doctor/ambulance/dentis) RoNA 2 Where cd you buy this z From the back/medicine/pharmacy/ache) 3 Is Jennie sil feeling e No, she fels now. (broken/hurt/sick/fine) 4 Why's Lora at the e Because she broke her (leg/medicine/hospitl/Sents) @! Complete the sentences with should or shouldn't. Bea Answer the questions with the correct part of errr cere eee cee the body in the box. You watch an exciting film just before you go to bed. ‘ankle elbow hips lungs muscles wrist You ‘turn off your phone about I an hour before you go to bed. [1 Where do you wero bracelet? You ‘eat a big meal late in the 2 What get bigger when air oes into them? ening = 7 TE 4 Whetjoins he foot ond the leg? ou write down anything you ones are ot the ? ; are worried about before going to esp Leer eee ranean eae This helps you to stop worrying, I Seen ae [© What getlarger when you ores it You sleep alot in the day L You do some exercise every day “see ee 4 I stay in bed if can't sleep? — = No, get up and have a hot drink og {© 08 For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one word ora number or a date or atime. You will hear the secretary of a running club telling new members about the club. reg CCR ECU TU aa tL) Secretary’s name: Daniella Black Day club meets: @ Meeting time this month: Q) p.m Beginners’ runs: @) kilometres. Place for dry weather runs: the (4) Special day, 18 June: a(s) at Jack's Hill CMe Cia ee ee READING | i) Read the text and choose the two correct answers. |: ; 2 3 4 What happened in oll he stories? Someone fel off something There wos an anil E SN eX a eS CINDY When | was young, | loved a film about an elephant that could fly. One day, | went into my brother’s room and climbed up to my brother's bed. It was about two metres high. | decided to try to fly like the elephant, so | jumped off the bed. | couldn't fly of course — | fell to the floor and then my mum came into the room. She took me to hospital, and we learned my foot was broken. JONELLE Iwas at my desk in my office when an insect came in through an open window. [tried to climb up onto the desk because | wanted to kill the insect, but I fell and hit my hand on the chair. It hurt a lot, and a friend took me to the hospital. where the doctor told me one of my fingers was broken. 1B] Write one word from the text to complete the sentences. Gindy tied to cfr she watched film indy broke her Joelle wes in her Jonelle broke her when on insect few in € Something happened to a child D__ Someone broke a bone. Someone went to hospital, DAVID Last summer, | took a friend's dog for a walk. | love this dog because it’s friendly and does funny things, but it’s also large and heavy. | walked across a field, and the dog ran around, having a great time. | stopped to watch the dog, but then it ran straight at me and bumped into the top of my left leg really hard. | had to go to the hospital in an ambulance, where they found my leg was broken. ANTONIO broke my wrist two years ago. It was just before a football match. | put my football things into my big sports bag, and then my cat came into my bedroom with a frog in its mouth! There are lots of frogs in the fields near my house. The frog jumped all around my bedroom, but | didn't want to pick it up in my. hands. I got a towel, put it over the frog and picked it up. But then | didn't see my sports bag and fell over it. My arm and hand really hurt after that, and my dad took me to hospital 5 Dovid stood in a cond vaiched a dog 6 Dovid broke his 7 Arvorio ued @ to.catch he frog. 8 Antonio broke his I Complete the conversation with the correct phrase in the box. ‘Are you OK? better How ore you? hows sorry to hear that What's the matter Leanne: Hi, Notoli, | heard you had an accident on your bike last week." Natalie: Yes, thanks. | hurt my arm and my ankle, but my arm's? row. Leanne: That's good. But ? your ankle? Natalie: i sil hurts obit. What about you? # Leanne: Not bad, hhonks. But Ive gota problem with my shoulder. Natalie: Im? * with 8 Leanne: hut iin o game of tons, 50 I'm resting it twill be fine soon, I hope sol Natal Match the problems (1-6) with the advice (a-f). | want o be e lorry driver, but | cant drive! Ike to see 0 different city My ded never listens to my ideos. Vd like « pet but I ive in @ smal fat. ‘My teacher always gives me bod marks. | can't decide what colour fo paint my kichen. ouaENA You should get 6 dog, but a cot might be OK Why dont you go fo Lisbon? It's lovely. You should learn to. How about talking fo him about how you can make thom botor? £ You should ask him why he doesnt eanee How about ryng few and seving which looks best? ‘Complete the paragraph with the words and phrases in the box. clter that one day suddenly then 1 when Iwas about 10, | was in the supermarket with my mum. We stopped to look at something, and laughed about it, and then? we heard a strange sound and my foot really started to hurt. My mum said, “You can’t break a foot ust standing on it!’ so a we went home. When we got home, ‘Mum looked at my foot again. It looked worse and stil hurt alot. 4 Mum took me to hospital and we found out it was broken! emer eTl TD ‘ 5 MORE THAN A HOLIDAY.’ ‘= VOCABULARY TT Cross out the wrong word in each set. 1 Accommodation: a comfortoble hotel a tent flight 2 Luggage: otreveller co siteose backpack 3 Places: © campsite street food « destination 4 Atravel problem: have o delay miss a bus catch a rain 5 Travel activity: {90 10. work go.on 6 our Visit @ tourist information centre 6 People: «local family catour guide national pork 2) complete the sentences with words from Exercise 1. 1 Suiteases and are examples of you take on holdoy. 2 Kyou train, here will be © in your journey. 3 What kind of do you prafer on holiday? Ike staying in my on a nice campsite 4 Ifyou are not with « /gotoe for advice about places to see J Complete the sentences with the words in the box. crosing evise fight journey travel 1 the cor from my home to London is about five hous long. Ou leoves Poris Charles de Gaulle cirport at 7:30 pm. Yesterday, we went on a really fun shopping Venioy especially around other counties. ‘My gronddad is going on @ ‘round the Antaretie Ocean for two weeks I did't enjoy the between the city ond the island because the wecther was so stormy and the soa wat rough 1) Complete the sentences with the past continuous form of the verbs in the box. Use the negative form if necessary. ween o camp listen look rain read watch win | 1 Yesterday, 1 «a book al afternoon, 2 The student to the teacher so sho learned nothing 3 Anine thirty we @ documentary about sea animals. 4 we in France in the summer of 20142 5 it in the south west ofthe country yesterday? 6 they atthe sea so they didnt see the fying fish. 7 you Your lennis match when I saw you in the park? [2] complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb. Use the past simple or past continuous. 2.30-3.30 siti the living room and read a guide book #5 beck a tax 3.30-5.00 3.45 find a necklace pack her suitcase 4.00 mother calls 5.00-5.45 5.15 ask her brother to help look for her passport 5.30 find US dollars 1 Marthe ce guide book when she in the living room. 2 Manha ___atexi ot 2.45, 3 Martha her suitcase when her mother : 4 When Martha: her suitcose, she ‘anecklace init 5) Martha her brother to help when she for her passport 6 When Martha for her passport, she some US dollars. [ll Read the text in Exercise, Tick the correct paragraph, PARAGRAPH 1 | PARAGRAPH 2 | how long the railway i what you can see from the railway | BB] Foreach question, choose the correct answer. The Darjeeling Toy Train The Darjeeling Mountain Railway in north-east India is called he “Toy Tron’ becouse its trains are so smal. tis nearly 140 years old and is" with tourists because isin a very beautiful mountain area It also has the highest sftion in India (2,225.7 metres] and from some places, there are fontostc 7 of the worlds third highest mountain, Konchenjunge. The reilway ie 88 kilometres © . going between New Jolpeigur station ‘and Darjeeling town. The trains are very slow, and the whole * takes ‘about eight hours, 30 mos! tourists * ‘shorter, fworhour trip from Darjeeling fo Ghoom and beck again. Lots of people go on these rips as park of a tour of India. You can get a from Delhi or Coletta tothe ratway’s nearest airport, Bagdogro. I ac eT) an eee Gain ae he eT T) @ vtisten to Daniel talking about a cruise he went mn, Number the topics in the order you hear them. fopics Daniel talks about A. octivities on the cruise Q B the other passengers a © whyhewenton the cruise C1 D_ eating on the ship a E the size ofthe ship a @ 09 Listen again and choose the correct answers 10 complete each sentence. Daniel iso A. crise company worker. B_ magazine journalist. © student of ravel and tourism 2 Thocruse bogon in A ly B Turkey. © Greece. 3 Daniel hough! the food on the cruise was A. very good | BOK Cot interesting The cruise mode Danial fee! A bored B_ worried © tired 5 Daniel was surprised about how con the vise. A. young B friondly © ike him the people were Choose the correct phrase to complet when | arrived home 5 BL bumped into a ree inthe street © € Imet my friend, Paul 1D Imissed my bus home Eos my mum and | were having dinner F when Paul drove past me in his cor When | wos shopping for some clothes yesterday | afternoon, ” While Paul and | were talking, 2 #0 had to walk. | was weiking home 2 While we waving to him, | __ lived red, but luckily none of my fiends saw me. My mum was waiting for me # lotr, I + ; lteld her obou! my shopping rp. She thought it wos funny 5 i] Match the sentences (1-6) with their meanings (a-f). ’ oy The city wos full of people so it was really difficult to walk down the streets. 2 There was no rfc noise and very few people. 3 ‘Alter walking in the sun all day, | went to bed carly and slept for about nine hours 4 Inmade me fel grect: | enjoyed resting and did't «worry about anything. 5 Patricia: All he people who visited this place with me lucia: really loved it ee ‘You could hear people shouting and police cars in the seo ll night. teas popular. Ins quiet. bras relaxing 2 twos very eronded € lwas noisy F hhwos fring cay Complete the postcard with the words or phrases in the box. cher that Right now the evening This morning hilo Yestorday Hi Mum, tim having © great holiday with Uncle Rennie, Todey we're visiting the city." we went to the city museum. It was fantastic ~ there were lots of videos and activities. 2 we'e siting in « restaurant by the river. We had lunch here. Uncle Ronnie i on his phone ? 'm writing to you. “ atternoon we went to your favourite place — the 200! We went for « burger # "and later in wwe walched films at home. See you s00n, Tyler ee aCe 2 complete the conversation with the words in the box. had tor Fantastic for me le think Did you " your holiday, Lucia? Wall, some of i. We loved comping in the mountains. Wo 2 «© great fime there and the campsite wes ? = there was a huge swimming pool. Thats good. But you didn't like everything ‘bout your holiday? No. Afier the mountains, we travelled tothe oust. We hated that because the beaches were # They were very crowded cand very diy (Oh nol Were you comping? No, we stayed ina hotel, Thet wos OK, but 5 1 slaying in @ hotel isnot os cexciing os comping, |® sleeping in {tent isthe bes thing about being on holiday! So what did you do? We went back tothe campsite! 7 VOCABULARY T) Label the photos with the words in the box. beet curry a chicken @ mango an omelet some broccoli some cereal some mushrooms some yoghurt ] Write the words in the box in the correct place on the menu. Desserts Dinner Lunch Main courses Starters Mushrooms on toast ‘Tomato salad Broccoli soup Chioken curry with rice and yoghurt Potato, mustroom and cheese omelette Chicken with vegetables and chips Beet and chili wth rice and green salad lee cream Chocolate cake Fruit Meal times: és {s 12.00 noon - 2.00 p.m. 5 {6.00 p.m. ~9.00 p.m. ) cross out the wrong word or words in each set. 2 a piece of: yoghut coke a carton of cream mk a slice of: bread soup a packet of: eggs posta chicken chocolate choose biscuits orange juice sweets T AF) Complete the conversation with a, an, some or ony. Lela: What ere you doing, Sammi? Sammi: mcooking patie for dinnee Lela: Can thelp? Yes, please. Con you get? cheese from the fridge? Lela: Mm... cot see # cheese inthe {ridge, Sammi Sammi: there's * 129g box onthe top shelf ~ is under tho. Lela: Ohyyes, Ive found i Sammi: Arethere * fomotoes in the fridge? Lela:,|cant find ¢ in the fridge But there's? bowl f tomatoes on the table Sammi: Oh yes | forgot cbout those Lela: Would you like drink while you're cooking? Sammi: id love one 2) Tick the phrases you can use with each kind of food. SALT | BREAD ot much [notmany | oktof |v | | 3B] Write questions with How much / How many and answers with a lot and not many | not much. © coffoe/Martin) How machcofleedoes Martin drink? Aor. 1 (erisps/Nadya) 2 (meat/Nadya) 3 (chocolate/Marfn) (eggs/Nadya) NADYA [9 cups a day Teupaday ‘bout 1 packet aweek | 3-4 pockets o day | covery day | onco.a week | Bhars @ doy | Complete the sentences about Nadya with eat/drink and a ot of, not many or not much. 1 Nodye coffee each day. 2 Nae craps ry doy 3 meat each 4 Nadya: chocolate every dey. 5 Nodye: eggs each week iS] @ 10 For each question, choose the correct answer. ‘You will hear Pippa talking to her friend Mario about desserts ina restaurant. Which dessert does each Person want? Example Pippo [Fl PEOPLE DESSERTS 1 Dovid 0 A. boked pears 2 Mario 0 B chocolate coke 3 Helen 1 © coconut rice 4 Soroh 0 Dice cream 5 Pou O E lemon coke and biscuits F mango © sirawberties and cream H__ yoghurt ond honey ‘the box. Complete the recipe with the words add (x2) burn chop fry gril peel {x2) steam fir Spanish omelette You need 2 potatoes Torin alive of Slorge eggs pepper ond sot Wesh ond * the potatoes. 2 them into small pieces 2 the onion ond then cut it into slices. Put some il into a small frying pan. + the onion and potatoes slowly, for about 20 minutes, unl the onions are soft and light brown, Do not 5 ther very much or the potatoes will break. Put the eggs in a bowl and & some sat cand pepper. Str them well When the onions and potatoes are ready, 7 them to the eggs. Put the eggs, onions and potatoes back in the ppan ond cook for about 20 minutes. Make sure the bottom of the omelette doesn't # Ifthe top does not cook, put it inthe oven and ° it for a few minutes until is brown, When its ready, putt on o plate and cut it into slices ” some broccoli over a pan of boiling water and serve that with he hot omelete. I oo T) Read the text. Choose the best title fori. A. How to take grect photos of food B__ How the young end old choose food € How to learn From your mistakes | went to a restaurant for lunch with my grandad yesterday, and when the starters came, | got out my phone and took some photos of them. My granddad was very surprised, and he laughed at me. ‘Food is for eating|’ he said, ‘Why are you taking photos of it?! Then | was surprised, Didn't he know why? {All my friends take photos of food in restaurants to ‘share on social madia, and when we're deciding which restaurant to go to, we look at photos people post on social media. Before | go to arestaurant, {also look at photos on social media to see the food (on the menu. So when | arrive at the restaurant, know what | want to eat Yesterday, my granddad chose mushroom soup for his starter because he likes soup, and I chose baked cheese because it looked delicious in a photo | saw ‘on my phone. Both dishes were very good. We fnished our starters and then Grandad looked atthe menu fr the main course. He couldn't decide between a fish dh and a beef cish, Would you ke to see some photos of them?” | asked. He laughes again, ‘OK: he sai. | got out my phone again, found the photos and gave him the phone. He decided the beet looked nicer because it came with ice and broccal The same thing happened with the desserts Ater the meal, | asked Granddad, ‘Wil you use photos on social media to choose your food next time you eat out?” "Maybe,’ ne said ifm with one of my grandchildren!" When | got home, | looked atthe photos I took during the meal. They were terrible, so | court share any of them! » Read the text again, Are the statements true (T) or false (F)? 11 Joss gronddd was ongry when she started fo use hor phone. 2 Jose was suprised about her granddad's question. tee ee eee ee ee eee ee ee ee ee ee 3 Josie usually chooses the food she will eat at o restaurant before she gets there 4 Josie’ starter was better than her granddeds starter. 5 Josie's granddad chose « meat dish for the main 6 They didn’t eat any desserts. 7 sis gronddod will never use photos to choose food cegoin 8 Josie posted her photos of the meol online, Bay T) Choose the correct form of the verbs to complete the suggestions and replies. | 1 Lets going/go tothe Chinese restaurant on Soturday right. | 2 How about having/have some yoghurt for breakfast this morning? 3 | dott fee ike eating/ea oo his evening 4 Shell we asking/ask Key and Ron to join us for dinner? 5 | don't mind peying/pay the higher prices because the restaurant is so good. 2) Complete the conversation with the words and phrases in the box. How about Idon't mind tmafraid Let's shall (x2}_ That's a good idea Laura: What! we have for dinner tonight? Marta: 2 making some posto? laura: > | don’ feel ke having posto tonight. have a curry, Marta: + But what kind? We've got some chicken, oF we could jus! use vegetables . without any meat laura: ¢ Marta: OK, | thik fd prefer it with chicken, laura: Fine.” I star chopping the meat cond vegetables, then? Marta: Yes, it we both doi, ill be quicker. Fm hungry! car Complete the recipes with the words in the boxes. ‘There is one word you do not need in each box. A after finally first then until when finally next until while EASY MUSHROOM souP A’ _ wash and peel some mushrooms. 2 chop them into very small pieces 2 thal, peel an onion and cuit into very small pieces Put some butter in a pan and # ‘add the onion ond mushrooms Cook the onion and mushrooms # they are soft is hot, the onion and mushrooms ore cooking, beil some water. ‘Add the hot water and sal, pepper and some milk to the soft onion and mushrooms i , cook the onion and mushrooms in the water and milk for 20 minutes s 4 the soup in @ bowl and enjoy it with some fresh bread, VOCABULARY Write the hobby in the box for each person. baking doing exercise doing Mossaoke doing photography going to gigs going to the gym hanging out with friends playing board games Uke making bread ond cakes ot home ‘My fends say the photos I Yoke are relly good e » I joined one lst month and | ale feel quit fi Doing nothing is great — we just sit and chot and drink lemonade! w enjoy games lke chess. We get lols of good bands here and ! love going to see them. N eve singing with lots of oher people hte siting ond doing nothing. Running and swimming ore my favourite ocvies | = 4 2 = Match the descriptions (1-5) with the words (a-e). 1 Ihisnta large oreo, so the actors couldnt move around very much 2. Everyone i the drama group is nervous because ifs thei lat practice before tho show. 3 The actors wearing « large hat with o bightyllow shirt, black trousers ond dark-green boots 4 There are sil tickets avilable for the one on Thursday 3t730, 5 There isnt one emply seat and everyone is enjoying watching the ploy. @ aperformonce b areheorsol € acostume d- anaudience the sloge Complete the sentences with the correct instruments. 1 You hold this long straight instrument to your mouth to play it (keyboord/violin/Aute) 2 Pop ond rock bands usually have one person playing the (drums/pianos/irumpels) 3 You pura ‘on your shoulder to play it. drum/ Ate/violio) 4 You cannot carry a (keyboord/piano/dum| 5A islike © piano, but you have to switch it on! (fute/keyboord lin 6 Most are made of metal. (vilins/pionos/ ‘rumpets Complete the words for people in music with an ending in the box. Use some endings more than once. ‘Then use the words to complete the description of, Ed Sheeran. 1 songwrite 4 dumm 2° music 5 sing 3 solo art 6 guilor Ed Sheeran writes songs and plays his guitar, and sings the songs at live gigs. He is not in a band, Edisa a sa a anda n e I] Read about brothers, Max and Joe. Complete the questions and short answers about them. Use the present perfect, win a game of chess liveneoradeset Vista country in Arica fe [speak too famous person. together gra 1 Joe ever game of chess? Yes, 2 ‘Max and Joe ever near @ dese? 3 Mx and Joe ever in Arica? 4 Joe ever 10.0 fomous person? 5 ‘Max and Joe ever joagig together? 2) Complete the sentences about Joe and Max. Use never in the negative sentences, Mex co game of chess ‘Mox and Joe near a desert ‘Mox and Joe ce country in Africa, Mox to@ famous person. Mox and Joe 00 gig together. waena 3) Write about what the people have just done. Use the correct form of the phrases in the box and just. drive into the garage find it on the desk leove their at run up some stairs 1 Hos Jim come home yet? Yes 2 Why is Samantha looking so hot and ied? Because 3 Are you sil looking for your key? No, 4 Have Tom ond Hann arrived at the hotel yet® No, T) @ 1 Listen and choose one correct answer for ich question. 1 Which club will Cora join? A. History Club Running Clb B Tennis Club E GymCub © Parkour Club 2 What will Johannes do inthe club he has chosen? A try different jobs help children in hospital _leorn new board gomes D_ hang out with his student friends E help doctors 2) © 1 Listen again. choose the correct answers to -omplete the sentences. There ore... lbs athe university A 26 B 2% © 286 2 Johannes ond Cara... think that clubs ore important. A both B dont © possibly 3 Carlo says she is no interested in clubs for A doing ort B social ecvites. € course subjects 4 Johannes ... parkour. A didetenioy B has never tried © doesn't understand 5 Johannes will go to the hospital A and start a club, B with other students, Cfo toke some money. 6 Corl thinks Johannes’ plan to work a he hospital willbe A. sell forthe children. B useful forthe doctors. © useful for Johannes. umr7 [uveure ERD For each question, choose the correct answer. ART MUSEUM 1 Freda Medway will be here on Saturday, explaining how she made her latest painting, Lara ~ tonight my brother's taking me to my frst ever gig so I can’t go to drama club. See you at college tomorrow. Cathy A. Cathy hes never boon to. gig before. B _Gathys brother wil tke her to collage tomorrow. © Cathy doesn’t want to go to drama club later. BAKING FOR BEGINNERS ‘6-week course Do advanced course afterwards for half the normal price ‘You pay less for your lessons if A. you cre a beginner. B youdo. second course, © you pay for the whole six weeks. CAN YOU PLAY AN INSTRUMENT? © JJ Sandgate College music department is looking for musicians to teach weekly lessons to school children. £20,00 per hour ‘The notice tlls musicians where the lessons will be how much money they will receive which instruments they will teach, omD> Choose the correct endings for the sentences. 1 I didet hang out with my friends los night becouse A hod to study. B the reheorsal. ‘Marcia went for a run in the hot weather so. A she needed some exercise. B she felt tired afterwards. Edvardo phoned Sophia in he USA so that A he could tel her about his new jo. he hod to pay o lt for his phone that mon. The students could heor the teacher becouse of A. he spoke very quietly B the noise of traffic outside. This Saturday of he art museum, you can do some ort learn about an ants’ picture. visit a new exhibition. aap elites TEI RIVER No fishing between 15 March and 15 June ‘More information at ishrivercom ‘A. There are two days when you cannat go fishing here. B you want fo catch fish here from March to June, got information online € itis not possible o go fishing here any day in April o* Mey. EY When will you finish ot the gym tonight? Vaearkin’ cl ond iso bck i to my flat if possible i ‘What is Charlotte doing in her email? ‘osking her ded to toke er home teling her dod when she is going out inviing her dad to do some exercise wih her oeD Pete burned the meat so ‘A. he-was looking ot something on his phone B they justhod vegetables for dinner. Ollie won the game of chess because A. amistoke Mike made. Bho was e betior player than Mike. Cerlotta stayed at home so that A. she could watch her favourite series. B the jobs she needed to do Kristen stopped going tothe gym becouse of A the cost Bit was too crowded. | SPEAKING a WRITING | order to make answers to the 1 1) Putthe words questions. le the negative or positive option in each sentence. If something is sofe, i i/isn dangerous. 1 Why do you swim in the sea when the waters so cold? Ifa musician is workfamous, alot of people know/ it / makes / fantostic! / me / Becouse / feel don't know him or her. 3A delicious meal is one thot i/sn really nice. 2 Why ore you having fying lessons? 4 Excellent means/docsn? mean the same as OK, to / things. / new / think / is / important / learn / 1 5 You deseribe a concert os specalif hore is | something/isn anything cifferent about it | 3 Why do you do exercise avery doy? 6 Rap music iis traditional | coffer /t0 / me / relax / 1 / work. / busy / doy / 7 If something is pleasant, it ist nice | et / hops /0 8 Delicious is/snto word you usvaly use o describe 4 Whot's the best hing about playing the drums? ee rat's the bes thing about playing the drums 9 An amazing day is one thet you enjoyed/didht on @/ rock / me / str! / feel / 1 / like / makes eee eee | 10. An amazing day is one that wavs surprising 5 What do you enjoy about your drama group? Cee think /be / stronger /1/ alps / t/t / / 2 choose two correct words to complete each leaflet. person. / me @) Match the questions (1-6) with the answers (a-f). What's your favourite fre time activity? ‘When do you have free time? ‘Who do you usually spend your fee time with? Tell me obout a new ectvity you woud ike try. What was the bes! thing about las! weekend? Tell me about your plans for next weekend {ve always wonted to lear to pay the guitar. safe traditional world-famous New burger restaurant! Come and try the most * burgers in own! ? low prices forthe first week’ ed ouaone Tm going o visita friend who lives in Cadiz € Mybrother, Jose, or my bes! friend, Marco, . Our footboll team won a match Dance classes © Gaming. 8. like playing footbell too. Learn at the Bayford Dance School, now $ F Some weekday evenings and Sundoys. | have to help because of the many stars who began dancing here. mmy dod in his shop on Saturdays, Lessons in # ‘and modern dance. Classes for all ages. amazing excellent traditional Photographs of the city (@} New exhibition in the Art Museum Catriona Del hos faken the most § photos, showing the city o: you've never seen it before. ‘our café while you'r here - serving * coffee and snacks, uwr7 fuveures EBD VOCABULARY 7] Write the words for types of homes in the sentences. 1 My aunthos @ small__il__ aby the sea which we stay in during the summer, 2. dove lve ino smallc.__t 9 eway From the city 3 Welieinat_w 3 inaquiet street near the centr. fs got three Rors. 4 love being close to wotr, so it's great to lve on oh eb 1 5 live on my own and | dont need much space, soos vi |1a__ispereet for me. 6 Ou por m tis en the first oor. 12] Complete the advertisement with the words in e the box. 4) Complete the definitions with the wordsin the box. balcony bosement building furniture gorge ground neighbours rent curtains alomp ang roof views ashelt sofa stirs INO UCU NEAR PARK VADI IN ANKARA! Alor of the ‘An opartment on the ! ‘partment ? Two bedrooms, siting room, bathroom, kitchen ond large? ‘outside the siting room. Kitchen table, choirs and some other # included Garden on the $ «tthe top ofthe building, which you share with your & ~ garden has beautiful 7 of Park Vadi Large # for cars in the ® under the apartments The '® is 3,300 Turkish Lira month, 1 This covers part ofthe floor and keeps our feet warm. 2. You walk up these fo goo higher floor in building, 3 You put things ike books on this 4 These are ot a window. 5 You can turn this on to help you read at night 6 Two, three or more people can sit on this together. J) Complete the sentences with the present perfect of the verbs in brackets and yet or already, 1 Josh is dean and ready fo go out. He {hove a shower) 2. Jack and Vielor ore on the bus. They lorrive ot work 3 Thechldren are puting on their oats inthe hall They (leove the house) 4 Te not hungry. | (cot. 5 Kimis onswering he las! few questions sho (Frish the exam) 6 Welnow Yves. We (meet him). 7 Dylan doeset need to got another Tshirt He. (buy three). 8 They ores locking for © now fat. They {ind one they lik) 2) Cross out the wrong phrases. 1 since: June 100 years this morning three days 12 o'clock 2 for: 10 years five minutes half post 11 Tuesday a few hours 1G) Complete the sentences using the present perfect or st simple form of the verbs in brackets. 1 Chris (ish) school in 2018. He (not be) a schoo! student sinco 2018, 2 Maria {fnd) this flat ive years ago, She {rent it for five years, 3 How long you {hove that Fridge? We. (buy) iin 20101 4 Where Olivia (go) lost night? She (aot go) anywhere. 5) Pritiond Anita [know von and ian since June. They (meet ot gig 6 Nick (be) my neighbour for 10 years. We live) inthe same street since 2010. Ll complete the sentences with the words and phrasesin the box. forgotien howto is called but keep kind of port of the English word use i for 1 We the word for this. Ws 6 long seat inthe living room. 2 don't know 107 is.’ gota door ond we call kinds oF things in it. 3 dont know whet we cooking food. 4 don't know for this. fs the ‘house that is under the ground floor. [By what do you think the things are in Exercise 1? © 22For each question, choose the correct answer. 1 You wil hear a woman talking about her home. What sort of home isi? A clownhouse B odty at © acounty collage 2. You wil hear a man talking to his wife about a sof. ‘What re they discussing? A. shat kind of sofa to got B where to put heir now sofa © why hey need ancther sofa 3 You will hear a woman taking to her friend cbout her fa. Why doesnt she wont to lve init any more? A. Ws t00 expensive B- ttisntlorge enough W's inthe righ are. 4 You wil hear @ man tling o friend cbout a problem in is apartment building, What is there o problem with? A the lit B tho stairs C the garage 5 You wll hear a woman telling her friend about her parents’ new house. What does she ike best about tt A the kichen B he living room the garden UNITS | FEELS LIKE HOME

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